489 E - University of British Columbia

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Kinesiology (KIN) 489e
Human Functional Musculoskeletal Anatomy
(Term 2 - 2016)
Instructor: Dr. J. Timothy Inglis
Phone: 604 822-1626
Office: Room 218 War Memorial Gym
Email: tim.inglis@ubc.ca
Teaching Assistant: Alex Rebchuk
Location and Time:
Lectures: Tues./Thurs. 9:30 -11:00am, Room 206/208 War Memorial Gym.
Laboratory: Monday, 10:00 am – 12:00 (L1A), 12:00 - 2:00 (L1B).
Prerequisites: KIN 190 or equivalent, 3rd year standing and/or permission of the instructor.
This Lecture/Laboratory-based course will provide students with detailed knowledge of
the body’s musculoskeletal structures underlying human movement. Students will also
be provided with detailed knowledge of the neural innervations to these musculoskeletal
structures in order to comprehensively understand the organization of movement
control. Emphasis will be placed on appendicular and axial functional anatomy, with
practical skills in surface anatomy and physical and neurological examination. Attention
will also be given to the practical application of human anatomy as it pertains to clinical,
athletic, or everyday situations.
General Scope:
• Gain a detailed knowledge of bony landmarks and surface anatomical
Understand Joint structure and function – including familiarity with the detail of
ligaments, e.g. specific ligaments that stabilize appendicular joints.
Comprehend and be knowledgeable in all Muscle attachments (originsinsertions), neural innervations, and muscle actions.
Be able to explain the functional roles of the prime movers of simple and complex
limb movements.
Be able to think functionally about all of the synergists and antagonists of these
Acquire detailed Knowledge of the Special areas (axilla, cubital fossa, carpal
tunnel, femoral triangle, popliteal fossa).
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Required Textbook:
1. Essential Clinical Anatomy (5th edition) Keith L. Moore, Anne M. R. Agur, Arthur F.
Dally. (2013). Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
NOTE: 4th edition of the above book is very similar and just as good. Examinable
content, however, will come from the pages listed for the 5th edition (see below).
Recommended Textbooks
1. Hollinshead’s Functional Anatomy of the Limbs and Back, 9th edition. David B.
Jenkins., Saunders Publishing. 2009.
2. Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy (13th edition). Anne M.R. Agur, Arthur R. Dally (2013).
Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
3. “OR” any standard Atlas of Anatomy like the one listed above.
Course Evaluation
Midterm evaluation #1: 35% (Feb. 11th, 2016). Written during class time.
Midterm evaluation #2: 35% (April 7th, 2016). Written during class time.
Practical Laboratory Exam: 30% (April 4th, 2016) NOTE: written during lab time up
in Osborne lab space.
NOTE: Classes Cancelled
Jan. 4 (no Laboratory).
Feb. 8 (BC Family day – University Closed).
Feb. 15-19 NO Classes (READING BREAK).
March. 28 (no Laboratory).
March 25 (Good Friday – University Closed).
March 28 (Easter Monday – University Closed).
Timetable - Lectures
1. Jan. 5: Introduction/Overview of the Course/Skull.
2. Jan. 7: Head/Neck/Vertebral Column I.
3. Jan. 12/14: Vertebral Column II & Thorax.
4. Jan. 19/21: Shoulder/Upper Arm.
5. Jan. 26/28: Elbow/Forearm.
6. Feb. 2/4: Wrist/Hand
7. Feb. 9: Makeup/Summary/Review.
8. Feb. 11th Midterm – cumulative upper body - 35%.
9. Feb. 23/25: Pelvis/Hip.
10. March 1/3: Hip/Upper leg.
11. March 8/10: Knee/Lower leg.
12. March 15/17: Lower leg/Ankle
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13. March 22/24: Ankle/Foot.
14. March 29/31: Foot, summary & review.
15. April 4th: Cumulative Laboratory Practical Exam. 30%
16. April 5th: Makeup/Summary/Review.
17. April 7th: Midterm – cumulative Lower body - 35%.
There are two laboratory sections in KIN 489e this year:
1) Monday 10-12 (L1A)
2) Monday 12-2. (L1B)
Laboratories are not compulsory (attendance is not taken), and you can go to either of
the lab sections. However, you have been assigned to a lab section, and will benefit
from working with a group of students as a group. Laboratory content can be covered
outside of the assigned laboratory timeslots, so long as you book time with the materials
through Rob Langill. Please note that the Teaching assistant will be present in the
assigned laboratory windows listed above.
Timetable – Laboratories
1. Jan. 11th: Skull, Head & Neck, Back.
2. Jan. 18th: Thorax and Shoulder/Elbow.
3. Jan. 25th: HUMAN Anatomy Lab –(10-12am) Cadaver Upper Limb Overview.
4. Feb. 1st: Forearm/Wrist and Hand.
5. Feb. 22nd: HUMAN Anatomy Lab –(10-12 am) Cadaver Lower Limb Overview.
6. Feb 29th: Pelvis/Hip and Knee Joint.
7. March 7th: Knee and lower leg.
8. March 14th: Ankle and Foot I.
9. March 21st: Foot and Review.
10. April 4th: Laboratory Practical Exam. 30%
Academic Integrity
All UBC students are expected to behave as honest and responsible members of an
academic community. Breach of those expectations or failure to follow the appropriate
policies, principles, rules, and guidelines of the University with respect to academic
honesty may result in disciplinary action. It is your responsibility to become familiar with
the University of British Columbia’s Academic Honesty and Plagiarism Policies, as well
as the Student Declaration and the consequences of violating these policies.