Verbal & Reading -

W6 Wizard
Verbal & Reading
November 1, 2004
(: 301-251-7014
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Direct your questions and comments to
Alex Chen
Alex Chen
HOT VOCABULARY..................................................................................................................... 2
READING: THE TERM “TIDES” HAS COME TO .......... .......................................................... 8
READING: A MARSUPIAL IS A KIND OF ................................................................................. 9
READING: IS ANYONE OUT THERE? THAT’S A .......... .......................................................11
READING: SITUATED IN THE CENTRAL ..............................................................................13
SENTENCE COMPLETION.........................................................................................................15
SYNONYM IN CONTEXT...........................................................................................................17
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
epigraph: an inscription written on a
stone, monument or building.
Hot Vocabulary
You are going to master the following
vocabulary in this packet.
exodus: a departure, particularly of a large
group of people.
adjacent: next to or close to; adjoining;
facilitate: to make less difficult; to help, to
ease the way.
advent: beginning; the arrival of an event,
invention, or person.
forthright: outspoken; frank.
frugality: thrift; economy.
avenge: to get revenge for.
medley: a group of varying elements; a
mixture; in music, a series of songs or
melodies connected as one.
aver: to assert as a fact.
buccaneer: a pirate.
motivate: to provide motivation; to give
incentive; induce to act; to incite.
chisel: to cheat; to get by trickery; to
plea: a request, especially one made
prayerfully or pleadingly; asking; appeal.
colossal: huge; gigantic; vast.
contempt: scorn; disdain.
provocation: an action or mode of conduct
that excites resentment.
contour: the outline of a shape or figure.
corrode: to wear away; to dissolve.
refine: to make fine; to make pure; to
covet: to wish for longingly; to desire
something that belongs to another.
refinement: an act of refining; the result of
crafty: tricky; clever.
scope: a range of action or view.
desist: to cease; to stop (doing something).
sediment: deposite; dregs; matter that
settles to the bottom of a liquid.
dimension: a measure of width, height, or
length; size or extent.
serf: a slave (in medieval Europe).
spontaneity: lack of premeditation.
timidity: lack of self-confidence or
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
Word List 1
(A) adjacent
(B) advent
(C) avenge
(D) aver
(E) buccaneer
Word List 2
(A) chisel
(B) colossal
(C) contempt
(D) contour
(E) corrode
Definition Matching:
Choose the closest word from the previous list
to match each definition. Spell it correctly!
Definition Matching:
1. next to or close to. ____________
12. huge. ____________
2. to assert as a fact. ____________
13. scorn. ____________
11. to wear away. ____________
3. to get revenge for. ____________
14. to cheat. ____________
4. a pirate. ____________
15. the outline of a shape or figure.
5. beginning. ____________
Sentence Illustration:
Choose the best word from the previous list to
fit in the sentences. Correct grammar is
Sentence Illustration:
16. Radio City Music Hall has a
__________ stage.
6. He vowed to __________ his brother’s
murder by tracking down the
17. The heavyweight boxer looked on
ordinary people with __________,
scorning them as weaklings who
couldn’t hurt a fly.
7. Quills were the chief writing
implement from the 6th century AD
until the __________ of steel pens in
the mid-19th century.
18. That crook __________ me out of a
hundred dollars when he sold me that
marble statue he’d carved out of some
cheap hunk of rock.
8. The lawyer __________ her client’s
19. Acid will __________ brass.
9. At Disneyland the Pirates of the
Caribbean sing a song about their lives
as bloody __________.
20. The __________ of trees and buildings
are often clearest at sunset.
10. There was a cinema __________ to
where I lived.
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
Word List 3 * * * * * * *
(A) covet
(B) crafty
(C) desist
(D) dimension
(E) epigraph
Word List 4 * * * * * * *
(A) exodus
(B) facilitate
(C) forthright
(D) frugality
(E) medley
Definition Matching:
Definition Matching:
21. to cease. ____________
31. outspoken. ____________
22. tricky. ____________
32. thrift. ____________
23. to wish for longingly. ____________
33. a group of varying elements.
24. an inscription written on a stone,
monument or building. ____________
34. a departure, particularly of a large
group of people. ____________
25. a measure of width, height, or length.
35. to make less difficult. ____________
Sentence Illustration:
Sentence Illustration:
26. The __________ carved above the
entrance to the college library, “That
they may have life and have it
abundantly,” confused some and
inspired others.
36. Never afraid to call a spade spade, she
was perhaps too __________ to be a
successful party politician.
37. We sang a __________ of old songs at
27. My father’s always saying “cease and
__________ when he hears our
38. The stability of his finance bases on his
simplicity and __________.
28. Hypnotized by the toy store’s display
window, the child __________ the
giant stuffed animal.
39. After the film reel jammed for the third
time, there was a mass __________ of
angry patrons.
29. I’ve had a __________ idea for getting
around the regulations.
40. He tried to __________ matters at
home by getting a part-time job.
30. The __________ of the room were ten
feet by twelve feet.
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
Word List 5 * * * * * * *
(A) motivate
(B) plea
(C) provocation
(D) refine
(E) refinement
Word List 6 * * * * * * *
(A) scope
(B) sediment
(C) serf
(D) spontaneity
(E) timidity
Definition Matching:
Definition Matching:
41. to provide motivation. ____________
51. lack of self-confidence or courage.
42. an act of refining. ____________
52. lack of premeditation. ____________
43. an action or mode of conduct that
excites resentment. ____________
53. a range of action or view.
44. a request, especially one made
prayerfully or pleadingly.
54. deposite. ____________
45. to make fine. ____________
55. a slave (in medieval Europe).
Sentence Illustration:
Sentence Illustration:
46. What __________ the thief is pure
56. I’m afraid that this problem is beyond
the __________ of my lecture.
47. The man's __________ was that he did
not see the stop sign.
57. At times, Ralph felt he was moored to
his little computer like a __________ to
his plot of land.
48. Gasoline is produced by the
__________ of petroleum.
58. They devised an efficient method for
the removal of __________ from the
49. Sugar, oil, and metals are __________
before being used.
59. When Betty and Jennifer met, Jennifer
impulsively hugged her roommate-tobe, but Betty drew back, unprepared
for such __________.
50. Her comments weren’t constructive
criticism, they were blatant
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
60. To be a successful salesman, you must
first forget your __________ and fear
of failure.
Review List 1
(A) adjacent
(B) advent
(C) avenge
(D) aver
(E) buccaneer
(F) chisel
(G) colossal
(H) contempt
(I) contour
(J) corrode
Definition Matching:
61. the arrival of an event, invention, or
person. ____________
62. to get revenge for. ____________
63. to assert as a fact. ____________
64. a pirate. ____________
65. to get by trickery. ____________
66. adjoining. ____________
67. the outline of a shape or figure.
68. to dissolve. ____________
69. gigantic. ____________
70. disdain. ____________
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
Review List 2
(A) covet
(B) crafty
(C) desist
(D) dimension
(E) epigraph
(F) exodus
(G) facilitate
(H) forthright
(I) frugality
(J) medley
Review List 3 * * * * * * *
(A) motivate
(B) plea
(C) provocation
(D) refine
(E) refinement
(F) scope
(G) sediment
(H) serf
(I) spontaneity
(J) timidity
Definition Matching:
Definition Matching:
71. to desire something that belongs to
another. ____________
81. dregs. ____________
72. to help, to ease the way. ____________
82. lack of self-confidence or courage.
73. economy. ____________
83. asking. ____________
74. frank. ____________
84. to make pure. ____________
75. a mixture. ____________
85. an action or mode of conduct that
excites resentment. ____________
76. clever. ____________
86. the result of refining. ____________
77. size or extent. ____________
87. a range of action or view.
78. to stop (doing something).
88. a slave (in medieval Europe).
79. an inscription written on a stone,
monument or building. ____________
89. lack of premeditation. ____________
80. a departure, particularly of a large
group of people. ____________
90. to give incentive. ____________
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
92. The word “lunar” in the beginning of
the second paragraph most nearly
(A) weak
(B) strong
(C) destructive
(D) related to the moon
(E) foolish
Reading: The term “tides” has come to
The term “tides” has come to represent the
cyclical rising and falling of ocean waters,
most notably evident along the shoreline as
the border between land and sea moves in
and out with the passing of the day. The
primary reason for this constant
redefinition of the boundaries of the sea is
the gravitational force of the moon.
93. It can be inferred from the passage that
if one were to travel to the moon
(A) that water would be found on its
(B) that an object, if dropped, would
float away from tile surface of the
(C) that other planets besides the moon
have an influence on the tides of the
earth’s oceans
(D) that tides are more dramatic during
the day than during the night
(E) that an object, if dropped, would
fall to the moon’s surface
This force of lunar gravity is not as strong
as earth’s own gravitational pull, which
keeps our bodies and our homes from
being pulled off the ground, through the
sky, and into spare toward the moon. It is
a strong enough force, however, to exert a
certain gravitational pull as the moon
passes over the earth’s surface. This pull
causes the water level to rise (as the water is
literally pulled ever-so-slightly toward the
moon) in those parts of the ocean that are
exposed to the moon and its gravitational
forces. When the water level in one part of
the ocean rises, it must naturally fall in
another, and this is what causes water level
to change, dramatically at times, along any
given piece of coastline.
94. The author’s primary purpose in
writing this passage is to
(A) prove the existence of water on the
(B) refute claims that tides are caused
by the moon
(C) explain the main cause of the
ocean’s tides
(D) argue that humans should not
interfere with the processes of nature
(E) convince students to study
91. Which one of the following is the most
obvious effect of the tides?
(A) A part of the beach that was once
dry is now underwater.
(B) Floods cause great damage during
heavy rainstorms.
(C) The moon is not visible.
(D) Waterfalls.
(E) The ocean rises.
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
island south of Australia. These are the
wombat and the Tasmanian devil.
Wombats are compact little burrowing
animals about three feet in length. They
are vegetarians, leaving their burrows at
night to feed on leaves, roots, and
vegetables. Wombats are said to make good
pets. Tasmanian devils, on the other hand,
do not make good pets. They are savage
animals that look something like small
bears. They kill and eat other animals and
have been made famous by the whirling,
ferocious character in animated cartoons.
Reading: A marsupial is a kind of
A marsupial is a kind of mammal that
carries its young in an external pouch. The
kangaroo is probably the first marsupial
that comes to mind, but there are a
number of others. Most marsupials live in
the Americas and Australia. The opossum
is the only marsupial that lives in the
United States.
The opossum ranges from Canada in the
north all the way to Patagonia in South
America. Opossums are interesting animals
with long scaly tails by which they can
hang from tree branches. The young are
born before they are fully developed and
are about the size of a honeybee at birth.
An opossum stays in its mother’s pouch
for about two months and then clings to
her back for several more weeks.
All of these animals are marsupials, but
none of them is as well known as the
kangaroo. Kangaroos are the animals
people think of first when they think of
animals with pouches. Kangaroos are
native to Australia and come in all sizes.
The smallest are called wallabies and are
about the size of a rabbit. The largest, the
great kangaroos, may grow to be seven feet
tall and weigh 200 pounds. Fossils have
been found that show that there were once
kangaroos that were twice as big as any of
the kinds that are living today.
Other marsupials include the bandicoot,
the cuscus, and the dasyure. The bandicoot
lives in Australia and New Guinea, and the
cuscus lives in New Guinea, Indonesia, and
the northern tip of Australia. The dasyure
lives in Australia. Bandicoots vary in size,
but none of them are very large. The
largest bandicoots are about the size of a
rabbit, while the smallest are no larger than
a mouse. Bandicoots have pouches that
open at the bottom rather than at the top
like other marsupials. The cuscus is about
as big as a house cat. It is nocturnal and
makes its home in trees. It has woolly fur
everywhere except for the tip of its tail
which is covered with coarse scales. The
dasyure is a small, catlike marsupial. It has
short legs and a long, bushy tail.
A baby kangaroo is called a “joey.” It is
only about an inch long when it is born. It
finds its own way into the mother’s pouch
where it stays and grows, sometimes for as
long as six months.
Kangaroos are timid creatures. They live in
groups called “mobs.” They escape their
enemies by bounding along on their
powerful hind legs. Kangaroos are
vegetarians. They have very sharp teeth
and clip off and eat the grasses and herbs
very close to the ground. This makes them
a problem to stock raisers who have killed
many of them.
Two marsupials are native to Tasmania, an
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
99. This passage was written to …
(A) explain why there are so few kinds
of marsupials on the earth.
(B) describe in brief the kinds of
marsupials that are alive today.
(C) persuade people to protect and
preserve the remaining marsupials.
(D) entertain the reader with
descriptions of odd and-interesting
All in all, marsupials are some of the most
interesting animals that live on earth.
95. In general, this passage presents
information about …
(A) animals known as mammals.
(B) different kinds of marsupials.
(C) the animals of Australia.
(D) different types of kangaroos.
96. Bandicoots are different from other
marsupials in that …
(A) they live only in Australia.
(B) they are nocturnal animals.
(C) their pouches open at the bottom.
(D) their tails are tipped with scales.
100. Why have stock raisers killed many
of the kangaroos in Australia?
(A) Kangaroos clip off the grasses and
herbs very close to the ground which
destroys the vegetation for other
grazing animals.
(B) Stock raisers around the world have
always done whatever they could to
exterminate wild animals.
(C) Kangaroos are dangerous animals,
and they use their powerful hind legs to
destroy the animals belonging to the
stock raisers.
(D) Australia is a very small country,
and the stock raisers must protect every
bit of the range for their herds.
97. The only marsupial native to the
United States is the …
(A) kangaroo.
(B) koala.
(C) wombat.
(D) opossum.
98. Which of these statements from the
passage is an opinion?
(A) The young are born before they are
fully developed and are about the size
of a honeybee at birth.
(B) The bandicoot lives in Australia and
New Guinea, and the cuscus lives in
New Guinea, Indonesia, and the
northern tip of Australia.
(C) All in all, marsupials are some of
the most interesting animals that live
on earth.
(D) Fossils have been found that show
that there were once kangaroos that
were twice as big as any of the kinds
that are living today.
101. The word nocturnal means.
(A) a tree dweller.
(B) covered with fur.
(C) active during the day.
(D) active during the night.
102. The word ferocious means.
(A) meat-eating.
(B) fierce.
(C) likable.
(D) comical.
– 10 –
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
should they answer? Unless the
extraterrestrials seem friendly, it might be
better to pretend there’s no one home on
Reading: Is anyone out there? That’s a
Is anyone out there? That’s a question
many scientists want to answer. By ‘out
there,’ they mean beyond our solar system
to the other 400 billion stars in the Milky
Way Galaxy. To look for the answer, a
10year project, the Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), was
launched on October 12, 1992. That was
the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s
arrival in the New World. On that day,
giant radio telescopes in Puerto Rico and
the Mojave Desert began to scan the skies.
They are listening for messages from space.
103. The Milky Way Galaxy has
_________ stars.
(A) 400 million
(B) 400 billion
(C) 4 trillion
(D) 10 billion
104. Which word in Paragraph 4 means
“a statement made to the general
(A) group
(B) message
(C) problem
(D) announcement
Some scientists are pretty sure there are
other civilizations beyond Earth. And that
we will hear from them sometime in the
next 10 years. After all, they reason, of the
400 billion stars in the Milky Way, almost
10% of them are very much like our sun. If
10% of those promising stars had one
planet similar to Earth, there could be
about 4 billion chances for intelligent life.
And if just one of those planets sent a
message to Earth, that communication
could be the most important ever made!
105. Which paragraph tells what SETI
stands for?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
While they wait for a signal, scientists like
to imagine how an extraterrestrial might
look. Some think that it would look much
like a human, with eyes, arms, and two
legs. But extraterrestrials could look just as
strange as they do in movies and cartoons.
106. extraterrestrial : alien = started :
(A) scanned
(B) sent
(C) launched
(D) pretend
Scientists also wonder what they should do
if a message does arrive from outer space.
They agree that the announcement should
probably cane from a group like the
United Nations. But then there’s still
another problem: If they get a message,
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This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
107. You can probably decide from
reading the article that _________.
(A) radio telescopes are very powerful
(B) there is no life on other planets
(C) extraterrestrials will land on Earth
within 10 years
108. What do you think we should do if
we get a message from outer space?
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This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
Reading: Situated in the central ..........
Lin Situated in the central mountains of Alaska, a peak named Denali rises 20,320 feet
above sea level. It is the highest peak in North America and the center of Denali
National Park. One of America’s greatest wilderness areas, the park has had limited
access to visitors, but in spite of this tourism rose from under 6,000 visitors in 1950 to
over 546,000 visitors in 1990. The increasing popularity of this park is prompting
serious discussions about the future use of Denali as well as how to preserve wilderness
areas in general.
One important issue of land use arises when parts of National Parks are owned by
individuals. In Denali, though most of the land in this vast tract of more than a million
acres is owned by the National Park Service, several thousand acres are still privately
owned as mining tram.. These mining tracts in Denali were once abundant sources of
gold, but they were sources of heavy metals such as arsenic and lead that polluted rivers
and streams. Environmentalists were successful in getting the government to require
mining companies to submit statements showing the potential impact of a mining
project before they are allowed to begin mining. Because of this requirement, many
individuals closed their mines and same sold their land to the National Park Service.
Some land owners, however, are wondering if it is better to sell their land to the
government or keep it for possible future use. Tourism in this previously remote area is
bound to rise, as more roads are built to provide easier access to the park. This increase
in the number of visitors creates a demand for hotels and other real estate development. 20
The economic implications of this are of interest to the land owners, but are dismaying
to those interested in preserving the wilderness.
111. The word “prompting” [line 5]
could best be replaced by which of the
(A) promising
(B) sanctioning
(C) initiating
(D) trapping
109. What is the primary focus of this
(A) controversies over land use in
(B) miners selling their property in
(C) Alaska building more roads to
(D) limiting tourist access to Denali
112. Which of the following is most
similar to the word “preserve” [line 6]?
(A) protect
(B) enclose
(C) investigate
(D) foster
110. The word “wilderness” [line 3]
could be best replaced by the word
(A) dangerous
(B) natural
(C) rural
(D) pastoral
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This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
118. The author infers that some mine
owners might hesitate to sell their land
to the Park Service for which of the
following reasons?
(A) There may be increasing demand
for the ore in the mines.
(B) They might want to move to the
(C) They might receive more money
selling their land to developers.
(D) They might want to build a house
on their properly.
113. The word “arises” [line 8] could be
best replaced by
(A) surrenders
(B) occurs
(C) volunteers
(D) prospers
114. The word “tract” [line 9] refers to
which of the following?
(A) trail
(B) reason
(C) frontier
(D) expanse
119. What is the author’s purpose in
writing this passage?
(A) to demonstrate the changes in
Denali National Park
(B) to use Denali as an example of
common park issues
(C) to introduce the wonders of the
wilderness area of Denali
(D) to explain the problems occurring
in Denali Park
115. Which of the following is most
similar to the word “abundant” [line
(A) plentiful
(B) sparse
(C) hopeful
(D) absolute
116. According to the passage, which of
the following are pollutants in the
Denali area?
(A) gold
(B) pesticides
(C) human waste
(D) arsenic
120. Which of the Mowing would most
likely be the topic of the next
paragraph in this passage?
(A) conflict between land owners and
(B) the role of the National Park
Service in development
(C) tourist needs in Denali Park
(D) wildlife in the park
117. Which of the following is closest in
meaning to the phrase “potential
impact” [line 14]?
(A) approximate cost
(B) expected value
(C) proposed size
(D) possible effects
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This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
125. In a survey, many parents who wish
to __________ virtues such as family
togetherness reported that they prefer
television shows about the daily lives of
closely knit families to those
__________ violent conflicts and
(A) identify .. criticizing
(B) discredit .. portraying
(C) promote .. depicting
Sentence Completion
Select the best match to complete each of
the following sentences.
121. Unhappily, the psychology
experiment was __________ by the
subjects’ awareness of the presence of
observers in their midst.
(A) muted
(B) palliated
(C) marred
126. If Wanda had a better sense of her
accomplishments, she would stop
making such __________ remarks
about herself.
(A) deprecating
(B) indelicate
(C) rebellious
122. Despite the mixture’s
____________ nature, we found that
by lowering its temperature in the
laboratory we could dramatically
reduce its tendency to vaporize.
(A) homogeneous
(B) resilient
(C) volatile
127. Because of the increased activity of
the outlaw gangs, a ________ of
soldiers was stationed at Fort Laramie
to protect the __________ settlers.
(A) group .. invulnerable
(B) platoon .. absent
(C) garrison .. vulnerable
123. The psychologist could see that his
patient suffered from __________
because he always thinks others
__________ against him.
(A) renown .. falsify
(B) levity .. crusade
(C) paranoia .. conspire
128. Given the many areas of conflict
still awaiting __________, the outcome
of the peace talks remains __________.
(A) settlement .. permanent
(B) justification .. pragmatic
(C) resolution .. problematic
124. In a revolutionary development in
technology, several manufacturers now
make biodegradable forms of plastic:
some plastic six-pack rings, for
example, gradually ____________
when exposed to sunlight.
(A) inflate
(B) stagnate
(C) decompose
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This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
129. The term metaphysics has long had
a bad name in scientific circles, and the
__________ hasn’t quite faded.
(A) bloom
(B) taint
(C) glory
130. One of the main concerns of the
conservation movement is that we do
not have a __________ of energy
sources; therefore, we must be
__________ with what we do have.
(A) deluge .. frugal
(B) paucity .. intemperate
(C) profusion .. immoderate
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This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
135. An oasis is a haven for desert
travelers who long for water and
succulent fruit.
(A) juicy
(B) rotten
(C) ripe
(D) fresh
Synonym in Context
Select the closest meaning to match the
underlined word or phrase.
131. Howard Hughes had a grandiose
plan for a huge aircraft that was a
complete failure.
(A) a realistic
(B) an imposing
(C) an impractical
(D) a majestic
136. Many students use book bags to
carry things much the way a woman
uses a pocketbook.
(A) watch
(B) purse
(C) ring
(D) bracelet
132. Many companies had trouble selling
their products in the Near East because
they had been blacklisted.
(A) vetoed
(B) befriended
(C) blacked out
(D) boycotted
137. Many stand-up comedians have a
completely inane sense of humor.
(A) interesting
(B) senseless
(C) sparkling
(D) harmless
133. An otherwise beautiful jewel may
be relatively valueless because of flaws.
(A) details
(B) scarcity
(C) facets
(D) defects
138. Growing children need a great deal
of health food.
(A) require
(B) eat
(C) buy
(D) use
134. Teachers despair of training
children to have legible handwriting.
(A) Personal
(B) graceful
(C) feminine
(D) readable
139. Deerlike figures made from willow
shoots are the oldest evidence of human
habitation in the Grand Canyon.
(A) clue
(B) exhibit
(C) dispute
(D) proof
– 17 –
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
140. The great land masses are moving
(A) perniciously
(B) perversely
(C) incessantly
(D) chronically
– 18 –
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
Answer Key
29. (B) crafty
30. (D) dimensions
31. (C) forthright
32. (D) frugality
33. (E) medley
34. (A) exodus
35. (B) facilitate
36. (C) forthright
37. (E) medley
38. (D) frugality
39. (A) exodus
40. (B) facilitate
41. (A) motivate
42. (E) refinement
43. (C) provocation
44. (B) plea
45. (D) refine
46. (A) motivates
47. (B) plea
48. (E) refinement
49. (D) refined
50. (C) provocation
51. (E) timidity
52. (D) spontaneity
53. (A) scope
54. (B) sediment
55. (C) serf
56. (A) scope
57. (C) serf
58. (B) sediment
59. (D) spontaneity
Hot Vocabulary
1. (A) adjacent
2. (D) aver
3. (C) avenge
4. (E) buccaneer
5. (B) advent
6. (C) avenge
7. (B) advent
8. (D) averred
9. (E) buccaneers
10. (A) adjacent
11. (E) corrode
12. (B) colossal
13. (C) contempt
14. (A) chisel
15. (D) contour
16. (B) colossal
17. (C) contempt
18. (A) chiseled
19. (E) corrode
20. (D) contours
21. (C) desist
22. (B) crafty
23. (A) covet
24. (E) epigraph
25. (D) dimension
26. (E) epigraph
27. (C) desist”
28. (A) coveted
– 19 –
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
94. C
60. (E) timidity
61. (B) advent
62. (C) avenge
63. (D) aver
64. (E) buccaneer
65. (F) chisel
66. (A) adjacent
67. (I) contour
68. (J) corrode
69. (G) colossal
70. (H) contempt
71. (A) covet
72. (G) facilitate
73. (I) frugality
74. (H) forthright
75. (J) medley
76. (B) crafty
77. (D) dimension
78. (C) desist
79. (E) epigraph
80. (F) exodus
81. (G) sediment
82. (J) timidity
83. (B) plea
84. (D) refine
85. (C) provocation
86. (E) refinement
87. (F) scope
88. (H) serf
89. (I) spontaneity
90. (A) motivate
Reading: A marsupial is a kind of ..........
95. B
96. C
97. D
98. C
99. B
Reading: Is anyone out there? That’s a
Left to the student.
Reading: Situated in the central ..........
Reading: The term “tides” has come to
Sentence Completion
91. A
92. D
93. E
– 20 –
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.
W6 Wizard
Synonym in Context
– 21 –
This copy is for me, Alex Chen, only.