CURRICULUM VITAE Sungeun A. Bae May 2013 Vanderbilt University Department of Sociology 201 Garland Hall VU Station B #351811 Nashivlle, TN 37235-1811 Email: Phone: 404-693-4872 EDUCATION & TRAINING 2012-Present 2008- 2011 Ph.D. Vanderbilt University, Sociology B.A. in Sociology (Honors) and Educational Studies EMPLOYMENT 2012- Present Vanderbilt Graduate Research Assistant 2012 Research Consultant, Emory Office of Community & Diversity 2010-2011 Emory EPASS, ESL Tutor 2009-2010 SAT Tutoring 2008-2009 TOEFL Tutoring RESEARCH INTERESTS Racial and Gender Inequality; Education (school segregation, school resources, achievement gaps, social and cultural capital); Immigration (second generation and children of illegal immigrants); Social Stratification (racial and income inequality); Family/Parenting. AWARDS 2011-2012 Emory Community Builder 2011-2012 (Recognized among 100 Emory students/faculties/staffs for my commitment and involvement to improve the community) 2010 Third Place Winner- Paper Competition, SouthEastern Undergraduate Sociology Symposium RESEARCH 2010-2011 Sociology Honors Program/Thesis, Asian Women and white men’s interracial relationships 2011 SIRE Partner Research Program 2011 SIRE Independent Research Grant 2010-2011 Education Research (Internship-Assistantship), Examining effects of education policy on science education in urban elementary schools 2010 Summer Undergraduate Research Program RESEARCH PRESENTATION 2011 Emory Fall 2011 Symposium, presenting research on teaching evaluation of private college professors 2011 Emory Fall 2010 Symposium, presenting a research on public’s perception of Asian women-white men’s interracial relationships 2011 SouthEastern Undergraduate Sociology Symposium, presenting a research on race and sex differences in perceived effectiveness of DARE and zero tolerance 2010 Georgia Sociological Association Conference, presenting a research on how various discipline programs are perceived based on one’s sex and race MEMBERSHIPS 2011- Present American Sociological Association 2012-Present Phi Beta Kappa PUBLICATIONS/AUTHORSHIP Co-author of a book, The Little Girl is Me: Activities Manual: Discussions on Race, Ethnicity and Healing