EMPORIA STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Department of Accounting and Information Systems AC 563 Advanced Financial Accounting Course Syllabus – Fall, 2012 MISSION STATEMENT: The School of Business prepares a diverse student body for successful careers by offering high-quality professional business programs in a student-centered learning environment. As a teaching institution enriched by management practice-related and pedagogical scholarship and service, the School primarily serves undergraduate students while offering strategically-focused graduate programs. . COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: AC 563 Advanced Financial Accounting CLASS MEETING TIME AND LOCATION: 12:30-1:50 MW CH 316 PREREQUISITES: AC 313 or concurrent enrollment with AC 313 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Barbara Wheeling OFFICE: Cremer Hall 202 OFFICE HOURS: 11:30 – 12:30 MW, all day Tuesdays and Thursdays CONTACT INFORMATION: 620-341-5225. E-mail: bwheelin@emporia.edu REQUIRED TEXTS: Advanced Accounting, 11th edition by Fischer, Taylor, Cheng. SouthWestern Cenage Learning. ISBN-10: 0-538-48028-9; ISBN-13: 978-0-538-48028-4 SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Blackboard address: http://elearning.emporia.edu. Blackboard will be used to post announcements, post grades, and provide discussion forums. The discussion forums may be designated for specific topics or for general comments about the course. Suggestions to improve the course are very welcome so that changes can be made before the end of the semester. Learning aids: The following website may be helpful as you study the topics in this course: http://www.cengagebrain.com. When you find your textbook on this website, you will find several help aids for you to use. Included on this site are the following: Flashcards and Glossary (to study terms) Crossword Puzzle and Interactive Quizzes (to test your knowledge) Electronic Working Papers and Excel Tutorial (to help with homework) 1 ABOUT THE COURSE COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course you will learn how to conduct the procedures for consolidating financial statements for parent and subsidiary companies. You will also learn about accounting for foreign currency transactions and translations, partnership accounting, accounting for interim statements, and business segments. This course also provides you with an introduction to fund accounting and accounting for estates and reorganizations. The differences between International Financial Reporting Standards and U. S. GAAP will also be addressed for various topics. COURSE OBJECTIVES: (1) Acquire factual knowledge and terminology related to advanced accounting topics. (2) Learn to apply advanced accounting procedures to enhance problem solving skills. (3) Develop competency in advanced accounting procedures in preparation for a professional career in accounting. REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCCESS COURSE EVALUATION PROCESS: Homework and in-class exercises: Homework problems will be assigned throughout the semester. Some of the problems will be awarded points for completion and others are recommended for you to practice the techniques learned in the chapter. Some or all of these problems will be discussed in class as part of the review for each exam. Several exercises will done in class. Some of these exercises will also be awarded points at the instructor’s discretion. Total possible points for homework and in-class exercises is 100. Exams: You will be graded on 5 exams to test your technical knowledge of the subject matter discussed in class. Exams are closed book and closed notes exams. You will take 4 exams during the semester and one final exam. The final exam will test you on the final topics of the course plus selected topics from previous exams. Each exam is worth 50 points each, for a total of 250 points for exams. Graduate Credit Assignments: Those students enrolled for graduate credit will also submit two written assignments. The total points for the two assignments is 50. Total Possible Points: UG GRAD Exams………………………………………………..250 points 250 points Homework…………………………………………...100 points 100 points Written assignments.………………………………………………50 points Total 350 points 400 points Grades: Grades will be assigned according to the following schedule: A 90%+ B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F <60% 2 POLICIES Attendance and Makeup Policy: You are advised to attend every class period. You are responsible for everything that is covered in class, even if you are absent, including assignments. Students missing an examination for official University functions must provide written confirmation of their involvement in the function prior to the exam date. Makeup exams for those students missing exams for legitimate reasons (to be determined by the instructor) will be scheduled at a time determined by the instructor. Students are asked to communicate with the instructor regarding the absence from exams and the scheduling of the makeup exam as soon as is possible. Writing assignments and homework are due at the beginning of the class period. No credit will be given for late papers. If you know in advance that you will be absent from class, for any reason, please turn in the assignment, via email or other means, to me before class on the due date in order to receive credit. In the case of an emergency, you are asked to make every effort to contact me. You may leave a voice mail message or send an email. Calculators: Calculators will be necessary to complete the exams. However, only calculators are permitted for this use. No other electronic device may be used as a calculator. Code of Conduct: Writing assignments, homework and exams are to be completed individually, not together with another student, unless otherwise indicated. Working together will be considered cheating and may result in a substantial penalty. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, each of the following acts when performed in any type of academic or academically-related matter, exercise, or activity. 1. Cheating—using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, study aids, or computer-related information. Working together with other students on individual assignments is also considered cheating. 2. Plagiarism—representing the words, data, words, ideas, computer program or output, or anything not generated in an authorized fashion as one’s own. If you use information from another source for a writing assignment, you must include the appropriate citation information to give credit to the source of your information. 3. Fabrication—presenting as genuine any invented or falsified citation or material. In other words, writing false statements or submitting false sources of information are considered acts of academic dishonesty. When academic dishonesty occurs or is alleged to have occurred or when misconduct of a behavioral nature occurs in the classroom, the instructor has the right and obligation to take appropriate action. The faculty member in whose course or under whose tutelage an act of academic dishonesty occurs has the option of failing the student for the academic hours in question and may refer the case to other academic personnel for further action. Emporia State University may impose penalties for academic dishonesty up to and including expulsion from the university. Cell phones: Please turn off or set to vibrate cell phones during class time so that they will not disturb other students. Texting during class is strongly discouraged so that you can devote your attention to class material and activities. Classroom Protocol: Please feel encouraged to ask questions or express concerns. Your input is valuable to the learning experience. The right answers are important in this course, but it is also important to understand how we get to the right answer. 3 Each class period will consist of lecture and class exercises. I will monitor your efforts on the class exercises by ―walking around‖ to help you in the event you get stuck on a procedure and also to identify what items I need to explain more thoroughly. Please feel free to take advantage of my ―walking around‖ to ask for help. Many students learn by ―doing‖. It is not enough that you understand the lecture. In order for you to succeed on the exams, you must know the material, which requires practice. DISABLED STUDENT POLICY: Emporia State University will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students need to contact the Director of Disability Services and the professor as early in the semester as possible to ensure that classroom and academic accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. All communication between students, the Office of Disability Services and the professor will be strictly confidential. WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Students who decide to withdraw and receive an automatic ―W‖ must complete the formal withdrawal procedure by Wednesday October 24, 2012. 4 CLASS SCHEDULE Check Blackboard Announcements for Homework assignments. Topic Activity Day W M W M W W M W M W M W M W Date 8/15 8/20 8/22 8/27 8/29 9/5 9/10 9/12 9/17 9/19 9/24 9/26 10/1 10/3 M W M W M W M 10/8 10/10 10/15 10/17 10/22 10/24 10/29 W 10/31 M W 11/5 11/7 W M W 11/14 11/19 11/21 M 11/26 W M W TH 11/28 12/3 12/5 12/13 8:00 – 9:50 am Chapter 1 Business Combinations Chapter 2 Consolidated Statements: Date of Acquisition Chapter 3 Consolidated Statements: Subsequent to Acquisition Chapters 1, 2, 3 Chapter 4 Intercompany Transactions: Merchandise, Plant Assets, Notes Chapter 5 Intercompany Transactions: Bonds Chapter 6 Cash Flow Chapter 7 Special Issues Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 Chapter 9 International Accounting Environment Module Derivatives Chapter 10 Foreign Currency Transactions Chapter 11 Translation of Foreign Financial Statements Chapters 9, 10, 11 Chapter 12 Interim Reporting and Segments Chapter 13 Partnerships: Formation and Accounting for Activities Chapter 14 Partnerships: Ownership Changes and Liquidations Chapter 20 Estates and Trusts Chapter 20 (cont.) Chapter 21 Debt Restructuring Chapter 21 Reorganizations and Liquidations Chapters 12, 13, 14, 20, 21 Chapter 15 Governmental Accounting: General Fund Chapter 15 (cont.) Chapter 16 Governmental Accounting: Other Governmental Funds Chapter 16 (cont.) Chapters 17, 18, and 19 (selected topics) Chapters 15,16, 17, 18, 19 and other selected topics Exam 1 Grad Paper 1 due Exam 2 Exam 3 Grad Paper 2 due Exam 4 Final Exam 5