Strategic Analysis and Valuation of a Company

Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Financial and Strategic Analysis of
Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors
CBS - M.Sc. Finance and Strategic Management
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Table of Contents:
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
List of Tables:
Serial Number
Page Nr
Table 1
Earnings per Share and Dividend per share of Ford Motor Company and
Tata Motors
Table 2
Key Ration comparison of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors
Table 3
Cash Flow Data of Ford Motor Company with values in Million Dollars
Table 4
NPV of Ford Motor Company if cash flow of 2005 is maintained
Table 5
NPV of Ford Motor Company if cash flow of 2006 is maintained
Table 6
Cash Flow Data of Tata Motors with values in Million Dollars
Table 7
NPV of Tata Motors if their 2006 and 2007 cash flows are maintained
Table 8
NPV of Tata Motors if their 2008 cash flow is maintained
Table 9
Debt to equity ratio of Ford Motor Company
Table 10
Debt to equity ratio of Tata Motors
Table 11
Balanced score carding of Ford Motor Company
Table 12
Balanced score carding of Tata Motors
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
List of Figures:
Serial Number
Page Nr
Figure 1
Valuation indices of Ford Motors
Figure 2
Proposed Research Methodology
Figure 3
Michael Porter’s Diamond Model
Figure 4
Porter’s Five Forces Strategy that shape competition
Figure 5
Ansoff Matrix
Figure 6
Simplified view of Ansoff Model
Figure 7
The Balanced Score Card System for vision and strategy
Figure 8
DuPont Analysis – The Return on equity flow chart
Figure 9
Stock Price of Ford Motor Company in the last five years
Figure 10
Stock prices of Tata Motors in the last five years
Figure 11
Market Analysis of Ford Motor Company
Figure 12
EPS Analysis of Ford Motor Company
Figure 13
Ford Motor Company EPS may break even in 2011
Figure 14
EPS of Ford Motor Company to break even by year 2010
Figure 15
Market Analysis of Tata Motors
Figure 16
EPS Analysis of Tata Motors
Figure 17
Tata Motors has been consistently ensuring positive EPS
Figure 18
EPS of Tata Motors to increase by 28% in 2010
Figure 19
The three levels of the fair value hierarchy
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
1 | Introduction:
Henry Ford incorporated Ford Motor Company in 1903 at Dearborn, Michigan, USA and
is known to have adapted practices that were not popular in those days. The Car Maker is known
for their famous “Model T” and the unique innovation of interchangeable parts in moving
assembly lines that makes it possible to assemble cars at low cost and high reliability. Ford
Motor established an impressive financial track record almost throughout the 20th Century
(barring the record loss of $7 billion in 1992) till the Millennium started.
Ford Motor Company incurred a financial loss of about 5.45 billion dollars in 2001 and
never really recovered confidently after this slump. It is said that the Ford 2000 initiative of Lord
Alex Trotman was the primary reason for financial downturn of Ford Motor Company. The
failure of Lord Trotman’s Ford 2000 strategy was primarily due to the vision of centralized
management that resulted in narrow viewpoints and too much of Americanization thus resulting
in ignorance of the local factors of the Global Markets.
As a result, Ford badly lost market share to the competition (especially the Japanese and
European companies) that otherwise had a much wiser approach. Probably, Ford survived
because of their unique innovations and quality that maintained the respect in consumer’s mind
about the reliability, performance and quality of the products.
While the company has been surviving for quite some time irrespective of the major
financial hits that they suffered intermittently, their real testing times have emerged now when
the entire world is reeling under a severe financial crisis.
In March 2008, Ford Motors sold the British motor companies, Jaguar & Land Rover to
Tata Motors of India for USD 2 billion amidst a total loss of USD 2 Billion in the two years
before the deal thus expecting to break even.
[; Wright,
Natisha and Frailing, Kyle et al. 2005]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Tata Motors was established in 1945 with annual revenues in excess of USD 10 Billion,
and they are known to launch the first $2000 car of the world (Tata Nano) which has been in
world news very recently.
They are the first Engineering Sector Company from India to be listed on the New York
Stock Exchange. They are the no. 1 vehicle manufacturers (especially cars and trucks) of India
and have impressive export records as well. In terms of size, they are much smaller compared to
Ford Motor Company but have remained in profits throughout their business tenure.
This dissertation is dedicated to Financial and Strategic Analysis techniques of Ford Motor
and Tata Motors.
The financial valuation shall be carried out and compared using the known global best
Apart from Financial Valuation, the strategic valuations like Michael Porter’s
Diamond Model, SWOT Analysis, Balanced Score Carding, etc. are of great interest to both
internal and external investors.
1.1 - Problem Statement
We study the various Valuation Techniques prevalent in the Financial Markets pertaining
to the chosen case studies such that the most appropriate methods and their target audiences can
be evaluated.
We propose to study and compare the valuations of Ford Motors and Tata Motors. In
2008, Tata Motors acquired the Land Rover and Jaguar models of Ford Motors in $2.3 Billion on
a cash free, debt free basis. Ford Motors contributed $600 Million to the Jaguar Land Rover
pension plans.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
What competitive advantages of Tata Motors enabled them to acquire two of the world’s
most popular motor brands that have remained the pride of Great Britain for decades? On the
other hand, what went wrong with Ford such that they were compelled to sell such prestigious
brands to an Asian company, Tata Motors?
We propose to carry out in depth Strategic and Financial analysis of the two companies
based on their financial statements of last five years and a number of past studies and
dissertations about both these organizations. Based on the analytics, we propose to work out their
future projections for the next five years.
1.1.1 - Research Question
We propose the following Research questions:
What are the details various techniques for Financial Analysis of a Company?
What are the details of various techniques for Strategic Analysis of a Company?
What techniques are suitable for Internal and External Investors and for Mergers &
What does Financial and Strategic analytics reveal about Ford Motors and Tata Motors
and how do they compare?
What is the future outlook of Ford Motors and Tata Motors for the next five years?
1.1.2 - Significance of the Problem
Company Valuation is carried out to protect the interest of the investors and also to give
the big picture view to the Internal Stake Holders such that they can align their strategies towards
the positive direction.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The case study of Ford Motors and Tata Motors is expected to bring to table the detailed
valuation techniques and also the causes of downfall of Ford Motors and learning from the
success of Tata Motors. The significance of this research is that this dissertation would be useful
as a reference guide for not only carrying out analysis of the theoretical framework of company
valuation but also presenting practical analytics by virtue of the case studies of Ford Motors and
Tata Motors using financial statements and analytics that are published on the Internet and
This document may serve as a first hand guide for researchers to understand and
appreciate company valuation techniques and also get a practical viewpoint about analytics of
the published data in order to build perceptions about a public listed company.
1.1.3 - Hypotheses
In the modern business world, company valuation is not only needed for mergers &
acquisitions but also to present the strengths and fundamentals of the company to the stake
holders and investors.
The stock markets in many companies use such valuation data to assign ratings to a
company – starting from “very risky to invest” to “very safe to invest”. These analytics are
published after carrying out structured mechanisms of company analysis as would be presented
theoretically in the Literature Review.
These mechanisms can be demonstrated by analyzing practical scenarios which shall be
carried out by presenting the case studies of Ford Motors & Tata Motors based on the published
valuation reports of by these companies as well as multiple third parties.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The reports of the case studies shall be analyzed to present conclusions about the
strengths of the company and the risk factor from the perspective of prospective investors in the
stocks of the company or potential buyers of the entire company. One such example valuation is
presented in the URL:
replicated below:
Figure 1: Valuation indices of Ford Motors
However the perspective shall be academic and may not be applicable for professional
purposes. The outlook of the next five years for the chosen companies shall be done based on
academic understanding of Strategic and Financial valuation techniques. It is assumed that all the
analytics techniques shall be applicable in excel sheets and no special software tools shall be
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Not all valuations are of interest to everyone. We assume that Internal Investors may be
interested more in DuPont Analysis, Book Value, Replacement Value, Liquidation Value,
Replacement Value, etc. while the External Investors may be interested more in Economic Value
Addition, Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Discounted Cash Flow, Market Multiplications,
etc. Also, Balanced Score Carding and Michael Porter’s Diamond Modeling may be of interest
of Internal Investors while external investors are interested in SWOT analysis.
1.2 - Choice of Models and Structure (Research Methodology)
We shall use four-step methodology for carrying out the Research:
(a) In depth Literature Review to build the theory on Strategic and Financial Valuation of
(b) Application of the theory to the Ford Motor & Tata Motors case based on past published
data and analytics
(c) Critical thinking and analytics pertaining to the case studies
(d) Conclusions and Generalizations
The entire method shall have mix of qualitative as well as quantitative analytics based on
the data that shall be collected from prior researches, empirical generalizations, discussions and
published financial reports and analytics about Ford Motors and Tata Motors. The conclusions
shall be a mix of factual presentation and the students’ belief. The nature of conclusions (factual
or belief) shall be indicated as appropriate.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Following Life-Cycle of the research is proposed to be followed in this project.
Figure 2: Proposed Research Methodology
Source: own creation
1.2.1 - Scope of the Project
The scope of the research shall be academic and theoretical based on the published data
and past professional as well as academic analytics and not as per the practices of industrial
practitioners of company valuation techniques.
This is due to the reason that the authors are students and have presented the entire
practical framework based on theoretical research by virtue of Literature Review and then
applying the outcome to published data of the selected case studies (Ford Motors and Tata
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
1.2.2 - Research Design
The proposed Research shall have the following design elements:
Theory Construction: It is recommended the theory of Company Valuation techniques is built
with the help of high quality literature available in databases (like Proquest, All Business,
etc.) and the Internet.
We will present the world class models on Strategic Company Valuation – like Balanced
Score carding, Michael Porter’s Diamond Modeling, SWOT Analysis, etc. and Financial
Valuation – based on the four categories of valuation methods, viz., Financial Ratios
based, Metrics based, Cash Flow based and Markets based. All these models shall be
presented with the help of literature review such that the relevant theories can be
Case Study: As mentioned, the theories shall be applied on Ford Motors & Tata Motors based on
their published financial statements of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008 and the various
published analytics available in databases and the Internet. Various critical thinking and
discussion points shall be evolved in the case study from the students’ perspective in
addition to application of theory.
Comparisons: The outcome of application of theories on Ford Motors & Tata Motors shall be
used to carry out detailed comparison between the performance and future outlook of
these companies such that critical discussion points can be addressed and gateways for
future research can be opened.
Evaluation: It shall be evaluated whether the answers to the proposed Research Questions have
been addressed or not. This evaluation shall be carried out qualitatively as well as
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Trend Analysis: It is proposed that the future predictions about the performance of Ford Motors
and Tata Motors based on past trend is analyzed at the end of research.
Conclusions and Generalizations: The conclusions shall be drawn pertaining to Ford Motors &
Tata Motors whereas the generalizations shall be presented in such a way that they may
qualify as empirical.
Recommendations for Future Research: Finally, it is proposed that a broad framework of future
1.2.3 - Data Sources
The proposed data sources are:
(a) Websites of Ford Motors and Tata Motors
(b) Proquest UMI
(c) Financial News Papers and Journals
(d) Currency Analysis Charts (for currency conversion wherever applicable)
(e) Academic Papers written by Students and Professors
(f) Independent companies carrying out Financial Analytics
(g) Books by Michael Porter and Kaplan & Norton
(h) Market reporting sites – like Morning Star, Money Control, etc.
(i) Motor Industry Analytics websites
(j) And other CBS Library resources
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
1.2.4 - Formats for Presenting
The analysis shall be carried out in Excel Sheets after applying appropriate formulations.
The template of these excel sheets are presented in the next section. The outcome shall be pasted
in this dissertation after converting into word tables. However, the excel sheets shall be presented
along with this paper.
The analysis shall be carried out for the Financial Years of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and
2008. The techniques of Financial Ratios, Metrics Based Analytics, Cash Flow Analytics and
Market Analytics shall be applied to the published data of the two organizations. Most of the
figures of Tata Motors are in Indian Rupees and hence the conversion shall be applied after
studying the average currency conversion from Indian Rupees to US Dollars of the year of
Although such a need shall arise at very few places because most of the analytics shall
comprise of either ratios or percentages. The analytics shall be organized in tables and the
comparisons shall be carried out within the same tables. Strategic analytics may not need specific
formats for presenting the results.
However, analysis like SWOT and Balanced Score Carding shall be carried out in the
recommended formats by industry consultants who use these strategic methodologies in their
professional practices. Overall, it is proposed that the dissertation shall possess a substantial
number of tables and charts to visualize the analytics.
Every chart and table shall be explained in free text immediately after the positioning of
them. The consolidated analysis of multiple charts/tables shall be presented as critical
discussions where the comparisons between Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors shall be
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
1.3 - Limitations
The Research and analytics shall be carried out based on the data and papers published in
the recognized business databases and on the Internet. This shall be carried out from a student’s
perspective for academic purposes and hence the output may not qualify as empirical
generalization for professionals looking forward to such an analysis between these two chosen
organizations although we shall apply maximum effort in order to arrive at the conclusions that
can be applicable in the professional scenarios as well.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
2 | About Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors
2.1 - History of Ford Motor Company:
Ford Motor Company was established by a visionary and revolutionary entrepreneur
named Henry Ford in 1903. The initial operation of Ford was in Dearborn, Michigan, USA.
Henry Ford is popular for his practices that were unique in those days as he believed in
revolutionary ideas and building revolutionary leadership.
He practiced worker friendly policies, innovative methods of large scale car
manufacturing and management of huge workforces. He designed a unique mechanism of
flexible assembly lines with interchangeable parts that ensured that same parts can be fitted in
multiple models of the products. In 1911, the first production unit outside the USA was
established in the UK by Henry Ford by converting a tram works at Trafford Park south of
In the UK itself the famous Dagenham facility was established in 1920 that formed the
base for launch of Ford Motor Company Limited (UK) in 1929. The Ford Motor Company
Limited, UK served as the hub of the European Ford organization. This organization later
developed into Ford Motor Company Europe in 1967.
The Dagenham facility of Ford Motor Company UK served as one of the most productive
assembly plants in entire Europe. This plant was closed in 2001 amidst some local damaging
factors that reduced the competitive advantages of Ford manufacturing in Britain against
Germany and other parts of Europe given that Germany and parts of Europe offered much more
peaceful and strike free industrialization proposition.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The primary reasons for closure of Ford Dagenham Manufacturing was the insurgence of
shop-floor militants that developed vandalizing power center disrupting production by launching
Guerrilla war against Ford management that resulted in a financial loss of about 5.45 billion
dollars in 2001. [Wright, Natisha and Frailing, Kyle et al. 2005;]
In 1971 Ford consolidated the operations in entire North America by combining the
operations of United States, Canadian and Mexican operations together. Ford has been known
for their world famous “Model T” and the innovation of interchangeable parts in moving
assembly lines that makes it possible to use same parts in multiple models while assembling cars
thus resulting in low cost and high reliability manufacturing.
Ford has been aggressively globalizing by rapidly entering into new markets following
the marketing strategy of studying the local requirements and demands of the customers thus
focusing on localization of cars with customized features suitable for the choice and affordability
of the local customers of a country.
Ford did not attempt to push the models popular in the markets prevailing at USA, UK
and Europe. Ford owned the Lincoln, Volvo, Mercury, Mazda and Aston-Martin brands in the
US and the world famous British motor brands Jaguar and Land Rover in the UK.
[; Owen, Geoffrey Sir. 2002]
The most controversial leader of Ford was Lord Alex Trotman who took over as
Chairman and Chief Executive of Ford in 1993, an year after the company made a record loss of
$7 billion. He could revive the company to reach $7 billion of profits five years later when the
share price of Ford Motor Company on Wall Street rose from $11.45 to $32.25 per share. But he
believed in absolute centralization in the globalization strategies of Ford’s business.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Lord Trotman established the Ford 2000 initiative to centralize power from several
regional groups – North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, etc. This centralized
system did achieve cost cutting in many ways but narrowed down the focus of Ford to the US
and European markets that already were in the process of stagnation.
Some of the Ford’s niche excellence like exchanging parts in multiple models kept them
ticking. Ford 2000 initiative of Lord Trotman was blamed to result in poor executions in the
global markets and an almost collapsed car business by year 2002 and the share prices slumping
to less than $10 per share.
Lord Trotman had to finally step down and Jacques Nasser took over as Chairman in
1998 with a mission to revive the reducing revenues and repairing the damage caused by the
gross failure of Ford 2000 initiative by Lord Trotman.
Jacques Nasser focused on new business models and carried out critical reviews of the
manufacturing plants. He was forced to take many drastic steps and made changes to cut costs
and reduce excess capacities like the controversial shutting down of the Dagenham plant that was
evaluated to be taking 30% more time and resources in producing a car compared to any other
European plants. This plant was retained later to develop engines for the global markets.
The axe didn’t fall only on the Dagenham plant given that two more unproductive plants
were closed in Poland and Belarus. Jacques Nasser established primary strategies to achieve
spreading costs across all models of Ford Motor Company (modularization), building of better
supplier relationships and establishing new business partnerships. He didn’t get into repeating
the same blunder of absolute centralization at the global platter.
[The Economist, 2005; Strategic Direction, 2003; Donelly, Tom and Morris, David.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
2.2 - Strategic Framework of Ford Motor Company:
Ford consolidated their global risk management practices in year 2000 under one single
large framework in order to get an integrated view into their global threats and resulting risks
such that mitigation strategies can be worked out.
They consolidated their global risks pertaining to market risks, hazard risks, operational
risks, counterparty risks, etc. that enabled them to establish their global risk management
strategies in a collaborative analytics and learning mode and arrive at strategies that enabled
them to fulfill their vision of becoming a globally accepted brand. Freeman Wood, director of
Global Risk Management in year 2000, selected “Risk Metrics” to serve as the Global Risk
Management system. This system comprised of a global Data Warehouse populated with global
risks and mitigation information that presents risk reports in graphical formats to execute trend
analytics which in turn can predict future risks based on knowledge of past risks using
probabilistic analysis. [Bedell, Denise, 2001]
The innovative concept of “world window of risks” and the corresponding mitigation
process and applying the same to enhance global competencies enabled Ford to successfully
launch their operations in various countries by carefully selecting franchisees and suppliers.
However, experts feel that their supply chain strategies were not industry standard and comprised
of huge pitfalls.
Veloso and Kumar (2002) presented a strategy paper about the automotive supply chain
strategies of major motor manufacturers and commented that Ford’s strategy of mono-supplier
strategy comprised of high risks.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Ford chose single vendor strategy to supply large modules of parts and also chose to push
the vendors to own the tools in manufacturing them. This resulted in suppliers getting concerned
about their amortization schedule getting impacted due to fluctuating volumes and hence quoted
higher prices. Also, Ford suffered loss of power over the supply chain by making suppliers like
Lear & Magna more powerful and knowledgeable about the supply chain industry although Ford
saw clear benefits in terms of cost and quality competitiveness.
It is emphasized that Ford chose such a strategy to realize their dream of “global car” that
can be accepted in all the markets of this world. Way back in 1996, Rayport and Sviokla
presented Ford’s vision of establishing “virtual value chain” in addition to “physical value chain”
to realize their dream of the “global car”.
Ford developed their “Contour Sedan” in North America that later on was enhanced into
the “global car” by assigning best professionals across the world and integrating them through
video conferencing and collaborative CAD/CAM.
Veloso and Kumar argue that their concept of single supplier manufacturing large chunks
of parts of particular models to be supplied globally is a part of this strategy. Not stating
affirmatively, but failure of such aggressive strategies of Ford may have caused the downfall that
they witnessed in the past decade and this decade.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Ford’s strategy of globalization has been in line with the German big three in automotive
industry – BMW, Mercedes Benz and Volkswagen:
Strategic decisions centralized at the corporate level
Operational decisions decentralized by empowering local management
Varying hierarchies and functions among the plants
R&D functions centralized at a global level although talents hired and placed all
over the world for localization of product specifications
Preference given to local suppliers
Global Suppliers given additional empowerment although Ford went out of the
way in this strategy by choosing the minimum number of suppliers against the
German Big Three
Concentration of capital funds
Intra and inter-organizational competition of components, products, parts and
manufacturing innovation and competencies
Approximation allowed as per local working standards through the tailoring
quality processes for localization of specifications
[Pries, Ludger, 2001]
Ford established a loose connectivity with franchisees. Their strategic framework
pertaining to suppliers and franchises have been mix of centralized and decentralized decision
making, however their operational framework for supplier and franchise decision making has
been completely decentralized. They allowed all their franchise business units to operate as
independent profit centers having their own profit and loss accountability such that they can
learn and respond to the local economy at their own risks.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Ford believes that the main stake holders of their product development strategies are the
end customers and the franchises. Hence, Ford believed in getting the inputs to design
enhancements from the ground level where the products are actually tested by franchises and
used by the customers.
In order to develop a better product portfolio in the global markets, Ford Motor Company
established key performance indicators with measurable metrics that can be captured and
analyzed at global levels such that product competitiveness, customer satisfaction, portfolio
freshness and market share can be measured effectively. Ford focused on measurement of these
metrics at the commodity level, platform level and full vehicle level as reported by Vasilash
(2007) in his paper.
[Vasilash, Gary S, 2007].
Recently in March 2008, Ford Motor Company sold both the globally renowned and
prestigious British motor companies, Jaguar and Land Rover to Tata Motors of India against $2
billion amidst a total loss of same value in the two years before the deal in the attempt to achieve
a quick break even. This deal was taken as quite controversial and surprising at the global level
given that the buyer is an Indian company.
What made Tata Motor value these brands which were not valuable from the perspective
of Ford Motor Company that has owned these companies for more than half the century? This is
still a debatable context. Looking into the objectives of this dissertation, a similar analysis of
Tata Motors is essential that follows as below.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
2.3 - History of Tata Motors:
The Tata Group was founded in 1868 when India was under British Empire. The group
formed their textile business in 1874 and Steel manufacturing in 1907. In 1945, Tata Sons
Limited started the automotive business with manufacturing steam locomotive boilers after
purchasing the shops of East Indian Railways from Government of India, which was under the
British Government in that year.
After purchasing these shops, the Tata sons decided to establish Tata Engineering and
Locomotive Company Limited (TELCO Limited) and establish the primary manufacturing
facility in Jamshedpur (an industrial city in Eastern India). This company was managed by J.R.D.
Tata from 1945 to 1973 and by Sumand Moolgaokar from 1973 to 1988.
Sumand established the second manufacturing facility in Pune India looking into the
boom in the auto market. In 1991 Ratan Tata took over the Tata Empire from his uncle and
moved the Tata group out of the sectors where they were not very competitive – like Cement and
Textiles. Today, Tata’s largest manufacturing businesses are Steel and Motors after the
consolidation carried out by Ratan Tata. As on end of financial year 2008, the Tata Group has an
annual turnover in excess of $30 Billion out of which more than $9 Billion is contributed by Tata
TELCO Limited is now widely known as Tata Motors that is among the world’s top five
manufacturers of medium and heavy trucks and world’s second largest manufacturer of medium
and heavy busses. Tata possess a strategic engagement with Mercedes Benz for assembling and
selling Mercedes Benz commercial vehicles and passenger cars in India.
Another strategic tie up that they possess is with Cummins pertaining to their diesel
engines through Tata Holset Limited. In fact, Tata Motors contributed to the Cummins Diesel
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
engines by adding turbo chargers on them vide their joint manufacturing operations with Tata
Holset Limited.
The only partnership of Tata that didn’t go well was with Rover Group of Britain that
went bankrupt in year 2005. Tata tried entering the European markets through a model named
CityRover that faired poorly due to its negative publicity, higher price and poor quality
compared to the competition.
Ratan Tata is now 70 years old but still presents the image of a dynamic, innovative and
revolutionary entrepreneur. He is known for high aggressive moves for the benefits of Tata
Motors customers. In 1997, Tata Motors launched its first indigenously developed car named
Indica that currently possesses more than 15% of the car market share in India.
The other car models of Tata Motors that are popular in India and some markets of Asia
are Tata Indigo, Tata Sierra, Tata Sumo and Tata Safari. In 2008, Tata achieved a global
publicity due to two major activities that made headlines worldwide. In the Geneva Motor show
they presented their four-seater small car named “Nano” priced about $2500 which is expected to
be the cheapest car of the world.
In March 2008, Tata Motors acquired the two globally prestigious companies – Jaguar
and Land Rover from Ford Motor Company. It is assessed that Tata Motors did so to achieve a
new image of a global automotive company like Ford Motor Company given that their business
span has largely remained indigenous within India for a long time.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
2.4 - Strategic Framework of Tata Motors:
Tata Motors is certified as ISO 9001:2000 compliant in Quality Management System and
as ISO 14001:1996 compliant in Environmental Management System. Hence, they possess
global recognition in best practices that strengthens their branding at a global level
They are known to be very much customer focused and are very conscious about the
fitment of their products for customer needs. They believe in continuous innovations as they
keep on releasing new innovations in their existing models. Although the indigenous cars of Tata
Motors do not compare with the engineering excellence of a global player like Ford Motor
Company, they are well suited for Asian conditions where the comfort factor is more important
than cruising at high speeds.
Reviews by Indian Motor sites reveal that the Tata Motors Indica & Indigo models
possess sluggish performance of engine in terms of speed and performance but are good in terms
of fuel efficiency, maintainability, internal space that are more important factors given the road
and traffic conditions in India.
This reveals that Tata Motors have focused on the local conditions of the country and
have designed cars that are more suitable for customer needs rather than imposing additional but
useless engineering on them. Example, there is no point designing a car that can run at 100 miles
per hour if the maximum speeds that can be achieved even at best roads is 70 miles an hour.
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One of the major success factors of Tata Motors are their supply chain excellence. The
entire world is surprised by the launch of Tata Nano that shall be priced at $2500 approximately.
An analysis by Fogarty, Justin (2009) reveals that Tata Motors could commit this price to the
industry due to their excellent backend supply chain network.
Tata Motors worked very early with their suppliers in arriving at the cost estimate of the
car – to the extent that even the functional specifications of the parts were completed much
before even talking about the car to the markets.
Tata Motors uses Ariba spend management solution as reported by Business Wire in
2005. Ariba is a software based platform that helps in reducing bottom line costs considerably.
Tata Motors is a modest company when it comes to spending because one of their primary
objectives has been achieving highest operational efficiencies at lowest costs.
Tata Motors extensively uses Information Technology to support their business
objectives. They possess Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Modeling technologies,
Siebel for Customer network management, SAP for supplier relationships and supply chain
management, business logistics management, customer relationship management, human
resources management and Finance management.
They also use BMC Software for business services management under the ITIL and ISO
20000:2005 framework. The IT systems of Tata Motors limited are outsourced to their group
company named Tata Technologies Limited. The BMC tools help them to manage IT services
management, IT change management and also to comply with critical statutory laws and best
practices like Sarbanes Oxley Act, ITIL, and ISO 20000:2005. [Ogilvy Public Relations
Worldwide. 2008; BMC Software. 2008]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Tata Motors do have the fundamentals to play the role of change agent for some of the
major changes in the global automobile industry. Historically, Tata Motors have not done well in
entering the motor markets in western countries and hence this acquisition presents an excellent
opportunity for Tata Motors to establish their presence in UK and European car markets.
Jaguar and Land Rover may not have done well in the recent past but they have remained
the pride and heritage of Great Britain and are very close to heart of the native British citizens.
Tata Motors may just have to apply some technical innovations in these cars and re-price
them according to the modern economics and these models for sure will again do wonders in the
UK markets. One good thing about this acquisition is that the heritages of India and Britain have
many common links including the very establishment of Tata Group that was done during the
British rule in India.
The fundamentals of Tata Motors possess many best practices of the British industries
and hence the employees of Jaguar and Land Rover will be able to easily correlate the culture of
Tata Motors with the original British heritage although these organizations have remained under
American influence for so long.
The biggest gamble that Tata Motors is currently playing is the Tata Nano targeted at
urban middle class that are yet to afford a car and have been moving on Motorcycles. Tata
Motors have priced this car at $2500 approximately which itself is a challenge for them to fulfill.
They have already made a loss of more than 300 Million Dollars because they had to shift their
entire plant for Tata Nano manufacturing from a location called “Singur” in the eastern part of
India amidst local disturbances and security problems [].
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The current manufacturing capacity of Tata Nano is 50,000 cars per year whereas Brown,
Robin (2009) of expects a booking of 500,000 units in the first lot itself. This
means that in the current capacity Tata Motors will take 10 years to fulfill the orders of first lot
After the Singur crisis, they are in the process of setting up a new factory such that the
combined output of Tata Motors can be 250000 cars per year which again will take two years to
fulfill the bookings of the first lot itself. Hence, Tata Nano is going to be a major challenge for
Tata Motors whereby they would need to aggressively deploy new plants although they are
reeling under cash crunch due to their acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover in 2008.
Hence, overall it is a “do or die” situation for Tata Motors – if they succeed they will
attain the status of no. 1 small car manufacturer of the world; but if they fail they would lose
reputation in the global markets permanently.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
3 | Strategic Analysis of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors.
We present the strategic analysis of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors using SWOT
analysis, Porter’s Model of Competitive Advantages, Porter’s Five Forces Model of
competitiveness and Ansoff Matrix.
SWOT Analysis was strategically modeled by Ansoff (1980) to focus on two kinds of
prioritization – High prioritization of opportunities and High prioritization of building new
competencies. When “opportunities” are prioritized, the organizations tend to develop products
that have high demands in the markets and when “development of new competencies” is
prioritized then organizations do not look at the current opportunities in anticipation that the new
competencies will develop new opportunities for them.
It is difficult to predict which one works better – they may yield different results for
different organizations. In case of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors there seems to be a
fundamental difference in prioritization – Ford Motor Company have focused on prioritization of
developing competencies and taken aggressive steps for the same in anticipation of developing
opportunities whereas Tata Motors have focused on prioritization of availing opportunities and
developed competencies to avail them as fast as possible.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
3.1 - SWOT Analysis of Ford Motor Company:
Following is the SWOT Analysis of Ford Motor Company:
3.1.1 - Ford Motor Strengths:
Innovations in Technology and Procedures like virtual assembly line, single supplier
model, centralized global risk management framework, etc.
Commitment to environment protection by developing low emissions technologies
Repeatability of technologies – like same spares can be used in multiple models in
what they termed as virtual assembly lines
Excellent engineering and production workforce possessing global competencies as
well as capabilities of localization of products in respective countries
Excellent knowledge and analytics of the global markets that helped them to grow
into a truly global company
Capability to reach out to developing countries like Indonesia, India, etc. and adjust to
their local demographic conditions
Excellent Brand Equity with legacy strengths and high levels of dignity of Ford brand
heritage at the global level
Proud owners of some of the best car models of the world
Excellent leadership and management strengths
Strong entrepreneurship at global level as well as at local markets level
Excellent marketing abilities in countries that are still out of reach of many
competitors of Ford Motor Company
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Excellent network of suppliers and supply chain management
Excellent management of global workforce with less unionization except for UK
where shop floor militancy led to closure of Dagenham manufacturing plant.
3.1.2 - Ford Motor Weaknesses:
Not successful in withstanding against Japanese competition like Toyota
Falling sales and revenues (faced a whopping $5.45 billion in 2001 that improved to
$2 Billion loss before the Jaguar and Land Rover companies were sold to Tata Motors
India) and Poor financial condition continuing for a number of years
Not able to tap opportunities in small and medium segments where the motor market
is the largest
Inability to establish sustainable markets in high end car models that led to sale of
Land Rover and Jaguar car models
Losing strengths in local US markets
High debts but no tangible consolidated efforts of cost management – still believe in
paying premiums in the single supplier model (probably to support their core strength
of virtual assembly lines with interchangeable parts)
No diversification – entire business dependent on Automotive manufacturing and
supply (except Ford Finance which is not large enough to save the company from
No Parent company – hence all accountability of make or break lies with Ford Motor
Company only
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3.1.3 - Opportunities for Ford Motor Company:
Growing motor markets in small and medium segments in the third world countries
Development of more fuel efficient and green cars to promote them in Europe and US
Development of Hybrid cars and Electric cars
Growing economies in Asia where Ford is already present or can enter easily due to
regional strengths
Acceptance of American brands in many countries of Asia (Like India and Pakistan)
Promoting their powerful Volvo vehicles in the Bus and Truck markets of Asia where
the local brands like Tata Motors may be very strong but are technically far inferior
compared to Ford Volvo
Collaboration with Asian manufacturers like Tata Motors and localization of
manufacturing and workforce in third world countries at much lesser costs – like
Mercedes Benz that is doing phenomenally well in India through their joint venture
with Tata Motors
Develop Pseudo brands in Asian markets by combining their name with local names
– example, they can form brands like Tata – Ford, Suzuki – Ford, Mitsubishi Ford,
3.1.4 - Threats to Ford Motor Company:
The western car markets have been hit very badly due to stagnation and the current
economic crisis. As reported by Platinum Today, Car sales in US have declined by
36% percent. Car markets in other developed economies like UK and Canada have
also witnessed similar plunges – 38% decline in UK car sales in December 2009
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
( and 21% decline in Canada car sales in December 2008.
[Platinum Today (2009); Praet (2009); Daily Mail. (2008)]
Western Economies facing severe economic down turn due to the current Sub-Prime
Stringent Emission norms in Europe, UK and the US
Japanese competitors are very aggressive in the western markets resulting in reduced
grip of Ford Motor Company on the US car markets
Indigenous manufacturers in Asian countries like Tata Motors in India and Suzuki
and Toyota in Japan having very strong market shares and emotional acceptance
Inadequate infrastructure and poor safety norms in developing countries resulting in
significant engineering issues in Asian countries where the local competitors win
because they understand the issues much better
Poor customer service network and supply chain management in Asian countries –
Ford’s strategy of single supplier at global level conflicting with their supply chain
excellence objective in Asian countries.
[Wright, Natisha and Frailing, Kyle et al. 2005;; Chappell, Lindsay,
2005; Palley, Thomas I, 1999]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
3.2 - SWOT Analysis of Tata Motors:
Having presented the SWOT analysis of Ford Motor Company, we now analyze the
SWOT framework of Tata Motors. As mentioned above, Tata Motors prioritizes opportunities
and builds their competencies around them. Their announcement of Tata Nano is an excellent
example where they have launched the model and opened bookings much ahead of building their
manufacturing competencies to meet the demand not caring about the issue that they will end up
accumulating a huge backlog of customer orders [Brown, Robin (2009)].
3.2.1 - Tata Motors Strengths:
Excellent brand equity and strengths in Indian Market
Legacy and Dignity of Tata brand heritage which is almost as old as Ford Motor
Sound global recognition in light trucks and buses
Sound fundamentals in turbo diesel engines that they developed in joint venture with
Sound presence in Asian Markets
Ownership of the heritage of British motor brands – Land Rover and Jaguar
Strategic tie up with Mercedes Benz which is one of the hottest cars in premium car
market segment in India
World class quality accreditations (ISO 9001, ISO 20000, ISO 14001)
Excellent cost management framework (Ariba Spend Management)
Excellent Supply Chain Management using the SAP framework
Experienced, high quality, productive and low cost work force
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Ownership of some of the largest automobile manufacturing plants of the world
Diversification strengths due to other large businesses of Tata Group
Excellent financial strengths – close to $10 Billion of annual revenues
Sound Parent Group support – Tata Group annual turnover is in excess of $30 Billion
3.2.2 - Tata Motors Weaknesses:
Never done well in US, UK and European car markets (although done reasonably
well in light trucks and buses) – as presented earlier, they failed miserably in their
City Rover launch in Europe
Not yet prepared fundamentally to handle the global markets of Land Rover and
Weak technical competencies when compared to companies like Ford Motor
Current Manufacturing capacities not adequate to meet the demands of Nano –
already taken a risk of over commitment and under delivery pertaining to the Tata
Nano economy-car.
Perceived as too Indianized – it will take them a long time to establish a global
Do not possess localization skills outside India markets – this is one of the primary
reasons for their failure in the City Rover venture
Focus is more on cost – thus their car models lack advanced features that are common
in western markets
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3.2.3 - Opportunities for Tata Motors:
Gain control over UK and Europe markets by re-enforcing the heritage of Jaguar and
Land Rover
Deep roots of British style manufacturing processes given their own heritage of the
British rule in India – can help them do better with Jaguar and Land Rover
Introduce Asian variants of Jaguar and Land Rover by promoting their “Power Icon”
branding – this may work very well with Asian politicians, Capitalists and
Develop more joint ventures like Tata – Mercedes Benz and introduce their cars in
the Asian markets
Tata Nano has taken the world by surprise whereby many economy car manufacturers
of the world are yet to even think of such a cheap car
Excellent test drives and experience reports of Tata Nano can invite attention of urban
middle class at global level – if they build their manufacturing and supply chain
effectively, they have the opportunity to virtually capture the market segment which
doesn’t even exist in the world – a market of $2500 cars (many bikes are more
expensive than this car which is spacious enough to accommodate four six feet tall
3.2.4 - Threats for Tata Motors:
Jaguar and Land Rover requires lot of funds initially which may strip down the
company to cashless levels.
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The Singur crisis has already hit their manufacturing backbone for Tata Nano cars –
the company has not yet come out of the draining down of cash in excess of $300
Urgency in shifting the Singur plant to alternate place has hit their supply chain very
badly – a large number of suppliers had established plants in Singur to support Tata
Motors – many of them may not be having enough cash to shift to new location of
Tata Motors Nano plant.
Many companies across the world are busy developing their own models of Economy
Cars – they may launch in competition with Tata Motors giving them tough time in
the market that currently seem to be monopolistic in favor of Tata Motors.
3.3 - Strategic Analysis of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors as per Michael Porter
Diamond Model of Competitive Advantages.
Michael E Porter developed the Diamond Model to analyze the competitive advantages
of nations to analyze how some countries gain competitive advantages in certain industrial
sectors by developing their respective indigenous industries. This model and the five forces
model of firm competitiveness have become empirical generalizations in strategic analysis of
companies. We hereby present the analysis of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors using these
models. The Michael Porter’s Diamond Model is presented in the following figure:
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Figure 3: Michael Porter’s Diamond Model
Source: Porter, Michael E. 1990
Organizations that have achieved competitive advantages across the world have carried
out innovations in their product offerings, in the services, in the way they do business and in the
way they compete in the marketplace. The innovations of all companies appear to be their own
but are actually based on some strong fundamentals of factors that interact with each other
considerably (Porter, Michael E. 1990. pp75). The diamond model presents a strong correlation
of the four underlying influencing factors governing the success of an organization at National as
well as International level with the help of the controls of the local Government on these
influencing factors acting as the Catalyst.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
3.3.1 - Firm Strategy and Rivalry:
Michael Porter defined this factor as an imposed urgency on organizations to “Innovate”
in order to compete with companies in direct competition in the Local Markets. This influencing
factor is governed by the overall business system in the country controlled by the local
Government, in which companies are formed, organized, governed and managed through
structured legal and statutory framework (like Company Law, Companies Act, Corporate
Governance Act, etc). [Porter, Michael E. 1990. pp78, 83] - Firm Strategy and Rivalry of Ford Motor Company:
Henry Ford developed the foundation of the culture of doing things differently – that is,
prioritizing competency building preferred over prioritization of opportunities. The first
innovation of the virtual assembly lines with interchangeable parts was developed in their
Michigan Plant at the Highland Park.
This innovation caused major waves in the market enhancing the competitive advantages
of Ford Motor Company and thereafter Ford made innovation as the way of doing business.
Acquisition of multiple popular car brands across the globe and supply chain centralization has
been the key business strategies of Ford that has contributed considerably to the competitiveness
of Ford in the respective regions/countries of operations.
Ford Motor Company has been using advanced computer aided design methodology to
ensure better visibility and innovation in the vehicle design in line with the consumer
expectations – safety, fuel efficiency, engine efficiency, exteriors and high end vehicle features.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Ford’s focus has always been to produce adequate number of cars in the respective
countries such that they are always able to cater to the local demands with a appropriate
acceptable inventory overheads. - Firm Strategy and Rivalry of Tata Motors:
Tata Motors strategy has been different compared to Ford Motors. They defeated their
rivals by capturing the opportunities much ahead of competition even before they are prepared to
deliver against orders. Their strategy has been to reserve customers by charging booking
amounts such that they first secure the customer base and then start manufacturing.
They are very cost conscious about overheads or extra inventory and hence manufacture
strictly against orders. Their strategy in the launch of Tata Nano is the same whereby they first
intend to secure the customers by charging nominal booking amounts and then deliver the cars
gradually as and when they are launched. Given that their Nano concept is not yet challenged by
any competition, it would be easier for them to reserve the bookings such that even if they face a
competition, their customers of first lot will remain untouched. [ UK. 2009]
3.3.2 - Demand Conditions:
Michael Porter’s concept of demand conditions is related to the domestic demands laid on
the company by end customers, suppliers, government, etc. thus exposing the company to the
challenge of managing demand-supply ratio.
The demand conditions also get internationalized if the Government Machinery supports a
system that helps companies to achieve this. It is important to note that not all companies having
strong local strengths can get into the International Markets (Porter, Michael E. 1990).
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov - Demand Conditions of Ford Motor Company:
Ford has demonstrated immense analytical and adaptive strengths in absorbing and
delivering against the demands of the local economies wherever they have established their
business. They never try to push their established products of United States, the UK and European
markets in the newly formed markets of developing countries.
They have established knowledge bases of market, economical, statutory and engineering
issues of different countries. They have proactively focused on developing and manufacturing
indigenous products in their respective markets taking into account local demands, maintainability,
affordability, demographic and economic conditions, mean time between failures, accident rates,
road and traffic conditions, and environment related laws. This is one of the reasons why Ford
Motor Company is known in different countries for different models whereby the customers of one
country may not have experienced the models prevailing in other countries.
In every market of operation, they have deployed local spares stocks with the help of local
service franchisees such that they can extend high quality services in lower costs. Their innovation
of exchangeable parts supplied by centralized supply chain system has helped them to maintain
mobile spares stock across the world. [Wright, Natisha and Frailing, Kyle et al. 2005]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov - Demand Conditions of Tata Motors:
Unlike Ford Motor Company, Tata Motors have not developed the competency of
localization of products and services as per local demands. In India, they have decades of
experience in developing products against local demands and hence are very successful.
The government machinery of India has already helped them to stretch their legs beyond
the country limits (like the legal and statutory framework of India has allowed them to acquire
British companies and launch Nano worldwide through Geneva).
But they have not mastered the art of localization of products as per the regional demands
in countries of their operations. Example, they failed in City Rover miserably because they tried to
push cars fit for Indian conditions into Europe which is considered as a blunder today. Hence,
overall it will take a long time for them to establish global branding. [Brown, Robin. 2009;
Fogarty, Justin.2009]
3.3.3 - Related and Supporting Industries:
Porter suggested that the domestic Industry in a country grows substantially if the local
government is successful in creating and administering the framework of competition among
players and suppliers that support the industries. In such a national framework, a strong network
of competitors, suppliers and service providers is created that collectively influence a healthy
growth of business, increase demands and boost supplies.
Such competition when stretch their legs in the global markets leave a positive impact on
the local strengths of the country due to inflow of money, global best practices, innovations,
ideas, and patents (Porter, Michael E. 1990).
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov - Related and Supporting Industries of Ford Motor Company:
Ford Motor Company is a true global company. They used the system of centralized
supply chain but distributed services and support network. They have appointed competent
franchisees in every marketing region for sales and marketing, services and customer
engagement. They possess countrywide Customer Databases for Customer Relationship
Management using their global computing platforms.
Ford Motor Company follows a well established model to start their operations in a new
country that follows well established procedures to establish operations in minimum time,
establish spares units, establish services units and establish sales outlets. The company has
support partners that follow this model for communication with local suppliers and customers,
local brand licensing and promotion and local product/services promotion in order to quickly
attain the business as usual state in a new country of operation. [Wright, Natisha and Frailing,
Kyle et al. 2005; Chappell, Lindsay, 2005] - Related and Supporting Industries of Tata Motors:
The related and supported industries of Tata Motors are largely Indian based whereby
many of them do not have the competencies to support global expansion of Tata Motors. In the
current context, Tata Motors is expanding their global operations using their internal teams that
establish dealership networks in the countries of their operation. Currently, they have operations
run by internal employees in many countries outside India.
In many countries, they are solely dependent upon the orders booked by customers
through their local dealers and service providers that operate with their own local competencies.
This is the reason that some of their models like Tata Sierra has good acceptance in UK markets.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
3.3.4 - Factor Conditions:
Lastly, the factor conditions in Porter’s diamond model complete the framework. Factor
conditions are related to business support framework to the business that includes skilled
manpower, basic infrastructure, supply channels, funds transfer channels (like a nationwide
payment system), availability of loans from banks and venture capitalists. - Factor Conditions of Ford Motor Company:
Ford Motor Company possesses experienced Human Resources Management team
managing employee and worker relationships in respective countries. Their primary goal is to
acquire, train and retain employees and skilled workers as per the needs of the company. Ford
Motor Company offers excellent healthcare and retirement benefits to their employees in all
countries thus are able to achieve high levels of employee satisfaction.
Moreover, they have a flexible global strategic system that helps them to adjust their
business model in line with the local factor conditions like infrastructure, transportation,
government policies, statutory acts and regulations, salary/wages, medical facilities, provident
funds or union funds, emission standards, relationship with local banks, etc.
[Wright, Natisha and Frailing, Kyle et al. 2005; Connelly, Mary. 2001; Stoffer, Harry, 2001]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov - Factor Conditions of Tata Motors:
Tata Motor Company again has well established and experienced Human Resources
Management team. They manage employee and worker relationships very effectively and as per
local laws and regulations of a country. Overall, their competencies in this area are comparable
with the competencies of Ford Motor Company.
3.4 - Analysis of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors as per Michael Porter’s Five Forces
Model that shape Industry Competition.
In 1980, Michael Porter presented the five forces that shape competition in the industry
for any business organization as – Rivalry among existing competitors, threats of new entrants,
bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, and threat of substitute products or
services. These forces determine the competitive position of organizations in the markets of their
We hereby introduce a brief introduction about this model and then determine the
competitive positioning of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors with the help of this model.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Figure 4: Porter’s Five Forces Strategy that Shape Competition
Source: Harvard Business Review. 2008
One important observation that Michael E Porter made about these forces is that if these
forces are intense then almost no company gains distinct competitive advantages and earns
attractive returns on investments.
The threats of new entrants and substitute products and services are prevalent in
industries where major innovations are underway that can potentially cause creative destruction
of the existing products and services. New entrants always enter the markets with a desire to
capture market shares quickly and hence tend to put lot of pressure on product pricing thus
capping the profit potential of the market.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Hence, the existing players in the market benefit out of the barriers to entry of new
players that essentially comprise of – supply and demand economies of scale, supplier switching
costs to customers (especially when the customers have invested heavily in solutions compliant
with supplier’s technology or are very much used to the same), capital requirements, access to
distribution channels, restrictive government policies, etc.
The other two balancing forces are bargaining power of suppliers and buyers. The
bargaining power of buyers shall be lesser if competition is less given that customers will not
have many choices for purchasing products. However, the bargaining power of suppliers is
higher in case of lesser competition given that lesser competition will not develop the supplier
network (and their mutual competition) and hence they will tend to have more bargaining power.
(Harvard Business Review. 2008; Ankli. 1992)
Ferrier and Smith et al (1999) stated that companies that pose complacency in their
approach tend to lose market shares to their more aggressive and active counterparts. They
observed that some industry leaders tend to erode their own market shares through new
innovations that carry out a typical Schumpeter’s creative destruction of their existing product
market shares.
This is carried out to ensure that they reinforce their market shares with new innovations
and improved customer value before new entrants tend to do so. Ferrier and Smith et al (1999)
quoted Lord Alex Trotman of Ford Motor Company to be actively following this strategy his
vision to acquire no. 1 global position of Ford Motor Company in the world.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
However, what Ford has not managed effectively well is reduction of the bargaining
power of their supplier which has been centralized largely to support their concept of
interchangeable parts in flexible assembly lines. It appears that the age old innovation concept of
Ford Motor Company is no longer working for them given that their supply chain strategy has
become very expensive for them (discussed above in this dissertation).
Mapping the global market landscape of motor industry, the threat of new entrants is
extremely high because there are a large number of high quality regional motor manufacturers
across the world that are working towards entering new markets across the globe. The
phenomenon of Japanese companies entering US markets and giving tough times to native
players like Ford Motor Company is witnessed by people all across the world.
The Japanese companies like Toyota have introduced substitute products in the US, UK
and European markets and have eroded market shares of Ford Motor Company given that they
(probably) were more aggressive and innovative than Ford Motor Company in these markets.
Tata Motors is one such company that is all set to enter global markets and pose threats to the
local market players with their new innovations (like Tata Nano). Their Nano models can kill
local competition of low cost cars in many countries if they are able to maintain the engineering
excellence that they have been able to demonstrate in the test drives.
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They have largely been able to control the bargaining power of suppliers by virtue of
excellent supply chain management in the backend and hence are able to offer unbelievable
prices to their customers not letting any room for them to bargain. Currently, Tata Motors are
facing some barriers to their entry in many markets – like the emission norms of European Union
– but they are gradually working on the remedies without comprising much on their local cost
advantages. (Fogarty, Justin. 2009)
3.5 - Ansoff Analysis of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors.
Ansoff, H I (1958) developed a matrix to analyze the product marketing strategy of an
organization when designing a model for diversification. Following is the image of original
sketch of the matrix drawn by Ansoff himself:
Figure 5: Ansoff Matrix
Source: Original sketch drawn by Ansoff published in his paper “A Model for Diversification” in 1958
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
A simpler form of Ansoff product marketing strategy is presented below:
Figure 6: Simplified view of Ansoff Model
Source: own creation
Each of these quadrants describes a specific product marketing strategy as detailed below:
Existing products to be marketed in existing markets – market penetration strategy
New products to be marketed in existing markets – product development strategy
Existing products to be marketed in new markets – market development strategy
New products to be marketed in new markets – diversification strategy
In order of risks, the strategy based on existing value chains of organizations possesses lowest
risks while the strategy requiring deployment of altogether new value chains by organizations
possesses highest risk.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Thus market penetration strategies possess lowest risks associated with the
implementation but diversification possesses highest risks associated with the implementation. If
we take a closer look at the strategies of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors and map with
Ansoff matrix, we can easily conclude that the Ford Motor Company is applying strategies
having lowest risk although they are paying highest price for the same whereas Tata Motors is
applying strategies with highest risks and hence is in a make or break mode. We present the
following analysis for justifying this conclusion:
3.5.1 - Ford Motor Company:
Ford Motor Company possesses the empirically tested primary competitive advantage of
flexible assembly lines with interchangeable parts that has worked very well in the past. They
have developed a globally centralized supply chain system that has supported their primary
competitive advantage effectively.
The current market downturn has definitely affected their revenues and the higher cost of
supply chain is hurting them. But with the relatively safer strategy of targeting new markets for
existing product lines has kept the interest of their investors alive irrespective of their dismal
financial performance. Moreover they have sold off the non-performing assets like Jaguar and
Land Rover companies to reduce the burden of operating costs. It is due to their confidence on
their low risk strategies that they have refused to avail aid from government and are expecting to
break even by 2011 (Barry. 2009).
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
3.5.2 - Tata Motors:
Tata Motors is currently implementing high risk strategies given that they have attempted
to enter two new markets where they do not possess any expertise – UK and European premium
car markets with the help of Jaguar and Land Rover and the $2500 Nano car that may altogether
develop a new car market globally. If things favor them, they have the potential to become the
next Ford of the world but if the happenings do not favor them (like the Singur crisis witnessed
by them), then they can suffer losses that will take decades for them to repair.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
3.6 - Balanced Score Card Analysis of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors.
Kaplan and Norton (1996) developed the balanced score card strategy to assess the
performance of businesses by virtue of their internal competencies measured through key
performance indicators (KPIs). The balanced scorecard is presented in the figure below:
Figure 7: The Balanced Score Card System for Vision and Strategy
Source: Kaplan and Norton. 1996
The strategy is based on four primary factors that balance each other in a strategic
framework – Customer, Financial, Internal Business Process and Learning and Growth. The
Customer and Financial perspective is the way the company appears to the customers and the
Stake Holders whereas the Internal Business Processes and Learning and Growth perspective is
the way the company appears to the internal employees and managers.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
This dissertation will result in detailed financial perspective of Financials and Customers
and hence we will revisit the Balanced Score Card later in the dissertation.
The internal business processes and learning and growth perspective has been quite sound
in both Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors but the perspectives have been entirely different.
Ford Motor Company has focused on localization of products at a global platter whereby they
keep their parts supply chain centralized and assemble cars as per the local requirements of a
region after studying the needs.
This has resulted in they able to deliver different variants of cars as per the requirements
of different countries using the same spares supplied by their centralized supply chain vendor.
Hence, the internal learning and growth of Ford Motors has been very comprehensive with
localized knowledge captured from various countries and the benefits of global knowledge and
experience effectively mixed with the localized knowledge.
Tata Motors appear to be far behind this strategy as compared to Ford Motors but they
appear to be taking the same path towards globalization. They have developed Nano as per
Indian conditions to start with but are ready to match the localized conditions required at the
global level – like the stringent emission norms of Europe.
They already have their small trucks (Tata Sierra) operating in UK which must have
developed their knowledge on UK and European market requirements. Moreover, after the
acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover their knowledge will be strengthened further. They already
have the basics in place to apply the knowledge in Nano and it may be just a matter of time that
they will be able to achieve compliance for Nano against the regulations of Europe and other
countries that they are targeting.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
4 | Accounting Principles and Key Ratios
4.1 - The DuPont Analysis.
An end to end strategic analysis technique of a company should be carried out to focus on
the following primary perspectives of the business:
(a) Operations Management
(b) Asset Management
(c) Capital Management
The industry standard method for financial performance monitoring of an organization is
to keeping a close look on the primary ratios of the company:
Profit Margin
Net Income
= PM =
Sales (Total Revenues)
Sales (Total Revenues)
Total Asset Turnover = TAT =
Total Assets
Return on Investment = ROI = Profit Margin X Total Asset Turnover
Net Income
Sales (Total Revenues)
Sales (Total Revenues)
Total Assets
Net Income
Total Assets
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Total Assets
Equity Multiplier = EM =
Total Equity
Return on Equity = Profit Margin X Total Asset Turnover X Equity Multiplier
= Return on Investment X Equity Multiplier
Net Income
Total Assets
Total Assets
Total Equity
Net Income
Total Equity
These five critical ratios are collectively analyzed in the DuPont model which is widely
used by Finance Managers and Consultants worldwide. The final output of DuPont analysis is
the Return on Equity.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The flow chart for the DuPont Analysis of an organization is presented in Figure 1:
Figure 8: DuPont Analysis – The Return on Equity Flow Chart
Source: Hull and Avey, 2007
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
4.2 - Valuation Metrics
There are other metrics that are calculated in valuation of a company:
Net Operating Working Capital = NOWC = Net Cash and Equivalents possessed by the
company as on last date of the financial year + Accounts Receivables (Receivables pending as on
the last date of the valuation year) + Inventories as on the last date of valuation – Account
Payables (Payables pending as on the last date of the valuation year) – Accrued Expenses of the
entire financial year
Operating Long Term Assets = OLTA = the net property possessed by the company in
the form of Land, Assets, Plant, Equipment and Machinery, etc.
Total Operating Capital (also called Invested Capital) = TOC = Net Operating Working Capital
+ Operating Long Term Assets
Net Operating Profit After Tax = NOPAT
= EBIT X (1 – T)
= Operating Income X (1 – Corporate Tax)
Net Operating Profit After Tax
Return on Invested Capital = ROIC =
Total Operating Capital of previous Year
Economic Value Added = EVA = Net Operating Profit After Tax – [Weighted Average Cost of
Capital X Total Operating Capital of previous Year]
Where, Weighted Average Cost of Capital is a complex calculation presented by the following
formula (for just vanilla understanding):
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Firm’s Equity value
= Post Tax Cost of Equity X
Firm’s Debt Value
+ Gross Cost of Debt X
Firm’s Debt Value +
Firm’s Equity Value
Firm’s Debt Value +
Firm’s Equity Value
Post Tax Cost of Equity = Post Tax rate of return available on alternative equity investments of
comparable risk
Gross Cost of Debt = Risk Free Rate = Corporate Debt Premium available to debt providers for
alternative debt opportunities of comparable risk
The Weighted Average Cost of Capital is calculated Pre-tax as well as post tax. The Pre-Tax
formula is given by:
Post Tax Cost of Equity
Firm’s Equity value
Firm’s Debt Value
+ Gross Cost of Debt X
Firm’s Debt Value +
Firm’s Equity Value
Firm’s Debt Value +
Firm’s Equity Value
The Post-Tax formula is given by:
Firm’s Equity value
= Post Tax Cost of Equity X
Firm’s Debt Value
+ [Gross Cost of Debt X
Firm’s Debt Value +
1 – T]
Firm’s Debt Value +
Firm’s Equity Value
Firm’s Equity Value
Where, T = Corporate Tax
Economic Policy Associates. 2006]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The other metric based valuation comprises of Book Value, Replacement Value and
Liquidation Value, whereby
Book Value = Value of an asset as per the Balance Sheet “Account Balance”
Replacement Value = Cost of replacement of an Asset
Liquidation Value = Value of an asset if to be sold in a finite time period (say one week)
Financial Reports Method and Metrics Value based methodology are the most popular
ways of Company Valuation. The other valuation techniques used by experts are – Cash Flow
Method and Market Method.
The Cash flow method comprises of calculation of the following variables:
Free Cash Flow = Net Operating Profit After Tax – [Current Year’s Total Operating Capital –
Previous Year’s Total Operating Capital]
Discounted Cash Flow = The cash flow summary that has been discounted to arrive at the “time
value of money”. It is based on the “Present Value” concept which is evaluated as:
Present Value = Future Value / [1.0 + Interest Rate]
Where n = period of calculation (mostly in number of years)
In this way, the future value is discounted to provide the present value. Example, if $100 is
expected in three years and the interest rate taken is 10% then the present value is
= $100 / [1.0 + 0.1] = $75.13. []
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
There are following steps to calculate the Discounted Cash Flow:
Step 1: The Free Cash Flow is calculated
Step 2: The Weighted Average Cost of Capital is Calculated
Step 3: Free Cash Flow is used to discount Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Step 4: Residual Value is estimated (this is also known as Terminal Value]
Step 5: Residual Value is discounted as well using Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Step 6: Total Present Value of Free Cash Flow is estimated
Step 7: Value of Non-Operating Assets are added
Step 8: Value of Liabilities assumed are subtracted
Step 9: Value of Common Stock is calculated
Other calculations under “Cash Flow Techniques” are Discounted Dividends, Internal
Rate of Interest, Profitability Index, Cash Value Added, and Cash Flow Return on Investment.
The Market Value method comprises of Dividend Capitalization, Earnings Capitalization,
Exceeded Profit Calculation, Relational Value and the Market Multiplications that are the
Price to Earnings Ratio = P/E; Where, P is the price of the company share and E = Company’s
Earnings per share = Net Earnings of the Company / No. of Shares issued
Price to Revenue Ratio = P/R; Where, P is the price of the company share and E = Company’s
Net Revenues per share = Net Revenue of the Company / No. of Shares issued
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Earning Ratios: Price to EBIT Ratio and Price to EBITDA Ratio
Enterprise Value/EBITDA Ratio: Where Enterprise Value = Market Capitalization (Total Value
of Shares of the company) + Value of Debts Financing (like Bonds and Bank Loans) + Value of
Other Liabilities – Value of Liquid Assets (Cash and Investments)
Enterprise Value to Revenue Ratio
Return on Assets: Net Income / Total Assets
Return on Invested Capital: Net Income / Net Invested Capital;
Where, Net Invested Capital = Total Assets – Net Cash – Non-interest bearing current liabilities
Return on Equity: Net Income / Net Shareholder’s Equity
Quick Ratio:- [Accounts Receivables + Cash + Cash Equivalents] / Current Liabilities
Current Ratio:- Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Assets Turnover:- Net Revenues / Total Assets
Cash Flow to Revenues Ratio
Enterprise Value to Cash Flow Ratio
[; Dagiliene and Kovaliov. 2006]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
4.3 - Financial Analysis of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors.
As presented earlier, the output of DuPont analysis is the Net Income/(Loss) per share
experienced by the investors. In the following table, we presents the Net Income (Loss) per share
of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motor as taken from the NYSE data published by
The figures presented here of Ford Motor Company are about 99% matching with the
ones published in the annual reports of Ford Motor Company. The figures presented here of Tata
Motor company have not been matched with their annual statements because the US Dollars to
Indian Rupees fluctuations of all the five years may have to be taken into account which may
impact the accuracy. Therefore, the figures published by New York Stock Exchange have been
incorporated here for analysis:
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Net Income/(Loss)
Figures in Millions
Net Income per
Share Ratio
Dividend Per
Ford Motor Company
Tata Motors
Net Income/(Loss)
Figures in Millions
Net Income per
Share Ratio
Dividend Per
Listed on
NYSE for part
of year only
Listed on
NYSE for part
of year only
Table 1: Earnings per Share and Dividend per share comparison of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors
The above analysis shows dismal performance of Ford Motor Company after 2005 but
consistent performance of Tata Motors in the last five years. Investors have been losing money
considerably in Ford Motor Company while Tata Motors has been consistently ensuring returns
to investors although the magnitude not growing.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
In the table below, we present the key ratios of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors:
Price to
Earnings Ratio
Value to
Revenue Ratio
Return on
Return on
Return on
Equity (Global)
Ford Motor Company
Quick Ratio
Current Ratio
Cash Flow to
Value by Cash
Flow Ratio
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Price to
Earnings Ratio
Listed on
NYSE for part
of year only
Return on
Return on
Return on
Equity (Global)
Quick Ratio
Current Ratio
Cash Flow to
Tata Motors
Table 2: Key Ratio comparison of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors
Sources: Thomson Ratios and Worldscope Ratios retrieved from CBS Library; Annual Statements of Ford Motor Company and Tata
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Ford Motor Company analysis indicate terribly bad return on equities but the return on
assets and invested capital have been somehow in positive (except 2006). This means that while
Ford Motor Company has exhibited terribly bad performance for investors in 2007 and 2008,
they have been able to cut their costs substantially to save the company from bankruptcy. The
current ratio went bad in 2006 otherwise is maintained effectively.
The management has been successful in maintaining more assets than liabilities thus
indicating that somewhere the foundations are still very strong and the management has been
proactive enough to reduce their liabilities amidst the financial turmoil that they have been
facing. Except 2006, the organization has been successful in maintaining quick ratio above 1.0
thus ensuring that Cash, Cash Equivalents and Account Receivables are more than liabilities at
the end of financial year.
Assets turnover of Ford Motor Company has been disappointing because the net revenues
have been lesser than the total assets. The management has overall not been able to capitalize
returns against the assets available to them.
The return on assets have been very disappointing as such and hence it seems that Ford
Motor Company has somehow survived by reducing their liabilities very aggressively –
elimination of excess manufacturing capacity, closing plants, reducing workforce, etc.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The sale of Jaguar and Land Rover to Tata Motors may again be viewed as aggressive
attempts to reduce liabilities to keep assets more than liabilities. The shareholder return has
shown dismal performance as shown in the figure below:
Dotted line: S&P 500
Black line: Ford Motor
Grey line: General Motors (nearest rival in the
Figure 9: Stock Price of Ford Motor Company in last five years
Source: Ford Motor Company Annual Report 2008
Tata Motors started trading in NYSE from 2004 onwards. They opened with a
scintillating performance and showed a boom in 2005 and 2006 but started to decline after that.
In 2008, their share prices crashed like a pyramid of cards as shown in the chart below. Hence,
the company that exhibited scintillating performance after their launch on NYSE ended up
burning shareholder’s wealth in 2008. However, this seems to be the result of systematic risks on
the NYSE which suffered a systematic crash after 2007.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Figure 10: Stock prices of Tata Motors in last five years
Source: CNN Money charts
But overall at a global scale, Tata Motors didn’t perform that badly. The rest part of the
ratios is from their global performance as reported by Thomson Ratios and Worldscope Ratios
(Retrieved from CBS Library). Tata Motors consistently achieved return on assets and return on
invested capital that is five times that of Ford Motor Company.
In addition, Tata Motors achieved substantial return on equity that has been more than
30% throughout except 2008 at global level (although in NYSE, their equity value crashed
probably due to the systematic risks faced by NYSE which led to an overall crash of the entire
stock market).
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Tata Motors current ratio is healthy given that they have been able to maintain more
assets than liabilities, but their quick ratio is a cause of concern as their liabilities have
throughout remained more than their cash balance, cash equivalents and receivables put together.
This indicates a high risk appetite of Tata Motors, which is evident by their worldwide launch of
Tata Nano and their acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford Motors which again is a
large acquisition for them given their current size.
Perhaps, they possess such high risk appetite because of the strong support by their parent
group (Tata Group) that is diversified into multiple profit earning industries. The assets turnover
is much more than Ford Motors which shows the management capabilities of effectively utilizing
their assets to generate revenues.
Both companies possess a sound liquidity foundation as their cash flow to revenue ratio
has remained positive in past five years. This indicates that both the companies are sitting on a
fat cushion of cash and are not expected to face liquidity issues in the near future. This is one of
the reasons that in-spite of such a strong financial turmoil, Ford Motor Company didn’t accept
any aid from the government (Bunkley, Nick. 2009).
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
5 | Budgets and Forecasts.
The future of an organization is carried out by carrying out capital budgeting and
discounted cash flow forecasts. Capital budgeting is carried out to analyze the returns on
investments within a specified time period from a project such that the same can be accepted or
rejected by the stakeholders. Capital Budgeting decisions have always been a major challenge for
corporate management and investors from the perspective of the most appropriate method for
carrying out the ROI forecasting and measurements.
In fact the widely accepted decision criteria use an old empirical generalization of
“Accept-Reject” criteria established by Beranek in 1975 whereby the project is either accepted or
rejected based on its value addition to the firm, the investors and to the shareholder wealth.
Beranek showed that the cost of capital of a project is marginalized to maximize the investors’
money and shareholders’ wealth by including rate of interest, the required rate of return to stock
holders, corporate marginal income tax rate, debt to equity ratio and lifetime of the proposed
project and the weighted average cost of capital.
In another paper written by Beranek in 1980, he claimed that the Net Present Value
rankings of the investment opportunities do not match equity market value unless the projects are
of one period duration or are solely financed by equity only. He established the widely used
criteria by financial analysts that a project should be accepted only if its Present Value is greater
than zero and recommended that the project among multiple mutually exclusive projects having
highest Present Value should be chosen for best ROI.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
However, Beranek warned of some practical challenges in implementing the Present
Value technique in capital budgeting whenever there are uneven cash flows, non-straight line
income tax and other depreciations, varying methods of repaying the debts, different treatment of
shareholders between capital gains and dividends, or errors in calculation of weighted average
cost of capital in finite lived projects.
Overall, the Net Present Value has remained the most trusted method to evaluate capital
budgeting decisions due to its advantage of evolving the time value of money (the fluctuations in
value of money as time passes). It is globally accepted as the most effective technique to
evaluate the true value of capital budget when evaluating the returns from a project.. More than
80% of strategic business expansions, replacement decisions, new operations, etc. are based on
NPV technique as reported by Sun and Queyranne (2002).
NPV does has some limitations especially when the systematic risk inputs to the NPV
calculations (like interest rates, risk perceptions, etc.) vary considerably. In such cases it may not
give a complete picture of returns from an accepted project and hence the IRR (Internal Rate of
Return) technique should be used along with the NPV technique.
5.1 - Systematic and Unsystematic Risks.
The capital budgeting technique is largely influenced by systematic risks in the markets.
Systematic risks are related to factors that are prevalent in a country, region or at global level and
are external to the control of an organization. Examples of Systematic risks are – market risks,
political risks, currency fluctuation risks, oil prices fluctuation risks, etc.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Systematic risk assessment is important for the listed companies to effectively price the
equities, determining the cost of capital and effective evaluation returns from projects.
Unsystematic risks are related to internal threats and vulnerabilities of a company – like attrition,
loss of major customers, frauds and scams (like inflated accounting statements), agency issues,
sudden obsolescence, fire/special perils, etc. [Chatterjee and Lubatkin et al. 1992; Aaker and
Jacobson. 1987]. The following presents a brief on valuation of Systematic Risks when
evaluating the return on investments.
The systematic risks are closely correlated with the capital asset pricing when evaluating
the prospect. The relationship between systematic risks and returns on investments has been
formulated in the Capital Asset Pricing Model popularly called CAPM (Linter, 1965 and Sharpe,
1964 quoted in Aaker and Jacobson. 1987. pp278-279) which is the most accepted technique to
calculate return on investments dependent upon time variable. The CAPM is represented by the
following equation:
Expected Return on Investments at a time = Return on Risk Free asset at the time + Systematic
Risk of investments at the time X (Return on a market portfolio at the time – Return on Risk Free
asset at the time)
CAPM is the most accepted technique for valuation of capital assets given its simplicity and
underlying economics. The key factor of this equation is the “systematic risk of investments at
the time of ROI valuation” which is popularly known as “-Coefficient”.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The “-Coefficient” is calculated using market linked “news” about the assets presented by the
following formula:
Market Beta of asset “i”(im) = Market beta of news about future cash flows of asset “i” (ic) –
Market beta of news about future real interest rates (r) – Market beta of news about future
access returns of asset “i” (ie)
[Campbell and Mei. 1993]
The systematic risks of common stocks of an organization can be evaluated using
variance in multiple factors that are closely observed by market experts. Thompson (1976)
enumerated the variance in the following factors that market experts observe to evaluate the
systematic risks pertaining to the common stocks of a firm:
(a) variance in Dividends
(b) variance in Earnings
(c) variance in Earnings Multiple
(d) variance in Earnings Yield
(e) variance in Operating Income
(f) variance in Sales
(g) variance in Total Debt to Total Assets ratio
(h) variance in Cash Flow to Total Debt ratio
(i) variance in Pretax interest coverage
(j) variance in Current ratio
(k) variance in Working Capital to Total Assets ratio
(l) variance in Cash and Receivables to Expenditures ratio
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
These Variances are measured as systematic relationships between accounting values of
the firm and the aggregated corresponding accounting values of all firms put together. The
management of an organization try to smoothen different inputs and outputs to reduce
environmental risks which are reflected in these variance analysis and hence they can be logical
indicators of systematic risks pertaining to the common stocks of an organization.
To analyze the systematic risks more analytically, Thompson (1976) presented the
following mean and trend forms to explain the Systematic Risks to Common Stocks:
(a) Dividend payout by companies – measured as mean of annual dividends to earnings
(b) Dividend payout by companies – measured as the ratio of nine year sum of dividends to
the nine year sum of earnings
(c) Analyzing growth in assets
(d) Analyzing growth in earnings
(e) Analyzing growth in Sales
(f) Growth measured as the mean of the asset growth, earnings growth and sales growth
(g) Investments to Earnings ratio – measured as the ratio of the nine year change in assets to
the nine year sum of earnings
(h) Return on Investments – measured as the ratio of the nine year change in earnings to the
nine year change in assets
(i) Market Volume that is measured as the mean of the natural logs of the market value of
annual traded common stocks (in Million US Dollars)
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
(j) Mean of Annual Ratios of the total debts to the total assets
(k) Mean of Annual Ratios to the cash flow to the total debt
(l) Mean of Annual pretax interest coverage ratios
(m) Mean of Annual current ratios
(n) Mean of annual ratios of the Working Capital to Total Assets
(o) Mean of annual ratios of the Cash and Receivables to the Expenditures for operations
(p) The size measured as mean of natural logs of the total assets (in multiple of $10 Millions)
(q) The size measured as mean of natural logs of the total earnings (in multiple of $10
(r) The size measured as mean of natural logs of the total sales (in multiple of $10 Millions)
The unsystematic risks are normally termed as residual risks which are kept out of the
modeling but are reported in internal financial analytics. These risks are hard to predict because
they depend upon the factors that are internal to the organization and are not linked with the
market risks.
The market beta analysis is not a static one time analysis but is a continuous process because
the variance in current means compared to the means of past few weeks changes continuously.
The market beta analysis requires very complex beta analysis tools for data capturing and
analysis. The authors, being students are keeping the process of in-depth analysis out of the
scope of this dissertation. However, the authors hereby present forecast reports by money
analysis sites pertaining to Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
5.2 - Forecast of Ford Motors.
The chart in figure 11 shows the estimates of Ford Motor Company till FY 2010
published by Yahoo Finance as on 24th April 2009. The Earning Per Share estimate continues to
be in negative in 2010 but the company outlook looks positive as the growth projections are
moving in positive direction as can be seen from the EPS trends in past 90 days.
It appears that the 2010 estimates of EPS are gradually moving in the positive direction
which is a good sign for Ford Motor Company. Year 2010 may witness a sales growth in positive
as indicated herewith. The next five year industry growth is estimated as more than 10% PA
although Ford Motor Company may witness 3% growth PA given dismal performance in the
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Figure 11: Market Analysis of Ford Motor Company
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The following figure shows CAPM analysis of Ford Motor Company by Thomson One.
The Thomson analysis again indicates positive EPS of Ford Motor Company by year 2011 given
their spurt of recoveries recently. The market Beta is very high at 2.473, which means that the
stock of Ford Motor Company is more than twice riskier than the stock market
Figure 12: EPS Analysis of Ford Motor Company
Source: Thomson One analysis as on 20th February 2009 from CBS Library
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
This is the cause of concern and combined with the information that the EPS is going to
break even only in the year 2011, the investments in Ford Motor Company appear to be risky
affair for at least two to three years. The chart below shows that the EPS from Ford Motor
Company may reach break even by 2011.
Figure 13: Ford Motor Company EPS may break even in 2011
Source: Thomson One analysis as on 20th February 2009 from CBS Library
The EPS estimates by also predicts similar results projecting Ford
EPS to breakeven by end of FY2010.
Figure 14: EPS of Ford Motor Company to break even by Year 2010
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
5.3 - Forecast of Tata Motors.
The Market analysis of Tata Motors is not as in-depth as Ford Motors because they are
new to the NYSE. The Beta is also not yet published due to lack of adequate historical data.
Hence, the estimates do not show too much of variations as such. For example, the EPS for last
60 days is consistently projected as 0.11 for 2009 and 0.2 for 2010. On the NYSE, the company
opened with a huge big bang with PE ratio about 160 but has crashed substantially after that.
Tata Motors was one such stock that crashed heavily due to the economic turmoil largely
because of lack of information about its systematic risks. However, at a global level and
especially in the stock markets of India, they have been performing well. Hence, the overall
projection of Tata Motors is presented on a positive side with growth projected at 81.8% next
year and overall 10% in the next five years.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Figure 15: Market Analysis of Tata Motors
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The figure below presents the CAPM analysis of Tata Motors by Thomson One retrieved
from the CBS Library.
Figure 16: EPS Analysis of Tata Motors
Source: Thomson One analysis as on 20th February 2009 from CBS Library
Please note that Thomson One has not used the data of New York Stock Exchange but
rather has used the data of Bombay Stock Exchange. The stocks of Tata Motors in India have
been consistently performing with high EPS rating. The overall EPS rating has never gone into
negative irrespective of the financial crisis which did hit India as well. Compared to the
performance of Tata Motors stocks on the New York Stock Exchange, the performance has been
substantially better on their domestic stock exchange in India.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Hence, referring to Michael Porter’s competitive advantages theory (presented earlier),
Tata Motors do have sound fundamentals for the future because they are strong in their home
country unlike Ford Motor Company that has lost ground in their domestic country as well. Tata
Motors EPS from 2008 to 2009, however, reduced drastically as shown in the figure below:
Figure 17: Tata Motors has been consistently ensuring positive EPS against trading at the Bombay Stock Exchange
Source: Thomson One analysis as on 20th February 2009 from CBS Library
The Earning per Share of Tata Motors in 2009 is less than half of that of the previous
year. However, most of the year is still to pass and the overall positive lookout by the global
markets may ensure that Tata Motors will be able to reach the usual levels. The current
projection, however, reveals that Tata Motors may reach about 50% of the levels of EPS that it
achieved in year 2008.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Figure 18: EPS of Tata Motors to increase by 28% in 2010
MSN Money is again very optimistic about the future of Tata Motors in 2010 projecting the
growth of EPS to about 28%.
5.4 - Cash Flow Analysis.
In an old empirical theory, Bodenhorn (1964) established the importance of cash flow in
valuation of stock. He took three primary factors in analyzing cash flows – cash transactions
involving goods and services, financial obligations and cash balances. The transactions of goods
and services are recorded as capital expenses and recurring expenses when purchasing them and
revenues are recorded if the same are sold against cash transactions.
If a credit is extended, and cash has not been received or disbursed against the transaction
as on the date of financial statement, the transactions are recorded in the form of obligations.
These obligations include receivables and payables pending as on the date of statement. In the
firm’s own obligation, the debt and equity obligations are considered whereby due to
uncertainties in the cash flow, discount rates applied to equity obligations are higher than those
applied to debt obligations.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
In the world of certainty a company would like to lend all cash balances to earn interest
rates. However, the uncertainties always haunt the businesses in many forms and hence they hold
cash balances o provide liquidity in crisis situations. Bodenhorn defined an increase in cash
balance as “purchase of liquidity” and reduction in cash balance as “sale of liquidity”. The
management of a firm should project the future cash receivables and payables, subtract payables
from receivables to find out the cash flow and then apply the discount level that keeps the
present value of the net cash flows greater than zero.
The net cash flows evaluated during the period valuation is the difference between the
cash received by the firm from the banks, debtors, customers, etc. and the cash used by the firm
to increase the cash balances, make payments for goods/services, pay interests, repay debt, or
lend. Bodenhorn (1964) established that such flows should be associated with equity obligations
– a positive net cash flow representing the cash payments to stockholders by the firm in the form
of dividend payments or stock repurchase and a negative cash flow representing the cash
payments to the firm by the stockholders in the form of new stock subscription.
Thus, the value of stock is represented by the present value of the future net cash flows
which represents the projected wealth of the stock holders during the period in which the present
value has been calculated. However, the actual wealth can differ from projected wealth if the
cash flow of the period is different from what has been projected, cash flows projections have
changed from the ones that were carried out at the beginning of the period, or if the discount rate
has changed from the what was assessed at the beginning of the period. What Bodenhorn didn’t
explain was the impact of depreciation and amortization on the cash flows.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Kaplan and Ruback (1995) presented two equations for calculating the Capital Cash flow
of a company as presented below:
Capital Cash Flow = Net Income + Depreciation + Amortization – Change in Net Working
Capital + Interest (Cash and Non-Cash) – Capital Expenditures + After Tax Asset Sales
Capital Cash Flow = Earnings before Interests and Taxes (EBIT) – Corporate Tax [this is
calculated as (EBIT – Interest rate) X Tax Rate] + Depreciation + Amortization – Change in Net
Working Capital – Capital Expenditures + After Tax Asset Sales
Barth and Cram et al. (2001) argued that the ability of a firm to generate cash flows with
positive present values results in positive valuation of its equities. They developed an analytics
of predicting future cash flows revealed from various accrual components of earnings that
captures delayed cash flows related to past transactions as well as future cash flows as an
outcome of the future operating and investing activity of the management.
The model couldn’t be build further because it couldn’t predict future cash flows based
on long term accruals more than one year ahead. However, they could successfully demonstrate
the role of six major accrual components – change in accounts receivables, change in inventory,
change in accounts payable, depreciation, amortization and miscellaneous accruals in
enhancement of predictive ability of earnings.
They have left this methodology to be developed further by future researchers. The
discounted cash flow and present value techniques remained two of the most preferred valuation
tools for future cash flow predictions.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) is already introduced earlier in this dissertation.
Dulman in 1989 presented that Discounted Cash Flow is the sole technique for Capital
Budgeting that is adopted by US. However the researchers predicted that the Present Value
technique (already introduced earlier) will be globally accepted as the de facto method for capital
budgeting to look into the future of an organization.
The discounted cash flow technique is very useful when the cash flow is expected to be
uneven, and the project may not behave like a single duration project. For projects anticipating
even flow of cash and exhibiting behavior of project in the mode of a single duration project, the
present value technique is more suitable.
The discounted cash flow depends upon the cash flow forecasts (that relate directly to the
firm being valued) and the historical systematic risks associated with the firm and its entire
industry as determined by market analysts. Hence the discounted cash flow method largely
depends upon the accuracy of risk assessments, cash flow projections, and the overall
assumptions incorporated in calculating the cost of capital. Hence, this methodology largely
depends upon the accuracy of the perceptions by analysts which unfortunately is prone to
inherent estimation errors (Kaplan and Ruback. 1995). The industry experts, actually, use
comparable firm statistics to make their perceptions as accurate as possible.
This is the primary reason that Net Present Value analysis became more popular for cash
flow forecasts because it correlates money with time more effectively and is dependent upon the
expected return and interest rate. The investment in a project is feasible if the Net Present Value
is greater than zero otherwise it can be a loss making affair.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
We hereby evaluate the outlook of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors using Present
Value technique. The formula for Present Value is rewritten as below:
Present Value = Future Value / [1.0 + Interest Rate]
We shall carry out the future outlook for the next ten years for both the companies. To
begin with, we first look at the cash flow statistics of Ford Motor Company from their capital
financing activities assuming it to be a single duration project of next ten years:
Cash at Beginning
of Period
Cash at End of
Net Change in
Cash and Cash
Table 3: Cash Flow Data of Ford Motor Company with values in Million Dollars
We begin with the cash at the end of 2008 and assume that $5585 Million is the cash flow per
year (change in cash or cash equivalent of 2005 is taken).
Hence, initial cost is taken as – $22049 Million and life of project is taken as 10 years.
The cash flow is taken as $5585 Million per year.
Present Value = Future Value / [1.0 + Discount Rate]
no. of years
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For example, for discount rate of 5% the formula will look like the following:
For Year, T=0, The formula used is: – $22049 / [1.0 + 0.05]0 (The first year is taken as Minus
sign because this is the initial lot of money getting burnt whereas no returns have yet been
For Year, T=1, the formula used is: $5585 / [1.0 + 0.05]1
For Year, T=2, the formula used is: $5585 / [1.0 + 0.05]2
For Year, T=3, the formula used is: $5585 / [1.0 + 0.05]3
And so on…and finally the values from T=0 to T=9 are summed up to calculate the Net Present
[; Dagiliene and Kovaliov. 2006]
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The NPV is calculated for four values of discount rates: 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%.
Discount rate 5%
Net Present Value
(Million US
Discount rate 10%
Discount rate 15%
Discount rate 20%
Table 4: NPV of Ford Motor Company if their 2005 cash flow is maintained
It is observed that it is only at 22% discount rate the NPV becomes negative at – $138
Hence, if for the next 10 years the cash flow status of 2005 is maintained, the company is an
excellent venture for investments.
Now let us calculate the NPV keeping the cash flow of 2006 in consideration. We arrive
at the following table:
Discount rate 5%
Net Present Value
(Million US
– 18149
Discount rate 10%
Discount rate 15%
Discount rate 20%
– 18945
– 19514
– 19931
Table 5: NPV of Ford Motor Company if their 2006 cash flow is maintained
In fact even at 1% discounting, the company will lose all cash in 12 to 14 years time.
Hence, what should be the minimum cash flow for the company to just reach positive
minuscule net present value even at a nominal discount level of 5%? The answer is $2860
Million in which the company will achieve a nominal $35.16 Million dollars of NPV. Hence, it
is a tough task for Ford Motor Company in the coming years given that they have lost $13234
Million dollars of cash in 2008.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Now, we shall carry out similar analysis of Tata Motors. We take the cash flow statistics
of Tata Motors from their capital financing activities assuming it to be a single duration project
of next ten years. The financing activities of Tata Motors is currently thinner on the NYSE
compared to their size but will provide a good insight of the company about their performance on
the NYSE.
Cash at Beginning
of Period
Cash at End of
Net Change in
Cash and Cash
Table 6: Cash Flow Data of Tata Motors with values in Million Dollars
We begin with the cash at the end of 2008 and take the yearly cash flow as $32 Million.
The NPV calculation for the different discount levels is presented in the table below:
Discount rate 5%
Net Present Value
(Million US
Discount rate 10%
Discount rate 15%
Discount rate 20%
Table 7: NPV of Tata Motors if their 2006 and 2007 levels of cash flow are maintained
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This reveals that if Tata Motors maintain the cash flow levels of 2006 and 2007, they will
be a loss making entity even at discount rates of 5%. Now let us take the cash flow achieved at
the end of year 2008 as the flow for the next ten years. The results are shown in the following
Discount rate 5%
Net Present Value
(Million US
Discount rate 10%
Discount rate 15%
Discount rate 20%
Table 8: NPV of Tata Motors if their 2008 level of cash flow is maintained
Hence, if the 2008 level of cash flow is maintained by Tata Motors, they will ensure a
positive outlook to the investors even at discount level of 20%. In fact, Tata Motors will even
sustain a discount level of 30.6% to achieve NPV of $0.60 Million Dollars if 2008 level of cash
flow is maintained in the next ten years. It is only at a discount level of 30.7% that the NPV will
go in negative at a value of – $0.17 Million dollars.
Hence, what should be the minimum cash flow for the company to just reach positive
minuscule net present value even at a nominal discount level of 5%? The answer is $36.9 Million
in which the company will achieve nominal $0.23 Million dollars of NPV. Hence, it is a tough
task for Tata Motors in the coming years given that they have been consistently generating less
than this cash flow and first time in 2008 have exceeded this value.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
5.5 - Capital Structure Analysis.
A firm’s capital structure primarily comprises of two components, the Debt and the
Equity. The overall valuation of the firm is a function of these two components of capital
structure. The decision of how much a firm should be financed by debt or equities is very
complex whereby an optimal choice depends upon many factors specific to the internal and
external environment of the firm.
The overall value of the firm is defined by Ross, et al as the sum of the overall market
value of equities and the overall market value of debt. Most companies have maximization of
shareholder wealth as one of their primary goals. To achieve this, the firm management tries to
decide on the most appropriate debt to equity ratio such that the overall value becomes as large
as possible – a company may be totally financed by equity or totally by debt or somewhere in
between. Managers are accountable to choose the optimal capital structure that they believe will
have the highest firm value and shall be most beneficial to the firm stakeholders.
An old theory on Capital Financing developed by Modigilani and Miller is that the cost
of the capital of a firm is independent of its dept to equity ratio commonly known as leverage
ratio (Modigilani and Miller, 1958).
Stiglitz (1969) made an observation that all the firms classified under the same risk class
may have similar value but with different debt to equity ratios because the focus of financial
controllers of the firms has been to maximize shareholder value irrespective of what debt-equity
structure they are following. In this context, Modigilani and Miller argued that the valuation of a
company improves if they are able to maximize their debt and borrow at lower rates of interest
than the dividend payouts of their investors in the equities.
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Given that interest rates in debt financing are tax deductible, from their perspective the
optimum Capital Structure is the one having debt only. However, Stiglitz proved that if debt is
traded in separate market where investors are more pessimistic about the firm than the equity
holder and imply their own terms of lending then the overall value of firm decreases on increase
of debt.
Kochar (1996) related agency theory with capital structure and argued that agency costs
keep a control on the capital structure. If a firm is completely financed by debt and controlled by
shareholders, they will tend to take high risks given lower liabilities for maximization of their
wealth and hence even may risk the net present value becoming negative.
On the other hand, the managers are bound to take cautious steps to save their jobs and
enhance the value of the firm and hence they shall tend to use debts only in case of
contingencies. Whether the same is true for this reason or another, it is widely found that firms
controlled by shareholders tend to rely more on debt whereas firms controlled by managers rely
more on equities.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Sharp (1990) argued that it is more to do with optimal agency control rather than optimal
capital structure. From his perspective, a practical generalized model of optimal capital structure
may not be feasible; however, existence of more equity may indicate more power to the
managers as they tend to use debts more for contingencies during crisis situation to mitigate
solvency risks.
In a recent theory Brav (2009) added a new dimension to debt-equity optimization
proving that the sensitivity of the controllers of the firm defines how much they allow equity
finance compared to debt finance. Traditionally, debt financing has been considered to be safe
but curtailing the growth of the firm. Brav (2009) argued that private companies tend to stay
away from equity markets and prefer to be more debt financed than equity financed due to high
sensitivity to fluctuations in performance. They also argued that the structure of management
plays a major role in choosing debt versus equity. Shareholders in family owned businesses that
do not like too many fluctuations in performance tend to select debt financing whereas high risk
averse managers tend to select equity financing.
O’Brien (2003. pp420) proved an empirical generalization that firms having higher
emphasis on innovations (R&D investments) possess lower debt to equity ratios. This is because
Research and Development creates substantial amount of intangible assets that cannot serve as
an effective collateral in debt financing and hence do not support high levels of debt. Their
research proved that all listed companies investing heavily in R&D tend to be more equity
financed than debt financed.
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In fact, companies having high initial costs of plant and machineries may also try to avoid
debt due to large burden of long term interests. Typical examples may be telecommunications
industry where global companies are heavily investing in large infrastructures in developing
countries. The recent example of Vodafone taking over Essar in India proves this fact that such
global giants are seriously interested in large capital investments in developing countries
(Vodafone Annual Report. 2008).
However, most of the big giants in telecom industry (like Vodafone, Essar, Verizon, etc)
are largely equity financed as evident from their reports on CNN money. This might be because
of two major reasons – the limits set by creditors are much lesser than the overall capital
structure of such companies or the company management doesn’t wish to take long term interest
rate burden given the huge capital investments in developing countries.
Shareholders and Creditors normally have conflict of interest pertaining to management
policies in capital structure. High performing firms that are able to exceed the value of initial
capital by adding earnings pay dividends to shareholders from the excess earning over the initial
capital. Hence, Shareholders will try to maximize this “excess earning” to get dividend payments
as fast as possible.
But this is against the interest of creditors and hence they will try that the dividends are
postponed as much as possible such that they receive prolonged interest payments. Hence,
creditors tend to set forth their own terms related to decisions on management policy before
disbursing the loan (like applying limits, disbursement schedule, etc.) in such a way that the
terms may indirectly constraint the management of the firm on the excess earning and hence
impacting the overall growth.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
This theory has been taken from the literature of Borch (1969). In such a condition, the
Shareholders need to play smart and try to manage an optimum arrangement given such terms of
creditors are honored as well as the shareholder wealth can also be improved. This theory
somehow proves that lower debt to equity ratio tend to enhance the shareholder wealth given that
the management is equipped with more financial freedom (but large obligations) thus helping
them to apply more innovations in business growth.
Example, a creditor might not have allowed Vodafone to invest so heavily in developing
countries because they would have viewed very high risks in such investments. However, there
can be one factor that can bend any management towards debt financing – Financial distress. The
investors tend to lose interest in the equities of a company undergoing financial distress whereas
the creditors will enjoy their own terms of loans given that they are taking a calculated risk of
lending the distressed company. Probably, this is one of the reasons of the global problem of
inflated accounting statements to keep interest of equity investors alive.
Hence, to summarize the above jargons, the optimal structure is decided by the firm
management from the perspective of – terms of creditors, financial policies and goals, capacity to
take interest burden, the rate of interest, the limits and disbursement schedule of financing, vision
of shareholder wealth growth, etc.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Now let us compare the capital structures of both Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors:
Ford Motor Company:
Debt to Equity Ratio
Table 9: Debt to equity ratio of Ford Motor Company
Source: CNN Money
Tata Motors:
Debt to Equity Ratio
Table 10: Debt to equity ratio of Tata Motors
Source: CNN Money
Ford Motor Company has been largely debt financed for past four years whereas Tata
Motors has been largely equity financed in the past four years. We hereby attempt to apply the
theories studied above to evaluate the possible root causes:
5.5.1 - Ford Motor Company:
The company has been under financial distress for quite some time as it has faced huge
bottom line losses in the past. Moreover, the automobile sector doesn’t seem to be promising as
has been detailed in the systematic risk assessment in the dissertation. Hence, in such
circumstances, the investors in equity have lost their interest in the company equities. Moreover,
the company has not paid cash dividends in 2007 and 2008 as reported by CNN Money.
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Hence, the company had to bend towards debt financing to run their operating expenses.
In fact, the sale of Jaguar and Land Rover again has been used to generate cash to run operations.
The company has not invested in new ventures for a long time and has been busy closing
manufacturing units and firing people. Hence, the company will not be stuck with large amount
of mortgaged assets as such. Hence, overall by choice or by circumstances, the company has
been bent towards debt financing.
5.5.2 - Tata Motors:
Tata Motors have been consistently paying dividends and hence keeping shareholder
interests alive. Moreover, they have been busy establishing new plants to meet their commitment
of Nano. The development of Nano itself must have forced them to incur heavy expenses in
Hence, overall the situation for Tata Motors is not in favor of Debt financing given that
mortgage charges against such huge plant and machinery equipment plus the long term interest
rates may add large burdens on their already “not so promising” fundamentals. But, Purchase of
Jaguar and Land Rover again has happened at more than 20% of their annual revenues which
already must have put them into liquidity troubles. Hence, they may end up bending towards
debt financing if they undergo financial distress in the near future. Also, interest rates of debt
financing from 2006 onwards have not been attractive.
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They have been performing quite well on the NYSE and the Bombay Stock Exchange (it
is called SENSEX). However, their performance in 2009 will determine how much they can
continue with equity financing. As per theories discussed above, increase in debt financing will
affect their dividend payments as well which may lead to further reduction in equity component.
Hence, they have to plan their capital budgeting carefully to achieve optimum financial
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
6 | Different Valuation Methods.
In this section we present details of various valuation techniques and their merits under
different scenarios of valuation. The valuation of a company is not absolute such that every
market expert may arrive at identical results. It depends upon the perceptions of risks, the
opportunities that the company can avail, the nature of financials of the company, the overall
organizational strategy for running operations and doing business, the time horizon in which the
analytics is being carried out, comparison with other companies, etc.
Hence, the valuations largely differs with the purpose of valuation – tax calculations,
raise capital from investors, management buyout, parting ways among shareholders, estate
planning, merger or acquisition, financial reporting, employee stock holder ship, etc. An industry
expert says – “Change the question and you change the value of the company” (Lamb, David.
2007). Example, the valuation is lower for the purpose of parting ways or tax planning but is
higher for the purpose of raising additional capital from investors or selling the company.
Lamb, David (2007), a business valuation consultant, argues that the valuation of a
company is analogous to the valuation of real estate property. The value of a house is not
calculated based on the overall cost of materials (bricks, mortar, cement, steel, etc) used to
construct the house. The only way to find out its value is put the house on sale and find a buyer.
The amount of money that buyers are willing to pay for the house becomes its market value.
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Many factors heavily contribute to its market value – location of the house, schools,
hospitals, markets, transportation, etc. in the vicinity of the house, scenic quality of surroundings
(say lake facing or river facing), etc. Most of these factors cannot be measured accurately and
hence are valued by virtue of perceptions of the potential buyers.
Likewise, the valuation of a company is not completely based on the cost of buildings,
plant and machineries, furnishings, inventory, etc. rather is based on many market driven factors,
like the market beta introduced earlier in this dissertation. In fact assessment of tangible assets of
a business can better be termed as “appraisal” rather than “valuation”.
The valuation will include tangible as well as non-tangible assets whereby the intangible
assets may include customer databases, telephone numbers, operating history, brand equity and
heritage, files and records both in paper formats and computerized formats, intellectual
properties, designs, documentations, knowledge base, etc.
6.1 - Overview of Valuation Techniques.
Dagiliene and Kovaliov et al. (2006) carried out an investigation into the correlations
between accounting data and company valuation to discover that they are getting more and more
distant with the increased complexity of modern valuation techniques. The traditional method of
company valuation is to look into the size of earnings. However, in the modern context there are
many factors that contribute to the insufficiency of accounting information in deciding the value
of a company.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Some of the factors are:–
R&D expenditures: The R&D expenditures directly reduce the size of profit
although the company’s overall value might be increasing.
Valuation of intangible assets: A substantial part of intangible assets of a
company cannot be accounted for and included in the balanced sheet due to
limitations or lack of accounting rules and principles pertaining to them.
Recognition of expenditures: many expenditures like reorganization and
restructuring during mergers and acquisitions have many non-quantifiable
components (like the efforts of executives, special task forces, etc.) that cannot be
taken in the overall valuation. One may like to call them – cost to process an
Analysis of profitability factors: Accounting information is static and depends
upon history; complex calculations like time value of cash cannot be incorporated
in the profitability factors of accounting statements.
Qualitative Parameters: Many qualitative parameters of an organization like –
loyalty of customers and employees, internal competencies and knowledge,
creativity of the organization, culture, motivation, encouragement, etc. also
contribute to the value creation. For example, an organization with high
profitability but poor employee satisfaction and internal disputes may lose marks
in overall valuation. Such factors cannot be reflected in the accounting statements.
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developments, industry forecasts, etc. going in the favor of the organization are
also included in the valuation.
There are four broad methodologies of company valuation:– Asset valuation, Income
based valuation, Cash Flow based valuation and Market based valuation. Following are the
techniques that are used under these valuation methodologies:
(a) Asset Based Valuation:
i. Adjusted Book Value
ii. Book Value
iii. Liquidation Value
iv. Substantial Value
v. Intellectual Property Valuation
(b) Income Based Valuation:
i. Value of Earnings
ii. Value of Dividends
iii. Sales Multiples
iv. Other Miscellaneous Multiples
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
(c) Cash Flow Based Valuation:
i. Free Cash Flow
ii. Equity Cash Flow
iii. Capital Cash Flow
iv. Net Present Value
v. Economic Value Added
vi. Market Value Added
(d) Market Based Valuation:
i. Dividend Paying Capacity
ii. Price to Earning Ratios
iii. Earning Per Share
iv. Price to Book Value
[Shelton, Fred. 2001]
6.2 - Asset Based Valuation.
Asset based approach is also called cost based approach in which the valuation of the
company is carried out by accumulating the costs that would be required for replacing or selling
off the assets. The fundamental approach to this approach is that an investor would not like to
pay the cost price of the asset but would rather like to pay the replacement cost of the asset as per
the market valuation.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
This approach is not a seller friendly approach because certain assets devaluate in the
market very rapidly due to technological changes, currency fluctuations or reduction of inflation.
Examples of such assets are computers, cars, mobile phones, etc. However buyers do like this
valuation because asset based valuation may end up achieving the lowest value of a company
assuming that it is a startup. Some assets like buildings and land do result in larger valuations.
The primary advantages of asset based valuation are:
a. Measure of security in valuation of company shares
b. Measure of added value when comparing with other similar firms
c. Measure of the baseline cost of a company before outcomes of other valuations
are added
The primary disadvantages of asset based valuation are:
(a) Lack of professional valuation experts that specialize in a particular asset type
(b) Very much speculation driven
(c) Realization of true value of assets is a difficult task
(d) No definite market for assets that can guide on their market valuation – example,
commercial land, buildings, cars, etc. are all driven by availability of interested buyers
which may not happen during the valuation process.
[Fernandez. 2004]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The primary methods of asset valuation are – Book Value, Adjusted Book Value, Liquidation
Value and Substantial Value; these values are defined below:
Book Value: Book Value is also called Net Worth. It is defined as the value of shareholders’
equities stated in the balanced sheet that includes capital and reserves. This is purely based on
accounting statements and hence is unlikely to be realistic.
Adjusted Book Value: This is the Book Value on the balanced sheet of a company that includes
the values of assets and liabilities adjusted to market values.
Liquidation Value: The term liquidation is directly related to cash. The liquidation value is thus
the immediate cash that can be generated after all assets on the balanced sheet is sold quickly and
the debts and liquidation expenses (like layoff compensation to employees, taxes, duties, etc.) are
paid off. Such a valuation is carried out to plan for an unforeseen event of bankruptcy.
Substantial Value: Substantial valuation can be carried out to establish an investment required to
form an identical company to the one being valued. It is also called “Asset Replacement
[Fernandez. 2004]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Intellectual Property Valuation: This section shall be presented in considerable depth given the
complexity of the subject. Intellectual Property Valuation can result in higher market valuation
of a company if the tangibility factor can be assessed, demonstrated, documented and approved
by experts. Intangible assets are of two types – Identifiable intangible assets and Unidentifiable
intangible assets.
The identifiable intangible assets are the intellectual property assets like Patents, Designs,
Know How, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Brand Names, Trademarks, etc. Intellectual Property
Assets can be easily identified due to its “legal existence”.
Unidentifiable intangible assets are Reputation, Goodwill, Management Team, Customer
Base, Distribution Networks, Trained Workforce, etc. which are critical components of the
company itself. The unidentifiable intangible assets normally form the residual part of the
company value after all other assets including the Intellectual Property assets have been included
in the valuation statements.
In order that the intellectual property can be included in the asset list, they need to be
identifiable as discrete legal entities (like copyrights, having ISSN numbers, patented, etc.),
should be justified to be value adding to the ongoing business, should be adequately protected
and not available to general public (like sound access controls on the IT systems) and should be
transferable to the buyer.
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The IP assets need to be grouped adequately to ensure that they are packaged with all the
required information that is essential for the buyer to make use of it. For example, a product
patent is of no use without the underlying know-how, recipes, manufacturing methodology, etc.
The financial valuation of Intellectual Properties is more complex than valuing tangible assets. In
order to arrive at appropriate costing of the IP asset, the following parameters should be
(a) What is the type of IP being valued – Copyright, Design, Trade Secrets, Patents, Brand
Names, Trademarks, Know How etc.?
(b) For whom the valuation is being carried out?
(c) What is the overall purpose (or purposes) of the valuation?
(d) On which date the valuation is being carried out (important to assess obsolescence of the
(e) What valuation method should be chosen to value the asset? The valuation methods for
Intellectual Properties are Market Value (if similar assets have been sold recently), Cost
based (historical costs attached), Projected Economic benefits that the asset can ensure
for the buyer, etc.
[Turner. 2000]
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6.3 - Income Based Valuation.
Income based earnings are essentially based on the income statements of the firm. The valuation
carried out here is based on sales, earnings and such other performance indicators. The primary
factors that this valuation technique takes into account are – Status of the Industry, Status of the
firm in the said industry, Marketability, Asset backing and liquidity and dividends paid. The
primary advantages of asset based valuation are:
(a) Provides perfect information of valuation
(b) Perfect valuation method for the sellers
(c) Value of Dividends is known to the shareholders
(d) Companies consistently paying dividends achieve higher values
(e) Company’s true market standing is visualized in the said industry
(f) Future of the industry (where the company is operating) is also visible
[Fernandez. 2004]
The primary disadvantages of this valuation technique are:
(a) Companies not paying dividends are not necessarily at lower values – it can be due to
certain invisible impending factors like terms of the creditors
(b) Companies need to tangibly demonstrate enough profitable projects to claim that they can
maintain the dividends (sometimes, companies increase debt to pay outstanding
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
(c) Dividend policies can be changed after takeover in case the valuation is carried out for an
M&A thus giving wrong picture to the investors
(d) Taxation and Issuance expenses do not get exposed adequately
The primary methods of income based valuations are – value of earnings; derived from price to
earnings ratio, value of dividends, sales multiples, and some other miscellaneous multiples.
Value of Earnings: In this method, the value of the equity is calculated by multiplying the net
annual income with the PE ratio (introduced before in this dissertation).
Value of Dividends: As introduced earlier, dividends are parts of the earnings that are paid out to
the shareholders. In this valuation method, the net present value of the dividends is evaluated.
The valuation formula used is:
Equity Value = Dividend Per Share distributed in the last year / required return on equity
However, if Dividend is expected to grow indefinitely at a constant annual rate then the equity
value is obtained as:
Equity Value = Dividend Per Share for the next year / [required return on equity – constant
annual rate of growth of the dividend]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Empirically, it has been observed that the growth rate of equities of a company reduces if the
company tends to pay more dividends to shareholders. This is because majority of profits are
distributed to shareholders thus resulting in lesser money for funding the growth.
Sales Multiple: In this valuation method, the company’s value is calculated by multiplying its
sales by a number. The number is determined by market analysis of an industry and is normally
fixed for certain industries in an year.
Other Multiples (introduced earlier):
Price to Sales Ratio = Price / Earnings (PE) X Earnings / Sales
[The earnings / sales is normally referred to as return on sales.]
Equity Value to Book value ratio
Working Capital to Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
Working Capital to Earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)
[Fernandez. 2004]
6.3 - Cash Flow Based Valuation.
This is the most widely used valuation technique from seller’s perspective and normally
gives seller friendly results when carried out in conjunction with income based valuations. In
fact, given the shear complexity of the methods, the sellers can achieve higher valuation if they
play with the numbers smartly.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
In this method, the company valuation is carried out first estimating the future cash flows and
then discounting the same at a discounted rate commensurate with the risks. There are not too
many advantages of this method because it is largely based on speculations and some kind of
“numbers” (like market beta, discount rates, etc) that come out very complex systems that are
hardly understood by vanilla investors. The primary advantages of cash flow based valuation are:
(a) If done properly, the real underlying picture of the company can be exposed
(b) It is completely seller friendly because the buyer shall hardly have strong arguments
against the forecasts. At the most they can increase the discounting rates but will have to
justify them.
(c) The method is friendly to accountants who can use the inputs from the accounting
(d) Although outcomes may not be reliable, it is the only conceptually correct valuation
The primary disadvantages of this method are:
(a) Largely based on market driven speculations
(b) It is very difficult to select appropriate cost and structure of the Capital
(c) Estimates of future cash flows are largely unreliable when the company is largely equity
financed; however it is more reliable when the company is largely debt financed
(d) Not best understood by minority investors
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
(e) Valuations can be volatile that are subject to market beta fluctuations due to impending
factors like interest rate fluctuations, inflation fluctuations, currency conversion
fluctuations, etc.
(f) Not reliable to assess return on investment for the investors; hence projects having NPVs
marginally above zero should not be considered.
[Fernandez. 2004]
The primary techniques for cash flow based valuations are – Free Cash Flow, Capital Cash Flow,
Net Present Value, Economic Value Added, and Market Value Added.
Free Cash Flow: The free cash flow projection of a company is the after tax operating cash flow
projection of a company without taking into account the debt. The free cash flow can be used to
calculate projections in debt cash flow and equity cash flow. The debt cash flow is very easy to
calculate; it is the sum of principal repayments and interest payments. In case of fully debt
financed companies (like private firms) the debt’s market value is equal to the book value. The
equity cash flow however is complex and is normally treated separately.
Equity Cash Flow: The equity cash flow projection is normally calculated from given free cash
flow and debt cash flow. This is the easiest way of its calculation given its complexity as such.
The formula for Equity cash Flow is as presented below:
Equity Cash Flow = Free Cash Flow – [interest payments X (1 – Tax Rate)] – Principal
Repayments + New Debt
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
This equation may have simplified the projection of Equity Cash Flow but the dividends
and other expected payments to shareholders must be factored into the equity cash flows.
The cash flow projections assume that the capital structure will remain unchanged during the
valuation period. Change in capital structure may change in internal components of the cash flow
keeping the overall cash flow projection constant.
Capital Cash Flow: Capital cash flow projection is the sum of the debt cash flow projection and
the equity cash flow projection.
Net Present Value: Already introduced earlier
Economic Value Added: Commonly known as EVA, it is presented by the following simple
EVA = Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) – Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
X Firm Capital
Hence, the key parameter that defines the EVA is the WACC that is already introduced
earlier in this dissertation. However, let us analyze the significance of WACC and EVA. As
analyzed earlier, any business capital is financed by a combination of Debt and Equity.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
However, the stakeholders of debt and equity are different and most of the times have
conflicting interests. But the finance managers of a company should choose an optimum
combination of debt and equity such that the company is efficiently financed keeping in view the
taxation treatments of interest of debt and of profit.
Hence, to determine the WACC of the capital the cost of debt, cost of equity and
proportions of both need to be determined for optimum efficiency in capital finance of a
company. The correct cost of debt should be assessed after analyzing the systematic risks and
arriving at optimum efficiency of the financed company.
Most companies do so by assessing the risk free rate and then assessing the debt risk
premium expected to be incurred over a period by a comparable company having similar
business and regulatory risks.
The correct cost of equity is analyzed using the CAPM method presented earlier in this
dissertation. The Equity Risk premium however is not as straight forward as debt risk premium.
By vanilla definition, equity risk premium is defined as the extra return over and above risk free
rate. (Cambridge Economic Policy Associates. 2006)
Hence, EVA essentially is the true return on capital (true economic profit) after making
the adjustments pertaining to WACC.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Market Value Added (MVA): The market value added is equal to the market value of the firm
(value of firm’s debt and equity) subtracted by the capital invested in the firm. Essentially, MVA
is equivalent to PV for all the future expected EVAs. Negative MVA reveals destruction of
company wealth and positive MVA means construction of company wealth over and above the
invested capital. (
[Fernandez. 2004]
6.4 - Market Based Valuation.
Market based valuation is an external perspective of valuation of a company. The ratios
are already discussed earlier in this dissertation. This valuation technique essentially requires the
values to be compared with comparable companies operating in the market. There is a lot of
emphasis on market based valuation especially in the context of fair valuation regulation of
SFAS 157. The next section presents a brief on the fair valuation code presented by SFAS 157
and 159.
6.5 - A Note on Fair Value.
In an interview with Mr. Robert H Herz, FASB Chairman, he emphasized that the SFAS
157 was not the first introduction of the concept of Fair Value measurements in the accounting
world. Fair Value has appeared in many standards in the last few decades and hence is not a new
concept by any chance.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
However, a consolidated standard of fair value from GAAP perspective was needed for
quite some time and hence SFAS 157 was introduced to fulfill this criteria. The emphasis of fair
value is to provide accurate information to those individuals that study financial statements and
then take decisions on investments and credits based on such statements in the debt and equity
Fair value is not essentially a replacement of historical costs but is an additional
projection to the users of the accounting statements about the current market valuation of assets
whereby cash assets and cash equivalents should be presented separately showing different
Mr. Herz insisted that accounting professionals have all the rights to accommodate both
fair value and historical costing in one accounting model but fair value is mandatory from GAAP
perspective. He informed that prior to working on SFAS statement 157 they interviewed some of
portfolio managers and financial analysts from the industry that work upon analytics of
companies that handle energy trading regarding feasibility of fair value.
These portfolio managers and financial analysts preferred “fair value with additional
disclosure” taking the learning from Enron meltdown that largely occurred due to scam against
fair valuation. [Kranacher, Mary-Jo and Morris, Tom. 2007]
Now here is the point presented – why should people learn and adopt best practices only
after major scandals, scams or crisis has occurred and billions of dollars and future of millions of
people have been drained down? There is lot of opposition against fair value norms of FASB
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
However, If FASB has concluded that fair value measurement should be the way of life
of the accounting professionals in the industry, they must have gone through loads of analysis
before making this mandatory for all companies.
The accounting professionals are accountable to develop detailed methodologies of
implementing fair value norms in accounting statements by coming out of their comfort zones
because the accountability of such professionals is to protect the interest of investors in the
publicly listed companies and overall protect the nations from financial crisis that causes
enormous embarrassment, loss of money, unemployment, and an overall reputational loss of the
nation in front of the world.
The SFAS statement no. 157 defines the fair value, establishes a framework for
measuring fair value as per GAAP norms and elaborates the disclosure requirements for fair
value measurements. As per SFAS 157, fair value is the “exit price” of an asset that would be
realized on making its sale or else transferring the liabilities between market participants via an
orderly transaction from sellers to buyers.
Fair value is not measured as the “entry price” which is the price at which the asset can
be acquired on the measurement date. The valuation techniques required by SFAS 157 are
market Approach, Income Approach as well as Cost Approach as introduced earlier in this
chapter. The approach or combination of approaches for fair value measurements depends on
case to case basis in various organizations.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
However, it is expected from the reporting entities that all the valuation techniques
should be used to measure fair value of the company as such. In the market approach,
comparison with identical or comparable assets prevailing in the market is required to be carried
out. In income approach, the assumptions by market participants on the future cash equivalent
value of the asset (like discounted cash flow and present value) needs to be worked out. The cost
approach takes into account the replacement cost of the asset as per market data. [Fuglister,
Jayne and Bloom, Robert. 2008; Zacharski, Anthony. H. and Rosenblat, Alan et al. 2007]
The SFAS statement 157 also requires three levels of valuation in the “fair value
hierarchy” whereby the first level has highest priority and the third level has lowest priority in
the valuation process. The first level corresponds to “quoted prices” in the active markets for
identical or equivalent assets/liabilities that the reporting entity has access to on the day of
The second level corresponds to observable quoted prices of identical or equivalent assets
in the active and inactive markets or the market inputs on the asset/liability such as interest rates,
yield curves, etc.; or the market inputs not directly observable but from some observable inputs
that can be useful in deriving the value of identical assets or equivalents on the measurement
date. Active markets are those where the transactions pertaining to the asset or liability occurs at
sufficient frequency or volumes.
The third Level corresponds to unobservable inputs based on self made assumptions by
the reporting entity as such. For inputs based on bid-ask prices, the statement requires that the
best price within the bid-ask spread should be used irrespective of the hierarchical position (first,
second or third level positions) of the inputs.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
For restricted stock prices, the statement requires that the pricing of an identical
unrestricted security from the issuer traded in the public market should be adjusted to facilitate
the market participants in taking into account the restrictions in pricing of the restricted asset.
In the section of disclosures, the statement has defined that the reporting entities should
not only disclose the accounting statements with fair value estimates but also disclose the inputs
and hierarchical levels in arriving at the estimates as such.
If fair value estimations have been carried out using too many unobservable inputs (third
level), then the reporting entity is supposed to disclose gains and losses within the estimation
period and the purchases, sales, issuances, settlements and transfers of all assets. [Zacharski,
Anthony. H. and Rosenblat, Alan et al. 2007]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
A complete view of Fair Value Hierarchy is presented in following Figure:
Figure 19: The three levels of the Fair Value Hierarchy
Source: Fuglister, Jayne and Bloom, Robert. 2008. pp2
Miller and Bahnson (2007) reinforced the statement of Mr. Robert Hetz that “fair value
estimates have been introduced in GAAP through a number of standards in the past decades” by
further stating that after introduction of SFAS 157 and 159, the fair value accounting is no longer
the theoretical abstraction of some kind of some philosophy but has now become a practically
executable accounting practice possessing clear cut guidelines and accountabilities.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
It should be in the interest of CPAs to quickly practice this new system within their
professional frameworks and get ready to publish SFAS 157 compliant accounting statements.
The fair value hierarchy as defined by SFAS 157 clearly sets the requirement of “precision of
valuation” by the reporting entities.
Ratcliffe, Thomas A. (2007) argues that companies and auditors should target to achieve
substantial improvement in financial reporting by making use of compliance to SFAS 157 and
159 rather than just producing compliant accounting statements. This statement has definitely
raised the bar of disclosure but also has provided an opportunity for improvement in the legacy
accounting system that has too many flaws as such with respect to market valuation of
organizational assets.
S&P rating services argued that accounting for assets and liabilities based on market
inputs can hide the detailed economics of certain businesses when markets are facing volatility
and uncertainty. In such cases, as per S&P, the reporting entities should be disclosing much more
information for the benefits of the users like valuation methodologies, underlying risks, volatility
witnessed, assumptions made, market adjustments and sensitivities and such other factors in
order to provide the bigger picture amidst the uncertain and volatile situations.
[Anonymous Author report in CPA journal in Vol.78. No.7. 2008]
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
6.6 - Which Valuation methods are most suitable for Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors?
After carrying out a comprehensive assessments of the popular company valuation
techniques and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, the following conclusions can be
First of all, from the perspective of accounting departments of both the companies, it may
be easy to value the assets given that they have the purchase details and depreciations on their
accounting statements historically.
However, whatever they will arrive shall be the book value of the assets. They must have
applied their analysis taking into account the market valuation data and must have arrived at a
market value of assets. However, from a buyer’s perspective it is a nightmare to arrive at true
market value of the assets of these two companies.
The buyers will end up paying consulting fees for months to asset analysts but still may
not achieve the fair valuation. Hence, from an outsider’s perspective, Income Method and Cash
Flow Method are more suitable for these companies.
Applicability of income method and cash flow method on both companies are evaluated below:
6.6.1 - Ford Motor Company:
As we have seen that Ford Motor Company has been largely debt financed in the past.
Hence, the cash flow technique shall have minimal errors because debt forecasts are relatively
easier due to clarity in their market values.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
However, in valuation of Net Present value, the applicable discount rates shall be higher
because the company has been doing pretty bad in the past few years and also have not paid
dividends in 2007 and 2008. For this reason, the income valuation of Ford Motor company shall
fair very badly. It would not be easy to predict the dividend payouts of the company in coming
years. The forecasts on EPS have already been predicted earlier in this dissertation which states
that Ford Motor Company may break even in 2011 (partially in 2010).
It is very difficult to suggest that Ford Motor Company is having an optimal capital
budget structure at present. Given that they are largely debt financed, the old empirical theories
tend to point that they have a better capital structure at present. But this structure appears to be
more due to circumstances than choice because the trading volumes on the stock markets have
reduced considerably for them.
Ford Motor definitely has a strong brand equity given its heritage and legacy. In addition,
although not reported publicly, one can imagine that the know how behind the interchangeable
parts model of flexible assembly lines, that has done wonders in the good days of Ford Motor
Company is a priceless asset that they have. It is not easy to determine what shall be the overall
valuation of the intellectual properties of Ford Motor Company but it is for sure that the prices
can only be afforded by some of the richest entities of the world.
Lastly, is market valuation the right technique for Ford Motor? The answer is yes but
comparison with a company having similar size, risk premium, business potential, market spread
etc. will be a difficult task.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
For example, the current comparison between Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors is
not feasible from market valuation perspectives. Although they may be sharing similar
systematic risks of the automobile market, their individual risk premiums shall differ
Moreover, size of Tata Motors is only a fraction of the size of Ford Motor Company.
They possess different competencies, different markets, different market segments, different
attitudes, different prices, different technologies, and so on. One good comparison between the
two is that they both have roots of British style of motor manufacturing and also they have their
roots that started in 19th Century. Hence, both the companies carry forward an old heritage
although in different countries and markets.
Overall, the best companies to be compared with Ford Motor Company might be General
Motors, Mercedes Benz, Toyota Motors, Mitsubishi.
6.6.2 - Tata Motors:
Tata Motors have completely different capital structure compared with Ford Motor
Company. They have been largely equity financed in the past four years. Hence, the cash flow
analysis for Tata Motors will require more of market valuation of equity than market value of
debt thus making the valuation relatively more difficult.
Moreover, Tata Motors is not very old on the NYSE and hence the market largely lacks
historical data about them to evaluate correct market beta. Combining data from Bombay Stock
Exchange and NYSE is not feasible due to different mode of operations and numerous technical
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
difficulties. This has been seen in the market valuation of Tata Motors earlier in this dissertation.
Hence, arriving at the right discount level for Tata Motors is difficult given these scenarios.
It may be more feasible to carry out Income based valuation of Tata Motors than cash
flow based valuation at least in 2009. If cash flow analysis is preferred, they should be
discounted at higher rates currently to play safe in their net present value calculations.
Income based valuation of Tata Motors have many positive signs – they have been
paying dividends, they have remained profitable in past four years, they have developed a
sizeable market capital on NYSE and hence overall, Tata Motors appears to be a good
investment opportunity for investors.
However, the investors should be cautious about there current systematic risks – their
purchase of Jaguar and Land Rover at a cost that is more than 20% of their net revenues and the
recent Singur crisis that reeled them into a $400 million losses and more importantly opportunity
losses because they shall be more than an year late in the delivery of Tata Nano cars.
In terms of market valuation, again it doesn’t seem to be suitable at present because there
aren’t many competitive companies listed on NYSE. For time being, their comparison with
smaller local players in US may sound OK but fair valuation will remain a challenge.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
6.7 - Revisiting Balanced Score Carding of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors.
It was emphasized in the Balanced Score Card section under the strategic analysis section
that the balanced score carding of Ford Motor Company and Tata Motors shall be revisited after
completion of their valuation. The Balanced Score card of Ford Motor company is presented in
the table below.
The points mentioned under Vision and Strategy, Financial, Customer, Internal Business
Processes and Learning and Growth are outcomes of the strategic analysis and valuation in this
dissertation and are totally our own viewpoint.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
To improve financial performance in coming years
To overcome from the cash loss in 2008 and
maintain a cash flow that shall result in positive Net
Present Value.
To Break Even by 2011
To re-pay principal components of debts as fast as
To start paying dividends to investors
To downsize to such an extent that the company
achieves “right size” as per the future outlook of the
global automobile markets
To increase equity component in the Capital
To achieve shareholder satisfaction as fast as
To continue to provide
high quality products to
customers with localized
To develop new
customer friendly
technologies like low
emission cars, hybrid
cars, etc.
To develop new markets
in developing countries
more aggressively.
Vision and Strategy:
Internal Business
To become the number one Motor Company of the To improve the
Supply Chain by
To become profitable by 2011.
using more than one
To drive new innovations to delight the customers.
To manage risks more effectively.
To find out gaps in internal processes and bridge To empower the
local country heads
them gradually.
to operate as
independent profit
center heads.
To enhance country
level technical
competencies by
decentralizing the
R&D function.
Learning and Growth:
To manage the systematic risks of the company
more effectively by learning from the past.
To develop new product innovations and using them
to diversify into new markets.
To learn from the success factors of competitors like
Toyota and adopt their practices.
To develop and open and receptive culture of
Table 11: Balanced Score Carding of Ford Motor Company
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
The following table presents the balanced score carding of Tata Motors. The points mentioned
herewith are again an outcome of the strategic analysis and valuation and are based solely on the
viewpoints of the authors:
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
To improve financial performance in coming years
To improve cash flow in coming years to ensure
positive present value of cash flow even at high
discount rates.
To re-pay principal components of debts as fast as
To consistently pay dividends to investors
To improve market capitalization on NYSE and
establish as a powerful global player.
To continue to provide
high quality products to
customers with localized
To develop Tata Nano to
meet global standards
To develop new small
car markets in developed
as well as developing
countries more
Vision and Strategy:
Internal Business
To become the number one small car supplier of the To improve the
world with the help of innovations and timely Supply Chain by
delivery of Tata Nano.
using global
To meet the European emission and safety norms in
suppliers as well.
Tata Nano.
To continue to delight the domestic customers of
To drive new innovations to delight the global
To manage risks more effectively.
To find out gaps in internal processes and bridge
them gradually.
To improve quality and knowledge management
To continue to nurture Jaguar and Land Rover to
achieve better big car markets in UK and Europe.
To get the best out of
Jaguar and Land
To enhance the
customer delivery
and support
specifically to meet
the commitments of
Tata Nano.
Learning and Growth:
To manage the systematic risks of the company
more effectively by learning from the past.
To develop multiple variants of Tata Nano as per
global needs by applying suitable innovations.
To learn from the mistakes of Singur and develop
internal practices to avoid such mistakes in future.
To establish as many plants possible in quickest
possible time to meet the delivery commitments of
Tata Nano.
To develop and open and receptive culture of
Table 12: Balanced Score Carding of Tata Motors
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
7 | Conclusions.
After a long spell of analysis, it is now time to conclude the dissertation. As indicated in
the beginning, the objective of this dissertation was to evaluate various strategic analysis
techniques and company valuation techniques and then apply them on the case studies of Ford
Motor Company and Tata Motors.
The analysis started with history of both the companies and thereafter the strategic
analytics based on SWOT analysis, Ansoff matrix, Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model, Michael
Porter’s Diamond Model, and Balanced Scorecard Strategic framework have been carried out.
The strategic framework helped in viewing in-depth strategic & management framework of both
the companies. This analysis helped in arriving at an analytics that presented the broad
perspective of their internal and external factors in the company.
Thereafter, the various valuation techniques have been presented in this dissertation. First
the valuation metrics have been presented without going in depth into the valuation techniques
and then an analysis of various theoretical analysis based on empirical generalizations have been
carried out.
The theoretical analytics have been carried out to arrive at arguments on the capital
structure of both the companies, their financial ratio valuations, their net present value analytics
and some conclusions on the cash related challenges of both the companies in the next few years.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
After these analytics, the various valuation techniques have been introduced and a
general argument presented on which technique is suitable for both the companies given their
current scenarios, their standing in the market and the market dynamics.
The theoretical literature help substantially in establishing a sound theoretical foundation
of a dissertation which can be later used to fine tune the though process in the data collection,
analysis of case studies, presentation of results, critical discussions and conclusions. Moreover,
the empirical generalizations apply very well in theoretical foundation of the entire analysis.
They have been elementary in reaching logical conclusions against the strategic analysis
as well as valuations. In this research, the selection of the two companies was done based on
some headlines that had rocked the UK and the entire world largely – the sale of Jaguar & Land
Rover by Ford Motor Company to Tata Motors. This news actually gave us a clue that there shall
be multiple links between these two organizations which shall be evident once the strategic
analytics are carried out effectively.
The dissertation started with thought process with no clarity in the beginning but finally
leading to an end to end document which is theoretically an optimum document that a student
can arrive at academically based on market published data about the two companies. This reveals
that a systematic structured process can unleash a number of secrets that can build the structure
of a complex dissertation of this kind.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Strategic Analysis and Company Valuation are not easy tasks for a student given that
they are very complex even for seasoned practitioners. The task became even more complex as
the two companies chosen are altogether from different geographies with completely different
business models and target markets.
Ford Motor Company is known for their global innovations capability with competencies
of building local products compatible with environments of practically every country of this
world. On the contrary, Tata Motors have largely developed products as per Indian conditions
and have not done very well in their attempt to enter European markets although they have been
doing well in small sized trucks (Tata Sierra) in the UK markets.
Comparisons of strategic analysis and valuations of these two companies faired to be
very difficult given that multiple data sources needed to be consolidated to reach standardized
information framework. It finally has been successful only because of support from databases,
money sites, third party independent analytics and past scholarly articles, researches &
dissertations from the university library.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
To conclude the dissertation, following are the outcomes about Ford Motor Company and
Tata Motors:
Ford Motor Company:
Ford Motor Company has been the King of innovations in the automobile industry. Ford
R&D and their all time proven innovation of interchangeable parts in moving assembly lines
resulted in phenomenal global expansion for them. They are an old heritage that once ruled the
global automobile markets of the world. In fact some of the most prestigious motor brands of the
world have been owned by Ford Motor Company.
They have witnessed some of the best times in terms of revenues and profitability and
enjoy a large customer base even today. However, some of the mistakes like the Ford 2000
initiative caused irreparable damages for which Ford Motor Company is still paying the price
and in this context they completely went the wrong way and hence could not withstand Japanese
competitors that were quick to grab Ford’s own home market in USA.
As presented earlier in terms of mapping with Michael Porter’s five forces theory, Ford
Motor Company was badly hit by new entrants in the market. They indulged deep into debt
financing due to financial crisis and hence have today become largely debt financed company.
They had to sell Jaguar and Land Rover companies to Tata Motors to build some cash which,
however are peanuts because bad times are continuing. Moreover, they haven’t paid dividends
for past two years and hence are losing shareholder confidence.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
They have not been able to manage their cash flows and have lost substantial cash in
2008 and are rapidly closing extra plant capacities and laying off people to downsize as per their
current market standing. We carried out net present value analysis and concluded that to keep
NPV positive for next five years for Ford Motor Company is challenging task given that they
would be discounted at higher rates. However, the current financial outlook by expert analysts
project that they shall break even in 2011.
Tata Motors:
Tata Motors is relatively new to vehicle manufacturing business and also has been
recently listed on NYSE. They are not yet known for global innovations but possess a strong
indigenous market in India that they are trying to use as a foundation to establish themselves into
the global markets.
They possess a strong, efficient & low cost supply chain network localized in India but
practically no supply chain at global levels. Just like For Motor Company, Tata Motors also
possess brand heritage in the form of Tata Group which is one of the oldest & most successful
industrial house in India. Very recently, Tata Motors made headlines by acquiring Jaguar and
Land Rover from Ford Motor Company and launching the world’s cheapest car called Tata
However, in their local Indian market they faced a major setback due to political
disturbances when their Tata Nano manufacturing plant at Singur (a place in West Bengal which
is an eastern state of India) was shut down. This setback has raised questions on the delivery
commitments of Tata Motors against the orders that they have booked indigenously and globally.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
Currently they are at least one year late in meeting commitment of delivery of Tata Nano
and hence have already opened room for new entrants in this business which may prove to be
disastrous for them. Their financial outlook is appearing to be strong with profits made every
year and dividend payments made regularly.
However, their cash flow forecast places them at slightly riskier position even at nominal
discount rates although they are bound to be discounted at higher rates for time being due to
lesser information available on their market beta analysis. Overall, they are largely equity
financed but 2009 needs to be watched closely to analyze changes in their Capital Structure.
One of their major challenges is to meet European safety & emission standards on Tata
Nano because they have already failed once in the European market and are not yet known for
developing global cars and hence have not yet built a sound global brand equity. Hence,
currently they appear to be an overambitious company whereby an effective market campaigning
of Tata Nano has brought them at a global platter but it appears that end of the day they may just
end up capturing their local Indian market.
Miel van Blitterswijk & Rosen Karadzhov
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