social studies Complete Package of ABC News with John Stossel DVD • $310.95 • K51646-002 available on VHS | DVD | Digital Delivery VHS • $206.95 • K51646-001 Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity Part 1 Spark Meaningful Discussion and Debate About Today’s Issues with John Stossel Use the provocative and passionate analyses of ABC News correspondent John Stossel to launch research projects and challenge high school students to think for themselves. social studies • Grades 9–12 Teacher Tools 18 Educator’s Guides are available online for every ABC News Classroom video and DVD. These valuable resources offer lesson-planning ideas, activities, extensions, and assessments that make it easier than ever to integrate these thought-provoking programs into your social studies, civics, science, health, and character education and ethics curricula. Digital Delivery available! Stossel’s list of popularly reported misconceptions. Challenge students to rethink what they “know” about ten relevant topics—from gun control to toxic chemicals. 40 minutes • Grades 9–12 Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51646-006 $51.95 • VHS • #51646-001 Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity Part 2 Fact or fiction? More myth-busting from Stossel. Let students find out what experts have to say about ten popularly held beliefs. A great way to foster critical thinking and research skills. 40 minutes • Grades 9–12 Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51646-007 Myths, Lies, and Nasty Behavior Question what “everyone knows;” Challenge what “everyone does.” True or false? The price of gas is higher than ever… suburban sprawl is terrible… outsourcing kills American jobs. John Stossel’s popular series debunking common beliefs will show students that it pays to look beneath the surface. 37 minutes • Grades 9–12 Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51646-009 $51.95 • VHS • #51646-004 $51.95 • VHS • #51646-002 Tampering with Nature Doomsday? No way! Investigate the outcry over genetic engineering, concerns about human cloning, and warnings about Earth’s ecosystem. Find out why John Stossel thinks tampering with nature is not necessarily a bad idea. Food Myths Food for thought from 20/20’s John Stossel. Is margarine healthier than butter? Should you drink eight glasses of water a day? Does sugar make kids hyper? 20/20’s John Stossel lets students hear from experts as he checks out ten widely held food beliefs. 43 minutes • Grades 9–12 28 minutes • Grades 9–12 Classroom Edition DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51646-008 $64.95 • DVD • #51646-010 $51.95 • VHS • #51646-003 $51.95 • VHS • #51646-005 Call 1.800.665.4121 for a customized quote. social studies John Stossel shares his unconventional wisdom in 15 commentaries. Movie ads, file sharing, zero-tolerance policies, school violence—John Stossel applies his unconventional wisdom to 15 topics that high-schoolers will care about. Grades 9–12 Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD •#51646-011 China Emerging In a fast-paced riveting style, this program gives perspective on China’s skyrocketing economic growth and reveals the China of today. Extraordinary ABC News footage accompanied with high quality teachers’ guides allows students to understand “The New China” including its culture, economy and education as well as its evolution as a formidable world force. North Korea: Dispatches from the Edge Classroom Edition DVD ABC News pulls back the Iron Curtain to reveal one of the most mysterious places on Earth as well as one of the most dangerous. North Korea: Dispatches from the Edge will give students the unique opportunity to take an exclusive look at North Korea, a country that closely controls its people, education, image and activities—especially its nuclear program. $64.95 • DVD • #51647-036 21 minutes • Grades 7–12 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-035 Classroom Edition DVD 29 minutes • Grades 7–12 $64.95 • DVD • #51647-034 available on Give Me a Break! VHS | DVD | Digital Delivery China Emerging $51.95 • VHS • #51647-033 Caught Cheating ABC News Primetime Thursday with Charles Gibson Is everyone doing it? Engage students in an exploration of what has been called a crisis in American education: widespread cheating among high school and college students. ABC News travels the world to reveal the dangers of global warming. Through this program, students can travel from the Arctic to the tropics to Glacier National Park in Montana to witness the obvious and frightening changes caused by human habits, like driving uneconomical cars and wasting electricity. 27 minutes • Grades 7–12 Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-032 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-031 40 minutes • Grades 7–12 $64.95 • DVD • #51647-063 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-062 1.888.440.4640 • social studies • Grades 9–12 Global Warming: Rising Temperatures, Rising Fears Visit our website for complete product details. 19 social studies available on VHS | DVD | Digital Delivery Archival primary source footage brings history— as it really happened—right into your classroom. $128.95 • 3 VHS • K51647-006 20% off the set! What are basic human rights? Go around the world to see and hear people in countries where international pressure has affected local practices. Grades 6–12 Global Human Rights Part 1: Global Concerns The Cold War $258.95 • 5 DVDs • K51647-002 $206.95 • 5 VHS • K51647-005 Introduce students to global human rights through political, religious, and ethnic conflicts in Northern Ireland, East Timor, and Rwanda. Grapple with ethical questions raised by the plight of refugees and the international responses to human rights abuses. SAVE 20% Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD off the set! Watch the Cold War unfold and witness its impact on American and Soviet society and economics. Provide compelling visual images and firsthand accounts to augment student understanding of the relationship between the global superpowers from the end of World War II to modern times. $64.95 • DVD • #51647-051 The Cold War Part 3: Cracks in the Wall Nixon’s pivotal 1972 visit to China, his summit with Brezhnev, and SALT I illustrate the new policy of détente. Changes emerging within the Soviet bloc are viewed through the Helsinki Accords, Poland’s Solidarity movement, and Perestroika. Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-044 The Cold War Part 1: The Cold War Begins Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD Social Studies • Grades 9–12 SAVE up to $154.95 • 3 DVDs • K51647-007 Each thematic unit includes videos that combine revealing interviews with newsmakers, powerful documentary film clips and lively commentary all designed to forge connections to the people, places, and events that shaped our world. Contemporary music, fresh graphics, maps and fact files help students evaluate and retain important information. An expanded Educator’s Guide is available online for every thematic unit. Explore the genesis of the Cold War, beginning with the “new world order” created by World War II. Hear Winston Churchill coin the famous phrase, “Iron Curtain.” Analyze diplomatic responses to communism, from the Truman Doctrine to NATO, and assess the crucial role of atomic weaponry. 20 Global Human Rights $51.95 • VHS • #51647-019 The Cold War Part 4: The Fall of Communism The limitations of diplomacy and arms control are evident at the Reykjavik Summit of 1986. Romanian, Czech, and Lithuanian reforms set the stage for the Berlin Wall’s destruction and the subsequent dissolution of the Soviet Union. Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-042 $64.95 • DVD • #51647-045 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-017 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-020 The Cold War Part 2: The Cold War Escalates The Cold War Part 5: Post-Communist Europe Observe America’s fear of domestic communism in the McCarthy hearings and Rosenberg trial. See international tensions increase as Eisenhower and Kennedy grapple with Cuba, the Berlin Wall is built, and Sputnik initiates the Space Race. Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-043 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-018 Examine the destabilization of Europe after the fall of communism: ethnic and religious strife in Chechnya and Yugoslavia, crime in Russia, and economic divisions in reunified Germany. Watch the seeds of liberty flower as countries hold their first democratic elections and religious ceremonies. Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-046 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-021 Digital Delivery available! Call 1.800.665.4121 for a customized quote. $51.95 • VHS • #51647-009 Global Human Rights Part 2: South Africa, a Case Study Travel to South Africa as apartheid is being dismantled and hear from Bishop Desmond Tutu, President P.W. Botha, and other national leaders. Investigate the impact of the Soweto uprisings, economic boycotts, and governmental reforms. Examine Nelson Mandela’s vital role as both an opposition leader and president. Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-052 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-010 Global Human Rights Part 3: China, a Case Study Explore issues of freedom of speech and religion in China, focusing on Tiananmen Square and the exile of the Dalai Lama. Show students the complex interplay between economics and human rights, and the subtle diplomacy that results. Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-053 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-011 social studies Make Your Own Set: DVD • $258.95 • K51647-015 Get 1 $466.95 • 10 DVD • K51647-017 VHS • $206.95 • K51647-014 The World Economy $154.95 • 3 DVDs • K51647-010 SAVE 20% off the set! $128.95 • 3 VHS • K51647-009 How has economics affected civilization? Show students the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Great Depression, and the role of WWII in reviving the global economy. Probe the connection between population and the economic health of a country. Help students understand the impact of globalization of economic markets. Examine stock exchanges, the World Bank, and international currencies. FREE! $388.95 • 10 VHS • K51647-016 SAVE 28% off the set! The World Economy Part 1: Depression and Recovery The World Economy Part 2: Our Crowded Planet See how industrialization, urbanization, and consumerism led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Learn about FDR’s New Deal reforms—the WPA, TVA, and the SEC—and listen as Roosevelt reassures Americans during a Fireside Chat. Discover how WWII’s wartime economy ended the Depression, initiating unprecedented economic growth and launching the U.S. into the global economy. Travel the globe to investigate the relationship between population and financial well-being. Compare the cultural obstacles to birth control in Kenya with China’s drastic birth control programs. Hear Scandinavians describe the price they’re willing to pay for the family-friendly economic benefits provided by their countries. Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-054 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-028 Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-055 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-029 The World Economy Part 3: Global Interdependence Probe the myriad connections between fiscal policies and global markets: How might the World Bank and the IMF best assist developing countries? What is the impact of U.S. trade barriers on Vietnam and Cuba, and of NAFTA on Canadian businesses? See how global economic stability has been affected by factors ranging from runaway inflation in Brazil to the creation of the euro. Now on DVD Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-056 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-030 SAVE 19% off the set! The Final Frontier $169.00 • 4 VHS • K51647-018 Launch into the history of the U.S. space program and find out about the program’s impact on military, medical, and media advances. Hear projections about the future of space exploration, from unmanned units to space tourism. The Final Frontier Part 1: The Race to the Moon The Final Frontier Part 3: To Mars and Beyond Witness the historic sweep of the Space Race: the success of Sputnik; Gemini 7’s first use of a portable satellite communications system; and the tragic explosion of Apollo 1. Watch Frank Borman, the first man to orbit the moon, and Neil Armstrong, the first to walk on the moon; hear both men reflect on these triumphs. Discover how unmanned lunar probes paved the way for astronauts landing on the moon and find out how Viking orbiters enabled the Pathfinder rover to land on Mars. Learn how Voyager probes, exploring the boundaries of interstellar space, continue collecting data from Jupiter, Neptune, and beyond. Travel 370 miles above Earth to watch astronauts revamp equipment on the Hubble Space Telescope. $51.95 • VHS • #51647-022 The Final Frontier Part 2: The Shuttle Era Learn how research conducted on Skylab paved the way for shuttle travel and examine the technical trials of early Columbia missions. Meet teacher Christa McAuliffe as she prepares for her flight aboard the space shuttle Challenger; grapple with the causes of its tragic failure. Witness a new era of international cooperation as an American astronaut visits Russia’s MIR space station. $51.95 • VHS • #51647-023 VHS | DVD | Digital Delivery Buy 4 Choose Any 10 ABC News Programs $51.95 • VHS • #51647-024 The Final Frontier Part 4: Space Age Technology See how satellite technology initially developed for space is used today, from secret spy satellites, to Iridium, the $5-billion satellite mobile phone system. See how medical science has benefited from space research, and hear the first space tourist, Dennis Tito, describe his trip aboard the Russian spacecraft Soyuz. $51.95 • VHS • #51647-025 1.888.440.4640 • Social Studies • Grades 9–12 Choose Any 5 ABC News Programs available on Make Your Own Set: Visit our website for complete product details. 21 social studies available on VHS | DVD | Digital Delivery The Civil Rights Movement Part 3: America Arises Go behind the scenes as Presidents Kennedy and Johnson struggle to enact the first comprehensive Civil Rights legislation. See how tensions between federal and state authorities are played out during the massive march in Alabama from Selma to Montgomery. The Civil Rights Movement SAVE $258.95 • 5 DVDs • K51647-012 $206.95 • 5 VHS • K51647-011 20% off the set! Trace the Civil Rights movement in the United States through the court cases, protests, and people that transformed American social and political history. The Civil Rights Movement Part 1: Separate but Equal Meet the people behind landmark Civil Rights events of the 1950s and 1960s: Rosa Parks, Linda Brown (Brown v. Board of Education), and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Learn about the interracial Montgomery Supper Club and witness the courage of ordinary citizens who participated in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-057 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-012 Social Studies • Grades 9–12 The Civil Rights Movement Part 2: Awakening a Nation 22 Explore Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s pivotal role in focusing national attention on civil rights. Witness key demonstrations in Montgomery and Birmingham and hear Dr. King’s stirring “I Have a Dream” speech, which inspired thousands in their quest for equality. Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-058 $51.95 • VHS •#51647-013 Digital Delivery available! Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-059 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-014 The Civil Rights Movement Part 4: The King Assassination Examine growing dissent within the Civil Rights movement at the time of Dr. King’s death. Hear about both the immediate and long-term impact of Dr. King’s struggle, as expressed in the commentary of national leaders and in the protests that followed his assassination. Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-060 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-015 The Civil Rights Movement Part 5: Beyond Martin Luther King, Jr. Hear black Americans discuss the impact of Malcolm X on race relations. Meet Judge Frank Johnson, who Governor Wallace called an “integratin’, carpetbaggin’, scalawaggin’ boldfaced liar” for desegregating Alabama’s schools, parks, libraries, and state police force. Explore Dr. King’s wide-ranging legacy, from the United Farm Workers to the diverse black leaders of today. Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-061 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-016 Fundamentalism and Terrorism SAVE $258.95 • 5 DVDs • K51647-001 $206.95 • 5 VHS • K51647-004 20% off the set! The history of fundamentalism plays out in archival news footage. Explore the link between fundamentalism and terrorism and take a sobering look at hijackings, suicide bombings, and other terror threats. Fundamentalism and Terrorism Part 1: Perspectives Investigate the similarities, differences, and links between fundamentalism and terrorism. Hear Reverend Billy Graham’s rousing evangelical message, and examine the fundamentalist Muslim attack on author Salman Rushdie. Learn about years of violent insurrection in Peru led by the Shining Path guerrillas. Consider the controversial environmentalists Earth First: Are they defenders of the environment or ecoterrorists? Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-037 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-004 Fundamentalism and Terrorism Part 2: The Tools of Terrorism See the chaotic results of terrorist violence in the aftermath of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s assassination by Sikh extremists. Travel around the world to see how hijackings and American hostage-taking became frequent terrorist tactics. Grapple with the threat of bio-terrorism, as seen in the gas attack on the Tokyo subway. Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-038 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-005 social studies Fundamentalism and Terrorism Part 3: Israel, a Case Study Ancient and Modern Cultures Part 2: Mayan Civilization, a Case Study SAVE Fundamentalism and Terrorism Part 4: The Rise of Modern Terrorism Consider graphic examples of resentment toward America abroad. Witness President Carter’s effort to free hostages held at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and revisit the shocking bombing of a commercial flight over Lockerbie, Scotland. See how the concept of jihad, or “holy war,” has fueled terrorism against U.S. interests—from embassies to the U.S.S. Cole. Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-040 17% Ancient and Modern Cultures off the set! $128.95 • 3 VHS • K51647-013 Expert commentators address the question: Who are we and where did we come from? ABC News goes on location to trace human history from prehistoric times to Incan, Mayan, and Egyptian civilizations, inviting students to assess the influence of ancient cultures on modern society. $51.95 • VHS • #51647-002 Ancient and Modern Cultures Part 3: Global Culture Travel the globe to see how technology propels the worldwide exchange of ideas, from fashion and film to Harry Potter books. Witness reactions against this globalization of culture, including a “modern-day Boston Tea Party” in France. Discover descendents of an ancient tribe in the northernmost reaches of Russia, whose lives remain untouched by global culture. $51.95 • VHS • #51647-003 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-007 Fundamentalism and Terrorism Part 5: Terrorism in the United States Explore the history of terrorism within the U.S., from Ku Klux Klan lynchings to the Oklahoma City bombing. See how President Bush, military and political leaders, and the nation responded as the chilling events of September 11 unfolded. Examine U.S. policy and action in the “war against terrorism,” including the Bush Doctrine. Ancient and Modern Cultures Part 1: Ancient Man Make Your Own Set: Choose Any 5 ABC News Programs Meet an unlikely pair of archeologists whose backgrounds in fashion and textiles helped shape their radically different view of Paleolithic man. See what a 27,000-year-old knot and the intact underwater ruins of four 2,500-year-old cities can teach us about human origins. DVD • $258.95 • K51647-015 VHS • $206.95 • K51647-014 Buy 4 Get 1 FREE! Make Your Own Set: $51.95 • VHS • #51647-001 Choose Any 10 ABC News Programs Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $466.95 • 10 DVDs • K51647-017 $388.95 • 10 VHS • K51647-016 $64.95 • DVD • #51647-041 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-008 The Women’s Rights Movement $102.95 • 2 DVDs • K51647-003 $91.00 • 2 VHS • K51647-008 SAVE up to 21% off the set! Bring students face to face with the people who helped transform the role of women in society. Follow the arc of progress as ABC’s archives give voice to the increasing political and economic clout of women in America and throughout the world. SAVE 28% off the set! The Women’s Rights Movement Part 1: The United States Trace the women’s rights movement from its roots in the abolition movement of the 1800s through the political, social, and economic advances of the 20th century. View hard-won victories through examples of social change (“Rosie the Riveter,” World War II WASPs), legislation (ERA, Title IX), and the achievements of individual women. Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-047 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-026 The Women’s Rights Movement Part 2: The World Tensions between entrenched cultural values and women’s rights are illustrated by struggles in Afghanistan and Japan. At the U.N. Conference on Women, hear activists assess health care, housing, and economic parity around the world. Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-048 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-027 1.888.440.4640 • Social Studies • Grades 9–12 $51.95 • VHS • #51647-006 VHS | DVD | Digital Delivery Now on DVD! Classroom Edition DVD $64.95 • DVD • #51647-039 Join archeologists in Guatemala as they unlock the secrets of the ancient city of Nakbe, where Mayan culture flourished over two thousand years ago. Experience the richness of Mayan art, architecture, astronomy, and systems of writing. Find out how modern technology assists archeological investigations, from sensors on satellites that can “see” buried cities to radar that probes for underground rooms. available on Explore the unique circumstances of the Jewish state, focusing on the Six Day War and its repercussions. Watch internal divisions deepen and diplomatic peace-making falter, exacerbated by the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin. See the mounting frustration of Arab Israelis, culminating in a growing number of young suicide bombers. Visit our website for complete product details. 23 social studies Ruby Bridges Sounder Balloon Farm Miracle at Midnight available on VHS | DVD Also for Younger Grades: Award Winner! Award Winner! Award Winner! Ruby Bridges Selma, Lord, Selma Miracle at Midnight The true story of six-year-old Ruby, one of the first black students to integrate a public elementary school in New Orleans. Into her life comes Harvard psychologist Robert Coles. Together, they overcome the threatening crowds, earning each of them a place in history. Winner of the 1998 Humanitas Award. Starring Lela Rochon. See the profoundly moving early days of the Civil Rights movement through the eyes of two young heroes, Rachel West and Sheyann Webb. Students will relate to Rachel and Sheyann as they help Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., organize a black voter registration march amidst the escalating dangers of hatred, prejudice, and racial violence in Selma, Alabama, in 1965. The true story of how the citizens of Copenhagen helped all but 60 of the city’s 7,500 Jews escape Nazi persecution during WWII by sneaking them out at midnight to a safe haven in Sweden. Starring Sam Waterston and Mia Farrow. 90 minutes • Grades K–9 Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • DVD • #51641-011 $63.95 • VHS • #51641-010 Classroom Edition DVD Sounder $63.95 • VHS • #51641-012 social Studies Social studies • Grades 9–12 Set in the rural South, Sounder explores the struggles of an African-American sharecropper and his family. The young son sets out to find his father, who was sentenced to hard labor for a dubious crime. Facing the harsh realities of life in the segregated South, the boy finds strength in his mother’s faith, his father’s determination, and the hope represented by education and by his dog, Sounder. Based on the Newbery Medal-winning novel by William . 24 90 minutes • Grades 4–9 90 minutes • Grades 4–9 Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • DVD • #51641-015 $63.95 • VHS • #51641-014 $77.95 • DVD • #51641-013 90 minutes • Grades 4–9 Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • DVD • #51641-006 $63.95 • VHS • #51641-005 Balloon Farm When Harvey Potter arrives in the drought-stricken town of Waterston, folks are more than a little suspicious of his intention to grow crops without water. Even when Potter’s seeds mysteriously flourish into a hearty crop of balloons, his neighbors are quick to find fault with his unconventional methods. It’s not until the people of Waterston find themselves deep in financial trouble that they begin to learn that the spirit of hope lies not in what we see—but in what we believe! Based on the book of the same title. 90 minutes • Grades K–6 $63.95 • VHS • #51641-001 Gold Rush: A Real Life Alaskan Adventure The true story of an adventurous 25-yearold New York woman who shocks her mother and sister when she announces that she’s headed off to Alaska to “live” the Gold Rush. Starring Alyssa Milano. 90 minutes • Grades 4–9 $63.95 • VHS •#51641-002 social studies The Loretta Claiborne Story Miracle Worker A Wrinkle in Time Oliver Twist Award Winner! Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • DVD • #51641-004 $63.95 • VHS • #51641-003 Miracle Worker Blind, deaf, and mute since she was a toddler, Helen Keller is a spoiled, uncontrollable 7-year-old whose frequent outbursts dominate the Keller household. Teacher Annie Sullivan employs patience, perseverance, and the power of words to free Helen from her dark and silent world. Based on the play by William Gibson, Disney's adaptation of Helen Keller's famous true story shows students what it means to overcome adversity and celebrates the strength of the human spirit. Starring Hallie Kate Eisenberg and Alison Elliott. $429.00 • 7 DVDs • K51641-002 SAVE 20% with DVDs! $489.00 • 10 VHS tapes • K51641-001 This collection of feature-length dramas is perfect for enhancing language arts curriculum across a range of grade levels. Use The Wonderful World of Disney series to explore a range of important social issues—from desegregation to the Holocaust. A Wrinkle in Time available on 90 minutes • Grades 4–12 Complete Wonderful World of Disney Series on DVD or VHS Oliver Twist When astrophysicist Dr. Jack Murry disappears without a trace, the town is swirling with rumors that he has run off and abandoned his brilliant scientist wife and two children. Spurred on by these rumors, the children set off with their new friend Calvin O’Keefe on a perilous quest through space to find their father. 90 minutes • Grades 4–12 124 minutes • Grades 4–12 Classroom Edition DVD Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • DVD • #51641-008 $77.95 • DVD • #51641-017 $63.95 • VHS • #51641-007 $63.95 • VHS • #51641-016 Straight from the gritty streets of Dickens’s Victorian England comes the classic tale of an orphaned boy who falls in with a troupe of pickpockets before finding his wealthy family that he never knew existed. Starring Richard Dreyfuss. 90 minutes • Grades 7–12 $63.95 • VHS • #51641-009 1.888.440.4640 • social studies • Grades 9–12 Inspire students with this unforgettable portrayal of the life of Loretta Claiborne, a world-class athlete and one of the most inspirational women of our time. Partially blind and unable to walk or talk until the age of four, Loretta faced ridicule and humiliation for her mild mental retardation while growing up. The discovery of her own running ability and a new program called Special Olympics changed her life. VHS | DVD The Loretta Claiborne Story Visit our website for complete product details. 25 Social Studies available on VHS | DVD The Color of Friendship Award Winner! The Color of Friendship The Light in the Forest In 1977, the family of African-American congressman Ron Dellums hosts a South African exchange student, prompting two teenagers—one black, one white—to confront personal biases and institutional racism. Inspired by actual events, this feature-length drama explores issues of prejudice, race relations, civil rights, and apartheid. Winner of an Emmy®, NAACP Image Award, and Children’s Media Award. $77.95 • DVD • #51458-002 Engage young viewers with this classic Disney adventure based on the book by Conrad Richter. A young white boy named Johnny Butler is taken captive and raised by the Delaware Indians in the 1700s. Released as a teenager, he must learn to live in the unfamiliar culture of his birth—and come to terms with white prejudice, family issues, and his own personal identity. $63.95 • VHS • #51458-001 90 minutes • Grades 4–12 90 minutes • Grades 5–12 Classroom Edition DVD Award Winner! The Ernest Green Story 101 minutes • Grades 4–12 Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • DVD • #51492-002 $63.95 • VHS • #51492-001 Social Studies • Grades 9–12 Johnny Tremain Award Winner! Show students what conditions were like for the Little Rock Nine, a group of courageous black students who enrolled in an all-white Arkansas high school. As a senior, Ernest Green withstood harassment and restrictive conditions for a chance to get a better education and uphold our Constitution. 26 Anne Frank Award Winner! Johnny Tremain The events and emotions leading up to the American Revolution have a powerful immediacy that will engage young viewers. 81 minutes • Grades 4–8 Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • DVD • #51538-002 $63.95 • VHS • #51538-001 NOW ON DVD Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • DVD • #51546-002 $63.95 • VHS • #51546-001 Award Winner! Anne Frank Anne Frank gave voice to the millionplus Jewish children who died in the Holocaust. This program, based on Melissa Müller’s biography, brings Anne’s story out of the “secret annex” of her famous diary. It sheds new light on her life before she and her family went into hiding from the Nazis, includes their two-year confinement, and documents her death in a German concentration camp. The program offers invaluable lessons not just about the evil of intolerance and hate, but about courage, humanity, and the bonds of family. Starring Hannah TaylorGordon, Ben Kingsley, and Lili Taylor. This film contains realistic depictions of concentration camp life, including brief nudity. Viewer discretion is advised. 180 minutes • Grades 5–12 NOW ON DVD Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • 2 DVDs • #51434-002 $64.95 • 3 VHS • #51434-001 Light in the Forest One More Mountain In 1846 the Reed family set out for California with the rest of the ill-fated Donner Party. Let their story spark student interest in a harrowing chapter of American history. 90 minutes • Grades 4–9 NOW ON DVD Classroom Edition DVD $77.95 • DVD • #51572-002 $63.95 • VHS • #51572-001 Award Winner! Alaskan Eskimo Journey to an icy Arctic Eskimo village for a firsthand look at a unique native culture. Footage includes a reindeer hunt and a dog-sled trek. 27 minutes • Grades 4–12 $51.00 • VHS • #52182-001 Award Winner! The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle This Hopi legend of a boy’s love for the tribe’s sacred eagle helps students better understand the religion and philosophies of a Native American culture and the conflict between group and individual values. 21 minutes • Grades 4–9 $51.00 • VHS • #51544-001