Syllabus - Illinois

West Campus
Academic Standards Commission
Instructor Information
Phone number
Office location
Martha Tanner
E-mail address
Office hours
3:00 – 3:45 Tuesday and by
Spring 2007
Composition I
ENG-105 WI
3:45 – 5:55 p.m.
Course Information
Course title
Course number
Days & Time
Course description
CRN number
Room 125E
Note: Food and drink are
not permitted in computer
This course introduces students to college writing; students will
construct and revise a series of writings, primarily expository but not
excluding persuasive. Students will practice effective reading and
research techniques that may include library and computer-based
research skills
ENG 061 or satisfactory writing skills
1. Practice writing as a recursive process
2. Practice reading as an active part of the writing process
3. Adapt the rules of standard English grammar
4. Investigate research resources where/when available
5. Recognize standard documentation form
Textbooks & Materials
Required textbooks
Required materials
Software notice
Axelrod, Rise B., and Charles R. Cooper, The St. Martin’s Guide to
Five folders, one for each major paper assignment and one for your
final portfolio. Bring your book with you to each class.
All the software used in this class is copyrighted; therefore, it is not
for distribution, copying, or personal use. This software is the
property of Des Moines Area Community College.
Course Policies
This class depends on your active and constructive participation in
class discussion and group work. If you must miss a class, let me
know ahead of time. Because of the compressed schedule, missing
one class period is like missing a week in a semester-long class. To
succeed in the class, your consistent attendance is vital.
Grading criteria
Papers: 20% each, 80% total
You’ll turn in drafts and final versions of four major (3- to 4-page)
papers. I review papers on the basis of four criteria: content,
organization, sentence structure, and mechanics.
Portfolio: 10%
At the end of the class, you’ll submit a portfolio of your work along
with a written assessment of your accomplishments in the class.
Classroom conduct
Late assignments
Study expectations
Weather policy
Daily Written Work: 10%
In class, you will work on pre-writing exercises for the major papers,
write responses to some of the readings from the textbook, and write
evaluations of your peers’ papers.
Refer to the DMACC Student Handbook:
Papers are due at the beginning of class on their due dates. Turning
in a paper late will cause its grade to drop one full letter. If you
foresee a problem, talk to me at least 24 hours before the paper is
due to avoid this penalty. Any assignments which I have not received
by the last class day (February 8) will receive a grade of 0 unless you
have a valid reason for taking an incomplete.
In-class daily assignments cannot be made up unless you make prior
This class requires you to write extensively, both in class and on your
own. Your success in the class will depend on how well you plan and
budget your time. Be aware that, according to the “Study Strategies”
section of the DMACC Student Handbook, you should allow a minimum
of 2-3 hours of study for every hour of class time per week.
Individual circumstances such as health, childcare, rural roads,
distance from the College, etc. can vary greatly among students and
staff. It is always DMACC’s goal to provide safe learning conditions,
as well as provide the opportunity for students to attend classes when
the vast majority is able to safely attend. The final decision to come
to College can only be made by the individual student based on their
specific extenuating circumstances that may make it unsafe for them
to travel. During adverse weather, DMACC faculty is considerate of
students who are unable to attend classes due to unique extenuating
circumstances. It is the responsibility of each faculty member to
notify their students (in addition to their dean or provost) through
some predetermined means if they are must postpone or cancel a
specific class due to weather or illness.
In the event that class is cancelled, I will send e-mail to your DMACC
account and post an announcement on the class website.
Refer to the DMACC Student Handbook:
DMACC Information Web Sites
DMACC home page
Instructor home pages
Admissions & registration
Cellular phone use statement
Student handbook
Add/drop dates
Refund policy
As a courtesy to others, turn off cell phones during class
Support Services
It is the policy of DMACC to accommodate students with disabilities.
Any student with a documented disability who requires reasonable
accommodation should contact the special needs coordinator at 515964-6850 voice or 515-964-6810 TTY. Also see
Academic &
educational advising
Career counseling
Interactive Resource
The Interactive Resource Center is the Library Resource for students
at West. It also serves as the assessment center where students take
makeup tests, COMPASS tests, MOUS Certification exams, etc.
Achievement Center
Room 114W
• Monday & Wednesday - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
• Tuesday & Thursday - 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
• Friday - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Provides the academic assistance on an appointment as well as drop
in basis, arranges for peer tutors, and provides the high school
completion and GED preparation for out of school youth.
515-633-2472 or 1-800-362-2127
Computer labs
Room 214W
• Monday & Tuesday - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
• Wednesday & Thursday - 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Friday - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Room 117W
• Monday – Thursday 7:30 am to 9:00 pm
• Friday & Saturday - 9:00 am to 12:00
This syllabus is representative of materials that will be covered in this class; it is not a
contract between the student and the institution. It is subject to change without notice.
Any potential exceptions to stated policies and requirements will be addressed on an
individual basis, and only for reasons that meet specific requirements. If you have any
problems related to this class, please feel free to discuss them with me.
Nondiscrimination Policy
Des Moines Area Community College shall not engage in or allow discrimination covered by law. This includes
harassment based on race, color, national origin, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and
disability. Veteran status in educational programs, activities, employment practices, or admission procedures
is also included to the extent covered by law. Individuals who believe they have been discriminated against
may file a complaint through the College Discrimination Complaint Procedures. Complaint forms may be
obtained from the DMACC Web site, the Ombudsperson, Judicial Officer, Human Resources Department, the
campus Provost's Offices, and Academic Deans’ Offices.
Students who wish additional information or assistance may contact the Executive Dean, Student Services,
Laurie Wolf, Building 1, 515-964-6437 or the EEO/AA Officer, Dr. Sandy Tryon, Human Resources, Bldg. 1,
515-964-6301 or they may refer to Student Services procedure 4645 located on the DMACC Intranet at Go to Policies & Procedures and choose Student Services Procedures.
Employees and applicants who wish additional information or assistance may contact the EEO/AA Officer, Dr.
Sandy Tryon, Human Resources, Bldg. 1, 515-964-6301 or refer to HR Procedures 3000, 3005, 3010, 3015, and
3020 at .
For requests for accommodations, the Accommodation/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Sharon Bittner, can be
contacted at 515-964-6857. Students with requests for accommodations should refer to the Student Services
procedure 4610 located on the DMACC Intranet at . Go to Policies &
Procedures and choose Student Services Procedures.
Course Schedule
Mon, January 8
Introduction to class
SMG Chapter 1
Diagnostic writing
Tues, January 9
SMG pp. 39-44, Rick Bragg essay
SMG pp. 50-64, Remembering Events/The Writing Assignment
Wed, January 10
SMG pp. 44-49, Jean Brandt essay
SMG pp. 627-636, Narrating
Thurs, January 11
DRAFT OF PAPER #1 DUE: Peer response/instructor conferences
Mon, January 15
NO CLASS (Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday – college closed)
Tues, January 16
PAPER #1 DUE: Remembering Events
SMG pp. 140-146, John T. Edge essay
SMG pp. 165-182, Writing a Profile/The Writing Assignment
SMG Chapter 20, Field Research
Wed, January 17
SMG Chapter 13, Cueing the Reader
SMG Chapter 15, Describing
SMG 158-163, Cable essay
Thurs, January 18
DRAFT OF PAPER #2 DUE: Peer response/instructor conferences
Mon, January 22
PAPER #2 DUE: Writing a Profile
SMG pp. 230-247, Explaining a Concept/The Writing Assignment
SMG Chapter 21, Library and Internet Research
Tues, January 23
SMG 216-223, Natalie Angier essay
SMG pp. 747-756, Using Sources
Wed, January 24
SMG pp. 223-230, Linh Kieu Ngo essay
SMG pp. 756-781, Acknowledging Sources
Thurs, January 25
DRAFT OF PAPER #3 DUE: Peer response/instructor conferences
Mon, January 29
PAPER #3 DUE: Explaining a Concept
SMG pp. 474-486, Speculating About Causes/The Writing Assignment
SMG Chapters E, W, and S: Effective Sentences, Word Choice,
Sentence Boundaries
Tues, January 30
SMG 453-456, Stephen King essay
SMG Chapters G, P, and M: Grammatical Sentences, Punctuation and
Wed, January 31
SMG 466-473, Sarah West essay
Finish sentence structure and grammar review in class
Thurs, February 1
DRAFT OF PAPER #4 DUE: Peer response/instructor conferences
Mon, February 5
PAPER #4 DUE: Speculating About Causes
In class, discuss revision strategies
Tues, February 6
SMG Chapter 10: Interpreting Stories
Wed, February 7
SMG Chapter 25: Designing Documents
In class, discuss job-application letters & college application essays
Thurs, February 8
SMG Chapter 23, Essay Examinations