Final Schedule – PPP 2015

Friday May 1, 2015
8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Chairs’ Address
9:20 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
Session A (Panels 1, 2, 3)
1: Race & Ethnicity: Dr. Robert Wardhaugh
Room 2166 STH
- Elliot Worsfold: PhD Candidate, Department of History, Western
“Reverend John Behnken as Advocate and Informant: GermanAmerican Lutherans and “Whiteness” during World War II”
- Andrew Hunter: MA Candidate, Department of History, Laurentian
“A Magazine of Combustibles': Boosting an Imperial Agenda Through
Race in the London Times, 1876-1878”
-Jordan Chase: PhD Candidate, Department of History, Western
"We Return from Fighting. We Return Fighting" - The Influence of the
'Double V Campaign' on the Post-War Civil Rights Movement in the
United States
- John Merritt: MA Candidate, Department of History, Laurentian
“The Black Canadian Settlement in Oro Township, Simcoe County,
Ontario, 1819-1947: Popular Memory and the Role of the Underground
Legend in Black Canadian History”
2: Food, Drink, Leisure & Literature: Dr. Mike Dove
Room 1227 LH
- Alison Brown: MA Candidate, Department of History, Western
“The Modern Cabane a Sucre: Reinventing and Commercializing a
Quebecois “Tradition”
- Gordon Vance: MA Candidate, Department of History, Western
“Visitors to the Hearth: The Evolution of Stately Home Tourism in
Georgian and Victorian England”
- Luana Buckle: MA Candidate, Department of History, Lakehead
“Teatime Transitions from Britain to Ontario”
- Christopher Eaton: MA Candidate, Department of English Literature
and Rhetoric, University of Waterloo
“Looking Out for the Little Guy: Charles Dickens’s Philanthropy and
School Reform”
3: Medieval History: Dr. Margaret McGlynn
Room 2270 LH
- Sandy Carpenter: PhD Candidate, Department of History, University
of Toronto
“ Miracles and Medieval Memory: Mapping Memorialization in
Eleventh-Century Southern France”
- Christopher Hewitt: PhD Candidate, Department of Geography,
Western University
“Eleventh Century England and Northern France: A Geospatial
- Matthew Wesolowski: MA Candidate, Department of History, Brock
“Holy Wars or Teutonic Empire?” The Crusadification of the Baltic
10:50 a.m. - 11:05 a.m.
11:05 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.
Coffee Break
Session B (Panels 4, 5, 6)
4: Queer History: Dr. Laurel Shire
Room 2166 STH
- Frances Henry: PhD Candidate, Department of History, Western
“Imported from Italy…the mother and nurse of sodomy:” Xenophobia,
Religion and Sodomy in 18th Century England”
- Steven Barrow: MA Candidate, Department of History, Wilfred
Laurier University
“The Body Politic”
- Kieran Delamont: MA Candidate, Department of History, Queen’s
“Becoming HALO: The University of Western Homophile Association,
5: Public History Projects: Dr. Michelle Hamilton
Room 2270 LH
- Nicole St-Cyr, Emily Villars and Nikki Michienzi: MA Candidates,
Public History, Department of History, Western University
“Grosvenor-St-James Heritage District: Heritage Designation and
Public History”
- Tamar Cachet, Dominik Svehla, and Rachel Pennington: MA
Candidates, Public History, Department of History, Western University
“The Leonard Family Letters Project: Challenges and Opportunities in
Presenting History to the Public”
6: Settler Societies and Political Attitudes: Dr. Nancy Rhoden
Room 1227 LH
- Tyler Turek: PhD Candidate, Department of History, Western
“What we talk about when we talk about Sovereignty: British Settler
Colonial Statehood in Transnational History, 1910s-1940s”
- Ryan Stevenson: MA Candidate, Department of History, Western
“Aboriginal Policy and History Textbooks in Mid-19th-Century Upper
12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Lunch Break
Session C (Panels 7, 8, 9)
7: History & the Media: Dr. Geoff Stewart
Room 1227 LH
- Tamar Cachet: MA Candidate, Public History Department of History,
Western University
““What if Don Growing Old is the Ending of the Show’s Always Been
Heading Toward?” Mad Men: Nostalgia Made (Im)possible””
- Kelsey Kilgore: PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of
“Projecting Reality: The Mediation of Modernity through the Lens of
the Magic Lantern”
- Connor Sweazey: MA Candidate, Department of History, University
of Calgary
“Canadian Radio Marches to War”
1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
8: Social Construct of Medical Treatment: Dr. Amy Bell
Room 2270 LH
- Cheryl Fairman: MA Candidate, Department of History, Western
“The Medical ‘Cure’ for Prostitutes: The London Lock Hospital in the
Eighteenth Century”
- Adam Raikes: MA Candidate, Department of History, Western
“Sex, Prostitutes, and that Burning Feeling: Ontario VD Measures
during the Second World War”
- Hannah MacKenzie: MD Candidate, Schulich School of Medicine and
“Progressing Paradigms? Medical views of the body in De humani
corporis fabrica, Gray’s Anatomy, and the Visible Human Project”
9: Empires & Religion: Dr. Francine McKenzie
Room 2166 STH
- Mark Nardi: MA Candidate, Department of History, Queen’s
“The Hibernian Challenge: Collective Respectability and the Creation
of an Irish “National Character” in Toronto”
- Allison Smyth: MA Candidates, Department of History, University of
“The Friend of India and the Evolution of the Anti-Sati Campaign,
1818-1828: From Ambiguity to Revolutionary”
- Geoffrey Wallace: PhD Candidate , Department of History, McGill
“Ritual in the Colonial Imagination: The Case of De-Baptism in Latin
3:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m.
3:20 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.
Session D (Panels 10, 11)
10: Imposed Colonial Identities: Dr. Jonathan Vance
Room 1227 LH
- Cayla Morency: MA Candidate, Department of History, University of
“Where Bismarck Meets Independence Avenue: Navigating Afrikaner
and German Südwester Postcolonial Identities, Monuments and
Memory in South and Southwest Africa”
- Marek Eby: MA Candidate, Department of History, Carleton
“Ideological Geographies of Soviet Medicine in Central Asia, 19251953”
- Sharon Hanna: MA Candidate, Department of History, University of
“Colonial Dreams and Messy Realities: State Vision and the Kurds in
the Early Turkish Republic”
- Steve Marti: PhD Candidate, Department of History, Western
"Race versus Indigeneity: Recruiting Indigenous Peoples in Australia
and Canada during the First World War."
11: Women’s History: Dr. Cynthia Comacchio
Room 2270 LH
- Courtney Davis: MA Candidate, Department of History, Western
“Intimate Partner Violence in Regards to Victimhood and Agency in
American Historiography”
- Marlee Couling: PhD Candidate, Department of History, York
“Family Friends, Neighbours, and Accomplices: Female Alliances in
Early Modern England”
- Aliyah Bridgemohan: MA Candidate, Department of History, York
“The Indian Indentured Experience of Women in British Guiana: 18501890”
4:50 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Pre-Dinner Break
6:30 p.m. - Onwards
Dinner at the Wave & External Keynote Speaker Dr. Cynthia
Saturday May 2, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
9:35 a.m. – 11:05 a.m.
Session E (Panels 12, 13, 14)
12: War & Society: Dr. Karen Priestman
Room 2166 STH
- Rachael Ward: MA Candidate, Department of History, Western
“We will not forget you: The morality of continued Nazi hunting within
- Katelyn Arac: MA Candidate, Department of History, Queen’s
“War Crimes: A Definition of Ambiguity”
- Jarret Stapleton: MA Candidate, Department of History, Wayne State
“Katyn: Politics, Media, and Memory”
- Katrina Pasierbek: MA, Department of History, Western University
“In Search of What We Thought We Knew: Great War Battlefields
Through the Eyes of The Tourist 1919-1939”
13: Religious Traditions: Dr. Robert Ventresca
Room 2270 LH
- Michael Akladios: PhD Candidate, Department of History, York
“The First Parish is North America: 'Transnational Aid Networks' and
the Fashioning of Al Ouma Al Masr-ya in the Toronto Coptic Orthodox
Community, 1959-1981"
- Tristan Johnson: MA Candidate, Department of History, Western
“Spit Out of the Melting Pot: The Muslim-American Experience After
- Usman Javed: MA Candidate, Department of Political Science,
Western University
“What We are Made to Believe: A History of Religious Persecution in
14: Holiday History: Dr. Jonathan Vance
Room 1227 LH
- Carla Joubert: MA Candidate, Department of History, Western
“Spatial and Anthropomorphized Perceptions of Time: The
Development of the Meaning of New Year’s in the Prince George
Citizen, 1918-1962”
- Robyn Schwarz-Pimer: PhD Candidate, Department of History,
Western University
“Tossing the Pancake into the Twentieth Century: The Evolution of
Shrove Tuesday Celebrations in London”
- Samm Desroches: PhD Candidate, Department of History, Western
“Remembering…and Forgetting: A Century of Memorial Day in
Washington D.C.”
11:05 a.m. -11:20 a.m.
Coffee Break
11:20 a.m.-12:50 p.m.
Internal Keynote Address (Dr. Alan MacEachern) in Somerville House
12:50 p.m.- 1:30 p.m.
Session F (Panels 15, 16, 17)
15: Environment & Economics Across Borders: Dr. Alan MacEachern
Room 2166 STH
1:35 p.m. – 3:05 p.m.
- Jonathan Quint: MA Candidate, Department of History, University of
“Border Barons: The Economic and Familial Connections of the
Detroit River Borderlands”
- Mark Sholdice: PhD Candidate, Department of History, University of
“The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and Provincial
Politics, 1910-1925”
- Josh Kurkjian: MA Political Science and History, Western University
“New Venues, New Grievances: NAFTA's Supplementary Labour and
Environmental Provisions as Transnational Sites of Protest”
16: Immigration & Society: Dr. Keith Fleming
Room 1227 LH
- Nassisse Solomon: PhD Candidate, Collaborative Graduate History
and Migration and Ethnic Relations Program, Western University
“The Mobility of Identities: Examining the Nexus between Personal,
Cultural and National Histories in the Narratives of Migrants”
- Awish Aslam: MA Candidate, Department of Sociology, Western
“School-Work Transitions and Employment Among Second-Generation
Ethnic Minority Immigrants”
- Wajeha Chams: MA Candidate, Department of Sociology, Western
“Living In A Transnational World, Identity Negotiation and Formation
Among Second Generation Lebanese Young Adults Living in London
17: Medicine: Dr. James Flath
Room 2270 LH
- Daniel Stojanovic: MD Candidate, Schulich School of Medicine and
“Making a Case for Pre-Contemporary Post-Modernism in Medical
- Jessica Blom: MD Candidate, Schulich School of Medicine and
“Prometheus Unbound: Historical and Scientific issues in the search
for regeneration and immortality”
- Vanessa DeMelo: MD Candidate, Schulich School of Medicine and
“Auto-ears: Cochlear Implants and the Changing Landscape of
Sensorineutral Hearing Impairment in Canada”
3:15 p.m.
Closing Statements
3:30 p.m.
Unofficial social at a venue in downtown London