Headstrom, Richard, Adventures with a Microscope, Dover Publications, Inc., 1941. Inoue, S. Video microscopy, Plenum Press, 1986. Web Sites for the Microscope Levine, Shar & Johnstone, Leslie, The Microscope Book, Sterling Publishing Company, 1996. Milburn, Ken, The Digital Photography Bible, IDG Books, 2000. Morrison, Philip & Morrison, Phylis, Powers of Ten, Scientific American Library, 1982. Nachtigall, Werner, Exploring with the Microscope: A Book of Discovery and Learning, Sterling Publishing Company, 1995. Prescott, G.W., How to Know the Freshwater Algae, McGraw Hill, 1970. Richardson, James H., Handbook for the Light Microscope: A User’s Guide, Noyes Publications, 1991. Robards, Anthony W., Botanical Microscopy, Oxford Science Publications, 1988. Rogers, Kirsteen., The Complete Book of the Microscope, Usborne Publishing Ltd., 1998. Rubbi, C. P., Light Microscopy, BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd., 1994. Sanderson, J. B., Biological microtechnique. Royal Microscopical Society Handbook No. 28, Bios press, 1994. Smith, H.G., Minerals and the Microscope, Thomas Murby & Co., 1940. Spencer, Michael, Fundamentals of Light Microscopy, Cambridge University Press, 1982. Taylor, Barbara, Pond Life, Covent Garden Books Ltd., 1998. Thomson, D. and Bradbury, Savile, An Introduction To Photomicrography, Oxford Scientific Publications, 1987. VanCleave, Janice, Microscopes and Magnifying Lenses, John Wiley & Sons, 1993. Walker, M. I., Amateur photomicrography, Focal press, 1971. http://support.intel.com/support/intelplay/qx3/topquestions.htm - QX3 support site. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/intelplay/intelanatomy.html - Molecular Expressions QX3 page. http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artjan00/jhqx3.html - Jim Harper on the QX3. http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artdec99/rbqx3.html - Rudolph Baumueller’s QX3 site. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/intelplay/simulator/index.html - the QX3 simulator. http://www.nesta.org.uk/ - NESTA home page. http://www.scienceyear.com/ - Science Year site. http://www.sciences.org.uk - link to the Using the Digital Microscope site. http://www.rms.org.uk - the Royal Microscopical Society home page. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/quekett/ - Quekett Microscopical Club. http://www.thurlo.force9.co.uk/related.html - Manchester Microscopical Society. http://www.thurlo.force9.co.uk/index.html - Postal Microscopical Society. http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/ - Microscopy-UK, microscope enthusiasts’ site. http://www.ruca.ua.ac.be/~BVM_SBM/welcome.html - Belgian Society for Microscopy. http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/amateurs/qmc/dutch.html - Dutch Society for Microscopy. http://www.ssom.ch/ - Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy. http://www.csb.ki.se/users/el/csbproj/em.html - Swedish Electron Microscopy Facility. http://www2.arnes.si/guest/sgszmera1/index.html - SEM-EDS Laboratory, Slovenia. http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/emu/mssa/ - Microscopy Society of Southern Africa. http://www.bocklabs.wisc.edu/imr/microscopists.html - Directory of Microscopists. http://www.msa.microscopy.com/ - Microscopy Society of America. http://www.amicros.org - American Microscopical Society. http://www.uga.edu/~protozoa/ - Society of Protozoologists. http://www-sdmir.ucsd.edu/ - USA Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research. http://xray1.physics.sunysb.edu/index.html - Stony Brook State University of New York on microscopy. http://mrlxp2.mrl.uiuc.edu:80/~www/mrl/cmm/index.html - University of Illinois Microanalysis. http://www.mccrone.com - McCrone Associates, Inc. http://www.mcri.org - McCrone Research Institute. http://www.ou.edu/research/electron/mirror/ - Microscopes and Microscopy Page. http://www.microscopy-online.com/ - Microscopy Online. http://www.rockefeller.edu/rucal/journey/journey.html - Rockefeller University Journey into the Cell. http://www.MicroscopeWorld.com - Microscope World. http://www.ou.edu/research/electron/www-vl/ - Virtual microscopy library. http://www.amc.anl.gov/ - Argonne National Lab Microscopy and Microanalysis. http://corn.eng.buffalo.edu/index.html - Buffalo State University of New York Advanced Microscopy. http://www.mwrn.com/ - MicroWorld Resources and online guide. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/5485/index.html - Canadian Historical Microscopes. http://msc.rsvs.ulaval.ca/ - Microscopical Society of Canada. http://www.plasma-art.com/MSSC.html - Microscopical Society of Southern California. http://emalwww.engin.umich.edu/societies/us.html - Microscopy Societies in America site. White, G. W. (editor), Photomicrography - an introduction. Focal press, 1987. 34 35 This manual was produced with the support of NESTA - the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts.