Annual Report 2012 Sustainable Principles. Valuable Solutions. We WE preserve protect value value Contents Editorial2 At a Glance 4 Sustainable Principles. Valuable Solutions. 5 A Discussion with the Executive Board 6 We Protect Value 10 Management Report 12 Consolidated Financial Statements 18 Consolidated Balance Sheet 18 Consolidated Income Statement 20 Changes in Equity Statement 22 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 24 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 25 Changes in Non-current Assets 42 Auditors’ Report 44 Report of the Supervisory Board 46 Editorial Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, for the acceptance of a bank’s products and services. I am therefore pleased to report that 2012 was a very successful year for Semper our asset management department was recog- Constantia Privatbank. Supported by operating nised by independent branch specialists with income of nearly EUR 37 million, profit on ordi- the “Golden Bull“ award. We also held second nary activities rose to EUR 11.6 place in the ranking of the million. The bank’s balance top asset managers in the sheet total amounted to EUR German-speaking 602 million at the end of the tries, which represents the year, which represents nearly best result for an Austrian three-times the equity required private bank. The Semper by § 22 (1) of the Austrian Constantia Banking Act. also rated first in three funds coun- were categories. These numbers are the result of a strategy that has formed Our results are also im- the foundation for business pressive in view of the activities since the bank’s take- difficult and complex con- over, a strategy that is based ditions that characterise on fairness, honesty, transpar- today’s banking sector. ency and sustainability. Semper Constantia Among others, I would like to recall the high Privatbank is the bank by entrepreneurs for volatility on the stock and bond markets, the entrepreneurs and private clients with an entre- substantial political instability over key Euro­ preneurial focus. Its notable success is based pean issues and interest levels that have fallen on a motivated, highly qualified and entrepre- to the freezing point. neurially oriented staff, who I would now like We see our responsibility, first of all, in under- to thank for their dedication and commitment. External awards are an important benchmark 2 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements standing the needs and interests of our clients. few of the most important problems. This insight forms the basis for defining the best possible services and investment alterna- Political pragmatism demands that the rich tives. countries provide support for the poor countries. That is one of the most important require- This type of approach is not new, but has been ments for a united Europe. frequently neglected in recent decades and replaced in part by a focus on high-risk profit­ In conclusion, I would like to thank our clients maximisation. The sustainable protection of for their trust and their loyalty. I can assure you wealth was increasingly pushed into the back- that we will also direct our energy and honest ground. sense of responsibility to protecting your interests – and your value – in the future. From the bank’s position, we cannot overlook the fact that there are many unresolved issues in Europe that demand our attention and active engagement – the north-south divide, the poverty prevailing in many East European countries and the serious unemployment among young Erhard F. Grossnigg people across the continent – to name only a 3 At a Glance Key Data on 2012 Assets under management and administration: EUR 8.39 billion Balance sheet total: EUR 601.57 million Loans and advances to clients: EUR 139.15 million Deposits by clients: EUR 461.28 million Profit on ordinary activities: EUR 11.59 million Equity as per § 23 (14) no. 7 of the Austrian Banking Act: EUR 64.95 million Employees: 131 All data as of 31 December 2012 4 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Sustainable Principles. Valuable Solutions. Semper Constantia Privatbank is one of the As an independent house, Semper Constantia leading private banks in Austria. At the time of Privatbank serves as the asset manager for its founding more than 20 years ago, the goal companies, individuals and private founda- was to create a bank for entrepreneurs and tions. It markets its own asset management wealthy private individuals that meets the high and fund products, creates investment funds standards and requirements of these demand- for third parties and develops and sells real es- ing clients. tate products. Recognised settlement expertise makes it one of the leading custodial banks in The successful entrepreneurs who now own Austria. Semper Constantia Privatbank together with their entrepreneurially oriented team guaran- The bank’s long-term partnerships with cus- tee the implementation of a solid and sustain- tomers are based on sustainability, service able business model that is the mark of a true excellence, an entrepreneurial orientation and private bank. The foundations of this model are actions, and on respect. Every member of the proven, conservative asset management and a Semper Constantia Privatbank staff is ­instructed­ highly responsible advising philosophy. to represent the values of the bank and to understand the values of his or her clients. 5 “Another great step forward!“ A discussion with Executive Board members mentioned, our managed assets rose to over Dietmar Baumgartner and Martin Schiller. EUR 8 billion. Earnings also increased in relation to costs – in total, we are very pleased with Mr. Baumgartner, when you look back on the year’s results. 2012 – are you happy with what you see? As seen from the outDietmar Baumgartner: Yes, side, the second half- 2012 was a very good year year was dominated by from our point of view. The the “Praktiker“ project. bank took another great step How would you summa- forward. With managed as- rise the results? sets of EUR 8.4 billion, profit on ordinary activities of Dietmar Baumgartner: EUR 11.6 million and a capital “Praktiker“ was ratio of 23%, we are one of cial subject that involved the most profitable and sta- only part of the bank and ble private banks in Austria. extensive work for our However, our success is not clients. However, it is im- only reflected in monetary portant to note that these values. We have regained a a spe- types of special invest- growing number of clients who left us during ments only represent a small part of our activ- the crisis years because of stability concerns. ities. We have now modified the organisation And we have also been receiving very positive to more clearly define the bank’s role in these signals from the labour market through the types of transactions and ensure that there will high quality and rising number of applicants. be no misunderstandings in the future over the possible related risks. To be precise, we will And how was the year from a financial point continue to offer similar opportunistic invest- of view, Mr. Schiller? ments to interested clients in the future, but have now outsourced their management. Martin Schiller: 2012 was very successful from the financial viewpoint. As my colleague just 6 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements What course will a private bank like Semper again. For us, sustainability means that the in- Constantia take in the future? terests of our clients will always represent the sole focus of our activities. Long-term service Martin Schiller: Ever since the bank was found- instead of an emphasis on short-term earnings. ed, our core expertise has included asset man- Only someone who understands the needs of agement, investment funds and the custodial clients can act accordingly. Objective and con- business, in particular the administration of flict-free solutions with transparent fees form more complex asset struc- the basis for trust and long- tures. We also intend to re- term cooperation to gen- main true to this course in erate appropriate returns. the future and re-establish We are convinced that long- our position as the market term success in our industry leader among the private is dependent on a sustaina- banks. In order to meet ble orientation and actions. this goal, we must further This understanding must be improve the quality of our shared by every staff mem- products and services in ber in order to create a suc- order to strengthen our cli- cessful symbiosis between ent relations and continue the bank and its clients. It to pursue our expansion also means a remuneration course. system for our staff that places customer satisfaction and long-term per- The motto for this year’s annual report is: formance at the forefront of activities. Semper “Sustainable Principles. Valuable Solutions.“ Constantia Privatbank must stand for integrity. What is meant by this phrase? Last, but not least, the position of our owners is an important factor. As successful entrepre- Dietmar Baumgartner: Sustainability was orig- neurs with long-term perspectives, they guar- inally a principle in the forestry sector, where antee that our clients will find a house that is it meant that the amount of timber cut should focused on sustainability. never exceed what can subsequently grow 7 In other words, a continuous dialogue be­­ Motivated staff with individual “products“. tween clients and the bank’s staff based on How do you structure your portfolio of prod- shared principles? ucts and services? Martin Schiller: Correct. We see ourselves as a Martin Schiller: Clearly towards asset manage- bank by and for entrepreneurs with an entre­ ment and niche products. Our focus is placed preneurially oriented staff. And we want the on investments, an area we cover very well and dialogue between our clients and staff to func- where we see our core expertise. From diversi- tion on this basis. fied management mandates that protect value and special funds managed in accordance with Key word “entrepreneurially oriented em- individual client requirements as well as mutual ployees“. How do you promote team spirit in funds in special areas like emerging markets. the bank? Another important area of our business is our flexible offering of fund structures and custo- Dietmar Baumgartner: We recently introduced dial bank services for external fund managers. a new staff appraisal system that is based on We also have many years of experience in the two performance criteria. On the one hand, real estate branch, which we now market in the traditional earnings viewpoint and, on the the form of managed open real estate funds, other hand, a behavioural component with a real estate share funds and investment apart- 50% weighting. This behavioural component ments. Our staff can also offer clients “best in includes parameters like teamwork, sense of class“ solutions that meet the highest demands responsibility, client orientation and perfor- for objectivity and professionalism. Personal mance. We don’t want entrepreneurial drive to responsibility and an absence of pre-defined be just a theoretical part of the mission state- product guidelines play an important role in ment, but a value that is lived every day and motivating our staff. has an important influence on our employees’ compensation. In this way, we want to make Dietmar Baumgartner: Our new corporate ser- sure the interests of our staff coincide with the vices offering should also be mentioned in con- interests of the bank and our clients. nection with this last question. 8 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Our main activity is to manage and optimise Dietmar Baumgartner: Personally, I want to the monetary and capital markets. The result- successfully support the bank’s growth course ing know-how and expertise are equally valid and further sharpen our market positioning and applicable to our clients’ assets and liabil- with respect to sustainability and service ex­ ities. In line with our comprehensive advising cellence. I also intend to put a special empha- as a bank for entrepreneurs, we will also offer sis on the traditional private banking business. active advising for business people, treasurers Potential clients should be able to learn more and CFOs in the future. Whether the issue in- about us and our strengths, and I want to invite volves optimised treasury solutions for foreign our “old“ clients to rediscover us as a dynamic currency, liquidity or interest management or and reliable partner. In doing so I will be fo- support in arranging and placing bond issues cussing on Austria's entrepreneurs, in line with – Semper Constantia constantly seeks to pro- our motto “A bank by entrepreneurs for entre- vide its corporate clients with the broadest and preneurs“. In addition, I want to look beyond most objective service. Austria’s borders and develop a strategy for our targeted expansion into the neighbouring Last, but not least, a personal question for countries. the “new“ man on the Executive Board. What are your plans for this year? 9 We protect value We want to be the best private bank in Austria. See value and live value This is a claim we can only meet with the trust of our clients. Therefore, our most important More than ever before, value is a dominating goal is to earn and justify this trust at all times. factor in our lives and our decisions. We want to understand our clients better by understand- Ask the questions – understand the answers ing their values and, in this way, provide better advice and service. However, we also want to An advisor can only make the right recommen- bring our clients’ values in line with our basic dations when he or she knows what the client understanding of private banking and establish really needs. That is why we always listen be- a deep sense of trust. fore we talk. What are the client’s investment requirements? What are the short-, medium- A good private bank must be flexible as well and long-term goals? And, above all – what are as sensitive in reacting to the latest trends. the client’s basic personal and financial values, Not only people are different, but generations what private and professional principles does are different and have changing expectations, he or she consider important and valuable? tastes and lifestyles. That is why standard solutions are normally not good enough. Customised solutions are the right solutions. With this approach, we can prepare very precise service offers and propose optimal investment alternatives. 10 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Valuable decisions Real understanding, instead of nice words This type of approach is not new, but has been Today’s clients must know that their bank un- frequently neglected in recent decades and re- derstands them, that they can trust their advi- placed in part by a focus on high-risk profit max- sor and that he or she can provide advice that imisation. The sustainable protection of wealth reflects their needs and basic values. was increasingly pushed into the background. Many people have again started to question We therefore place high value on motivated and the circumstances surrounding investments as entrepreneurially oriented staff and compen- well as ethical and sustainability factors. They sate these men and women equally according then work to integrate their values into all their to financial and ethical parameters. Our goal is ­decisions. We are ready to supply the answers to harmonise our staff and customer satisfac- to their questions. tion in order to maximise our achievements – with respect to both value and sustainability. That places value with us in the best of hands. 11 Management Report to the Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31 December 2012 of Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft Business and operating environment statements by ECB president Mario Draghi during the summer that confirmed further support Aktienge- for the currency. However, the continent slid sellschaft is an Austrian private bank whose into a recession as a result of the austerity poli- business activities are focused on the manage- cies implemented throughout Europe, while the ment, administration and growth of significant US economy remained in the positive range due assets. It serves as a private bank for entre- to the expansive, election year monetary policy preneurs, institutional investors, individuals pursued by the Federal Reserve. Semper Constantia Privatbank and private foundations. The bank maintains its headquarters in Vienna and also operates a For investors, the easing on the financial branch office in Villach. Its clients are located markets led to positive development in near- primarily in Austria as well as in the neighbour- ly all traditional asset classes. Liquidity in the ing countries. Semper Constantia Group fell below the high ­prior­year level due to the increased interest in Aktienge- ­investments, but returned to a very ­satisfactory sellschaft is owned by well-known Austrian in- corridor that reflects the regained trust of ­ dustrialists, whose financial backing and know- ­clients. Semper Constantia Privatbank how guarantee the implementation of a solid and sustainable business model with low-risk, The sound development of the markets and the conservative asset management and a highly successful acquisition of new business offset responsible advising philosophy. the significant outflow of funds caused by the loss of a major institutional client and led to Report on the development of business an increase in assets under management and deposit to approx. EUR 8.39 billion. The year 2012 was characterised by numerous attempts on the part of central banks to ease In 2012 Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktien­ the tensions in the international financial sys- gesellschaft generated the best results since tem. These efforts were largely successful: in its takeover by the ownership consortium in particular, the Euro crisis cooled, at least for December 2009. Profit on ordinary activities ­ the time being, following an agreement by the rose from EUR 3.96 million to EUR 11.59 mil- Euro zone countries over the creation of the lion, in part supported by the optimal devel- European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and clear opment of the banking book. In contrast, the 12 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Changes in major balance sheet positions during 2012: 2012 2011 Change absolute Change relative Balance sheet total 601.57 723.72 (122.15) (16.9) Loans and advances to financial institutions 133.05 198.36 (65.31) (32.9) EUR m Loans and advances to clients 139.15 140.74 (1.59) (1.1) Debt and other fixed-interest securities 120.20 107.32 12.88 12.0 Deposits by financial institutions Deposits by clients 43.90 4.48 39.42 879.9 461.28 629.42 (168.14) (26.7) balance sheet total fell 16.9% to EUR 601.57 The continuity of the staff is one of the bank’s million as of 31 December 2012 (31 Decem- strengths and guarantees the consistent quali- ber 2011: EUR 723.72 million). This decline is ty of its services. attributable to the outflow of funds resulting from a shift in the investment funds to securi- The requirements of the new §§ 39b and 39c ties. Operating profit amounted to EUR 10.77 of the Austrian Banking Act were ­implemented. million, or EUR 3.07 million lower than the pre- The Semper Constantia Group now has a remu- vious year. Operating income remained nearly neration policy that reflects the general princi- constant in year-on-year comparison at EUR ples defined by the EU for a risk-oriented remu- 35.82 million (2011: EUR 35.30 million), but neration strategy in the banking sector. operating expenses rose by 16.7% to EUR 25.05 million (2011: EUR 21.47 million). The capital ratio (qualifying capital in r­elation to required capital multiplied by the legal Financial and non-financial performance in- ­requirement of 8%) equalled 23% (2011: 23%). dicators This clearly exceeds the legal minimum as well as the branch average. The Semper Constantia Group had an average of 131 employees in 2012 (2011: 123 ­employees). 13 With a return on equity (based on profit on or- The new shareholder structure for Semper dinary activities) of 18%, Semper Constantia Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft that Group remains one of the most profitable bank- resulted from this reorganisation shows an in- ing groups in Austria. crease in the investment held by the two major shareholders, Hans Peter Haselsteiner and Profit on ordinary activities is typical for a pri- ­Erhard F. Grossnigg, from 52% to 85%. vate bank that focuses on asset management. It consists primarily of commission income as Dietmar Baumgartner was appointed to the well as income and expenses from financial ­Executive Board as the third member, effective transactions. on 1 January 2013, based on a circular resolution dated 19 July 2012. Research and development Semper Constantia Financial Services GmbH The company has no research or development was founded in December. This new ­company, activities. which provides services based on a license issued in accordance with § 136 a of the ­ ­Austrian Trade Code, views itself as a p ­ rovider Significant events of ancillary services that represent a direct Aktienge- ­extension of banking activities. No significant sellschaft moved into its new headquarters at events occurred after the end of the reporting Hessgasse 1, 1010 Vienna, at the end of July year. Semper Constantia Privatbank 2012. The entire staff of Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft and all employees Risk report on our financial instruments of the Group’s subsidiaries now operate at the same location. The most important primary financial instruments used by Semper Constantia Privatbank With a ruling dated 27 September 2012, the Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, are debt issued Austrian Financial Market Authority approved by public authorities, loans and advances to the downstream merger of Copernicus II GmbH financial institutions and clients, deposits by with Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktienge- financial institutions and clients, debt, shares, sellschaft. This merger took effect on 2 October investment certificates and participation capi- 2012 with recording in the company register. tal. These primary financial instruments are reported on the balance sheet. 14 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Aktienge- sent the holdings in Semper Constantia Invest sellschaft, Vienna, applies the standard ap- GmbH, Semper Constantia Immo Invest GmbH, proach defined in § 22a of the Austrian Bank- LeanMIS GmbH, Cantiga Holding GmbH & Co ing Act to the calculation of credit risk. The KG, Semper Constantia Asset Management bank’s activities are focused on asset manage- GmbH, and, since 13 December 2012, in Sem- ment, and lending therefore takes on a sup- per Constantia Financial Services GmbH. Semper Constantia Privatbank plementary function: for example, mortgage loans are granted to clients for the purchase of Foreign exchange risks are limited to a man- investment apartments, and security deposito- ageable scope by the definition of focal points ries serve as collateral for Lombard loans. In in- for securities investments. The preferred in- terbank trading Semper Constantia works with struments are Euro government bonds issued counterparties that have a sound credit rating. by selected member countries of the ­European The risk of default on receivables is limited by Union as well as bonds issued by corporations appropriate collateral (also see page 36 of the with sound credit ratings. The exposure in notes for information on the risk arising from Greek government bonds that was reported in asset management). the 2011 financial statements was reduced to zero after the reorganisation. Derivative financial instruments are ­contracted on behalf of clients, whereby the volume of Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktienge- these instruments is disclosed in the notes. sellschaft, Vienna, executes foreign exchange Derivative transactions are only concluded with transactions primarily as closed transactions clients when appropriate security is provided. for clients, and the related foreign exchange In order to effectively limit the related risk, col- risks are therefore limited. lateral agreements are concluded with all interbank partners. That means the market value Primary financial assets and liabilities are based of derivatives is continuously offset by liquid on the same interest rate indicators, which lim- funds as security. its interest rate risk. The main volume of business is tied to the three-month Euribor. The re- The investments held by Semper Constantia maining liquidity risk arises from the possibility Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, in other of limited access to or inadequate functioning companies are essentially intended to support of the money market. banking operations. These investments repre- 15 Interest rate risks are managed in accordance Collateral with recommendations made by the asset/lia- strengthened during the past year. In addi- bility management committee, which defines tion, interest rate management was improved measures to limit market risk and sets the cri- through the use of repo-transactions. Plans teria for asset-liability management on behalf also call for a further improvement in liquidity of the Executive Board. and interest rate management. The calculation of operational risk follows the Measures were implemented to support the basis indicator approach defined by § 22j of internal capital adequacy assessment pro- the Austrian Banking Act in connection with cess (ICAAP) in accordance with Pillar II/Basel § 182 of the Solvency Directive. II requirements. The bank has a defined risk management was substantially ­strategy, which is revised on an annual basis. Short-term liquidity is managed on a daily basis by the treasury department of Semper A risk capacity analysis compares the availa- Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft. In ­ ble coverage with current risks based on the order to measure and manage mid-term and definitions provided by the risk strategy. This structural liquidity risk, a liquidity (risk) anal- analysis is prepared on a quarterly basis. In ac- ysis is prepared automatically each day based cordance with the ICAAP guidelines issued by on complete balance sheet data and record- the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), the analy- ed ­entries. Risk controlling prepares a weekly sis comprises a going concern scenario and a ­report for the Executive Board that covers var- liquidation scenario. The business model uses ious normal case scenarios with favourable/ measurement methods that reflect the propor- adverse assumptions and different liquidity tionality principle and also exceed the scope of levels. Stress test scenarios are decisive for this legal calculations for equity. risk analysis. The goal is to create a refinancing structure that also covers worst case scenarios. 16 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Outlook for 2013 tic that the volume and earnings gaps caused by the loss of a major institutional client will Investors are expected to reposition for the be offset, at least in part, by new business. coming years in 2013. The debt crisis in Europe Appropriate growth should be possible in this and the USA is still unresolved, and the mone- environment with the bank’s proven products tary policies followed by central banks are cre- and advisory services as well as the increased ating the basis for inflation. This could lead to a acquisition of new client groups in Austria and re-evaluation of fixed-interest investments and other countries. A parallel reduction in costs an increased focus on shares as an investment will also support the generation of sound earn- vehicle. Other real values will also remain pop- ings in 2013, even if the unusually high 2012 ular. There is substantial demand for advising level is not reached. on asset allocation by an experienced private bank, especially in times of strategic reorienta- Vienna, 26 February 2013 tion. The Executive Board is therefore optimis- The Executive Board Dietmar Baumgartner Helmut Urban Martin Schiller 17 Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2012 Assets 1. Cash, balances with central banks 2. Debt issued by public authorities, which is accepted by the central bank for refinancing: a)Debt issued by public authorities and similar securities 3.Loans and advances to financial institutions a) Payable on demand b) Other loans and advances 6.Shares and other non-fixed interest securities 7.Investments in other companies 8.Shares in subsidiaries Thereof: accounted for as associated companies EUR 0.00 (prior year: EUR 20,520.26) 9.Intangible assets 10.Property, plant and equipment 11.Other assets 12.Prepaid expenses and deferred charges Balance sheet total 1. Foreign assets 2. Special assets in managed investment funds 18 Balance on 31.12.11 TEUR 110,815,998.96 184,515 51,090,907.05 59,935 59,935 133,051,414.42 77,100 121,261 198,361 139,148,997.16 140,739 120,199,832.29 107,322 107,322 21,931,543.76 18,298 257,049.93 258 0.00 20 51,090,907.05 74,620,119.97 58,431,294.45 4.Loans and advances to clients 5.Debt and other fixed-interest securities a) From other issuers Balance on 31.12.12 EUR 120,199,832.29 328,788.38 348 1,554,616.33 4,390 23,108,203.62 9,435 84,892.55 96 601,572,244.45 723,717 196,420,571.15 189,193 4,219,661,345.48 4,078,159 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Liabilities and equity 1.Deposits by financial institutions a) Payable on demand b) With agreed term or cancellation period 2.Deposits by clients a) Other liabilities, thereof: aa) Payable on demand bb)With agreed term or cancellation period Balance on 31.12.12 EUR Balance on 31.12.11 TEUR 43,902,425.71 4,479 0 4,479 461,281,926.94 513,331 116,087 629,418 18,790,759.28 20,047 329,889.77 592 5,826,132.42 994 0 0 3,947 4,942 35,000,000.00 5,000 30,000 35,000 24,424,028.79 23,495 23,495 3,555,684.54 500 2,250 2,750 2,291,726.63 2,197 3,000.00 3 6,166,670.37 794 601,572,244.45 723,717 2,949,634.20 2,813 42,015,130.91 1,887,294.80 336,911,123.93 124,370,803.01 3.Other liabilities 4.Deferred income 5.Provisions a) Provisions for severance compensation b) Provisions for pensions c) Tax provisions d) Other 6.Subscribed capital a) Subscribed capital b) Participation capital 7.Share premium a) Unappropriated 8.Other reserves a) Statutory reserves b) Miscellaneous reserves 1,181,951.00 0.00 220,000.00 4,424,181.42 5,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 24,424,028.79 500,000.00 3,055,684.54 9.Liability reserve as per § 23 (6) of the Austrian Banking Act 10. Non-controlling interests 11. Total profit 1.Contingent liabilities Thereof: Liabilities from sureties and guarantees from the provision of collateral 2.Credit risks Thereof: Liabilities arising from pensions 2,949,634.20 2,813 356,778.24 313 0 0.00 3.Liabilities arising from fiduciary transactions 36,335,557.69 0 4.Qualifying capital as per § 23 (14) of the Austrian Banking Act 64,945,651.58 63,097 22,798,227.46 22,207 22,141 80,259,959.70 20,320 5.Required capital as per § 22 (1) of the Austrian Banking Act Thereof: Required capital as per § 22 (1) no. 1 and 4 6. Foreign liabilities 22,798,227.46 19 Consolidated Income Statement for the Financial Year from 1 January to 31 December 2012 1.Interest and similar income, thereof: From fixed-interest securities: EUR 4,823,004.91 2.Interest and similar expenses I. Net Interest Income 3.Income from securities and investments in other companies a) Income from shares, other participation rights and non-fixed interest securities b) Income from investments in other companies Thereof: accounted for as associated companies EUR 34,418.83 c) Income from shares in subsidiaries 4.Fee and commission income 5.Fee and commission expenses 6.Income/expenses from financial transactions 7.Other operating income b)Other administrative expenses (miscellaneous) 9.Valuation adjustments to assets recorded under items 9 and 10 10.Other operating expenses III. OPERATING EXPENSES 20 31.12.2011 TEUR 17,604,021.18 17,620 (11,963,934.65) (10,500) 5,640,086.53 7,120 301,057.04 34,418.83 322 25 4,479.74 II. Operating Income 8.General administrative expenses a) Personnel expenses, thereof: aa)Salaries bb)Expenses for legally required social security and payroll-related duties and mandatory contributions cc) Other employee-related expenses dd)Expenses for pensions and similar support payments ee) Expenses for severance compensation and contributions to employee severance compensation funds 31.12.2012 EUR 339,955.61 58,915,755.06 (39,467,528.07) 6,923,812.82 3,463,821.60 0 347 58,956 (40,951) 8,993 838 35,815,903.55 35,304 (9,541,982.44) (9,197) (2,018,815.82) (93,937.05) (2,079) (100) (118,813.64) (136) (340,848.75) (156) (12,186,207.84) (24,300,605.54) (9,060) (20,727) (644,706.25) (102,723.57) (622) (119) (25,048,035.36) (21,469) Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements IV. Operating Profit 11.Valuation adjustments to receivables and expenses arising from transactions with securities recorded under current assets 12.Income from the reversal of valuation adjustments to receivables and income arising from transactions with securities recorded under current assets 13. Valuation adjustments to securities that are accounted for as financial assets Thereof: accounted for as associated companies EUR 24,486.00 14. Income from valuation adjustments to securities that are accounted for as financial assets V. Profit on Ordinary Activities 15. Income taxes 16.Non-income based taxes VI. Net Profit for the Year 17.Changes in reserves a) Addition to liability reserve as per § 23 (6) Austrian Banking Act b)Addition to other reserves 18. Distribution on participation capital VII. Net Profit for the Year (after Changes to Reserves) 19. Non-controlling interests 20. Profit carried forward VIII. Total Profit for the Year 31.12.2012 EUR 31.12.2011 TEUR 10,767,868.19 13,835 (3,731,891.19) (3,064) 3,259,015.63 (252,357.75) 1,150 (8,168) 1,547,191.61 204 11,589,826.49 3,958 (2,907,403.61) (159,117.63) (817) (16) 8,523,305.25 3,124 (900,455.76) 2,250,000.00 (168) 0 (168) (2,250) 5,372,849.49 707 0.00 793,820.88 0 87 6,166,670.37 794 (94,771.22) (805,684.54) 21 Changes in Equity Statement Issued capital Share premium Other reserves 31 December 2009 EUR 35,000,000.00 23,006,080.29 0.00 Distribution Semper 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net profit for the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 Addition to liability reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 Consolidation of SC Invest GmbH (formerly: CPB KAG) 0.00 503,000.00 0.00 Consolidation of Cantiga Holding GmbH & Co KG 0.00 (3,000.00) 0.00 Consolidation of AMG 0.00 (10,911.17) 0.00 Distribution to participation capital 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,000,000.00 23,495,169.12 0.00 Profit carried forward 0.00 0.00 0.00 Distribution Semper 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net profit for the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 Addition to other reserves 0.00 0.00 2,750,000.00 Addition to liability reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 Distribution to participation capital 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,000,000.00 23,495,169.12 2,750,000.00 Profit carried forward 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net profit for the year 0.00 0.00 0.00 Addition to other reserves 0.00 0.00 805,684.54 Addition to share premium 0.00 928,859.67 0.00 Addition to liability reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 Distribution participation capital 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,000,000.00 24,424,028.79 3,555,684.54 31 December 2010 31 December 2011 31 December 2012 22 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Liability reserve Non-controlling interests Profit carried forward Net profit for the year Total 1,962,015.98 (14.16) (15,974.27) 0.00 59,952,107.84 0.00 0.00 (6,611.58) 0.00 (6,611.58) 0.00 14.16 0.00 7,426,858.44 7,426,872.60 67,283.24 0.00 0.00 (67,283.24) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 503,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (10,911.17) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,250,000.00) (2,250,000.00) 2,029,299.22 3,000.00 (22,585.85) 5,109,575.20 65,614,457.69 0.00 0.00 109,575.20 (109,575.20) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,250,000.00) (2,250,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,124,487.72 3,124,487.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,750,000.00) 0.00 167,656.19 0.00 0.00 (167,656.19) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,250,000.00) (2,250,000.00) 2,196,955.41 3,000.00 86,989.35 706,831.53 64,238,945.41 0.00 0.00 706,831.53 (706,831.53) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,523,305.25 8,523,305.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 (805,684.54) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 928,859.67 94,771.22 0.00 0.00 (94,771.22) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2,250,000.00) (2,250,000.00) 2,291,726.63 3,000.00 793,820.88 5,372,849.49 71,441,110.33 23 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the Financial Year from 1 January to 31 December 2012 2012 2011 Change Net profit for the year TEUR 8,654 3,124 5,530 Depreciation, amortisation and write-ups 1,228 9,342 (8,114) Proceeds from the sale of non-current assets 697 40 658 Other non-cash income and expenses (34) (25) (9) Change in long-term provisions 188 (243) 431 10,733 12,238 (1,505) 65,310 (124,622) 189,933 1,590 247,888 (246,299) Securities (current) (29,632) (32,773) 3,140 Other assets/prepaid expenses and deferred charges (10,215) (2,515) (7,700) 220 0 220 Gross cash flow Increase/decrease in: Loans and advances to financial institutions Loans and advances to clients Tax provisions Other provisions 477 (483) 959 39,423 (2,539) 41,962 (168,136) (5,203) (162,933) (1,518) (1,690) 172 (91,749) 90,301 (182,050) Payments made for investments in financial assets (9,724) (209) (9,515) Payments made for investments in other non-current assets (1,239) (822) (416) Proceeds from the sale of financial assets 30,464 21,976 8,488 Deposits by financial institutions Deposits by clients Other liabilities/deferred income Net cash flow from operating activities (OCF) 0 0 (0) Net cash flow from investing activities (ICF) Proceeds from the sale of other non-current assets 19,502 20,945 (1,443) Distribution on/issue of participation capital (2,250) (2,250) 0 Cash inflows from shareholder contributions 727 0 727 Increase from Copernicus II merger 71 0 71 0 (2,250) 2,250 (1,452) (4,500) 3,048 Change in cash and cash equivalents (73,699) 106,746 180,445 Cash on hand, deposits with national bank 1.1.2012 184,515 77,768 106,747 Cash on hand, deposits with national bank 31.12.2012 110,816 184,515 (73,699) 73,699 (106,747) 180,446 Distribution Semper Net cash flow from financing activities (FCF) Change 24 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Notes to the Annual Financial Statements as of ­ 31 December 2012 of Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft The difference resulting from the transfer of I. General Information assets was credited to the share premium.­ These consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted Based on settlement agreements concluded by accounting principles and in keeping with the Semper general objective of presenting a true and fair sellschaft with Semper Constantia Invest GmbH picture of the asset, financial and earnings po- and another partnership limited by shares, all sition of the company. receivables and liabilities held these two part- Constantia Privatbank Aktienge- nerships are netted out by fund. The accounting and valuation methods comply with the accounting principles defined by the II. Consolidation Range Austrian Commercial Code and the supplementary provisions of the Austrian Banking Act. Subsidiaries – financial institutions In preparing the notes, the schedule of maturi- Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Vienna ties for loans and advances to and deposits by Semper Constantia Immo Invest GmbH, Vienna 100.00% 99.95% financial institutions and clients was based on a remaining term of three months or more. Semper Therefore, the figures on this schedule differ sellschaft, Vienna, holds a direct stake of 94.9% from the items reported as payable on demand in Semper Constantia Immo Invest GmbH as on the balance sheet. well as an indirect investment of 5.05% through Constantia Privatbank Aktienge- its subsidiary Cantiga Holding GmbH & Co KG. Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktienge- This represents a combined holding of 99.95%. sellschaft, Vienna, has maintained a trading book since the start of its operating activities Subsidiaries – securities firms on 5 December 2009. On 27 September 2012 the Austrian Financial Semper Constantia Asset ­ Management GmbH, Vienna 100.00% Market Authority approved the downstream merger of Copernicus II GmbH, as the transferring company, with Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft, as the accepting company. 25 panded to include Semper Constantia Financial Subsidiaries – other companies Services GmbH. A notification was filed with the Cantina Holding GmbH & Co KG ­ (financial holding company), Vienna­ Limited partnership investment Semper Constantia Financial ­Services GmbH 100.00% taxation authorities to indicate the founding of an integrated company for VAT purposes, which includes Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft, the two investment corporations and the securities firm. This notification The indirect investment in CPB Immobilien was amended in December 2012 to report the Investment Services GmbH was sold by the ­ addition of Semper Constantia Financial Servic- parent company Semper Constantia Immo es GmbH. ­Invest GmbH in 2012. III. Consolidation Principles and Methods Investments in other companies The consolidation is based on the book ­value method defined in § 254 (1) no. 1 of the LeanMIS GmbH, Vienna 25.03% ­Austrian Commercial Code. In accordance with § 254 (1) no. 2 of the Austrian Commercial The subsidiaries Semper Constantia Invest Code, any remaining consolidation differences GmbH, Semper Constantia Immo Invest GmbH, are offset against reserves. Semper Constantia Asset Management GmbH, Cantiga Holding GmbH & Co KG and Sem- As part of the consolidation process, receiv- per Constantia Financial Services GmbH are ables were offset against the corresponding included in the financial statements through ­ liabilities. All intragroup income and expens- full consolidation. The investment in LeanMIS es were eliminated during the consolidation. GmbH is accounted for as an associated com- There were no interim profits during the report- pany by applying the equity method. ing year, and the elimination of such items was therefore unnecessary. Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktienge- sellschaft, Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, The principles that form the basis for the con- Semper Constantia Immo Invest GmbH and solidation are applied analogously to account- Semper Constantia Asset Management GmbH ing procedures under the equity method. have formed a corporate group for tax purposes pursuant to § 9 (1) of the Austrian Corporate Tax Act. In December 2012 this group was ex- 26 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements IV.Accounting and Valuation Methods Securities that are held for resale or with the intention to utilise existing or expected differ- 1. Foreign currency balances ences between the purchase and sale price or price fluctuations over the short-term are re- The Euro value of foreign currency balances is corded in a securities trading book pursuant to determined through translation at the average § 22b (1) of the Austrian Banking Act and car- exchange rate on the balance sheet date. ried at market price. Securities recorded under other current assets are held primarily for the 2.Securities investment and management of liquid funds. Current and non-current securities are valued Debt instruments issued by public authorities in accordance with the lower of cost or mar- as well as bonds and other fixed interest se- ket principle. In accordance with § 56 (2) and curities are recorded under non-current assets (3) of the Austrian Banking Act, premiums and in cases where they represent a strategic long- discounts are distributed proportionately as in- term position (intention to hold and remaining come or expense over the remaining term of term of more than one year) based on a previ- the respective item. ous or recent resolution of the Executive Board. Non-current securities are designated as such Transaction costs, e.g. brokerage and arrange- on the books. ment fees, are not capitalised because the amounts are immaterial and the allocation may 3. Loans and advances to financial institu- be complex. tions and clients Securities are classified as held for trading, oth- Loans and advances to financial institutions er current assets or investments (non-current and clients are carried at nominal value or the assets). Classification under non-current assets lower fair value. reflects the intention to hold these securities over the long-term (remaining term > 1 year), 4.Investments in other companies and i.e. there is no intention to sell the securities shares in subsidiaries prematurely. A number of these securities serve as collateral reserves. The Executive Board or Investments in other companies and shares in the asset/liability committee is responsible for subsidiaries are carried at acquisition cost or deciding whether securities meet the criteria the lower fair value, unless the equity method for classification as non-current. is used. Shares in subsidiaries are valued by applying the equity method. 27 5. Intangible assets, land and buildings, and The building was therefore reclassified from property, plant and equipment non-current assets (property, plant and equipment) to current assets (other current assets). Intangible assets are comprised entirely of EDP software. These items are amortised on a 6. Special accounts for severance compensa- straight-line basis, which equals five years for tion and pensions standard products. The provision for severance compensation is Buildings, furniture, fixtures and office equip- calculated in accordance with financial prin- ment are carried at acquisition cost less ordi- ciples and the Austrian "Teilwertverfahren" nary straight-line depreciation. In accordance ­method based on a discount rate of 2.5% per with tax regulations, annual depreciation is year (2011: 3.5% per year). In accordance with recorded in full for additions made during the the transition rules defined by Austrian law, the first six months; one-half this amount is record- retirement age was adjusted in 2004 to 65 for ed for additions made during the second six men and, in some cases, also for women. months of the year. In 2012 the remaining pension contributions Low-value assets are written off completely were also transferred to BONUS Pensionskassen in the year of acquisition and simultaneously Aktiengesellschaft for employees whose one- treated as disposals. year waiting period had expired. The ­ related­ accounts were closed. The depreciable or useful life is based on the asset category: buildings are depreciated over 7. Other provisions fifty years, adaptations or installations in buildings owned by third parties over ten years, of- Other provisions include employee-related ac- fice furnishings over ten years and technical cruals (performance bonuses, vacations, over- office equipment and EDP hardware over five time work) and also reflect other uncertain ob- years. ligations and recognisable risks. The building at Franzensbrückenstrasse 26, 8. Other liabilities 1020 Vienna, which served as the company’s second office up to the relocation, was desig- Liabilities are stated at their nominal value or nated as available for sale based on an Execu- the higher repayment amount. tive Board resolution dated 30 October 2012. 28 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements 9. Derivative financial transactions that were paid or received are reported under other assets or other liabilities, respectively. Op- Derivative financial transactions (futures, swaps, tion premiums are recognised as liabilities up to options) are classified as hedging instruments the exercise date. If these written options have in accordance with their intended purpose. As a higher value as of the balance sheet date, the pending transactions, they are generally not difference is included under other provisions. shown on the balance sheet. Option premiums V. Notes to the Balance Sheet 1. Schedule of maturities by remaining term EUR 31.12.2012 31.12.2011 Loans and advances to financial institutions Up to 3 months Over 3 months and up to 1 year Over 1 year and up to 5 years Over 5 years 58,430,553.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 121,261,296.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 58,430,553.32 121,261,296.66 Loans and advances to clients Up to 3 months Over 3 months and up to 1 year Over 1 year and up to 5 years Over 5 years 18,738,967.97 5,208,496.67 21,965,467.08 48,393,028.55 17,339,205.39 924,846.69 11,622,147.02 61,083,296.30 Total 94,305,960.27 90,969,495.40 Deposits by financial institutions Up to 3 months Over 3 months and up to 1 year Over 1 year and up to 5 years Over 5 years 1,887,294.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1,887,294.80 0.00 53,970,761.38 70,230,041.63 170,000.00 0.00 66,109,402.74 49,477,513.65 0.00 500,000.00 124,370,803.01 116,086,916.39 Deposits by clients Up to 3 months Over 3 months and up to 1 year Over 1 year and up to 5 years Over 5 years Total 29 The above schedule does not include loans and after the deduction of a proportional share advances or deposits that are payable on de- of write-downs. The difference/discount be- mand. tween the repayment amount and the acquisition cost for non-current securities totalled Debt and other fixed-interest securities include EUR 50,351.59 as of 31 December 2012 (2011: loans and advances of EUR 32,900,000.00 that EUR 74,996.53) after the addition of a propor- are due in 2013 (2011: EUR 24,000,000.00 that tional share of write-ups. are due in 2012). The following table shows the classification of bonds and other fixed-interest securities, 2.Securities shares and other non-fixed interest securities, The difference/premium between the acquisi- shares in subsidiaries and investments in other tion cost and the repayment amount of non-­ companies by category: admitted for trading on current securities totalled EUR 1,254,766.17 as a stock exchange, listed or not listed: of 31 December 2012 (2011: EUR 1,712,977.51) EUR Bonds and other fixed-interest securities (incl. proportional share of premium/discount) Shares and other non-fixed interest securities Total 30 Admitted for trading on a stock exchange Thereof listed Thereof not listed 120,199,832.28 120,199,832.28 0.00 269,612.18 269,612.18 0.00 120,469,444.46 120,469,444.46 0.00 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Bonds and other fixed-interest securities as a stock exchange, are classified as current or well as shares and other non-fixed interest non-current as follows: securities, which are admitted for trading on EUR Bonds and other fixed-interest securities (incl, proportional share of premium/discount) Admitted for ­trading on a­ stock exchange Thereof non-current Thereof current (incl. trading portfolio) 120,199,832.28 45,611,633.88 74,588,198.40 Shares and other non-fixed interest securities Total 269,612.18 0.00 269,612.18 120,469,444.46 45,611,633.88 74,857,810.58 The difference between the acquisition cost ber 2012 (2011: EUR 88,607,739.12). The and the higher market value of listed current total carrying amount as of that date was securities as of the balance sheet date totalled EUR 64,818,569.45 (2011: EUR 86,782,589.12). EUR 1,735,067.44 (2011: EUR 110,558.41). Non-current securities include debt and other fixed-interest securities as well as debt issued Shares and other non-fixed interest securities by public authorities and investment certif- include investment certificates that are not ad- icates that are not admitted for trading on a mitted for stock exchange trading, which had stock exchange. a carrying amount of EUR 21,482,724.37 as of 31 December 2012 (2011: EUR 17,688,237.23). The securities trading book had a total volume of EUR 4,102,435.24 as of 31 December 2012 The market value of non-current securities (2011: EUR 413,471.56). totalled EUR 66,830,420.52 as of 31 Decem- 31 3. Related parties 2016: EUR 207,749.71). Rental obligations total EUR 1,099,146.00 for the next financial Deposits by clients include EUR 158,324.68 year (2011 for 2012: EUR 1,138,260.30) and (2011: EUR 226,513.59) due to companies in EUR 6,032,476.25 for the next five financial which an investment is held. years (2011 for 2012–2016: EUR 5,441,940.30). 4. Non-current assets 5. Other assets The schedule of changes in non-current assets Income that will only become due and payable is presented on pages 42f. after the balance sheet date represents the accrued interest shown in the above table. The Obligations arising from the use of leased prop- limited partnership interest in Premium Spital- erty, plant and equipment that is not shown on gasse 19A GmbH & Co KG is held by the bank the balance sheet amount to EUR 74,044.02 on a temporary basis. Information on the prop- for the next financial year (2011 for 2012: erty at Franzensbrückenstrasse 26, 1020 Vien- EUR 63,838.16) and to EUR 204,111.67 for na, is provided under the section on accounting the next five financial years (2011 for 2012– and valuation methods. Other assets comprise the following items: EUR 2012 2011 10,114,217.12 3,108,828.39 Accrued interest 2,362,216.22 2,248,500.91 Premium Spitalgasse 19A GmbH & Co KG 1,643,369.02 1,370,060.00 Variation margins on futures and forward exchange contracts concluded for funds Settlements with taxation authorities Real estate in Franzensbrückenstrasse Miscellaneous Total 32 396,659.23 608,951.83 3,446,627.00 0.00 5,145,115.03 2,098,809.50 23,108,203.62 9,435,150.63 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements 6. Equity and comparable liabilities tion is to be made on participation capital if and to what extent this capital is covered by The bank’s subscribed capital is divided into net profit for the year after changes in reserves, 5,000,000 zero par value shares, each of which contingent upon the approval of the distribu- represents an equal stake. tion by the issuer’s annual general meeting. Subscribed capital also includes 30,000 equally 7. Other provisions and liabilities ranked bearer participation certificates with a nominal value of EUR 1,000 each and a total Other provisions consist chiefly of employee-­ nominal value of EUR 30,000,000. The terms related provisions totalling EUR 2,751,338.69 of the participation capital were amended as of (2011: EUR 2,178,700.27). 7 December 2010 to increase the number of certificates from 300 to 30,000. The registered Significant expenses that will only become due global certificates were replaced by an amend- and payable after the balance sheet date rep- able collective instrument in accordance with resent accrued interest, commission liabilities § 24 of the Austrian Depository Act, Austrian and the distribution on participation capital. As Federal Gazette no. 424/1969. of 31 December 2012, these liabilities totalled EUR 6,447,048.39 (2011: EUR 5,984,640.83). The dividend on participation capital for the 2012 financial year totalled EUR 2,250,000.00 (2011: EUR 2,250,000.00), which represents an annual 7.5% (gross) return on the nominal amount. The participation certificates carry a claim to profit-based income on participation capital in accordance with § 23 (4) of the Austrian Banking Act and do not create any obligation for the subsequent payment of dividends. A distribu- 33 Other liabilities comprise the following: EUR Variation margins on futures and forward exchange contracts concluded for funds 2012 2011 10,205,836.46 10,221,103.62 Distribution on participation capital 2,250,000.00 2,837,157.53 Commission liabilities 2,499,054.60 2,098,792.48 Accrued interest 1,697,993.79 1,048,690.82 252,809.43 851,174.39 0.00 0.00 Accruals for payments received Amounts due to taxation authorities Special pension accounts (other liabilities) Other liabilities Total 0.00 31,000.57 1,885,065.00 2,958,850.43 18,790,759.28 20,046,769.84 8. Additional information on balance sheet Newedge Group, Zurich, Euroclear Bank, Brus- items sels, and JP Morgen Chase Bank, London, as well as loans and advances to financial institutions The amounts deposited in 2012 as s ­ecurity with a carrying amount of EUR 34,799,920.20 for the arrangement and settlement risks (2011: EUR 34,896,558.20). connected with deposits by financial institutions consist of the following: securities with Foreign a market value of EUR 152,455,099.40 (2011: EUR 95,038,158.90 (2011: EUR 98,807,171.32), EUR 143,449,016.38) with Oesterreichische and foreign currency liabilities amounted to Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, Oes- EUR 7,092,514.23 (2011: EUR 39,348,481.47). terreichische Nationalbank, Vienna, and the 34 currency assets totalled Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements 9. Fair value of financial instruments EUR 2012 2011 Carrying amount of debt issued by public authorities 14,892,775.05 35,275,159.86 15,936,280.00 36,713,410.00 Carrying amount of debt and other fixed-interest securities 45,611,633.88 47,262,816.12 46,529,202.00 47,684,870.00 Fair value Fair value The bank had recognised the following derivative financial instruments for its own account as of 31 December 2012: EUR Carrying amount Carrying amount Liabilities Provisions 631.50 48,728.00 49,225.19 627,503.13 0.00 577,299.42 Put options Short-term written put options (remaining term under 1 year) Long-term written put options (remaining term between 2 and 10 years) Fair value The options represent options to shares of terest rate for the remaining term and a vol- Immofinanz AG. These options were valued atility of 47.75%. The asset (premium paid) is by applying the Black-Scholes model, whereby reported under other receivables, while the the parameters included a market price of EUR liability (premium received) is recorded under 3.176 as of 31 December 2012, a risk-free in- other liabilities. EUR Carrying amount Carrying amount Interest rate swaps Accrued interest Deferred income 217,200.15 76,340.24 Accrued interest Provision 20,190.94 16,828.89 Interest rate swap with Commerzbank Interest rate swap with Deutsche Bank Fair value 408,859.88 37,019.83 35 EUR Futures SXDH3 EuroStoxx Mid200 March 2013 Carrying amount Fair value Receivable 33,024.96 (33,024.96) Receivable VGH3 EuroStoxx 50 March 2013 10. Below-the-line positions 44,400.00 (44,400.00) by Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, whereby Semper Constantia Invest GmbH is the second- Contingent liabilities arising from guarantees ary defendant in most of these cases. Semper amounted to EUR 2,949,634.20 as of 31 De- Constantia Invest GmbH considers the risk aris- cember 2012 (2011: EUR 2,812,915.10) and ing from possible financial liabilities to be ex- were contrasted by contingent receivables of tremely low because the company has a right the same amount (2011: EUR 3,092,915.10). of recourse against the external asset manager, who carries indemnity insurance. For this The major credit risks as of the balance sheet reason, no provisions were recognised for the date represented sold put options on assets of costs associated with these legal proceedings. EUR 356,778.24 (2011: EUR 312,844.48). Qualifying equity as defined in § 24 of the AustriIt should be noted that 40 court proceedings an Banking Act amounted to EUR 64,945,651.58 are currently pending in connection with the (2011: EUR 63,097,375.15). management of an investment fund created 36 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements 11. Supplementary information Special off-balance sheet financing transactions are classified as follows: Purchase transactions over nominal value: EUR 2012 Interest rate swaps Interest rate futures 0.00 213,954,752.17 13,286,428.63 Interest rate options Foreign exchange and interest rate swaps Forward exchange contracts 36,312,187.78 294,927,168.00 243,230,388.47 364,646,028.54 1,080,515,498.38 1,273,903,709.69 2,506,771.79 7,880,016.27 Foreign exchange futures Foreign exchange options Asset-based contracts 2011 10,000,000.00 87,681,836.69 55,472,424.68 540,755,674.00 569,340,331.57 Commodities futures (market transactions) 0.00 0.00 Other futures, forward contracts 0.00 0.00 2,214,957,109.28 2,579,456,107.38 2012 2011 Total Sale transactions over nominal value: EUR Interest rate swaps 10,000,000.00 0.00 Interest rate futures 213,954,752.17 29,086,428.63 Interest rate options 20,743,519.78 279,358,500.00 Foreign exchange and interest rate swaps Forward exchange contracts 243,230,388.47 364,646,028.54 1,080,515,498.38 1,273,903,709.69 Foreign exchange futures 2,506,771.79 7,880,016.27 Foreign exchange options 87,681,836.69 55,472,424.68 514,646,675.50 512,953,484.18 0.00 0.00 Asset-based contracts Commodities futures (market transactions) Other futures, forward contracts Total 0.00 0.00 2,173,279,442.78 2,523,300,591.99 The differences between the purchases and sold put options on assets as defined in no. 1 sales of asset-based contracts resulted primar- letter j of Appendix 1 to § 22 of the Austrian ily from futures of EUR 6,130,800.00 on pro- Banking Act. prietary positions and from transactions with 37 The following purchase transactions were pending as of the balance sheet date: EUR 2012 2011 8,433,862.59 8,258,457.38 Forward contracts for securities 35,279,453.41 59,354,545.83 Total 43,713,316.00 67,613,003.21 Money market transactions The following sale transactions were pending as of the balance sheet date: EUR 2012 Money market transactions 2011 8,433,862.59 8,258,457.38 Forward contracts for securities 35,277,043.51 59,351,210.77 Total 43,710,906.10 67,609,668.15 These transactions consist primarily of closed positions that will be settled for funds and other clients. Constantia Asset Management GmbH that con- VI.Notes to the Income Statement sists primarily of administrative fees and issue Commission income includes income of premiums. EUR 6,242,301.13 (2011: EUR 5,824,310.96) for administrative services (asset management Income from financial transactions consists pri- fees, custody account charges and depository marily of income generated by the bank‘s own bank fees) provided to third parties and income foreign exchange business and income from of EUR 9,291,058.42 (2011: EUR 11,668,436.52) foreign exchange transactions carried out for from securities transactions. This position also clients. includes commission income of EUR 35,817,024.04 (2011: EUR 36,432,591.46) Other operating income includes project and from Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Semper consulting fees charged out, including forward- Constantia Immo Invest GmbH and Semper ing expenses, as well as income from p ­ ersonnel 38 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements services charged out, for a total of EUR 2,180,444.81 (2011: EUR 244,722.06). Of the total fees for the audit of the annual financial statements, EUR 111,748.00 (2011: EUR 112,614.54) were charged by BDO Austria Expenses for severance compensation and con- GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerber- tributions to employee severance compensa- atungsgesellschaft as the auditor of the indi- tion funds amounted to EUR 224,446.63 (2011: vidual and consolidated financial statements EUR 67,173.04). of Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna. Income taxes are related entirely to profit on ordinary activities. Deferred taxes totalling 3. Loans to members of the Executive Board EUR 75,872.25 (2011: EUR 44,049.25) were not and Supervisory Board recognised. The stand-alone method was used for allocation in connection with the group and One member of the Executive Board was grant- tax settlement agreement. Additional informa- ed a loan of EUR 15,000.00 during the period tion is provided in the notes under the section from April to October 2012. This loan has since on the consolidation range. been repaid in full. The interest rate was based on the three-month Euribor plus 0.75%. VII. Other Disclosures In 1.Employees December Supervisory ­ 2010 Board one was member granted of the a loan­ of EUR 2,110,000.00. This loan, which had The Group had an average of 131 employees increased to an outstanding balance of (only salaried employees) in 2012 (2011: 123). EUR 2,200,000.00, was extended for a further year in December 2012. The interest rate is 2. Auditor’s fees based on the three-month Euribor plus 1%. A securities depository serves as collateral for the The auditor’s fees amounted to EUR 251,177.82 loan, which is covered by more than 100%. The in 2012 (2011: EUR 243,102.07) and included respective Supervisory Board member resigned the following: from this corporate body in 2012. EUR Audit of the annual financial statements 2012 2011 160,600.04 160,481.70 Tax advising 60,833.80 65,320.12 Other consulting services 29,743.98 17,300.25 251,177.82 243,102.07 Total 39 4. Expenses for severance compensation and pensions The following expenses were recognised for the Executive Board and key employees in 2012: EUR 2012 2011 Expenses for severance compensation 60,654.13 30,338.70 Payments to employee severance compensation funds 35,349.93 29,051.39 Expenses for pension accounts 22,130.49 26,556.19 118,134.55 85,946.28 Total 5. Remuneration of the Executive Board and GmbH, which holds a stake of 59.06% (2011: Supervisory Board 52%) in the audited company. The disclosures required by § 239 (1) no. 3 and Copernicus I GmbH is a financial holding cor- 4 of the Austrian Commercial Code are not pro- poration as defined in § 2 no. 25 of the Aus- vided in accordance with the protective clause trian Banking Act and, consequently, forms a set forth in § 241 (4) of the Austrian Commer- KI-Group pursuant to § 30 (1) of the Austrian cial Code. Banking Act with Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, and its subsidiaries Expenses totalling EUR 55,000.00 were recog- Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Semper Con- nised for the members of the Supervisory Board stantia Immo Invest GmbH, Semper Constantia of Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktienge- Asset Management GmbH, Semper Constantia sellschaft in 2012 (2011: EUR 78,333.33). The Financial Services GmbH and Cantiga Holding two investment fund companies recognised Su- GmbH & Co KG. Copernicus I is the superior pervisory Board remuneration of EUR 42,500.00 institution as defined in § 30 (1) of the Aus- during the reporting year (2010: EUR 44,500.00). trian Banking Act, while Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, is the ­superior financial institution as defined in § 30 6. Parent company (5) of the Austrian Banking Act. The parent company is Copernicus I GmbH, Copernicus I GmbH, a financial holding corpo- 1010 Vienna, Walfischgasse 5. ration and the parent company, prepares conSemper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesell­ schaft, Vienna, is a subsidiary of Copernicus I 40 solidated financial statements for the largest group of companies. Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements 7. Members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board Executive Board Helmut Urban Speaker of the Executive Board Martin Schiller Member Dietmar Baumgartner Member (since 1 January 2013) Supervisory Board Erhard F. Grossnigg Chairman Peter Püspök Vice-Chairman Alain de Krassny Member (up to 26 June 2012) Hans Peter Haselsteiner Member Roland Krempler Member Josef Blazicek Member (up to 26 June 2012) Birgit Wagner Member Patrick Draschtak Member Emanuel Auanger Member (up to 18 July 2012) Vienna, 26 February 2013 The Executive Board Dietmar Baumgartner Helmut Urban Martin Schiller 41 Changes in Non-Current Assets Acquisition cost on 1.1.2012 Additions Disposals Transfers 1. Debt issued by public authorities 45,823,915.00 7,854,000.00 38,382,550.00 0.00 2. Debt and other fixed-interest securities 48,173,680.00 1,800,000.00 3,029,100.00 0.00 4,357,887.12 69,547.40 0.00 0.00 4. Investments in other companies Thereof: associated companies 258,096.63 44,226.63 34,418.83 34,418.83 35,465.53 35,465.53 0.00 0.00 5. Shares in subsidiaries a) Other companies Thereof: associated companies 49,234.00 49,234.00 0.00 0.00 49,234.00 49,234.00 0.00 0.00 681,618.75 155,412.61 50,714.96 0.00 922,735.00 2,713,865.00 43,764.32 0.00 0.00 632,846.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 922,735.00 2,713,865.00 0.00 1,361,402.17 450,356.66 231,668.22 0.00 5,041,766.49 1,083,203.04 231,668.22 3,636,600.00 104,386,197.99 10,996,581.88 41,778,732.71 3,636,600.00 EUR 3. Shares and other non-fixed interest securities Investment certificates 6. Intangible assets Software 7. Property, plant and equipment a) Land with buildings b) Buildings c) Fixtures in buildings owned by third parties d) Furniture, fixtures and ­office equipment (incl. low-value assets) Total 42 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements Acquisition cost on 31.12.2012 Accumulated amort./depr. less write-ups Carrying amount on 31.12.2012 Carrying amount on 31.12.2011 Annual amort./depr. (write-ups) 15,295,365.00 402,589.95 14,892,775.05 35,275,159.86 204,601.47 46,944,580.00 1,332,946.12 45,611,633.88 47,262,816.14 449,118.72 4,427,434.52 113,274.00 4,314,160.52 4,244,613.12 0.00 257,049.93 43,179.93 0.00 0.00 257,049.93 43,179.93 258,096.63 44,226.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,520.26 20,520.26 0.00 0.00 786,316.40 457,528.02 328,788.38 347,749.38 162,250.61 0.00 0.00 676,610.70 0.00 0.00 38,221.70 0.00 0.00 638,389.00 922,735.00 2,578,170.00 41,575.00 0.00 54,278.00 36,032.38 1,580,090.61 663,863.28 916,227.33 847,821.25 321,986.66 2,256,701.31 702,084.98 1,554,616.33 4,390,301.25 412,297.04 69,967,447.16 3,008,423.07 66,959,024.09 91,799,256.64 1,228,267.84 43 Auditors’ Report for the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Management Report as per ­31 December 2012 of Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesell­ schaft Report on the consolidated Financial State- or error; selecting and applying appropriate ac- ments counting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. We have audited the accompanying ­consolidated financial statements, including the account- Auditor’s Responsibility and Description of ing system, of Semper Constantia Privatbank Type and Scope of the Statutory Audit Aktien­ gesellschaft, Vienna, for the fiscal year from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on These consolidated financial statements com- these financial consolidated statements based prise the consolidated balance sheet as of on our audit. We conducted our audit in ac- December 31, 2012, the consolidated income cordance with laws and regulations applicable statement for the fiscal year ended December in Austria and Austrian Standards on Auditing. 31, 2012, consolidated cash flow statement, Those standards require that we comply with consolidated statement of changes in equity as professional guidelines and that we plan and of December 31, 2012 and the notes to consol- perform the audit to obtain reasonable assur- idated financial statements. ance whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements and for the Accounting Sys- An audit involves performing procedures to tem obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial state- The Company’s management is responsible for ments. The procedures selected depend on the consolidated accounting system and for the the auditor’s judgment, including the assess- preparation and fair presentation of these con- ment of the risks of material misstatement of solidated financial statements in accordance the consolidated financial statements, whether with Austrian Generally Accepted Accounting due to fraud or error. In making those risk as- Principles and Austrian Banking Law. This re- sessments, the auditor considers internal con- sponsibility includes: designing, implementing trol relevant to the Company’s preparation and and maintaining internal control relevant to the fair presentation of the financial statements in preparation and fair presentation of consoli- order to design audit procedures that are ap- dated financial statements that are free from propriate in the circumstances, but not for the material misstatement, whether due to fraud purpose of expressing an opinion on the effec- 44 Semper Constantia Privatbank | Management Report | Consolidated Financial Statements tiveness of the Company’s internal control. An financial statements and as to whether the oth- audit also includes evaluating the appropriate- er disclosures are not misleading with respect ness of accounting policies used and the rea- to the consolidated companies position. The sonableness of accounting estimates made by auditor’s report also has to contain a statement management, as well as evaluating the over- as to whether the consolidated ­ management all presentation of the consolidated financial report is consistent with the consolidated statements. financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have ob- In our opinion, the consolidated management tained is sufficient and appropriate to provide report is consistent with the consolidated a basis for our audit opinion. ­financial statements. Opinion Vienna, 7 March 2013 BDO Austria GmbH Our audit did not give rise to any objections. In Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsge­ our opinion, which is based on the results sellschaft of our audit, the consolidated financial statements comply with legal requirements and give a true Josef Schima and fair view of the financial position of the Andreas Thürridl consolidated companies as of December 31, certified public accountants 2012 and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the fiscal year from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 in accordance with Austrian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Austrian Banking Law. Comments on the consolidated Management Report Pursuant to statutory provisions, the consolidated management report is to be audited as to whether it is consistent with the consolidated This report is a translation of the original report in German, which is solely valid. Publication of the financial statements together with our auditor‘s opinion may only be made if the financial statements and the management report are identical with the audited version attached to this report. Section 281 paragraph 2 UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) applies. 45 Report of the Supervisory Board Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, The Executive Board submitted all transactions to the Supervisory Board that required the The development of business during the 2012 consent of this body; these transactions were financial year was, similar to the previous year, subsequently approved. The Supervisory Board influenced by the on-going difficult conditions verified the correctness of actions taken by the on the financial and capital markets. How­ Executive Board. ever, Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft was able to generate sound results The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board for the reporting year. met twice during 2012. These meetings dealt, above all, with the preparation of a resolution The Supervisory Board fulfilled the duties re- on the annual financial statements and consol- quired by law, the articles of association and idated financial statements as well as a recom- the rules of procedure in 2012. The Supervisory mendation for the appointment of an auditor Board regularly monitored the management of for the 2013 financial year. The responsible the bank and provided the Executive Board with bank auditor was present at both meetings. support on strategic issues. One focal point of discussions during the reThe Supervisory Board held four meetings dur- porting year was the composition of the Exec­ ing the reporting year at which the Executive utive Board and, in particular, succession Board provided extensive, up to date informa- planning for this corporate body. Dietmar tion on the development of business and the Baumgartner was appointed to the Executive standing of the bank, including the risk posi- Board as of 1 January 2013. tion and risk management. All relevant transactions were discussed openly and in detail based There were a number of changes on the Su- on written and verbal reports by the Executive pervisory Board during the reporting year. At Board. The Supervisory Board was therefore the meeting on 26 June 2012 Alain de Krassny able to fulfil the duties required by law and the and Josef Blazicek informed the Supervisory articles of association and also ensure compli- Board chairman of their intention to resign as ance with all relevant regulations by the bank’s members of this body. The Employees‘ Council management. Recommendations made by the subsequently reduced the number of its dele- Supervisory Board were accepted by the Exec- gated members accordingly. The Supervisory utive Board. Board would like to thank Alain de Krassny, Josef ­Blazicek and Emanuel Auanger for their constructive cooperation. 46 The following persons were members of the Su- grounds for objections and the auditor conse- pervisory Board in 2012: quently issued an unqualified opinion, confirming that the annual financial statements and Erhard F. Grossnigg the management report as well as the consoli- Chairman dated financial statements and the group man- Peter Püspök agement report meet legal requirements. Vice-Chairman Alain de Krassny The Supervisory Board stated its agreement Member up to 26 June 2012 with the annual financial statements for 2012 Roland Krempler as presented by the Executive Board, with the Member recommendation for the distribution of profit Hans-Peter Haselsteiner and with the related recommendation of the Member Audit Committee, and approved the annual Josef Blazicek ­financial statements as of 31 December 2012. Member up to 26 June 2012 Therefore, these annual financial statements Patrick Draschtak are considered finalised in accordance with Delegated by the Employees‘ Council § 96 (4) of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act. Birgit Wagner Delegated by the Employees‘ Council In conclusion, the Supervisory Board would like Emanuel Auanger to thank the Executive Board and the entire Delegated by the Employees‘ Council up to staff for their commitment and performance in 26 June 2012 2012. Special thanks also go out to the clients and business partners of Semper Constantia The annual financial statements of ­ Semper Privatbank for their trust. Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft as of 31 December 2012 and the management re- Vienna, March 2013 port, the consolidated financial statements as For the Supervisory Board of 31 December 2012 and the group management report and, in accordance with § 59 of the Austrian Banking Act, the consolidated financial statements and the group management report of the majority shareholder Copernicus I GmbH were audited by BDO Austria GmbH Wirtschaft- Erhard F. Grossnigg sprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, Chairman of the Supervisory Board Vienna. The results of these audits provided no 47 Imprint Publisher: Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft Concept, Text, Design: be.public Werbung Finanzkommunikation GmbH Photos: outline pictures, corbis images Printed by: Ueberreuter Print GmbH 48 Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft 1010 Vienna | Hessgasse 1 | T +43 (1) 536 16 - 0 |