ICD-10 CROSSWALK FOR PUBLIC HEALTH CODES ICD9 097.9 098.0 098.15 098.35 099.53 131.01 131.09 054.13 054.11 054.12 054.19 054.1 099.8 053.9 078.0 112.1 132.2 079.4 218.9 280.9 282.9 240.9 244.8 244.9 242.00 256.31 278.01 278.02 278.00 272.0 272.9 305.01 305.02 305.1 307.1 346.10 346.00 346.40 784 401.9 401.9 Description Syphilis, unspecified Gonorrhea, acute, lower GU tract (urethritis - male) Gonorrhea, acute cervicitis (female) Gonorrhea, chronic cervicitis (female) Chlamydia trachomatis; lower genitourinary sites Trichomoniasis, vulva, vagina Trichomoniasis, other urogenital Herpetic infection of penis Herpetic vulvovaginitis Herpetic ulceration of vulva Genital herpes, other Genital herpes, unspecified Other specified venereal diseases Herpes zoster, without complications Molluscum contrgiosum Monillal vulvovaginitis; candidiasis of vulvar and vagina Pediculus pubis HPV in conditions classified elsewhere/unspecified site (cervix) Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified Anemia - Iron Deficiency Hereditary hemolytic anemia, unspecified Goiter, unspecified Other specified acquired hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism, unspecified acquired Hyperthyroidism - Toxic diffuse goiter without mention of crisis Premature menopause Morbid obesity Overweight Obesity, NOS Pure hypercholesterolemia Unspecified disorder of Lipoid metabolism Alcohol abuse, continuous Alcohol abuse, episodic Tobacco use disorder Anorexia Migraine without aura, w/o mention of intractable migraine, without mention of status migrainosus Migraine with aura, w/o mention of intractable migraine, without mention of status migrainosus Menstrual related migraine Headache Essential hypertension, unspecified Hypertension, Unspecified ICD10 A53.9 A54.00 A54.03 A54.03 A56.00 A59.01 A59.09 A60.01 A60.04 A60.04 A60.09 A60.9 A63.8 B02.9 B08.1 B37.3 B85.3 B97.7 D25.9 D50.9 D58.9 E01.2 E01.8 E03.9 E05.00 E28.310 E66.01 E66.3 E66.9 E78.0 E78.9 F10.10 F10.10 F17.200 F50.00 ICD10/2 E04.9 E03.8 E28.319 G43.009 G43.109 G43.829 G44.1 I10 I10 R51 ICD10/3 ICD10/4 ICD10/5 ICD-10 CROSSWALK FOR PUBLIC HEALTH CODES ICD9 402.9 535.00 564.00 704.8 704.1 706.1 700 984.9 737.9 585.9 595.0 099.41 599.0 625.6 608.86 610.0 610.1 610.2 611.0 611.1 611.72 611.2 611.4 611.6 611.71 611.79 611.9 616.0 614.3 614.4 614.9 616.9 616.2 616.1 616.4 617.0 618.01 618.1 618.2 618.3 Description ICD10 ICD10/2 ICD10/3 ICD10/4 ICD10/5 Unspecified hypertensive heart disease w/o heart failure I11.9 Acute gastritis w/o mention of hemorrhage K29.00 Constipation, unspecified K59.00 Folliculitis - other specific disease of hair and hair follicles L66.3 L73.8 Hirsutism - excessive hair growth in unexpected places L68.0 L68.1 L68.3 L68.9 Acne, other L70.0 L70.1 L70.8 Corns; callosities L84 Toxic Effect of unspec lead M1A.10X1 T56.0X1A T56.0X2A T56.0X3A T56.0X4A Unspecified curvature of the spine M43.8X9 Chronic kidney disease, unspecified N18.9 Cystitis, acute N30.00 N30.01 Chlamydia trachomatis; non-gonococcal urethritis N34.1 UTI, unspecified N39.0 Stress incontinence, female N39.3 Edema of male genital organs N50.8 Solitary cyst of breast N60.09 Diffuse cystic mastopathy; Fibrocystic breast disease N60.19 Fibroadenosis of breast N60.29 Inflammatory disease of breast N61 Hypertrophy of breast; gynecomastia N62 Lump or mass in breast N63 Fissure of nipple N64.0 Atrophy of breast N64.2 Galactorrhea N64.3 Mastodynia; pain in breast N64.4 Induration of breast, inversion of nipple, nipple discharge, retraction of nipple N64.51 N64.52 N64.53 N64.59 Breast disorder, unspecified N64.9 Cervicitis and endocervicitis N72 PID, acute N73.0 PID, chronic N73.1 N73.2 PID, unspecified N73.9 Inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina, vulva, unspecified N73.9 Bartholin's Gland cyst N75.0 Vaginitis and vuvlvovaginitis, unspecified N76.0 N76.1 N76.2 N76.3 Abscess of vulva N76.4 Endometriosis of the uterus N80.0 Cystocele N81.10 N81.11 Uterine prolapse without mention of vaginal wall prolapse N81.2 Uterovaginal prolapse, incomplete N81.2 Uterovaginal prolapse, complete N81.3 ICD-10 CROSSWALK FOR PUBLIC HEALTH CODES ICD9 618.04 618.05 618.81 618.82 618.83 618.09 618.89 618.00 619.0 619.8 619.9 620.1 620.2 622.7 621.2 622.2 622.4 622.8 622.9 623.2 623.3 623.5 624.1 629.2 629.21 629.22 629.23 627.0 625.2 Description Rectocele Perineocele Incompetence or weakening of pubo-cervical tissue Incompetence or weakening of recto-vaginal tissue Pelvic muscle wasting - Disuse atrophy of pelvic muscles & anal sphincter Prolapse of vaginal walls w/o uterine prolapse Other specified genital prolapse Unspecified prolapse of vaginal wall Urinary-genital tract fistula, female Other unspecified fistulas involving female genital tract Unspecified fistula involving female genital tract Corpus luteum cyst or hematoma Ovarian cyst, unspecified Mucous polyp of cervix Hypertrophy of uterus Leukoplakia of cervix Structure/stenosis/occlusion of cervix Atrophy; fibrosis; hemorrhage; cyst of cervix Unspecified non-inflammatory disorder of cervix Stricture/atresia of vagina Tight hymnal ring, acquired or congenital Leukorrhea, not specified as infective Atrophy of vulva Female genital mutilation, status unspecified Female genital mutilation Type I status Female genital mutilation Type II status Female genital mutilation Type III status Premenopausal menorrhagia Mittelschmertz ICD10 N81.6 N81.81 N81.82 N81.83 N81.84 N81.89 N81.89 N81.9 N82.0 N82.8 N82.9 N83.1 N83.20 N84.1 N85.2 N88.0 N88.2 N88.8 N88.9 N89.5 N89.6 N89.8 N90.5 N90.810 N90.811 N90.812 N90.813 N92.4 N94.0 625.4 625.3 625.5 dyspareunia (excludes psychogenic dyspareunia 302.76) Vaginismus Premenstrual tension syndrome - PMDD, PMS, PMTS, NOS Dysmenorrhea Pelvic congestion syndrome N94.3 N94.6 N94.89 625.9 627.1 Unspecified symptom assoc, with female genital organs Postmenopausal bleeding N94.89 N95.0 627.2 627.3 Symptomatic menopausal or female climacteric states Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis Symptomatic states associated with artificial menopause N95.1 N95.2 625.0 625.1 627.4 ICD10/2 N82.1 N83.29 N99.2 N94.1 N94.2 N95.8 R10.2 ICD10/3 ICD10/4 ICD10/5 ICD-10 CROSSWALK FOR PUBLIC HEALTH CODES ICD9 V23.9 Description Unspecified high risk pregnancy 796.2 796.3 786.7 789.01 789.02 789.03 789.04 789.00 788.1 780.8 783.21 783.1 783.6 783.21 783.22 939.2 V01.1 V01.5 V01.6 V01.79 V01.9 V03.1 V03.2 Elevated B/P reading without diagnosis of hypertension Non-specified low B/P reading Chest sounds, abnormal Abdominal pain, right upper quadrant Abdominal pain, left upper quadrant Abdominal pain, right lower quadrant Abdominal pain, left lower quadrant Abdominal pain, unspecified site Dysuria Generalized hyperhidrosis Abnormal loss of weight Abnormal weight gain Bulimia Abnormal loss of weight Underweight Foreign body in vagina of vulva Contact with or exposure to tuberculosis Contact with or exposure to rabies STD Exam (clinic only) Contact or exposure to other viral diseases Contact with or exposure to Communicable disease Vacc typhoid-paratyphoid Tuberculosis Need for prophylactic vaccination with tetanus toxoid alone HIB Pneumonia Meningitis IPV Yellow Fever Rabies Influenza Need for prophylactic vaccination Japanese Encephalitis HepA and or HepB Varicella Other specified disease DTaP or Tdap DTaP/IPV MMR TD (inc. pres free), DT Influenza and Pneumo Other Combinations V03.7 V03.81 V03.82 V03.89 V04.0 V04.4 V04.5 V04.81 V04.89 V05.0 V05.3 V05.4 V05.8 V06.1 V06.3 V06.4 V06.5 V06.6 V06.8 ICD10 O09.90 ICD10/2 O09.91 R03.0 R03.1 R09.89 R10.11 R10.12 R10.31 R10.32 R10.9 R30.0 R30.9 R61 R63.4 R63.5 R63.2 R63.4 R63.6 T19.2XXA Z20.1 Z20.3 Z20.2 Z20.6 Z20.828 Z20.9 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 Z23 ICD10/3 O09.92 ICD10/4 O09.93 ICD10/5 ICD-10 CROSSWALK FOR PUBLIC HEALTH CODES ICD9 V07.31 V07.4 V07.9 V10.3 V10.40 V15.86 V16.3 V20.2 V22.0 V22.1 V25.01 V25.02 V25.03 V25.04 V25.09 V25.11 V25.12 V25.13 V25.2 V25.3 V25.40 V25.41 V25.42 V25.43 V25.49 V25.5 V25.8 V25.9 V26.41 V26.42 V26.49 V45.52 V50.1 V60.2 V65.40 V65.41 V65.42 V65.43 V65.44 V65.45 V65.49 V65.8 Description Prophylactic Fluoride Administration Hormone replacement therapy (post-menopausal) Unspecified prophylactic or treatment measure Personal history of malignant neoplasm of breast Personal history of malignant neoplasm of female genital organ, unspecified Suspected exposure to Lead Family history of malignant neoplasm of breast Routine Child Health Check Supervision normal first pregnancy Supervision other normal pregnancy Prescription of Oral Contracep Initiation of other contracept Encounter for emergency contra Couns & inst in natu fam plan Other Family Planning Enc for insertion of IUD Enc for removal of IUD Enc for remove & reinsert IUD Sterilization Menstrual Extraction Contraceptive surv unspecified Contraceptive pill Intrauterine contracep device ICD10 Z41.8 Z79.890 Z41.8 Z85.3 Surveillance of....implantable subdermal contraceptive Other contraceptive method Insertion of implantable subdermal contraceptive Other specified contra mgmt Unspecified Contraceptive Management Natural family planning counseling Fertility preservation counseling Procreative management counseling & advice, other Other post-procedural states, presence of contraceptive device Breast augmentation or reduction Economic problem (inadequate material resources) Counseling NOS Exercise counseling Substance use and abuse counseling Injury prevention counseling HIV counseling Counseling on other sexually transmitted diseases Other specified counseling Other reasons seeking consult Z30.49 Z30.49 Z30.49 Z30.8 Z30.9 Z31.61 Z31.62 Z31.69 Z85.40 Z77.011 Z80.3 Z00.129 Z34.00 Z34.80 Z30.011 Z30.018 Z30.012 Z30.02 Z30.09 Z30.430 Z30.432 Z30.433 Z30.2 Z30.8 Z30.40 Z30.41 Z30.431 Z97.5 Z41.1 Z59.5 Z71.9 Z71.89 Z71.41 Z71.89 Z71.7 Z71.89 Z71.89 Z76.89 ICD10/2 Z34.90 ICD10/3 ICD10/4 ICD10/5 ICD-10 CROSSWALK FOR PUBLIC HEALTH CODES ICD9 V68.1 V69.1 V69.2 V71.9 V72.0 V72.19 V72.31 V72.40 V73.88 V74.1 V74.5 V78.0 V82.5 V85.0 V85.1 V85.21 V85.22 V85.23 V85.24 V85.25 V85.30 V85.31 V85.32 V85.33 V85.34 V85.35 V85.36 V85.37 V85.38 V85.39 V85.41 V85.42 V85.43 V85.44 V85.45 V85.51 Description Issue of repeat prescription, non-contraceptive Inappropriate diet and eating habits High-risk sexual behavior Other Suspect Observation Exam of eyes/Vision Exam of ears/Hearing Routine gynecological examination Pregnancy Test Screening examination other chlamydial disease TB skin test Screening examination for venereal disease Screening examination; iron deficiency anemia Lead BMI less than 19 - adult BMI between 19 - 24, adult BMI between 25.0 - 25.9, adult BMI between 26.0 - 26.9, adult BMI between 27.0 - 27.9, adult BMI between 28.0 - 28.9, adult BMI between 29.0 - 29.9, adult BMI between 30.0 - 30.9, adult BMI between 31.0 - 31.9, adult BMI between 32.0 - 32.9, adult BMI between 33.0 - 33.9, adult BMI between 34.0 - 34.9, adult BMI between 35.0 - 35.9, adult BMI between 36.0 - 36.9, adult BMI between 37.0 - 37.9, adult BMI between 38.0 - 38.9, adult BMI between 39.0 - 39.9, adult BMI between 40.0 - 44.9, adult BMI between 45.0 - 49.9, adult BMI between 50.0 - 59.9, adult BMI between 60.0 - 69.9, adult BMI 70 & over, adult BMI, pediatric, 5th percentile for age BMI, pediatric, 5th percentile to < 85th percentile for V85.52 age BMI, pediatric, 85th percentile to < 95th percentile for V85.53 age V85.54 BMI< pediatric, >= to 95th percentile for age ICD10 Z76.0 Z72.4 Z72.51 Z04.9 Z01.00 Z01.10 Z01.411 Z32.00 Z11.8 Z11.1 Z11.3 Z13.0 Z13.88 Z68.1 Z68.20 Z68.25 Z68.26 Z68.27 Z68.28 Z68.29 Z68.30 Z68.31 Z68.32 Z68.33 Z68.34 Z68.35 Z68.36 Z68.37 Z68.38 Z68.39 Z68.41 Z68.42 Z68.43 Z68.44 Z68.45 Z68.51 Z68.52 Z68.53 Z68.54 ICD10/2 ICD10/3 ICD10/4 ICD10/5 Z68.22 Z68.23 Z68.24 Z01.01 Z01.118 Z01.419 Z68.21