Real-time Accurate Power System Frequency Meter and its Quality Evaluation Based on Simulations and Large Area System Observations Tomasz WINEK", Zbigniew STAROSZCZYK* ** "Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of the Theory of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Measurements, 00-661 Warsaw, P1. Politechniki 1, POLAND **Military University of Technology, 00-908 Warsaw 49, Kaliskiego 2 only simulation and measurement results are presented, but they are referenced to parallel measurements made on local and distanced subsystem supplying lines. Abstract In the paper the solution of accurate power system frequency meterhegistrator is presented. The meter is equipped with a standard PC DAQ-card which is able to perform the background data acquisition process. The method is based on system voltage signal zero-crossings observations, and zero positions processing targeted to instant system frequency estimation. Different observations of the real power system signals are presented - local and distanced, where two parallel observations were made in 25 km distanced subsystems. The results were verified with the standard signals from AFG of the known frequency and conJirmed that presented method accuracy is few hundred pH... 2. Theoretical background of the method The method is based on voltage signal zero-crossing observations. Zero-crossings are observed in relation to DAQ card crystal stabilized oscillator, and even if appear jittered from period to period have interesting mean value properties - for fixed frequency systems zero crossings deliver true fundamental frequency information. In that meaning the zero-crossings are useful as a fundamental frequency indicator even if severe distortion in the voltage signals exists. The power system fundamental frequency does not differ too much from 50Hz, and is relatively stationary due to power system inertia. It is why the zero-crossing method can be successfully used forfo evaluation. Let assume that observed voltage signal is given by the Eqn. 1. 1. Introduction Power system frequency is a clue factor for power system regulation, responsible for energy balance in the system. There are different methods to measure it with high accuracy [ 1],[2],[3],[4],[5]. Many papers however deal only with simulated data and are not real systems related [ 1],[3]. Many papers dealing with real measurements present plots of the fo history not related to the reference data [2],[6],[7]. From such measurements it is not easy to find out what is the real system frequency and what is the measurement noise. The power signals suffer from untypical, colored and non-stationary noise, for which gaussian approximation used in standard simulations is too rough to draw meaningful conclusions concerning quality of measuring algorithms. In the paper new, direct interference, method of fundamental frequency measurement is presented. It has relatively easy hardware implementation and with a proper post-registration signal processing gives reliable results for different measuring conditions (harmonic and noise pollution of the observed voltage signal). In the paper not u(t) = U,Sin( q t ) ) (1) where the current signal frequency in the time instant to is given by the Eqn.2. F(t,) = Q(t,>/ 2n where a(t,)= d@(t)/dt I t = t o Let assume that system phase @(t) is observed as it is explained in the Fig. 1. If the voltage 5OHz signal is sampled with frequency of 25kHz subsequent zero crossings (phase changes equal 2n) appear distanced 20ms (exactly each 500 samples). For other frequencies subsequent zero-crossings distance differs from 500 points (Fig.1). The current system frequency given by the Eqn.2 is proportional to phase derivative. If calculated from zero- 0-7803-5890-2/00/$10.00 02000 IEEE 935 to-zero observations this derivative is equal, where Te,.zero is the exact value of the current period calculated from zero crossing observations (Tzero-zem for the second period observation is marked with arrows in the Fig. 1). In reality, zero-crossings directly describe instant signal phase information so can be used to local subsystems phase investigations - that out of the scope of the presented paper. In the Fig.2 zero-shifts are presented as recorded parallely in two distanced, different lines (A and C) voltage signal observations. Three experiments, numbered 1, 2, 3, show very exact signal phase correspondence between parallel observations - two lines for every drawing are almost indistinguishable. 50 r I time [samples] Fig. 1 Observed phase difference measurements with zero-crossing observations. -250; T,em-zero value is very close to 20 ms (500 samples) and can be expressed as: 1 I 500 1000 I I I 1500 2000 I 2500 3000 hme [period] Tzem-zem=To+AT So the current system frequency is equal: F,,,=l/ Tzem-rero=l/ (To+AT)sFo(l d T / To) (3) Unfortunately there is not easy to exactly measure AT value due to limited signal sampling resolution and to the noise in observed power system signals. If we redraw the plotting from the Fig.1 that way that for every zero crossing observation we draw current AT value (measured however with very poor accuracy of the signal sampling period T) we get for the real power system observations the drawings like in the Fig.2 and Fig.3. The local derivative of that drawing is the exact, directly nonmeasurable value of AT (and the instant system frequency according to Eqn.3). Very noised draft data from the Fig.2 and Fig.3 cannot be directly differentiated - some kind of interpolation has to be used. Fig. 2 Two parallel session zero crossings shifts observations on distanced power system nodes three experiments results. - Due to limited value of sampling frequency, only rough approximation of the true zero positions is directly accessible. Direct observations (marked with circles in the Fig.3) are quantizied with the time step of 40 p and suffer from the noise. It is useless to differentiate direct data to deliver required frequency information. 3. Real power system signals properties The main problem in accurate frequency measurements arises from non-stationarity and noise of power signals. Zero-crossings are jittered and their time positions cannot be exactly located. However first experiments made off-line on the sampled voltage signal assured that zero-crossing observations contain sufficient fundamental frequency information and are highly correlated even for distanced power system observations (Fig.2). Fig. 3 The details of registered zero-crossing shifts: beginning part (2s) of experiment 1 (Fig.2) observations 936 Even if approximations is used to obtain directly more accurate zero positions, the results are not satisfying. With interpolations, still non-differentiable, fluctuating "exact zeros" patterns appear (drawn as a solid line in the Fig.3). To verify quality of the method, 50Hz FM signal was measured. Modulating sinusoidal signal had the frequency lOOmHz and the deviation was set to 15mHz. The results presented in the Fig.5 confirm that the algorithm works correctly giving very good approximation of the instant signal frequency. The small bias in observations (=lmHz) is caused by generator and DAQ card crystal clocks discrepancies. The method has integral properties, so it smoothes the peaks in the frequency as can be observed in the Fig.5 for large size windows (e.g. 200 points). 4. Method description and verification The method was verified on simulated and real signals in the Matlab environment and that way verified procedures were build in the real-time measuring equipment based on NI-DAQ cards and software. With real-time instrumentation parallel local and distant registrations of the power system frequency have been made and compared. They confirm that independent observations give very close results and measurement error can be very low. To verify that, absolute measurements on a synthesized signal of the known frequency have been repeated. Field observation made on real power system and signals confirmed the proper solution of signal processing built in into the measuring system. Prior to embedding into instrumentation three methods of DSP, aimed to make data differentiable, has been tested: polynomial fitting, lowpass filtering and derivative averaging. In spite of different complexity, the methods gave similar quality results. The calculated frequency plot for the Fig.2 experiment 1 is given in the Fig.4 for the simplest, derivative averaging method. 50015, I I I I . . . . . I H 2 J 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 1360 bme [penod] Fig. 5 Derivative averaging method results: generated signal. 50' 5b0 I I I I 1000 1500 2000 2500 5. Real-time measurements and final results nme [period] Fig. 4 Derivative averaging method results: power system signal. The method was implemented in LabWindowsICVI environment and based on a NI-DAQ card. The virtual panel of the measurement system is presented in the Fig.6. In that method the fixed size window (50,100,200 and 500 periods) is moved trough the zero-crossing data record. For every new window position first degree polynomial, fitted to windowed data, delivers required derivative information. The method is very simple, easy to implement in real-time and gives the same quality results as the other, much more sophisticated methods. 937 ______i ;I 49.97 ______1.--!1{ _ _ ._ __ _---... . _ __ ' ' ' 2000 4000 6000 , 49.965 0 Fig. 6 The measurement system virtual panel The system starts with default values for acquisition rate (5ok&) and calculation parameters (50 point window). With every new zero-crossing (each 20ms) new frequency estimation is found and every fifth measurement is written to the disk file (10 registrationski). Those settings assure good quality of frequency measurements and sufficient measurement response time allowing for tracing power system phenomena. In the virtual oscilloscope-type screen 500 recently recorded frequency points are plotted in real-time on a chart-mode display. With two such virtual frequency metershecorders the power system frequency observations (10 min., 30 min. and 13 hours long) in two distanced 25 km locations were made. In the Fig.7 half hour long frequency observations are presented. They are typical to observed system: in spite of distanced observations the plots are very similar (as those from the Fig.2). Due to power system nonstationarity, as the observed frequency is not stable, it is easy to correlate two observations even with very short correlation window of 50 points ( 5 s long). The intercorrelation function allows for proper adjusting of the observation time axes and makes meaningful direct comparison (subtraction) of two measurements. I , J i - . - -_ _._ -_ -_ - .-- # , $ 0 , , I , I 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 time [period x 5 ] Fig. 7 Large area system observations: two distanced (25km) parallel recordings. In the Fig.8 the subplot of the Fig.7 data is presented in details. One location frequency observation (referenced to 50Hz) is plotted on the background of differences between two correlated observations. The observed difference can be treated as the measurement noise, however it can contain some determined component related to the power system behavior (different subsystems). 00151 I I I I 8500 9000 9500 10000 I bme [period x 51 Fig. 8 Measured frequency and observed discrepancy for remote observations (Fig.7 signals). E 4 9 995 = To verify this parallel, local system observations on the same and different supplying lines have been made. Additionally as the signal source of known properties HP33120A AFG was used. Its frequency was stepped in the range 49.96S50.015 Hz with 10 and 1 mHz steps and the output signal frequency was registered by two recorders. That way absolute values of registered frequency could be compared to known values. In the Fig.9 the observations of generator frequency are presented together with the difference between two parallel observations (as in the Fig.8). 4999 49 985 c 49 98 49 975 , I ' 1 49965l 0 ' 1 2000 4000 1 ' 1 1 , , ' 1 , , ' , I , ' 1 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 time [period x 5] 938 Fig. 10 High registration rate system frequency drop With different size observation windows it is possible to adapt conditions of observations to power system dynamics. More or less smoothed frequency data carry different kind of power system information. Such possibility still makes open the question: what is the real system instant frequency? We can be satisfied with generator frequency measurements as shown in the Fig. 9, but can have problems with interpretation of the Fig 8 data. Two measurement sets discrepancies are less then 1 mHz, so that value can be treated as the measurement accuracy. Generator tuning steps of 1 mHz are easily recognized and the method response time is quite satisfying. There is no error level change when the generator signal was exchanged with local power system signals. Such experiment confirm that the method accuracy for signals present in the real power system is still of 1 mHz. By comparison twice bigger discrepancies are observed for distant system observations (Fig.8). The additional 1 mHz frequency error component appear due to the additional phase shifts between power subsystems. In the Fig.9 the step response of the measuring system can be observed. The generator immediately switches to new frequency, while the measurements system respond with 1 s delay (50 point window). Such the response time makes no problem in system frequency investigations as the most rapid high level drop of the system frequency which has been observed was 70 mHz and lasted 200 s (Fig.10 ). Of course there are small level local frequency fluctuations of bigger rates (Fig. 4, 8) but they still can be registered. 2 2 05 21 bmeIperlodx51 2 15 6. Conclusions The presented method of very accurate frequency measurements is simple in realization and can be run on any computerized system equipped with a standard data acquisition card. The pJ3z resolution of the meter can be achieved with no additional hardware and without complicated signal processing. That makes the method ideal to target implementations, based on standard microcontrollers equipped with a/d converter and timers. The described virtual metedregistrator can trace system frequency for long hours with parallel data logging on hard disk. It requires however DAQ card hardware and software able to make background data acquisition. References 1 T. Lobos, J. Rezmer : Real-Time Determination of Power System Frequency. IEEE Trans. on Instr. and Meas. Vol. 46, NO. 2, August 1997,pp. 877-881. 2 P. J. Moore, R. D. 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