Lezing Cyril Harvey 12 oktober 2012 Cyril Harvey is beroemd om zijn prijswinnende manipulatie-act met dansende tollen op het FISM in 1991 en om zijn werk met Jumbo kaarten. I should be interested in proposing you my lecture : Visual Magic This lecture allows to discover some unique effects performed in music for Stage magic, parlour and close-up. l finish with my speciality for many years : a demonstration with jumbo card manipulations. LECTURE - PROGRAMME 2012 INSTANT FLASH (parlour / close-up) ELEVATOR (parlour / close-up) MAGIC HAND CREAM (close-up) CARDS FROM NOWHERE (stage) HELICE (stage) WHISTLE CARD (close-up) STAR COINS + MAGNETIC HOLDERS (stage) PAUSE KEY TAG (close-up) HELICOPTER CARD V2 (close-up / stage) FLASHING CARD (stage) CATAPULT (parlour / stage) UFO (stage) FINGER FLASHER (stage) DEMONSTRATION : JUMBO CARD MANIPULATIONS (stage) INFO: Lezing in Het Magic Art Center Nederland Cyril Harvey is beroemd om zijn prijswinnende manipulatie-act met dansende tollen op het FISM in 1991 en om zijn werk met Jumbo kaarten. Nu presenteert hij in het Magic Art Center zijn nieuwe lezing, waarin hij diverse visuele effecten onthuld die hij heeft uitgevonden voor de salonmagie. Op het programma staan onder meer magnetische pulls, levitaties, pyrotechnieken, een veelvoud aan tips en trucs en nieuwe gimmicks van eigen productie. Zoals FLASH CARD een lichtgevende kaart met kleine lampjes en UFO, een zweefmechanisme zonder draden en QUICK BILL, een gimmick waarbij een papiertje in een flits in een bankbiljet verandert. Een lezing die je ongetwijfeld zal verbazen en inspireren, waarbij je unieke technieken en geheimen voorgeschoteld krijgt en die je zal achterlaten met een schat aan nieuwe ideëen. Harvey’s Lecture Tour IBM INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RENO (USA) HANK LEE‘SCAPE COD CONCLAVE BOSTON (USA) SAM INTERNATIONALCONVENTION CINCINNATI (USA) TANNEN’S JUBILEE CONVENTION NEW-YORK (USA) BRITISH RING IBM CONVENTION EASTBOURNE (ENGLAND) SPECTRAM MAGIC CONVENTION INTERNATIONAL DUTCH CONVENTION HOOGEVEEN (HOLLAND) INTERNATIONAL MAGIC CONVENTION VALENCIA (SPAIN) PAVEL MAGIC DAY GENEVE (SWITZERLAND) INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION VALONGO (PORTUGAL) INTERNATIONAL MAGIC FESTIVAL SINDELFINGEN (GERMANY) FRENCH NATIONAL CONVENTION NANCY (FRANCE) SWISS NATIONAL CONVENTION MORGES (SWITZERLAND) INTERNATIONAL BELGIUM CONVENTION BRUXELLES (BELGIUM) TROPHEE ALBERTO SITTA BOLOGNE (ITALIA) FRENCH MAGIC CLUBS TROYES - MARSEILLE – MONTPELLIER - MULHOUSE STRASBOURG - ANGERS -TOULOUSE - LILLE - CAEN SAINT-ETIENNE – NANTES - AUXERRE – GRENOBLE NIMES - POITIERS - NANCY - REIMS - PARIS PERPIGNAN - BORDEAUX - RENNES - LYON - TOURS CYRIL HARVEY‘S ORIGINAL CREATIONS INSTANT FLASH : Goodbye matches and lighters, with this new gimmick, NO FLAME is required to ignite flash paper, flash cotton, flash thread. Perform bare hands and in short sleeved jacket. No chemical. Now, you can produce usual items in an unexpected way. It’s magic. HELICOPTER CARD V2 : This is a new idea to give your business card in a magic way. You show your card very close and then, it is starting to spin very fast between your hands. You can perform this effect in an impromptu way with other items like playing card, banknote, ticket, a bill, a photo…. STAR COINS : New coin effects : LIGHT-UP COIN PRODUCTION. Powerful led lighting, very visual. Available with 4 colours leds : blue, red, green, yellow. CATAPULT : You mime an Invisible Catapult with your hands and produce instantly a silk in the air. With the help of this new gimmick, you can perform this effect bare hands, in short sleeved shirt and without any jacket. Many other possibilities are supplied with the instructions. FLASHING CARD: A light-up card is produced at the end of your card production or in leitmotiv during your performance. Each edge of the card is bordered with 20 small blue led lights. Supplied with a 12 volts battery. UFO : You rub a spoon on your jacket and instantly, it moves and slides on your forearm. Then, you put the spoon on a playing card, you release them and the spoon and the card float together in the air. Each props can be examined. No change. NO THREAD IS USED. Many other ideas with banknote, cards, coins, paper are supplied with this new gimmick. ELEVATOR – THE SWITCH PULL : This is a new system of pull which makes possible to switch a few items in your jacket sleeve. With this new kind of pull, you keep your hand in a natural position and never closed. Examples : banknote switch, regular key to bent key, lighter colour change, silk colour change, coin switch, transformation from a small bottle of salt to pepper, many other possibilities…. MAGNETIC HOLDERS : With the help of these new gimmicks, you can produce any coins or other objects, bare hands, in short sleeved shirt and without any jacket. FINGER FLASHER : This is a new pyrotechnic device to produce a rain of sparks. The gimmick is hidden inside the hand, precisely behind the middle finger. The ignition of Flash cotton and Airburst powder is automatic. Fingers never move at no time. No flint-wheel, no batteries, no chemical are used. MAGIC HAND CREAM : Say you have dry hands and show a tube of hand cream. Pour some drops of cream into your hand and rub them with energy. Make a pause and produce instantly a bank-note at your fingertips. No sleight of hand is required. No thumb tip is used. CARDS FROM NOWHERE: After to show slowly your hands empty, back and front sides, fingers wide apart, you can produce some playing cards one by one in the air. HELICE : You show both sides of a playing card, you put it vertically on your forearm and the card holds mysteriously by oneself. You blow on it and the card is beginning to move and it is spinning like a propeller on both arms. The same application is possible with a banknote. A handsome guy on a picture of a card find the chosen card by a spectator in producing an unexpected whistle. Supply with a gimmick and 3 specials cards. THE WHISTLE CARD : KEY TAG : This is a paranormal experience. You propose to move the writing of a spectator between two key tags with a lighter. .