O F O PR training manual O F O PR Introduction BMM Manual Introduction Welcome and Congratulations on being selected to Lead Bakery Operations for your Market. Welcome to the Panera Bread family! We are excited that you have joined the Bakery Operations Team. O F The BMM Manual is designed to help guide your learning and development as a new BMM. It contains information about every aspect of your new position, with standards for performance and best practices on how to achieve the highest performance from yourself and your baking team. As a Bakery Operations team member, you will find the pace fast and demanding at times. Panera will challenge you! Your flexibility and patience will be instrumental to our success. It is exciting to be vital part of a great company experiencing explosive growth. Not everyone is fortunate enough to experience this opportunity in his/her professional life. Be sure to “stop and smell the bread” along the way and share it with your family and friends! PR O Lastly, we want to remind you that we don’t use cash registers in Bakery Operations. Our entire purpose is to support our bakers - the foundation of our business. In addition to supporting our bakers, you will also support the retail managers and associates. Our associates in the bakery-cafes are not an interruption of our work; instead - they are the purpose for it! They are our true customers. Let’s never lose sight of that fact. Bread is our passion, soul & expertise! BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 1 BMM Manual Introduction Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4 Bakery Market Manager Roles ........................................................................................ 4 BMM Performance Expectations ..................................................................................... 5 BMM Development Calendar – Internal Candidate ......................................................... 6 BMM Development Calendar – External Candidate ........................................................ 7 A Night in the Life of a BMM............................................................................................ 8 O F Prioritization Exercises ................................................................................................. 9 Nightly Market Log ..................................................................................................... 12 BMM Checklist ........................................................................................................... 13 People .......................................................................................................................... 15 Who’s Who in the Baking World .................................................................................... 16 Recruiting Resources .................................................................................................... 19 O Interviewing Process ..................................................................................................... 20 New Hire Administration – Co & JV Only ...................................................................... 23 Placing New Hire Baker Trainees ................................................................................. 26 Baker Team Learning & Development .......................................................................... 28 PR Baker Training ............................................................................................................ 29 Baker Training Schedule Overview – BMM Role .................................................... 29 Developing a Great Team of CBTs ............................................................................ 32 BTS Development ...................................................................................................... 41 BTS Tour with BMM – the Details ........................................................................... 42 BMM Self-Development ............................................................................................. 45 Ongoing People Development: Retention/Team Building ............................................. 46 Baker Career Path...................................................................................................... 48 Giving Feedback ........................................................................................................ 52 Performance Assessment .......................................................................................... 54 Reward & Recognition................................................................................................ 57 Attending/Conducting Meetings and Training Sessions ............................................. 58 2 BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Introduction PEGS ............................................................................................................................ 59 Managing Product Quality ............................................................................................. 61 Trouble Shooting Product Issues .................................................................................. 62 Completing Calibrations ................................................................................................ 63 Calibrating our Calibrations ........................................................................................... 65 Organization and Cleanliness ....................................................................................... 70 Providing a Safe Work Environment.............................................................................. 71 O F Great Service ................................................................................................................ 73 Building Relationships ................................................................................................... 74 Cost Balancing ............................................................................................................ 76 Managing Equipment Maintenance & Service............................................................... 77 Labor Management ....................................................................................................... 80 Food Cost Management ................................................................................................ 86 O Profit & Loss .................................................................................................................. 87 Administration ............................................................................................................. 88 Staying in Contact ......................................................................................................... 89 Be the Boss of your Computer ...................................................................................... 93 PR Forms ............................................................................................................................ 94 BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 3 BMM Manual Introduction Introduction Bakery Market Manager Roles Leader O F The Bakery Market Manager’s passion for bread inspires and motivates the baking team and managers across the bakery-cafes. The BMM recognizes the strengths and weaknesses of the bakery team, and constantly strives for improvement. This is achieved by leading the effort to work together to provide the best quality products through hiring, training, and retaining the best team of bakers within Panera. Communicator The Bakery Market Manager is a proactive liaison and focal-point connecting bakery-cafes, bakers, the FDF and the Support Center. The BMM communicates new product news and knowledge, ensuring effective product implementation and in-store success. Operator Constant Learner O Responsible for all the baked products and goods in a multi-unit environment. Ensures all performance evaluations are completed, products and quality standards are executed, and done so consistently throughout bakery-cafes. PR Always learning and growing, the BMM seeks help, knowledge and self-awareness with the commitment to improve personal performance and knowledge in ways that can enhance the success of the bakery-cafes. Ultimate Expert While the Bakery Market Manager has no regularly assigned baking responsibilities, the passion for quality breads and baked goods is personified in the role. Whether through forays into the bakery or in the passion with which information is conveyed, it is clear that the Bakery Market Manager is connected to and expert in everything in the bakery oven. Team Captain Clearly leads the baking team with enthusiasm and generates commitment to get the job done right. Sets the pace and agenda for all baking initiatives; recruiting, training, planning, production, and high quality assurance standards. Assigns responsibility and ultimately accepts responsibility for positive and negative outcomes. 4 BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Introduction BMM Performance Expectations Champions the Panera Brand Lives Cultural Values – is a role model; inspires bakers through leadership No Jerks – Our relationships are based on respect and honesty Rule #1 – We form a connection through our authenticity and service No Shortcuts – We get the tough stuff done with optimism and mastery Profit Provides Possibilities – Profit sustains the growth of our concept and our people O F Upholds Concept Essence – Passion for Panera is a way of life; Enthusiasm for the Brand Bread is our Passion, Soul and Expertise We Build Trust through relationships with our customers and communities We are an Everyday Oasis for our customers We are a guide to discovering the warmth and energy of a lifestyle enhanced by bread Ensures Operational Excellence through Execution of “PPC” People (staffing levels and baker training completion) Oversees implementation of orientation and training programs for all new bakers Recruits & staffs for existing & upcoming openings, maintaining proper staffing levels in order to meet market/team bakers labor % Ensures effective communication throughout assigned district through regularly scheduled meetings with bakers, touring with retail DM and attending monthly market meetings Ensures retail & baker satisfaction through continuous emphasis on Rule #1, ongoing coaching and effective and timely responses to feedback & concerns PR O PEGS (product quality/consistency, clean and organized bakery area, quality service to retail operations) Provides ongoing developmental feedback and coaching to bakers, trainers & BTS; reviews performance on a period basis Communicates product quality & equipment issues to QA Hotline, FDF, Regional Baking Support Manager and Retail DM Monitors and documents overall baker product quality and consistency, sanitation and efficiencies through weekly visits and calibrations Ensures adherence to Bakery Operation & Company standards, policies & procedures Role models and requires open communications and teamwork between baker & retail operations Establishes and maintains open communications with Fresh Dough Facility Manager, including monthly tours and/or meetings Cost Balancing (effective management of controllables, especially labor and $ per hour) Knowledgeable in all food safety requirements and standards Meets or exceeds labor targets through accurate labor scheduling and tracking Assists with Food Cost Management through a focus on food cost control points with bakers and BTS BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 5 BMM Manual Introduction BMM Development Calendar – Internal Candidate Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday FDF Refresher Training FDF Refresher Training Week 1 –Orientation/FDF Refresher and BMM Training Planet Bread BMM Training BMM Training BMM Manual Pre-work Meet w/RBOM Tour w/RBOM & DM/JV Partner BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training Week 3 – BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training O BMM Training O F Week 2 – BMM Training Week 4 – BMM Training/Development Situational Leadership* Situational Leadership* BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training PR Focus* Week 5 – BMM Development BMM Training BMM Training *Note: Multi-Unit Management (MUM) Training (Focus, and Situational Leadership) will be scheduled when offered during the BMM Training period. 6 BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Introduction BMM Development Calendar – External Candidate Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Weeks 1-5 – Baker Training Complete the 5 Week Baker Training Program as designed Pass 2 Demo Bakes Positive Weekly Evaluations Pass the Baker Final Exam with an 85% Week 6-7 – Baker Experience O F Bake for 2 weeks Solo Receive at least a 90% on Calibration completed at the end of the third week. Week 8 – FDF Training and Retail Experience FDF Training Open Shift – retail experience FDF Training Week 9 - BMM Training BMM Training Week 10 – BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training O BMM Training Close Shift – retail experience BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training PR Week 11 – BMM Training/Development BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training Dough 101* Dough 101* BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training Week 12 – BMM Training/Development Focus* Situational Leadership* Situational Leadership* Week 13 – BMM Development BMM Training BMM Training BMM Training *Note: Dough 101 and Multi-Unit Management (MUM) Training (Focus, and Situational Leadership) will be scheduled when offered during the BMM Training period. BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 7 BMM Manual Introduction A Night in the Life of a BMM Your BMM trainer will be an invaluable resource to you! They will teach you all that you need to know and give you the opportunity to watch them in action. Being Proactive The secret to being a great BMM is learning how to be proactive! What do we mean by that? If you stay ahead of all of the challenges that come your way – you will either avoid them altogether or you will be in a better position to respond to them. O F The key is to avoid being in situations where you have to be reactive. When you are reactive you are forced to make the best choices you can – and sometimes the choices are really not choices at all. Don’t compromise your high standards by “making do” with a situation. Throughout your BMM Training you will learn how to put systems in place that will enable you to be proactive – about everything from staffing and training to managing product quality while keeping your labor dollars right where they are supposed to be. Nightly To-Do List Are you a list maker? Do you have a calendar of events that you follow? If not, we recommend you create a master calendar to follow. O Of course, things change and you will have to make adjustments. But, when you do, you will have your calendar in front of you to see that item X has to be rescheduled. Item X won’t get lost in the shuffle of everyday business! PR Thursday, June 21st Check Attendance Check voicemail and email Check Pan up amounts Complete labor tracking (actual pan up amounts entered) Make any Scheduling adjustments based on: schedule changes (baker sick, etc.) pan up amts (big order for cafe #1068 – need to add a helper) labor tracking (Jose is close to overtime – need to add a helper there, too) Calibration on Bobby People time Follow-up with Sue (new Baker – BTS just completed 30 day Calibration and she may need a little encouragement!) 8 BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Introduction Prioritization Exercises As a BMM you are a Decision Maker. You will be making decisions all night long, every night! You will learn about day to day bakery operations decisions with your BMM Trainer and through trial and error. The following are some typical situations that may arise in any given night. Although, they will rarely occur all at once as listed in the exercises below! Which “issue” will you address first? Which will come second? There is a list of potential issues that may arise along with potential solutions for each, you can find the solutions in the baker library on harvest, the file called “Bakery Operations Situations”. Prioritization Exercise #1 O F It is 10:15 pm and you are starting your night. Your BTS, Linda, is scheduled tonight as well and is completing a Demo Bake with Bobby at cafe #1067. You become aware of the following issues: Priority Problem Solution No one is answering the phone at cafe #1070. You check the schedule and see that Miguel should be there. He is never late. Hmm… O Sue just called and said that she doesn’t have enough cinnamon rolls for a special order she has… you make a note to talk to her about checking these things in advance (she is still a new baker, after all) – but in the meantime you have to find some cinnamon rolls. PR Sam told you that his last check was wrong. He was shorted 5 hours. You will have to look into that. You vaguely remember a problem with his clocking in and out. Darn – you thought you had fixed that! Linda, your BTS, tells you that the new baker trainee has some serious body odor. Apparently, the CBT, Frank, has noticed before tonight but has not mentioned it. Your question – why hasn’t Frank mentioned it – why hasn’t Linda noticed before now? Hmm… Which situation do you handle first, second, third… and what will you do about each? Put the number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4) in the “Priority” column first and then write how you will handle each situation in the “Solution” column. If you need help with the solutions, discuss with your trainer and refer to the Bakery Operations Situations file. BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 9 BMM Manual Introduction Prioritization Exercise #2 It is 10:15 pm and you are starting your night. Your BTS, Linda, is off tonight. You become aware of the following issues: Priority Problem Solution Sam says that his rack oven is not turning on. He has already tried the reset button – and checked the breaker. You hate Sam’s oven. He hates it, too! Many problems with that oven… O F Ramesh hurt his hand pulling a rack out of the cooler. He said that the door spring is tighter than it has been and he wasn’t expecting it to shut so hard. It crushed his hand against the rack and he is not sure whether or not he broke something. Side note, Ramesh is baking in your highest volume cafe so you can’t replace him with just anybody! O Abdoul, a CBT, called to tell you that his baker trainee, Craig, hasn’t shown up yet. Abdoul thinks he may have quit. You think – why am I just now finding out that there may be a problem with Craig? Note to self – must discuss with Linda (BTS). Sue says she can’t find any onions cut for focaccia. In fact, she says she can’t find any onions at all. (but, since she is new, you are hoping PR that she just doesn’t know where to look!) Miguel tells you that the closing manager, Iris, yelled at him about being in the way. As if! He is just doing his job – or trying to! This is not the first time that Iris has been abusive. Miguel is very upset. Which situation do you handle first, second, third… and what will you do about each? Put the number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in the “Priority” column and then write how you will handle each situation in the “Solution” column. If you need help with the solutions, discuss with your trainer and refer to the Bakery Operations Situations file. 10 BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Introduction Prioritization Exercise #3 It is 3:00 am and you are having a quiet night so far! You’re glad – because the last couple of nights have been kinda nuts! On a side note - your BTS, Linda, is following up with Abdoul. Craig, the baker trainee, was a no-show last night. What went wrong? You become aware of the following issues: Priority Problem Solution Bobby’s proofer is not working. It was working – but then it just konked out. That is a new cafe – the proofer shouldn’t be going down! O F Sue admits that she can’t find the pan up sheets for today or tomorrow and is just hoping that what the FDF delivered is correct. Frank doesn’t have enough rosemary that is in good condition. O Linda calls to tell you that she went to followup with Jose (after his low level 2 calibration you completed last week) and found a bottle of Jack Daniels in the trash can (between the side of the can and the liner). She wouldn’t have found it at all – but she was helping out and wanted to empty the trash. She said that Jose threw a fit about her changing the trash – which she thought was odd. Now, she knows why. She wants to know what she should do. PR Now it is 5:00 am – and yes, there is more! Julie, a manager, calls to tell you that she suspects that Sam is stealing roast beef from the cafe because she did an inventory the night before and there were two cases and now there is only one case this morning! Tim, a manager from a different cafe, calls to tell you that not only was the alarm not set, but the back door was open. He wants you to know – because Bobby isn’t normally so careless – so what is going on! Which situation do you handle first, second, third… and what will you do about each? Put the number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) in the “Priority” column and then write how you will handle each situation in the “Solution” column. If you need help with the solutions, discuss with your trainer and refer to the Bakery Operations Situations file. BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 11 BMM Manual Introduction Nightly Market Log Shift Beginning Date/Shift Ending Date: __________/__________ 10pm Call Around Cafe # Scheduled Bakers Late/Absent Pan-up Amt Manager 1. 2. O F 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. O Comments 6am Call Around Cafe # Issues? Baker Time Out PR 1. Manager 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Comments 12 BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Introduction BMM Checklist This PPC focused checklist will help you spend quality time in the bakery-cafe with your bakers – allowing you to be pro-active! You should average 3 bakery-cafe visits per night with each visit at a minimum of 2 hours in order to spend quality time with your bakers and trainees. People Check baker uniform compliance. O F Ask the baker if there is anything you can do for him/her. (Sometimes the smallest things make a huge difference.) Help establish or maintain open communication/teamwork between the baker and manager/associates. Schedule a “sit down” session with the baker and manager at least once a period to discuss product quality, satisfaction & relationship between both parties. Ask baker if they are enjoying their job. If you ask in a sincere manner, they will appreciate that you care enough to ask and that it is important to you that they are happy! O PEGS Give feedback to baker on their performance/quality of product (compliments, too!) Between 6-8am, review product quality with the baker and opening manager – giving praise when appropriate. This is a great way to educate our managers on product quality, too! PR Review baker’s area organization and sanitation (check cleaning schedule to ensure all duties are completed.) Check the following equipment: Rack & Deck Ovens – lights work, bakes evenly, steams properly and in overall good repair. Proof Box – proper heat & humidity, clean filter and drain, in overall good repair. Cooler – proper temperature, humidifier working. Freezer – proper temperature, no ice build up. Racks – in overall good repair. Check that bake off is organized and condensed for the associates. Address any equipment issues, safety or overall sanitation/organization concerns with the opening manager (try to find resolution for both sides without placing blame). Cost Balancing Review baker’s efficiency; ensure bake-off is completed within desired timeframe. Demonstrate how to improve efficiency while maintaining product quality (do not vary from company specs and procedures!) BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 13 BMM Manual PR O O F Introduction 14 BMM Manual | introduction | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread O F O PR People BMM Manual People People We are in the People Business You have probably heard people say – “we aren’t in the restaurant business – we are in the ‘people’ business”… it is so true. It is all about your people. As a leader, it is up to you to select the right people, ensure they are trained properly to help them be successful and to give them continuous feedback on how they are doing. O F In a multi-unit position, such as the BMM position, you have to develop the skill to work through your people. Your ultimate responsibility is to have the proper amount of outstanding baked goods at all of your bakery-cafes each and every morning – you certainly can’t do it by yourself! This section of your manual contains information that will help you learn how to select the right bakers, identify potential trainers and manage the learning and development of your team. Who’s Who in the Baking World Developing a Hiring Plan Interviewing New Hire Administration Training Baker Training Program MIT Baker Training CBT Certification & Development Program BTS Certification & Development Program PR Staffing O Ongoing People Development: Retention/Team Building Baker Career Path Giving Feedback Performance Assessment Reward & Recognition Meetings Study after study has shown that people don’t stay with a company – they stay with their boss! People need to feel important and valued. Feeling valued is the #1 thing people want in their job – not money or position – but to feel good about themselves and the job they are doing. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 15 BMM Manual People Who’s Who in the Baking World It takes many of us to prepare the highest quality baked goods every day in over 1000 bakery-cafes across the country! This is quite a Career Path, too! (Please find a more detailed Career Path later in this section) Helpers The BTS trains a Helper for 3 days. They will travel between bakery-cafes to work with bakers on pan-up, bagels, and Focaccia. They receive instructions from the bakers. (No time limit) Baker Trainee Certified Baker O F A Baker Trainee is in training to become a baker. They will work with a Certified Baker Trainer (CBT) and their BTS on all aspects of baking such as bench work, proofing, and baking. They are in training for 7 weeks (2 weeks Baking Orientation + 5 weeks Baker Training) with an additional 90 days in position as a baker working towards certification. All bakers are responsible for working at night. They will work with frozen dough, fresh dough, preparing the product for the next day bake off, shaping, pan-up, proofing, scoring, topping, baking, finishing, and in some cases, ordering. They are also responsible for cleaning and organizing the baker’s area. They work alone most of the time. They give instructions/guide helpers and communicate any issues with bakerycafe managers. (One-year time limit to become a Senior Certified Baker) O Senior Certified Baker A baker with tenure willing to float throughout the market; a highly skilled level 3 baker. (No time limit) Certified Baker Trainer (CBT) PR A highly skilled baker that has a passion for training others. Responsible for the training of new bakers and managers. (No time limit) Baker Training Specialist (BTS) He/she is an elite trainer that is responsible for all the training that goes on within their baking team including certifying new CBTs. The BTS also covers for the BMM on their days off. (No time limit) Bakery Market Manager (BMM) The BMM is ultimately responsible for the consistent quality bake offs at each of the bakery-cafes within his/her market. He/she maintains a well trained, full complement of bakers to meet the needs of his/her bakery-cafes. Role models a passion for baking and the preparation of the highest quality baked goods while managing the scheduling of bakers and labor dollars used. Regional Baking Support Manager (RBOM) The RBOM simultaneously supports several markets with baking expertise, passion for high quality products, and coaching/feedback for BMMs and their baking teams. The RBOM informs their markets about new baker learning initiatives as well as new product rollouts. 16 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Staffing One of the most important elements of running a successful baking team is having the right amount of well-trained and motivated bakers. To be successful, you must learn how to recruit and retain quality bakers on an ongoing basis. Keys to Maintaining Proper Staffing Levels Always consider hiring a quality candidate, regardless of your current staffing levels. Take care of your current bakers, especially the highest performers! Create an atmosphere that proves that Panera is an ‘Employer of Choice’. Actively “work” your Hiring Plan. O F Creating your Hiring Plan Knowing your staffing needs and recognizing the impact under or overstaffing has on your team is the first step in creating your Hiring Plan. Understaffing - will affect morale, effectiveness, product quality, and interaction with associates and managers. Overstaffing - will affect your team because bakers will not be able to work enough hours and may look for employment elsewhere! O When calculating staffing needs, consider the following factors: Seasonality (holidays, school start and end dates) Vacations Bake off volumes (high volume bakery-cafes will need more support) Bakery Mix and Celebrations Bakery-cafe openings within the next 120 days PR Staffing Calculation Examples Example 1: Based on a team with average bake offs of $2000 Current Bakery-Cafes (opening within 120 days) Projected Turnover # of bakery-cafes X 1.8 # of new bakery-cafes X 1.8 # of bakers X 25% 8 X 1.8 = 14.4 or 14 1 X 1.8 = 1.8 or 2 16 X 25% = 4 14 2 4 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread New Bakery-Cafes Fully Staffed 20 17 BMM Manual People Example 2: Based on a team with average bake offs of $2500 New Bakery-Cafes High Volumes (opening within 120 days) (helpers) Projected Turnover # of b-cs X 2 # of new b-cs X 2 # of b-cs > $2700 X 1 # of bakers X 25% 8 X 2 = 16 1X2=2 2X1=2 20 X 25% = 5 16 2 2 5 Fully Staffed 25 O F Current Bakery-Cafes Tips for New Markets or Markets with a wide geographic area (40-60 miles apart) Hire at least 3 bakers for bakery-cafe openings, possibly 4. This creates a buffer if you have a higher than expected volume or a baker doesn’t make it through training. If opening a second bakery-cafe consider moving one of your more experienced bakers to the second bakery-cafe and train a replacement baker for the first bakery-cafe. If this is possible it will take some of the pressure off of the opening at the second bakery-cafe in your market. O Actively Work your Hiring Plan Having a properly staffed team will allow you more flexibility with the schedule, improve team morale, and contribute to better baker-retail relationships. PR 18 Review your staffing needs on a weekly basis. Begin recruiting for new opens 3-4 weeks before you need the new baker(s) to start. Always be on the look-out for great new people! If you have an underperforming baker, work with them to help them improve. But, to be safe, you should begin recruiting a replacement in the event that the baker’s performance does not improve. Don’t allow yourself to get too cozy. It is the nature of the business that as soon as you have enough people and they are happy and performing well – something happens. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Recruiting Resources So, you have a Hiring Plan – now where do you go to find your next baker? The key to successful staffing is to always be recruiting. Ongoing recruiting will allow you to be more selective with applications you receive, rather than scrambling to find bakers when you are short staffed. Associate/Mgr Referrals Newspaper Ads Signs/Bulletin Boards Ask your high level 2/3 bakers if they know anyone who would like to become a baker! To help encourage baker referrals, use baker referral bonus program. For more information, talk with your DM/JV Partner. Another great resource is referrals from associates and managers. Please find an example of a Referral Bonus Flyer in Harvest baker library. O F Baker Referrals This can be very effective for attracting quality applicants, but can also be costly. Print advertising reaches a broad audience of people quickly. Print advertising will require the approval of your DM/JV Partner. This method is very popular because it is cost effective. Signs are moveable and reusable. Hang an eye-catching sign in one of the front windows of each of your bakery-cafes. Move the signs around or occasionally take them down, so they do not become ineffective. O Place signs on the bulletin boards in the bakery-cafes, in your local grocer, or other local neighborhood bulletin boards. A new way to post jobs is through the Internet using sites such as Craig’s List. This is a nationwide website which will allow you to place a job posting for FREE. Some Internet job posting sites are not free; check prior to using. Business Cards You never know when you are going to meet a person that could be your next “best” baker. Have business cards with your name and phone number on them to hand to potential baker candidates! PR Internet Posting Colleges and Universities Local colleges and universities can be excellent places to recruit bakers and helpers. Place flyers on campus bulletin boards. Government Employment Agencies These agencies have access to a large number and variety of applicants who are unemployed or looking for another job. To get referrals from them, you must list your openings with them. It’s best to do this in person. Call your local gov’t agency and make an appointment with a Job Placement Counselor. You can also contact your local Veterans Administration office. Churches Contact your local church with job openings and ask for referrals. Most churches have bulletin boards, too. Call and get permission to post flyers. Panera Bread Human Resources One of the most important resources we have to assist with recruitment in our Company/JV markets is: Jeff Hayes; HR Baker Recruitment Phone # - 573-581-9500 ext. 6345; jeff.hayes@panerabread.com BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 19 BMM Manual People Interviewing Process Selecting the right bakers for your team is one of the most important – if not the most important – part of your job! You can’t build a great team if you don’t have the right people! You will learn how to use the behaviorbased “Interviewing & Selection Guide for Bakers” which can be found on the learning/tools website. If you are new to interviewing, we also recommend you talk to your DM or Human Resources Manager about sitting in on a few interviews with them. O Ask them to sit in on the first few interviews you conduct in order to give you feedback. This observation and coaching will be invaluable to you and to your skill development. Remember – you are a Constant Learner! O F We have a formal selection process at Panera to help ensure we are hiring the right people to become part of the Panera family. As part of your BMM Training program, you will attend several classes within the Dough 101/102 course offered as part of Baguette University. One of the classes is on interviewing & selection. Being able to identify the right candidates to become bakers will support long term success in your market: Select candidates that are: Reliable – on time and rarely miss work Eager to learn and perfect their craft Personable – get along with other bakers and retail managers and associates High energy – and able to handle the physical demands of the position Team Players – willing to help other bakers as needed PR 20 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Interviewing Process Overview Application Received/Reviewed O F Phone Interview First Interview Conducted during morning business hours Job Preview Candidate to observe a CBT for first three hours of shift Second Interview O Conducted immediately after Job Preview Make Hiring Decision PR Base decision on experience, interviews, and job preview. Note: The Hiring Decision is contingent upon background check results. Submit Background Check Confirm Hiring Decision if positive Background Check results and Schedule Start Date Best Practice - Get your Team Involved To get a variety of feedback on baker candidates, some BMMs are inviting their DMs and BTSs to get involved in the interviewing process. Usually, they will have the DM sit in on the first interview and the BTS will sit in on the second interview. This will give you more feedback and will help you with your ongoing relationship building with your DM and BTS. They will appreciate being asked to be involved. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 21 BMM Manual People Background Checks for Bakers The following process should be followed: 1. Baker candidate completes application and background check release form prior to or at the time of the first interview. 2. BMM and/or DM conduct interviews. O F 3. Offer of employment is extended that is contingent upon the results of the background check and BMM asks for Date of Birth and writes it on the bottom of the release form. 4. Once offer is accepted, BMM faxes background check release form to the appropriate HR Manager or Recruiter who is responsible for the candidate’s process. 5. Once results of background check are returned (usually within 48-72 hours), a start date can be determined. *Note: A baker cannot start work before the results of the background check are returned. O Procedures for Handling Negative Background Checks Should a background check come back with negative results, the BMM should contact their HR person immediately before making any further decisions or communicating with the baker candidate. Review the issue(s) with your HR Manager. Each candidate’s results will be dealt with on a case-bycase basis. The HR Manager will coach the BMM on whether or not to go forward with the candidate and what communication should take place. PR 22 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People New Hire Administration With something as important as hiring a new baker, there will always be paperwork to complete! It is essential that you learn the New Hire Administration process and complete it as designed. We need to be diligent about orienting our new bakers properly and giving them the information that they need to become members of the Panera family. The appropriate forms to complete can be found in a baker new hire packet. Steps Items to Complete 1 O F Many of the forms are also available on Harvest website. If you are not sure where to find something, please contact your DM or RBOM. Schedule the new Baker’s New Hire Orientation Note: It is best to combine this with the day that they go to Planet Bread prior to attending the Intro to Dough Orientation with the BTS. Prepare for the New Hire Orientation New Hire Packet – order from NAC through your HR Manager. Input the baker trainee’s training schedule (found in the front of the Baker Training Manual) for at least the first two weeks on the blank calendar found after the sample calendar. If you have to move the ‘days off’ around that is okay, but please follow the program as it is written so that it will match up with their manual. Print a Direct Deposit form from Harvest. (found in New Hire Administration folder) Have an extra pen with you. O PR 2 3 Begin the New Hire Orientation Offer them something to drink and try to put them at ease. Complete the SSN Verification process (after 8am) and fill out the form. Note: If the baker trainee’s SSN cannot be verified, explain the problem to them. Tell them that you will be unable to allow them to start work until their SSN can be verified. Have the baker trainee fill in the front page of the WOTC form 8850 (found on Employment Application). This form is used to determine if Panera, LLC is eligible for a work tax credit for the new baker. Call (800) 669-6000, option 1 to determine eligibility within 24 hours of hire. They will ask to talk to the baker trainee and will talk to you again after talking with the baker trainee. This will only take a few minutes. Complete the back page of the WOTC form 8850 after calling in. See instructions for completing the form on your Harvest baker library answer key section. If the baker trainee qualifies, you will have to mail the form in self-addressed envelope provided by CIC. If not eligible, place form in personnel file. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 23 BMM Manual People Steps Items to Complete 3 Review New Hire Packet and Panera Policies (cont.) Review all policies in New Hire Packet and have the new baker sign the handbook acknowledgement form that they have reviewed these items and agree to comply with Panera Policies. Note: Review Benefit Summary information and explain that they will receive more information about the benefits they are eligible for directly from the Human Resources department when they have been in position for 30 days. Direct Deposit (optional) – Have baker trainee complete Direct Deposit form if applicable. O F Complete the Employment Verification Form (I-9)** Put the completed I-9 and copies of documents in the separate I-9 folder you keep with all of your baker I-9s. Have the baker complete their W-4 Federal Tax form** Have the baker trainee complete Personnel Data Sheet found in the New Hire Packet. Explain the Uniform Program** for your market and complete order forms. 4 O Have the baker trainee input Important Phone numbers in their Baker Training Manual in the introduction section, “Your Support Team!” Also recommend that they input the numbers into their cell phone if they have one. Review their Training Schedule with them. Show them their schedule at the beginning of their manual. Give them an overview of the Baker Training Program. Explain that the BTS will review the details of their training program during the “Intro to Dough” orientation session. PR Ask if they will have any problems following the schedule you have prepared and make adjustments as needed. Be sure to communicate any changes with the BTS/CBT. 5 Conclude the New Hire Orientation Ask them about Planet Bread – or remind them of what to expect if they are attending Planet Bread after the New Hire Orientation. Ask them if they have any questions. Welcome them to the team! The next two steps are specific to Co & JV only. For our franchise partners, follow your procedures for “adding” a baker to your payroll system. 6 Complete the new hire EDF** and print a copy and put it in their new hire folder. Note: For Company/JV markets print an extra copy of the EDF to send with the baker trainee to Planet Bread. 7 Input Baker into Baker Maintenance form on the portal – 2-3 days after inputting EDF. Add them to other applicable forms (e.g. schedule, labor tracking, etc.) ** Instructions for completing these items can be found on Harvest. 24 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Baker File Management The following are some policies and best practices for baker file management. Keep all Files Secured Each person’s file contains personal information and should therefore never be accessible to others. Please keep personnel files under lock and key. Include all Appropriate Documents in the Baker’s Personnel File The items listed on the outside of the New Hire folder should be included in each baker’s file folder. For information regarding record retention (how long you should keep files, etc.) please refer to the last page of the “Interviewing & Selection Guide for Bakers”. Create a Separate File for I-9s O F Keep all completed I-9 forms for every baker in your market in a separate folder. Prepare a Training Folder for each Baker Trainee Print the following items to include in each training folder: Baker Final Exam 5 Calibration forms (to be completed at both demo bakes and after training O is completed at 30, 60 and 90 days) Note: It makes sense to print a bunch of exams and calibration forms up in advance to have on hand. One word of caution, though. Both the Final Exam and the Calibration go through frequent revisions, so don’t print too many in advance or you may be giving outdated materials to the BTS. PR The most up to date baker Calibration is posted in the baker library on Harvest website. Give the Training Folder to the BTS They will use the folder throughout the baker trainee’s training program. They will insert completed Weekly Evaluations and Self-Evaluations that are extracted from the baker’s manual. They will also keep the completed Final Exam and Calibrations in the folder. Once the baker trainee has been certified, they will return the training folder to you to include in the baker’s personnel folder. In the event that the baker does not complete the training program, the BTS should return the training folder to you to keep with the baker trainee’s personnel folder. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 25 BMM Manual People Placing New Hire Baker Trainees Congratulations – you have just hired the best candidate using your interviewing & selection skills and tools and you have completed the new hire paperwork perfectly… Now, based on what you know about this baker trainee (experience, energy, personality type, learning style) – where should they train? O F Training in Your Market You are fully staffed and hiring bakers for two new openings you have coming up. You have the standard 1 CBT for 4 bakery-cafes plus 1! Your CBTs are great craftspeople as well as good communicators and teachers. Your BTS is outstanding – supporting your CBTs and effective in their follow-up with the new baker trainees. In fact, your market is one of the best at onboarding and training great bakers. You are sure this is one of the primary reasons your turnover is the lowest in the region! Sometimes, though, we don’t live in a perfect world! We are always striving to get our market to operate as the one above. As we work toward it, we need to make the best decisions we can for the continued improvement and growth of our markets. Where you place new baker trainees is a very important decision. Key Factors in Determining Proper Placement Staffing Levels Training Team O If you are short staffed, it is critical that you put baker trainees with your most experienced and effective CBT. You simply cannot afford to lose the trainee due to issues in training. You have to bring people on in order to stop the turnover cycle you are currently in. If you are short CBTs, place more experienced baker trainees with your newer CBTs. Discuss with your BTS and plan for both of you to be in the bakerycafe supporting the new CBT as much as possible. PR Note: Sometimes more experienced trainees can be tough to train the Panera way. But, in the end, if the baker trainee has come to us with experience as a craftsperson, they will fare better than someone with little to no experience with a newer CBT. When possible, select the CBT you feel will have the best personality fit with the baker trainee. For example, if you have a very introverted trainee, place them with a similar CBT rather than one of your more extroverted CBTs. Positive Training Environment Always select the most positive learning environment. A GM that understands that during the training process, there will be a flaws in product – and a CBT that focuses on their learning and not what they are doing wrong. Train in their End Location Always set baker trainees up to be successful. It is always best to train bakers in the location they will be taking over, whenever possible. 26 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Please Avoid these Barriers to Effective Learning Training in multiple locations. Again, it always best to train people in the locations they will be taking over. Utilizing Inexperienced or Ineffective Trainers If you have a CBT that has performance opportunities you are coaching them through, do not place a baker trainee with them. High Volumes Language Barriers Rushing Training O F Avoid high volume bakery-cafes. Select volumes that allow an appropriate learning environment (ideal is $1800-2200) where the baker trainee has the opportunity to practice and work on quality first and speed second. Avoid creating the feeling of rushing trainees through training. No matter how much progress a trainee shows always follow the guidelines of training. If you have a trainee that is learning but at a slightly slower rate, consider increasing training by a week or two to accommodate their learning curve. Doubling Up O It is best for a baker trainee to have a one-on-one training situation. Avoid putting more than one baker trainee with one CBT – even if it is a very experienced CBT! The baker trainees then have to “share” their learning and do not get as much hands on experience during training. Other Best Practices at the Start of Training It is always important that the baker trainees know what to expect out of their training. Also, beginning with the interview/selection process through the orientation segments of onboarding, it is important to communicate what our expectations are of the trainee, as well. PR Try to calm any fears or nervousness with your baker trainee. One thing that seems to help alleviate nervousness is telling the baker trainee a little about their CBT. Also, be sure to tell the CBT about the background of the new baker trainee, as well. If possible, have the CBT you plan to have train the new baker trainee do the Job Preview, during the interview process. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 27 BMM Manual People Baker Team Learning & Development One of the BMMs primary responsibilities is the selection, development and retention of a fantastic Baker Team! In fact, if you do this part of your job well – the rest of your responsibilities will seem like a piece of cake! This section of your manual will outline the BMM role in the Baker Training Program, the CBT Development Program and the BTS Development Program. For your reference we have posted many of the tools you will need on Harvest. You will find many of them in the baker Library and few in other libraries as well. For the Baker: O F In the Baker Library on Harvest you will find the following files. Baker Training Calendar Baker Tracking form Baker Re-Certification process For the CBT: CBT Certification Process CBT Re-Certification Process CBT tracking form O For the BTS: BTS Certification Process BTS Re-Certification Process BTS Tracking forms BTS Situationals Answer Key BTS Calibration PR For the BMM: 28 BMM Bonus program Baker Training Roster BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Baker Training The following table outlines your responsibilities throughout the Baker Training Program. It gives details as to the BTS role as well – so you can follow-up! Baker Training Schedule Overview – BMM Role 1. Once you have finalized the hiring decision, give the new baker trainee contact information to your BTS. Onboarding Briefly explain the Baker Training Program. Let them know where and when they will attend Planet Bread and their New Hire Orientation and a brief overview of what to expect. Tell them when and where they will complete their Baking Orientation and a brief overview of what to expect. Let them know that they need to wear their uniform to their New Hire Orientation, Planet Bread and the Baking Orientation. Give the baker trainee the BTSs name/phone # and your name/phone #. The BTS will ask the baker trainee to contact you or them with any questions/problems. O F O New Hire Your BTS will contact the baker trainee to: 2. Discuss with your BTS where/with whom you would like to place the baker trainee for their Baking Orientation and Baker Training. 3. Determine the start date and appropriate Planet Bread session. Schedule New Hire Orientation to correspond with the Planet Bread session if at all possible. PR Note: We recommend you involve your BTS as much as possible (as above) in the onboarding process. This will allow your BTS to begin to develop a relationship with the baker trainee and hopefully help the baker trainee feel more comfortable. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 29 BMM Manual People Baker Training Schedule Overview – BMM Role (cont.) The BTS will schedule baker trainees to attend the Planet Bread session in your market. You will conduct the New Hire Orientation, as outlined earlier in this section of this manual. Note: If you have not been to Planet Bread, please schedule yourself to attend. It is an important and valuable orientation to Panera Bread. Baking Orientation The “Intro to Dough” classroom orientation will be conducted by the BTS at a bakery-cafe. (whenever possible, it will be great if the BTS can conduct O F First day the “Intro to Dough” sessions at the bakery-cafe where the baker trainee will be training) 2 days: “Intro to Dough” 7 days: “Hands On!” Best Practice: You should visit the baker trainee during the “Intro to Dough” sessions for several reasons: Continue to get to know and build your relationship with the new baker trainee. Follow-up with your BTS by observing parts of their orientation. This will give you the opportunity to provide any coaching necessary. Reinforce portions of the “Intro to Dough” curriculum to further communicate your expectations for performance. O First 2 Weeks Planet Bread & New Hire Orientation The “Hands On!” portion of the Baking Orientation is an initial product/equipment overview conducted by one of your CBTs. The Schedule of Learning for each day of the “Hands On!” portion of the Baking Orientation should be followed by the baker trainee and the CBT. PR Note: The “Hands On!” portion of the Baking Orientation doesn’t have to be conducted by the same CBT who completes the Baker Training portion of the program. However, we recommend using the same CBT because the baker trainee will be familiar with the CBT and the bakery-cafe, sales volume, etc. 30 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Baker Training Schedule Overview – BMM Role (cont.) The CBT will teach the baker trainee how to prepare all products to standard, build efficiency and keep an organized and clean work area by following the Schedule of Learning for the Baker Training Program. Your BTS will support the CBT as needed and follow-up with the baker trainee’s progress throughout the 5 weeks. Your BTS should participate in weekly evaluations of the baker trainee written by the CBT as often as possible. Your BTS will also schedule and conduct the Calibrations for the two Demo Bakes as well as the Final Exam outlined in the Baker Training Program. Follow-up with the BTS on a weekly basis to inquire about the progress of the baker trainee. You should visit the baker trainee and CBT throughout the 5 weeks to encourage focus on quality first – and speed second! O F 5 Weeks Baker Training Discuss placement of the new Baker with the BTS. Select a bakery-cafe that is relatively low volume to allow the new Baker the opportunity to build their skills over time. It will be important for your BTS to spend time with each new Baker to encourage and support them in their new bakery-cafe. PR Baker O Note: If your BTS is new or working on developmental opportunities, you should complete some of the items listed above (especially the Demo Bake process). 90 Days Your BTS should also assist the new Baker with the creation of their own baker timeline. This will help them internalize the timing needed for the new sales volume and baking equipment at their new bakery-cafe. (Find a blank baker timeline form on the learning/tools website if you would like to complete electronically.) Certified Baker BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread Your BTS should complete a Calibration on the new Baker at 30, 60 and 90 days. You should also visit the new Baker as often as possible during this critical transition time. Being present with the new Baker will give you and the BTS the opportunity to provide quality feedback to reinforce positive behaviors and correct performance issues that may have arisen. When the new Baker has successfully completed the three calibrations, the BTS will complete the Baker Trainee Tracking Form and submit it to your RBOM. 31 BMM Manual People Leader’s Guide for MIT Baking Orientation Shift 1: 9 pm – 6 am Shifts 1 & 2 are to be conducted by the BTS Objectives: Effectively communicate the structure of Baker Organization Educate MIT(s) on how to properly execute the Late Bake program Teach basic equipment operations and settings Complete all Level 1: “Passion” products - preparation, baking, topping and finishing procedures. Activities Introductions O F Timing 10 min Introduce yourself to the MIT(s). Provide your name, title, a brief job description, and length of service with Panera. Have everyone else introduce themselves. Overview of Baking Organization Review the following: Number of bakers reporting to BMM. BMM and BTS are acronyms for Bakery Market Manager and Baker Training Specialist. The BMM reports to (name the DM). Review the roles and responsibilities of the BTS and BMM. Describe the Baker Career Path. PR O 20 min Late Bake Training/MIT Baking Orientation Overview 20 min Learning Objectives: For the MIT(s) to be able to correctly execute the baking of all “Level 1” products, Cinnamon Rolls, and Whole Grain Baguettes. Begin and reinforce the importance of relationship building between bakery operations and retail operations. Benefits: Explain the importance of having freshly baked products throughout the day. 32 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People MIT Baking Orientation: Shift 1 (cont.) Activities Timing Explain Product Levels: Level 1 (Passion): Easy to bake products that do not require proofing. Level 2 (Soul): Moderately challenging baking procedures that include some proofing. Level 2 products are not part of the Late Bake Training/MIT Baking Orientation except for Cinnamon Rolls and Whole Grain Baguettes. Level 3 (Expertise): Challenging baking procedures and routines that include shaping, proofing, and topping. Level 3 products are not part of the Late Bake/MIT Baking Orientation training. O F MIT Baking Orientation – Learning Material Review 20 min Review MIT Baking Orientation Schedule of Learning Explain expectations and requirements such as the completion of worksheets, trainer evaluation form, calibration, etc. Baker Information Cards MIT(s) will have to read PK 1-5 throughout the night. Right now, just show them where to find the information. Resources O Bakery Manuals Color and Baking Charts Ruler Templates PR Pan up Sheets Baking Equipment Tour 45 min Demonstrate basic equipment operations: Proof Box: Demonstrate basic operations (ON/OFF, 90 degrees and 90% humidity). Explain that products go into the proof box to give products its final rise before baking. Tell the MIT(s) which products are proofed and which are not. Deck Oven: Demonstrate basic operations (ON/OFF, temperature, times, steam, etc). Tell MIT(s) that bakers only bake Artisan breads in the deck oven. Rack Oven: Demonstrate basic operations (ON/OFF, temperature, time, steam, JOG, etc). Demonstrate how to properly load rack into oven. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 33 BMM Manual People MIT Baking Orientation: Shift 1 (cont.) Activities Timing Reading Assignment 15 min Ask MIT(s) to read PK 1-5 in the Baker Information Card Booklet. Also, ask the MIT(s) to refer to their Panera Passport for more product knowledge review. Level 1: “Passion” Product Training O F Explain to MIT(s) that we are focusing on Level 1 Products, Cinnamon Rolls, and Whole Grain Baguettes because these are the products which are being baked most during the day. Timing aligned with baker routine Prior to baking product, review baking specs with the MITs: Bagels – Proper pinching techniques, closing of open seam, stretching, toppings, etc. Proof size and bake color. Cookies – Cookies are panned up the prior day because product must have an internal temperature of around 45°F prior to baking. Cookies should be pulled out of the oven when there is an approximately ½” margin coloration (browning) around the edges. Product should have almost no coloration in the center. O Muffins and Muffies – Muffins are left on the floor on a covered rack for approximately 2.5 hours to thaw. The product must reach an internal temperature of at least 60°F prior to baking. Use scoops when topping muffins. Savory Scones – Use scoops when topping scones. Half & Half cream that is not used must be thrown away so only pour a small amount in a container. PR Egg Soufflé – Proper dough-blank stretching techniques. Ensure that the corners do not overlap when closing soufflé. Artisan Bread – loaves, demis, and baguettes. Since Artisan Baguettes are being baked the most by retail, focus on this product in great detail. Have MITs practice on proper scoring, stretching, loading oven, and baked color. Level 2: “Soul” Product Training (2 items only) Cinnamon Rolls – Product is panned up the day prior, with ‘cut side/clean side’ down. The following day, product is flipped over, placed in proof box, then floor proofed on a covered rack prior to baking. Icing product when warm seals it so it stays fresh longer. Icing should be of thick consistency and not look like the product is just glazed. Whole Grain Baguettes – Product is stretched to 23” and scored with three 6” scores. Whole Grain Baguettes bake at 400/420°F unlike the rest of the Artisan breads which are baked at 440/460°F. 34 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People MIT Baking Orientation: Shift 1 (cont.) Activities Timing Complete Pan up 20 min Complete the Pan Up for following day with the MIT(s). Only do Pan up of Level 1 products and Cinnamon Rolls. 45 min Baker’s table – proper cleaning of the table including the use of mineral oil. Utensils – proper cleaning and storage. Deck Ovens – proper sweeping, cleaning of metal edge and glass. Proof Box – Properly shut proof box OFF to avoid stagnant water. Sweep and mop proof box floor. Wipe down interior and exterior. Clean filter. O F Review Sanitation procedures Quality Assurance Always use Bakery Manuals, Templates and Color Charts to evaluate product! Ruler and Scale – use to check dimensions and weights of baked product. Complete Bakery Check with opening manager. O Reading Assignment 45 min 25 min Ask MIT(s) to read SBS 1-4 and EB 1-6 in the Baker Information Card Booklet. PR Be available to the MIT(s) if they have any questions as they read. Complete Worksheets 20 min Ask the MIT(s) to complete the following worksheets found in their MIT Manual. Artisan Breads Sourdough Pan and Specialty Bread Be available to answer any questions they may have. Review Shift 2 Objectives Continue practice with Level 1: “Passion” products. Complete Baker Calibration Audit together. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 10 min 35 BMM Manual People Leader’s Guide for MIT Baking Orientation Shift 2: 10 pm – 6 am Objectives: Further develop baking skills of “Passion” Products Understand the standards to which bakers are held. (Baker Calibration Audit) Activities Timing Review 30 min Baker Organization Review Artisan, Sourdough and Pan Bread Worksheets with the MIT. If time allows, have MIT(s) assist baker with these products plus Sweets, but only if you think that the MIT(s) are not being overloaded with information. Remember, the proper execution of Level 1 products is the objective of this training. Sign off Level 1 products in their Panera Passport(s). Make sure MIT(s) has/have tasted all Level 1 products. Reading Assignment O O F 30 min Ask MIT(s) to read SBS 5-8 in the Baker Information Card Booklet. Be available to the MIT(s) if they have any questions as they read. Introduce Baker Calibration Audit PR Explain the: 30 min 36 Purpose Frequency What is being evaluated in each category and why or why not did the baker receive or didn’t receive points ‘Great Service’ section is completed by opening manager BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People MIT Baking Orientation: Shift 2 (cont.) Activities Timing Level 1: “Passion” Product Training During entire shift Focus on all Level 1: “Passion” products and two of the Level 2 products. Demonstrate and allow them to practice proper preparation, baking, topping and finishing of bakery products. Complete Baker Calibration Demonstrate how to complete the Baker Calibration. Encourage questions and an appreciation for our high product quality standards. Quality Assurance Always use Bakery Manuals, Templates and Color Charts to evaluate product! Ruler and Scale – use to check dimensions and weights of baked product. Complete Bakery Check with opening manager. O O F Follow Shift 1 Leader’s Guide for training “Passion” Products. Complete Worksheets During entire shift 45 min 30 min Ask the MIT(s) to complete the following worksheets found in their MIT Manual. Bagel Sweets PR Scoring Equipment Be available to answer any questions they may have. Review Shift 3 Objectives Continue practice with Level 1: “Passion” products. Visit 2-3 bakery-cafes with the BMM to evaluate product and environment. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 10 min 37 BMM Manual People Leader’s Guide for MIT Baking Orientation Shift 3: 10 pm – 7 am The BMM will conduct Shift 3 of the MIT Baking Orientation Objectives: Further develop baking skills of “Passion” Products Build on product evaluation skills Understand how the Late Bake process is incorporated at the bakery-cafe level Activities Review “Passion” Level 1 product preparation, baking, topping, and finishing of products. See Shift 1 for explanation. Quality Assurance resources. See Shift 1 for explanation. Baker Calibration Audit. See Shift 2 for explanation. Level 1: “Passion” Product Training O O F Timing 20 min 5 hours Have the MIT(s) continue their practice with “Passion” Level 1 products. Bakery-Cafe Tour 3 hours While touring 2-3 bakery-cafes review the following with the MIT(s): Product cutting – Slice open a few products and talk about cell structure, crumb, dough density, etc. Evaluate product – Explain what is good about the product and what would need improvement to be ideal. PR 38 Example: Coffee Cakes – Product has been baked to correct color, right amount of toppings, iced warm, but it is under proofed. According to the spec, it should measure 10” in diameter, but this one only measures 9” in diameter. Evaluate environment – Explain what the Daily and Detail cleaning duties are for the baker and whether all was completed. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People MIT Baking Orientation: Shift 3 (cont.) Activities Timing Review Late Bake Planning Guide 10 min Product completion time guidelines Baking Throughout the Day Bakery Zone Check POF Bakery: Day Baking MIT Baking Orientation Evaluation Thank the MIT(s) for their attention and tell them that you look forward to working with them in the future. Ask the MIT(s) to complete the MIT Baking Orientation Evaluation found in their MIT Manual and turn it in to their Regional Training Manager. 10 min PR O O F Discuss the Late Bake Program and how MIT(s) will apply in their bakery-cafes: BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 39 BMM Manual People Developing a Great Team of CBTs Having a great Baker Team really starts with the quality of your Certified Baker Trainers (CBTs). They are an integral part of your team since they will be setting the example for new bakers you bring onto your team. You want CBTs that follow all procedures and standards, keep their bakery-cafes neat and clean, and cultivate great relationships with their managers and associates. The best CBTs will exemplify Panera’s Concept Essence and Values on a day-to-day basis and love to share their knowledge with others. How to Build a Great Team of CBTs Ask yourself - which of my bakers: O F Identify Potential CBTs from among your Existing Bakers with your BTS Consistently perform at a high level? Are fairly open and communicative? Have a high level of detail orientation and pride? Are really organized and keep a very clean bakery-cafe? Are great team players? Willing to help others out when needed? Treat your Existing CBTs with Great Respect O Always show appreciation and respect to your existing CBTs. You should do this for several reasons: It is the right thing to do – they are shaping the future of your market by training your new bakers! It will make them feel valued and will make them want to continue training (even though it is always harder to complete a bake with a brand new person than just doing it by yourself!) Others will see you treating the CBTs well and paying special attention to them. This will help you with your recruiting efforts later. If all of your bakers see the CBT position as one that is positive – they will want to be a CBT, too! Then you will be able to select the best of the best to be your CBTs! PR Execute the CBT Certification & Development Program as Designed The CBT Certification & Development Program includes an overall development program that will walk you and your BTS through the process of developing and certifying a new CBT. It can be started before you have an opening for a CBT. This is a good idea if you have a baker that is a potential candidate. The CBT Certification & Development Program will take some time to execute and if you begin early, then you will always have someone sitting on the “bench” ready to step up if needed. Having a solid “bench” of new CBTs will help your market in the event that you: 40 Lose a CBT and fall below the standard of 1 CBT per 4 bakery-cafes. Have to hire more new bakers than usual (unexpected turnover, new openings, etc.) Want to be the go-to market for bakers needing to be trained around the country! How great would that be – for your market to be selected to train bakers for new markets?! BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People BTS Development Your Baker Training Specialist is truly your “right hand person”. Selecting and developing a BTS that will make the learning & development of new and existing bakers their priority should be your ultimate goal. It is up to you to develop your BTS and to help direct his/her efforts. The BTS position was created in order to assist the BMM with the learning & development of the Baker Team. Developing your BTS O F Although it may be tempting to utilize the BTS in a more operational role at times, please avoid this as much as possible. The more the BTS is in the market following-up with new baker trainees, building relationships with his/her CBTs and being the “Champion of the Standards” – the better your market will operate long term. Regardless of whether you selected your BTS or inherited them, they are your BTS! It is up to you to develop him/her to meet his/her potential. The following are some suggestions: Schedule Time Together It is difficult to spend one-on-one time with your BTS –since you are working opposite shifts and there are so many things going on all the time! Schedule a 1-2 hour meeting with your BTS at least once every two weeks. Make an agenda for your meeting – make the most of it! Spend ½ of the time on day-to-day business. Spend the other ½ of the time asking him/her about the baker learning & development in the market. O How are your CBTs performing? What bakers do you see as our next CBTs? Which of our bakers need additional coaching and development? PR Are the CBTs following the Baker Training Program as designed? What can I do to help support you? Involve your BTS Keep your BTS involved in decision making. This will help the BTS learn about issues or problems that arise and give you the opportunity to coach him/her through the problem solving process. If you truly partner with him/her, he/she will also feel a stronger connection to the business and you will build a solid relationship. Involve them in: Interviewing & Selection Process Product Quality issues Reward & recognition in the market Equipment issues New Product rollouts (in fact, you should allow them to lead these with your support) BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 41 BMM Manual People Encourage your BTS to create an IDP What are your BTSs’ goals? Does he/she want to become a BMM? Partner with him/her to complete the IDP process. Have the BTS create a plan that outlines development activities for him/her to complete in the areas in which he/she would like to improve. Your DM will be able to help with the IDP process and you can find documentation on the learning/tools website as well. Execute the BTS Certification & Development Program as Designed O F The BTS Certification & Development Program includes an overall development program that will walk you through the process of developing and certifying a new BTS. Schedule the FDF and Retail Training elements so you can add the actual dates for each into the BTS Development Calendar. Inquire about when the next Dough 101 will be held in your market and sign your BTS up to attend. Add this into their calendar as well. The BTS Development plan requires 4 “tour” days with the BMM. The learning events outlined in the table below should take place during the 4 days. Learning Event BTS Development Calendar O BTS Tour with BMM – the Details Details Provide BTS with their Development Calendar and review. Explain the BTS Development Program (BTS Certification Process) to the new BTS. PR Review their Development Calendar and transfer the items to be completed to their personal day timer – or add the actual dates into the calendar in their manual. Add your weekly progress meetings with the BTS into the calendar. If you schedule them in advance they are more likely to happen! BTS Manual; Performance Expectations Give the BTS their BTS Manual and review the set up and content of the manual. Review BTS Performance Expectations, BTS Roles and BMM Fill-In Responsibilities. Review BTS Observation & Assessment Form and explain that this will be used to evaluate their performance as a BTS during their Certification and Re-Certification visits by the RBOM. Review and discuss “Situationals” with BTS. Please find the “BTS Situationals” answer key on Harvest. 42 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People BTS Tour with BMM – the Details (cont.) FDF Training Details Provide BTS with FDF Manual and explain the purpose and benefits of their FDF Training: Building Relationships with FDF group Gain an appreciation for the challenges that face the FDF system and the mastery with which our FDF associates produce our fresh dough – on such a large scale! Meet our Mother! O F Learning Event Review the FDF Manual with him/her; tell him/her what to expect. Give him/her the name and contact information for your FDF manager. Retail Training Provide BTS with outline of Retail Customer Service Training and explain the purpose and benefits of spending time in the retail environment: Building relationships Gain an understanding of the retail operations Learn more about product mix and shelf life challenges throughout the day. PEGS-At-A-Glance O Give him/her the name and contact information for the GM of the bakery-cafe where he/she will be working as well as directions to the bakery-cafe. Train BTS how to complete a PEGS At-A-Glance PR Explain its benefits and when to complete them: Team Building Help keep our visits focused – by directing our observations and follow-up. Complete a PEGS-At-A-Glance each time we go into a bakery-cafe for a visit. Give the feedback to the Baker/CBT after completing the PEGS-At-A-Glance. Be positive and encouraging about the items that are done well, while being supportive and suggesting ways to improve on the items that are lacking. Keep completed PEGS-At-A-Glance forms to show to BMM during business meetings. Introduce BTS to Baking Team and as many managers as possible. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 43 BMM Manual People BTS Tour with BMM – the Details (cont.) Learning Event Calibrations Details Train BTS how to complete a Calibration Form and when to complete them. Review the “Completing Calibrations - Best Practices” found in the BTS Manual with the BTS. Complete a Calibration on as many of the 4 Tour nights as possible: Ask the BTS for input as you complete the first two and have him/her complete the third and fourth calibrations with you helping him/her. Pay special attention to the manner in which you provide the feedback. Remember, you are role modeling how he/she will give feedback in the future. O F Show the BTS the scoring and explain why you are scoring items as you are. Role model the process of following-up with a baker trainee: Greet the baker trainee and the CBT. Ask what the “focus” for the shift is and how everything is going. Ask to see the baker trainee’s manual to follow-up with items they have completed/checked off. Observe the CBTs interaction with the baker trainee and provide feedback to the CBT later – one-on-one. Quiz the baker trainee on items he/she should know at this point in his/her training. If he/she is struggling with the answers, choose easier ones so as to leave your interaction with the baker trainee on a positive note. If the baker trainee is really struggling with not only reciting the standards but also with actual baking tasks as well, jump in to provide coaching. Be sure to follow-up afterwards with the CBT one-on-one to discuss the progress/issues with the baker trainee. O PR Baker Training Follow-up Review the visit with the BTS once you have left the bakery-cafe. Ask him/her for his/her thoughts on what is going well and what we need to do better (e.g. baker trainee is on track with learning but not much interaction from CBT. Need to coach CBT to give more feedback throughout the shift). Baker Selection Process Explain the Baker Selection Process and the BTS role in the selection process (if applicable). Review the “Interviewing & Selection Guide for Bakers” with the BTS. (found on the learning/tools website) If appropriate, schedule the BTS to participate in an interview with you and add the time and place to his/her Development Calendar. 44 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People BMM Self-Development While you are in training to become a BMM you will be focused on learning the performance expectations and daily responsibilities of the BMM role. You will be learning how to be a leader. Your communication and time management skills will continue to improve. You will learn about new products and initiatives and work to become a true agent of change! You will strive to complete a full bake regularly so that your skills stay sharp and you have first hand knowledge of what your team is charged with on a daily basis. O F Is this development enough? For some it may be. We encourage you to continue your own development in a more aggressive manner, though. You will be working toward completing your IDPs* (Individual Development Plan – Co & JV only) and maintaining costs within established parameters. But, what about your knowledge and skills as a multi-unit manager? The following are some self-development recommendations: Partner with your DM to create an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for yourself. What are your strengths? What are your biggest opportunities? Create a plan that outlines development activities for you to complete in the areas in which you would like to improve. Your DM will be able to help you with your IDP and you can find documentation on the learning/tools website as well. O Attend classes offered as part of the Baguette University curriculum As you continue to work in your role, you may find that rereading information learned in the MUM training will assist you and help keep you focused. New classes may become available that would benefit you as a person, even if it does not contribute directly to your role as a BMM. PR Create Goals for yourself and your Team What are your long term goals? Do you want to become a RBOM – or a Retail DM? What will you have to learn to be able to perform in those roles? What level of performance are you striving for with your team? What areas of your business are lacking? What can you do to improve? Are you spending enough time working on developing your people? Who will be ready to take your place when you are ready for the next challenge? Partner with your BTS to help them create their own IDP! BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 45 BMM Manual People Ongoing People Development: Retention/Team Building You have taken great care selecting the right people and executing the learning & development programs and materials as designed. You have a great group of well-trained people! Now, how do you keep these great craftspeople engaged and happy working at Panera? That is what this section is all about. How do we retain our folks? There are many things you can do to keep people engaged and feeling valued. Remember, people don’t leave jobs usually – they leave bosses! If you treat them with respect and listen to them, take action on any concerns they have and recognize their value to your Baker Team you are going to keep your people. O F This section includes: Baker Career Path Partner with your BTS to share the Baker Career Path with high potential bakers. Ask the baker if they are interested in growing with Panera. Explain the opportunities that lay out before them and tell them that the sky is the limit! Discuss Panera’s plans for continued exponential growth. They truly can go anywhere they like and become almost anything they want within the organization. After all, one of the Senior Vice Presidents of the company used to be a baker! Giving Feedback O Letting people know how they are performing is one of the best things you can do to grow and retain your people. Your bakers want to know how they are performing and what they can do to improve. PR The MUM training classes will give you much more information about giving feedback –but this section will give you some refresher points. Performance Assessment Learn how to write and give effective performance Assessment. Have your people complete self-evaluations – in order to calibrate your assessment of their performance with theirs. Reward & Recognition Recognizing your team’s hard work, team work, excellent craftsmanship, and customer service, just to name a few, will make them want to continue to perform at that level! We’ve included a few ideas for ways to Reward & Recognize your team here. Remember to check out the “Hearth” google group for more ideas from other BMMs like you. 46 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Climate Surveys The Human Resources team is supporting us with climate surveys. These surveys give us real time information about how our baker teams are feeling about working for Panera. We MUST respond to the information provided by our baker teams! If we are asking them to tell us how they feel or what we can do to improve – then we must listen and take action for the better! PR O O F BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 47 BMM Manual People Baker Career Path Certified Baker Onboarding: Baking Orientation 2 Weeks Day 1: Planet Bread & New Hire Orientation w/BMM O F Days 2 & 3: “Intro to Dough” orientation w/BTS Days 4–10: “Hands On” baking orientation w/CBT Baker Training 5 weeks Weekly Evaluations; conducted by CBT/BTS Final Exam in week 3; given by BTS (must achieve an 85% to pass) O Demo Bake #1 in week 4; evaluated by BTS Demo Bake #2 in week 5; evaluated by BTS/BMM PR Baker Trainee’s title is now Baker Baker Certification Process 30/60/90 Day Evaluations using the PPC Calibration; conducted by BTS/BMM Plan of Action completed for each section of the calibration. The new Baker must receive an average of 85% on the three calibrations in order to be certified. Baker’s title is now Certified Baker 48 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Certified Baker Trainer Selection Criteria At least 90 days in position as a Certified Baker 90% or higher on their last three Calibrations Performance Evaluations positive O F Baker timeline complete Complete CBT Workshops Experienced CBT Observation CBT Orientation Conducted by BTS Conducted by Experienced CBT CBT Internship Assists with training of 2 MITs and trains 1 Baker Trainee; supported by BTS O Certification Elements Met CBT Certification Exam; receives a minimum score of 90% PR Assists with the training of 2 MITs and trains 1 baker trainee successfully - with support from BTS Certified Baker’s title is now Certified Baker Trainer (CBT) BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 49 BMM Manual People Baker Training Specialist Selection Criteria At least 90 days in position as a Certified Baker Trainer (CBT) 90% or higher on their last three Calibrations Performance Evaluations positive O F Training Evaluations completed by baker trainees positive (at least 2) Complete BTS Development Plan Tour with BMM 4 days BTS Workshop Dough 101 Conducted by BMM/RBOM 2 days O 4 days FDF & Retail Training BTS Certification Completed 60-90 days in position RBOM conducts Certification Visit: PR Observes BTS conduct all or a portion of an “Intro to Dough” orientation session Conducts BTS Observation and Assessment Form; must receive a 95% Conducts BTS Certification Exam; must receive a 95% Certified Baker Trainer’s title is now Baker Training Specialist (BTS) 50 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Bakery Market Manager Training Outline Internal Candidate (BTS) – 5 weeks External Candidate – 13 weeks 3 weeks of BMM Training 5 weeks of baking training 2 weeks of BMM Development 2 weeks of solo bakes (2 day FDF refresher, and MUM training) 1 week of FDF & Retail Training 3 weeks of BMM Training O F 2 weeks of BMM Development (Dough 101, MUM Training) BMM Training & Development Program Training conducted in a Company/JV and/or Franchise market with an experienced certified BMM BMM must complete all required components for certification O Certification completed by your RBOM BMM Training – 3 weeks: BMM Development – 2 weeks: BMM Role/Performance Expectations Dough 101 Recruiting and Staffing People Development, Positive Work Environment - Human Relationship Skills, Valuing our Teams, Harassment Awareness and Prevention, Shift Management, IS 101, Asset Protection, Coaching Baker Team Development PR Managing Product Quality Equipment Training Administration Multi Unit Manager (MUM): Focus (1 day) – time management workshop Situational Leadership (2 days) – results, leadership style BTS or External Candidate’s title is now Bakery Market Manager (BMM) BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 51 BMM Manual People Giving Feedback Why Give Feedback? To improve performance that is below expectations To reinforce and support performance that meets or exceeds expectations To assist the person with their ability to evaluate their own specific behaviors (calibrate!) Formal and Informal Feedback Calibrations Performance Assessment Performance Incident Form Meetings Informal feedback Bakery-Cafe visit feedback/coaching Communication via phone O O F Formal feedback Giving feedback – How, When & Where How For example – formal; Meetings Prepare for your meeting well in advance. Communicate the date and time and generate some excitement about the topic of the meeting (if PR applicable). Only give feedback that applies to the whole group in a group session (e.g. I would like for all of us to make a greater effort to communicate with the opening managers about the bake…) When 52 Bakery-Cafe visit feedback As you observe, watch to see what they are doing well and what they are not executing properly. If they are not performing a task correctly, you should ask them to stop and calmly explain what they are doing wrong. Show them again how to perform the task while talking them through it. Then, let them perform the task again, giving feedback like “Yes, that’s right. Good job!” Formal/written feedback You should schedule the giving of a performance Assessment in advance. Allow at least an hour for the discussion. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Selecting when to provide feedback is critically important If you observe your BTS rushing a baker trainee wait until you can ask the BTS to talk with you one-on-one. Never correct the BTS in front of a baker trainee. Explain that although the BTS probably didn’t mean to come across as rushing the trainee, they were standing over them in a hostile body posture. Point out that the rate of the way they spoke to the trainee also sped up. It is important to give this type of feedback as close to when it occurred as possible. So, in this example, the BTS will be able to reflect back on their body posture and their tone of voice. Where Always share feedback with the individual only. If others are present, give the feedback in the dining room or in another area of the back room. O F Best Practices Take note, literally, of specific behaviors you observe or that occur over time and refer back to them when writing formal feedback. Be timely with feedback given. It will show your people that you care. Actively look to find things that are being done right! We tend to focus on the negative more than the positive. Reinforcing the positive behaviors will go a long way to building a cohesive team of bakers. O Performance Documentation Form PR If you have a performance discussion with a baker, you should always document the discussion using the Performance Documentation Form. In most situations, we will follow these guidelines: First Offense – verbal warning (still includes documentation that the discussion occurred) Second Offense – written warning Third Offense – Up to termination There are a few violations that can result in immediate termination: unauthorized persons in the bakerycafe, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol or theft. If you are unsure how to address the situation or the appropriate action to take discuss with your DM. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 53 BMM Manual People Performance Assessment At Panera Bread we give performance Assessment two times per year. Please look in Harvest for performance Assessment forms for the BTS, CBT and Baker roles. Even though you are communicating and giving feedback to your people frequently, the formal performance Assessment process is an important opportunity to clarify your assessment of the individual’s performance. It will also give them an opportunity to reflect on their own performance by completing a self-Assessment. Conducting Effective Performance Assessment Preparing for the Performance Assessment O F The following are recommended steps and tips for conducting effective performance Assessment: 1. Give a blank copy of the performance Assessment to the BTS, CBT or Baker in advance. Ask them to complete the performance Assessment on themselves. Explain that they should include specific examples to support their ratings. 2. Set a date for the Assessment. Allow enough time for the person to complete their self-Assessment. 3. Schedule a time and location free from interruptions. 4. Gather information to complete the Assessment. PR O BTS BTS Certification/Re-Certification Baker Turnover Baker trainee performance (weekly evaluations, final exam, demo bakes, etc.) Baker Training Program Evaluations CBT Certifications/Re-Certifications Baker Surveys Feedback from others (baker trainees, other bakers, FDF, retail managers and associates, vendors, etc.) Your notes on their performance CBT Baker trainee performance (weekly evaluations, final exam, demo bakes, etc.) Baker Training Program Evaluations Calibrations CBT Certification/Re-Certification Feedback from others (BTS, retail managers and associates, baker trainees, other bakers, vendors, etc.) Your notes on their performance Baker Calibrations Productivity measures Feedback from others (BTS, retail managers and associates, other bakers, vendors, etc.) Your notes on their performance 54 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People 5. Once you have gathered the necessary information – prepare the Assessment. Allow yourself at least an hour to write the Assessment. Remember to avoid: Halo Effect - tendency to overrate a favored baker or one who has had good ratings in the past. Horns Effect - tendency to rate a baker lower than circumstances warrant. Recency Error- letting outstanding performance [or poor performance] immediately prior to the Assessment offset an entire year of performance. Cookie Cutter Effect - not focusing on individual specific performance and rating all your bakers in a similar manner. O F Facilitating the Performance Assessment Discussion 6. Allow BTS, CBT or Baker to share their opinion about how they did for each section first as you go through the Assessment. 7. Share your assessment of their performance with them. Be specific! Give examples to support your ratings. Share the information you used to arrive at your rating. 8. Get agreement from them on your feedback. 9. Agree to maintain or change the rating as appropriate. 10. Agree on the top 3 areas of skill and competence. O 11. Agree on the top 3 areas of opportunity for development. Concluding the Performance Assessment 12. Both you and the BTS/CBT/Baker must sign the completed Assessment. 13. Give a copy to the BTS/CBT/Baker to keep. PR 14. Maintain a copy in the personnel file. Other Tips Maintain good eye contact and attentive posture. Reflect back to the employee your understanding of what the employee said. Don't interrupt, but ask questions only for clarification. Apply the 90/10 Rule: the employee talks 90% of the time and you talk 10% of the time. Be non-judgmental Compare the actual specific performance results and behaviors to the standards. Stay away from an attitude or personality focus. Ask the employee for ideas about how to resolve problems. Focus on the future, not on the past. Be honest and be prepared to discuss questionable items. Support the employee's effort to improve. BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 55 BMM Manual People Set goals, expectations, and standards together for the next Assessment. Discuss development/training plans with the baker. Summarize the session and end on a positive note. If the baker becomes defensive or makes excuses: Ask for specifics with open-ended questions. If the baker becomes angry: Stay calm and centered. Maintain eye-contact. Listen to what the baker has to say and paraphrase back. Let the baker "run down" for as long as s/he needs until the baker can listen to you. Avoid arguments. Bring discussion and focus back to performance and standards. Say the baker's name, and ask open-ended questions. If the baker is unresponsive or withdraws: O F Listen to what the baker has to say and paraphrase back. Remain neutral. Maintain eye-contact. Be patient and friendly. Show concern. Stay silent, and wait for the baker to say something. Ask open-ended questions. Encourage the baker that you want to hear his or her input, and this input is important to you. PR O 56 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual People Reward & Recognition Why reward and recognize your people? Ultimately, you will reward and recognize your people for doing something well. Why? You want them to feel good about what they did/are doing. Why? You want them to know you noticed (positively reinforce) and you want them and the other bakers to continue to do things well. O F So, that isn’t so complicated. We recognize our people because it feels good for us and for them and it will help keep us all motivated and performing our best. If it is so easy, why aren’t we doing more of it? Some Ideas Here are some ideas for you to use for rewarding and recognizing your people. There is also space for you to write down any suggestions your BMM Trainer has, as well. Randomly award your bakers for outstanding performance. Make a big deal about it! The reward could be anything – the mere fact that you noticed and praised them will make them feel great! Give a “Best Score” award to the baker in your market with the highest Calibration score for the quarter. Implement the new “WOW” Baker Recognition Program. Recognize high levels of dependability with a “You Can Count on Me” award given quarterly to the bakers that have not missed any days and have come in on their days off to help out. Announce everyone’s birthday in advance at quarterly meetings and mail a personal card to their home on their actual birthday. PR O Welcome all new bakers at quarterly meetings with group “Welcome”. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 57 BMM Manual People Attending/Conducting Meetings and Training Sessions BMMs are encouraged to have meetings with their bakers at least once a quarter and before every new product roll out or new celebration. It is a great opportunity to train new product specs and procedures as a group and to inform the group of any product deletions. It is also a good time to review the “state of the baking business” in the market and to celebrate successes! It is extremely important that you conduct successful, effective meetings and training sessions. Preparation: Read and understand the roll out guide. Bake the product by yourself first. Have a complete understanding of how and what it takes to produce perfect looking product. Contact your Regional Baking Support Manager with any questions you have. Announce the meeting date, time and the place to the bakers at least one week in advance. Invite your retail DM to attend. Ask bakers if they would like to discuss any topics during the meeting so you can prepare accordingly. Put an agenda together three to four days ahead – plan/outline practice sessions and activities. Make sure that you have all of new product and smallwares needed for the meeting. Purchase any prizes or recognition items you will need (e.g. birthday cake for birthdays since the last meeting, O F Right before the meeting: O awards for winning question and answer quizzes on new product at the end of the session, etc.) Bake the new product that you will be showing to bakers a few hours before the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting set the ground rules for the meeting: turn cell phones off, keep side conversations to a minimum, ask questions, etc. PR Make it fun by having some friendly competitions. After the meeting: Reflect on how you thought the meeting went. What can you do better next time? How can you involve your bakers in the meetings? District and Other Meetings: You will also be asked to attend some meetings with your retail District Manager. Ask for a copy of the meeting agenda beforehand so you can prepare. Some meetings are scheduled during daytime hours so schedule yourself accordingly so that you are alert and “present” at the meeting. 58 BMM Manual | people | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread O F O PR PEGS BMM Manual PEGS PEGS The PEGS section of the BMM manual is about Product, Environment and Great Service! Your BMM Trainer will review the following information with your throughout your training. The Baker PEGS At-A-Glance is on the next page. It can also be found in the BTS Manual. You will be training your BTS to complete the PEGS At-A-Glance on bakery-cafe visits. Product Managing Product Quality Product Trouble Shooting Completing Calibrations Environment Organization and Cleanliness Ensuring a Safe Environment Great Service O O F We recommend you complete a PEGS At-A-Glance with them regularly to ensure they are looking at the same things that you are – and that as a management team of your baker group – that the two of you are aligned with regard to your standards. Providing Great Service Building and Maintaining Strong Relationships PR BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 59 BMM Manual PEGS PEGS At-A-Glance Worksheet This worksheet will help you spend quality time in the bakery-cafe focusing on PPC with your baker trainees and newly certified bakers. You should average 2 bakery-cafe visits per night with each visit averaging 3 hours. People Bakery Manual updated, clean and in use Product color charts posted Uniform is complete, clean and worn properly Bakery Check done w/mgr Communication with bakers and retail ops is positive Uniforms ordered/scoring knife issued Schedule of Learning followed; all items that should be completed at that point should be done or a plan in place to complete Evaluations completed/ specific feedback provided Product Environment Correct Pan Up procedures Correct Proofing procedures Correct Baking procedures Weekly Cleaning list posted and completed accordingly Containers clean and labeled Clean and Organized: O Bake-off matches Pan Up Soufflé temp chart posted Equipment rack Baker’s shelving & drawer PR Proper inventory maintained Product rotated Labor: Measurement tools in use Buckets scraped out Final exam and Demo Bakes scheduled/complete 30/60/90 day calibrations scheduled/complete Established timeline Maintaining dollar per hour All items ready for open Product consolidated Bread wall set up Baker’s area clean Cabinets loaded/stored properly Safety/Security Broken product baked No re-baked product Trainee tracking forms complete Great Service Cost Balancing Food Cost: Worksheets completed/ accurate O F Training Follow-Up Bakery-cafe locked at all times Smoking policy followed No visitors Trash removed after open Scoring knife used properly Equipment Ovens: Proof Box: Cooler/Freezer: 60 Lights working Baking/steaming properly Clean Water filters changed/dated Set at proper temp/humidity Clean including filter & drain Seals in good repair Boxes closed Containers wiped down Curtains clean/in place Holding proper temp Doors kept closed BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual PEGS Managing Product Quality As craftsmen and women we take pride in our work! Although productivity, cleanliness and organization are very important – nothing is as important as the quality of our product. How will you as a leader of a market affect product quality? You are not actually baking every night, right? How will you make sure that all of your bakers are providing the highest quality product to their bakery-cafes every morning? Expect what you Inspect If you look for high levels of product quality every time you are in a bakery-cafe then you will be able to expect others to do the same. You are their leader. If you think product quality comes first – it will come first to them, too! After saying hello to the baker – look at the products already prepared and talk about them! Have the highest standards. Period. These look really good, Sam. Good even color and excellent spring! Good Job! O F Select Craftsmen and Women for your Team If you select true craftsmen and women to join your team you will be increasing the level of attention paid to product quality. In the selection process, look for people that take pride in their work. We want people who really “care” about what they do. Attention to detail, no cutting corners, perfectionism… O PR Reward Consistently High Levels of Product Quality Put reward and recognition elements into place in your market that reinforces product quality efforts made by your team. The proverbial – “put your money where your mouth is”… Walk the Talk Your actions have to support your commitment to the highest quality product. If a baker notes that a particular product is not responding properly - take action! Call other bakerycafes to see if the problems are being seen in other bakery-cafes. Call the FDF and talk about what you are seeing. If your bakers see you taking action to correct product quality issues, they will know that you really do believe that it is of the utmost importance. If a baker tells you that they aren’t getting the steam that they need to create our legendary crust – take action! Look into the steaming problem yourself and try and resolve it. Teach the baker what to look for too! If you are unable to resolve the issue, call a service technician to get it resolved as soon as possible. If you arrive at a bakery-cafe in the morning and find unacceptable product – take action! Call around to other bakery-cafes to see if you can borrow product to replace what is unacceptable and start baking replacements! BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 61 BMM Manual PEGS Trouble Shooting Product Issues What Went Wrong? When a product isn’t performing as it should or the end quality of a product is below standard, you will need to be able to identify what went wrong with that product. Why? So you can be sure it doesn’t happen again! Resources Available to you O F Always refer to the Bakery Manuals for specs and procedures. If you are an internally promoted BMM, you probably already know quite a bit about the “Science of Bread” and why the dough behaves the way that it does. If you are an external candidate, learn as much as you can from your BMM trainer! PR O We will be working on specific product trouble shooting information to include in our baking materials in the future. But, for now, ask lots of questions of those around you – your bakers, your FDF partners and do your own reading and learning about Bread Science. 62 BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual PEGS Completing Calibrations Key Points Ask yourself - why are you completing Calibrations? What is your ultimate objective? To evaluate the baker’s performance. Is it an Audit or a Training tool? If it is pink, has a curly tail, snorts a lot and hangs out in the mud – it is a PIG! O F Let’s call a pig a pig. Many people say that the Calibration is a training tool. Well, it is, sort of. But – it really is an AUDIT. You are auditing their performance. You are evaluating how well they are performing. If they are not performing as you expect, then yes, there is an opportunity for you to teach them how to perform as you expect. Be Tough If you really want your people to respect you and take real pride in their product, you have to be tough! Hold to your high standards. Do not compromise. Even if it is your best baker and normally he is GREAT! He always comes in for you when you need him. You don’t want to upset him – because – well, normally he doesn’t have any problems. He usually has wonderful product. If you lower your standards – you are risking more than him getting upset with you. You are risking your role as a true leader and champion of product quality! O Calibrations – Best Practices You and your BMM Trainer will complete many Calibrations while you are in training! Take Notes! PR ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Baker Calibration Process (Co and JV only) BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 63 BMM Manual PEGS BMMs are required to complete (1) Calibration on each baker per period. BTSs may assist by completing ⅓ of the calibrations. The baker will have at least 3 calibration scores per Quarter to determine an average for the Quarterly Bonus calculation. All baker calibrations must be conducted by a BMM and a Retail Manager in the cafe. Both managers will sign off when the calibration is complete. The BMM will meet with the DM/JVP to discuss baker calibrations once a month. The DM/JVP will sign off on scores before the BMM submits them to Sherry Sellman for Bonus Processing. PR O O F Although it may seem like we should be formally evaluating our baker’s product and overall performance more often, we feel this change will reduce administrative challenges and allow BMMs to spend more time effectively supporting and evaluating their baking team. It will also provide the bakers sufficient time to correct any problems or performance issues before the next period evaluation. 64 BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual PEGS Calibrating our Calibrations Consistency is the key with so many things. With our baking, with the way we treat our people and with the way we evaluate our people. The Calibration Form is a mostly “objective” tool – meaning your rating is either a “yes” or a “no”. With some of the points on the Calibration, though, there is some room for “interpretation”. This subjectivity can cause what is called “inter-rater reliability” issues. This simply means that one person may rate someone higher than another person. O F Our bakers rely on us to be fair and consistent with our calibrations. It is important for them to receive a consistent message about their level of performance so they can focus their efforts to improve. In an effort to help evaluate the Calibration as similarly as possible from one person to the next, we have gathered the following additional points of clarification for portions of the Calibration. Every section and line item is not included here. For example, we have not included the Great Service section at all since it is supposed to be completed by the Opening Manager. Points of Clarification for the Calibration People Section O Appearance Baker Uniform – in compliance with Panera Bread uniform policy (clean and pressed). Chef coat is being worn while cafe is open. Note: Deduct 5 points for each article of clothing not meeting standards. (Pants/Shirt/Shoes/Baker’s Coat/Hat) The Baker Uniform is worth 35 points. 10 points are given for “clean and pressed”. 5 points for each of the articles of clothing (5) = 25 points. Clean and pressed means that it is visually clean, smells clean and doesn’t look like it was wadded up in the corner of their trunk or room! PR Baker maintains a professional appearance No holes, bleach stains, old sweat stains – and the shirt should look the original color. If it is very faded or has turned another color altogether you should deduct the points. Their clothes should fit, as well. The pants should be pulled up and worn as designed (e.g. no drawers should be showing!) There shouldn’t be any outside logos on their shirts (e.g. Springfield Baseball Association). If the baker has a beard it should be trimmed short/close or the baker should be wearing a beard net. They should also be wearing their hat correctly. The baker should remove their apron when they go to the restroom or if they go to the dining room to smoke. The apron should be regarded as part of their uniform and it is important not to allow it to become contaminated. All of these things contribute to a “professional appearance”. BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 65 BMM Manual PEGS Team Player Baker assists in areas not in his/her responsibility (supply example) If they assist with the bread wall award the points. Anything extra that they do to help their retail teammates is great and should be recognized/positively reinforced! Training Baker has been trained and certification is up to date, according to training department standards. If the baker is in the middle of their certification you can still award the points as long as their paperwork is up to date and they can show it to you: Demos 30/60/90 day calibrations O F Look for certificates on the wall (do not deduct pts if the certificate is not on the wall – but, encourage them to put it up! They should take pride in being a certified Panera Bread craftsperson!). If they are due for a re-certification, follow-up to see what they have done to start the process. PEGS Section Procedures O Baker follows all specs and procedures. Example: Rice flour is placed on the bottom of product and not on peel. (Do not take points off for icing, Oven Temperature/Steam, Scoops/Portioning, Proofing) Use the Bakery Manuals as your guide. If any procedures are not followed, deduct points. Be tough! Baker is icing product while still warm. If you do not observe them icing the product look for icing adherence to the product and for color of icing to determine if they did ice the product while it was warm. PR Baker is up to date on any new product roll outs and/or spec changes. Ask the baker specific questions about the new products. What is the raw weight? What temperatures need to be observed? (if applicable) What is the proper measurement for toppings? (if applicable) Environment Proof Box: wiped and polished exterior. Interior is swept and mopped. Filter is clean and nozzles working properly. Additionally, look to be sure they are cleaning under the door handles. Check to ensure that the gaskets and sweeps are in good working order. Sanitizer bucket is present, being used, and changed every two hours. Check to ensure the baker is using only sanitized towels to wipe down bench surfaces. Look for sanitizer test strips and check the water. If sanitizer test strips are not available, ask the baker to request that the manager makes them available for the next time. For food safety reasons, it is important that the right amount of chemical is present in the water. 66 BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual PEGS All containers are labeled and clean. Utensils are clean and stored in baker’s area. Area is organized. Ensure that all spray bottles are also labeled! Ovens: wiped and polished exterior. Swept and mopped rack oven. Brushed out burnt flour in deck ovens. Motor fan brushed off on rack oven. Check that the motor compartment is brushed out – not just the motor. Also check to see if there are any issues with the deck ovens. Bring them to the baker’s attention and encourage them to discuss the issues with the manager to help resolve them. Cooler is organized. Floors, walls, doors, handles and curtains are cleaned. Check for proper temperature. O F Freezer is organized – boxes are properly closed. Floors, walls, doors, handles and curtains are cleaned. Check for proper temperature. Screens and molds are brushed off and stored properly. Observe proper cleaning throughout the night. Check the cleanliness of the equipment rack. It doesn’t help much to put clean screens and molds onto a filthy rack. Clean/scrape baker’s table, sides, and shelf. Also check the wall behind/to the side of the baker’s table. Verify that the baker is using their bench scraper. O Muffin, muffie, brownie, and pecan molds are properly cleaned. All perishable items are day dotted, in compliance with Steritech procedures. Check to ensure bakers are using white day dots and adhering to the dates on the day dots (kill date)! Verify that egg wash is not left out for more than 20 minutes. Replace nozzles daily. PR No chemicals stored in baker’s area. The baker should be checking their area for chemicals before the start of their shift. BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 67 BMM Manual PEGS Cost Balancing Follows Procedures Baker follows all proper portioning procedures. Scoops used as needed to measure correct amounts – must observe for points. Question the baker about other measurements that you do not observe. Amount of baked product matches amount ordered on panup sheet. Randomly count products to match up to Pan Up sheet. PR O O F 68 BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual PEGS Stock rotated properly & use by dates followed. No more than 1 open box of the same product. Make sure day dots are available for stock rotation of perishable product. Bakers are randomly weighing product to check for accuracy. Look for the baker to randomly weigh their products. Randomly weigh “raw” and “baked” product yourself as well. PR O O F BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 69 BMM Manual PEGS Organization and Cleanliness Clean and Organize your way to Better Relationships One of the best ways to work on and maintain strong relationships with your retail operators is to ensure your bakers keep their areas clean and organized. Because we share the same spaces with our friends – it just makes it easier to coexist if we are doing our part to keep the bakery-cafe looking sharp! Show your Bakers that it is Important Make a big deal about your bakers that do an outstanding job of keeping their areas clean and organized! Give special awards just for cleanliness and organization. Never walk by areas that don’t meet your standards without pointing out what needs to be done. Look closely – so that you can “catch your bakers doing something right”… When they are cleaning throughout their shift – tell them they are doing a great job! O F Utilize Tools Available Completing your PEGS At-A-Glance and the BMM Checklist will help keep you, and therefore your bakers, focused on cleanliness and organization. Ensure the bakers are following the Daily and Weekly Cleaning Checklists. PR Help Balance Costs O Keeping toppings containers clean will help your retail managers order better – if they can see how much of a topping is in the container! Leaving the walk-in and freezers organized and clean will also help the manager do a better job of ordering. This will keep their food cost down because they will be less likely to over order and keep unnecessary levels of inventory on hand. It will also cut down on the amount of product that is lost due to expiration. 70 BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual PEGS Providing a Safe Work Environment Taking Care of Your People Providing a safe work environment is one of the ways that you take care of your people. It is your responsibility to ensure your baker team has read and understands all safety and security procedures in the Baker Info Card Booklet – SBS 2: Safety & Security. As part of the PEGS At-A-Glance and the BMM Checklist, you should be following up on safety and security when you are in the bakery-cafes. Taking Action In the Event of an Injury O F If one of your bakers informs you of an unsafe situation in their bakery-cafe you need to take action to get it resolved! Unsafe situations could be anything from a leaky proof box to rolling racks that don’t roll! If one of your bakers is injured, please follow the steps below. Step Action to be Taken Ask the baker if they need to call 911 – if so, have them call immediately! 2 If the baker isn’t sure if they need to call 911 or not – get to the bakery-cafe as quickly as you can (safely, of course) to see to their injury. 3 Show compassion for the baker’s injury. Ask them again if they would like to go to the hospital. If not, have them complete a Refusal of Treatment form. Use your best judgment. If you feel that the baker’s injuries should be seen to by a medical professional, encourage them to seek help. O 1 Complete an Incident Report Form. (Co & JV only – Franchisees, please follow the incident reporting procedures for your market) 5 If the baker needs to go to the hospital or home – arrange to cover the bakery-cafe. If you aren’t able to cover the bake you better get busy baking! PR 4 BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 71 BMM Manual PEGS Refusal of Treatment Release Date: _______________________________ _ Market : _________________________________ _ Location : _______________________________ _ BMM: _________________________________ This form is to be completed & signed by the baker/trainee & Bakery Market Manager in the event a baker/trainee sustains an injury & refuses treatment for the injury. O F To be completed by the baker/trainee: This is a statement to verify that _______________________________________ has sustained an injury while at work. The degree of injury is rated a ______. Rate your injury: Course of Action: 1 – Serious 1 – Going Home 2 – Questionable 2 – Finishing the Shift 4 – Superficial 3 – Not willing to seek any medical treatment O 3 – Minor If I change my mind and decide I need to seek medical treatment, I will contact my BMM to request where I should go. ________________ Initials of Baker PR To be completed by the BMM: Rate the injury: _____ Recommended course of action: _________________________________________________________ Witness to the injury: _________________________________ Additional comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ The baker/trainee agrees that the statements above are correct. Baker/trainee signature: _______________________________________________ BMM signature: _______________________________________________ Date reported to Work Comp Carrier ______________________________ Claim number assigned ______________________________ 72 BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual PEGS Great Service As the leader of your baking team – you must “role model” giving Great Service everyday! Answer the following questions about providing Great Service. Check your answers with your BMM Trainer. Who are your customers? ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ O F ____________________________________ Give an example of what Great Service provided by a BMM looks like for each of the customers listed above. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ O ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ If you consistently provide Great Service to your customers – what will the results be? PR ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ List the top three things you will do to ensure you are providing Great Service each and every day. 1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________________ BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 73 BMM Manual PEGS Building Relationships As you just discussed with your BMM Trainer, you have many, many customers. It is very important that you build positive relationships with your customers as well as those people you rely on to provide services and support to you. One of the most important relationships for you to cultivate is the one you have with your DM. Ultimately, they are your supervisor – but, it is more about having a partnership with them. You should ask to tour with them a minimum of once per month during the evening hours. Another key to a positive relationship is communication. Ask your DM if you can set up a set phone call/meeting once per week. During these meetings, share pertinent information about your team, equipment and product. Ask for their advice regarding any issues you may be facing. O F Keys to Building Strong Professional Relationships Be sincerely interested in the person. What is important to this person? What interests them? Follow through on your commitments to them. If you promise to do something for them, do it. Build trust. O Treat them as you would like to be treated – with respect and care. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely. If you are wrong, admit it. It is okay to show vulnerability. In fact, it will make you more approachable and people will respect you for being strong enough admit wrong-doing. Give honest, sincere appreciation. Everyone appreciates being appreciated. It feels good. PR Smile and be genuinely positive. People prefer to be with others that generate positive energy. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. Actively listening to the other person will show them you care about what they are saying and that you respect them and what they have to say. Thoughts taken in part from How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie 74 BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual PR O O F PEGS BMM Manual | pegs | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 75 O F O PR Cost Balancing BMM Manual Cost Balancing Cost Balancing Panera Bread is the Bread Leader. Our Mission Statement is “A Loaf of Bread in Every Arm”. We are all about Panera Warmth! But, at the end of the day, we are a business. We are a “for-profit” company. We want to be a great company and do all the right things for our people and our customers – but we have to make money, too! Profit is not a bad word. As a BMM, you are responsible for so much! Great baked goods at every bakery-cafe in your market everyday to start with. Why? Because we have to have great products to make money! People come to our bakery-cafes for many reasons – but the primary one is because they are hungry. We have something they are willing to pay for! Again – back to the money. Equipment Maintenance Labor Management Food Cost Management Profit & Loss (P&L) Review PR O O F Your responsibilities as it relates to Cost Balancing are in the following areas: 76 BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Cost Balancing Managing Equipment Maintenance & Service Taking care of our equipment will lead to lower maintenance & repair costs. Not only does completing daily and weekly cleaning duties help keep everything clean, it is also very important to maintaining the equipment over time. How to get your Equipment Education Your BMM Trainer will review preventative maintenance tasks for all of the main pieces of equipment with you during your training. In addition to the information you will learn from your BMM Trainer, your RBOM will be happy to continue your education about equipment maintenance with an Equipment Training Class. There is also a Panera Equipment Maintenance Manual available to you for your reference. O F What you can Expect from the Equipment Training Program: Learn how our equipment operates and what you can do to prevent equipment down time. Identify problems in such a way that you can easily repair them yourself or know when to call for a technician. Learn each piece of equipment concerning operations, scheduled cleaning/sanitation and maintenance, along with a list of tools and supplies needed to complete these simple procedures. O The More you Know the Better Would you pay $200.00 for someone to replace a light bulb in your home? Yes, we have an actual invoice for changing a light bulb in the oven! A natural reaction to equipment failure in our bakery-cafes is to pick up the phone and call for service. Instead, we should learn more about the equipment so that we will be able to identify if a service call is even necessary! We are in a very competitive business and in order to maintain our position in the industry we need to continue to expand our field of expertise. We will benefit from learning more about our equipment and the financial implications will benefit the whole organization. PR BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 77 BMM Manual Cost Balancing Guidelines for Making Service Calls and Follow Up Determine who is authorized to make service calls in the market (BMM or BTS/Lead Baker) and review contacts: Hobart, HVAC, etc. Clearly define what justifies a service call and what is a nut and bolts issue that can resolved by Panera staff. Be prepared to give the dispatcher and or service technician a detailed account of the issues with the particular piece of equipment. Oven is dropping temp - I checked for ignition and oven does not light Proof box is cold - I reset breaker and it has not resolved the issue. Have an understanding of expected response time (usually 2 hrs). Have a back up plan in place for downed equipment overnight. (e.g. select a few bakery-cafes with lower volumes that would be able to handle the extra bake) Study the Equipment Maintenance Manual and have the recommended tools available. Do not bite off more than you can chew when it comes to inoperative equipment. If you are even a little bit unsure, make the call to the service provider. If the service call was initiated by the bakery-cafe during a BMMs’ time off, the manager at the bakery-cafe should handle the service visit and follow up with the BMM on resolved and pending issues. Are parts on order or have any preventative recommendations been made by the technician that may be overlooked on the work order. O O F Get to know and develop a working relationship with your service vendor managers/supervisors, they are part of your support team. Review a work order and an invoice carefully to ensure that it is accurate. Have periodic meetings with vendors on billing and service. PR 78 BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Cost Balancing Keeping Equipment Records The following is a tool to help you keep track of the equipment and ongoing maintenance and repair activities at each of your bakery-cafes. Bakery Inventory and Repair Sheet Please take an accurate inventory of the equipment listed below. In addition identify repairs needed on ovens & proof boxes. Date: _______________ O F Bakery-cafe name & number: ________________________ Needed: Screens: __________ __________ 3-slot Molds: __________ __________ 4-slot Molds: __________ __________ Muffin Molds: __________ __________ Muffie Molds: __________ __________ Pecan Molds: __________ __________ Baguette Screens: __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Flan Rings: Brownie Pans: 10 Slot Baking Racks: 15 Slot Baking Racks: PR Utility Racks: O On Hand: Re-glazing Needed? Yes No Oven (repair needed-explain): ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Proof Box (repair needed-explain): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Other Equipment needed or repaired: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 79 BMM Manual Cost Balancing Labor Management Quality & Efficiency is a Team Effort To maintain our Bread Leadership at Panera Bread, our primary focus in Bakery Operations is to consistently produce the highest quality baked goods. However, it is also important for us to produce high quality product efficiently! Since we are a “for-profit” company, it falls on each and every one of us to do our part to control costs. One of our largest expenses is labor dollars. Share your labor goals with your baking team. Everyone has a part to play in the effort to control labor dollars. For example, the CBT has to ensure that our baker trainees learn the standards and procedures for producing our product. But, the CBTs should also be teaching our baker trainees how to complete the bake as efficiently as possible, as well. Another example may involve one of your senior certified bakers. Even though the pan up sales may be higher than expected, perhaps they can work harder to complete the bake without requiring assistance from a baker helper – or maybe they can utilize the helper for a shorter period of time. Learning to Manage your Labor O F There are many tools available to you to help with Labor Management. Some listed here are Company/JV specific but our franchise partners most likely have similar processes and tools. O Your BMM Trainer will review each of the tools and systems listed below with you. During your BMM Training, your BMM Trainer will have you “practice” labor tracking to help you build your skills. Labor Management Tools/Systems Baker Training Program Sample Baker Timelines SBS 7: Organization & Efficiency Demo Bake/Calibration PR Baker Scheduling Guide (see next page) Baker’s Weekly Schedule Co/JV Systems on Harvest: Baker Team Leader Report Baker Accumulated Hours Report Baker Hours by Team/Date Baker Timekeeping Adjustment Form 80 BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Cost Balancing Baker Scheduling Guide The following chart shows recommendations for scheduling bakers based on pan up amounts. Our goal is to maintain an average between $180 (artisan) to $200 (non-artisan) per hour. If you have a lower volume location, the baker should complete additional retail responsibilities (such as setting up the bakery case & slicing bread) to ensure the bakers receive their hours. More experienced bakers may not need as much time or support, while new bakers will need additional time & support. All new bakers should be placed in one location with pan ups averaging $2,000 & should be scheduled on a 4-day, 10-hour shift for their first 30 to 60 days. If you have questions, please contact your RBOM. Pan Up $ $1,400 or less O F Schedule 1 baker - 8 hrs 1 baker - 8 hrs with BMM support or; 1 baker - 9 hrs $1,800 1 baker - 8 hrs + 2 hrs of support or; 1 baker - 10 hrs O $1,600 $2,000 1 baker - 8 hrs + 3 hrs of support or; 1 baker - 10 hrs + BMM support $2,200 1 baker - 8 hrs + 4 hrs of support or; 1 baker - 10 hours + 2 hrs of support 1 baker - 8 hrs + 5 hrs of support or; 1 baker - 10 hours + 3 hrs of support $2,600 1 baker - 10 hrs + 4 hrs of support $2,800 1 baker - 10 hrs + 5 hrs of support $3,000 2 bakers - 8 hrs st nd (1 10pm - 6am; 2 1am - 9am) $3,200 2 bakers - 8 hrs + BMM support st nd (1 10pm - 6am; 2 1am - 9am) $3,400 2 bakers - 8 hrs with a 4 hr overlap + 2 hrs of support $3,600 2 bakers - 10 hrs with a 4 hr overlap PR $2,400 BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 81 BMM Manual Cost Balancing Baker’s Weekly Schedule We have provided you with a Weekly Schedule form on Harvest. Your BMM Trainer will show you how to input your bakers and complete a mock schedule. PR O O F The excel form looks like this: 82 BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Cost Balancing Labor Tracking Form This form has an instruction worksheet with notes about what to enter into each cell. It also includes a form to send to the General Manager to receive actual pan up information. And, of course, it includes the form you will use to input and track your labor. This form will generate labor dollars as well as percents. Your BMM Trainer will show you how to input your bakers and track your labor (you may have to use “mock” data while in training). We recommend that you track your labor on a nightly basis. This will help you to identify potential overtime situations in advance so you can make alternate plans to cover the bakery-cafe affected. PR O O F Here is a sample of the form: BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 83 BMM Manual Cost Balancing Learning about Labor Management Your BMM Trainer will complete the following Labor Management activities with you. If you have the data or access to the data for your market, it would be best to use “real” information when completing these activities. Your BMM Trainer will show you how to get the data you need. If you do not yet have access to your market information, your BMM Trainer will help you create “mock” data to input. Your BMM Trainer will also allow you to help them with their labor management activities in their market. O F Activity 1: Determine Scheduling Needs (based on volumes of your bakery-cafes): Typical Pan Up Amt # of Bakers/Hrs + Support PR O Bakery-Cafe # Activity 2: Create Labor Schedule Create two weeks worth of labor schedules. Consider the following when completing your schedules: Volumes Baker experience Training Meetings Schedule requests (when they don’t impact the business) 84 BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Cost Balancing Activity 3: Harvest, Baker Clock in System Training (Co/JV only) Learn to access and read/input data: Baker Team Leader Report Baker Timekeeping Adjustment Baker Accumulated Hours Report Check Clock In/Out history for one of the bakers Baker Hours by Team/Date Baker Maintenance (expansion) QA Hotline Complaint Form Activity 4: Labor Tracking O F Input real or “mock” data into your Labor Tracking Form with help from your BMM Trainer. Observe your BMM Trainer as they track their labor. Note: The more opportunities you have to practice with this while you are in training, the better! This is not terribly complicated, but the form is very robust. The information is invaluable, but you will have to be diligent about keeping up to date with the data. O You’ve heard the old adage – garbage in – garbage out? If you don’t put accurate data in and on time, the information that comes out will be wrong. Remember when we talked about building relationships with your DM. This is going to be an important part of that. Your DM will need to rely on you to inform them of your labor and he/she will rely on you to provide accurate information! Notes: PR ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 85 BMM Manual Cost Balancing Food Cost Management Food and Labor costs account for more than 50% of the cost of running a Panera bakery-cafe. For every dollar that is rung into our registers, more than 50 cents goes to pay for the cost of the food and the labor to prepare it. Food Cost Management falls primarily upon the retail managers, but there is quite a bit that we can do to help them control those costs. Portion Control Your bakers need to follow all procedures for portion control. There are many reasons for this – not just food cost control. The recipes are built to factor in the correct blend of flavors – so, if a baker has used too much filling or topping, it will make the product taste differently than designed. Keeping the walk-in, freezer and baker’s area organized will help the manager do accurate ordering and inventory. This will help with food cost because they will be less likely to over-order or underorder. Over-ordering can cause waste due to expired product. Under-ordering can cause food cost issues as well. If you are running out of product on a regular basis, transfers become a nightmare in terms of paperwork. Inevitably, product is unaccounted for and impacts the food cost line. Stock Rotation O O F Organization Your baker’s should be rotating product and looking at dates to ensure they are using the oldest product first. This will minimize the loss of product due to passed expiration dates. PR Waste Control If your bakers are properly trained waste will be minimized. Obviously, no one is perfect and product may be ruined at times. Work with your bakers to keep burnt/ruined product to a minimum. If there is a lot of breakage in a particular case of product, ensure that your baker’s bring it to the manager’s attention so that they can try and get a credit for the product. Record Keeping Although we recommend that you and your bakers not get involved in ordering, we still have a role in record keeping. If you are forced to transfer product at night (because you were not notified of the shortage ahead of time), ensure that the transfer is documented properly and communicated to the opening manager. Explain to your bakers that noting adjustments on the Pan Up sheet is very important for the managers. They need to know how much is being baked to ensure that the Bakery Opportunity Report is accurate. Controlling Theft 86 Reinforce the importance of following all security procedures with your bakers. If they are setting the alarm and NOT opening the back door, they will be less likely to be a suspect if theft is occurring in the bakery-cafe. BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Cost Balancing Profit & Loss Here is that word again… PROFIT! Remember the Cultural Value – “Profit Provides Possibilities”? If Panera continues to make a healthy profit then Panera can continue to grow. It is really that simple. When you meet with your DM, he or she will be looking to you to provide back-up information to support the results shown on the Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement. Every bakery-cafe has a P&L for each period. The P&L reports all of the income (sales) and then the costs for the period. Several of the “line items” on the P&L will sound familiar: Food Cost, Labor Cost, and Equipment Repair and Maintenance! There are other cost line items that your team can help with as well: linen costs (aprons and towels), utilities (keep walk-in/freezer doors closed, power off equipment when not in use), cleaning supplies (only run the dishwasher when it is O F full, use the correct amount of cleaning solution for sanitizer buckets, mop buckets, etc.) Activity: Learn to Read a Profit & Loss Statement Your BMM Trainer will teach you how to read a P&L. As always, if you have additional questions, you can contact your RBOM to assist you, as well. Hopefully, your DM will get you involved in business reviews where the P&L is analyzed in order to create an action plan to improve our profitability. To prepare for this, you will need to learn to “speak the same language”. Not only will your DM be impressed that you understand how to read the P&L, but they will appreciate your focus and efforts toward controlling costs. PR O BMM Manual | cost balancing | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 87 Administration O F O PR BMM Manual Administration Administration Some people love paperwork and some people hate it. Regardless of whether you like or dislike it, in your role as a BMM, there will be plenty of it! In the Introduction section, we introduced the BMM Nightly Log as well as the BMM Checklist. In the People section, we reviewed some of your administrative responsibilities as it relates to New Hire Paperwork as well as other forms related to training. In the PEGS section, we reviewed PEGS At-A-Glance, Calibrations and the Injury Reporting information. And in the Cost Balancing section, you learned about Equipment tracking, Labor Tracking and how to fix baker hours, to name a few. O F Overview In this section, we will review the remaining administrative tasks you will perform as a BMM. The best way to keep on top of all of this admin – is to be organized, make to-do lists and to perform some of your paperwork at the same time each week. Many of the pointers you will learn in the Focus Workshop on time management will serve you well with your administrative responsibilities. Here is a rule of thumb to follow regarding paperwork: “Handle it Once” – either take action immediately, delegate it, file it or trash it. This will save you time in the long run, because you will not be looking at the same paperwork over and over again. In this Section: Staying in Contact Contact Lists Email Voicemail Websites PR O Be the Boss of your Computer File Management Computer Basics Forms FDF Reports Expense Reports 88 BMM Manual | administration | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Administration Staying in Contact Contact Lists Support Center Extensions RBOM Contact Numbers FDF Contact List Support Alignment – Bakery Operations Bakery Ops Phone Listing Email O F The following contact lists are available on the learning/tools website. Contact lists change frequently, so please check for updated contact lists regularly. As a BMM, email is a vital form of communication between you and the many others you work with on a daily basis; Human Resources, District Manager, GMs, etc. You should check your email nightly. We recommend that you check email at the beginning of the night, sometime in the middle and then again at the end of your shift. Keeping Emails Even though it is not necessary to keep all emails you will want to keep important information. Create sub-folders, such as equipment, Celebrations, training or the names of people you frequently receive communication from like your DM, RBOM, etc. You can then save emails pertaining to those subject areas or from those persons so that you may easily retrieve them later. The following are some examples of e-mails you should keep: Information regarding equipment PR O Baker performance issues as communicated by retail management Any HR information/communication Company policies/changes to policies Product information/spec changes Email Etiquette You have probably heard some of the embarrassing email stories where someone mistakenly sent a personal email to their entire company. Don’t let that happen to you! Please be careful and considerate of others. Do not send “mass” emails even if your intentions are good. If you have information that you think would be appropriate to share, discuss with your DM. Perhaps The Hearth google group may be a better venue. Email How-To’s There are instructions for how to use Panera’s email system on the learning/tools website under “Technical”, then “General Technical Documents”, then “Email 101” and “OWA1”. Ask your BMM Trainer to assist you with your email if you need further clarification. BMM Manual | administration | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 89 BMM Manual Administration Voicemail Voicemail is another tool that you will use to keep in touch with people. You will have a Panera extension assigned to you if you work for the Company. You will need to check that voicemail several times throughout each night. You will also be able to find instructions on how to set up your mailbox and use the Panera voicemail system on the learning/tools website under “Technical” then “Voicemail”. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask your BMM Trainer, your DM or your RBOM. Voicemail Do’s & Don’t’s Speak clearly and concisely. No one wants to struggle to hear someone and absolutely no one likes long-winded voicemails. Consider what you have to say (take quick notes if necessary) before leaving the message. Respond to voicemails sent to you. It is polite to do so. If you do not have the answer for the person, respond anyway and let them know when you think you will have the answer. Then, be sure to get back to them. Websites O F There are three Panera websites that you will frequent. Tour them yourself. If you are not familiar with the internet ask your BMM Trainer to walk you through how to access the websites and give you a tour of how to navigate around the websites. PR This is our public website. O http://www.panerabread.com 90 BMM Manual | administration | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Administration https://harvest.panerabread.com PR O O F This is an internal one stop shop website for all of your administration needs The website above will also lead you to the two websites on the next page. BMM Manual | administration | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 91 BMM Manual Administration http://www.baguetteu.panerabread.com PR O O F This is an internal website containing training materials and so much more! 92 BMM Manual | administration | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Administration Be the Boss of your Computer File Management Don’t let your computer “push you around”! You are in charge! Your BMM Trainer can show you how to set up a simple File Management system on your laptop. This will help you keep yourself organized. You will be able to download information you receive into folders you already have set up. You will be able to retrieve information more quickly and confidently. Don’t become one of “those people” who have all of their files on their desktop! Seriously though, it will take you longer to find what you are looking for and it will also take longer for your laptop to “boot up” with excess files on the desktop. O F Computer Basics If you are not as comfortable as you would like working with a computer, you are not alone. Don’t let it intimidate you, though. It would be really difficult for you to do anything to hurt the computer (well, if you spill coffee on it, that wouldn’t be good). Sometimes the best way to learn something new is to just “play” around a bit. There are documents on the internet to help you learn how to use Microsoft Word and Excel, the programs you will be using most. Your BMM Trainer will also be able to help you, as well, time permitting. If you are very insecure about your computer skills, please consider signing up for a computer basics course in your neighborhood, or have a family member walk you through the basics. PR O BMM Manual | administration | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 93 BMM Manual Administration Forms/Reports There are always going to be forms and reports to complete! We have posted the forms in the Baker Library on Harvest; please look them up when referenced to forms in this manual. If you have any questions, or cannot find what you are looking for, please contact your BMM Trainer or your RBOM. Tracking Form – Report – Survey Schedule Weekly (as needed or completed): Baker Trainer Tracking Form & Trainer Timeline Baker Training Specialist Certification Tracking Form & Exam O F Baker Trainee Tracking Form & Trainer Evaluation form Completed every Tuesday and emailed to RBOM. The RBOM will send 1 email containing all FDF reports to the FDF and the Regional FDF Manager. Tracking Form is completed by the BMM/BTS and mailed/emailed to their RBOM. The Baker receives a Baker Certification Certificate and Patch. The Trainer Evaluation form is completed by the Baker Trainee on their CBT and mailed/emailed to their RBOM for pay out of training bonus (CBT must be certified to receive bonus). Tracking Form completed by the BMM and BTS after completing the CBT Certification Process. The Baker Trainer Tracking form is mailed/e-mailed to the RBOM for the market. Keep the Trainer Timeline on file for RBOM review on his/her next market visit. The CBT will receive a CBT Certification Certificate and Patch. O FDF Report BMM to complete the BTS Certification Tracking form when the BTS becomes certified. BMM will mail/e-mail the form to their RBOM. The BTS will receive a BTS Certification Certificate and Patch. PR Yearly (2 times a year or as needed) 94 FDF Support Survey Completed by the BMM and Operator/JV Partner 2 times a year (June and January) – the survey is emailed to Sherry Sellman. Regional Bakery Operations Manager Survey Completed by the BMM & Operator/JV Partner 2 times a year (June and January) – the survey is emailed to Sherry Sellman. Bakery Operation Roundtable sign up sheet Completed by the BMM 2 times a year (3 weeks prior to the scheduled roundtable) – sign up form is emailed to their RBOM. New Product Rollout Survey Completed by the BMM & Operator/JV Partner after they receive training and support with new product rollouts (based on level 3 rollouts – like artisan pastries). BMM Manual | administration | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread BMM Manual Administration FDF Report Once a week you will be required to complete an FDF Report and email it to your RBOM. Your RBOM will gather all of the reports from their BMMs and forward them onto the FDF Regional Managers. By gathering multiple reports we are better able to see aggregate issues with product. You can find the FDF Report on Harvest. PR O O F The report looks like this: BMM Manual | administration | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread 95 BMM Manual Administration Expense Reports Steps Actions to Take Completing your Expense Report 1 2 Download the Standard Reimbursement Form from Harvest. Note: Always pull a new template to ensure formulas include current travel reimbursement rates. Heading Section Complete the following: Name, Address, Job Title, Today’s Date, Department #, Dept. Name (will populate) and Week Ending (note the "Week Ending" is always the week end date (a Saturday) of the purchase. If you bought 3 Transportation Section O F several items on January 29th and January 31st, the week end date would be Feb 3rd.) Input airline, auto rental, gas, parking and tolls (airport, hotel, etc.) and other (taxi-rail) purchases. Please indicate the name of each company and the number of days at each establishment. Note: Keep your boarding pass to submit with your receipts. 4 Lodging Section In the blank space to the right of Acct# type in the meeting name, if applicable, or location visited. Your hotel receipt will include all of your incidental charges (e.g. room service, internet, parking, etc.) Please separate these charges and input them in the appropriate section (e.g. room charge in lodging section, food in food section, parking on parking line in lodging section, etc.) Food Section List the establishment by name and enter in the cost under the appropriate date. Has to be approved in advance by a Senior VP. If you “bought” a meal for a group of people, enter the amount in the Food Section as well as the Entertainment Detail section. (see Entertainment Detail section for more details) PR 5 Please indicate the name of each company and the number of days at each establishment. O 6 Other Section 7 Entertainment Detail Include all your copying, office supplies, home/cell phones, Internet (hotel internet charges, too), etc. Include the date, names of persons involved, the business reason, the establishment and the amount that matches the entry you made on the “Entertainment” line in the Food Section. Has to be approved in advance by a Senior VP. 8 Daily Mileage Rate Entry 9 Complete and Submit for Approval and Payment List to and from destinations and the amount of miles under the appropriate date. Enter your name and the date and your DMs name and the date. Email an electronic version of the completed form to your DM for approval. When you have received approval from your DM, print the email approval. Tape your receipts to an 8½” X 14” piece of paper and staple it to your DMs’ approval email and the Standard Reimbursement Form and mail to the appropriate person in accounting. Note: Make copies of your submission for your records. 96 BMM Manual | administration | 04.26.12 © 2007-2012 Panera Bread