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St. Gregory The Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of Philadelphia
Archpriest Fr. Nerses Manoogian, Pastor
November - December, 2013
Ladies Guild’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s Was a Blast
Story on pages 6-9
The dynamic members of the committee who brought this wonderful affair to realization. LR: Ani Semerjian, Cissy Der
Hagopian, Christen Vosbikian, Ashkhen Setrakian, Margaret Garabedian, Sona Selverian, Irene Vosbikian, Rose Jehanian,
Doris Shamlian, Theresa Hovnanian, Mary Degirmenci, Silva Santerian and Linda Vosbikian.
The Tenth Annual Golf Outing Drew Record Crowd
Story on pages 12-15
The organizing committee who made it happen again.
Our sponsor of the event Richard Stepanian, Jr. at the center
with his teammates.
January –- February,
Board Of Trustees Report
By Angela Aghajanian
The Fall time brings a wealth of activity at St. Gregory’s Armenian Church. Many of the church’s programs are open and in full swing,
and we are all excited for the successful season. These next couple of
months contain some of the most important events of the year for the
church. We know that all of the parishioners are excited as well.
First of all, the Sunday School and the Haigazian Armenian
School have opened their doors for the new school year. The church hallways are full of children once again. Seeing the school children’s smiling
faces fills the church with joy and light. We are happy they are here learning about the teachings of the church and the lessons of the Armenian language!
Many great events have already occurred this Fall. On Tuesday,
September 17th, the 10th annual Golf Outing was held at The Ace Club in
Lafayette Hill, PA. The outing was a great success, and brought in $20,000
to our church. We would like to thank all who helped make the event possible and all who came out to enjoy the day.
On Thursday, September 26, 2013, the Ladies Guild pulled off an
elegant brunch, channeling all that is reminiscent of the 1960’s classic,
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” Many of the wonderful ladies of the church came
out in true Audrey Hepburn form, dressed in classic black and white
pearls. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Irene Vosbikian for hosting
the event at their home and all who joined!
Some key events are yet to come. On Sunday, October 27th St.
Gregory’s will celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the establishment of the
parish and the 46th anniversary of the present location of our church in a
double anniversary celebration. The committee is working diligently as
they prepare for the approaching date. The commemoration will take place
after the Divine Liturgy is celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop
Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy. After the divine liturgy,
a banquet will be held. The response to this event was immense, and all
tickets have been sold out. The next issue of the Illuminator will be dedicated solely to the 90th anniversary.
The Annual Church Bazaar will be held Friday, November 1st
through Sunday, November 3rd. We already can’t wait for all of the delicious traditional Armenian food and sweets. The Ladies Guild has started
to prepare food for the event. Please offer your help and support to the
group as they prepare for this important fundraiser for the church. We look
forward to seeing all of you there! The Men’s Club has also been actively
at work, and they are preparing for their annual Steak Dinner on December
Well, I think that’s a great set of activities we have coming up!
The Board is looking forward to sharing this time with all of you .
Bearge Miller, Chairman
Gary Papazian, Vice chair
Michael Injaian, Treasurer
Minas Shirozian, Ass’t Treasurer
Aram Hovagimian, Secretary
Angela Aghajanian, Assistant secretary
Bill Arthin
Dr. Ara Chalian
Lucinda Selverian
Brian Tavakalian
Noubar Yeremian
Harout Aghajanian
Dr. Ara Chalian
Antranig Kizirian
Jeanette Nazarian
Dr. Arsine Oshagan
Silva Santerian
Richard Selverian
Editorial Board
Archpriest Fr. Nerses Manoogian
Sonia Jehanian
Printing and Mailing, Myda Garabedian
Angela Aghajanian, Jeanette Nazarian,
Nayiri Balanian, Linda Vosbikian,
Marge Tavakalian
† Our Pastor, Der Nerses, resides at 1370 Spruce Street, Blue Bell, PA 19422 Home Phone: 610 ‐277‐ 9958 Cell Phone: 610‐ 308‐ 6305 e‐mail: dernerses@aol.com Nerses Manoogian The Illuminator
A bi‐monthly publication of St. Gregory The Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church 8701 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128 Tel. 215 482 9200 Fax. 215 482 7460 e‐mail: stgregphil@aol.com www. saintgregory‐philly.org All Rights Reserved November – December, 2013
Archpriest Fr. Nerses Manoogian
Dear parishioners, as we start a new church year,
on this first Sunday after Labor Day, the biblical message
which comes to us is compressed in this phrase: “Be
opened.” This is taken from the story of the miraculous
healing of the deaf and mute man in the Gospel of Mark
The Evengelist purposely left this word “Ephatha”
in original Aramaic form to remind us the importance of
being open all the time to the presence of Jesus who spoke
that word.
This Aramaic word radiates a tremendous energy.
It brings to us the voice of our Lord in its original form and
in doing so it brings us the urgency of being opened to the
presence of our Lord at all times.
I want you to hear in clarity and in all earnestness
Our Lord’s miraculous word "Ephatha” (Be opened) especially these days, when we are opening ourselves to a new
community life after summer vacation. Our Sunday school
has started this morning with a dedicated staff and many of
our children eager to learn our faith and about their Lord,
Jesus. Our Armenian school has opened its doors to teach
our mother tongue to students young and adult. Our Bible
study classes will be resuming this Wednesday. This community will be a “bee hive” once again. Therefore every
one of us, as parents, teachers or community member need
to take our membership to this church seriously! We need
to let our Lord touch our deaf ears to restore our hearing so
we can hear again his life giving words and by hearing to
form together his body, the church.
At the beginning of this new season I beg you to
understand that each one of us have a dual responsibility as
members; individual and communal. As individual Christians we have a responsibility to nurture our souls, to grow
in faith and to put our individual spiritual state in order. As
members of a believing community obviously we have another important responsibility, and that is to solidify our
community by fully incorporating ourselves into it or, simply said, forming the body of Christ. It is collectively that
we become the church, and this act of becoming is itself a
powerful sacrament.
So therefore, this year and all the time, let us take
the healing words of our Lord “Ephatha” to heart. Let that
phrase heal our hearing so we can stop being deaf to the
words of our Lord and stop being deaf to needs of our community and to the cries of help of humanity.
Let this be our prayer today as we begin another
season of Christian fellowship; Jesus, open my ears! Never
stop me learning about you! Never let me lose my focus
nor ignore my potentials and responsibilities as a church
member. Open my ears to listen, my mind to understand,
and my heart to believe and open my hands to reach out!
Սիրելի ծխականներ, եկեղեցական մեր կեանքի
սկիզբին, աւետարանական պատգամը որ կու գայ մեզի,
խտացած է այս խօսքին մէջ.- «Բացուէ»։ Սա առնուած է խուլ եւ
համր մարդու բժշկութեան պատմութեմէն, Մարկոսի Աւետ. 7։31
Աւետարանիչը Քրիստոսի «Եփփաթա» Արամերէն
խօսքը պահած է հոն մեզի յիշեցնելու համար որ միշտ բաց
պէտք է ըլլանք Քրիստոսի ներկայութեան։ Այս Արամերէն խօսքը
արդարեւ իր մէջ ունի մասնաւոր ուժականութիւն։ Ան մեզի կը
բերէ Քրիստոսի ձայնին վաւերականութիւնը եւ մեզ կը հրաւիրէ
լսելու զայն ոչ միայն ականջով, այլ ամբողջ հոգւով եւ մտքով։
Ես կ՚ուզեմ որ բոլորդ ալ ջերմօրէն լսէք Քրիստոսի
հրաշագործ ձայնը՝ «Եփփաթա» (բացուէ) երբ ամառային
արձակուրդներէն ետք մեր գաղութի կեանքը կը վերագտնէ իր
հունը, երբ մեր Կիրակնօրեայ դպրոցը կը վերսկսի իր նուիրեալ
անձնակազմով՝ մեր մանուկներուն ջամբելու համար մեր
պապերու հաւատքը։ Երբ Հայկազեան դպրոցը իր նուիրեալ
ուսուցչուհիներով նոր թափով կը վերսկսի դասաւանդութիւնները՝ սորվեցնելու մեր սուրբ լեզուն մեր մանուկներուն եւ
չափահասներուն։ Աւետարանի սերտողութեան պահերը
դարձեալ կ՚ըսկսին եւ այսպիսով մեր գաղութը դարձեալ կը
վերածուի «մեղուի փեթակ»-ի մը։
Ուրեմն, մեզմէ իւրաքանչիւրս, որպէս ուսուցիչ կամ
ծնողք, հոգաբարձու կամ ծխական հարկ է որ մեր եկեղեցւոյ
անդամակցութեան լրջօրէն մօտենանք։ Հարկ է որ թող տանք
մեր Տիրոջ որ դպչի մեր հոգեւոր ականջներուն եւ վերականգնէ
մեր լսողութիւնը որպէսզի դարձեալ լսենք իր կենսալից ձայնը եւ
լսելով՝ կազմենք իր վաւերական մարմինը, եկեղեցին։
Այս նոր շրջանի սկիզբին, կը խնդրեմ ձեզմէ, որ լաւ
հասկնաք թէ իւրաքանչիւրս ունինք կրկնակի պատասխանատուուիթիւն.– ԱՆՀԱՏԱԿԱՆ եւ ՀԱՄԱՅՆԱԿԱՆ։ Որպէս անհատ
Քրիստոնեաներ, մենք պարտականութիւն ունինք նախ սնուցանելու մեր հոգիները, աճելու մեր հաւատքին մէջ եւ մեր հոգեւոր
տունը կարգի դնելու։ Իսկ որպէս գաղութի անդամներ պարտա կանութիւն ունինք զօրացնելու մեր հաւաքական կեանքը՝ անոր
մէկ վաւերական եւ գործօն անդամը դառնալով։ Մէկ խօսքով
կազմենք Քրիստոսի մարմինը։ Հաւաքաբար է որ մենք կրնանք
կազմել այդ մարմինը եւ այս մեր արարքը ինքնին խորհուրդ է։
Ուրեմն, այս տարեսկիզբին եւ հանապազ եկէք մեր
հոգիներուն վրայ փորագրենք մեր Տիրոջ բուժիչ «Եփփաթա»
խօսքը։ Թող այդ խօսքը բուժէ մեր լսողութիւնը որպէսզի մենք
դադրինք մեր գաղութի եւ մարդկութեան օգնութեան կանչերուն
խուլ ձեւանալու։
Գաղութային կեանքի սկզբնաւորութեան սա թող ըլլայ
մեր աղօթքը.- «Ով Տէր, Յիսուս Քրիստոս, բաց մեր ականջները։
Թող չդադրիմ քու մասիդ սորվելէ։ Թոյլ մի տար որ ուշադրութիւնս կորսնցնեմ կամ անտեսեմ իմ կարողականութիւնս եւ
պատասխանատուութիւնս որպէս եկեղեցւոյ անդամ։ Բաց իմ
ականջներս՝ լսելու, իմ միտքս՝ հասկնալու, իմ հոգիս՝
հաւատալու եւ իմ ձեռքս օգմնեու կարօտեալներուն, քու
փառքիդ եւ քու թագաւորութեանդ հաստատումին համար այս
երկրի վրայ, յաւիտեանս, յաւիտենից։ Ամէն։
November – December, 2013
Jeanette Nazarian, Sunday School Superintendent
Sickler (1st/2nd), Doreen Yeremian and
Abbie Bass (3rd/4th), Margie Tavakelian (5th/6th), Nartouhi (Nora) Selverian and Lisa Bass (7th-12th).
God has also blessed the
school with a solid source of substitute
teachers: Abbie Bass, Lisa Bass, Linda
Barton, Majda Garabedian, Sareen
Garabedian, Lena Kordzian, Anita
Nazarian, Kenneth Nigon, Susan
Pogharian, Rozet Shirozian, Arousiag
Vartanian, and Corinne (Cookie) Vosbikian as well as a committed administrative staff: Bill Carroll, Nyree
Dardarian, Danielle and Raffi Jehanian, Linda Kakoyan, Elizabeth
Mazmanian, Melissa Selverian, SanThe saying goes: “it takes a village to raise a
dra Selverian, and Debra Tashjian.
child”. The same holds true for the religious upbringThe love, devotion, and knowledge these indiing of a child—it takes a unified community to educate viduals share with the students in a fun and interactive
environment coupled with the love, commitment, and
a child about his/her religious roots and journey
through this life.
faithfulness of the parents to bring their children to
Sunday School on a regular basis attests not only to the
It starts with the parents, grandparents, Godparents, family, and continues with the pastor and Sun- adage noted above but also to Proverbs 22:6 “Train a
child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he
day School teachers.
The 2013-2014 Sunday School year kicked off will not turn from it”. And in these unstable times,
isn’t it a blessing to have and know this kind of reasits opening day on September 8. Prior to that, the
school calendar was planned for the year with special surance?
Sunday School registration is free, open to all
lessons, events, and activities.
Until December the focus will be the Old Tes- children and youth from the ages of 2 – 18, and availtament stories and people; from January until the end able online (stgregory-philly.org) or from the Director.
Come join us!
of the school year, the focus will be the New Testament stories and life of Jesus. Throughout the entire
school year, Feast days, Sacraments, Children’s Sermons, Days of Stewardship (service), acts of local and
international Christian charity sponsored mission work
and surprise yet-to-be revealed events will define the
Sunday School’s program.
Besides having an active roster of almost 90
registered students with seven new families joining
this year, the school is blessed by the dedication of its
core group of teachers: Talene Yeremian (toddlers),
Lauren Yeremian (pre-K/K), Cindy McHugh and Tina
November – December, 2013
St. Gregory’s Sunday School Helping the Homeless
By Lisa Bass
On, Sunday, October 20th, the Holy Spirit filled
our small church hall as Emily Selverian presented her
documentary video entitled "Power of the Flower: Rising from Homelessness” to our Sunday School Students from 3rd to 12th grade.
The video is for and about the homeless of
Philadelphia featuring the inspiring story of a formerly
homeless man, Frank Camps. Two of our parishioners, Lisa & Abbie Tashjian Bass, reached out a hand to
Frank on Valentine’s Day five years ago. It all started
with a flower. Lisa helped him rebuild his life and he
is no longer homeless.
It was truly an amazing experience for all of
our students and parents that attended this special presentation. There were even some tears shed and one of
our 3rd grade students asked Frank how he became
homeless. The video, story and meeting Frank personally touched so many.
Emily Selverian during her presentation
Emily asked Lisa for her help since she wanted
to do a documentary on the Homeless for her Girl
Scout Gold Award. Homelessness has been a passion
of hers and Emily wanted to find a way to be able to
help others in need.
Emily has been presenting the video to homeless centers and community groups throughout the
area. She asks that we keep the "Power of the Flower"
growing by supporting the many centers who help the
homeless every day. See her movie at
and spread the word!
Emily, Lisa and Abbie hope this is the beginning to others helping just one person so they can
make a difference in someone’s life.
Emily plans to take the video on the road with
Frank to help inspire others.
Emily at the center with Frank and friend, Lisa and Abby Bass
November – December, 2013
Ladies Guild’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s
A thought turned into reality and the Breakfast at Tiffany’s
brunch was the event of the season. The home and gardens
of Peter and Irene Vosbikian were a beautiful background
of the St. Gregory’s Ladies’ Guild affair. As you entered
the home you were not only greeted by the hostess, Irene
Vosbikian, and some of the committee members, but also
by a life- size poster of Audrey Hepburn. Many of the
guests enjoyed taking a picture with Audrey.
The design team of Cissy Der Hagopian, Theresa Hovnanian, and Kristen Vosbikian set the theme of Tiffany
blue throughout the event. Blue cocktails were served.
Tiffany bags with white roses and white hydrangeas were
the centerpieces on the blue and white table settings. White
pearl-like balloons filled the dining tent.
The sumptuous brunch was prepared by the talented group
of Mari Degirmenci, Margaret Garabedian, Rose Jehanian,
Sona Selverian, Ani Semerjian, Ashkhen Setrakian and
Doris Shamlian.
The spectacular array of desserts were prepared and presented by Marie Degirmenci and her gifted team.
Linda S. Vosbikian coordinated advertising for this brunch.
More than 200 women, many wearing pearls, including
guild members, out-of-town guests, members of sister
churches and friends helped raise over $13,000.
The Guild expresses its gratitude to Peter and Irene for
their kindness and generosity in underwriting the expenses
of this event.
Silva Santerian was instrumental in procuring and organizThe Breakfast At Tiffany’s brunch offered an afternoon of
ing the twelve boutique vendors for the guests’ shopping
socializing, shopping and enjoyment of culinary delights
pleasure. The lovely table of gifts and gift baskets at the
Chinese auction were the creative work of Ani Semerjian. amidst a very lavish and scenic background on a beautiful
sunny September afternoon.
The gracious hosts, Peter and Irene with their granddaughter Gia
Shirley Vosbikian, Mary Schlindwein and Theresa Testa
November – December, 2013
Der Nerses and Peter
Der Nerses and Yeretzgin
Irene, the hostess welcoming all guests
The table of mouth-watering desserts
See more pictures on pages 8-9
Dear Committee Members of Breakfast at Tiffany’s,
What a spectacular event!
The theme was brilliantly executed, the setting (thanks to Peter & Irene) was theatrical, the
food was beyond delicious, the gifts in the auction were sensational, the vendors added a quality diversion, and of course, the weather was perfect!
Your planning and hard work was very evident. Each of you should be commended for making it a day we will long remember.
Ruth Melian
November – December, 2013
All picture choices are made by the committee of the Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Photo by Jack Hagopian
November – December, 2013
All picture choices are made by the committee of the Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Photo by Jack Hagopian
November – December, 2013
- TESTIMONIES Jeanette Nazarian
Knock, knock
Who’s there: “I am”
Who is “I am”?
Who do others say that I am? Who do you say that I
That’s right, the Bible study students completed the “I AM” series in October, adding to their
other completed studies, which included the Gospel of
Luke, the Beatitudes, and the epistle to the Galatians
to name a few. Through Scripture, social media,
handouts, dynamic teaching methods, and dialogue
Der Hayr enlightened the 12-16 students that attended
each month as to who people thought Jesus was and
who the disciples said Jesus was.
Correlating Hebrew, Greek, Armenian, and
English Bible translations and describing Middle Eastern life and mentality when Jesus walked the earth,
Der Hayr gave in-depth, thought-provoking, yet easy
to understand explanations of who God is, not only by
His name but by His self descriptive revelations.
Focusing on only ten of Jesus’ self declared
statements about Himself and backing those declarations up from the writings and prophecies of the Old
Testament, Der Hayr imprinted in everyone’s minds
who this Jesus was and is: He is the bread of life (John
6:35), the light of the world (John 8:12), the true vine
(John 15:1), the resurrection and the life (John 11:25),
the One who is with you always to the end of the age
(Matt 28:20). In this writer’s thoughts, He is the One
who fills my thirst but leaves me wanting to know
Him more.
If anyone is hungry and thirsty for a stronger
faith, tireless hope, reassurance of the future, an understanding of God’s Will in their lives, fellowship
with growing Christians from the various Armenian
churches, St. Gregory’s Bible study group is the group
to attend. The Bible Study sessions are held the second Wednesday of every month from 10:00 – 11:30
A.M. Registration is not required.
Testimonies from other students
Going to Bible Study always gives us much food
for thought. We enjoy the in-depth explanations that Der
Hayr gives us and the way he puts things into perspective. We also enjoy the fellowship of others who participate
and share their comments. It allows all of us to grow spiritually in our own way. The I AM series was focused on the
many different ways that Jesus is referred to in the Bible and
was very informative. We are looking forward to the next
Bible Study series. Thank you Der Hayr.
Arlene and Hrant Jilozian
These last couple of years have been such an educational and uplifting experience as Der Hayr transitions from
the Old Testament to the New.
With each sessions it has made me reflect within
my own soul and has given me a deeper understanding of the
Bible’s teachings.
Der Hayr not only instructs us but encourages us to
participate in discussion.
Ashkhen Setrakian
As followers of Christ, we walk with Him every
day, but we learn more and more about Him as we share His
word under Der Nerses' guidance and leading. His classes
are enriching and everyone feels better for having spent this
time together. Despite the different levels of our knowledge,
all who participate feel totally comfortable asking any question ..... sometimes with lively discussions that follow. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by
spending time with this enthusiastic group of seekers. A Student - always learning, always growing.
A Student
Cont. on page 20
November – December, 2013
Men's Club News
Here is what has been happening and what is upcoming, with the available for after church brunch or as a complete take out package to be feed your Super Bowl gathering. Look for pre-order
St. Gregory's Men's Club:
forms early in 2014.
Eagles Kick-Off Event - The Men's Club hosted the fellowship
Armenian Basketball League Sponsorship - For more than 30
hour after church on Sunday, September 15, 2013. They preyears, the St. Gregory's Men's Club has secured and sponsored
pared and sold meatball sandwiches, sausage & pepper sandthe Beverly Hills Middle School gymnasium in Upper Darby,
wiches, French fries, chips and drinks to celebrate the start of
the Philadelphia Eagles 2013 season. Great food was enjoyed by Pennsylvania for use by the Armenian Basketball League
(ABL). This league has allowed hundreds, if not thousands, of
Armenian youth to gather and compete in competitive basketball
Steak Dinner Alternative - The Men's Club has decided to forgo games representing their Church or group and has fostered
friendships that have lasted a lifetime. The league will start play
the traditional Steak Dinner this year in favor of hosting the fellowship hour after church on Sunday, December 15th. There will in January 2014 and is always open to spectators.
be a nominal fee for breakfast but it will be free for those
who purchased a 300 Club ticket for 2013. The year-end drawing Now you are up to date on all the Men's Club activities. If you
are a male that is 18 years or older and would like to get involved
will take place at this event.
with what the Men's Club is doing or suggest new ideas for implementation, come out to a meeting held every second Monday
300 Club - Like the lottery, you have to play to win! 2014 300
Club tickets are available now - you could be a winner next year! of the month. Dinner is served and camaraderie is always present. Feel free to contact the Men's Club Chairman, Arthur
Selverian (arthur@selverian.com) for more information.
Pre-Super Bowl Party - As was started two years ago, the Men's Football Mania - Once again, the Men's Club is running the
Club will be once again sponsoring a pre Super Bowl party after Football Mania game. The most recent winners include:
Church on Superbowl Sunday. Freshly made hoagies will be
Week #
Last Name
Michael McOwen
Arthur Selverian
Ralph Blake
Richard Stepanian
Dave Papazian
Dave Papazian
Der Nerses Manoogian
Miran Vartanian
Mark Koenig
Diran Keytanjian
Jerry Fiordimondo
Diran Keytanjian
Matt Eichelberger
Richard Stephanian
Who says men can’t cook? See for yourself
Sunday School seniors lending a helping hand to Men’s Club
November – December, 2013
Tenth Annual St. Gregory’s Armenian Church Golf Outing
By Raffi K. Jehanian
With a 9am shotgun start, St. Gregory’s golf enthusiasts hit
the course on a Tuesday this year (but surprisingly the
same date as last year) September 17th and enjoyed a terrific day of golf on an almost perfect late summer/early fall
day. With this being the 10th anniversary of the Golf Outing it was truly turning out to be a great day to golf. This
year, about 102 golfers challenged the incredible ACE
Club, Lafayette Hill, PA. As always, Many thanks to Primary Electric Supply, inc. and Richard Stepanian, Jr. for
sponsoring the event for the seventh year in a row.
weather, and the low scores that a best-ball style tournament can bring. This year there were cigars for everyone;
donated by Al & Lorna Soltanian & Atlantic Cigars (I think
this was a big hit-thanks, guys!)
As they did last year, Gary Barbera sponsored the hole-inone contest on the challenging par three 14th hole. A holein-one would have placed a Plymouth Prowler in your
driveway. Unfortunately, no one was able to mark a 1 on
their scorecard, but the possibility of winning a car gave
everyone something to think about. Thank you to Gary
It was a great day to spend on the links as well; it was a Barbera for sponsoring the hole-in-one for 4 years now.
little cold in the morning, but warmed up in the afternoon.
The day started with registration and breakfast at 8 am in After a day on the beautiful links of the ACE Center, the
the clubhouse with a view of the beautiful course. For the golfers enjoyed a delicious late buffet lunch outside. Foleighth year in a row, the F.C. Kerbeck Automotive Group lowing the lunch, Arthur Selverian, Chairman of the Golf
was the generous Breakfast Sponsor. At 9 am, the golfers Outing Committee, addressed the crowd to thank them for
set out to tackle this beautiful course. During the next sev- their participation and to recognize the numerous sponsors
eral hours, the golfers enjoyed good company, incredible of the event this year that enabled us to raise over $20,000.
Kudos to committee members who made it happen for the tenth year
November – December, 2013
Event – Primary Electric Supply, Inc.
Breakfast - F.C. Kerbeck Automotive Group
Hole-In-One – BarbaraCares.com
Snack – Jirair S. & Elizabeth Hovnanian
Family Foundation
Gift Bag Sponsor - Nazelie Skincare
Gold Hole Sponsors
IAN Consulting – Kurk Selverian Vraim Funeral Home
Blake Agency, Inc. –In memory Sheraton
of Krikor & Vehanoush Panos- City Hotel, Phila, PA
SHOX Surgical –Steven Hox
MaGrann Associates-Mark MaGrann & Rich Selverian
Household Metals, Inc. –
Noubar Yeremian
To a Wonderful Wife and
Mother-Al & Nicholas Soltanian
Silver Hole Sponsors
MB Advisors - Greg Mangasarian
and Ray Bilinski
Miller Edge - In Memory of
Norman K. Miller
Bronze Hole Sponsors
Carroll & Karagelian, LLP
J. Pekala Associates, Inc.
Papazian Family – In Memory of
Jack Papazian
Krikorian Family
Lazarus, Dot, Gregory, Elise & Luke
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Vartan Karakelian
Thomas Stamboulian
Dardarian Family
Gift Bag and Miscellaneous Donors
Arthur & Tania Selverian
Nazelie Skincare
Herr’s Chips
Arbonne – Donna Walter
Ambler Theater
TV Raffle
Nikki Arakelian, Deron Alexanian,
Mike Ayjian, Rick Kazigian
In Memory of Peter G. Endrigian
Dr. Ara Chalian
West Norriton Auto Wash
Jehanian Family – In Memory of
Ralph Jehanian
Pina’s Family Restaurant
Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief
TD Bank, West Chester
Citizen’s Bank, West Chester
Lucinda Selverian
Raffi, Danielle & Teni Jehanian (Photos)
Dave & Carol Papazian
Ambler Movie Theater
Arlet Zeibari
Dardarian Family
Cigar Sponsor
Al & Lorna Soltanian and
Atlantic Cigars
November – December, 2013
1st place Men: Richard Mukalian, Ron Mukalian, Mark
Vosbikian and Gary Der Hagopian.
2nd place Men: Sevag Panosian, Steve Viola, Lee Johnson and Khajag Panosian.
1st place Women: Melissa Der Pilbossian, Carol Papazian
and Lucinda Selverian.
2nd place Women: Diane Guveyian, Lori Sarkissian and
Ani Semerjian.
Longest Drive Women:
Lucinda Selverian, Hole No. 10
Longest Drive Men:
Rich Stepanian, Hole No. 18
Closest to the Pin:
John Amoroso 4’
November – December, 2013
Thanks as usual were extended to the golf outing
committee members: Niki Arakelian, Kurt Ajdaharian,
Raffi Jehanian, Tim McHugh, David & Carol Papazian,
Arthur & Tania Selverian, Lucinda Selverian, Kurk & Rita
Selverian, Michael Shamlian, and Jim & Donna Walter.
Volunteers for the day: Maryann Karagelian, Rose Jehanian, Helen Guveyian and Lorna Soltanian were also
thanked along with Raffi Jehanian for assisting with the
event and for taking, processing, and distributing photographs (which were donated by Raffi, Danielle, and Teni
Jehanian) of all of the golf teams.
Last thank you went to Arthur & Tania Selverian
for their dedication in running this event for 10 years
straight! Der Hayr and Bill Arthin (BOT representative)
thanked them both and gave them a small token of their
Der Nerses and Bill Arthin presenting a award to Arthur
and Tania who chaired the Golf Committee for a decade
appreciation for all the work they have done. Now maybe
they can put the Golf Outing behind them and think of their
next money maker for the Church (or just relax J ). Thank
you both!!
The day ended with many items being raffled off
ranging from gift certifcates to beautiful baskets along with
silent auction items.
All in all, it was a very nice day for everyone involved. The golfers enjoyed a tremendous day of challenging golf, delicious food, and companionship while the
Church benefited from a boost to its operating and infrastructure fund. Many thanks go to the committee for organizing the event, the numerous donors that helped to sponsor the day, and the golfers who took time from their
schedules to enjoy a day of golf and to benefit the Church.
It takes a family to run a Golf Outing. Arthur and Tania with their
children, Rebecca, Mark and Victoria
Our helpers at different stations; Maryann Karagelian and Rita Selverian, Helen
Guveyian and Rosie Jehanian
Welcoming golfers Michael Shamlian and Donna Walter
November – December, 2013
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ê»åï»Ùμ»ñ 8, 2013ÇÝ, ²½·³ÛÇÝ Ð³Ûϳ½»³Ý
On September 8, 2013, Haigazian School opened
³ß˳ï³ë¿ñ áõ ϳÛï³é ³ß³Ï»ñïÝ»ñáõ, áñáÝù »Ï³Í its doors for its intelligent and diligent students. We are
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happy to announce that we started a class in Eastern Arme-
nian. This year we will emphasize conversational Armenian. Each class will be divided into three parts. Reading
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writing, vocabulary & making sentences, Armenian Con-
versation and third part General Knowledge about Arme-
Ù³ë»ñáõ, nian History, Geography and Culture. General Knowledge
ϳ½Ù»É£ will be in English and Armenian. We are having singing,
Êûë³ÏóáõÃÇõÝ »õ í»ñç³å¿ë ÁݹѳÝáõñ ½³ñ·³óÙ³Ý plays and we will show fairytales from Hovhannes ToumaÙñóÙ³Ý
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October being Armenian Culture Month, Mrs.
Majda’s class is studying about Poet Taniel Varoujan, and
Mrs. Anoush’s and Mrs. Sevan’s class, will study about
“The Poet of All Armenians,” Hovhanness Toumanian.
Our motto is to teach Armenian in a pleasant environment,
¸³ÝÇ¿É ì³ñáõųÝÁ, ÇëÏ îÇÏÇÝ ²ÝáõßÇÝ »õ îÇÏÇÝ so that students will love Armenian language and teach
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plays. We would like to prepare tomorrow’s Armenian
Ø»ñ Ý߳ݳμ³ÝÝ ¿ ѳ׻ÉÇ ÙÃÝáÉáñïÇ Ù¿ç Ù»ñ leader, who along with being an exemplary American citi³ß³Ï»ñïÝ»ñáõÝ ëÇñóÝ»É Ñ³Û»ñ¿ÝÁ »õ ëáñí»óÝ»É ·ñ»É, zen, knows his language, culture and is the strong defender
ϳñ¹³É, ËûëÇÉ, »ñ·»É, å³ñ»É áõ óï»ñ³Ï³Ý ¹»ñ»ñ of his fatherland & compatriots.
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Simon Zavarian had said, ” Till the Day that Mount
Massis is upright, Armenian people will stay firm and indestructible.” Till the day that the Armenian children go to
Armenian Schools, the future of Armenians is radiant &
سëÇëÁ, ϳݷáõÝ ÏÁ ÙÝ³Û Ñ³Û ÅáÕáíáõñ¹Á, ³Ýë³ë³Ý, indestructible.
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Nayiri Aghajanian Balanian
The Principal
November – December, 2013
Նկարներ Հայկազեան Դպրոցի Դասարանային Կեանքէն
As a new Armenian parent, it was important for me to
find a school where my daughter can be introduced to
the Armenian culture and heritage. Not only did I find
such a learning environment in The Haigazian School,
but it also provided my child a warm and a supportive
family atmosphere. Now, while my daughter counts
down the days to go to school, I look forward to watching her grow into a young intelligent Armenian lady /
Thank you Haigazian School for this opportunity.
Maria Arzoumanian - Kordzian
November – December, 2013
John Alexanian and Noushig
Chamavonian were engaged
on September 14, 2013
Dawn Donato and Michael
Sirois were engaged on September 29, 2013.
Maggie Ankineh was born
on July 15, 2013, at 11:43 A.M.
to Mr. & Mrs. John and Arpi
Hartnett and brother Jack.
Kevork Artinian and Talene
Yeremian were engaged on
October 5, 2013.
Shya Araxie Terkanian
was born on July 1, 2013, at
11:03 PM to Mr. & Mrs.
Jake and Gina Terkanian
and to her big brother Pauly.
6 pounds. 15 Ounces, 19 inches
Our Congratulations to lucky parents and grandparents
November – December, 2013
Anna Maral Vartanian, daughter of Mr.
& Mrs. Antranig and Nanor Vartanian
was baptized on August 24, 2013. Godfather Viken Vartanian.
Aidan Patrick McAnnany, son of
Patrick and Sonya Kazazian McAnnany
was baptized on September 21, 2013.
Godfather Michael H. Kazazian.
Vem Levon Alahydoian, son of Dork
and Lena Alahydoian was baptized on
August 31.
Godfather Mher Alahydoian.
Yeran Baronian, daughter of
Antranig and Lorig Baronian was baptized on September 8, 2013.
Godfather Simon Abrahamian.
Zac William Ramsay, son of Adrian
and Christine Ramsay was baptized on
September 28, 2013. Godfather Andre Madatian.
Noor Jeannette Moughamian, daughter of Dr. Armen and Taleen
Moughamian was baptized on October
19. Godfather Raffi Moughamian.
November – December, 2013
I have a habit before I end the day of reading a
chapter in the Bible, it helps me to put things in the right
perspective. I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager. I just
start at “The Beginning” and it’s amazing how it all eventually adds up and you can actually read the whole Bible.
Honestly, there have been many nights that I don’t
have a clue what I read. And there were those other nights
where it was all the words that I wanted or needed to hear.
There was no intention of studying, it was just a
way of saying goodnight to our creator and “Thanks.”
Interesting when you think about it, how many people love to read books, so many books in their life time and
have never read the Bible.
To tell the truth, the word “Bible Class” doesn’t
necessarily get a person breathless with eager anticipation.
Let’s get real … But I thought I would give it a try.
Where to begin …
I have learned so much!
I only wish others could see our Der Hayr in action
during our class. He does so much to prepare for it and
make it so interesting for us.
And did you know those people in the Bible were
imperfect just like us?
There are times where our little group gets really
excited and a little rowdy, but our Der hayr, with a great
deal of patience brings his flock back home again.
Something else has happened.
We actually look forward to being there; it has become a special time and place, a place that we have come
closer by openly sharing our innermost feelings, our worries, our questions.
Who are we?
This is a good place to find out. Start?
Nona Mhitarian
Մեր Հայրերու Գանձարանէն
«Չիկայ բնաւ գիրք մի կամ մարդկային
հանճար եւ իմաստութիւն, որ կարողանայ մարդոց ստահակ հոգին ուղղել, դաստիարակել եւ
բարւոքել, միշտ ի չարն արձանացած ՚ի բարին
վերածել, բայց միայն՝ Աւետարանն։ Այս փոքրիկ
հրաշագիր մատեան աշխարհ կարդաց ու հասկցաւ։ Այս մանրիկ մանանեխի սերմէն ծառ մը
բուսաւ, որուն ապաստանարար ճիւղերուն վրայ
աշխարհիս վաստակեալ մարդիկ թռչունի պէս
նստան ու հանգիստ առին։
Յիսուս իւր Աւետարանին պատուական
մարգարիտ Հրէաստանի հրապարակին մէջ ի
վաճառ հանեց, աղքատն եւ հարուստն վազեցին ի
գնել. մարգարտին տէր ձրի կը բաշխէր, ոչ ինչ չէր
պահանջէր, այլ միայն հաւատք. ով որ կը
հաւատար, նա միայն կստանար մարգարիտն։»
(Խրիմեան Հայրիկ, «Մարգարիտ Արքայութեան Երկնից»)
From the Treasury of our Church Fathers
“There is no book or human genius or wisdom
like the Gospel which can illuminate or educate the
crooked human soul or gravitate the saturated and sinful
humanity to light. This miraculously written book was
read and understood by the world; from this tiny mustard seed a huge tree was grown on whose protective
branches, humanity, like the birds, perched and found
refuge and comfort.
Jesus, upon putting the precious pearls of his
Gospel for sale in the marketplace of Israel, wealthy and
poor hurried to buy. He was selling for free and was not
asking for anything but only faith. Believers alone received his pearls.”
(“Pearls of Kingdom of Heaven ” by Khrimian Hayrig)
Letters From Parishioners
Archpriest Fr. Nerses Manoogian and Board of the St. Gregory the Illuminator;
We would like to thank you for the beautiful basket of green plants that you sent us, after our
automobile accident.
We appreciate your thoughtfulness and for making us feel to be part of this great St. Gregory
Enclosed is a donation to the church for $200 dollars.
Michael and Sonia Nalbantian
November – December, 2013
Mary Kludjian
Born in Manhattan
on Oct 4th, and lived in the
Bronx until marrying in
1957. She was the daughter or Vartuhie and Samuel
Mesrobian and had one brother, Harry. Her
parents were survivors of the Armenian genocide and emigrated to the US in the early
1920’s. Mom graduated high school in 1943,
and began working as a design intern in the
NY fashion district. Over the next few years,
her interests broadened and she found her
niche in finance. She worked for CIT Financial for the next 12 years, and worked her way
up to be one of their first female executives. In 1957, she met the love of her life,
John Kludjian in Asbury Park, NJ. It was a
whirlwind romance, and they were married 3
months later, at the church on Oxford Ave in
Mom moved to suburban Philadelphia
to begin her new life. She was married to
John up until his death in 1998. They had two
children, Linda and Diane. But, the light of
her life was her granddaughter, Lauren, born
in 2005. Mom got a new spring in her step
when Lauren was born. They would play
games, sing together and tell jokes. As mom’s
health declined, Lauren was able to maneuver
her in her wheelchair and take mom on walks,
which they both enjoyed immensely.
Mom’s interests included traveling,
reading, knitting and the theater.
Mom was the kindest, gentlest woman I
knew. She didn’t have a mean or judgmental
bone in her body. If someone was rude to her,
she would always think “poor thing, I wonder
what is so horrible in their life to make them
like that.” She never got angry, but always
tried to put herself in some else’s shoes. In her
heart, she thought everyone on this earth was
inherently good. Even the most evil person
had good in them. She always had a sunny
disposition, even in the hardest times of her
life. She was always grateful for what she
had, and never lamented on what she didn’t
have. In the last months of her life, she lived
in a nursing facility. All of the nurses were in
awe of her. They loved her attitude and outlook on life. After she died, there was line of
nurses, dining staff and housekeeping staff
outside her door and down the hall to pay their
respects. Others in the facility had told me
they had never seen that before when a resident died. That is a true testament of how she
lived her life and what a kind soul she was.
Diane Oliva
The Memorial Service for Mary Kludjian
was held on Sunday, October 20, 2013 at
St. Gregory’s Church.
In Lieu of Flower donations may be made
to St. Gregory’s Church.
November – December, 2013
ILOF in Memory of
Mr. & Mrs. Hratch Paneyan
Roxie Sudjian
Margaret Obozian
Grand Total $150
Total $10
For Albert Chavooshian
Keane and Doreen Serposs
Phyllis, Amasa, Sara & Laura Nellis
Virginia Tashjian
Grand Total $3,075
Shake Nashalian
Mrs. Helen Dervishian
Mrs. Georgette Kazanjian
Dr. & Mrs. Jacques Khoury
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sarkisian
Total $170
Mary Kludjian
William Kozel and Karen Kludjian
Frederick & Linda Kludjian Haid
Mrs. Helen Dervishian
Daniel and Sharon Diasio
Mr. & Mrs. James Makoulian
Mr. & Mrs. Bearg Miller
Glenn Papazian and Ann Papazian
Elizabeth, Margie & Brian Tavakaliabn
Knar and Nina Terzian
Keith and Laura Wurzer
Mr. & Mrs. Armen Zartarian
Karl and Nancy Zartarian
Total $1,040
Additional ILOF for
Hovsep Hovsepian
Mr. & Mrs. Niki Arakelian
Sombat and Elizabeth Grigorian & family
Mr. & Mrs. Karnig Karagelian
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keshgegian
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kzelian
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Nalbantian
Ara and Diane Sahakian and Family
Steven and Lisa Sedari
George and Ani Semerjian
Brian Tavakalian
Janet Yoel
Grand Total $3,315
For Meran M. Elanjian
Migirditch & Marie Azadian
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Javardian
Philip A. Vishabazoon
Grand Total $5,820
For Vartouhi Bedirian
Mrs. Georgette Kazanjian
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Nigon
For Alice (Anahid) Ohanian
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Nalbantian
Grand Total $1,855
Misc. Donations
Silva Kaloustian
Mr. & Mrs. Bearge Miller, for Assumption Picnic
Mr. & Mrs. Noubar Yeremian, for Assumption Picnic
Anahid and Maryann Karagelian, in honor of Haig
Vartanian’s 80th birthday
Mr. & Mrs. George and Clara Nenezian,
for Illuminator
Hagop Kitabjian, for Illuminator
MaryLou Terzian, In honor of Karen Jehanian
Dr. & Mrs. Michael and Sonia Nalbantian
Mr. & Mrs. George Shamlian, on the occasion
of their 50th wedding anniversary
St. Gregory Ladies’ Guild
Building Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Ajdaharian
Mrs. Helen Guveyian
23 Street Road
Newtown Square, PA 19073
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Linda Vosbikian
772 Riverton Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057-1919
(856) 206-9383
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Rose Seraydarian
8810 Walther Blvd. Apt 1421
Baltimore, MD 21234
ARS Ani chapter
ARS Artemis Chapter
Kurt, Lisa, Stephen and Jack Ajdaharian
John Bahian
Agnes Bedrosian
Helen Dervishian
Set Ejdaharian
Kenneth & Madeline Gureghian
Roupen and Marge Gureghian
Claire Hovsepian
Harry V. and Mary T. Injaian
Teni Rose Jehanian
Alice and George Kamajian
George and Kim Kazanjian & family
Marge Keshgegian
Antranig and Madonna Kzirian & family
Der Nerses and Yeretzgin Manoogian
Bill and Rose Mukalian
George Mukalian
Mary Mukalian
Richard and Gay Mukalian
Vicky, Jeanette & Anita Nazarian
Armine Papazian
Gary Papazian
Glenn and Ann Papazian
Elizabeth Pilbosian
Kevork, Anoush and Gregory Proodian
John and Agnes Santerian
Dr. Albert and Mrs. Nerme Sarkessian
Gregory and Debra Selverian & family
Stephen and Sandra Selverian
Arthur and Tania Selverian & family
Jeffrey Selverian & family
Kurk D. and Rita Selverian and family
Lucinda Selverian
Mark and Laura Selverian & family
Richard and Melissa Selverian & family
Rich and Connie Shelengian
George and Doris Shamlian
Maritza Shamlian
Rosely & Wally Stronski
Daniel and Norma Takoushian
Kris and Lona Torosian
Martin Tourigian
Philip A. Vishabazoon
Frank and Diana Wood & family
Paul and Karen Zakarian
† Albert and Queenie Bagian
† Gosdan and Rose Bozajian
† Jean Dervishian
† Napoleon and Margaret Donabedian
† Vickie and Meran Elanjian
† Varsie and Charles Esayian
†Joseph Jehanian
† Dick and Grace Keshgegian
† Simon and Mary Mangigian
† Shakay and Noubar Markaridian
†John Mkhalian
† George and Victoria Mooradian
† Dikran and Victoria Mukalian
† Varsenia Shake and Marcina Mukalian
† Jack Papazian
† Krikor & Veronica Pilbosian
† Souren and Elizabeth Sadjian
† Albert Soltanian, Sr.
† Martin Shelengian
† Hampartsoom and Anna Tavakalian
† Levon Tavakalian
† Yervant and Helen Terzian
† John Terzian
† John Tokmajian
† Edward Zartarian
In memory of Dorothy Mukalian - In memory of Victoria Dabagian Melidosian
Notification to all Church Members
The 2013-2014 Nominating
Committee is looking for interested
candidates to run for Board Trustee
or NRA Delegate. For more information, please, contact Raffi
Jehanian at 610-745-2189 or
email: raffi.jehanian@gmail.com.