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Deloitte Motor Industry Services
Guide to Submitting Data
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its networ k of member
firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal
structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
© 2014 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Login to ProfitFocus™
Go to
On the right hand side top toolbar, enter in your login username and password details and click ‘Submit’
Please note upon first time login, you will be requested to change your password.
If you have forgotten your username or password, please contact the Profitfocus™ team via or the epf hotline 1300 784 511
Home Screen
Once you have logged in, you will arrive at the Home Screen where you can find all the necessary links
required in the upload process under ‘Data Upload’
Upload Trial Balance
Select ‘Upload Trial Balance’ under Data Upload
TB File: Export a trial balance from your DMS and save a copy onto your computer. Then Choose File and
browse for the trial balance
Note - Prior to uploading your trial balance, please make sure it is in the correct format. You can refer to the
TB Formatting QRG for more information on the Help & Support Centre.
Period: Select the respective period to which the trial balance relates to and for which you are reporting e.g.
March 2014
Select Retrieve TB
New Accounts
The system will take a moment to analyse the uploaded trial
balance before saying ‘Trial Balance Retrieved successfully’
a) If there are no new accounts in the trial balance for that
month, Select Next and skip the next step in this guide
‘Mapping Change Request’
b) If there are new accounts in the trial balance for the month,
a pop-up will appear asking for them to be mapped. When
this happens, select OK
Mapping Change Request
After clicking OK to have your new accounts mapped, you will be directed to the ‘Mapping the Trial Balance
to Profit Focus’ screen.
On the top left hand side, you will see a list of all the new accounts needing to be mapped. These accounts
will be mapped by the ProfitFocusTM team so that the reports reflect the figures in these new accounts.
Click ‘Request Mapping Change’ on the right hand side
In the Mapping Change Request box, fill out your name and contact details so that the ProfitFocusTM team is
able to contact you if any clarification is needed when mapping.
In the ‘Notes/Mapping Query’ field, please provide any information that relates to the accounts e.g. an
explanation to the prefixes in the account code, the account description relates to a specific franchise,
certain accounts are not applicable to the specific dealership site.
Select ‘Submit’ and the mapping request will be sent via email to the ProfitFocus
when the mapping is completed.
team who will notify you
Create Input Sheet
Creating the input sheet is the next step once all accounts
have been mapped.
Note: You may have been timed out of the system while
waiting for the mapping change request, if this does
happen, login again and select ‘Create Input Sheet’
under Data Upload on the Home Screen.
Click ‘Create Input Sheet’ for the relevant period e.g.
March - 2014
A progress bar will appear at the bottom of the screen and once completed, the Download button will
Click on the Download option and save the input sheet file to your computer.
Note - You will need to ensure that pop-ups are enabled as a new window will open when you are asked to
save the input sheet.
Adjustments to the Input Sheet
Before uploading the input sheet, make any necessary manual adjustments to the input sheet that is created.
The main areas to review and make manual adjustments are:
New and Used Retail/Wholesale unit sales if not already populated through mapping
Ageing of inventory (value and units on hand) for New, Used and Parts
Number of F&I contracts on ‘F-F&I’ tab
Service Performance Indicators on ‘E-Service’ tab
Checking Headcounts on ‘H-Staff&Std Jnl’ tab
Ensure input sheet net profit matches the dealership’s net profit
Errors and warnings tab
Upload Input Sheet
Once you have completed reviewing your input sheet and made
all necessary manual adjustments, save the final input sheet to
your computer.
Return to the Home Screen, and under Data Upload click ‘Upload
Input Sheet’
To upload your input sheet:
a) Input Sheet
Click on ‘Choose File’ and browse your computer for the
input sheet
b) Period
Select the appropriate month and year to which the input
sheet relates to
Select Upload
The system will now upload and process the data through the
Data Upload Wizard.
Address Critical Errors and Warnings
Once the file has been uploaded, a list of errors and warnings will appear with a description and its
respective department.
Please address these where possible by making appropriate changes to the input sheet and then uploading
the revised input sheet by selecting ‘Re-import Data’
If the errors and warnings truly reflect those of your dealership for that month, please advise us by writing in
the comments box.
When you are happy with the submission, click ‘Commit Data’ as this will mark your submission as
completed for that period
Submission Complete!
You have completed your data submission.
You can now generate reports that reflect the data you have submitted.
Contact the ProfitFocusTM Team
Need some help? Call our hotline:
Australia: 1300 784 511 | New Zealand: 0800 773 307