workshop agenda v4 - (UNCLOS), National Oceanography Centre

 The E-­‐tech Element Potential of Submarine Ferromanganese Crusts: Research Challenges Workshop 26–27th February 2014 Venue: The Winslow Suite, Grand Harbour Hotel, West Quay Road, Southampton, SO15 1AG Final circular Agenda Day 1 Wednesday 26th February Time 9:00 Title Coffee and arrival Speaker Introduction and overview 9:30 9:40 9:55 10:10 10:30 10:40 Welcome, housekeeping and introductions The role of the National Oceanography Centre in marine minerals research in the UK The NERC SoS Minerals Research Programme E-­‐tech elements and security of raw material supply Structure and objectives of the meeting, outcomes and involvement opportunities Coffee/tea break Bramley Murton (NOC), all Ed Hill (NOC) John Naden (BGS/NERC) Paul Lusty (BGS) Bramley Murton & Paul Lusty Theme 1: Processes controlling ferromanganese crust genesis (chair: Bramley Murton) 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:20 Ferromanganese Crusts as a Source of E-­‐Tech Metals: Research Opportunities and Challenges for Resource Development Water depth and other factors controlling ferromanganese crust formation Ferromanganese crusts in the Atlantic Ocean: occurrences, composition and resource considerations Lunch in the hotel Plenary session: identifying testable hypotheses for factors that affect E-­‐tech element concentration in ferromanganese crusts Jim Hein (U.S. Geological Survey) Peter Halbach (Free University Berlin, Berlin) Susana Bolhão Muiños (Unidade de Gelogia Marinha, Lisbon) All Theme 2: Mineral exploration, resource assessment and extraction (chair: Rose Edwards, NOC) 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:50 Capabilities and challenges for future deep-­‐water, near bottom, high-­‐resolution survey systems Developments in EM and other innovative underwater survey technologies Seafloor mining technology Organic solvents for E-­‐tech element extraction from Fe-­‐Mn-­‐oxides Plenary session: identifying research challenges for crust exploration, resource assessment and recovery Coffee/tea break Bramley Murton (NOC) Tom Nicols (Geomatrix Earth Science Ltd., UK) Stef Kapusniak (Soil Machine Dynamics Ltd., UK) Pawel Polisci (University of Bath) All Theme 3: Environmental impact of mining and regulatory framework (chair: Alan Evans, NOC) 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:40 19:30 Deep-­‐Sea Ecology and Ocean Observing Modelling and monitoring underwater turbidity plumes from mining, and their potential environmental impact Environmental sensitivity and the regulatory framework Plenary session: identifying priorities for predicting environmental impacts End of day one Workshop dinner in Southampton’s Old Town [CONTINUED] Henry Rhul (NOC) Jez Spearman (HR Wallingford) Dave Billet (International Seabed Authority/ Environmental Consultant) All All Agenda Day 2 Thursday 27th February Time 9:00 Title Coffee Speaker Theme 4: Case studies from the south-­‐west Pacific (chair: Paul Lusty) 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 E-­‐tech elements in south Pacific ferromanganese oxide deposits Cobalt-­‐rich crusts of the Marshall Islands Seafloor resource potential, exploration activity and development challenges for the PAC countries Coffee/tea break Dave Cronan (Imperial College, London) Akuila Tawake (SOPAC) Michael Patterson (SOPAC) Proposal Planning (chair: Bramley Murton) 10:40 12:00 12:40 13:30 16:30 Identifying the science opportunities, research objectives, implementation and developing an outline research plan Plenary session: defining the structure of the proposal, priorities and actions Lunch at the hotel and parting of those that have to return home Plenary session: core group write-­‐up of findings and development of proposal outline End of Workshop All (divided into specialism) Bramley Murton and Paul Lusty All All All How to get there: Grand Harbour Hotel, West Quay Road, Southampton, SO15 1AG Grand&