GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Corporate Information BOARD OF DIRECTORS (As on 14th August, 2014) Mr. Girdharilal Jagatramka Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka Mrs. Mona Jagatramka Mr. Gopal Prasad Dokania Mr. Sisir Kumar Mukherjee Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka Mr. Murari Sananguly Mr. C. Narasimhan Chairman Emeritus Chairman & Managing Director Director Director Director Director Director Nominee Director REGISTERED OFFICE 22, Camac Street, Block - C, 5th Floor, Kolkata - 700016, India Phone : +91-33-22891471 Fax : +91-33-22891470 Email : Website : Corporate Identification Number (CIN) : L51909WB1986PLC040098 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Mr. P. R. Kannan WORKS COKE 1) Village Dharampur, Khambhalia, Devbhoomi Dwarka, Gujarat, India CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER Mr. Pawan Kumar Agrawal 2) Village Lunva, Bhachau, Kutch, Gujarat, India 3) Road No. 16, 1st Cross, KIADB, Belur Industrial Area, Dharwad, Karnataka, India CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Mr. Sunil Kumar Maskara AUDITORS M/s. N. C. Banerjee & Co. Chartered Accountants, 2, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Room No. 9, 1st Floor, Kolkata - 700 013 STEEL Village Lunva, Bhachau, Kutch, Gujarat, India REGISTRAR & SHARE TRANSFER AGENT M/s. Niche Technologies (P) Ltd. D-511, Bagri Market, 5th Floor, 71, B. R. B. Basu Road, Kolkata - 700 001 Phone : +91-33-2235-7270 / 7271 Fax : +91-33-2215-6823 SOLICITORS & ADVOCATES M/s. L. P. Tiwari & Co. Emerald House, 4th Floor, 1B, Old Post Office Street, Kolkata - 700 001 BANKERS State Bank of India Bank of Baroda State Bank of Hyderabad Standard Chartered Bank Axis Bank Ltd ICICI Bank Ltd Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd DBS Bank Ltd Life Insurance Corporation of India IDBI Bank Ltd Corporation Bank State Bank of Patiala State Bank of Travancore Export-Import Bank of India Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd Syndicate Bank United Bank of India The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has taken a “Green Initiative in Corporate Governance” allowing paperless compliances by Companies for serving of notice/documents/annual reports by email to the members. To support this initiative in full measure, members who have not registered their email address so far, are requested to register their email address, in respect of electronic holdings with their concerned Depository Participants immediately. Members who hold shares in physical segment are also requested to immediately register their email address with Registrar & Share Transfer Agent of the Company. Contents Directors' Report 1 Annexure to the Directors' Report 4 Report on Corporate Governance 9 Auditors' Certificate on Corporate Governance 18 Management Discussion and Analysis 19 Managing Director (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Certification 21 Independent Auditors' Report 22 Balance Sheet 24 Statement of Profit & Loss 25 Notes to the Financial Statements 26 Cash Flow Statement 47 Statement under Section 212 relating to Subsidiary Companies 48 Particulars of Subsidiary Companies 49 Independent Auditors' Report on Consolidated Financial Statements 49 Consolidated Balance Sheet 50 Consolidated Statement of Profit & Loss 51 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 52 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 72 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Directors’ Report To The Members, ISSUE OF EQUITY The Company has allotted equity shares of Rs. 10/- as per following details:- Your Directors present 27th Annual Report and the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31st March, 2014. FINANCIAL RESULTS/HIGHLIGHTS Date of Allotment No. of shares Particulars 22nd May, 2013 50,00,000 Issued to Promoters Group entities at a premium of Rs. 11.08 per share upon conversion of Warrants 17th June, 2014 1,21,61,222 Issued to ICICI Bank Ltd. at a premium of Rs. 1.01 per share upon conversion of Funded Interest Term Loan 17th June, 2014 3,35,00,000 Issued to Promoters Group entities at a premium of Rs. 0.90 per share upon conversion of Warrants (Rs. in crores) 2013-14 2012-13 Total Income 1250.64 1751.94 Total Expenditure 1644.87 1336.37 Profit/(Loss) before Interest, Depreciation and Tax (394.23) 415.57 Less: (1) Finance Cost 331.40 263.02 (2) Depreciation 61.30 58.33 ISSUE OF CONVERTIBLE WARRANTS (786.93) 94.22 The Company allotted 10,00,00,000 convertible warrants on 18th April, 2014 at a conversion price of Rs. 10.90 per Warrant aggregating Rs. 109.00 crores only and 6,00,00,000 convertible warrants on 17th June, 2014 at a conversion price of Rs. 10.72 aggregating Rs. 64.32 crores on preferential basis to the Promoter Group entities. Each Warrant is convertible at the option of the holders into One Equity Share of Rs. 10/- each. 47.47 47.95 NON-CONVERTIBLE DEBENTURES Less: Provision for Taxation (273.59) 15.29 Profit/(Loss) after Tax (560.81) 30.98 – – (560.81) 30.98 During the year under review, the company redeemed NonConvertible Secured Redeemable Debentures (NCDs) amounting Rs. 34.99 crores as per the terms of issue of these debentures. The NCDs amounting to Rs. 427.51 crores were outstanding at the end of the year under review. Profit/(Loss) before Tax and Exceptional Items Exceptional Items Add : Amount brought forward Amount available for appropriation LISTING Less : Amount transferred to General Reserve 10.80 Add : Dividend for earlier year written back 28.87 – Add : Dividend tax written back 4.68 – – 30.98 (538.06) – Less : Transferred to Debenture Redemption Reserve Balance carried to Balance Sheet Both the Equity Shares and “B” Equity Shares of the Company are listed at the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and BSE Limited (BSE). The Non-convertible Debentures of the company (including Debentures issued under QIP) are listed at BSE. The convertible warrants issued by the Company under QIP are listed at NSE and BSE. The Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) are listed at Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX). – BUSINESS PLANS The market for metcoke continued to remain sluggish during the year under review due to dwindling demand from Steel industry, the major user of metcoke. This had severely impacted realisations of our products. REVIEW OF OPERATIONS During the year under review, the Total Income from operations was Rs.1250.64 Crores as compared to Rs 1751.94 Crores in the previous year. The Company has suffered net loss of Rs. 560.81 crores during the year, as compared to the Profit of Rs. 30.98 crores during the previous year. Steel industry, which is the largest consumer of coking coal and metcoke, continued to reel through extreme recessionary trends which has resulted in subdued demand of metcoke and also dragged its realizations to rock bottom levels. This had resulted in huge built up of inventories of coking coal and metcoke impacting the cash flows in the business. In view of these adversities, Corporate Debt Restructuring Empowered Group (CDR EG), upon being approached by the Company, have approved CDR Package in March, 2014 under Corporate Debt Restructuring mechanism (CDR) issued by Reserve Bank of India. The key features of CDR Package are given in detail in the Notes to the Financial Statements forming part of this Annual Report. DIVIDEND In view of the losses incurred, the Board does not recommend any dividend. Due to the market imbalances and the continued global economic slowdown, the Company has been facing liquidity constraints. This has resulted in the Company realigning its debts under CDR mechanism through CDR Package. The Company plans to gradually increase its capacity utilization along with its turnover and margins in a phased manner. The Company's projects for generation of power from waste heat emanating from its Coke Oven Plants in the States of Karnataka and Gujarat had to be temporarily shelved during the year under review due to liquidity constraints. However, during 2014-15 the project at Dharwad in Karnataka is proposed to be revived as it is at an advanced stage of completion. The Company is presently generating power through non polluting method i.e. through wind turbine generators having capacity to generate 87.5 MW of power. SUBSIDIARIES During the year, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd (Jindal Group) had acquired majority stake in Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Ltd. (GNCCL), erstwhile Australian mining subsidiary of the Company. Accordingly, GNCCL along with its three subsidiaries viz. Gujarat 1 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Directors’ Report (Contd.) NRE Wonga Pty Ltd, Gujarat NRE Resources NL and Southbulli Holdings Pty Ltd ceased to be subsidiaries of the company. The other five Australian subsidiaries of the Company viz. Gujarat NRE Properties Pty Ltd, Gujarat NRE Ltd, Gujarat NRE Coal (NSW) Pty Ltd, Wonga Coal Pty Ltd and Gujarat NRE India Pty Ltd also ceased to be subsidiaries during the year due to restructuring of their respective share capital. Mr Subodh Kumar Agrawal, Non Executive Director has resigned from his office w.e.f. 25th May 2014. The Board records its appreciations for the services rendered by them during their tenure in the Company. Dr Mahendra Kumar Loyalka retires by rotation at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and express his unwillingness to be reappointed. The Company has two wholly-owned Indian Subsidiaries i.e. Manor Dealcom Pvt Ltd and Huntervalley Coal Pvt Ltd. The Financial Statements and other reports of these subsidiaries are not attached to this Annual Report pursuant to a general exemption granted under circular no 2/2011 dated 8th February 2011 of Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The relevant information of these subsidiaries as required by the said Circular of Ministry of Corporate Affairs has been provided in this Annual Report. Mr Sisir Kumar Mukherjee was appointed by the Board as a Director in the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr Basudeb Sen in terms of Section 161(4) of the Companies Act 2013 w.e.f. 18th March 2014 and accordingly, he retires by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Mr Sisir Kumar Mukherjee and Mr Murari Sananguly are proposed to be re-appointed as Directors designated as Independent Directors of the Company pursuant to the provisions of Section 149 of Companies Act 2013 w.e.f. 1st October 2014 and the Listing Agreement for a period of 5 years and they shall not be liable to retire by rotation. The Financial Statements and other reports related to these subsidiaries are available at Registered Office of the Company during the working hours and a copy thereof will be provided to the shareholders of the Company upon request. Mr Gopal Prasad Dokania was appointed as an Additional Director by the Board at its meeting held on 30th June 2014 to hold office upto the date of ensuing Annual General Meeting. It is proposed to appoint him as a Director designated as Independent Director at the ensuing Annual General Meeting for a period of 5 years w.e.f. 1st October 2014 and he shall not be liable to retire by rotation. MERGER The Scheme of Amalgamation of Bharat NRE Coke Limited with the Company was approved by the shareholders of the Company on 28th January, 2013. However in view of subsequent development of reference of the Company to CDR EG for its debt restructuring, the said amalgamation was not allowed by the Hon'ble High Court of Calcutta. Mr C Narasimhan has been appointed as a Nominee Director of State Bank of India w.e.f. 8th August 2013. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE In compliance with the requirements of clause 49 of the Listing agreement with Stock Exchanges, a Report on 'Corporate Governance' as on 31st March, 2014 and a Report on Management Discussions and Analysis are annexed to and form a part of this Report. DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT Pursuant to the requirements under Section 217(2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956 with respect to Directors' Responsibility Statement, your Directors confirm having - Chairman & Managing Director (CEO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) have certified to the Board with regard to the financial statements and other matters as required by the aforesaid clause of the listing agreement and the said certificate is also annexed to and forms a part of this Report. EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION SCHEME The Company had granted 95,89,000 options to its Employees/Directors through four different tranches under GNCL Employee Stock Options Scheme 2007 (ESOP 2007) till the end of previous year against the approval received from shareholders to grant upto 1,21,95,302 options under the said Scheme. i) Followed in the preparation of the annual accounts the applicable accounting standards with proper explanation relating to material departures; ii) Selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of the year under review and of the profit of the Company for the year ended on that date; iii) taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the company and for preventing and detecting fraud or other irregularities; and As required by clause 12 of the SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines 1999, the disclosures with regard to Stock Options in respect of GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme 2007 as on 31st March, 2014 are given in an Annexure to this Report. iv) prepared the annual accounts on a 'going concern basis'.” AUDITORS The Company has received a certificate from the Auditors that the aforesaid Scheme has been implemented in accordance with SEBI Guidelines and the resolution passed by the shareholders. The Certificate would be placed at the meeting for inspection by the shareholders. M/s. N. C. Banerjee & Co., Chartered Accountants, the Statutory Auditors hold office upto the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company and are eligible for reappointment. As required under the provisions of Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company has received written confirmation from M/s. N C Banerjee & Co., that their re-appointment as Auditors, if made, would be in conformity within the limits prescribed in the said Section and that they are not disqualified from being appointed as the Auditors of the Company. DIRECTORS Dr Basudeb Sen and Mr Chinubhai R Shah, Non Executive Directors resigned from their office w.e.f. 18th March 2014 and 2 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Directors’ Report (Contd.) Audit Branch of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India are given below AUDITORS' REPORT The Directors refer to the auditors' observation in the Auditors' Report and as required under Section 217(3) of the Companies Act, 1956, provide their explanation as under: i. . ii. In respect of auditors' observation in standalone financial statements regarding default in payment of interest and repayment of dues to financial institutions, banks and NCD holders as per para (xi) of Annexure to Auditors Report : Due to the continued slowdown in the domestic and global market, the operations of the company were severely impacted. The Company ended the financial year with a high operating loss mainly due to lower price realization, diminution in the value of stocks, and unusual diminutions in the value of rupees as against the US dollar. Due to above, the company was unable to meet its interest and principal liabilities under the various credit facilities from financial institutions, banks and NCD holders in time. Consequently, the Company's debts were restructured under the Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Forum. The company is also taking various steps to reduce costs and improve efficiencies to make its operations profitable. a) Name & address of the Cost Auditor – M/s. B Mondal & Associates 61/H/15, Raja Naba Krishna Street, Kolkata - 700 005. b) Name and membership no of the partner of the firm – Mr Baidyanath Mondal, Membership no - 11681. c) Due date of filing and actual date of filing of the cost audit report for the year 2012-13 Due date of filing :- 30.09.2013 Actual date of filing :- 31.03.2014 PUBLIC DEPOSITS The Company has not accepted or renewed any Public Deposits, as defined under Section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956, during the year under review. PARTICULARS OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO In respect of auditors' observation in standalone financial statements regarding delay in depositing statutory dues, as per para (ix) of Annexure to Auditors Report, with the appropriate authorities : The information on Particulars of conservation of energy, technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings and outgo as required under Section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956, read with the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of the Board of Directors) Rules, 1988 are annexed and forms a part of Annual Report. It is clarified that the delay arose on account of mismatch in cash flow/liquidity issues due to prevailing uncertain economic environment that adversely impacted operating conditions as stated above. PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES iii. In respect of auditors' Qualifications in consolidated financial statements regarding considering Financial Statements of erstwhile five Australian Subsidiaries, which were more than six months old on the date on which these five companies ceased to be subsidiaries of the company and in respect of remaining four erstwhile Australian Subsidiaries, the Management Approved Accounts as on the date on cessation of Subsidiaries has been considered : There was no employee during the year under review , who was in receipt of remuneration of more than Rs. 5,00,000/- per month if appointed for a part of the year or Rs. 60,00,000/- per annum, if appointed for whole year. Therefore, the particulars of employees as required under Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975 as amended, are not applicable. Due to acquisition of majority stake in the Australian mining Company Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Ltd (GNCCL) by the Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. (Jindal Group) in November 2013, the said mining Company along with its Australian subsidiaries company ceased to be subsidiaries of the Company from that date. The New Management of GNCCL has not complied with the company's request for providing Audited Financial Statement of the erstwhile Australian Subsidiaries for the relevant period. Hence for the purposes of deconsolidation of these subsidiaries the company has considered latest available Audited Consolidate Financial Statement as on 31st March, 2013 of these companies. PERSONNEL / INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Company maintained cordial and harmonious relations at all levels at the offices and plants of the Company and its subsidiaries throughout the year under review. APPRECIATION We wish to acknowledge the understanding, support and services of our workers, staff and executives which has largely contributed to efficient operations and management of the Company during the year under review. We also take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude to all our customers, dealers, suppliers, bankers, government officials and all other business associates for their continuous guidance and support to the Company and their continued confidence in its management. We also take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our shareholders and debenture holders for the confidence and faith in our company. As far as other erstwhile Australian Subsidiaries are concerned, the Management Approved Accounts were made available to the company on the date it ceased to be subsidiaries of the company, as Audit of these companies were not mandatory as per rules and regulation of that country. COST AUDIT The Company had reappointed M/s B Mondal & Co., Practicing Cost Accountants as Cost Auditor under the provisions of Section 233B of the Companies Act, 1956, to audit the cost records of its steel and metcoke plant(s) for the financial year 2013-14. For and on behalf of the Board Place : Wollongong Dated : 14th August, 2014 The particulars of cost auditor/cost audit report etc. as required by General Circular no 15/2011 dated 11th April 2011 issued by Cost 3 Arun Kumar Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Annexure To The Directors’ Report Information as required under section 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Disclosure of Particulars in the Report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988 A. (d) Total energy consumption and energy consumption per unit of Production: As per Form-A annexed CONSERVATION OF ENERGY B. (a) Efforts made in technology absorption: (a) Energy Conservation measures taken: As per Form-B annexed. The Company continued to give major emphasis for conservation of energy, and the measures taken in the previous year were continued. The efficiency of Energy Utilization at each plant is monitored at the Corporate level every quarter, in order to achieve effective conservation of energy. The significant Energy conservation measured during the year were as follows l Use of Energy Efficient Lighting systems like low wattage sodium vapour lamps and CFL in place of high power mercury vapour lamps and fluorescent tube lights. l Use of transparent roof sheets wherever possible to make use of natural lighting to avoid power lights in day time. l C. Use of power capacitors to improve the Power factor. l Creating awareness among employees about the necessity of energy conservation by celebrating energy conservation week. FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO (a) Activities relating to export, initiative taken to increase exports; development of new export markets for products and services; and export plans: No export during the year under review as compared to Rs 163.34 crores in the previous year. Due to long drawn recession in the global market and lack of demand of met coke, no export was there, however, efforts are being made to explore the possibilities of export. (b) Total foreign exchange used and earned (Amount) : (Rs. in crores) Current Year Previous Year Switching off machines / equipment immediately after use and fixing of timers to avoid over usage of water pumps. l TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION Total Foreign exchange earning 301.92 190.67 Total Foreign exchange outgo 149.25 1034.66 FORM-A Disclosure of particulars with respect to Conservation of Energy for the year ended 31st March, 2014 A. The Company continued to generate power through wind mills having a capacity of 87.5 MW during the year under review. POWER AND FUEL CONSUMPTION 1 Current Year Previous Year 368.89 682.07 14.85 16.84 4.03 2.47 Electricity a) Purchased (b) Additional investments and proposals, if any, being implemented for reduction of consumption of energy: - Units (kwh in Lacs)* - Total Amount (in crores)** - Rate (Rs./ Unit) The Company is at advance stage of completion of its co-generation power plant having aggregate capacity of 30 MW at its plant in the States of Karnataka. Such captive generation of power through co-generation power plant will reduce use of power acquired from external agencies. Apart from this, the Company has also installed energy efficient equipment wherever required. b) Own Generation Through Diesel Generator - Units (kwh In Lacs) 12.11 3.05 - Units per ltr. of Diesel Oil 11.59 3.19 4.95 14.66 - Cost (Rs./ Unit) 2. Coal (c) Impact of above measures at (a) and (b) above for reduction of energy consumption and consequent impact on the cost of production of goods: - Quantity (MT) Nil Nil - Total Cost (Rs. in crores) Nil Nil - Average Rate (Rs./ MT) Nil Nil 81.94 2360.15 0.42 8.91 - Average Rate (Rs./ K.Ltr.) 51366.53 37732.43 3. Furnace Oil The generation of power through alternate means such as wind mills provides power to the company at a rate lower than the market rates for purchasing power from power generating companies and thereby reducing the cost of production. - Quantity (K. Ltrs.) - Total Cost (Rs. in crores) 4. Others/Internal Generation 4 Nil Nil GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Annexure To The Directors’ Report (Contd.) B. CONSUMPTION PER UNIT OF PRODUCTION (MT) Coke Electricity (Kwh) Rolled & Alloy Steel Products Electricity (kwh) Coal (MT) Furnace Oil (K. Ltrs.) * ** TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION, ADAPTATION AND INNOVATION Current Year Previous Year 1. EFFORTS MADE : Efforts are being made towards improvements in the existing production process through indigenous methods. 24.70 18.82 2. BENEFITS : 1085.14 NIL 0.002 1091.3 NIL 0.03 3. includes units through wind turbine generators. represents cost of Electricity purchased after adjusting generation through wind turbine generators. FORM - B Form for disclosure of particulars with respect to technology absorption RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D) 1. SPECIFIC AREAS IN WHICH R&D CARRIED OUT BY THE COMPANY 2. BENEFITS DERIVED 3. FUTURE PLAN OF ACTION 4. EXPENDITURE ON R&D: (Rs. in Lacs) (a) Capital (b) Recurring (c) Total (d) Total R&D Expenditure as a Percentage of total turnover a) Improved quality and productivity. b) Conservation of fuel & reduced emissions. PARTICULARS OF TECHNOLOGY IMPORTED DURING LAST 5 YEARS: (a) Technology imported : NIL (b) Year of import : N.A. (c) : N.A. Has technology been fully absorbed (d) If not fully absorbed, areas where this has not taken place, reasons therefore and future plan of action : N.A. : None : Not Applicable. : None : NIL : NIL : NIL For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Place : Wollongong Dated : 14th August, 2014 : N.A. 5 Arun Kumar Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director 6 Options Exercised during the year Total number of shares arising as a result of exercise of options Options lapsed/forfeited during the year Variation of terms of options upto March 31, 2014 Money realized by exercise of options during the year 6 7 8 9 Pricing Formula 3 5 Options Granted during the year 2 Options Vested (as on March 31, 2014) Total number of options under the Plan 1 4 Particulars Sr Nil Nil 1,92,400 Options (Options lapsed till Prev. Year - 10,33,200) Not Applicable Not yet Exercised 3,12,200 Options (these options are also entitled to receive 31,220 “B” Equity Shares as bonus shares). Options were granted on 02.06.2007 at the closing market price of the shares of the Company on NSE on the day immediately preceding the date of grant of the options i.e. Rs.60.20 per share. Price of all options under the Scheme was adjusted to Rs.43 per share on account of bonus issue in 2008. All options were re-priced at Rs.18.05 per share as per Note given below. Consequent upon a further bonus issue of “B” Equity Shares in 2010, the price was not adjusted but 27,77,600 options outstanding at that time were entitled to receive 2,77,760 “B” Equity Shares as bonus shares free of cost in the ratio of 1 “B” Equity Share upon conversion of every 10 options into 10 equity shares. Nil 33,90,800 Options (includes 27,77,600 options also entitled to receive 2,77,760 “B” Equity Shares as bonus shares) (options issued initially - 25,06,000 plus bonus options issued - 8,84,800) GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 1st Tranche Nil Nil 10,600 Options (Options lapsed till Prev. Year 1,57,800) Nil (till Previous year - 1,49,000 Equity Shares & 14,900 “B” Equity Shares). Nil (Options exercised till Previous year - 1,49,000). 3,25,800 Options (these options are also entitled to receive 32,580 “B” Equity Shares as bonus shares). Options were granted on 19.01.2008 at Rs.120 per share at a discount to the market price on a day immediately preceding the date of grant of options to make it lucrative to the employees. Price of all options under the Scheme was adjusted to Rs.85.72 per share on account of bonus issue in 2008. All options were re-priced at Rs.18.05 per share as per Note given below. Consequent upon a further bonus issue of “B” Equity Shares in 2010, the price was not adjusted but 3,65,400 options outstanding at that time were entitled to receive 36,540 “B” Equity Shares as bonus shares free of cost in the ratio of 1 ”B” Equity Share upon conversion of 10 options into 10 equity shares. Nil 4,26,600 Options (includes 3,65,400 options also entitled to receive 36,540 “B” Equity Shares as bonus shares) (Options issued initially - 3,09,000 plus bonus options issued - 1,17,600) GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 2nd Tranche Nil Nil 2,25,000 Options (Options lapsed till previous year - 4,98,000 Options) Not applicable Not applicable 8,30,000 Options Options were granted on 9.7.2010 at the closing market price of the shares of the Company on NSE on the day immediately preceding the date of grant of options i.e. Rs.63.05 per share. Nil 32,14,000 Options GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 3rd Tranche Nil Nil 2,57,250 Options (Options lapsed till previous year - 5,30,000 Options) Not applicable Not applicable Nil Options were granted on 30.9.2011 at the closing market price of the shares of the Company on NSE on the day immediately preceding the date of grant of options i.e. Rs.24.30 per share. Nil 35,60,000 Options GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 4th Tranche Disclosure in compliance with Clause 12 of the SEBI (Employees Stock Option Scheme and Employees Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999 are given below GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Annexure forming part of the Directors’ Report Particulars 7 Nil Nil Nil List given below. Options to Directors given in Corporate Governance Report Nil 24,91,000 Options GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 3rd Tranche Not Applicable 14 Weighted average exercise prices and weighted average fair values of options shall be disclosed separately for options whose exercise price either equals or exceeds or is less than the market price of the stock on the grant date. Not Applicable The Company has calculated Employee Compensation Costs on the basis of Intrinsic Value Method and has amortized Rs. (5,68,676.01) for the year ended 31st March, 2014 in respect of 1st & 2nd Tranches of ESOP 2007 Scheme. However, had the company followed Fair Value Method for calculating Employee Compensation Costs, such costs for the year would have been lower by Rs. 10,56,011.55 and the Profit/(Loss) after tax would have been higher by the like amount and its impact on Basic as well as Diluted EPS would have been negligible. Not Applicable Not Applicable No options were exercised during the year. Nil List given below. Options given to Directors – Nil 1,09,800 Options ( these options are also entitled to receive 10,980 ”B” Equity Shares as bonus shares). GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 2nd Tranche List given below. Options to Directors given in Corporate Governance Report Nil 21,65,200 Options ( these options are also entitled to receive 2,16,520 “B” Equity Shares as bonus shares). GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 1st Tranche 13 Where the Company has calculated the employee compensation cost using the intrinsic value of the stock options, the difference between the employee compensation cost so computed and the employee compensation cost that shall have been recognized if it had used the fair value of the options. The impact of this difference on profits and on EPS of the Company. 12 Diluted Earnings Per Share (EPS) pursuant to issue of shares on the exercise of option calculated in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS) 20 Employees holding 5% or more of the total number of options granted during the year iii) Identified employees who were granted option, during any one year, equal to or exceeding 1% of the issued capital (excluding outstanding warrants and conversions) of the Company at the time of grant. ii) 11 Employee wise details of options granted to: i) Senior Managerial Personnel 10 Total number of options in force at the end of the year Sr Not Applicable Not Applicable Nil List given below. Options to Directors given in Corporate Governance Report Nil 27,72,750 Options GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 4th Tranche GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Annexure forming part of the Directors’ Report (Contd.) Particulars The fair value of options is estimated using Black Scholes Option Pricing Model after applying the following key assumptions i) Risk free interest rate 6.23% ii) expected life - 10 Years iii) expected volatility 84% iv) expected dividends - 3% v) the price of the underlying share in market at the time of option/grant - the market price (i.e. closing price at NSE) on the day immediately preceding the day of grant i.e. Rs.60.20 per share. GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 1st Tranche The fair value of options is estimated using Black Scholes Option Pricing Model after applying the following key assumptions i) Risk free interest rate 6.23% ii) expected life - 10 Years iii) expected volatility 84% iv) expected dividends - 3% v) the price of the underlying share in market at the time of option/grant - the market price (i.e. closing price at NSE) on the day immediately preceding the day of grant i.e. Rs.139.15 per share. GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 2nd Tranche The fair value of options is estimated using Black Scholes Option Pricing Model after applying the following key assumptions i) Risk free interest rate 8.0907% ii) expected life - 10 Years iii) expected volatility 85% iv) expected dividends - 2% v) the price of the underlying share in market at the time of option/grant - the market price (i.e. closing price at NSE) on the day immediately preceding the day of grant i.e. Rs.63.05 per share. GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 3rd Tranche The fair value of options is estimated using Black Scholes Option Pricing Model after applying the following key assumptions i) Risk free interest rate 8.33%. ii) expected life 10 Years iii) expected volatility 85% iv) expected dividends 3.2% v) the price of the underlying share in market at the time of option/grant - the market price (i.e. closing price at NSE) on the day immediately preceding the day of grant i.e. Rs.24.30 per share. GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 4th Tranche Name of the Senior Managerial Personnel Mr. P. R. Kannan Mr. P. K. Agrawal Mr S. K. Maskara Mr. D. R. Sabherwal Mr. B. N. Tiwari Mr R K Agarwal Mr. M. K. Shah Sr 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 29,400 – 29,400 42,000 – 42,000 42,000 2,940 – 2,940 4,200 – 4,200 4,200 – – – – 42,000 – – – – – – 4,200 – – “B” Equity Shares Equity Shares Equity Shares “B” Equity Shares Options granted under GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 2nd Tranche Options granted under GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 1st Tranche 21,000 21,000 21,000 24,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 Equity Shares Options granted under GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 3rd Tranche List of employee wise details of Options Granted to Senior Managerial Personnel and outstanding as on 31.3.2014 18,000 18,000 18,000 21,000 25,500 25,500 25,500 Equity Shares Options granted under GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 4th Tranche NB The shareholders through postal ballot as per its results declared on 2nd May, 2009 have approved re-pricing of all options issued under GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007- 1st Tranche and 2nd Tranche at Rs.18.05 per option. 15 A description of the method and significant assumptions used during the year to estimate the fair values of options, including the weighted average information. Sr GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Annexure forming part of the Directors’ Report (Contd.) GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance 1. social responsibility, which in turn is the basis of public confidence in corporate system. Philosophy on Corporate Governance: At Gujarat NRE, Corporate Governance gets high priority. The company believes that good Corporate Governance strengthens the investors' trust and ensures a long term partnership which helps in achieving Company's objectives. The Company's philosophy on Corporate Governance lays strong emphasis on transparency, accountability and integrity. This philosophy is manifested in its operations through exemplary standards of ethical behavior. A Report in line with the requirement of clause 49 of listing agreement with Stock Exchange for the year ended 31st March, 2014 is given below. 2. Composition, Category & Independence etc. The Board of Directors of the Company represents an appropriate mix of executive and Non-executive Directors. The Board consists of seven members - (1) One Executive, NonIndependent Director, (2) Two Non-Executive, NonIndependent Directors and (3) Four Non-Executive, Independent Directors. Gujarat NRE Coke is committed to good Corporate Governance by creating an environment based on entrepreneurship, professionalism and pursuit for excellence. The company's corporate governance is based on two core principles: ● Management must have executive freedom to drive the enterprise forward without undue restraints; and ● This freedom of management must be exercised within a framework of effective accountability. Board of Directors: All the Independent Directors satisfies the criteria of independence as provided in the Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. All the Non-Executive Directors are eminent professionals and bring their professional expertise and experience to the management of the Company. The Chairman & Managing Director has been appointed by the shareholders on terms and conditions including remuneration as per the recommendation of the Board of Directors. The Non-Executive Directors are appointed or reappointed with the approval of the shareholders. The above belief and core principles of Corporate Governance adopted by Gujarat NRE Coke leads the company's governance philosophy, trusteeship, transparency, independence, fairness, accountability and The following Table indicates the composition of Board of Directors of the Company and the number of other Boards and Board committees served by them as member(s)/chairman as on 31st March 2014: Name of the Director Category No. of other Directorships* No. of other Board Committee** position as Member Chairman Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka, Chairman & Managing Director Promoter Executive 8 3 – Mrs. Mona Jagatramka Promoter Non-Executive 6 – – Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka Independent Non Executive - - - Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal Independent Non Executive 1 1 - Mr. Murari Sananguly Independent Non Executive - - - Mr Sisir Kumar Mukherjee (appointed w.e.f. 18.3.2014) Independent Non Executive 1 1 2 Mr. C Narasimhan (appointed w.e.f. 8.8.2013) Non- Independent Non Executive 1 - - * Directorship in Foreign Companies, Private Limited Companies and Companies covered under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 have not been considered. ** Only the positions held in Committees, such as audit and shareholders' grievance committee in Indian Public Limited Companies have been considered. Meetings and Attendance Record of Directors. The Board meets on a regular basis to ensure overall focus on preserving and increasing stakeholders' value. This includes review of Company strategy and performance, management oversight, ethical business practices and legal compliance, accounting and financial controls, financial structure, preservation of assets and Board effectiveness. The required information as enumerated in Annexure IA of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement is made available to the Board of Directors for discussion and consideration at the Board Meeting. The Chairman & Managing Director keeps the Board apprised of the overall operations & performance of the Company and about the market of the products of the Company. During the year ended March 31, 2014, 7 (Seven) Board Meetings were held on 29 April, 2013, 26 May 2013, 11 August 2013, 30 September 2013, 9 November 2013, 8 February 2014, 18 March 2014. The time gap between any two consecutive board meetings did not exceed four months. The last AGM was held on 30 September, 2013. 9 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance (Contd.) The following Table indicates the attendance of each Director at Board Meetings and at the last Annual General Meeting (AGM) Name of the Directors No. of Board Meetings held No. of Board Meetings Attended * Attendance at last AGM held on 30.9.2013 Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka 7 7 Yes Mrs. Mona Jagatramka 7 6 Yes Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal 7 0 No Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka 7 7 Yes Yes Mr. Murari Sananguly 7 5 Mr. C. Narasimhan (appointed w.e.f. 8.8.2013) 5 3 No Mr Sisir Kumar Mukherjee (appointed w.e.f. 18.3.2014) 0 0 N.A. Dr Basudeb Sen (ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 18.3.2014) 7 6 Yes Mr Chinubhai R Shah (ceased to be a Director w.e.f. 18.3.2014) 7 7 Yes (* Includes participation through tele-conference/video-conference) 3. 3) To review with the management, the financial statements before submission to the Board, focusing primarily on Directors Responsibility Statement which forms part of the Directors Report, accounting policies, compliance with accounting standards, compliance with Stock Exchanges and legal requirements and any related party transactions etc. Code of Conduct The Company's Board has laid down a Code of Conduct for all Board members and senior management personnel for avoidance of conflict of interest. This Code inter alia requires the Board members and senior management personnel to comply with the Code of Conduct for Insider Trading as laid down by Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The Company has received necessary confirmations affirming compliance of the Code from all of them during the year 1.4.2013 to 31.3.2014. A declaration to this effect, duly signed by the Chairman & Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, is given in CEO & CFO's Certificate as annexed hereto and forms a part of this Report. 4. 4) To review with the management, external and internal auditors, the adequacy of internal control systems. 5) To discuss with the Auditors on the scope and nature of Audit and also to have Post Audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern. Board Committees: 6) To review the Company's financial and risk management policies. To focus effectively on the issues and ensure expedient decision making/resolution of diverse matters, the Board has constituted various Committees with specific terms of reference/ scope. The Committees operate as empowered agents of the Board as per their Charter/terms of reference. 7) To review the financial statements of unlisted subsidiary company, in particular, the investment made if any, and all significant transactions entered into by the subsidiary company. As on 31st March 2104, there are 5 (five) Committees of the Board namely Audit Committee, Share Transfer Committee, Shareholders/Investors' Grievance Committee, Remuneration/Compensation Committee and Management Committee. The scope of the said Committees and its memberships etc. are as follows: 8) To review the minutes of the Board meetings of the unlisted subsidiary company along with a statement of significant transactions and arrangements it has entered into, if any. 9) To review the statement of material related party transactions. (a) Audit Committee i) 10)To undertake such other matters as may be delegated by the Board from time to time. Terms of Reference. The primary objective of the committee is to monitor and provide effective supervision of the Management's financial reporting process to ensure accurate and timely disclosures, with the highest levels of transparency, integrity and quality of financial reporting. The terms of reference of the Audit Committee are in conformity with the requirements of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement and Section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956. These broadly cover the following: ii) Composition The composition of the Audit Committee as on 31st March 2014 is as follows: Mr. Sisir Kumar Mukherjee - Committee Chairman Mr. Murari Sananguly - Director Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka - Director All the members of the Committee are Non-Executive Directors. Mr. Sisir Kumar Mukherjee, an Independent Director is a Bachelor of Commerce and a Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers, Mumbai. Dr Mahendra Kumar Loyalka and Mr Murari Sananguly are other Directors possessing extensive experience in the respective fields of accounting, taxation, business policies and management. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to this Committee. 1) To oversee the Company's financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statements are correct, sufficient and credible. 2) To review and recommend to the Board the appointment, re-appointment and if required removal of statutory auditors. 10 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance (Contd.) iii) The Committee looks into the redressal of shareholders' and investors' complaints like transfer of shares, non-receipt of Annual Reports & Accounts, non-receipt of dividends, nonreceipt of duplicate share certificates etc. The Committee met 4 times during the year under review and the attendance of the committee members in these meetings were as follows: Meetings and Attendance The Audit Committee met four times during the year under review on 26 May, 2013, 11 August, 2013, 9 November 2013 and 8 February, 2014. The attendance of the committee members in these meetings were as follows. Name(s) Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka Mr Murari Sananguly Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal Dr. Basudeb Sen Mr. Chinubhai R Shah Held 04 04 04 04 04 Name(s) Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka Dr Basudeb Sen Attended* 04 03 00 04 04 Mr. Sisir Kumar Mukherjee was appointed on 18 March, 2014 and no Audit Committee meeting was held in his tenure upto 31 March 2014. Dr. Basudeb Sen, Mr. Chinubhai R Shah and Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal ceased to be committee members on 18 March, 2014. The Statutory Auditors of the Company are invited to attend audit committee meeting whenever required. Chairman & Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Commercial Officer, Vice President, Internal Auditor and other senior executives are also invited to attend and deliberate in the Audit Committee meetings. (d) Share Transfer Committee The Committee consists of the following members: Mr Arun Kumar Jagatramka, CMD, Committee Chairman Mr Subodh Kumar Agrawal, Director Dr Mahendra Kumar Loyalka, Director Mr Sisir Kumar Mukherjee, Director Mr Pawan Kumar Agrawal, Chief Commercial Officer The Committee meets at regular intervals to consider and approve transfers, transmission and issue of duplicate share certificates. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to this Committee. During the year under review, 8 meetings were held and the attendance of the committee members in these meetings were as follows: Name(s) Mr Aurn Kumar Jagtramka Mr Subodh Kumar Agrawal Dr Mahendra Kumar Loyalka Mr Pawan Kumar Agrawal Dr Basudeb Sen Mr Sisir Kumar Mukherjee Held 01 08 08 08 08 01 The terms of reference of this Committee is to consider and recommend to the Board remuneration payable to managerial personnel including Chairman & Managing Director upon examining a) employment scenario, b) remuneration package, c) individual performance track record and d) the provisions relating to payment of managerial remuneration prescribed under the Companies Act, 1956 and/or rules framed under the said Act. The Company is committed to make full disclosures regarding its payment to all directors. Apart from sitting fees for attending Board and Committee meetings and commissions the Company did not pay any other remuneration to the nonexecutive directors during the year under review. The details of remuneration paid by the Company to its Executive and Non-executive Directors during the year under review are given below. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to this Committee. The attendance at the meeting of the Committee during the year under review is as follows: Attended* 01 02 08 06 05 01 Name(s) Dr Mahendra Kumar Loyalka Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal Mr Aurn Kumar Jagtramka and Mr. Sisir Kumar Mukherjee were appointed on 18 March, 2014 and Dr. Basudeb Sen ceased to be member on 18 March, 2014. (i) Mr Arun Kumar Jagatramka and Mr. Sisir Kumar Mukherjee were appointed on 18 March 2014 and no meeting was held during their tenure upto 31 March, 2014. Dr. Basudeb Sen ceased to be Director and Committee Member on 18 March, 2014. Mr. Manoj K Shah, Company Secretary has been designated as the Compliance Officer by the Board and assigned with the responsibilities of overseeing shareholders'/investors' grievances under the supervision of the Committee. He also acts as the Secretary to this Committee. There were no complaints which remained pending at the beginning of the year and out of 60 complaints received during the year all complaints were redressed and no complaint was pending as on 31st March, 2014. Remuneration/Compensation Committee. The Committee consists of following members: Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka, Committee Chairman Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka, Chairman & Managing Director Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal, Director Mr. Sisir Kumar Mukherjee, Director Mr. Murari Sananguly, Director (* Includes participation through tele-conference/video-conference). (c) Attended* 1 4 4 (* Includes participation through tele-conference/video-conference) (* Includes participation through tele-conference/video-conference) (b) Held 4 4 4 Mr Arun Kumar Jagatramka Mr. Murari Sananguly Shareholders'/Investors' Grievance Committee The Committee consists of the following members: Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka, CMD, Committee Chairman Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal, Director Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka, Director Mr. Sisir Kumar Mukherjee, Director Dr Basudeb Sen Held 01 01 01 01 01 Attended* 01 00 01 01 01 (* Includes participation through tele-conference/video-conference) Mr. Sisir Kumar Mukherjee was appointed on 18 March, 2014 and no such meeting was held during his tenure upto 31 March, 2014 and Dr. Basudeb Sen ceased to be Director and Committee Member on 18 March, 2014. Payments made to the Chairman and Managing Director & Whole time Director during the year under review are given in the following Table : Name of the Directors Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka Salary Perquisite Commission Total (Rs.) Contribution to PF (Rs.) (Rs.) Service Contract/ Notice Period/ Severance Fees (Rs.) (Rs.) 12,00,000 10,10,172 0 1,44,000 23,54,172 As per Service Contract NB – The remuneration paid to Mr Arun Kumar Jagatramka during the year 2013-14 was in accordance with the provisions of Schedule XIII of the Companies Act 1956. 11 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance (Contd.) (ii) Details of sitting fees paid to the non-executive Directors for the year ended 31 March 2014 along with shares/convertible instruments held by them are given in the following Table: Name of the Director Equity Shares & “B” Equity Shares held Sitting Fees Paid * (Rs.) Commission Paid (Rs.) Service Contract/ Notice Period/ Severance Fees Mrs. Mona Jagatramka 58,55,007 Equity Shares & 5,85,500 “B” Equity Shares 1,22,472 Nil Retire by Rotation Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal 35,000 Equity Shares & 3,500 “B” Equity Shares 10,000 Nil Retire by Rotation Mr. Chinubhai R Shah (ceased to be Director from 18.3.2014) (Resigned w.e.f. 18.3.2014) 2,22,472 Nil Retire by Rotation Dr. Basudeb Sen (ceased to be Director from 18.3.2014) (Resigned w.e.f. 18.3.2014) 3,04,944 Nil Retire by Rotation Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka 35,000 Equity Shares & 3,500 “B” Equity Shares 4,63,540 Nil Retire by Rotation Mr. Murari Sananguly Nil 1,72,472 Nil Retire by Rotation Mr C. Narasimhan (appointed w.e.f. 8.8.2013) Nil 60,000 Nil Director by nomination Mr Sisir Kumar Mukherjee (appointed w.e.f. 18.3.2014) 1,000 Equity Shares 33,708 Nil Retire by Rotation (* includes sitting fees paid for attending any committee meeting.) NB – Non-executives Directors held convertible instrument viz. ESOP issued by the Company as per details given below. (iii) Details of Outstanding Stock Options held by Directors, if any, as on 31st March 2014 and whether issued at a discount as well as the period over which accrued and over which exercisable are given in the following Tables : A) Under GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 –1st tranche – Name of the Director Options Outstanding as on 31.3.2014 Whether issued at a discount Period over which Accrued Period over which exercisable Mr Subodh Kumar Agrawal 70,000 No On or After 1.6.2022 1.6.2022 to 31.5.2025 Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka 70,000 No On or after 1.6.2013 1.6.2013 to 31.5.2016 Mr. Murari Sananguly 70,000 No - do - - do - NB – The abovementioned options were re-priced and are convertible at the rate of Rs.18.05 per share as already stated in an Annexure to the Directors Report i.e. Disclosure on ESOP. B) Under GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 3rd tranche - Name of the Director Mr Subodh Kumar Agrawal Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka Mr. Murari Sananguly Options Outstanding as on 31.3.2014 Whether issued at a discount Period over which Accrued Period over which exercisable 9.7.13 - 8.7.16 20,000 No On or after 9.7.2013 20,000 No On or after 9.7.2014 9.7.14 8.7.17 20,000 No On or after 9.7.2015 9.7.15 8.7.18 20,000 No On or after 9.7.2013 9.7.13 - 8.7.16 20,000 No On or after 9.7.2014 9.7.14 8.7.17 20,000 No On or after 9.7.2015 9.7.15 8.7.18 9.7.13 - 8.7.16 20,000 No On or after 9.7.2013 20,000 No On or after 9.7.2014 9.7.14 8.7.17 20,000 No On or after 9.7.2015 9.7.15 8.7.18 12 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance (Contd.) C) Under GNCL Employee Stock Option Scheme, 2007 – 4th tranche Name of the Director Mr Subodh Kumar Agrawal Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka Mr. Murari Sananguly Options Outstanding as on 31.3.2014 Whether issued at a discount Period over which Accrued Period over which exercisable 15,000 No On or after 30.09.2014 30.09.2014 - 29.09.2017 15,000 No On or after 30.09.2015 30.09.2015 - 29.09.2018 15,000 No On or after 30.09.2016 30.09.2016 - 29.09.2019 15,000 No On or after 30.09.2014 30.09.2014 - 29.09.2017 15,000 No On or after 30.09.2015 30.09.2015 - 29.09.2018 15,000 No On or after 30.09.2016 30.09.2016 - 29.09.2019 15,000 No On or after 30.09.2014 30.09.2014 - 29.09.2017 15,000 No On or after 30.09.2015 30.09.2015 - 29.09.2018 15,000 No On or after 30.09.2016 30.09.2016 - 29.09.2019 and any other matter of routine nature etc. subject to guidelines and supervision of the Board. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to this Committee. The committee met 19 times during the year under review. The attendance of the Committee members at the Management Committee meetings during the year under review were as follows: (e) Management Committee Management Committee consists of the following members: i. Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka, CMD, Committee Chairman ii. Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka, Director iii. Mr Sisir Kumar Mukherjee, Director (appointed w.e.f. 18.3.2014) Name(s) iv. Mr. P. R. Kannan, Chief Financial Officer v. Mr. Pawan Kumar Agrawal, Chief Commercial Officer The term of reference of the committee comprises of matters such as allotment of shares on conversion of FCCBs/ Warrants/ESOP etc., to borrow other than by issue of Debenture(s), to give Loan(s)/ Advance(s) as well as to invest funds of the company, to issue securities and/or to provide guarantee(s) on the basis of limits prescribed by the Board, opening and closure of bank accounts, filing of forms 5. Held Attended* Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka 19 19 Mr. Subodh Kumar Agrawal 19 9 Dr. Mahendra Kumar Loyalka 19 19 Mr Sisir Kumar Mukherjee 04 04 Mr. P. R. Kannan 19 18 Mr. Pawan Kumar Agrawal 19 19 (* Includes participation through tele-conference/video-conference) General Body Meetings: a) The details of last 3 Annual General Meetings : Year Meeting Location Date Time Special Resolution, if any 2012-13 26th AGM Kala Mandir, 48, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700 017 30.09.2013 10.00 A.M. Yes 2011-12 25th AGM Kala Mandir, 48, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700 017 28.09.2012 11.30 A.M. No 2010-11 24th AGM Kala Mandir, 48, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700 017 30.09.2011 11.30 A.M. Yes 13 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance (Contd.) b) Postal Ballot: One Postal Ballots was held by the company during the financial year ended 31st March 2014 as per following details (I) Two Special Resolution(s) were passed by the members through Postal Ballot as per results declared on 17th June 2013. The Results are given below – i) To make investment/loan and/or give guarantee/security in excess of limits under Section 372A of Companies Act, 1956 – Promoter/Public No. of shares held No. of votes polled (1) (2) Promoter and Promoter Group 312943136 Public - Institutional holders 18200784 Public-Others Total ii) % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares (3) = [(2)/(1)]*100 No. of Votes in favour No. of Votes against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled (4) (5) (6) = [(4)/(2)]*100 (7) = [(5)/(2)]*100 289082680 92.38 289082680 0 100.00 0.00 18200784 100 5047491 13153293 27.73 72.27 653787 485046 74.19 322734 162312 66.54 33.46 331797707 307768510 92.76 294452905 13315605 95.67 4.33 Issuance of Securities (including Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds) for an amount not exceeding USD 150 million or INR 750 crores, whichever is higher Promoter/Public No. of shares held No. of votes polled (1) (2) Promoter and Promoter Group 312943136 Public - Institutional holders Public-Others Total % of Votes Polled on outstanding shares (3) = [(2)/(1)]*100 No. of Votes in favour No. of Votes against % of Votes in favour on votes polled % of Votes against on votes polled (4) (5) (6) = [(4)/(2)]*100 (7) = [(5)/(2)]*100 289082680 92.38 289082680 0 100.00 0.00 18200784 18200784 100.00 5047491 13153293 27.73 72.27 653787 471901 72.18 358417 113484 75.95 24.05 331797707 307755365 92.75 294488588 13266777 95.69 4.31 NB - No of shares held includes “B” Equity Shares carrying lower voting rights in respect of both the aforesaid resolutions. 6. resources of Subsidiaries/Associates. All related party transactions are negotiated at arms length basis and in the interest of the Company. Subsidiaries: As on 31st March 2014, the Company had two Subsidiaries i.e. Manor Dealcom Pvt. Ltd and Huntervalley Coal Pvt. Ltd. The Company is adequately represented on the Board of Subsidiaries. The financial performance of the Subsidiaries is discussed by the Board at its meeting and the details of investment made by and minutes of the unlisted subsidiaries are also reviewed by the Company's Board. 7. b) Details of Compliance - The Company is regular in complying with the requirements of the regulatory authorities on the matters relating to the Capital market and no penalties/strictures have been imposed on the Company by Stock Exchange or SEBI or any regulatory authority, during last three years. c) Whistle Blower Policy The Company has a Whistle Blower Policy and appropriate mechanism in place. Employees can directly report to the top most management (including Chairman & Managing Director and/or the members of the Board/Audit Committee) any concerns about any unethical behavior, actual or suspected fraud or violation of the Company's Code of Conduct or Ethics Policy. Management on its turn is responsible for establishing a fearless atmosphere where reporting employee doesn't fear being harassed, demoted or retaliated or threatened in any way and simultaneously receiving, investigating and acting upon complaints and concerns regarding actual/ possible violation of Code of Conduct or an event that could affect the business and/or reputation of the Company and/or Disclosures: a) Materially significant Related Party Transactions - The Company has not entered into any transactions of material nature, with its promoters, Directors or the Management, its Subsidiaries or with Director's relatives, etc. that may have potential conflict with its interest at large, other than those in the normal course of business. The transactions undertaken during the year have been disclosed in Note No. 33 of Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2014. The Company's major related party transactions are generally with its Subsidiaries and Group Associates. The related party transactions are entered into based on consideration of various business exigencies, synergy in operations, and optimization of market share, profitability, legal requirements, liquidity and capital 14 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance (Contd.) its Subsidiaries or its Associates. No personnel of the company have been denied access to the audit committee during the year under review. d) 8. b) c) Listing of Equity Shares on Stock Exchanges : (i) BSE Ltd. P J Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 Non-Mandatory Requirements The Company is duly complying with all the mandatory requirements of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges and it has also adopted some of the nonmandatory requirements defined therein such as formation of Remuneration Committee, adoption of best practices to ensure regime of unqualified financial statements, whistle blower policy. (ii) National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 f) Listing Fees: Annual Listing Fees for the year 2014-15 have been paid to both the Stock Exchanges. The Company has also paid the Annual Custody Fees to both the Depositories for the year 2014-15. Means of Communication: a) 9. e) The quarterly, half yearly and yearly financial results of the Company as taken on record and approved by the Board of Directors are published in leading newspapers such as Economic Times (English) in its All India editions and Ei-Somoy (Bengali) in its West Bengal edition. g) The quarterly, half yearly and yearly financial results are also sent immediately upon conclusion of the meeting approving them, to the Stock Exchange(s) on which the Company's shares are listed. h) Depositories: i) National Securities Depository Ltd. Trade World, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013. ii) Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. P J Towers, 17th Floor, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001. Stock Codes: Copies of the financial results and Annual Reports of the Company are provided to various Analysts, Government Departments, Investors and others interested in getting the same upon receipt of requests. Equity Shares : d) The Management Discussion and Analysis is annexed to the report and forms a part of this Annual Report. e) The quarterly, half yearly and yearly results, press releases and relevant presentations of the Company are displayed in the company's website: Stock Code Bombay Stock Exchange, (BSE) 512579 National Stock Exchange (NSE) GUJNRECOKE ISIN of equity shares (on both the depositories) INE110D01013 “B” Equity Shares (DVR Shares) : General Shareholders' Information: a) Annual General Meeting : Date and Time : Tuesday, 30th day of September, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. Venue : Vidya Mandir, 1, Moira Street, Kolkata – 700 017. b) Financial Year : 12 months from 1st April, 2013 to 31st March, 2014 c) Book Closure : Monday, the 18th day of Date August 2014 to Friday, 22nd day of August 2014 (Both days inclusive). d) Stock Exchange(s) Stock Exchange(s) Stock Code Bombay Stock Exchange, (BSE) 570003 National “B” Stock Exchange (NSE) GUJNREDVR ISIN of “B” equity shares (on both the depositories) IN9110D01011 Non-convertible Debentures quoted only at Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Series Non-convertible Debentures Stock Id at BSE Stock Code at BSE ISIN No. at NSDL 2nd 11.9% NCD's of Rs. 10 lac each GUJNRE07029 946074 INE110D07044 4th 12.5% NCD's of Rs. 10 lac each GNCL30MAY9A 946143 INE110D07101 6th 12.5% NCD's of Rs. 10 lac each GNCL30MAY9C 946145 INE110D07077 7th 12.5% NCD's of Rs. 10 lac each GNCL30MAY9D 946146 INE110D07085 8th 12.5% NCD's of Rs. 10 lac each GNCL30MAY9E 946147 INE110D07093 9th 11% NCD's of Rs. 10 lac each GUJNRE09039 946671 INE110D07119 1090GUJ22 948228 INE110D07127 Particulars in respect of Unclaimed dividends paid by the Company for the financial year 2006-07(Final Dividend) and thereafter is given in the following Table: Financial year Date of declaration of Dividend Last date of claiming unpaid Dividend 10th 10.9%NCD's of Rs. 10 lac each 2006-07 (Final) 28.09.2007 27.09.2014 Warrants issued under Qualified Institutional Placement ISIN no of Warrants INE110D13018 Stock Code at BSE W1-GUJNRECOKE Stock Code at NSE W1-GUJNRECOKE 2007-08 (Final) 17.09.2008 16.09.2015 2008-09 (Final) 19.09.2009 18.09.2016 2009-10 (Final) 10.09.2010 09.09.2017 2010-11(Final) 30.09.2011 29.09.2018 i) 15 Corporate Identification Number (CIN) : L51909WB1986PLC040098 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance (Contd.) Market Price Data: b) BSE High Low NSE High Low April 2013 18.30 16.55 18.35 16.55 May 2013 18.05 16.05 18.40 16.00 June 2013 16.50 12.15 16.60 12.10 July 2013 14.98 13.22 15.00 13.20 August 2013 16.00 12.91 15.95 12.90 September 2013 15.75 12.13 15.90 12.00 October 2013 13.98 12.34 14.00 12.30 November 2013 13.59 7.60 13.60 7.60 December 2013 12.35 9.97 11.80 9.90 January 2014 11.83 9.05 11.85 9.05 February 2014 9.73 8.22 9.85 8.25 March 2014 9.00 7.71 9.05 7.70 24000.00 18000.00 12000.00 6000.00 0.00 Year 2013-14 Closing Price BSE SENSEX NB – Data relating to BSE Sensex and Closing price of Company's Equity Shares & B Equity Shares has been collected from BSE Website. l) Registrar and Share Transfer Agents: M/s. Niche Technologies Private Limited, D-511, Bagri Market, 71, B. R. B. Basu Road, Kolkata-700 001 Phones: +91-33-22357270/7271 Fax: +91-33-22156823 E-Mail: “B” Equity Shares (DVR Shares) Months BSE High Low NSE High Low April 2013 9.95 7.55 9.85 8.10 May 2013 9.00 8.00 9.15 8.00 June 2013 8.85 6.70 8.75 6.30 July 2013 7.95 6.20 8.40 6.20 m) Designated Exclusive email id : The Company has designated the following email id exclusively for investor servicing : August 2013 6.95 5.03 6.95 5.50 n) September 2013 7.30 5.02 7.40 5.65 October 2013 6.40 5.30 6.15 5.35 November 2013 6.10 3.52 6.20 3.90 December 2013 6.45 4.82 6.60 4.75 January 2014 6.00 4.55 6.10 4.50 February 2014 4.80 3.50 4.85 3.45 March 2014 4.20 3.10 3.95 3.15 Warrants & NCDs There is hardly any trading in listed warrants and NCDs of the Company and therefore, its month-wise market prices are not available. Share Price Performance for Equity Shares as compared to BSE Sensex during 2013-14: 24000.00 18.00 18000.00 12.00 12000.00 6.00 6000.00 0.00 0.00 The average time taken for process of share transfer requests including dispatch of share certificates etc. is within 15 days. Physical shares received for dematerialisation are processed and computerised within a period of seven to ten days from the date of receipt, provided they are found in order in every respect. Bad deliveries are immediately returned to the respective Depository Participant under advice to the Shareholders. BSE Sensex 24.00 Ap ri M l ’ 13 ay Ju ’13 n Ju ’13 Au l’13 g Se 1’ 3 p’ O 13 ct N ’13 ov D 1’ 3 ec Ja ’13 n Fe ’14 b M ’1 4 ar ’1 4 Price per share a) Share Transfer System: All matters pertaining to share transfers are being handled by M/s. Niche Technologies Pvt Ltd., the Registrars & Share Transfer Agents (RTA) of the Company. The share transfer requests received by them are processed and a memorandum of transfer is sent to the Company for approval by the Share Transfer Committee. The company regularly monitors and supervises the functioning of the system so as to ensure that there are no delays and lapses in the system. Shares held in dematerialised form are traded electronically in the Depository. The RTA of the Company periodically receives from the Depository, the beneficial holding so as to enable them to update their records and to send all notices, corporate communications and Dividend Payments etc. to the beneficial owners of shares. NB-1.Data relating to BSE & NSE has been taken from their respective websites. k) 24.00 18.00 12.00 6.00 0.00 Ap ri M l’13 ay Ju ’13 n Ju ’ 13 Au l ’ 1 3 g Se ’1 3 p’ O 13 ct N ’1 3 ov D ’13 ec J a ’ 13 n Fe ’14 b’ M 14 ar 1’ 4 Months Price per share The Market Price of the Equity Shares of the Company during 2013-14 is given in the table below: Equity Shares - “B” Equity Shares as compared to BSE Sensex during 2013-14: BSE Sensex j) Year 2013-14 Closing Price BSE SENSEX 16 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance (Contd.) o) Shareholding Pattern as on 31st March 2014 are given in the following Table: Equity Shares Category No. of Shares % of Holding 28,82,03,617 50.13 10,26,380 0.18 9,75,40,558 16.96 17,74,58,373 30.87 NRIs/OCBs 56,13,350 0.98 Clearing Members & others 50,37,849 0.88 57,48,80,127 100.00 No. of Shares % of Holding 2,41,01,468 45.92 56,766 0.11 42,82,116 8.16 2,34,39,710 44.65 NRIs/OCBs 3,75,818 0.72 Clearing Members & others 2,32,132 0.44 5,24,88,010 100.00 Promoters & Promoter Group Financial Institutions, Banks, Mutual Funds, etc. FIIs (including Foreign Bodies Corporates) Indian Public (including Private Corporate Bodies) Total “B” Equity Shares (DVR Shares) Category Promoters & Promoter Group Financial Institutions, Banks, Mutual Funds, etc. FIIs (including Foreign Bodies Corporates) Indian Public (including Private Corporate Bodies) Total p) Distribution of Shareholding as on 31st March 2014 are given in the following Table : Equity Shares Shareholding Range 1 - 500 No. of Shareholders % of Shareholders No. of Shares Held % of Shareholding 1,34,581 74.22 2,31,18,974 4.02 501 - 1000 21,986 12.12 1,73,04,211 3.01 1001 - 5000 20,219 11.15 4,43,76,267 7.72 5001 - 10000 2,630 1.45 1,87,89,397 3.27 10001 - 50000 1,604 0.89 3,09,56,185 5.38 155 0.09 1,07,49,352 1.87 50001 - 100000 100001 - and above Total 148 0.08 42,95,85,741 74.73 1,81,323 100.00 57,48,80,127 100.00 No. of Shareholders % of Shareholders No. of Shares Held % of Shareholding 1,18,106 96.91 46,06,805 8.78 “B” Equity Shares (DVR Shares) Shareholding Range 1 - 500 501 - 1000 1,736 1.42 12,87,606 2.45 1001 - 5000 1,570 1.29 34,93,125 6.66 5001 - 10000 236 0.19 17,28,815 3.29 10001 - 50000 177 0.15 36,28,422 6.91 50001 - 100000 18 0.01 13,53,193 2.58 100001 - and above 37 0.03 3,63,90,044 69.33 1,21,880 100.00 5,24,88,010 100.00 Total 17 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Report on Corporate Governance (Contd.) 2. Vill. : Lunva, Taluka-Bhachau Dist. : Kutch, Gujarat Pin : 370140 3. Road No. 16, 1st Cross, KIADB, Belur Indusrial Area, Dharwad, Karnataka, Pin : 580011 Steel Plant(s) Vill. : Lunva, Taluka-Bhachau Dist. : Kutch, Gujarat Pin : 370140 t) Address of Subsidiaries Manor Dealcom Private Ltd 22, Camac Street, Block C, 5th Floor, Kolkata 700 016 Huntervalley Coal Private Ltd 22, Camac Street, Block C, 5th Floor, Kolkata 700 016 u) Address for Correspondence: 22, Camac Street, Block - C, 5th Floor Kolkata-700 016, Phone: +91-33-22891471 Fax: +91-33-22891470 E-mail: v) Queries: Any Query on Financial Statements, Company's performance etc. may be sent to or addressed to the Company. 10. Auditor's Certificate on Corporate Governance As per Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, the Auditor's Certificate on Corporate Governance is annexed to this Report. q) Dematerialisation of Shares and Liquidity: Approximately 99.43% of the Company's Equity Shares and approximately 98.04% of Company's “B” Equity Shares have been dematerialised as on March 31, 2014. The Equity Shares and the “B” Equity Shares of Company are both actively traded in Stock Exchanges and are permitted to be traded only in dematerialised form. r) Outstanding FCCBs / Warrants / ESOS or any other Convertible instruments, Conversion date and likely impact on equity: The outstanding convertible bonds, warrants and ESOS as on 31st March, 2014 are as under: – 2,08,00,000 Warrants of Rs.120 each issued under Qualified Institutional Placement with option to the warrant holder to get allotment of 1 Equity Share in lieu of each warrant. The warrant holders have the right to exercise the option for conversion of warrants on or before 28th April, 2015. If all the aforesaid warrants are converted then the Share Capital of the Company will increase by 2,08,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each and by 20,80,000 “B” Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each. – 200 Nos. of 5.5% Unsecured FCCB due 2017 with an issue value of USD 1,00,000 each. If all the bonds are converted into equity share at its conversion price, then the Share Capital of the Company will increase by around 4,77,64,444 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each. – The status on outstanding options under Employee Stock Option Schemes has already been provided in an Annexure to the Directors Report. s) Plant Location: Coke Plant(s) 1. Vill. : Dharampur, P.O. Khambhalia Dist. : Devbhoomi Dwarka, Gujarat Pin : 361305 For and on behalf of the Board Place : Kolkata Dated : 25th May, 2014 Arun Kumar Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director Auditors’ Certificate on Corporate Governance Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above-mentioned clause of the Listing Agreement. To the Members of Gujarat NRE Coke Limited As required by the guidance note issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, we state that as per the records maintained, there were no investors' complaints remaining unattended/pending for more than 30 days as at 31st March 2014. We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by Gujarat NRE Coke Limited for the year ended on 31st March 2014, as stipulated in clause 49G (iii) of the Listing Agreement of the said Company with the Stock Exchanges. We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company. The compliances of the conditions of the Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the management. Our examination was limited to a review of the procedures and implementations thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the conditions of the Corporate Governance as stipulated in the said clause. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company. For N. C. Banerjee & Co., Chartered Accountants (Registration No. 302081E) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, and based on the representation made by the Directors and the management, we certify that the Company has substantially complied with the conditions of Dated : 25th May, 2014 Place : Kolkata 18 ARNOB PAUL Partner (Membership No. 06490) GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Management Discussion & Analysis fall from the highs of $330 per tonne in 2011 to $120 per tonne in 2014. The long drawn recession in the global market has led to a lack of demand of coking coal. Low demand and weak sentiments had been the trademark of the Asian coking coal market. Chinese steel mills not buying on the back of high inventory and lack of demand from Indian and Japanese market coupled with coking coal from USA and Canada available cheap in Asian markets have kept the price of coking coal at its bottom. The expectation of a revival in the global economy does come with a silver lining. It is believed that Indian demand is going to increase in the latter half of 2014 as also demand in developed and other emerging countries expected to pick up. Also in the supply side, recent production cuts in Canada, Australia and the US were finally visible in the Chinese spot market recently with fewer cargoes being on offer presently than before. With such supply side corrections and increase in demand as steel production picks up, the coking coal market is expected to see a revival in the months to come. Experts believe that the coking coal market might see a revival in the latter half of 2014 with prices increasing. DOMESTIC MET COKE INDUSTRY Indian economy has been passing through one of its challenging times for last couple of years. Manufacturing sector is suffering on account of lack of domestic demand and consumption, infrastructure projects failing to take off and over all a weak business sentiment had been the characteristics of Indian economy in the last year. Indian steel mills have been looking for the export market buoyed by a favourable exchange rate, due to absence of a robust domestic demand. Lack of steel consumption resulting into lower growth in steel production had a direct effect on the demand for coking coal and met coke in India. Met coke production remained almost the same as in last year (2012-13) with no increase in imports as well. There is an expectation of a turnaround in the Indian economy from end of 2014 and into 2015. An expectation of return of the feel good factor is palpable in the air as better economic conditions coupled with accelerating global outlook is expected to return in Indian economy in the latter half of 2014. With economy expected to return stronger growth steel demand is expected to be higher to around 5% in the year 2014-15 and potentially 10% in 2015-16. Leading steel producers in India expect to raise production with steel prices to remain stable in 2014, thus overall domestic steel demand will grow faster with economic revival. Increase in steel demand would certainly raise the demand for met coke. Met coke price in the domestic market is expected to strengthen with increasing demand. It is expected that there would be potentially an additional shortfall of around 1.5-2 MT of met coke going forward in 2015 which would have to be met by merchant coke producers or through imports. OPPORTUNITIES & THREATS The biggest opportunity lies in the growing middle class in India and in its burgeoning demand. The ever growing challenge of meeting the incremental domestic demand is bound to fuel growth. Indian growth being based on internal consumption does not have to depend on external economies for selling its product. Though no country can insulate itself from the global shocks in today's liberalised economy, however the growth here is more sustainable. The formation of a stable government at the centre also raises hope of structural reforms and policy corrections required for faster growth of the economy. With the revival in global economy, demand multiplies, and since prices will not remain subdued for long, the met coke industry has a host of opportunities. INDUSTRY STRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENTS ECONOMY Global economic activities experienced a slight uptick in the second half of 2013 which is expected to follow through in 2014. The positive signs first, which came from easing of financial conditions in advanced countries due to the declining short term risks associated with crisis hit euro-economies and fiscal adjustments in US economy. However, growth in the emerging economies remained unenthusiastic with tight financial conditions and low demand raising the need for structural reforms and policy impetus. The global growth in 2014 is expected to be much better than what has been experienced in 2013. The current year is expected to be initiating the revival as we have already seen euro area turning from recession to recovery and the United States catching up the growth momentum. The global economy is expected to grow by 3.4% in 2014 and further by 3.9% in 2015 which would be by far the highest in recent years when compared to 2.8% in 2013, 3.0% in 2012 and 3.4% in 2011 according to an OECD study. As the developed economies are expected to perform, the emerging economies are also expected to grow, albeit slowly. Chinese growth would almost remain the same at around 7.5% in 2014. In India growth is expected to be stronger in the latter half of 2014 moving into 2015. According to a World Bank report, Indian economy is expected to grow at around 5.5% in fiscal 2014-15, accelerating to 6.3% in 2015-16 and 6.6% in 2016-17. Strong structural policies supporting investment is expected to result in an improvement in Indian growth in later half of 2014 and in 2015 compared to the weak performance experienced in last few years. The biggest challenge for the new government is to address the ease of doing business in the country and to revive the business sentiment which has been at its low. Among other issues, continued fiscal consolidation, fast track implementation of large infrastructure projects and investments, tax reforms would be some of the priority areas for the country. The biggest challenge that policy makers world over face is supporting robust growth and a balanced global recovery as well as managing vulnerabilities and sustaining the job market. The policy makers need to have a coordinated approach to mitigate any negative spill-over, curb protectionism, ensure resource flow to the developing and emerging economies to avoid derailment of the feeble recovery that the world is currently experiencing. The developing economies need to aggressively address their structural issues to boost domestic demand, facilitate investment and take benefit of the growing market in the developed countries. External factors like the crisis in Ukraine, tension in middle-east, or a bad monsoon in India may tilt the scales of the fragile recovery. WORLD COKING COAL AND METALLURGICAL COKE INDUSTRY Metallurgical coke prices have been on a continuous fall and have been below the lows of 2009. There has been a sharp decline in price in 2013-14 as experts belief that there is no further room for rate cut as the price seems to have been bottomed out. With the removal of export tax by China from January 2013, Chinese coke is available to Indian, Japanese and Brazil markets. The export prices since then have also been greatly dependent on the domestic coke price of China. However the biggest concern in the global coke market has been the lack of demand. Stagnation of growth in India coupled with slowdown in growth in China has led to absence of demand resulting in the prices stumbling. There exists a strong correlation between coking coal and metallurgical coke. Coking coal prices have also been on a steep 19 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Management Discussion & Analysis (Contd.) Various external factors like global recession, eurozone crisis act as major threats to the met coke & coking coal industry as it does to any other commodity market. The extreme volatility in price adds to the uncertainty. Certain unexpected international & domestic developments like the abolition of 40% export tax by China or the imposition of mining ban in South India are a few threats facing the industry. consequently, its prices. Timely availability of raw material at reasonable prices is therefore, critical for survival in this industry. c) COMPANY'S PERFORMANCE The income from operations was lower at Rs.932.38 crores in the year under review as compared to Rs.1713.04 crores during the previous year and consequently, the net loss during the year under review was reported at Rs. 560.81 crores as compared to net profit of Rs. 30.98 crores during the previous year. Accordingly, both the Basic & Diluted earnings per share of the Company were reported at nil respectively, for the year under review as compared to Rs.0.52 respectively, during the previous year. Forex Risk : The company like any other company operating in global markets is subject to Forex Risk. The Company however, has a policy to hedge its foreign exchange risk within the defined parameters. However, such hedging does not assure avoidance of any losses due to sudden and/or substantial volatility in currency markets. d) Risk from Natural Calamities: Any act of nature detrimental to the smooth functioning of production of metallurgical coke in India, can adversely affect the performance of the Company. e) SEGMENT WISE PERFORMANCE & OUTLOOK Coal & Coke Political Risk : Any risk arising due to any major change in policy decisions on account of change in Government, Legislative bodies etc. such as levy of any additional duty etc. on the product produced by the company may affect the results of the company. Coking coal and Coke segment has been at the core of the operations of the Company contributing around 90% of the total turnover during the year under review. Net Sales/income from this segment for the year under review amounted to Rs. 832.74 crores as compared to Rs.1495.74 crores in the previous year. INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS AND ITS ADEQUACY Steel The Company has an internal audit system which is conducted by an independent firm of Chartered Accountants as well as a strong in house internal audit cell so as to cover various operations on regular basis through the year. Summarised Internal Audit Observations/ Reports are reviewed by the Audit Committee on a regular basis. The finance and accounts functions of the Company are well staffed with qualified and experienced members. The Company's internal control systems are commensurate with the nature, size and complexities of its business and ensure proper safeguarding of assets, maintaining proper accounting records and providing reliable financial statements. Steel segment contributes around 10% to the total turnover. It achieved a turnover of Rs. 99.68 crores during the year under review as compared to Rs.217.63 crores during previous year. The Company is generating power through its Wind Turbines and is in the final stages of commissioning co-generation power plants to produce electricity from waste heat. This would help the Company to reduce its power costs and ensure regular supply of clean power to its production facilities. HUMAN RESOURCES The company considers its people as its most important resource. All employees of Gujarat NRE are considered leaders and encouraged to take responsibility to do their best that they can while meeting business needs. Our strength lies in our human pool of resources and our success is largely dependent on them. The Company therefore, focuses on developing its talent pool and its employee capability through increased emphasis on learning and skill upgradation job rotation, multi skilling and inter plant sharing of experiences. Critical skills identification and ramp up planning continues at the operating level. The Company continuously reviews its policies/practices with a view to make them more contemporary and uniform in application and this is an ongoing process. To improve quality of work life, medical, transport facilities, welfare and recreational facilities have been reviewed and upgraded. All these efforts had an impact on reducing the attrition levels at our plants and offices. Cordial industrial relations prevailed across the Company and its subsidiaries during the year under review. Outlook The market conditions are expected to remain volatile during 2014-15. However, we are seeing early signs of some hope of revival in the general economic & market conditions considering the formation of new government at the Centre. Any uptrend in economic activity would pull the prices up the curve with increased market activity & demand. The prices of coking coal and metcoke are believed to have been bottomed out with minimal downside risk, and any further movement is expected to move upwards. RISKS & CONCERNS Our businesses and operations are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which are similar to any other company in general and also common to the industry to which we belong. Some of the key risks and uncertainties affecting the company are set forth below. Any of these risks has the potential of causing the actual operating results in future to vary materially from the current results or from anticipated future results. a) CAUTIONARY STATEMENT Commodity Price Risk : The Company is exposed to the risk of price fluctuations on raw materials and finished goods. However, considering the normal correlation in the prices of raw material i.e coking coal and finished good i.e. met coke, this risk gets reduced / adjusted over a period of time. The statement in this Management Discussion and Analysis Report describing the company's objectives, projections, estimates, expectations or predictions may be 'forward-looking statement' within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. These statements being based on certain assumptions and expectations of future events, actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied. The Company assumes no responsibility whatsoever, in this regard. b) Production Risk : Coking coal, the critical raw material required for manufacture of met coke is in short supply internationally resulting in uncertainty in its availability and 20 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Managing Director (CEO) & Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Certification 4) We, Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka, Chairman & Managing Director and Mr. P R Kannan, Chief Financial Officer certify that: 1) 2) 3) We have reviewed the Financial Statements and the Cash Flow Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 and to the best of our knowledge and belief : a) These statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading; b) These statements together present a true and fair view of the company's affairs and are in compliance with existing Accounting Standards, applicable laws and regulation. To the best of our knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the company during the year, which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the company's code of conduct. 5) We accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls for financial reporting and that we have evaluated the effectiveness of internal control systems of the company pertaining to financial reporting. We have disclosed to the Auditors and the Audit Committee, any deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls of which we are aware and the steps that have already been taken or proposed to be taken to rectify these deficiencies. We have disclosed based on our most recent evaluation, wherever applicable, to the Company's Auditors and the Audit Committee that a. there has not been any significant change in internal control over financial reporting during the year under reference; b. there has not been any significant change in the accounting policies during the year requiring disclosure in the notes to the financial statements; and c. we are not aware of any instance during the year of any significant fraud with involvement therein of the management or any employee having a significant role in the company's internal control system over financial reporting. We further declare that all board members and senior management personnel have affirmed compliance with the Code of Conduct during the year under review. Place : Kolkata Date : 25th May, 2014 21 A K Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director P R Kannan Chief Financial Officer GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Independent Auditors’ Report To the members of Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd. a) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2014; b) in the case of the Statement of Profit and Loss, of the loss of the Company for the year ended on that date; and c) in the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flows of the Company for the year ended on that date. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements 1. As required by the Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 2003 (“the Order”) issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub-section (4A) of section 227 of the Act, we give in the Annexure a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Order. 2. As required by section 227(3) of the Act, we report that: a) we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit; b) in our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as appears from our examination of those books; c) the Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books of account; d) in our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statement comply with the Accounting Standards notified under the Act read with the General Circular 15/2013 dated 13th September, 2013 of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in respect of Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013; e) on the basis of written representations received from the directors as on March 31, 2014, and taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on March 31, 2014, from being appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 274 of the Act; f) Since the Central Government has not issued any notification as to the rate at which the cess is to be paid under section 441A of the Companies Act, 1956 nor has it issued any Rules under the said section, prescribing the manner in which such cess is to be paid, no cess is considered due and payable by the Company as on 31.03.2014. Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Gujarat NRE Coke Limited (“the Company”), which comprise the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2014, the Statement of Profit and Loss and Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Company's Management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of the Company in accordance with the Accounting Standards, notified under the Companies Act, 1956 (the Act) read with the General Circular 15/2013 dated 13th September, 2013 of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in respect of Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 and in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Company's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the aforesaid financial statements give the information required by the Act, in the manner so required, and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India: For N.C.Banerjee & Co. Chartered Accountants (Firm’s Registration No. : 302081E) Place : Kolkata Dated : 25th May, 2014 A Paul (Partner) Membership No. 06490 Annexure to Independent Auditor's Report Referred to in Paragraph 1 under the heading of “Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements” of our report of even date (i) (ii) (iii) (a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets. (b) We were informed that the Company has a phased programme of physical verification of all its fixed assets which, in our opinion, is reasonable having regard to the size of the Company and the nature of its assets. In accordance with this programme, fixed assets were physically verified by management during the period under review and no material discrepancy was noticed on such verification. (c) Fixed assets disposed off during the year under review were not substantial and the going concern status of the company is not affected. (a) During the year inventories have been physically verified by the management at reasonable intervals. In our opinion, the frequency of verification is reasonable. (b) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the procedures of physical verification of inventories followed by the management are reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the Company and the nature of its business. (c) The Company has maintained proper records of inventory. We were explained that the discrepancies noticed during the physical verification of inventories as compared to book records were not material and have been properly dealt with in the books of account. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the company has not granted or taken loans, Secured or Unsecured, to/from the companies, firm or other parties covered in the (iv) (v) Register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956, consequently sub clauses (a) to (g) of clause (iii) of paragraph 4 of the order is not applicable to the company. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, there exists an adequate internal control system commensurate with the size of the company and the nature of its business with regard to purchases of inventory and fixed assets and with regard to the sale of goods and services. No major continuing weakness in internal control system was observed. (a) According to the information and explanations given to us, we are of the opinion that particulars of all the transactions made in pursuance of contracts or arrangements referred to in section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 have been entered in the register required to be maintained under that section. (b) (vi) 22 In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the transactions made in pursuance of contracts or arrangements entered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 and exceeding value of rupees five lacs in respect of each party during the year have been made at prices which appear to be reasonable having regard to prevailing market prices at the relevant time. According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not accepted any deposits from the public and consequently, the directives issued by the Reserve Bank of India and the provisions of Section 58A, 58AA or any other relevant provisions of GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Annexure to Independent Auditors’ Report (contd.) (vii) (viii) the Companies Act, 1956 and the rules framed there under are not applicable to the Company. In our opinion, the Company has an internal audit system commensurate with the size and the nature of its business but it has to be further strengthened. We have broadly reviewed the cost records maintained by the company pursuant to the Companies (Cost Accounting Records) Rules, 2011 prescribed by the Central Government under Section 209(1) (d) of the Companies Act, 1956 and are of the opinion that prima facie the prescribed cost records have been maintained. We have, however, not carried out a detailed examination of such records, nor we are required to do so, with a view to determine whether they are accurate or complete. (b) (ix) (a) The Central Government has not notified the date of levy and collection of cess under Rehabilitation & Revival Fund as per section 441 A of the Companies act, 1956. According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed amount payable in respect of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Custom duty and Excise duty were in arrear as at 31st March, 2014, for a period of more than six months from the date those became payable, except for the Sales Tax/VAT/CST and Income Tax as given belowName of the statute Gujarat Value Added Tax Act, 2003 Income Tax Act,1961 (c) (x) (xi) According to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the books of account, the Company has been regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues including Provident Fund, Investor Education and Protection Fund, Employees' State Insurance, Wealth Tax, Customs Duty, Excise Duty, Cess and any other material statutory dues except Income Tax, Sales Tax and Service Tax where the amount has not been regularly deposited with the appropriate authorities and there has been delays in a large number of cases. Nature of Dues Amount (Rs./Crores) Sales Tax/VAT/CST 11.18 Income Tax 5.92 According to the information and explanations given to us and the records of the company examined by us, there were no dues in respect of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Customs Duty, Excise Duty and Cess that have not been deposited with the appropriate authorities other than disputed liabilities mentioned below:Name of the statute Nature of Dues Amount (Rs./Crores) Period to which the amount Relates Forum where/ disputes are pending Income Tax Act, 1961 Regular Assessment 1.86 2006-07 2010-11 Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals), Kolkata Finance Act, 1994 (Act 32 of 1994) Chapter V & VA Service Tax 3.39 2007-08 to 2011-12 Custom, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ahmedabad, Commissioner (Appeals), Cental Excise, Rajkot The Customs Act, 1962 Custom Duty 12.50 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010 Custom, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal, Ahmedabad.. The Company does not have accumulated losses more than 50% of the networth of the Company as at 31st March, 2014. The Company has incurred cash losses during the year under review, there was no cash losses in the immediately preceding financial year. The Company has defaulted in repayment of dues to banks and financial institutions in respect of Letters of Credit, Buyer's Credit, Bills Discounting, Term Loan Installments, NCD installments and Interest. However during the year, the CDR proposal of the Company has been approved by the CDR Empowered Group (CDR EG) at its meeting held on 14th March 2014. As per approved CDR package, defaults during the year with CDR lenders have been regularised, except the following defaults which existing/continuing as on the Balance sheet date. Amount (Rs. in Crs) Particulars Delays up to 30 days Delays 31 90 days Installments/ Overdrawing 0.25 14.12 0.28 – 14.65 Interest liabilities 3.70 9.63 1.93 9.96 25.22 (xii) According to the informations and explanations given to us, the Company has not granted loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities. (xiii) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not a chit fund / nidhi / mutual benefit fund / society. Therefore, the provisions of clause (xiii) of paragraph 4 of the order are not applicable to the company. (xiv) According to the information and explanations given to us, the Company is not dealing or trading in shares, securities, debentures and other investments. The investments have been held by the company in its own name except to the extent of exemption, if any, granted under section 49 of the Companies Act, 1956. (xv) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the terms and conditions, on the basis of which the Company has given guarantees for loans taken by the erstwhile subsidiary companies from banks or financial institutions, are not as such prima facie prejudicial to the interests of the Company. (xvi) In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the books of account, the term loans were applied for the purpose for which such loans were obtained. (xvii) According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the balance sheet of the Company, we report that no funds raised on short-term basis were used for long term investment. Delays 91 180 days Delays beyond 180 days Total Amount (xviii) The company, during the year, has allotted equity shares on preferential basis consequent upon conversion of Share warrants allotted to a company covered in Register maintained under Section 301 of the Companies Act,1956. The Price at which these shares have been issued has been determined as per Securities and Exchange Board of India (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines 2000, which, in our opinion, is not prejudicial to the interest of the Company. (xix) The company has not issued any debentures or bonds during the year under review. (xx) The company has not raised any money by way of public issues during the year under review. (xxi) Based upon the audit procedures followed for the purpose of reporting on the true and fair view of the financial statements and as per the information and explanations given by management, no fraud on or by the Company has been noticed or reported during the year. For N.C.Banerjee & Co. Chartered Accountants (Firm’s Registration No. : 302081E) Place : Kolkata Dated : 25th May, 2014 23 A Paul (Partner) Membership No. 06490 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Balance Sheet As at 31st March, 2014 (Rs. in Crores) Notes As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders' Funds Share Capital 2 627.37 622.37 Reserves & Surplus 3 562.21 1,084.72 10.40 13.04 1,199.98 1,720.13 Money received against Share Warrants Non-Current Liabilities Long Term Borrowings 4 1,963.91 952.81 Long Term Provisions 5 8.30 9.08 1,972.21 961.89 Current Liabilities Short Term Borrowings 6 749.47 813.53 Trade Payables 7 209.65 749.99 Other Current Liabilities 8 278.19 580.23 Short Term Provisions 9 TOTAL 9.65 43.11 1,246.96 2,186.86 4,419.15 4,868.88 ASSETS Non-Current Assets Tangible Fixed Assets 10 898.80 899.83 Capital Work-in-Progress 10 183.26 204.42 Non-Current Investment 11 920.03 818.39 Deferred Tax Assets/(Liabilities) (net) 12 112.34 (160.98) Long Term Loan & Advances 13 72.79 268.21 2,187.22 2,029.87 Current Assets Inventories 14 977.52 1,731.46 Trade Receivables 15 476.62 562.71 Cash & Cash equivalents 16 33.18 98.68 Short Term Loan & Advances 17 TOTAL Significant Accounting Policies & Notes on Financial Statements 744.61 446.16 2,231.93 2,839.01 4,419.15 4,868.88 1 to 40 forming part of the financial statements In terms of our report of even date annexed hereto For N. C. BANERJEE & CO. Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 302081E) A. Paul Partner Membership No. 06490 Place : Kolkata Dated : 25th May' 2014. For and on behalf of the Board A K Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director M Jagatramka Director 24 P R Kannan Chief Financial Officer Manoj K Shah Company Secretary GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Statement of Profit & Loss For the year ended 31st March, 2014 (Rs. in Crores) For the year ended 31.03.2014 Notes For the year ended 31.03.2013 INCOME Revenue from Operations 18 932.38 1,713.04 Other Income 19 318.26 38.90 1,250.64 1,751.94 854.25 1,077.83 409.49 139.89 Total Revenue: EXPENDITURE Cost of Materials Consumed 20 Purchase of Stock-in-Trade Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Stock-in-Process and Stock in Trade 21 211.48 (101.47) Employees Benefits Expenses 22 44.08 60.27 Finance Costs 23 331.39 263.02 Depreciation 10 61.30 58.33 Other Expenses 24 125.58 159.85 Total Expenses: 2,037.57 1,657.72 Profit/(Loss) before Exceptional Items & Tax (786.93) 94.22 47.47 47.95 (834.40) 46.27 – 9.26 (273.32) (5.04) – 10.80 (0.27) 0.27 (560.81) 30.98 Basic Earnings per Equity & "B" Equity Share (in Rs.) [ Face Value Rs. 10 per shares] (8.95) 0.52 Diluted Earnings per Equity & "B" Equity Share [ Face Value Rs. 10 per shares] (8.95) 0.52 Exceptional Items 37 Profit/(Loss) Before Tax Tax Expenses – Current Tax – Deferred Tax – MAT credit entitlement – Tax for Earlier Years Profit / (Loss) for the year Significant Accounting Policies & Notes on Financial Statements 1 to 40 forming part of the financial statements In terms of our report of even date annexed hereto For N. C. BANERJEE & CO. Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 302081E) A. Paul Partner Membership No. 06490 Place : Kolkata Dated : 25th May' 2014. For and on behalf of the Board A K Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director M Jagatramka Director 25 P R Kannan Chief Financial Officer Manoj K Shah Company Secretary GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 1. i. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Conventions The financial statements are prepared under historical cost conventions and as a going concern basis following the accrual basis of accounting and in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in India and in compliance with the provision of the Companies Act, 1956. ii. Use of Estimates The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues & expenses for the Year under review and assets & liabilities, disclosure of contingent liabilities, on the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively in the current and future periods. iii. Revenue Recognition Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company and revenue can be reliably measured a. In respect of Sales : When the significant risks and rewards of ownership of goods have been passed on to the buyer, which generally coincides with delivery / shipment of goods to customers. b. In respect of Interest Income : On time proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the rate applicable. c. In respect of Service Income : When the services are performed as per contract. d. In respect of Dividend Income : When right to receive payment is established. e. In respect of Insurance Claims : On Settlement of Claims f. In respect of Guarantee Commission : When right to receive payment is established. Revenue from product sales is recognized inclusive of Excise duty but exclusive of Sales Tax/Value added Tax (VAT) and net of returns, Sales Discount etc. Sales Returns are accounted for when goods are returned. iv. Fixed Assets Fixed assets are stated at historical cost, which comprises cost of purchase/construction cost, cost of borrowing and other cost directly attributable to bring the assets at its working condition and location for its intended use. Expenditures during construction period are allocated to the relevant assets in the ratio of costs of respective assets. v. Depreciation on Fixed Assets Depreciation on Fixed assets is provided on Straight - Line Method (SLM) at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956. vi. Inventories 1. Inventories are valued as under: a. Raw Materials : At Cost or Net Realisable Value whichever is lower b. Finished Products : At Cost or Net Realisable Value whichever is lower c. Stores, Spares and Components : At Cost or Net Realisable Value whichever is lower d. Stock in process : At Raw material Cost plus estimated cost of conversion up to the stage of completion or Net Realisable Value whichever is lower. Cost includes all direct cost and applicable manufacturing and administrative overheads. 2. Inventories are valued on FIFO basis. 3. Variation, if any, between books and physical stocks detected on physical verification, obsolete & slow moving stocks are adjusted in accounts as found appropriate. vii. Investments Long term investments are stated at cost. Provision is made when diminution in the value of investments is considered permanent in nature. Current investments are stated at lower of cost and market value. viii. Foreign Exchange Transactions a. Initial Recognition Foreign Exchange transactions are recorded normally at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the transactions. b. Conversion Foreign currency monetary items are reported using the closing rate. Non-monetary items which are carried in terms of historical cost denominated in a foreign currency are reported using the exchange rate at the date of transaction and nonmonetary items which are carried at the fair value or other similar denominated in a foreign currency are reported using the exchange rates that existed when the values were determined. c. Exchange differences Exchange differences arising on settlement of transactions or on reporting monetary items of the Company at the rate different from those at which they were initially recorded during the year, or reported in previous financial statement, are recognised as income or expenses in the year in which they arise except in case where they relate to acquisition of fixed assets. 26 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) d. Forward Exchange Contract not intended for trading or speculative purposes The premium or discount arising at the inception of forward exchange contract is amortized as expenses or income over the life of the respective contract. Exchange differences on such contracts are considered in the statement of Profit or Loss in the Year in which exchange rate changes. Any profit or loss arising on cancellation or renewal of forward exchange contract is recognised as income or as expenses for the Year. ix. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets The Company makes a provision when there is present obligation as a result of past event that probably requires an outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. A disclosure for a contingent liability is made when there is a possible obligation or a present obligation that may, but probably will not, require an outflow of resources. Contingent Assets are disclosed when an inflow of economic benefit is probable and/or certain. x. Borrowing Costs Borrowing Costs that are attributable to the acquisition and constructions of qualifying assets are capitalised as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use. Other borrowing costs of the Year are charged to revenue in the period in which they are incurred. xi. Taxation Current Tax is determined as the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income for the Period. Deferred Tax Liability is recognized for all timing differences between taxable income and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods. Deferred Tax Assets are recognized only if there is reasonable certainty that the same will be realized and are reviewed for the appropriateness of its respective carrying values at each Balance Sheet date. Tax on Distributed Profit Payable is in accordance with the provision of Section 155O of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and in accordance with guidance note on Accounting for Corporate Dividend Tax. Wealth Tax is determined on taxable value of assets on the balance sheet date. xii. Employee benefits a) Short Term & Post Employment Benefits Employee benefits of short-term nature are recognized as expense as and when those accrue. Post employments benefits are recognized as expenses based on actuarial valuation at Year end which takes into account actuarial gains and losses. b) Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) Aggregate quantum of options granted under the schemes in monetary term net of consideration of issue, to be paid in cash, are shown in the Balance Sheet as Employees Stock Option outstanding under Reserves & Surplus and as Deferred Employees Compensation (ESOS) under Unamortised Expenditure as per guide-lines of SEBI in this respect. With the exercise of options and consequent issue of equity shares corresponding ESOS outstanding is transferred to Securities Premium Account. xiii. Indirect Taxes Excise Duty on Finished Goods Stock is accounted for at the point of manufacture of goods and is accordingly considered for valuation of finished goods stock as on Balance sheet date. Customs duty on imported raw materials is accounted for on the clearance of goods from the Customs Authorities. xiv. Unamortised Expenditure Unamortised expenditure, stated at cost, is amortized over period of time as under: (i) Deferred Revenue Expenses-5 years (ii) Deferred Employees Compensation under ESOS- Amortised on straight line basis over vesting period. xv. Impairment of Assets The Company assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether there is any indication of an asset being impaired. An asset is treated as impaired when the carrying amount of assets exceeds its recoverable value, in which case the impairment loss is charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss of the Year in which an asset is identified as impaired. The impairment loss, if any, recognised in prior accounting periods is reversed if there has been a change in the estimate of recoverable amount. xvi. Research and development Revenue expenditure on research and development is expensed as incurred. Capital expenditures incurred on research and development are capitalised as fixed assets and depreciated in accordance with the depreciation policy of the Company. xvii. Earning per share (EPS) The basic earning per share (“EPS”) is computed by dividing the net profit after tax for the Year by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the Year. For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, net profit after tax for the Year and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the Year are adjusted with the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares. The dilutive potential equity shares are deemed converted as of the beginning of the Year, unless they have been issued at a later date. xviii. Prior Period Adjustments, Extra-ordinary Items and Changes in Accounting Policies Prior period adjustments, extraordinary items and changes in accounting policies, if any, having material impact on the financial affairs of the Company are disclosed. xix. Segment Reporting i. Identification of Segments : The Company's Operating Businesses are organized and managed separately according to the nature of products and services provided, with each segment representing a strategic business unit that offers different products and serves different markets. ii. Allocation of Common Costs : Common allocable costs are allocated to each segment according to sales of each segment to total sales of the Company. 27 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 2 SHARE CAPITAL (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 1,600.00 1,600.00 10,00,00,000 “A” Equity Shares (Previous Year 10,00,00,000) of Rs.10/- each Carrying 100 Voting Rights per “A” Equity Share 100.00 100.00 30,00,00,000 “B” Equity Shares (Previous Year 30,00,00,000) of Rs.10/- each Carrying 1 Voting Right per 100 “B” Equity Shares 300.00 300.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 574.88 569.88 52.49 52.49 627.37 622.37 AUTHORISED : 1,60,00,00,000 Equity Shares (Previous Year 1,60,00,00,000) of Rs. 10/- each. ISSUED,SUBSCRIBED AND PAID-UP : 57,48,80,127 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up, ( Previous year 56,98,80,127) 5,24,88,010 "B" Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up, ( Previous year 5,24,88,010) 2.1 Of the above Shares: (No. of Shares) As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 – 134,834,154 52,488,010 52,488,010 Equity Shares out of the issued, subscribed and paid up Equity Share Capital were issued as fully paid Bonus Shares in the last five years, preceeding 31st March, 2014. "B" Equity Shares out of the issued, subscribed and paid up "B" Equity Share Capital were issued as fully paid Bonus Shares in the last five years, preceeding 31st March, 2014. 2.2 The Details of Shareholders holding more than 5% of shares: Name of the Shareholders As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 No. of Shares % held No. of Shares % held 195,205,263 33.96% 194,686,105 34.16% 37,317,044 6.49% – – – – 31,651,472 5.55% 50,000,000 8.70% 45,000,000 7.90% 19,175,913 36.53% 16,675,913 31.77% – – 2,731,594 5.20% 2,779,125 5.29% 2,779,125 5.29% Equity Shares: Gujarat NRE Mineral Resources Ltd. HSBC GIF Mauritius Ltd HSBC Global Investment Funds A/c HSBC Global Fund Mangal Crystal Coke Pvt. Ltd “B” Equity Shares: Gujarat NRE Mineral Resources Ltd. HSBC Global Investment Funds A/c HSBC Global Fund Arun Kumar Jagatramka Trustee, Girdharilal Arun Kumar Family Trust 28 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 2.3 The reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding is set out below: Particulars (No of Shares) As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 569,880,127 524,880,127 5,000,000 45,000,000 574,880,127 569,880,127 Equity Shares at the beginning of the year 52,488,010 52,488,010 Equity Shares at the end of the year 52,488,010 52,488,010 Equity Shares: Equity Shares at the beginning of the year Add: Shares issued on Conversion of Share Warrant Equity Shares at the end of the year “B” Equity Shares: 2.4 i) The grant of option to the employees under the stock Option Schemes is on the basis of their performance and other eligibility criteria .The options are vested over a period, subject to the discretion of the Management and fulfillment of certain conditions. (Rs. in Crores) ii) Basic & Diluted EPS and Proforma Basic & Diluted EPS- Current Year Previous Year (560.81) 30.97 0.11 0.12 (560.70) 31.09 (Rs.) (8.95) 0.52 – Diluted (Rs.) (8.95) 0.52 Net Profit / (Loss) as reported Add: Employee Compensation Expenses ( As per Para 2.5 (ii) below) Adjusted Proforma Net Profit / (Loss) Basic & Diluted EPS as reported – Basic Proforma Basic & Diluted EPS – Basic 2.5 (i) (Rs.) (8.95) 0.52 – Diluted (Rs.) (8.95) 0.52 Shares Reserved for issue under Employee Stock Options Plan Movement in Options granted during the Year ended 31st March, 2014 is given below: Weighted Average Exercise Price No. of Options (in Rs.) 31.03.14 31.03.14 a) Outstanding at the beginning of the Year – Equity Shares – “B” Equity Shares Granted during the Year – Equity Shares – “B” Equity Shares Forfeited during the Year – Equity Shares – “B” Equity Shares Exercised during the Year – Equity Shares – “B” Equity Shares Expired during the Year – Equity Shares – “B” Equity Shares Weighted Average Exercise Price No. of Options (in Rs.) 31.03.13 31.03.13 8,252,800 250,680 35.15 – 8,659,750 257,400 35.15 – – – – – – – – – 714,650 23,240 34.47 – 406,950 6,720 33.84 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 29 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 2.5 Shares Reserved for issue under Employee Stock Options Plan (contd.) Movement in Options granted during the Year ended 31st March, 2014 is given below (contd.): Weighted Average Exercise Price No. of Options (in Rs.) 31.03.14 31.03.14 b) c) (ii) Outstanding at the end of the Year - Equity Shares - “B” Equity Shares Exercisable at the end of the Year - Equity Shares - “B” Equity Shares Weighted Average Exercise Price No. of Options (in Rs.) 31.03.13 31.03.13 7,538,150 227,440 35.22 – 8,252,800 250,680 35.15 – – – – – 14,800 1,480 18.05 – The Company has calculated Employee Compensation Costs on the basis of Intrinsic Value Method and has amortized Rs. (0.06) Crores (Previous Year Rs. 0.67 Crores) for the Year ended 31st March, 2014. However, had the company followed Fair Value Method for calculating Employee Compensation Costs, such costs for the Year would have been lower by Rs.0.11 Crores with corresponding impact on the Profit after Tax and Basic as well as Diluted EPS for the Year. (iii) Share Reserved for issue against Share Warrants As at 31st March, 2014 No. of Warrants 20,800,000 2,080,000 Equity Shares “B” Equity Shares As at 31st March, 2013 No. of Warrants 25,800,000 2,080,000 2,08,00,000 Equity Share to be issued at exercise price of Rs. 120 each and upon conversion of the above 2,08,00,000 equity shares, 20,80,000 "B" Equity Shares will be issued as bonus shares. (iv) The Company has issued 200, 5.5% Unsecured Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) of US$ 100,000 each aggregating US $ 20 Millions at par on 29th October'2012. These bonds are convertible into equity shares of the Company at the option of the bond holders at a price of Rs. 22.50 per share. On Conversion these Bonds will result in 47,764,444 equity shares of the Company. 3 RESERVES & SURPLUS (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 Capital Reserve: As per Last Balance Sheet Add: Transfer on forfeiture of Share Warrant 144.87 – As at 31st March, 2013 51.12 93.75 144.87 Security Premium Reserve: As per Last Balance Sheet Add: Received during the year General Reserve: As per Last Balance Sheet Less: Transferred to Statement of Profit & Loss Debentures Redemption Reserves: As per Last Balance Sheet Add: Transfer from Statement of Profit & Loss 144.87 495.73 5.54 501.27 445.87 49.86 495.73 240.45 10.80 251.25 240.45 – 240.45 196.57 – 165.59 30.98 196.57 Employees Stock Option Outstanding: As per Last Balance Sheet Less: Adjustment for Option Forfeited during the year Less: Trfd. To Securities Premium Reserve 7.10 0.79 – 196.57 7.30 0.20 – 6.31 Surplus from Statement of Profit & Loss: As per last Balance Sheet Add: Profit for the year Less/(Add): Appropriations Transfer to/ (from) General Reserve Dividend for Earlier Year/(written back) Dividend Tax/(written back) Transferred to Debenture Redemption Reserve 30 7.10 – (560.81) (560.81) – 30.98 30.98 10.80 (28.87) (4.68) – – – – 30.98 (538.06) – 562.21 1,084.72 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 4 LONG TERM BORROWINGS (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 Current Non Current 10.00 417.51 As at 31st March, 2013 Current Non Current Secured Non Convertible Debentures 125.00 337.50 Foreign Currency Term Loans from Scheduled Banks – 95.67 – – Term Loans from Scheduled Banks – 1,187.68 213.24 464.62 Term Loans from Scheduled Banks- FITL Term Loans from Others – 142.75 – – 2.42 1.01 2.80 2.41 12.42 1,844.62 341.04 804.53 – 119.29 – 10.50 108.78 39.50 – 119.29 10.50 148.28 12.42 1,963.91 351.54 952.81 Unsecured Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds Term Loans from Scheduled Banks 4 (A). For all Secured Term Loans & Non Convertible Debentures excluding "B" & "C" i) Primary Security: a) Pari- passu 1st charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of the company's coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat, Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant (along with land) at Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Windmill units at various locations in the state of Gujarat excluding the movable fixed assets exclusively charged to Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. b) Pari- passu 1st charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of NRE Metcoke Ltd. at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. c) Pari-passu 2nd charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of Bajrangbali Coke Industries Ltd. at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. ii) Collateral Security: a) Pari-passu 2nd charge over the entire current assets (both present & future) of the company's coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Dharwad in the state of Karnataka and Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. b) Along with Working Capital facilities – First Pari-passu charge on Residential Property at 1, Clyde Row, Hastings, Kolkata in the name of Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka – First Pari-passu charge on Residential-cum-office Property at NRE House, Saru Road, Jamnagar, Gujarat in the name of Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka – Pledge of 78,478,035 Equity shares and 12,357,468 "B" Equity Shares of Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd (GNCL) held by the promoters/ promoter Group Companies . – Personal Guarantees of Promoter Directors viz. Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka and Mrs. Mona Jagatramka. – Corporate Guarantee (to the extent of the value of shares pledged) of promoter group companies namely Gujarat NRE Mineral Resources Ltd and Mangal Crystal Coke Pvt. Ltd. – Corporate Guarantee of Bajrangbali Coke Industries Ltd., NRE Metcoke Ltd. and Bharat NRE Coke Limited. c) The Rupee Term Loan II of Rs. 54 Crores from ICICI Bank Ltd. presently converted into FCNRB is further secured by Corporate guarantee of Gujarat NRE Ltd. (B) Term Loan from Laxmi Vilas Bank Ltd. amounting to Rs. 48.50 Crores Primary Security: Pari- passu 1st charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of Bajrangbali Coke Industries Ltd. at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. Collateral Security: a) Pari- passu 2nd Charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of the company's coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat, Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant (along with land) at Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Windmill units at various locations in the state of Gujarat excluding the movable fixed assets exclusively charged to Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. b) Refer Note No.4(A)(ii)(b) C) Term Loan from others are secured by Hypothecation of specified Movable fixed assets financed. 31 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) D) Maturity Profile of Term Loans are as set below : (Rs. in Crores) Repayment profile Foreign Currency Term Loans from Scheduled Banks Term Loan from Banks Term Loan from Banks-FITL Term Loan from Others 5.5% Foreign Currency Convertibles Bonds Non Convertible Debentures 11% Secured Reedemable NCDs 12.50% Secured Reedemable NCDs 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Beyond 2016-17 – – – 2.42 – 5.74 71.26 8.56 1.01 – 7.65 95.01 11.42 – – 82.27 1,021.40 122.76 – 119.29 – 10.00 24.45 10.00 32.60 – 350.46 – E) The Company has issued 200, 5.5% Unsecured Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) of US$ 100,000 each aggregating US $ 20 Millions at par on 29th October'2012. These bonds are convertible into equity shares of the Company at the option of the bond holders at a price of Rs. 22.50 per share. On Conversion these Bonds will result in 47,764,400 equity shares of the Company. If not converted then they are reedemable on 30th October'2017 5 LONG TERM PROVISIONS DESCRIPTION 6 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 Provision for Gratuity & Leave Encashment 5.48 6.26 Provision for Taxation 2.82 2.82 ` 8.30 9.08 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 33.70 145.00 SHORT TERM BORROWINGS DESCRIPTION Secured Term Loans from Scheduled Banks Working Capital Facilities from Scheduled Banks 715.77 629.48 749.47 774.48 Term Loans from Others – 30.00 Inter Corporate Deposits (ICD) – 9.05 – 39.05 749.47 813.53 Unsecured i Primary Security: Pari-passu 1st charge over the entire current assets (both present & future) of the company's coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Dharwad in the state of Karnataka and Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. ii iii Collateral Security: a) Pari- passu 2nd charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of the company's coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat, Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant (along with land) at Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Windmill units at various locations in the state of Gujarat excluding the movable fixed assets exclusively charged to Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. b) Pari- passu 2nd charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of the company's leased unit namely NRE Metcoke Ltd. at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. c) Refer Note 4(A)(ii)(b) The Working Capital Loan of Rs. 75 Crores from ICICI Bank Ltd. is further secured by Corporate guarantee of Gujarat NRE Ltd. 32 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 7 TRADE PAYABLES (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises* Others * As at 31st March, 2013 – – 209.65 749.99 209.65 749.99 The details of amounts outstanding to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act), based on the available information with the company are as under: As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 Principal amount due and remaining unpaid – – Interest due on above and the unpaid interest – – Interest paid on all delayed payment under the MSMED Act – – Payment made beyond the appointed day during the year – – Interest due and payable for the year of delay other then above – – Interest accrued remaining unpaid – – Amount of further interest remaining due and payable in succeeding years – – As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 12.42 351.54 1.24 1.42 11.98 12.75 1.85 1.92 Creditors for Capital Expenditure 20.07 30.72 Advance Share Application Money Received [Refer Note 27(b)] 13.39 – Advance against Share Warrants [Refer Note 27(a)(l)] 65.26 – 151.98 181.88 278.19 580.23 Particulars 8 As at 31st March, 2014 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES DESCRIPTION Current maturities of long term debts Interest Accrued but not due on borrowings Interest Accrued & due on Borrowings Unclaimed Dividend Others Payables 8.1 There are no amounts due and outstanding to be credited to Investors Education and Protection Fund as at 31st March, 2014. 9 SHORT TERM PROVISIONS DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 Provision for Gratuity & Leave Encashment 0.39 0.30 Provision for Taxation 9.26 9.26 Provision for Proposed Dividend – 28.87 Provision for Dividend Tax on Proposed Dividend – 4.68 9.65 43.11 33 34 1,217.54 1,184.58 Total Previous Year 33.05 80.74 – 1.45 – 0.23 0.04 0.09 56.47 22.46 – – Addition during the year 0.09 20.90 – - – 0.53 – – – – – 20.37 Sales / Adjustment during the year GROSS BLOCK 1,217.54 1,277.38 488.10 27.00 0.48 28.53 3.32 2.51 545.50 150.75 8.51 22.68 Total up to 31.03.14 *Conveyance deed will be executed in favour of the Company in due course. Capital W I P 488.10 25.55 0.48 Wind Mill Electrical Installations Weighing Machine 28.83 3.28 Furniture & Fixture Material handling Equipments/Vehicles 2.42 489.03 Plant & Machineries Office Equipment 128.29 8.51 43.05 As on 01.04.13 Building Land -Lease Hold * Land - Freehold Description of Assets NOTES-10 259.46 317.71 138.55 7.11 0.12 15.99 1.39 1.16 135.83 17.56 – – As on 01.04.13 58.33 61.30 25.77 1.25 0.02 2.91 0.21 0.20 26.41 4.19 – – Provided during the year 0.08 0.43 – – – 0.43 – – – – – – Adjustment for Sales DEPRECIATION Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 317.71 378.60 164.32 8.36 0.14 18.81 1.60 1.36 162.24 21.75 – – Total up to 31.03.14 183.26 899.83 898.80 323.78 18.64 0.34 9.72 1.72 1.15 383.26 129.00 8.51 22.68 As on 31.03.14 204.42 899.83 349.55 18.45 0.36 12.84 1.89 1.26 353.20 110.73 8.51 43.05 As on 31.03.13 NET BLOCK (Rs. in Crores) GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 11 NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTS DESCRIPTION (Rs. in Crores) Face Value (Rs) No.of Shares* As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 10 10 969,769 (969,769) 2,737,682 (2,737,682) 7.34 6.14 7.34 6.14 N.A. 86,092,966 (86,092,966) 42.18 42.18 55.66 55.66 1 25,115,850 (20,592,850) 1 23,628,150 (19,051,150) 248.27 234.38 203.95 189.52 10 10,835,000 (10,835,000) 10.84 10.84 Long Term Investment ( At Cost) Non-Trade Investments Quoted (Equity) Indian Shah Alloys Ltd Sal Steel Ltd. Overseas Investments Wollongong Coal Ltd. (formerly Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Ltd) Aggregate Book Value of Quoted Investments (Equity) Unquoted (Equity) Indian In Indian Subsidiaries Wholly owned Huntervalley Coal (P) Ltd Manor Dealcom (P) Ltd Others Bharat NRE Coke Ltd**** In Foreign Subsidiaries Others Gujarat NRE Ltd 370.88 358.42 Aggregate Book Value of Unquoted Investments (Equity) N.A. 106,268,690(103,568,544) 864.37 762.73 Total Long Term Investment (At cost) 920.03 818.39 43.08 97.45 Market value of Quoted Investments (Equity) * Previous Year figure are in bracket **Investment in Indian company equity shares are fully paid up *** Refer Note No. (1(vii)) for mode of valuation **** Out of Shares held in Bharat NRE Coke Ltd., the Company has pledged 1,00,00,000 Shares as security for a Trade Advance of Rs. 36.75 crores. 12 DEFERRED TAX ASSETS / (LIABILITIES) (net) DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 (160.98) (166.03) Net Deferred Tax Assets at beginning of the year: Deferred Tax Assets on – Unabsorbed Depreciation and loss carry forward/(set off) – Capital Loss carry forward – On Provision/ Expenses – Employees compensation – Gratuity & Leave Encashment Total Deferred Tax Assets:(A) 218.41 2.83 46.31 (0.02) (0.22) 267.31 (5.73) – 3.60 0.22 0.61 (1.30) – Depreciation (6.01) (6.35) Total Deferred Tax Liabilities:(B) Net Deferred Tax Assets charged to Statement of Profit & Loss (A-B) (6.01) Deferred Tax Liabilities on (6.35) 273.32 5.05 112.34 (160.98) The Management of the Company is reasonably certain that the Company would be having Future Taxable Income and deferred tax assets are only recognized to the extent that their utilization is probable, i.e. tax benefit is expected in future periods and the same is further supported by the Technical & Economical Valuation conducted by Mecon Ltd. as a part of CDR Implementaion. 35 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 13 LONG TERM LOANS AND ADVANCES (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 1.11 – 1.90 66.42 8.01 89.13 107.36 59.61 (Unsecured,Considered Good) Capital Advance Loan & Advances Deposits With Govt. Authorities & Others Advance Tax (incl. Tax Deducted at Source) Unamortised Expenses: (To the extent not written off/or adjusted) – Deferred Employee Compensation Under ESOS Balance B/F Less – Adjusted for Employees left during the year – Amortised during the year (net) 4.10 0.80 (0.06) 3.36 72.79 14 4.96 0.19 0.67 4.10 268.21 INVENTORIES DESCRIPTION Stores , Spares & Consumables Raw Materials Work in Process Finished Goods As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 6.71 85.99 4.17 880.65 6.14 628.84 11.56 1,084.92 977.52 1,731.46 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 328.17 148.45 4.48 558.23 476.62 562.71 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 0.16 0.25 16.99 1.85 14.02 10.81 1.92 85.54 0.16 0.16 33.18 98.68 Refer Note No. 1(vi) for mode of valuation 15 TRADE RECEIVABLE* (Unsecured, considered good) DESCRIPTION Debts due for a period exceeding six months Other Debts * Refer Note 33(D) 16 CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS DESCRIPTION Cash in hand (as certified by the Management) Balance with Scheduled Banks - In Current Account - In Current Account for Unclaimed Dividend - In Term Deposits* (Including interest accrued) ** Balance with Non Scheduled Banks - In Current Account * includes Term deposits held as margin on Letter of Credit and Bank Guarantee ** Term Deposits with Banks includes deposits of Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs.2.93 Crores ) with maturity of more than 12 months. 36 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 17 SHORT TERM LOANS AND ADVANCES (Unsecured,Considered Good) (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or value to be received (Refer Note 33(D)) Advance Tax (incl. Tax Deducted at Source) 18 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 740.64 442.19 3.97 3.97 744.61 446.16 REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 Sales Less: Excise Duty 970.21 37.83 932.38 932.38 For the year ended 31.03.2013 1,821.19 108.15 1,713.04 1,713.04 18.1 PARTICULARS OF SALE OF PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION Coal & Coke Rolled & Alloy Steel Products Electricity Power (Windmill) 19 For the year ended 31.03.2013 832.74 82.80 16.84 932.38 1,495.74 200.85 16.45 1,713.04 For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 6.39 11.27 301.92 9.95 318.26 0.02 27.33 0.28 38.90 For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 788.37 65.88 854.25 943.75 134.08 1,077.83 For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 736.06 118.20 854.25 952.29 125.55 1,077.83 OTHER INCOME DESCRIPTION Interest Income (TDS Rs. 0.46 Crores, Previous Year Rs. 0.85 Crores) Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets Gurantee Commission Miscellaneous Income 20 For the year ended 31.03.2014 COST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED DESCRIPTION Coal & Coke Rolled & Alloy Steel Products 20.1 PARTICULARS OF COST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED DESCRIPTION Imported Indigenous 37 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 21 CHANGE IN INVENTORIES OF FINISHED GOODS, WORK -IN-PROCESS & STOCK IN TRADE DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 Closing Stocks 884.82 1,096.49 1,096.49 997.36 (211.67) 99.13 0.19 2.34 (211.48) 101.47 For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 38.60 48.29 2.59 2.73 Provision/Payment of Gratuity (0.60) 1.30 Employee Compensation Amortisation under ESOS (0.06) 0.67 Less :Opening Stocks Less: Change in Excise Duty on Stock 22 (Rs. in Crores) EMPLOYEES BENEFITS EXPENSES DESCRIPTION Salaries, Wages, Bonus & Labour Charges Contribution to PF & Other Funds Employees Welfare Expenses 3.55 7.28 44.08 60.27 22.1 Disclosure as required by Accounting Standard 15 ( Revised ) on Employee benefits :In respect of defined benefit scheme (based on Actuarial valuation) Gratuity Plan Leave Encashment i ii iii Change in Obligation during the year ended 31.03.2014 – Present value of Defined Benefit Obligation as on 01.04.2013 – Current Service Cost – Past Service Cost – Interest Cost – Curtailment Cost / (Credit ) – Settlement Cost / (Credit ) – Actuarial (gains)/ losses – Benefits paid – Present Value of defined Benefit Obligation as on 31.03.2014 5.69 0.73 – 0.51 – – (1.84) (0.38) 4.71 0.87 0.15 – 0.08 – – 0.25 (0.18) 1.17 Expenses recognized during the year 2013-14 – Current Service Cost – Past Service Cost – Interest Cost – Curtailment Cost / (Credit ) – Settlement Cost / (Credit ) – Actuarial (gains)/ losses – Expected return on plan assets – Total Expenses for the Year 0.73 – 0.51 – – (1.84) – (0.60) 0.15 – 0.08 –– 0.25 – 0.48 Principal Actuarial Assumptions at the balance sheet date. – Discount rate (based on the market yields available on Government Bonds at the accounting date with a term that matches that of the liabilities) – Expected rate of return on assets – Salary increase (taking into account inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors) Projected Unit Credit (PUC) actuarial method has been used to assess the Plan's liabilities, including those death-in-service and in capacity benefits. 38 9.00% N.A 7.50% GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) iv General Descriptions of defined benefit plans: a) Gratuity Plan: The Company operates gratuity plan wherein every employee is entitled to the benefit equivalent to fifteen days salary last drawn for each completed year of service. The same is payable on Termination of service, or retirement, whichever is earlier. The benefit vests after five years of continuous service. b) Provident Fund Plan: The Company contributes 12% of salary for all eligible employees towards Provident Fund managed by the Regional Provident Fund Authority. 23 FINANCE COSTS (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 293.82 226.03 Interest Expenses 24 Other Borrowing Costs 11.72 24.84 Applicable loss/(gain) on foreign currency transactions and translation 25.85 12.15 331.39 263.02 OTHER EXPENSES DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 Manufacturing Expenses: Power & Fuel Stores, Spares & Consumables 16.87 31.81 9.58 28.05 14.56 23.10 0.16 0.31 Repair & Maintenance: – Plant & Machinery – Building – Others Plant Hire Charges 1.88 3.25 32.50 6.51 75.55 93.03 Selling & Distribution Expenses: Advertisement & Business Development 2.78 3.94 Carriage & Cartage 12.86 27.27 Commision on Sales 2.61 3.64 18.25 Establishment Expenses: Professional & Service Charges General Expenses Rent Rates & Taxes Insurance Expenses Commission to Directors Communication Expenses Travelling & Conveyance Auditors Remuneration – For Audit Fees Internal Audit Fees Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 39 34.85 20.68 2.01 0.25 0.51 2.94 – 0.27 4.19 17.45 2.88 0.17 0.32 4.55 0.98 0.33 5.10 0.15 0.08 0.70 0.11 0.08 – 31.78 31.97 125.58 159.85 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 25 Segment Informations: Segment wise Revenue, Results and Capital Employed for the Year ended 31st March,2014. The Company has two reportable segments i.e. “Coal & Coke” and “Steel” as primary business segments. i (Rs. in Crores) Primary Segment Reporting (by Business Segment): Particulars 2013-14 2012-13 Coal & Coke Steel Total Coal & Coke Steel Total 832.75 99.63 932.38 1495.74 217.30 1713.04 0.05 0.05 0.33 0.33 99.68 932.43 217.63 1713.37 0.05 0.05 0.33 0.33 832.75 99.63 932.38 1495.74 217.30 1713.04 (755.31) (30.56) (785.87) 317.12 (16.68) 300.44 Segment Revenue (Net Sales/Income from segment) External Sales Inter-Segment Revenue 832.75 Less: Inter Segment Revenue Total Segment Revenue Segment Results before Tax & Interest 1495.74 Add:- Other Un-allocable Income Net of Expenditure 282.85 8.85 Less:- Interest Expense 331.39 263.02 Less:- Provision for Tax (273.60) 15.29 Net Profit / (Loss) (560.81) 30.98 Assets Segment Assets* 2,463.28 449.88 2913.16 3,461.01 484.41 3945.42 Un-allocable Assets 1390.22 1083.16 Total Assets 4303.38 5028.58 Liablities Segment Liablities 354.74 31.67 Un-allocable Liablities Total Liablities *including captive windmills Capital Expenditure 386.41 922.49 44.91 967.40 94.91 50.62 481.32 1018.02 5.65 318.12 6.54 343.30 44.52 7.33 64.23 1.83 30.87 29.98 28.17 29.72 Non Cash Expenses Depreciation & Amortisation ii Secondary Segment Reporting ( by Geographical demarcation): Particulars Segment Revenue Segment Assets Capital Expenditure 2013-14 2012-13 India Rest of the World Total India Rest of the World Total 932.38 – 932.38 1,548.10 164.94 1,713.04 2,913.16 – 2,913.16 3,945.42 – 3,945.42 51.85 – 51.85 66.06 – 66.06 40 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 26 The Earnings Per Share as per Accounting Standard (AS- 20) are as under: Particulars At 31.03.2014 Basic & Diluted EPS At 31.03.2013 Basic & Diluted EPS Earnings Net Profit / (Loss) for the Year (Rs. / Crores) Add: Interest on FCCB (Rs. / Crores) (560.81) – 30.98 2.71 Earnings for Diluted EPS (Rs. / Crores) (560.81) 33.69 622,368,137 5,000,000 577,368,137 45,000,000 Shares Number of shares at the beginning of the Year Add: Share Allotted against Share Warrants Total number of equity shares outstanding at the end of the Year 627,368,137 622,368,137 Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the Year (for Basic EPS) Add : Number of equity shares arising out of exercise of option of outstanding Share Warrants that have dilutive effect on the EPS Add : Number of equity shares arising out of exercise of option of Employee Stock Option Scheme 626,614,712 593,272,247 – 2,080,000 – 439,699 Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the Year (for Diluted EPS) 626,614,712 595,791,946 (8.95) (8.95) 0.52 0.52 Earning per share : – Basic (Rs.) – Diluted (Rs.) 27 In the above statement, paid up Equity & Earning Per Share include both Equity Shares & “B” Equity Shares since both class of shares are pari-passu in all respect except for voting rights. a) Debt Restructuring: During the year, the Company was referred to the Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Cell, a non statutory voluntary mechanism set up under the aegis of Reserve Bank of India. Pursuant to that a Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Package as recommended by State Bank of India, the lead banker has been approved by the CDR empowered Group (CDR EG) at its meeting held on 14th March 2014 and communicated vide Letter of Approval dated 22nd March 2014 as amended/modified vide letter dated 7th April 2014. The key features of the approved CDR Package are as follows: a) The Cutoff date under the CDR package is 01st August 2013. b) The tenure of existing NCDs and Term Loans aggregating to Rs. 1020.69 Crores has been revised to 10 years from the cut - off date with a moratorium of 2 years. The repayment shall be in 32 quarterly installments from 1st August 2015. The revised applicable interest rate shall be initially 10.75% p.a. and gradually being stepped upto 11.65% p.a. c) Conversion of various irregular/devolved portion of working capital facilities into Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL) of 10 years repayable after a moratorium of 2 years from the cut off date in 32 quarterly installments from 1st August 2015. The applicable interest rate shall be initially 10.75% p.a. and gradually being stepped upto 15.00% p.a. d) Interest on existing Term Loan, NCDs and WCTL for the period from 1st August 2013 to 31st July 2015 and Interest on Working Capital outstanding for the period from 1st August 2013 to 31st March 2014 will be funded and converted into Funded Interest Term Loan (FITL) of 10 years repayable after a moratorium of 2 years from the cut off date in 32 quarterly installments from 1st August 2015. The applicable interest rate shall be initially 11.00% p.a. gradually being stepped upto 15.00% p.a. e) Additional Term Loan - I of Rs. 450 Crores for meeting long term working capital needs of the company to be provided by 3 working capital CDR lenders and 2 working capital Non CDR lenders. The repayment shall be in 32 quarterly installments from 1st August 2015. The applicable interest rate shall be initially 11.00% p.a. and gradually being stepped upto 11.50% p.a. f) Additional Term Loan - II of Rs. 50 Crores to part finance the capital expenditure for completing the Waste Heat Recovery Based Power plant (Phase I & II) at Dharwad, Karnataka. The repayment shall be in 32 quarterly from 1st August 2015. The applicable interest rate shall be initially 10.75% p.a. and gradually being stepped upto 11.65% p.a. g) Need based working capital requirement assessed for FY 2014 - 15 of Rs. 650 Crores(Fund Based) and Non fund based limit of Rs. 425 Crore (LC/LOU of Rs. 400 Crores and Bank Guarantee of Rs. 25 Crores). The rate of interest on fund based limits shall be @ 11% p.a. h) Waiver of penal interest and all other charges from the cut - off date. i) Non levy/waiver/refund of liquidated damages/penal interest/penal charges for delay/ irregularities due to lenders/creation of security from the cut off date. 41 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) j) k) b) Right of Recompense to CDR lenders for the relief and sacrifice extended, subject to provisions of CDR guidelines. Contribution of Rs. 51.50 crores in the company by promoters towards lenders' sacrifice. In addition Promoters will also bring in Rs. 20 crores as their margin/ Contribution for the Waste Heat Recovery Based Power Plant. l) Out of Rs. 71.50 crores as mention above, the promoter has contributed Rs. 65.26 crores as advance and the said amount has been accounted as Advance against Share Warrants. Status of Implementation of CDR Package: Sanctions under the CDR package have been received from 13 out of 15 CDR lenders. The CDR package has partially been implemented by 12 CDR lenders. However, as the CDR package has been approved by super majority of the CDR lenders as per RBI guidelines, debt owing to all the CDR lenders have been reclassified and interest has been recalculated in accordance with the CDR package. The above reclassifications and interest calculations are subject to reconciliation and approval by these lenders. In terms of the provisions of the CDR package, ICICI Bank Limited on 31/03/2014 has converted its existing Term Loan facilities of Rs. 95.67 crores to FCNRB loan of US$ 15.94 million at the interest rate of 3 months LIBOR+5.00% p.a. In terms of the provisions of the CDR package, ICICI Bank Limited has requested to convert a sum of Rs. 13.39 crores (part of FITL interest) into fully paid up equity shares of Rs.10/- each. The price based on the terms of SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosures requirements) Regulations 2009 has been taken at Rs. 11.01 per share. The said amount has been adjusted with the FITL account of ICICI Bank Ltd and transferred to Advance against Share application money Account. The Bank shall be issued 121.61 lacs equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 1.01 per share. The aggregate present value of the outstanding sacrifice made/to be made by CDR lenders as per the approved CDR package is estimated at Rs. 342.39 Crores. 28.1 Contingent liabilities not provided for in respect of: (Rs. in Crores) i ii Letter of Credits outstanding for purchase of materials. Outstanding Bank Guarantees and Counter / Corporate Guarantees given on behalf of various companies. iii Capital commitments iv Bills discounted under letter of credit with banks v Duty on account of Advance Authorisation against Export obligation. vi On Balance Sheet date, the disputed amount involved in four income-tax demands( Previous Year four) under appeal (The management is of view that the outcome of the appeal would be favourable to the company, hence no provision has been made against these income-tax demands. ) vii A demand raised by the Service tax department, against which company has filed an appeal to the jurisdiction authorities. viii A demand raised by the Custom department, against which company has filed an appeal to the jurisdiction authorities. As on 31st March 2014 As on 31st March 2013 – 2,893.29 1.16 2,667.05 58.08 13.36 4.87 9.02 59.17 41.89 4.87 6.77 3.39 0.06 12.50 1.11 28.2 Greenearth Resources & Projects Limited (formerly known as Austral Coke & Projects Limited) had filed a defamation suit in Hon'ble Bombay High Court against the Company for Rs.600 Crores. The Company had also filed Civil Suit in Hon'ble Calcutta High Court against Austral Coke & Projects Limited, all its Directors, its merchant bankers and Auditors and others claiming for loss of damages worth Rs.4761 crores. Management is confident that outcome of the defamation suit filed by the Austral Coke & Projects Limited would be in favour of the company. 28.3 In the year 2007, the company and Armada Singapore Pte Ltd (“Armada”) entered into five year charter party agreement which provided, inter alia, for Armada to provide vessels to ship the company's tonnage, namely coal from various destinations worldwide. During the year 2009 Armada entered into Judicial Management, a Singaporean insolvency regime. As a result of Armada's insolvency, the Company did not make further nominations since there was no assurance or security for Armada's performance for the balance period under the agreement. In the year 2010 Armada filed its claim submission in an arbitration proceeding against the company in London for the year 2009 and 2010 and after all the repetitive challenges by the company w.r.t the defect in constitution of the Tribunal, the Tribunal passed an award in favour of Armada assessing the liability of the company as equivalent to Rs. 46 Crores (including interest of Rs. 3.7 Crores). Aggrieved by the aforesaid order the company has filed a civil suit against Armada with the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta claiming for damages for an amount of Rs 144 Crores and cancellation of the aforesaid award being void and restraining Armada from giving any effect to the award passed by the Tribunal. An order was passed by the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta restraining Armada to take any further steps to enforce the award passed by the Tribunal in India. The matter is presently sub judice before the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta. Meanwhile Armada executed an enforcement proceeding before the Federal Court of Australia, New South Wales which passed a freezing order of the assets held by the company in Australia. The company had challenged such enforcement proceedings before the same court and the final judgment is reserved by the court and is pending till date. 42 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) Armada later on filed its claim submission against the company for the non-performance of contract for the year 2011 before the same arbitral tribunal in London which passed a further award in favour of Armada assessing the liability of the company as equivalent to Rs.25.4 Crores (including interest of Rs. 1.2 Crores). An appeal was filed by the company against said order before High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, Commercial Court in England which is pending before the said court. Thereafter, a petition was filed in High Court at Calcutta against the said award of the arbitral tribunal for its cancellation. Affidavit in oppositions were filed by both the parties and the matter is presently sub judice before the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta. During the year 2012, the company sought performance under the agreement from Armada, who failed to perform as per the terms of the agreement, which event was taken as repudiation of the agreement and the agreement was terminated. On the contrary, Armada filed another claim in March 2013 for non-performance for the year 2012 for an amount equivalent to Rs. 27 Crores and interest thereupon. The company has filed a counter claim for an amount equivalent to Rs 60 Crores and strongly opposed the claim of Armada before a newly constituted Arbitral Tribunal. The Arbitration hearing was held in London in the month of December 2013 and the order was published in January 2014 wherein the argument of Armada in regard to five vessels out of six vessels nominated by Armada in 2012 was turned down by the Tribunal. As per the order the precise quantum of the claim in regard to one vessel which Armada succeeded will be determined jointly by the expert of both parties. The determination of such quantum is pending. 28.4 In September 2011 the company and Coeclerici Asia (Pte) Ltd (“Coeclerici”) entered into an agreement of sale and purchase of met coke as per which the company had to supply the cargo to Ceoclerici at a mutually agreed price by 31st March 2012. As per the terms of the agreement Coeclerici made an advance of USD 10 million to the company in Sept 2011. Owing to the sluggish market conditions, the parties could not arrive at a mutually agreed price, as such no cargo was supplied by 31.03.2012 and the entire advance of USD 10 million was required to be refunded by the company to Coeclerici. The company has already refunded USD 3.2 million till Sept'13 to Coeclerici. The company does not dispute the repayment of the balance amount to Coeclerici and have been trying to make the balance payment. However, to secure its payment position, Coeclerici proceeded with the arbitration in London by filing its claim against the company. After all the arbitration proceedings, the Tribunal finally passed its order against the company for an amount equivalent to Rs. 46.2 Crores and interest thereupon. Thereafter an application was filed by Coeclerici in Australia to enforce the English Award and the Australian Court made orders recognizing and enforcing the Award, including the appointment of receiver to the shares held by the company in Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Ltd. (GNCCL) and Gujarat NRE Ltd (GNL) and the shares held by Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka in GNCCL. The company thereafter filed an appeal against such order. However, the appeal was ultimately dismissed. Presently, receivers have control over the shares held by the company in GNCCL and GNL and Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka in GNCCL for the purpose of sale to recover the judgment debt. 28.5 The company had filed proceedings before the High Court, Calcutta against Gregarious Estates Incorporated (“Gregarious” or “Owners”), Gabriel Petridis (President / Director of Gregarious), Tapas Kumar Mukhopadhay (Director of Gregarious), Arun Dua (Director of Gregarious) and Bhatia International Pte. Limited in relation to the Time Charter Agreement dated January 29, 2008 entered into between GNCL and Gregarious whereby Gregarious agreed to give on hire and GNCL agreed to hire a vessel for a period of 82 to 86 months. In view of the fact that there was a change in management of Gregarious without the consent of the company, it was contended that as per the terms of the agreement the company has the right to terminate the said Agreement. Further the Agreement never came into effect as per the terms of the agreement Gregarious had failed to provide the calculations for ascertaining super profits (as described therein) to the company. The company had filed a suit in Calcutta High Court for a decree of Rs. 56.25 Crores and prayed for declaration that the arbitration agreement between the company and Gregarious be rendered illegal, null and void. During pendency of above proceedings, Gregarious initiated arbitration proceedings against the company and served a claim submission for an amount equivalent to Rs 212 Crores and interest thereupon. The matter was never heard on merits at all and only the matter of jurisdiction of English Courts/ Arbitral Tribunal in London was decided by the Indian Courts. The matter after being discharged by the Indian Court was referred to Arbitration Tribunal. The Arbitration hearing was held in London in the month of January 2014 and the order is presently reserved by the Tribunal. The management is confident of the outcome of case in favour of the company. 28.6 On 8.1.14 Wollongong Coal Ltd. (“WCL”) (Formerly Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Ltd.) issued a demand notice to the company and its other group companies claiming over AUD 63 million being amount claimed due to WCL by the company. On 14.2.14 the company issued a counter demand for payment of USD 23.71 million being amount due by WCL and its subsidiary Wongawilli Coal Pty Ltd. (WCPL) to the company as on 31.1.14 on account of corporate guarantee commission for the corporate guarantees given by our company to the lender of WCL for the loans / facilities taken by WCL and on account quality claims. The said demand was refuted by WCL vide its letter dated 21.2.14. The management is taking necessary proactive steps in the matter and is confident of a favourable outcome. 29 Earning in Foreign Exchange: (Rs. in Crores) – FOB value of exports – Guarantee Commission 43 For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 – 163.34 301.92 27.33 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 30 (Rs. in Crores) Value of Imports on CIF basis in respect of: For the year ended 31.03.2014 Raw Materials – Coking Coal – M.S.Scrap Capital Goods 31 133.53 7.07 1,023.36 0.23 Expenditure in foreign currency - i For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 0.25 7.35 8.18 0.50 2.71 7.86 The company uses forward contracts to hedge its risks associated with foreign currencies relating to foreign currency liabilities. The company does not use forward contracts for speculative purpose. a b ii 33 951.46 71.90 140.60 0.22 – Travelling – Interest – Professional & Consultancy Fees 32. For the year ended 31.03.2013 As on 31st March 2014 As on 31st March 2013 – – – 145.89 214.96 160.93 128.42 211.84 564.96 – Forward Contracts outstanding for hedging currency risks - Loans - Payable Foreign Currency Exposures that have not been hedged - Loans including accrued interest - Payable - Receivable Exchange difference Gain/ (Loss) of Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs. (1.34) Crores) in respect of unexpired period of forward cover contracts will be recognised in the Statement of Profit & Loss in subsequent year. Related Party Disclosures as required by Accounting Standard (AS-18) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), are given below: A. Particulars of the Related Parties: Subsidiary Companies Wholly Owned i Gujarat NRE Limited (Ceases to be subsidiary of the Company during the year) ii Huntervalley Coal (P) Ltd. iii Manor Dealcom (P) Ltd. i ii iii iv v vi vii viii Sub-Subsidiary Companies (All Sub-Subsidiaries ceases to be Sub-subsidiaries of the Company during the year) Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Ltd. Gujarat NRE Wonga Pty. Ltd. Wonga Coal Pty. Ltd. Gujarat NRE Resources NL Gujarat NRE Coal (NSW) Pty. Ltd. South Bulli Holdings Pty. Ltd. Gujarat NRE Properties Pty. Ltd. Gujarat NRE India Pty. Ltd. i ii iii iv v vi vii viii Associates Bharat NRE Coke Ltd. (Ceases to be Associate of the Company during the year) NRE Metcoke Ltd. Surajbari Traders Pvt. Ltd. Dharwad Traders Pvt. Ltd. Mandvi Traders Pvt. Ltd. Lunva Traders Pvt. Ltd. Critical Mass Multilink Ltd Gujarat NRE Limited (Part of the year) 44 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) Enterprises in which key management personnel have significant Influence Bajrangbali Coke Industries Ltd. Bhachau Traders Pvt. Ltd. Bharat NRE Coke Ltd.(Part of the Year) Gujarat NRE Mineral Resources Ltd. Khambhalia Traders Pvt. Ltd. Mahanidhi Vyapaar Pvt. Ltd. Mangal Crystal Coke Pvt. Ltd. Russel Vale Traders Pvt. Ltd. Wonga Traders Pvt. Ltd. Enterprise in which key management personnel is a trustee i Girdharilal Arun Kumar Family Trust Key Management Personnel & Relatives thereof i Mr. A. K. Jagatramka – Chairman & Managing Director ii Mrs. Mona Jagatramka – Director ii Mr. P. R. Kannan – Chief Financial Officer Transaction with Related Parties i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix B. C Particulars of Transactions i ii iii. iv v vi vii viii ix x xi # Sale/(Sales Return) of Goods/Services – Associates – Sub-Subsidiaries – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Purchase of Goods /Services – Associates – Sub-Subsidiaries – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Remuneration – Key Management personnel Investments – Subsidiaries Shares Alloted – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Share Warrant Deposit Received – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Forfeited – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Advance against Share Warrant Deposit Received – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Rent Paid – Enterprises in which key management personnel is a trustee Security Deposit Given/(Refunded) – Associates – Enterprises in which key management personnel is a trustee Loans / Advance Given/(Refunded) – Associates – Subsidiaries – Sub-Subsidiaries – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Guarantees/Collateral Securities Outstanding as at the Year end – Given on behalf of Sub-Subsidiaries – Given on behalf of Subsidiaries – Given on behalf of Associates – Given on behalf of Enterprises in which Key Management Personnel has significant influence – Given by Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence. (By pledge of Shares) – Given by Associates on behalf of the Company – Given by Key Management Personnel on behalf of the Company – Given by Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence } (Rs. in Crores) Current Year Previous Year – 93.67 – 46.99 27.33 0.01 13.97 (32.55) 22.55 5.19 516.42 2.13 0.76 2.51 101.64 75.09 5.00 45.00 73.17 2.64 – 93.75 65.26 – 0.76 0.25 (35.00) (9.35) – – 2.16 – – 14.34 5.06 (0.02) (74.50) – – – 215.88 2,453.63 190.36 – 89.85 – 10.00 – 155.00 2,298.20 346.78 2,777.17# As per CDR Package, Associates of the Company, Key Management Personnel, Relatives of Key Management Personnel & some of the Enterprises in which Key Management Personnel has significant influence has given Guarantee on behalf of the Company to the extent of Loan Outstanding. 45 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) D The Company has the following amounts due from/ to related parties: (Rs. in Crores) As on 31st March 2014 As on 31st March 2013 – 89.13 – 31.10 52.38 101.05 15.08 80.00 – 39.35 – 0.50 541.40 1.95 Due from Related Parties (included in loans & advances and sundry debtors) Subsidiaries – included in Loans & Advances Associates – included in Sundry Debtors – included in Loans & Advances Enterprises in which key managerial persons has significant influence – included in Sundry Debtors – included in Loans & Advances Due to Related Parties (included in current liabilities) – Sub-Subsidiaries – Enterprises in which key management person has significant influence 34 Particulars of Balances with Non-Scheduled banks : (Rs. in Crores) In current Account* a) b) c) d) 35 36 37 38 39 Balance as on ICICI Bank UK PLC, London Branch SBI Sydney Branch SBI Hong Kong Branch SBI New York Branch Maximum Balance 31st March 2014 31st March 2013 Current Year Previous Year 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.06 13.55 0.02 * None of the directors of the company are interested in such banks. The Shareholders of Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd.(GNCL) & Bharat NRE Coke Ltd.(BNCL) at their respective Shareholders meeting held on 28.01.13 approved and adopted the scheme of amalgamation of BNCL with GNCL. However in view of subsequent development of reference of GNCL TO CDR EG for its debt restructuring the said merger was not allowed by Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta. a The indicators of impairment listed in paragraph 8 to 10 of Accounting Standard (AS)- 28 “Impairment of assets” issued by ICAI have been examined by the management and on such examination, it has been found that none of the indicators are present in the case of the Company's assets . A formal estimate of the recoverable amount has not been made, as there is no indication of a potential impairment loss. b In the opinion of Board of Directors and to the best of their knowledge and belief, the value on realization of Current Assets, Loans and advances in the ordinary course of business will not be less than the amount at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet. Exceptional items for the year ended 31st March'2014 represents net foreign exchange loss of Rs.73.32 Crores , including Rs. 25.85 Crores included in Finance Cost,(Previous Year 60.11 Crores including Rs. 12.15 Crores included in Finance Cost) has been incurred due to unusual diminution in the value of Rupee as against the US Dollar during the year. There are no amounts due and outstanding to be credited to Investors Education and Protection Fund as at 31st March 2014 Remittance in Foreign Currency on account of Dividend: The Company has paid dividend in respect of shares held by Non-resident on repatriation basis. This inter-alia includes portfolio investment and direct investment, where the amount is also credited to Non-Resident External Account (NRE A/c). The exact amount of dividend remitted in foreign currency cannot be ascertained. The total amount remitted in this respect is given herein below: (Rs. in Crores) Number of Non-Resident Shareholders Number of Equity & “B” Equity Shares held by them (i) Amount of Dividend Paid (Gross) Tax deducted at Source (ii) Year to which dividend relates 40 For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A Previous year's figure have been regrouped/reclassified wherever necessary to correspond with the current year's classification / disclosure. 46 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (Rs. in Crores) For the Year ended 31-Mar-2014 A For the Year ended 31-Mar-2013 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Profit / (Loss) Before Tax (834.40) 46.27 Adjustments for: Depreciation / Other non cash items Interest Paid / Payable Other Income Loss/(Profit) on Sale / Discard of Fixed Assets Employee Stock Option - Compensation Interest Received / Receivable Operating Profit before working Capital Changes 61.30 331.40 (311.88) 0.70 (0.06) (6.39) (759.33) 58.33 263.02 (27.61) (0.02) 0.67 (11.26) 329.40 Adjustments for: Trade & Other Receivables Inventories Trade Payables Cash Generated / (Used) from Operations Direct Taxes Paid / Refunds Cash Generated / (Used) from Operating Activities 110.64 753.95 (581.58) (476.32) (6.53) (482.85) (273.91) (142.18) (69.81) (156.50) 7.27 (149.23) CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Addition to Fixed Assets Sale of Fixed Assets Addition to Investments Interest Received Dividend / Misc Income Net Cash Generated / (Used) in Investing Activities (52.70) 19.78 (101.64) 6.39 183.46 55.29 (66.59) 0.02 (75.09) 11.27 27.61 (102.78) CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net Proceeds to Share Capital / Reserves Deposit against Share Warrant Advance against Share Warrant/ Share Application Money Increase in Long / Short term borrowing Interest Paid Dividend & Dividend Tax Paid Net Cash Generated / (Used) from Financing Activities 7.91 – 78.65 607.91 (332.34) (0.07) 362.06 94.86 2.64 456.18 (262.16) (9.63) 281.89 (65.50) 29.88 Cash & Cash Equivalents (Opening Balance) 98.68 68.80 Cash & Cash Equivalents (Closing Balance)* 33.18 98.68 B C Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents * Includes Dividend accounts of Rs. 1.85 crores( Previous Year 1.92 Crores). In terms of our report of even date annexed hereto For N. C. BANERJEE & CO. Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 302081E) A. Paul Partner Membership No. 06490 Place : Kolkata Dated : 25th May' 2014 For and on behalf of the Board A K Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director M Jagatramka Director 47 P R Kannan Chief Financial Officer Manoj K Shah Company Secretary GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 212 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 RELATING TO SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES Name of the Subsidiary Company 1. Country of Incorporation 2. Financial Year of the subsidiary ended on Huntervalley Coal Pvt. Ltd. Manor Dealcom Pvt Ltd India India 31.03.14 31.03.14 25,115,850 23,628,150 100.00% 100.00% 3. Holding Company's Interest i) ii) Equity Shares a) Number of Shares b) % of Share held by Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd and its Subsidiaries Preference Shares a) Number of Shares – – b) % Share held by Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd and its Subsidiaries – – – – 0.00 0.00 – – 0.01 0.00 – – 4. Net aggregate amount of Profit/(Losses) of the Subsidiary, so far as they concern members of Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd i) ii) For the Financial Year of Subsidiary a) Dealt with in the accounts of the Holding company b) Not dealt with in the accounts of the Holding company For the previous Financial Years of the Subsidiary since it became the holding Company's Subsidiary a) Dealt with in the accounts of the Holding company b) Not dealt with in the accounts of the Holding company 5. Changes in the interest of Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd between the end of the subsidiary's financial year and 31st March, 2014 Number of shares acquired Material changes between the end of the subsidiary's financial year and 31st March, 2014 a) Fixed assets (net additions) – – b) Investments (Net) – – c) Moneys lent by the subsidiary – – d) Moneys borrowed by the subsidiary company other than for meeting current liabilities – – Notes: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide its circular no.2/2011 dated 8th February 2011 has granted a general exemption under section 212(8) of the Companies Act 1956, from attaching the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account and other documents of the subsidiary companies to the balance sheet of any company upon compliance of certain conditions, the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account and other documents of the subsidiaries are not attached to the Annual Reports & Accounts. The Annual Accounts of the Subsidiaries Companies are available for inspection by any investor at the Registered Office of the Company & the concerned subsidiary of the Company. 48 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Particulars of Subsidiary Companies issued under section 212 (8) of the Companies Act, 1956 for the financial year 2013-14 are as follows :(Rs. in crores) Name of the Subsidiary Company (a) Share Capital (Equity and Preference) Huntervalley Coal Pvt Ltd Manor Dealcom Pvt Ltd 2.51 2.36 (b) Reserve & Surplus (net of debit balance of profit & loss account) 245.82 232.05 (c) 248.33 234.42 0.00 0.00 Total Assets (d) Total Liabilities (e) Details of Investment (excluding investments in the subsidiary companies) (f) – Equity / Preference Shares 248.28 234.37 – Government Securities – – – Bonds/ Mutual Funds Units – – 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 Turnover (g) Profit/(Loss) Before Taxation (h) Provision for Taxation 0.00 0.00 (i) Profit/ (Loss) after Taxation 0.00 0.00 (j) Proposed Dividend (including Corporate Dividend Tax) – – Independent Auditors' Report on Consolidated Financial Statements To the members of Gujarat NRE Coke Limited Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Gujarat NRE Coke Limited (“the Company”), its subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities (together referred to as 'the Group') as at March 31, 2014, which comprise the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2014, the Consolidated Statement of Profit & Loss and Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements The Company's Management is responsible for the preparation of these consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position, consolidated financial performance and consolidated cash flows of the Group in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in India. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Company's preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by Management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. Basis of Qualified Opinion We draw attention to Note 30(b) of the accompanying financial statements in considering Financial Statements of erstwhile five Australian Subsidiaries, which were more than six months old on the date on which these five companies ceased to be subsidiaries of the company, which is not in conformity with Accounting Standard 21 issued by ICAI and in respect of remaining four Australian Subsidiaries, the Management Approved Accounts as on the date on cessation of Subsidiaries has been considered. In absence of audited statement of these nine subsidiaries companies as on the dates of their cessation of status of subsidiaries of the company, the impact of the same as compared to the amounts taken in consolidated financial statements could not be known. Qualified Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our knowledge and according to the information and explanations given to us, except for the effects of the matter described in paragraph above, the consolidated financial statement give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India: a) in the case of the consolidated Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2014; b) in the case of the consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss, of the loss for the year ended on that date; and c) in the case of the consolidated Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flows for the year ended on that date. Emphasis of Matter We also draw the attention to Note 30(c) of the accompanying financial statements regarding the use of Unaudited Management Approved Financial Statements of Gujarat NRE Ltd., an Australian Associate of the Company for the preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements. This is an information and shall not be construed as audit opinion. For N.C.Banerjee & Co. Chartered Accountants (Firm's Registration No. : 302081E) Place: Kolkata Dated: 25th May, 2014 49 A Paul (Partner) Membership No. 06490 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Consolidated Balance Sheet As at 31st March, 2014 (Rs. in Crores) Notes EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders' Funds Share Capital Reserves & Surplus Money received against Share Warrants 2 3 Minority Interest Non-Current Liabilities Long Term Borrowings Long Term Provisions 4 5 Current Liabilities Short Term Borrowings Trade Payables Other Current Liabilities Short Term Provisions 6 7 8 9 TOTAL As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 627.37 519.19 10.40 622.37 1,149.33 13.04 1,156.96 1,784.74 – 1,379.59 1,963.91 8.30 2,663.30 9.08 1,972.21 2,672.38 749.47 209.64 278.19 9.65 1,095.45 1,133.11 1,232.77 128.06 1,246.95 3,589.39 4,376.12 9,426.10 ASSETS Non-Current Assets Tangible Fixed Assets 10 898.80 4,829.28 Intangible Fixed Assets 10 310.86 339.94 Capital Work-in-Progress 10 183.26 439.39 Non-Current Investment 11 566.01 387.70 Deferred Tax Assets (net) 12 112.34 27.72 Long Term Loan & Advances 13 72.80 255.61 2,144.07 6,279.64 1,826.06 Current Assets Inventories 14 977.52 Trade Receivables 15 476.62 701.87 Cash & Cash Equivalents 16 33.28 115.20 Short Term Loan & Advances 17 TOTAL 1 to 36 Significant Accounting Policies & Notes on Financial Statements 744.63 503.31 2,232.05 3,146.45 4,376.12 9,426.10 forming part of the financial statements In terms of our report of even date annexed hereto For N. C. BANERJEE & CO. Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 302081E) A. Paul Partner Membership No. 06490 Place : Kolkata Dated : 25th May' 2014. For and on behalf of the Board A K Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director M Jagatramka Director 50 P R Kannan Chief Financial Officer Manoj K Shah Company Secretary GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Consolidated Statement of Profit & Loss For the year ended 31st March, 2014 (Rs. in Crores) Notes For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 INCOME Revenue from Operations 18 932.38 2,029.40 Other Income 19 404.71 135.33 1,337.09 2,164.73 851.71 419.66 409.49 139.88 Total Revenue: EXPENDITURE Cost of Materials Consumed 20 Purchase of Stock-in-Trade Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Stock-in-Process and Stock in Trade 21 211.47 (116.36) Employees Benefits Expenses 22 44.08 174.13 Finance Costs 23 349.24 390.59 Depreciation 10 61.30 321.40 Other Expenses 24 126.16 853.75 Total Expenses: 2,027.62 2,183.05 Profit/(Loss) before Exceptional Items, Extra Ordinary Items & Tax (716.36) (18.34) Exceptional Items 33 47.60 46.89 – 30.81 Profit/(Loss) Before Tax (763.96) (96.02) Tax Expenses – Current Tax – Deferred Tax – MAT credit entitlement – Tax for Earlier Years – (273.32) – (0.27) (53.97) (152.20) 7.87 0.27 Profit/(Loss) after tax for the year (490.37) 102.01 – (10.98) (37.23) (0.18) (527.60) 112.82 (8.42) 1.90 (8.42) 1.89 Extra Ordinary Items Less : Minority Interest Add : Share in Profit / (Loss) of Associates Profit/(Loss) for the year after taxes, minority interest & share of loss of associates Basic Earnings per Equity & "B" Equity Share (in Rs.) [Face Value Rs. 10 per shares] Diluted Earnings per Equity & "B" Equity Share (in Rs.) [Face Value Rs. 10 per shares] Significant Accounting Policies & Notes on Financial Statements forming part of the financial statements 1 to 36 In terms of our report of even date annexed hereto For N. C. BANERJEE & CO. Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 302081E) A. Paul Partner Membership No. 06490 Place : Kolkata Dated : 25th May' 2014. For and on behalf of the Board A K Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director M Jagatramka Director 51 P R Kannan Chief Financial Officer Manoj K Shah Company Secretary GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 1. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Conventions The consolidated financial statements are prepared under historical cost conventions and as a going concern basis following the accrual basis of accounting and in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in India. Principles of Consolidation The accounts of subsidiaries including foreign subsidiaries have been consolidated with the parent companies accounts in accordance with Accounting Standard-21 on “Consolidated Financial Statements” and investments in Associates have been accounted for using the equity method as per Accounting Standard-23 on “Accounting for Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements” as specified in the Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules, 2006. Consolidated Financial Statements have been made by adding together like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. The inter-company transactions and unrealized profits/(losses) thereon have been eliminated in full. Goodwill/Capital Reserves represent the difference between the cost of control in the subsidiaries/associates, over the book value of net assets at the time of acquisition of control in the subsidiaries/associates. Foreign subsidiaries/ Associates are considered as non-integral foreign operation as per Accounting Standard-11, on “The effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates”. The financial statements of the same have been converted using the following methods: Components of Statement of Profit & Loss except opening & closing stock have been converted using monthly average rate of the reported year. Components of Balance Sheet have been converted using the rates at the balance sheet date, except balance of Statement of Profit & Loss. Resultant foreign exchange translation difference has been recognized as “Foreign Currency Translation Reserve”. Use of estimates The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities for the year under review and disclosure of contingent liabilities on the date of the consolidated financial statements. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively in the current and future periods. Revenue Recognition Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the company and revenue can be reliably measured a. In respect of Sales : When the significant risks and rewards of ownership of goods have been passed on to the buyer, which generally coincides with delivery / shipment of goods to customers. b. In respect of Interest Income : On time proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the rate applicable. c. In respect of Service Income : When the services are performed as per contract. d. In respect of Dividend Income : When right to receive payment is established. e. In respect of Insurance Claims : On Settlement of Claims. f. In respect of Guarantee Commission : When right to receive payments is established. Revenue from product sales is recognised inclusive of Excise duty but exclusive of Sales Tax / Value added Tax (VAT) and net of returns, Sales Discount etc. Sales Returns are accounted for when goods are returned. Fixed Assets Fixed assets are stated at historical cost, which comprises cost of purchase/construction cost, cost of borrowing and other cost directly attributable to bring the assets at its working condition and location for its intended use. Expenditures during construction period are allocated to the relevant assets in the ratio of costs of respective assets. Depreciation on Fixed Assets Depreciation on Fixed Assets is provided on Straight Line Method (SLM) at the rates and in the manner prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956. In case of foreign subsidiaries, depreciation is provided on Straight Line Method (SLM) over the useful life of assets. Mining lease is amortised over the life of the asset. Amortisation is calculated in proportion of actual production when measured against the resources available in the mine. Mine Development is activities undertaken to gain access to mineral reserves. Typically this includes sinking shafts, permanent excavations, building transport infrastructure and roadways. All costs relating to mine development are capitalised and are amortised over the estimated reserve in that developed area of the mine. Amortisation is calculated in proportion to actual production when measured against mineable resources in the mine area developed on which the expenses were incurred. The carrying value of mine development is reviewed by directors to ensure it is not in excess of its recoverable amount. Pre-production costs All costs relating to the pre-production of coal were capitalised and are amortised over the estimated life of reserves in the mine. Amortisation is calculated in proportion to actual production when measured against mineable resources in the mine seam for which the expenses were incurred. The carrying value of pre-production is reviewed by directors to ensure it is not in excess of its recoverable amount. 52 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) vii. Inventories 1. Inventories are valued as under: a. Raw Materials : At Cost or Net Realisable Value whichever is lower b. Finished Products : At Cost or Net Realisable Value whichever is lower c. Stores, Spares and Components : At Cost or Net Realisable Value whichever is lower d. Stock in process : At Raw material Cost plus estimated cost of conversion up to the stage of completion or Net Realisable Value whichever is lower. Cost includes all direct cost and applicable manufacturing and administrative overheads. 2. Inventories are valued on FIFO basis. 3. Variation, if any, between books and physical stocks detected on physical verification, obsolete & slow moving stocks are adjusted in accounts as found appropriate. viii. Investments Long term investments are stated at cost. Provision is made when diminution in the value of investments is considered permanent in nature. Current investments are stated at lower of cost and market value. ix. Foreign Exchange Transactions a. Initial Recognition: Foreign Exchange transactions are recorded normally at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the transactions. b. Conversion Foreign currency monetary items are reported using the closing rate. Non-monetary items which are carried in terms of historical cost denominated in a foreign currency are reported using the exchange rate at the date of transaction and nonmonetary items which are carried at the fair value or other similar denominated in a foreign currency are reported using the exchange rates that existed when the values were determined. c. Exchange differences Exchange differences arising on settlement of transactions or on reporting monetary items of the Company at the rate different from those at which they were initially recorded during the year, or reported in previous financial statement, are recognised as income or expenses in the year in which they arise except in case where they relate to acquisition of fixed assets. d. Forward Exchange Contract not intended for trading or speculative purposes The premium or discount arising at the inception of forward exchange contract is amortized as expenses or income over the life of the respective contract. Exchange differences on such contracts are recognised in the statement of Profit or Loss in the year in which exchange rate changes. Any profit or loss arising on cancellation or renewal of forward exchange contract is recognised as income or as expenses for the year. x. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets The Company makes a provision when there is present obligation as a result of past event that probably requires an outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. A disclosure for contingent liabilities is made when there is a possible obligation or a present obligation that may, but probably will not, require an outflow of resources. Contingent Assets are disclosed when an inflow of economic benefit is probable and/or certain. xi. Borrowing Costs Borrowing Costs that are attributable to the acquisition and construction of qualifying assets are capitalised as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use. Other borrowing costs of the year are charged to revenue in the period in which they are incurred. xii. Taxation Current Tax is determined as the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income for the period. Deferred Tax Liability is recognized for all timing difference between taxable income and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods. Deferred Tax Assets are recognized only if there is reasonable certainty that the same will be realized and are reviewed for the appropriateness of its respective carrying values at each Balance Sheet date. Tax on Distributed Profit Payable is in accordance with the provision of Section 155O of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and in accordance with guidance note on Accounting for Corporate Dividend Tax. Wealth Tax is determined on taxable value of assets on the balance sheet date. Foreign Companies recognize tax liabilities and assets as per their local regulations & laws. 53 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) xiii. Employee Benefits a) Short Term & Post Employment Benefits Employee benefits of short-term nature are recognized as expense as and when those accrue. Post employments benefits are recognized as expenses based on actuarial valuation at year end which takes into account actuarial gains and losses. b) Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) Aggregate quantum of options granted under the schemes in monetary term net of consideration of issue, to be paid in cash, are shown in the Balance Sheet as Employees Stock Option outstanding under Reserves & Surplus and as Deferred Employees Compensation (ESOS) under Unamortised Expenditure as per guidelines of SEBI in this respect. With the exercise of options and consequent issue of equity shares corresponding ESOS outstanding is transferred to Securities Premium Account. In case of foreign subsidiaries the fair value of options granted is recognised as an employee benefit expense with a corresponding increase in equity. The fair value is measured at grant date and recognized over the period during which the employee become unconditionally entitled to the options. Fair value at grant date is independently determined using Binomial method for option pricing. xiv. Indirect Taxes Excise Duty on Finished Goods Stock is accounted for at the point of manufacture of goods and is accordingly considered for valuation of finished goods stock as on Balance sheet date. Customs duty on imported raw materials is accounted for on the clearance of goods from the Customs Authorities. In Foreign Subsidiaries Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office. In these circumstances the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of the expense. Receivables and payables in the balance sheet are shown inclusive of GST. xv. Unamortised Expenditures Unamortised expenditure, stated at cost, is amortized over period of time as under: (i) Deferred Revenue Expenses - 5 years (ii) Deferred Employees Compensation under ESOS - Amortised on straight line basis over vesting period. The restoration liability calculated as discounted present value in relation to restoration guarantee at the end of the lease is correspondingly represented by a Unamortised Expenditures as Deferred restoration Guarantee. The deferred restoration guarantee, after deducting the change in liability, is amortised on a straight line basis over the life of the mine lease. xvi. Impairment of Assets The Company assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether there is any indication of an asset being impaired. An asset is treated as impaired when the carrying cost of assets exceeds its recoverable value, in which case the impairment loss is charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss of the year. The impairment loss recognised in prior accounting periods is reversed if there has been a change in the estimate of recoverable amount. xvii. Research and development Revenue expenditure on research and development is expensed as incurred. Capital expenditures incurred on research and development having alternate uses are capitalised as fixed assets and depreciated in accordance with the depreciation policy of the Company. xviii. Earning per share (EPS) The basic earning per share (“EPS”) is computed by dividing the net profit after tax for the year by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. For the purpose of calculating diluted earnings per share, net profit after tax for the year and the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year are adjusted with the effects of all dilutive potential equity shares. The dilutive potential equity shares are deemed converted as of the beginning of the period, unless they have been issued at a later date. xix. Prior Period Adjustments, Extra-ordinary Items and Changes in Accounting Policies Prior period adjustments, extraordinary items and changes in accounting policies having material impact on the financial affairs of the Company are disclosed. xx Minority Interest Minority Interest as shown in the consolidated balance sheet comprises of share in equity and reserves and surplus/losses of the subsidiaries. xxi. Segment Reporting i. Identification of Segments: The Group's Operating Businesses are organized and managed separately according to the nature of products and services provided, with each segment representing a strategic business unit that offers different products and serves different markets. ii. Allocation of Common Costs: Common allocable costs are allocated to each segment according to sales of each segment to total sales of the Group. 54 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 2 SHARE CAPITAL (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 1,600.00 1,600.00 10,00,00,000 “A” Equity Shares (Previous Year 10,00,00,000) of Rs.10/- each Carrying 100 Voting Rights per “A” Equity Share 100.00 100.00 30,00,00,000 “B” Equity Shares (Previous Year 30,00,00,000) of Rs.10/- each Carrying 1 Voting Right per 100 “B” Equity Shares 300.00 300.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 574.88 569.88 52.49 52.49 627.37 622.37 AUTHORISED : 1,60,00,00,000 Equity Shares (Previous Year 1,60,00,00,000) of Rs. 10/- each. ISSUED,SUBSCRIBED AND PAID-UP : 57,48,80,127 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up, ( Previous year 56,98,80,127) 5,24,88,010 "B" Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each fully paid up, ( Previous year 5,24,88,010) 2.1 2.2 Of the above Shares: (No of Shares) As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 Equity Shares out of the issued, subscribed and paid up Equity Share Capital were issued as fully paid Bonus Shares in the last five years. – 134,834,154 "B" Equity Shares out of the issued, subscribed and paid up "B" Equity Share Capital were issued as fully paid Bonus Shares in the last five years. 52,488,010 52,488,010 The Details of Shareholders holding more than 5% of shares: Name of the Shareholders As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 No of Shares % held No of Shares % held 195,205,263 33.96% 194,686,105 34.16% 37,317,044 6.49% – – – – 31,651,472 5.55% 50,000,000 8.70% 45,000,000 7.90% 19,175,913 36.53% 16,675,913 31.77% – – 2,731,594 5.20% 2,779,125 5.29% 2,779,125 5.29% Equity Shares: Gujarat NRE Mineral Resources Ltd. HSBC GIF Mauritius Ltd. HSBC Global Investment Funds A/c HSBC Global Fund Mangal Crystal Coke Pvt. Ltd. “B” Equity Shares: Gujarat NRE Mineral Resources Ltd. HSBC Global Investment Funds A/c HSBC Global Fund Arun Kumar Jagatramka Trustee, Girdharilal Arun Kumar Family Trust 55 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 2.3 The reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding is set out below: Particulars As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 No of Shares No of Shares 569,880,127 524,880,127 5,000,000 45,000,000 574,880,127 569,880,127 "B" Equity Shares at the beginning of the year 52,488,010 52,488,010 "B" Equity Shares at the end of the year 52,488,010 52,488,010 No. of Options Weighted Average Price (in AUD) 31.03.13 Equity Shares: Equity Shares at the beginning of the year Add: Shares issued on Conversion of Share Warrant Equity Shares at the end of the year “B” Equity Shares: 2.4 (i) Shares Reserved for issue under Employee Stock Options Plan Movement in Options granted during the Year ended 31st March, 2014 is given below: Particulars No. of Options 31.03.14 a) Weighted Average Price (in Rs.) 31.03.14 31.03.13 Outstanding at the beginning of the Year – Equity Shares 8,252,800 35.15 8,659,750 35.15 250,680 – 257,400 – – Equity Shares – – – – – “B” Equity Shares (To give effect of Bonus) – – – – 714,650 34.47 406,950 33.84 23,240 – 6,720 – – Equity Shares – – – – – “B” Equity Shares – – – – – Equity Shares – – – – – “B” Equity Shares – – – – 7,538,150 35.22 8,252,800 35.15 227,440 – 250,680 – - Equity Shares – – 14,800 18.05 - “B” Equity Shares – – 1,480 – – “B” Equity Shares Granted during the Year Forfeited / Cancelled during the Year – Equity Shares – “B” Equity Shares Exercised during the Year Expired during the Year b) Outstanding at the end of the Year - Equity Shares - “B” Equity Shares c) Exercisable at the end of the Year 56 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) (ii) Share Reserved for issue against Share Warrants Particulars Equity Shares “B” Equity Shares No. of Warrants 31.03.14 No. of Warrants 31.03.13 20,800,000 25,800,000 2,080,000 2,080,000 20,800,000 Equity Share to be issued at exercise price of Rs. 120 each. Upon conversion of the above 20,800,000 equity shares, 20,80,000 "B" Equity Shares will be issued as bonus shares. (iii) The Company has issued 200, 5.5% Unsecured Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) of US$ 100,000 each aggregating US $ 20 Millions at par on 29th October'2012. These bonds are convertible into equity shares of the Company at the option of the bond holders at a price of Rs. 22.50 per share. On Conversion these Bonds will result in 47,764,444 equity shares of the Company. 3 RESERVES & SURPLUS (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 Capital Reserve: As per Last Balance Sheet 144.87 Add: Transfer on forfeiture of Share Warrants – 51.12 144.87 93.75 144.87 Securities Premium Reserve: As per Last Balance Sheet 495.73 Add: Received during the year 5.54 General Reserve Foreign Currency Translation Reserve 445.87 501.27 49.86 495.73 251.25 249.13 – 3.37 Debentures Redemption Reserves: As per Last Balance Sheet 196.57 Add: Transfer from Surplus from Statement of Profit & Loss – Employees Stock Option Outstanding 165.60 196.57 30.97 196.57 6.31 71.31 Equity Conversion Bond reserve – 8.51 Restoration Guarantee Reserve – 56.07 Surplus from Statement of Profit & Loss: As per last Balance Sheet Add: Profit for the year (76.23) (158.09) (527.60) 112.82 (603.83) (45.27) 10.81 – (28.87) – (4.68) – Less: Appropriations Transfer from General Reserve Dividend for Earlier Year/(written back) Dividend Tax Transferred to / (from) Debenture Redemption Reserve – (581.08) 519.19 57 30.97 (76.23) 1,149.33 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 4 LONG TERM BORROWINGS (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 Secured Non Convertible Debentures Foreign Currency Term Loans from Scheduled Banks Term Loans from Banks Term Loans from Banks- FITL Term Loans from Others Unsecured Convertible Bonds Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds Term Loans from Scheduled Banks Interest Accrued but not due Term Loans from Others As at 31st March, 2013 Current Non Current Current Non Current 10.00 – – – 2.42 417.51 95.67 1,187.68 142.75 1.01 125.00 – 743.70 – 2.80 337.50 – 2,010.25 – 2.41 12.42 1,844.62 871.50 2,350.17 – – – – – – 119.29 – – – – – 10.50 – – 39.74 108.78 39.50 20.20 104.91 – 119.29 10.50 313.13 12.42 1,963.91 882.00 2,663.30 4 A). For all Secured Term Loans & Non Convertible Debentures excluding "B" & "C" i) Primary Security: a) Pari- passu 1st charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of the company’s coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat, Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant (along with land) at Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Windmill units at various locations in the state of Gujarat excluding the movable fixed assets exclusively charged to Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. b) Pari- passu 1st charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of NRE Metcoke Ltd. at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. c) Pari- passu 2nd charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of Bajrangbali Coke Industries Ltd. at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. ii) Collateral Security: a) Pari-passu 2nd charge over the entire current assets (both present & future) of the company’s coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Dharwad in the state of Karnataka and Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. b) Along with Working Capital facilities – First Pari-passu charge on Residential Property at 1, Clyde Row, Hastings, Kolkata in the name of Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka – First Pari-passu charge on Residential-cum-office Property at NRE House, Saru Road, Jamnagar, Gujarat in the name of Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka – Pledge of 78,478,035 Equity shares and 12,357,468 "B" Equity Shares of Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd. (GNCL) held by the promoters/ promoter Group Companies. – Personal Guarantees of Promoter Directors viz. Mr. Arun Kumar Jagatramka and Mrs. Mona Jagatramka. – Corporate Guarantee (to the extent of the value of shares pledged) of promoter group companies namely Gujarat NRE Mineral Resources Ltd and Mangal Crystal Coke Pvt. Ltd. – Corporate Guarantee of Bajrangbali Coke Industries Ltd., NRE Metcoke Ltd. and Bharat NRE Coke Limited. c) The Rupee Term Loan II of Rs. 54 Crores from ICICI Bank Ltd. presently converted into FCNRB is further secured by Corporate guarantee of Gujarat NRE Ltd. B) Term Loan from Laxmi Vilas Bank Ltd. amounting to Rs. 48.50 Crores Primary Security: Pari- passu 1st charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of Bajrangbali Coke Industries Ltd. at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. Collateral Security: a) Pari- passu 2nd Charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of the company's coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat, Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant (along with land) at Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Windmill units at various locations in the state of Gujarat excluding the movable fixed assets exclusively charged to Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. b) Refer Note No.4(A)(ii)(b) C) Term Loan from others are secured by Hypothecation of specified Movable fixed assets financed. 58 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) D) Maturity Profile of Term Loans are as set below : (Rs. in Crores) Repayment profile Foreign Currency Term Loans from Scheduled Banks Term Loan from Banks Term Loan from Banks-FITL Term Loan from Others 5.5% Foreign Currency Convertibles Bonds Non Convertible Debentures 11% Secured Reedemable NCDs 12.50% Secured Reedemable NCDs 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Beyond 2016-17 – – – 2.42 – 5.74 71.26 8.56 1.01 – 7.65 95.01 11.42 – – 82.27 1,021.40 122.76 – 119.29 – 10.00 24.45 10.00 32.60 – 350.46 – E) The Company has issued 200, 5.5% Unsecured Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB) of US$ 100,000 each aggregating US $ 20 Millions at par on 29th October'2012. These bonds are convertible into equity shares of the Company at the option of the bond holders at a price of Rs. 22.50 per share. On Conversion these Bonds will result in 47,764,400 equity shares of the Company. If not converted then they are reedemable on 30th October'2017 5 LONG TERM PROVISIONS DESCRIPTION 6 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 Provision for Gratuity & Leave Encashment 5.48 6.26 Provision for Taxation 2.82 2.82 ` 8.30 9.08 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 SHORT TERM BORROWINGS DESCRIPTION Secured 33.70 145.00 Term Loans from Financial Institution Term Loans from Banks – 5.84 Working Capital Facilities from Banks 715.77 798.25 – 107.31 749.47 1,056.40 Term Loans from Others – 30.00 Inter Corporate Deposits (ICD) – 9.05 – 39.05 749.47 1,095.45 Acceptances Unsecured i Primary Security: Pari-passu 1st charge over the entire current assets (both present & future) of the company's coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Dharwad in the state of Karnataka and Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. ii iii Collateral Security: a) Pari- passu 2nd charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of the company's coke units at Khambhalia and Bhachau in the state of Gujarat, Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant (along with land) at Dharwad in the state of Karnataka, Steel unit at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat and Windmill units at various locations in the state of Gujarat excluding the movable fixed assets exclusively charged to Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. b) Pari- passu 2nd charge over the entire fixed assets (both present & future) of the company's leased unit namely NRE Metcoke Ltd. at Bhachau in the state of Gujarat. c) Refer Note 4(A)(ii)(b) The Working Capital Loan of Rs. 75 Crores from ICICI Bank Ltd. is further secured by Corporate guarantee of Gujarat NRE Ltd. 59 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 7 TRADE PAYABLES (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises* Acceptances Others * – – 209.64 – 383.80 749.31 209.64 1133.11 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 Principal amount due and remaining unpaid – – Interest due on above and the unpaid interest – – Interest paid on all delayed payment under the MSMED Act – – Payment made beyond the appointed day during the year – – Interest due and payable for the year of delay other then above – – Interest accrued remaining unpaid – – Amount of further interest remaining due and payable in succeeding years – – As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 12.42 882.00 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES DESCRIPTION Current maturities of long term debts Interest Accrued but not due on borrowings Interest Accrued & due on Borrowings Unclaimed Dividend Creditors for Capital Expenditure 1.24 3.32 11.98 12.75 1.85 1.92 20.07 30.72 Advance Share Application Money Received [Refer Note 26(b)] 13.39 – Advance against Share Warrants [Refer Note 26(a)(l)] 65.26 – 151.98 302.06 278.19 1,232.77 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 Provision for Gratuity & Leave Encashment 0.39 85.25 Provision for Taxation 9.26 9.26 Provision for Proposed Dividend – 28.87 Provision for Dividend Tax on Proposed Dividend – 4.68 9.65 128.06 Others Payables 9 As at 31st March, 2013 The details of amounts outstanding to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act), based on the available information with the company are as under: Particulars 8 As at 31st March, 2014 SHORT TERM PROVISIONS DESCRIPTION 60 61 5,268.91 Previous Year 1,075.04 80.74 – – – – 1.45 – 0.22 0.04 0.09 56.48 22.46 – – – Addition during the period (89.37) 4,925.85 328.78 2,733.72 431.23 – – – 3.55 1.85 5.89 1,087.68 24.40 – 279.65 29.08 Sales / Adjustment during the period GROSS BLOCK 6,433.32 1,588.24 – – – 488.10 27.01 0.47 28.52 3.32 2.51 545.50 150.75 8.51 22.68 310.86 Total up to 31.03.14 * Conveyance deed will be executed in favaour of the Company in due course. Capital Work in Progress 6,433.32 328.78 Total Pre Production Expenses 2,733.72 431.23 Mining Lease Mine Development 488.10 25.56 0.47 Wind Mill Electrical Installations Weighing Machine 31.85 5.13 Furniture & Fixture Material handling Equipments / Vehicles 8.31 1,576.70 152.69 Office Equipment Plant & Machineries Building 8.51 302.33 Land - Freehold Land -Lease Hold* 339.94 As on 01.04.13 Goodwill Description of Assets NOTES-10 942.78 1,264.12 161.13 506.70 7.39 138.56 7.10 0.11 17.26 1.80 5.02 397.41 21.62 – – As on 01.04.13 321.40 61.30 – – – 25.77 1.25 0.02 3.25 0.21 0.21 26.40 4.19 – – Provided during the period 0.08 946.83 161.13 506.70 7.39 – – – 1.71 0.41 3.87 261.57 4.06 – – Adjustment for Sales DEPRECIATION 1,264.10 378.60 – – – 164.33 8.35 0.15 18.80 1.60 1.36 162.24 21.75 – – Total up to 31.03.14 Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 183.26 5,169.22 1,209.66 – – – 323.77 18.66 0.34 9.72 1.72 1.15 383.26 129.00 8.51 22.68 310.86 As on 31.03.14 439.39 5,169.22 167.65 2,227.02 423.84 349.54 18.46 0.36 14.59 3.33 3.29 1,179.29 131.07 8.51 302.33 339.94 As on 31.03.13 NET BLOCK (Rs. in Crores) GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 11 NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTS (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 -Quoted 55.66 37.23 -Unquoted 114.47 105.20 Investments in Equity Shares, Bonds & Others Investments in Associates (Long Term) (Unquoted) Market value of Quoted Investments (Equity) 12 245.27 566.01 387.70 43.08 28.71 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 112.34 27.72 112.34 27.72 DEFERRED TAX ASSETS (NET) DESCRIPTION Net Deferred Tax Assets 13 395.88 LONG TERM LOANS AND ADVANCES (Unsecured, Considered Good) DESCRIPTION Capital Advance Loan & Advances Deposits With Govt. Authorities & Others Advance Tax (incl. Tax Deducted at Source) Unamortised Expenses: (To the extent not written off/or adjusted) – Deferred Employee Compensation Under ESOS Balance B/F Less – Adjusted for Employees left during the year – Amortised during the year (net) Restoration Guarantee As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 1.11 – 1.90 66.43 8.01 0.83 107.38 67.02 4.10 0.80 (0.06) 3.36 – 72.80 14 4.96 0.19 0.67 4.10 68.27 255.61 INVENTORIES* DESCRIPTION Stores , Spares & Consumables Raw Materials Stock in Process Finished Products As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 6.71 85.99 4.17 880.65 28.85 626.30 11.56 1,159.35 977.52 1,826.06 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 328.17 148.45 4.48 697.39 476.62 701.87 * Refer Note 1(vii) for mode of valuation. 15 TRADE RECEIVABLE (Unsecured, considered good) DESCRIPTION Debts due for a period exceeding six months Other Debts 62 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 16 CASH & BANK BALANCES (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION Cash in hand (as certified by the Management) As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 0.19 0.32 17.06 10.85 1.85 1.92 14.02 85.54 0.16 13.79 – 2.80 33.28 115.20 Balance with Scheduled Banks - In Current Account - In Current Account for Unclaimed Dividend - In Term Deposits* (Including interest accrued) ** Balance with Non Scheduled Banks - In Current Account - In Term Deposits * includes Term deposits held as margin on Letter of Credit and Bank Guarantee ** Term Deposits with Banks includes deposits of Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs.2.93 Crores ) with maturity of more than 12months. 17 SHORT TERM LOANS AND ADVANCES (Unsecured,Considered Good) DESCRIPTION Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or value to be received Advance Tax (incl. Tax Deducted at Source) 18 As at 31st March, 2014 As at 31st March, 2013 740.65 499.35 3.97 3.97 744.62 503.32 REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 Sales of Product 970.21 Less: Excise Duty 37.83 For the year ended 31.03.2013 2,137.55 932.38 932.38 108.15 2,029.40 2,029.40 18.1 PARTICULARS OF SALE OF PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 832.75 1,812.47 Rolled & Alloy Steel Products 82.80 200.85 Electricity Power (Windmill) 16.84 16.07 932.38 2,029.40 Coal & Coke 63 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 19 OTHER INCOME (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 Interest Income 6.39 11.83 16.69 1.98 Profit on Sale of Oil Tenement – 120.83 Profit on Sale of Fixed Assets – 0.02 301.92 – 9.98 0.67 69.75 – 404.71 135.33 For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 Income from Long Term Investment: Non Trade - Profit on Sale of Investments Guarantee Commission Miscellaneous Income Profit on Disposal of Subsidiaries 20 COST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED DESCRIPTION Coal 785.83 285.58 65.88 134.08 851.71 419.66 For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 Imported 733.51 294.11 Indigenous 118.20 125.55 851.71 419.66 Iron & Steel Scrap and Sponge Iron 20.1 PARTICULARS OF COST OF MATERIAL CONSUMED DESCRIPTION 21 CHANGE IN INVENTORIES OF FINISHED GOODS, WORK-IN-PROCESS & STOCK IN TRADE DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 Closing Stocks Less :Opening Stocks Less: Change in Excise Duty on Stock 22 For the year ended 31.03.2013 884.82 1,166.90 1,096.49 1,052.88 (211.66) 114.01 (0.19) (2.34) (211.47) 116.36 For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 38.60 157.94 EMPLOYEES BENEFITS EXPENSES DESCRIPTION Salalries, Wages, Bonus & Labour Charges 2.59 2.73 Provision/Payment of Gratuity Contribution to PF & Other Funds (0.60) 2.75 Employee Compensation Amortisation under ESOS (0.06) 0.67 Employees Welfare Expenses 64 3.55 10.04 44.08 174.13 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 23 FINANCE COSTS (Rs. in Crores) DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 311.67 325.33 Interest Expenses 24 Other Borrowing Costs 11.72 46.60 Applicable loss/(gain) on foreign currency transactions and translation 25.85 18.66 349.24 390.59 OTHER EXPENSES DESCRIPTION For the year ended 31.03.2014 For the year ended 31.03.2013 Manufacturing Expenses: Mine Operating Expenses – Power & Fuel 84.51 16.87 42.95 9.58 38.99 14.56 65.43 – Building 0.16 13.83 – Others 1.88 3.98 – 63.28 32.50 6.51 Stores, Spares & Consumables Repair & Maintenance: – Plant & Machinery Royalties Plant Hire Charges 75.55 319.49 Selling & Distribution Expenses: Advertisement & Business Development Carriage & Cartage Commission on Sales 2.78 6.85 12.86 349.72 2.61 3.64 18.25 360.20 Establishment Expenses: Professional & Service Charges General Expenses 21.27 38.76 2.01 10.53 Rent 0.25 0.18 Rates & Taxes 0.51 8.92 Insurance Expenses 2.94 8.12 Chartering Expenses – 22.25 – 0.98 Communication Expenses Commission to Directors 0.27 1.94 Travelling & Conveyance 4.19 6.68 Auditors Remuneration – For Audit Fees 0.15 1.24 Internal Audit Fees 0.08 0.08 Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 0.70 – – 65.61 Loss on Sale/Restatement of Investments (Net) Environment Expenses – 7.35 Deferred Revenue Expenses Written Off – 1.41 65 32.36 174.06 126.16 853.75 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 25 The Earnings Per Share as per Accounting Standard (AS)- 20 are as under: Particulars Earnings Net Profit / (Loss) for the Year (Rs. in crores) Add: Interest on FCCB (Rs. in crores) Earnings for Diluted EPS (Rs. in crores) Shares Number of shares at the beginning of the Year Add: Share Allotted against Share Warrants Add : Conversion of FCCB Add: Share Allotted against ESOS Add: Bonus “B” Equity Shares Issue Total number of equity & ‘‘B” equity shares outstanding at the end of the Year Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the Year (for Basic EPS) Add : Number of equity shares arising out of exercise of option of outstanding Share Warrants that have dilutive effect on the EPS Add : Number of Equity Shares arising out of exercise of option of Employee Stock Option Scheme Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the Year (for Diluted EPS) Earning per share : – Basic (Rs.) – Diluted (Rs.) At 31.03.2014 Basic & Diluted EPS At 31.03.2013 Basic & Diluted EPS (527.61) – (527.61) 112.82 2.71 115.53 622,368,137 5,000,000 – – – 627,368,137 626,614,712 577,368,137 45,000,000 – – – 622,368,137 593,272,247 – 2,080,000 – 626,614,712 439,699 595,791,946 (8.42) (8.42) 1.95 1.95 In the above statement, paid up Equity & Earning Per Share include both Equity Shares & "B" Equity Shares since both class of shares are pari-passu in all respect except for voting rights. 26 a) Debt Restructuring: During the year, the Company was referred to the Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Cell, a non statutory voluntary mechanism set up under the aegis of Reserve Bank of India. Pursuant to that a Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Package as recommended by State Bank of India, the lead banker has been approved by the CDR empowered Group (CDR EG) at its meeting held on 14th March 2014 and communicated vide Letter of Approval dated 22nd March 2014 as amended/modified vide letter dated 7th April 2014. The key features of the approved CDR Package are as follows: a) The Cutoff date under the CDR package is 01st August 2013. b) The tenure of existing NCDs and Term Loans aggregating to Rs. 1020.69 Crores has been revised to 10 years from the cut - off date with a moratorium of 2 years. The repayment shall be in 32 quarterly installments from 1st August 2015. The revised applicable interest rate shall be initially 10.75% p.a. and gradually being stepped upto 11.65% p.a. c) Conversion of various irregular/devolved portion of working capital facilities into Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL) of 10 years repayable after a moratorium of 2 years from the cut off date in 32 quarterly installments from 1st August 2015. The applicable interest rate shall be initially 10.75% p.a. and gradually being stepped upto 15.00% p.a. d) Interest on existing Term Loan, NCDs and WCTL for the period from 1st August 2013 to 31st July 2015 and Interest on Working Capital outstanding for the period from 1st August 2013 to 31st March 2014 will be funded and converted into Funded Interest Term Loan (FITL) of 10 years repayable after a moratorium of 2 years from the cut off date in 32 quarterly installments from 1st August 2015. The applicable interest rate shall be initially 11.00% p.a. gradually being stepped upto 15.00% p.a. e) Additional Term Loan - I of Rs. 450 Crores for meeting long term working capital needs of the company to be provided by 3 working capital CDR lenders and 2 working capital Non CDR lenders. The repayment shall be in 32 quarterly installments from 1st August 2015. The applicable interest rate shall be initially 11.00% p.a. and gradually being stepped upto 11.50% p.a. f) Additional Term Loan - II of Rs. 50 Crores to part finance the capital expenditure for completing the Waste Heat Recovery Based Power plant (Phase I & II) at Dharwad, Karnataka. The repayment shall be in 32 quarterly from 1st August 2015. The applicable interest rate shall be initially 10.75% p.a. and gradually being stepped upto 11.65% p.a. g) Need based working capital requirement assessed for FY 2014 - 15 of Rs. 650 Crores(Fund Based) and Non fund based limit of Rs. 425 Crore (LC/LOU of Rs. 400 Crores and Bank Guarantee of Rs. 25 Crores). The rate of interest on fund based limits shall be @ 11% p.a. 66 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) b) h) Waiver of penal interest and all other charges from the cut - off date. i) Non levy/waiver/refund of liquidated damages/penal interest/penal charges for delay/ irregularities due to lenders/creation of security from the cut off date. j) Right of Recompense to CDR lenders for the relief and sacrifice extended, subject to provisions of CDR guidelines. k) Contribution of Rs. 51.50 crores in the company by promoters towards lenders' sacrifice. In addition Promoters will also bring in Rs. 20 crores as their margin/ Contribution for the Waste Heat Recovery Based Power Plant. l) Out of Rs. 71.50 crores as mention above, the promoter has contributed Rs. 65.26 crores as advance and the said amount has been accounted as Advance against Share Warrants. Status of Implementation of CDR Package: Sanctions under the CDR package have been received from 13 out of 15 CDR lenders. The CDR package has partially been implemented by 12 CDR lenders. However, as the CDR package has been approved by super majority of the CDR lenders as per RBI guidelines, debt owing to all the CDR lenders have been reclassified and interest has been recalculated in accordance with the CDR package. The above reclassifications and interest calculations are subject to reconciliation and approval by these lenders. In terms of the provisions of the CDR package, ICICI Bank Limited on 31/03/2014 has converted its existing Term Loan facilities of Rs. 95.67 croresto FCNRB loan of US$ 15.94 million at the interest rate of 3 months LIBOR+5.00% p.a. In terms of the provisions of the CDR package, ICICI Bank Limited has requested to convert a sum of Rs. 13.39 crores (part of FITL interest) into fully paid up equity shares of Rs.10/- each. The price based on the terms of SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosures requirements) Regulations 2009 has been taken at Rs. 11.01 per share. The said amount has been adjusted with the FITL account of ICICI Bank Ltd and transferred to Advance against Share application money Account. The Bank shall be issued 121.61 lacs equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 1.01 per share. The aggregate present value of the outstanding sacrifice made/to be made by CDR lenders as per the approved CDR package is estimated at Rs. 342.39 Crores. 27 Contingent liabilities not provided for in respect of: (Rs. in Crores) 27.1 For Parent Company (Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd.) i Letter of Credits outstanding for purchase of materials. ii Outstanding Bank Guarantees / Corporate Guarantees iii Capital commitments iv Bills discounted under letter of credit with banks v Duty on account of Advance Authorisation against Export obligation. vi On Balance Sheet date, the disputed amount involved in four (previous year four) income-tax demands under appeal. The management is of view that the outcome of the appeal would be favourable to the company, hence no provision has been made against these income-tax demands. vii A demand raised by the Service Tax Department, against which company has filed an appeal to the jurisdiction authorities. viii A demand raised by the Custom Department, against which company has filed an appeal to the jurisdiction authorities. As on 31st March 2014 As on 31st March 2013 – 2,893.29 58.08 13.36 4.87 1.16 23.06 59.17 41.89 4.87 9.02 6.77 3.39 0.06 12.50 1.11 27.2 Greenearth Resources & Projects Limited (formerly known as Austral Coke & Projects Limited) had filed a defamation suit in Hon'ble Bombay High Court against the Company for Rs.600 Crores. The Company had also filed Civil Suit in Hon'ble Calcutta High Court against Austral Coke & Projects Limited, all its Directors, its merchant bankers and Auditors and others claiming for loss of damages worth Rs.4761 crores. Management is confident that outcome of the defamation suit filed by the Austral Coke & Projects Limited would be in favour of the company. 27.3 In the year 2007, the company and Armada Singapore Pte Ltd (“Armada”) entered into five year charter party agreement which provided, inter alia, for Armada to provide vessels to ship the company's tonnage, namely coal from various destinations worldwide. During the year 2009 Armada entered into Judicial Management, a Singaporean insolvency regime. As a result of Armada's insolvency, the Company did not made further nominations since there was no assurance or security for Armada's performance for the balance period under the agreement In the year 2010 Armada filed its claim submission in an arbitration proceeding against the company in London for the year 2009 and 2010 and after all the repetitive challenges by the company w.r.t the defect in constitution of the Tribunal, the Tribunal passed an order in favour of Armada assessing the liability of the company as equivalent to Rs. 46 cr (including interest of Rs. 3.7 cr). 67 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) Aggrieved by the aforesaid order the company has filed a civil suit against Armada with the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta claiming for damages for an amount of Rs 144 crores and cancellation of the aforesaid order being void and restraining Armada from giving any effect to the order passed by the Tribunal. An order was passed by the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta restraining Armada to take any further steps to enforce the award passed by the Tribunal in India. The matter is presently sub judice before the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta. Meanwhile Armada executed an enforcement proceeding before the Federal Court of Australia, New South Wales which passed a freezing order of the assets held by the company in Australia. The company had challenged such enforcement proceedings before the same court and the final judgment is reserved by the court and is pending till date. Armada later on filed its claim submission against the company for the non-performance of contract for the year 2011 before the same arbitral tribunal in London which passed a further award in favour of Armada assessing the liability of the company as equivalent to Rs.25.4 Crores (including interest of Rs. 1.2 Crores). An appeal was filed by the company against said order before High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, Commercial Court in England which is pending before the said court. Thereafter, a petition was filed in High Court at Calcutta against the said award of the arbitral tribunal for its cancellation. Affidavit in oppositions were filed by both the parties and the matter is presently sub judice before the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta. During the year 2012, the company sought performance under the agreement from Armada, who failed to perform as per the terms of the agreement, which event was taken as repudiation of the agreement and the agreement was terminated. On the contrary, Armada filed another claim in March 2013 for non-performance for the year 2012 for an amount equivalent to Rs. 27 Crores and interest thereupon. The company has filed a counter claim for an amount equivalent to Rs 60 Crores and strongly opposed the claim of Armada before a newly constituted Arbitral Tribunal. The Arbitration hearing was held in London in the month of December 2013 and the order was published in January 2014 wherein the argument of Armada in regard to five vessels out of six vessels nominated by Armada in 2012 was turned down by the Tribunal. As per the order the precise quantum of the claim in regard to one vessel which Armada succeeded will be determined jointly by the expert of both parties. The determination of such quantum is pending. 27.4 In September 2011 the company and Coeclerici Asia (Pte) Ltd (“Coeclerici”) entered into an agreement of sale and purchase of of met coke as per which the company had to supply the cargo to Ceoclerici at a mutually agreed price by 31st Mar 2012. As per the terms of the agreement Coeclerici made an advance of USD 10 million to the company in Sept 2011. Owing to the sluggish market conditions, the parties could not arrive at a mutually agreed price, as such no cargo was supplied by 31.03.2012 and the entire advance of USD 10 million was required to be refunded by the company to Coeclerici.The company has already refunded USD 2 million till Sept'12 to Coeclerici and for the balance refund of USD 8 million, the company is awaiting the approval from Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”). The company does not dispute the repayment of the balance amount to Coeclerici but has been unable to make any further payment until RBI approval. However, to secure its payment position, Coeclerici proceeded with the arbitration in London by filing its claim against the company. After all the arbitration proceedings, the Tribunal finally passed its order on against the company for an amount equivalent to Rs. 46.2 cr and interest thereupon. The Amount of advance received is already accounted for under Advance received from Customers. 27.5 The company had filed proceedings before the High Court, Calcutta against Gregarious Estates Incorporated (“Gregarious” or “Owners”), Gabriel Petridis (President / Director of Gregarious), Tapas Kumar Mukhopadhay (Director of Gregarious), Arun Dua (Director of Gregarious) and Bhatia International Pte. Limited in relation to the Time Charter Agreement dated January 29, 2008 entered into between GNCL and Gregarious whereby Gregarious agreed to give on hire and GNCL agreed to hire a vessel for a period of 82 to 86 months. In view of the fact that there was a change in management of Gregarious without the consent of the company, it was contended that as per the terms of the agreement the company has the right to terminate the said Agreement. Further the Agreement never came into effect as per the terms of the agreement Gregarious had failed to provide the calculations for ascertaining super profits (as described therein) to the company. The company had filed a suit in Calcutta High Court for a decree of Rs. 56.25 Crores and prayed for declaration that the arbitration agreement between the company and Gregarious be rendered illegal, null and void. During pendency of above proceedings, Gregarious initiated arbitration proceedings against the company and served a claim submission for an amount equivalent to Rs 212 Crores and interest thereupon. The matter was never heard on merits at all and only the matter of jurisdiction of English Courts/ Arbitral Tribunal in London was decided by the Indian Courts. The matter after being discharged by the Indian Court was referred to Arbitration Tribunal. The Arbitration hearing was held in London in the month of January 2014 and the order is presently reserved by the Tribunal. The management is confident of the outcome of case in favour of the company. 27.6 On 8.1.14 Wollongong Coal Ltd. (“WCL”) (Formerly Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Ltd.) issued a demand notice to the company and its other group companies claiming over AUD 63 million being amount claimed due to WCL by the company. On 14.2.14 the company issued a counter demand for payment of USD 23.71 million being amount due by WCL and its subsidiary Wongawilli Coal Pty Ltd. (WCPL) to the company as on 31.1.14 on account of corporate guarantee commission for the corporate guarantees given by our company to the lender of WCL for the loans / facilities taken by WCL and on account quality claims. The said demand was refuted by WCL vide its letter dated 21.2.14. The management is taking necessary proactive steps in the matter and is confident of a favourable outcome. 68 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 28 Related Party Disclosures as required by Accounting Standard (AS-18) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), are given below: A. Particulars of the Related Parties: Associates (1) Gujarat NRE Limited (For Part of the Year) (2) NRE Metcoke Ltd. (3) Surajbari Traders Pvt. Ltd. (4) Dharwad Traders Pvt. Ltd. (5) Mandvi Traders Pvt. Ltd. (6) Lunva Traders Pvt. Ltd. (7) Critical Mass Multilink Ltd. (8) Bharat NRE Coke Ltd.(Ceases to Associate of the company during the year) Enterprises in which key management personnel have significant Influence (1) Gujarat NRE Mineral Resources Ltd. (2) Gujarat NRE Energy Resources Ltd. (3) Russel Vale Traders Pvt. Ltd. (4) Bulli Coke Ltd. (5) Bajrangbali Coke Industries Ltd. (6) Mangal Crystal Coke Pvt. Ltd. (7) Bharat NRE Coke Ltd. (For Part of the Year) Enterprise in which key management person is a trustee (1) Girdharilal Arun Kumar Family Trust B. Key Management Personnel (1) (2) (3) C Mr. A. K. Jagatramka Mrs. Mona Jagatramka Mr. P. R. Kannan – Chairman & Managing Director – Director – Chief Financial Officer Transaction with Related Parties (Rs. in Crores) Particulars of Transactions i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x # Sale/(Sales Return) of Goods/Services – Associates – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Purchase of Goods /Services – Associates – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Remuneration – Key Management Personnel – Relatives of Key Management Personnel Shares Allotted – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Share Warrant Deposit Received – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Forfeited – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Advance against Share Warrant Deposit – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Rent Paid – Enterprises in which key management personnel is a trustee Security Deposit Given – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence – Enterprises in which key management personnel is a trustee Loans / Advance Given/(Refunded) – Associates – Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence Guarantees/Collateral Securities Outstanding as at the Year end – Given on behalf of Associates – Given on behalf of Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence – Given by Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence (by way of pledge of shares) – Given by Associates on behalf of the Company – Given by Key Management Personnel on behalf of the Company – Given by Enterprises in which key management personnel has significant influence } Current Year Previous Year – – 46.99 0.01 13.97 22.55 5.19 2.13 0.76 – 8.74 1.22 5.00 45.00 73.17 2.64 – 93.75 65.26 – 0.76 0.25 (35.00) (9.35) – – 2.16 14.34 5.06 – 215.88 – 89.85 – 10.00 – 155.00 2,298.20 346.78 2,777.17# As per CDR Package, Associates of the Company, Key Management Personnel, Relatives of Key Management Personnel & some of the Enterprises in which Key Management personnel has significant influence has given Guarantee on behalf of the Company to the extent of Loan Outstanding. 69 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 29 Segment Informations : Segment wise Revenue, Results and Capital Employed for the Year ended 31st March, 2014. The Company has three reportable segment i.e. " Coal & Coke" , " Steel" & " Mining" as primary business segments : i Primary Segment Reporting (by Business Segment): (Rs. in Crores) Particulars 2013-14 2012-13 Coal & Coke Steel Mining Total Coal & Coke Steel Mining Total 832.75 99.63 – 932.38 1495.73 217.30 316.37 2029.40 0.05 – 0.05 0.33 617.26 617.59 832.75 99.68 – 932.43 1495.73 217.63 933.63 2646.99 0.05 – 0.05 0.33 617.26 617.59 832.75 99.63 – 932.38 1495.73 217.30 316.37 2029.40 1595.12 130.24 – 1725.36 1153.66 234.31 1019.06 2407.03 – 0.05 – 0.05 0.33 673.74 674.07 1595.12 130.19 – 1725.31 1153.66 233.98 345.32 1732.96 (762.37) (30.56) – (792.93) 342.39 (17.01) (28.62) 296.76 Segment Revenue (Net Sales/Income from segment) External Sales Inter-Segment Revenue Less: Inter Segment Revenue Total Segment Revenue Segment Expenses External Expenses Less: Inter Segment Expenses Total Segment Expenses Segment Results Profit/(Loss) before Tax & Interest Add:- Other Un-allocable Income Net of Expenditure 340.98 8.62 Less:- Interest Expense 349.24 390.59 Less:- Provision for Tax (273.59) (198.03) Net Profit / (Loss) (527.60) 112.82 Assets Segment Assets* 2,463.29 449.86 – 2913.15 3,461.01 484.41 4,866.32 8811.74 Un-allocable Assets 1350.62 641.96 Total Assets 4263.77 9453.70 Liabilities Segment Liabilities 354.75 31.67 – Un-allocable Liabilities Capital Expenditure 924.93 44.93 649.44 94.99 Total Liabilities *including captive windmills 386.42 57.07 481.41 5.65 318.12 44.52 7.33 30.87 29.98 1619.30 1676.37 6.54 343.30 – 64.23 1.83 838.15 – 28.17 29.72 260.55 Non Cash Expenses Depreciation & Amortisation ii Secondary Segment Reporting ( by Geographical demarcation): Particulars Segment Revenue Segment Assets Capital Expenditure (Rs. in Crores) 2013-14 2012-13 India Rest of the World Total India Rest of the World Total 932.38 – 932.38 1,548.09 481.31 2,029.40 2,913.15 – 2,913.15 3,945.42 4,866.32 8,811.74 51.85 – 51.85 66.06 838.15 904.21 70 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Notes on Consolidated Financial Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (contd.) 30(a) On account of dilution in the Company's share holding in the nine Australian Subsidiaries, i.e Gujarat NRE Limited, Gujarat NRE India Pty Limited, Wonga Coal Pty Limited ,Gujarat NRE Coal (NSW)Pty Limited, Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Limited, Gujarat NRE Wonga Pty Limited, Gujarat NRE Resources NL, South Bulli Holdings Pty Limited & Gujarat NRE Properties Pty Limited, all of the Australian Subsidiaries ceases to be a subsidiary/ sub subsidiary of Gujarat NRE Coke Limited during the year. Gujarat NRE Limited continues as an associate of the company as on the reporting date. 30(b) For the purpose of giving effect of deconsolidation, the Consolidated Audited Financial Statement of Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Limited as on 31.03.2013 (consolidated Account for five Australian Subsidiaries namely Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Limited, Gujarat NRE Wonga Pty Limited, Gujarat NRE Resources NL, South Bulli Holdings Pty Limited & Gujarat NRE Properties Pty Limited), which were lodged with ASX on 15th August, 2013 have been used, instead of the standalone financials for the relevant date on which these sub subsidiary ceased to be a sub subsidiary of the company as these financials were not made available to us. As far as the remaning four Australian Subsidiary Companies are concerned, i.e. Gujarat NRE Limited, Gujarat NRE India Pty Limited, Wonga Coal Pty Limited ,Gujarat NRE Coal (NSW)Pty Limited, the management approved accounts for the relevant dates have been considered. 30(c) For the purpose of Accounting of Associates as per AS-23, the management approved financials of Gujarat NRE Limited has been incorporated. 31 The Shareholders of Gujarat NRE Coke Ltd.(GNCL) & Bharat NRE Coke Ltd.(BNCL) at their respective Shareholder's meeting held on 28.01.13 approved and adopted the scheme of amalgamation of BNCL with GNCL. However in view of subsequent development of reference of GNCL to CDR EG for its debt restructuring the said merger was not allowed by Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta. 32 The indicators of impairment listed in paragraph 8 to 10 of Accounting Standard (AS)- 28 “Impairment of assets” issued by ICAI have been examined by the management and on such examination, it has been found that none of the indicators are present in the case of the Company's assets except in the case as discussed above. A formal estimate of the recoverable amount has not been made, as there is no indication of a potential impairment loss. 33 Exceptional items for the year ended 31st March'2014 represents net foreign exchange loss of Rs. 73.45 crores (including Rs.25.85 crores included in finance cost) ((Previous year Rs. 65.55 crores (including Rs. 18.66 crores included in finance cost)) due to unusual diminution in the value of Rupee as against the US Dollar during the year. 34 There are no amounts due and outstanding to be credited to Investors Education and Protection Fund as at 31st March 2014 35 The Consolidated Balance Sheet & Statement of Profit & Loss Account & Cash Flow Statement of Current Year & Previous Year are as such not comparable as all Australian Subsidiaries & Sub Subsidiary of the Company during previous year viz. Gujarat NRE Ltd., Wonga Coal Pty Limited, Gujarat NRE Coal (NSW) Pty Limited, Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Limited ,Gujarat NRE Wonga Pty Limited, Gujarat NRE Resources NL, South Bulli Holdings Pty Limited & Gujarat NRE Properties Pty Limited has ceased to be a Subsidiary of the Company 36 Consolidated Financial Result for the 31st March' 2013 has been re-casted incorporating Audited Financial Statements of Gujarat NRE Ltd., Wonga Coal Pty Limited, Gujarat NRE Coal (NSW) Pty Limited and Consolidated Audited Financial Statement of Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Limited (i.e. consolidated for Gujarat NRE Coking Coal Limited ,Gujarat NRE Wonga Pty Limited, Gujarat NRE Resources NL, South Bulli Holdings Pty Limited & Gujarat NRE Properties Pty Limited, which were lodged with Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) on 15th August, 2013 ). 71 GUJARAT NRE COKE LIMITED Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2014 (Rs. in Crores) For the Year ended 31-Mar-2014 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Profit / (Loss) before Tax Adjustments for: Depreciation / Other non cash items Net Loss/(Profit) on Sale/ Revaluation of Investment Interest Paid / Payable Net Other Income Net Loss/(Profit) on Sale / Discard of Fixed Assets Employee Stock Option - Compensation Interest Received / Receivable Extra Ordinary Items Operating Profit before working Capital Changes Adjustments for: Trade & Other Receivables Inventories Trade Payables Cash Generated/(Used) from Operations Direct Taxes Paid / Refunds Cash Generated/(Used) from Operating Activities B CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Addition to Fixed Assets Sale of Fixed Assets Addition to Investments Sale of Investments Interest Received Dividend / Misc Income Net Cash Generated/(Used) from Investing Activities C CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net Proceeds to Share Capital / Reserves Deposit against Share Warrant Advance against Share Warrant/ Share Application Money Increase in Long / Short term borrowing Interest Paid Dividend & Dividend Tax Paid Miscellaneous Expenditure Net Cash Generated/(Used) from Financing Activities Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalents Cash & Cash Equivalents (Opening Balance) Cash & Cash Equivalents (Closing Balance)* For the Year ended 31-Mar-2013 A (763.96) (96.02) 61.30 (16.69) 323.39 (311.90) 0.70 (0.07) (6.39) – (713.61) 322.81 63.62 371.93 (0.67) (0.02) 0.67 (11.83) 30.82 681.31 158.50 848.54 (1,169.82) (876.39) 189.57 (686.82) (287.10) (197.27) 52.78 249.72 6.36 256.08 182.26 3,978.32 (198.85) – 6.39 311.90 4,280.02 (954.58) 0.02 – 0.74 11.83 0.67 (941.32) (1,512.59) – 78.65 (1,914.93) (326.23) (0.07) 0.05 (3,675.12) (81.92) 115.20 33.28 330.28 2.64 – 753.57 (363.18) (9.63) (4.19) 709.49 24.25 90.95 115.20 * Includes Dividend accounts of Rs. 1.85 crores( Previous Year 1.92 Crores). In terms of our report of even date annexed hereto For N. C. BANERJEE & CO. Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. 302081E) A. Paul Partner Membership No. 06490 Place : Kolkata Dated : 25th May' 2014. For and on behalf of the Board A K Jagatramka Chairman & Managing Director M Jagatramka Director 72 P R Kannan Chief Financial Officer Manoj K Shah Company Secretary