Dr. Maxwell Hsu DBA: Louisiana Tech University Major Area: Marketing, Quantitative Analysis Research Interests: International Marketing, Service Marketing (e.g., retailing, tourism marketing), Information Technology Management Publications (last five years): “Using Social Networking Sites: What is the Big Attraction? Exploring a Mediated Moderation Relationship” (forthcoming), Zhuang, Weiling, Qian J. Xiao, and Maxwell K. Hsu, Journal of Internet Commerce. “The effect of tourist relationship perception on destination loyalty at a World Heritage Site in China: The mediating role of overall destination satisfaction and trust” (forthcoming), Su, LuJun, Maxwell K. Hsu, Scott Swanson, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. “Reflective Learning in a Chinese MBA Program: Scale Assessment and Future Recommendations” (forthcoming), Xiao, Qian J., Pinghui Zhu, Maxwell K. Hsu, Weiling Zhuang, James (Jimmy) Peltier, Journal of Further and Higher Education. “Understanding the relationship of service fairness, emotions, trust, and tourist behavioral intentions at a city destination in China” (forthcoming), Su, LuJun, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Kimball Marshall, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. “Sequential Combination of Consumer Experiences and Their Impact on Product Knowledge and Brand Attitude: The Moderating Role of Desire for Unique Consumer Products” (2014), Keng, Ching-Jui, Van-Dat Tran, Tze-Hsien Liao, Chao-Ju Yao, and Maxwell K. Hsu, Internet Research. “Business Students’ Perception of University Library Service Quality and Satisfaction” (2014), Hsu, Maxwell K., Richard Cummings, and Stephen Wang, Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 7(2), 137-144. “Virtually Compatible or Risky Business? Investigating Consumers’ Proclivity toward Online Banking Services,” (2014), Wang, Stephen, Maxwell K. Hsu, Lou E. Pelton, and Danqing Xi, Journal of Marketing Channels, 43-58. “Service Fairness, Consumption Emotions, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions: The Experience of Chinese Heritage Tourists” (2013), Su, LuJun and Maxwell K. Hsu, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 30, 786-805. “Paradoxes of Social Networking Sites: An Empirical Analysis” (2013), Zhuang, Weiling, Maxwell K. Hsu, Kristen Brewer, Qian Xiao, Management Research Review, 36(1), 33-49. “Determinants of Tourism Destination Competitiveness in China” (2012), Wang, Chun-yang, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Scott Swanson, Journal of China Tourism Research, 8(1), 97-116. “Dynamic Efficiency Assessment of the Chinese Hotel Industry” (2012), Huang, Yinghua, Hani I. Mesak, Maxwell K. Hsu and Hailin Qu, Journal of Business Research, 65(1), 59-67. “Consumers’ Online Information Search: Gen Yers Finding Needles in the Internet Haystack” (2012), Maity, Moutusy, Maxwell K. Hsu and Lou E. Pelton, Journal of Marketing Channels, 19(1), 49-76. “A Hierarchical Communication Model of the Antecedents of Healthcare Professionals’ Support for Donations After Cardiac Death” (2011), Peltier, Jimmy, A.M. D'Alessandro, Maxwell K. Hsu and J.A. Schibrowsky, American Journal of Transplantation, 11(3), 591-598. “Symbolic and Functional Brand Effects for Market Segmentation” (2011), Chiu, Kevin K., Ru-Jen Lin, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Shih-Chih Chen, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 1(6), 7586. “Predicting Donations from a Cohort Group of Donors to Charities: A Direct Marketing Case Study” (2011), Chao, Gary H., Maxwell K. Hsu and Carol Scovotti, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, 2(3), 20-38. “The Effect of Recovery Locus Attributions and Service Failure Severity on Word-of-Mouth and Repurchase Behaviors in the Hospitality Industry" (2011), Swanson, Scott and Maxwell K. Hsu, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 35(4), 511-529. doi: 10.1177/1096348010382237. “The Impact of Generation Y Consumers’ Need for Uniqueness and Nationality on Retail Patronage Behaviors: An Exploratory Study of U.S. and Taiwanese Consumers” (2010), Rajamma, Rajasree K., Lou E. Pelton, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Dee K. Knight, Journal of Global Marketing, 23, 387-410. “The Relationships of Destination Image, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions: An Integrated Model” (2010), Wang, Chun-yang and Maxwell K. Hsu, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 27(8), 829-843. “Exploring Motivations of Travel Knowledge Sharing in Social Network Sites: An Empirical Investigation of U.S. College Students” (2010), Huang, Yinghua, Choton Basu, and Maxwell K. Hsu, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(7), 717-734. "Brand Personality, Brand Preferences, and Customer Perceived Value" (2010), Chiu, K. K-S., Y-C. Chen, Maxwell K. Hsu, & K. Chen, Journal of International Academia-Industry Cooperation and Management, 1(3), 31-43. “Perceptions of Integrated Marketing Communications Among Public Relations Agencies Executives in China,” (2010), Chu, Guangzhi, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Shan Li, International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, 2(1), 7-16. “Power of Branding on Internet Service Providers” (2010), Chiu, Kevin K., Ru-Jen Lin, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Li-Hua Huang, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50(3), 112-120. “Grocery Store Image, Travel Distance, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions: Evidence from A Midwest College Town,” (2010), Hsu, Maxwell K., Yinghua Huang, and Scott Swanson, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 38(2), 115-132. “Determinants and Outcomes of Relationship Quality: An Empirical Investigation on the Chinese Travel Industry,” (2009), Huang, Yinghua, Fucai Huang, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Fei Chang, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 14(1), 59-75. “Perceptions of Integrated Marketing Communications Among Advertising Agencies Executives in China,” (2009), Chu, Guangzhi, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Shan Li, International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communication, 1(2), 57-71. “An Efficiency Comparison of MBA Programs: Top 10 versus Non Top 10” (2009), Hsu, Maxwell K., Gary H. Chao, and Marcia L. James, Journal of Education for Business, May/June, 269-274. “The Direct and Moderated Influences of Interpersonal Determinants on Trust in Gift Exchange: From the Giver’s Perspective” (2009), Luo, Xueming, Maxwell K. Hsu, Morsheda Hassan, and David C. Chou, International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, 10(1), 22-39. “Critical Incidents in Tourism: Failure, Recovery, Customer Switching and Word-of-Mouth Behaviors” (2009), Swanson, Scott and Maxwell K. Hsu, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26(2), 180-194. “Toward Developing a Social Network Site-Based Model for Knowledge Sharing in the Travel Industry” (2009), Huang, Yinghua, Maxwell K. Hsu, Choton Basu, and Fucai Huang, Issues in Innovation, 3(1), 57-74. “Computer Attitude, Statistics Anxiety and Self-efficacy on Statistical Software Adoption Behavior: An Empirical Study of Online MBA Learners” (2009), Hsu, Maxwell K., Stephen Wang, and Kevin K. Chiu, Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 412-420. “The Moderating Role of Institutional Networking in the Customer Orientation-Trust/CommitmentPerformance (CTP) Causal Chain” (2008), Luo, Xueming, Maxwell K. Hsu, and Sandra S. Liu, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(2), 202-214. “Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate Efficiency: An Exploratory Study of the Chinese Hotel Industry” (2008), Zhou, Zongqing, Yinghua Huang, and Maxwell K. Hsu, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 9(3), 239-255. “The Fog of OECD and Non-OECD Country Efficiency: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach” (2008), Hsu, Maxwell K., Xueming Luo, and Gary H. Chao, Journal of Developing Areas, 42(1), 81-93.