Virtual Lab - Photosynthesis

Name: ______________________________________________________ #_______
Date: _______ Per: ____
Virtual Lab - Photosynthesis
Watch and listen to the tutorial found in the link above. Fill in the following answers as you watch. Stop and replay
anythingg you don’t understand – this is a complicated topic!
1. Plants use photosynthesis to make
______for the plant.
2. What do plants need in order to perform photosynthesis?
3. How is the plant able to obtain each “ingredient?”
4. Identify the plant cell organelle in which photosynthesis takes place.
5. Summarize the process of photosynthesis, including the products.
a. Water and carbon enter the chloroplast…..
6. What does the plant do with the sugar produced?
7. What happens to the oxygen that is produced as a result of photosynthesis?
8. Why is photosynthesis also important for people and animals?
Virtual Lab #1:
Bubbles are given off by the plant through photosynthesis. By measuring the rate at which the bubbles are produced it is
poss ible to tell how fast the plant is photosynthesizing. Go to the website, and read/follow the directions on how to use
this lab simulator.
Make sure you have the BPM tab selected, press start, and record the bubbles per minute for each of the following light
distances. Then graph your data, including a title and axis labels. Hint: Have 200cm be your first attempt, then work
toward 100cm.
Based on your data, write a conclusion regarding how light intensity affects rate of photosynthesis.
Virtual Lab #2 -
In this lab, you will be experimenting with how different variables affect the rate of photosynthesis. First, scan your
mouse over the various instruments, reading how you can alter the variables. Then, follow the instructions below.
1. Set the thermometer to 25°C (Room Temperature) and the light intensity to 20. Click the green start button to
begin the timer and count the # of bubbles that emerge per minute.
a. What were the bubbles per minute at this setting? ___
b. Now, increase the CO2 available to the elodea (when he CO2 bottle looks ½ empty, you have increased it).
What were your bubbles per minute?
c. Based on your data, how does the amount of available CO2 affect the rate of photosynthesis?
2. Start this part over by refreshing the page, but now have your settings at 40°C, light intensity of 20, increased CO2).
a. What were your bubbles per minute with the increased the temperature? Bpm
b. Based on your data from #9 and #10, how does an increase in temperature affect the rate of photosynthesis?
3. Start over again, but now decrease the temperature 10°C.
a. What were your bubbles per minute? _____
b. Based on your data, how does a decrease in temperature affect the rate of photosynthesis?
4. Alter the variables in order to determine which combination leads to the highest rate of photosynthesis. Which
combination of settings produced the highest number of bubbles per minute?
Temperature: ______
Light Intensity __________
Photosynthesis Tutorial:
Use this site to answer questions about photosynthesis.
1. Write the chemical equation for photosynthesis.
2. Photosynthesis converts
energy into the
energy of sugars and other organic compounds.
3. Photosynthesis uses light energy to drive the electrons from water to ________________________________
Click through concepts 2 from 5, read carefully through the material, but you are not responsible for
writing down anything.
Click on concept 6 and label the chloroplast correctly, making sure you remember the right terms.
Click on concept 7 and read about chlorophyll. Click on “view chlorophyll” and then “view absorption
4. What colors on the spectrum of light get absorbed the best by chlorophyll a?
8 and watch the reactions for a moment.
the least?
Click on concept
5. Fill in:
a. Light reaction reactants: ________________________________ Products: ________________________
b. Calvin Cycle reactants: _________________________________ Products: _________________________
6. Take the self-quiz to check your understanding.