Health Coverage Portal TM is a complete data solution for health insurance market analysis and competitive intelligence. If you need county‐level market share, add County Health Coverage TM for the latest enrollment estimates by company. This powerful online database gives you 24/7 access to membership, market share and financials for every company with health insurance business nationwide. Analyze your market position, track competitor performance and evaluate business opportunities segment by segment: Individual; Group Risk; Group ASO; Small Group; Medicare; Medicaid; supplemental & ancillary lines. Subscriptions include Medicare Business Online TM, a user‐friendly database of CMS‐reported Medicare enrollment & market share. If you also use plan benefit attributes and co‐pays to analyze Senior Markets, add Medicare Benefits Analyzer TM, a database that presents comparative, county‐level data from the CMS Medicare Plan Finder Tool. Choose the complete, 50‐state Portal, subscribe to a single state, or opt for a few states within a region. Subscription content is flexible. If you subscribe to a single state or only a few states, add Health Plans USA TM for access to industry‐wide enrollment with limited financials to track industry trends and analyze competitors beyond your core markets. Health Coverage Portal TM is consistently updated and refreshed to deliver the most current information available. Data from 2006, forward. Simplifying analysis of health insurance business with … Õ Data‐driven competitive intelligence for strategic planning and market analysis Õ State and county‐level enrollment for companies providing Private, Medicare, Medicaid health coverage Õ Financial performance data powered by NAIC statutory financial statements (licensed NAIC data re‐distributor) Õ Segment‐level revenue & expenses, loss ratios, and underwriting gain or loss Õ Bottom line … we provide unsurpassed analytic support and reliable data Mark Farrah Associates Õ Call us at 724‐338‐4100 to learn more about the Health Coverage Portal TM. 1 Health Coverage Portal TM Data Content and Sources NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) Health Annual & Quarterly Statements ‐ Schedules/Exhibits including: Balance Sheet – Assets & Liabilities Statement of Revenue and Expenses Cash Flow Risk‐based Capital Underwriting and Investment Exhibit ‐ Annual Analysis of Operations by Lines of Business – Annual Individual, Group Risk, Group ASO, Medicare, Medicaid enrollment Enrollment by Product Type for Health Business ‐ Annual Summary of Transactions with Providers ‐ Annual Five‐Year Historical Data ‐ Annual Exhibit of Premiums, Enrollment and Utilization Schedule T – Premiums and Other Considerations Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit ‐ Annual Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit – Annual NEW Supplemental Health Care Exhibit NAIC Other Insurer Types with Health Business – Schedules/Exhibits: (Life; Property & Casualty; Fraternal) Life State Page Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Exhibit Accident and Health Policy Experience Exhibit NEW Supplemental Health Care Exhibit California Department of Managed Health Care – Schedules/Exhibits: HMO Annual and Quarterly Financial Statements NAIC Comparable Schedules/Exhibits Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reports: Medicare Advantage Membership & Market Share PDP Membership & Market Share Medicare Plan Finder benefits info and star ratings data Medicaid membership MFA’s Proprietary ASO (administrative services only) Dataset: Interpretation of ASO data reported in NAIC Financial Statements Self‐funded membership & ASO implications from analysis of SEC filings by publicly traded insurance companies. Insurance company reports, press, and other industry reports. MFA primary research with employers, insurers and other health insurance stakeholders Other Sources: U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics State Departments of Insurance Strenuus Optional Portal Add‐ons: County Health Coverage TM ‐ County‐level membership by segment and company Medicare Benefits Analyzer TM – Medicare Advantage and PDP benefits and star ratings data as reported in the CMS Plan Finder tools Health Plans USA TM – Industry‐wide enrollment with limited financials by state and company Health Insurer Insights TM – Concise, strategic overviews about top U.S. health insurance companies Mark Farrah Associates Õ Call us at 724‐338‐4100 to learn more about the Health Coverage Portal TM. 2 Query‐driven Tables with Easy “Download to Excel” • • • • • Query the database using tables with “drop‐down select” filters Toggle between Parent View and Plan View Click on column headers to sort ascending – descending order Drop and drag to “group” data by column Easy “Download to Excel” Mark Farrah Associates Õ Call us at 724‐338‐4100 to learn more about the Health Coverage Portal TM. 3 Market Segment Detail and MLR Indicators Policies, Covered Lives, Groups and Member Months by Plan and State Plan by Plan Revenue, Expenses, Preliminary MLRs & Other Financials • • • • Financials and enrollment detail from the Supplemental Health Care Exhibit (NAIC) Subscribers may compare data across Parents and Plans or view Detail for a particular plan Same user‐friendly web table design with easy‐to‐navigate tables Download to Excel Mark Farrah Associates Õ Call us at 724‐338‐4100 to learn more about the Health Coverage Portal TM. 4 Need More Data? Use “Pick and Click” Custom Spreadsheet Builder Mark Farrah Associates Õ Call us at 724‐338‐4100 to learn more about the Health Coverage Portal TM. 5 CMS‐reported Managed Medicare Enrollment & Market Share Track MEDICARE ADVANTAGE and PART D membership by plan COMPETE more effectively for SENIOR MARKET business using the latest product and plan intelligence Save TIME and MONEY with Medicare Business Online TM … MFA processes & uploads CMS data to make it easy for you. 9 Updates within 1‐day of CMS release 9 All tables & datasets Downloadable 9 Medicare eligible data and senior market projections Track month to month enrollment for Medicare Advantage and PDP nationwide. 9 Competitor and market analysis just got easier 9 Membership trends and market share from 2006 through current 9 County‐level, state and parent‐level tables 9 CMS reports, directories and important notices Mark Farrah Associates Õ Call us at 724‐338‐4100 to learn more about the Health Coverage Portal TM. 6 NAIC‐reported Schedules & Exhibits from Quarterly & Annual Financial Statements HEALTH COMPANIES A&H POLICY EXPERIENCE EXHIBIT A&H PREMIUMS DUE AND UNPAID AMOUNTS DUE FROM PARENT, SUBSIDIARIES & AFFILIATES AMOUNTS DUE TO PARENT, SUBSIDIARIES & AFFILIATES ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONS BY LINES OF BUSINESS ASSETS CASH FLOW CLAIMS UNPAID & INCENTIVE POOL, WITHHOLD & BONUS DEMOGRAPHICS, OFFICERS & CONTACTS ENROLLMENT BY PRODUCT TYPE FOR HEALTH BUSINESS ONLY EXHIBIT OF AGGREGATE RESERVE FOR A&H CONTRACTS ONLY EXHIBIT OF ANALYSIS OF CLAIMS UNPAID PRIOR YEAR NET OF REINSINSURANCE EXHIBIT OF ANALYSIS OF EXPENSES EXHIBIT OF CAPITAL GAINS (LOSSES) EXHIBIT OF CLAIMS INCURRED; CLAIMS LIABILITY; DEVEL OF PAID HEALTH CLAIMS EXHIBIT OF NET INVESTMENT INCOME EXHIBIT OF NONADMITTED ASSETS EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS EXHIBIT OF PREMIUMS, ENROLLMENT & UTILIZATION FIVE‐YEAR HISTORICAL FURNITURE, EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES OWNED GENERAL INTERROGATORIES ‐ PART 1 & PART 2 HEALTH CARE RECEIVABLES LIABILITIES, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS MEDICARE PART D COVERAGE SUPPLEMENT MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE AND GENERAL INTERROGATORIES SCHEDULES A, B, BA, D, DA, E, S, T, Y STATEMENT OF REVENUE & EXPENSES ‐ PART 1 & PART 2 SUMMARY INVESTMENT SCHEDULE SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS WITH PROVIDERS ‐ INTERMEDIARIES SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH CARE EXHIBIT LIFE, FRATERNAL, AND PROPERTY & CASUALTY COMPANIES WITH HEALTH BUSINESS A&H POLICY EXPERIENCE EXHIBIT DEMOGRAPHICS, OFFICERS & CONTACTS LIFE STATE PAGE: ACCIDENT & HEALTH INSURANCE TABLE MEDICARE PART D COVERAGE SUPPLEMENT MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE (General Interrogatories) SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH CARE EXHIBIT Mark Farrah Associates Õ Call us at 724‐338‐4100 to learn more about the Health Coverage Portal TM. 7 Reliable Health Plan Performance Data for ASO & Risk Business PRODUCT FEATURES: SUBSCRIPTION OPTIONS: OPTIONAL ADD‐ONS: Single State (5 user seats) Health insurance data for all U.S. competitors County Health Coverage TM Selective States (5 user seats) Health Plans USA TM Robust database of financials, enrollment & industry 50 States (10 user seats) ratios Medicare Benefits Analyzer TM 50 States (enterprise‐wide license) Health Insurer Insights TM User‐friendly web interface with Download to Excel Optional add‐on databases & Annual 2006, quarter‐to‐quarter through reports subscription term CALL FOR PRICING OPTIONS Private risk and ASO enrollment Call 724‐338‐4100 to Schedule an Online Demo Today Segment and Line of Business assessments Mark Farrah Associates (MFA) provides market analysis support for the majority of companies Medicare Advantage enrollment, market share & competing for health insurance business today. Our database products include the Health financials (MBO) Coverage Portal TM, Health Plans USA TM, Medicare Business Online TM and Medicare Benefits Analyzer TM. We also offer Health Insurer Insights TM, a popular report series that provides Medicaid enrollment, market share & financials strategic insights about leading health insurance companies. Medicare Supplement enrollment, market share & Visit to learn more and to view financials the product video. Insured and uninsured population statistics Labor market statistics Ongoing support from our team of experienced analysts Mark Farrah Associates Õ Call us at 724‐338‐4100 to learn more about the Health Coverage Portal TM. 8