professional mba - Mays Business School

Selected Faculty at Mays
Dr. Bala Shetty is the Paula and Steve Letbetter ’70 Chair in Business and serves
as executive associate dean. In addition to serving on the faculty of Texas A&M
University since 1985, he’s had faculty positions at Southern Methodist University
in Dallas and Madrid Business School in Spain. He also served as a research fellow
at Princeton University in 1996 and 2008, while on faculty development leave from
Texas A&M University.
Dr. Shetty is passionate about providing his students an outstanding education that
will impact their lives and careers. He says with pride, “I feel fortunate to have the
opportunity to work with so many bright young men and women who will be the
next generation of leaders of this country.” He’s received a number of teaching
awards at Texas A&M University and Southern Methodist University, including the
EMBA Outstanding Faculty Award (2008), the MBA Outstanding Faculty Award
(1998, 2000, 2001 and 2005), the Alpha Kappa Psi Undergraduate Teaching
Award (1990, 1991) and the prestigious Association of Former Students Teaching
Award (2002).
Dr. Shetty has also served in a number of leadership positions within Mays Business School’s Department of Information and
Operations Management, including director of the PhD program, assistant department head and department head. More
recently, he served as associate dean of Graduate Programs, leading the school’s MBA and Executive MBA Programs.
PhD, Southern Methodist University, 1985; M.S., Southern Methodist University, 1981
Dr. Mary Lea McAnally is associate dean for Graduate Programs and the
Ljungdahl Chaired Professor of Accounting. She obtained her PhD from Stanford
University and Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Alberta. She worked
as a chartered accountant (in Canada) and is a Certified Internal Auditor. Prior
to arriving at Texas A&M in 2002, Dr. McAnally had positions at the University of
Texas at Austin, Canadian National Railways, and Dunwoody and Company.
At Texas A&M, Dr. McAnally oversees a suite of master’s programs, including
the Full-Time, Professional, and Executive MBA Programs, as well as master’s
programs in accounting, finance, management, information systems and
marketing. She teaches financial reporting, analysis and valuation in the FullTime, Professional and Executive MBA Programs. Through the Mays Center for
Executive Development, she works with a number of corporate clients, including
Halliburton, AT&T, and Baker Hughes. She has also taught at University of
Calgary, IMADEC (in Austria) and at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad.
Dr. McAnally has received numerous faculty-determined and student-initiated
teaching awards. In addition, she co-authors four textbooks widely used in MBA
and executive programs in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
PhD, Stanford University, 1994; B. Comm., University of Alberta, 1981
Selected Faculty at Mays
John Krajicek is an executive professor and the assistant director of Business
Communication Studies for the Full-Time, Professional, and Executive MBA
Programs. He’s been on the faculty at Texas A&M since 1996. Before joining the
MBA Programs in 2005, he taught scientific and technical writing, rhetoric and
composition, and an introduction to literature in Texas A&M’s Department of
English, as well as an introduction to taxation in the Department of Accounting.
Mr. Krajicek has received two Association of Former Students teaching awards,
along with the Nancy and William J. Gardiner Teaching Excellence Award, the
Creswell Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Killingsworth Award in
Teaching Excellence. His primary research and pedagogical interests include
communication theories, public speaking best practices, professional presence,
mindfulness and emotional and social intelligence. He is also a Certified Public
M.A., University of North Texas, 1993; M.S.A., North Texas State University, 1982; B.A., North Texas State University, 1979
Dr. Mike Kinney teaches classes in the Full-Time, Professional, and Executive
MBA Programs, as well as courses offered by the Center for Executive
Development at Texas A&M. He has also taught tax and management
accounting courses in the Professional Program in Accounting and a tax research
course in the PhD program. He currently serves as coordinator of the PhD
Program in Accounting.
Dr. Kinney’s primary research interests are the effects of corporate income
taxation on business decisions and earnings management using real activities.
He’s published scholarly and practitioner articles in several tax journals and top
accounting journals, and he has co-authored two widely adopted textbooks in
cost and management accounting.
Dr. Kinney has received several college and departmental teaching awards, as
well as an international research award. He’s also been a Price Waterhouse
Teaching Excellence Professor and is currently a KPMG Faculty Fellow.
PhD, University of Arizona, 1989; M.S., University of Wyoming, 1985; B.A., Hastings College, 1978
Dr. Sorin Sorescu is a professor of finance and the Patricia and Bookman Peters
Research Professorship recipient. He currently serves as the head of the Finance
Department. His research interests focus on financial markets, asset pricing and
active portfolio management.
Prior to joining Texas A&M, Dr. Sorescu served as an assistant professor at
University of Houston. His research has appeared in the Journal of Finance, the
Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,
the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, the Journal of Financial Markets and
the Journal of International Money and Finance. Dr. Sorescu also served as expert
witness in matters related to informational content of security prices.
PhD, Southern Methodist University, 1985; M.S., Southern Methodist University, 1981
Dr. Michael Wesson currently teaches in the Full-Time, Professional, and Executive
MBA Programs. He also teaches leadership, human resource management and
organizational behavior courses in the Master of Science in Human Resource
Management program. Dr. Wesson has received several teaching grants, and
he has been honored as a Texas A&M Center for Teaching Excellence Montague
Scholar. He’s also co-author of a textbook about organizational behavior.
Dr. Wesson’s research interests focus on the areas of recruitment, selection,
socialization, compensation and leadership. He’s published research articles
in numerous top-tier journals, including the Journal of Applied Psychology,
Personnel Psychology, Academy of Management Review and Organizational
Behavior and Human Decision Processes. In addition, he serves on the editorial
boards for several of these journals.
Before returning to school to earn his doctoral degree at Michigan State
University, Dr. Wesson worked as a human resources manager for Baker Hughes,
Inc. He’s also served as a consultant to the automotive supplier, oil and gas, and
technology industries in areas dealing with recruiting, selection, onboarding,
leadership development, compensation and turnover.
PhD, Michigan State University, 2002; M.S., Texas A&M University, 1992; B.B.A., Baylor University, 1991
Selected Faculty at Mays
Dr. Asghar Zardkoohi is the T.J. Barlow Professor of Business Administration. Dr.
Zardkoohi’s research and teaching interests are in corporate governance, decision
making under uncertainty and executive compensation.
In addition to receiving the Texas A&M University-Level Distinguished Achievement
Award in Teaching in 2011, Dr. Zardkoohi has received numerous teaching awards
at Mays Business School, including the Executive MBA Faculty Excellence Award
(2013), the Teaching Fellowship Award (2010), the Teaching Performance Award
(2010), the Executive MBA Teaching Excellence Award (2009), the MBA Teaching
Excellence Award (2009), the Executive MBA Faculty Recognition Award for
Teaching (2006), and the Association of Former Students Distinguished Teaching
Award (1989, 2003).
Dr. Zardkoohi teaches a course on the economic analysis of contract law at EDHEC,
a business school in Lille/Nice, France. In addition, he teaches a class to Aramco’s
executives at the company’s headquarters in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Zardkoohi has received research grants from NASA, the American Banking Association, AT&T and the Small Business
Administration. In addition, he won the Texas A&M Association of Former Students University Distinguished Research Award
in 1985. He is a research fellow at Texas A&M University’s Private Enterprise Research Center.
PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1977; M.S., Auburn University, 1973; B.A., Abadan Institute of
Technology, 1968
Dr. Suresh Ramanathan is a professor of marketing and the David R. Norcom
’73 Endowed Professor at the Mays Business School. Dr. Ramanathan teaches in
the Full-Time and Professional MBA Programs and MS in Marketing programs.
He studies the dynamics of affective and motivational processes in judgments
and choice. His research focuses on the role of changing emotions and goals in
different domains, such as social consumption of experiences, self-control and
impulsive behavior, health-related marketing and sales promotion effectiveness.
Before joining Mays, Dr. Ramanathan taught at the University of Chicago Booth
School of Business for nine years, and he has considerable industry experience.
He worked with Unilever in its tea and coffee business for three years and has
seven years of experience in the advertising industry at JWT, Lintas and McCann
Erickson. He also worked with MTV India where he was part of the core team
responsible for launching the channel in India.
Dr. Ramanathan is on the editorial board of the Journal of Consumer Research
and the Journal of Consumer Psychology and also serves as an ad hoc
reviewer for several other journals in marketing. He has published his work in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal
of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Psychological Science and Marketing Letters. In 2007, he was
identified by the Marketing Science Institute as a leading Emerging Scholar, in recognition of his work and potential. He
is also the recipient of the SCP-Sheth Foundation award for best doctoral dissertation proposal in 2001, and the Herman
Krooss award for best doctoral dissertation at the Stern School of Business in 2002.
PhD, New York University, 2002; M.B.A., Indian Institute of Management, 1987; B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, 1985