View - RoboIndia Technologies

RoboIndia Technologies
Duration: 60 Hours
Content1. Introduction of MATLAB (12 HOURS)
Fundamental of MATLAB
Variables Creation
Arithmetic Operations
Order Of Precedence
Math & Trigonometric Functions
Predefined Variables
Strings, Arrays & Cell Arrays
Vector and matrix data
3D matrix visualization
2D matrix visualization
Matlab Scripts & m-functions
Conditional Statements
Plots & Axes Control
2. GUI designing (12 HOURS)
 Introduction of GUI
 Various UI Controls in Guide
 Static Text
 Editable Text
 Slider
 Axes Control
 Check Box
 Push Button
 Popup Menu
 Radio Button
 Properties of GUI Control
 Various Syntaxes to be used on backend to relate components
 Packaging files with compiler
 Developing a standalone application in MATLAB
RoboIndia Technologies
Contact us ;,+91-7503727207,9540897983
RoboIndia Technologies
3. Image processing (12 HOURS)
 Introduction of Image Processing
 Working with image
 Reading an image
 Display an image
 Improve image contrast
 Estimate the approximate value of back ground pixel
 Create image with uniform background
 Create binary version of the image
 Determine number of objects in the image
 Examine Label Matrix
 Display Label Matrix as Pseudo-color index image
 Convert RGB to Grayscale image
 Crop image in specified portion
 Resize & Rotate image
 Detect edges of an image
 Combine multiple images
 Image filtering
 Extract data from image
4. Signal Processing (12 HOURS)
 Signal generation
 Frequency, Time & Amplitude
 Waveform generation
 Common Signals (Unit Impulse, Step, Ramp, etc…)
 Periodic & Aperiodic Signals
 sinc function
 Frequency Response in Digital domain
 Frequency Response in Analog domain
 Group delay & Phase delay
 Filter Visualization tool
 Pole-Zero Analysis
 LTI Systems
 IIR Filter Design
 Elliptic, Butterworth, Chebyshev Type-1 & Type-2
 FIR Filter Design
 Linear Phase filter, Windowing methods
RoboIndia Technologies
Contact us ;,+91-7503727207,9540897983
RoboIndia Technologies
5. Simulink and MATLAB (12 HOURS)
 Introduction to Block-Sets
 Simulation Properties
 Commonly Used Block Sets
 Inports&Outports
 Subsystem
 Sinks & Sources
 Scope Properties
 Importing & Exporting data
 Connecting Blocks & Properties
 Working with Mux &Demux
 Creating Bus
 Logic & Math Operations
 Look-up Tables
Exercise and Project
1. Detecting Cars in a Video of Traffic
2. Finding the Length of a Pendulum in Motion
3. Measuring the Radius of a Roll of Tape
4. Exploring Slices from a 3-Dimensional MRI Data Set
5. Measuring the Radius of a Roll of Tape
6. Filter Analysis using FVTool
7. DFT Estimation with the Goertzel Algorithm
8. Edge Detection of an Image using various algorithms
9. Chirp-z Transform
10. Single Sideband Modulation via the Hilbert Transform
11. Optical Sensor Image Generation
12. Designing a standalone application for controlling Windows Media Player
13. Two Degree-of-Freedom PID Control for Setpoint Tracking
14. Bouncing ball model designing using MATLAB
15. Designing a standalone application of a calculator using GUI
16. Designing a standalone application for image processing using GUI
RoboIndia Technologies
Contact us ;,+91-7503727207,9540897983