Lesson 13 88 Key Verses Old Testament What it Means New Testament Fulfillment Picture Genesis 3:15 Galatians 3:13 God promised that a Someone is coming to Christ has saved us from Savior would come who save us from the curse sin’s curse. would crush Satan’s head. of sin! Genesis 3:21 An animal was killed in the Garden to cover Adam and Eve’s shame. Genesis 4:4 Abel’s blood offering was accepted by God. Genesis 6:17–18 Noah and his family were saved by entering through the door of the ark. The Someone will be killed to cover our sin and shame. The Someone’s blood will atone for sins. The Someone will be the door through which the righteous must enter to be saved. Hebrews 10:22 Our sin and shame have been covered with Christ’s blood. Ephesians 1:7 In Christ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins. John 10:9 Christ is the only door through which we must enter to find salvation and safety. Genesis 22:13–14 John 1:29 A ram was sacrificed The Someone will be a Christ is the Lamb that God in Isaac’s place, and lamb provided by God provided to be sacrificed in Abraham prophesied to be sacrificed in our our place. that God would someday place. provide another sacrifice in that place. Genesis 45:7–8 Joseph was raised up by God to save people in the midst of a great famine. The Someone will be a Savior who will be exalted to deliver his people. Luke 1:68-71 God exalted Christ to be our Savior and deliverer.