Creation: a Key to the Gospel Dr Don Batten B.Sc.Agr. (Hons I) PhD In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 Evolution: ‘no room for God’? “In the evolutionary pattern of thought there is no longer either need or room for the supernatural. The earth was not created: it evolved. So did all the animals and plants that inhabit it, including our human selves, mind and soul as well as brain and body. So did religion.” —Sir Julian Huxley, Director-General of UNESCO, in Essays of a Humanist [1964], Penguin Books, UK, 1969 reprint, pp.82–83). Praise Darwin (evolution)!? Saviour Judge Sin Law Creator Blocks – Creator Saviour We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 Creation Ministries International Genesis harmonisations GAP THEORY Pain Death Killing Disease Thorns Struggle Suffering Extinction Millions of Years? Everything was “very good” God saw all that he had made, and behold, it was very good. Genesis 1:31 “…it was very good.” Genesis 1:31 Garden of Eden “…it was very good.” Genesis 1:31 Eden on bones DEATH SUFFERING DISEASE Genesis 1:5b And and there there was was evening morning one day (literally; Hebrew yom echad) Meanings of ‘day’ in English In my father’s day, he would go to bed early Sunday evening and rise early in the morning of the following day, and spend the next six days travelling, during the day, to cross the whole country. Marcus Dods* on ‘day’ “If, for example, the word ‘day’ in these chapters does not mean a period of twenty-four hours, the interpretation of scripture is hopeless.” Marcus Dods (1834–1909), The Book of Genesis, Armstrong, NY, p. 4, 1907. *Scottish Prof. of New Testament Exegesis and then Principal, New College, Edinburgh. Order of creation: Genesis vs big bang/evolution SIX DAYS OF CREATION DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 Romans 1:20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. Jesus and age of universe Jesus: “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.” Mark 10:6 Time line of some 4,000 years before Christ Adam and Eve (Day 6) The beginning Time line for 14,000,000,000 years since ‘big bang’ The beginning ‘Adam and Eve’ Which leads to … “If Jesus as a finite human being erred from time to time, there is no reason at all to suppose that Moses, Paul, John wrote Scripture without error. Rather, we are wise to assume that the biblical authors expressed themselves as human beings writing from the perspectives of their own finite, broken horizons.” Sparks, “After Inerrancy: Evangelicals and the Bible in a Postmodern Age”,, 2010. Adam to Abraham chronology The Bible tells us that death and suffering were not part of the original created order and they will not be part of the future restored heavens and earth Romans 8:21,22 … the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay… v. 21 For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. Romans 8:22 Evolutionary story Death creation Real history For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:22 “The First Adam” 1 Cor. 15:45 “The Last Adam” 1 Cor. 15:45 Can either man not be a real person? Bad news … good news Bad News Sin Man is lost. We need to be saved from our sin. Good News Salvation Christ provides salvation from sin and death Evolution and evangelism “I am an evangelist. I go around and talk with people—one-on-one conversations. In my time on college campuses and talking to high schoolers, the number one answer I get for there not being a God, so then I don't have to believe, is evolution.” —Personal correspondence, Mark Cahill, evangelist and author of One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven Summarising … Non-traditional views of Genesis (if you think about the consequences): 1. Rob Christ of His glory as Creator 2. Undermine the goodness of God 3. Undermine the Gospel 4. Undermine hermeneutics 5. Undermine eschatology (end times) 6. Impede evangelism Blocks – Creator Saviour What changed England into a pagan nation? “… I myself have little doubt that in England it was geology and the theory of evolution that changed us from a Christian to a pagan nation.” —F. Sherwood Taylor, Geology changes the outlook, in Ideas and Beliefs of the Victorians, Sylvan Press Ltd, London, p. 195, 1949. (one of a series of talks broadcast on BBC radio). (Curator, Museum of the History of Science, Oxford). “Evolution: rival to Christianity” “Naturalistic evolution is the great intellectual rival to Christianity in the Western world. It is the creation myth of the secular elites and their intellectual weapon of choice in public debate.” Dr Albert Mohler, President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary What about theistic evolution? “I believe that it [the theistic evolution movement] represents a very significant challenge to the integrity of Christian theology and the church’s understanding of everything Dr Albert Mohler, President, from the authority and truthfulness Southern Baptist of the Bible to the meaning of the Theological Gospel. … The theory of evolution is Seminary, no mere nuisance—it represents one Baptist Press News of the greatest challenges to Christian 26 Jan 2011 faith and faithfulness in our times.” An important distinction • observable • repeatable • experiments Science studies the repeatable. History studies the unrepeatable. Noah’s Ark The Flood: key to understanding history (Genesis 6-8) Noah’s Ark: real! 300 cubits (~143 m) • Carrying capacity: 15,000 tonnes! • Korean naval architects showed that the shape would have been very stable in huge seas. Can you see the people? Widespread fossilization— sudden burial in mud Global flood! Dinosaur and fish fossilized together Large-scale sedimentary formations Coconino Sandstone Kaibab Upwarp (Grand Canyon, eastern Arizona) Wipes out ~500 million years of evolutionary time! Cross section of Grand Canyon geology showing monocline and Kaibab Upwarp Observations blow away 480 million years of imaginary evolutionary time! 70 my From Creation magazine Carbon dating: evidence against ‘millions of years’! Almost every bit of fossil organic material contains measurable carbon-14 (coal, bone, etc.)—even diamonds supposedly billions of years old! But, anything older than 50,000 years should have no measurable carbon-14! “This is not something I ever dreamed I’d see.” Blood vessels Blood cells “… flexible and resilient and when stretched returns to its original shape.” Mary Schweitzer, Science 307(5717):1952, 25 March 2005. +Nature News Blue stars burn H up to 200,000 x faster than our Sun All spiral galaxies contain some blue stars Burn up H in < 1 million years Star formation? Not observed. No viable model. Orion Continents are eroding & washing into the sea. Eroded sediment Continent Sea floor sediment •Continents are eroding & washing into the sea. •The average rate of erosion: 60 mm / 1000 years. •The basement rocks of continents said to be ~2.5 billion years old. •Erosion would remove 150 kilometres of continent in that time! •Continents would be levelled in just 10 Ma. Blue Mountains (Australia) Receding stage of floodwaters Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. I Peter 3:15