Full-time MBA Program 2014 Admission Guide

Full-time MBA Program
2014 Admission Guide
Graduate School of Management,
GLOBIS University
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
1. Admission Policy
The Graduate School of Management at GLOBIS University has a mission to develop visionary
business leaders who create and innovate societies. When considering applicants, we therefore pay
close attention to an individual’s personal motivation, skill-sets, ability to think logically and way of
interacting with others. We aim to attract future business leaders who are passionate about improving
their skills, expanding their human network and finding their personal mission. In this way, we believe
we can realize our mission and work together to bring about positive change and innovation for society,
whether in Japan, Asia or other parts of the world.
2. Full-time MBA Program Overview
Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University
Degree Conferred
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Program Format
Full-time (daytime)
Tokyo campus
Start Date
September 2014
Length of Program
1 year
40 students (approx.)
3. Admission Schedule
Nov 6,
Jan 22,
Mar 12,
Interview &
Nov 20,
Feb 3, 2014
Mar 26,
Interview &
Nov 30 - Dec 1,
Feb 15-16,
22-23 2014
Apr 5-6, 2014
Dec 16,
Dec 16, 2013 Jan 16, 2014
Mar 7, 2014 Apr 7, 2014
Apr 21, 2014 May 21, 2014
Mar 7, 2014
Apr 21,
Multiple applications within the same academic year for the Part-time MBA Program (Japanese),
Part-time MBA Program (English) or Full-time MBA Program (English), including reapplication for
any one of these programs, is not accepted.
 In principle, schedule changes for the Interview & Exam will not be permitted unless the applicant
makes a request to the Admission Office by email when submitting the application.
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
4. Admission Requirements
Applicants to GLOBIS University need to satisfy the following requirements at the time of entrance.
If applicants do not meet the requirement(s), they will be required to undergo a Preliminary Screening
(refer to section 4-1).
Be at least 22 years of age
Have at least three years of work experience
Whether their university is public or private, meet one of the following criteria:
(1) Graduated from a four-year college or university.
(2) Received a bachelor's degree certified under the (Japanese) National Institution for Academic
Degrees and University Evaluation (NIAD-UE).
(3) Graduate from a three year college or university AND completed 16 years of education in an
institution outside of Japan.
(4) Completed 16 years of education in an institution outside of Japan through distance learning from
(5) Completed a program in Japan at an educational institution that has been designated within an
educational system of a foreign country as being equivalent to a program of a university in the said
foreign country (limited to programs whose graduates are considered to have completed 16 years
of education at an educational institution in the said foreign country) and that has been designated
as such by the Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
(6) Completed a program offered at a higher vocational school (the vocational program is limited to
programs which are at least four years and meet other standards as determined by the Japanese
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) after the date that the Japanese
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology accredited the program (which
offers advanced diplomas).
(7) Have been designated as eligible by the Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology.
(8) Confirmed by the GLOBIS University to have the equivalent academic capacity as a university
graduate, and to be at least 22 years of age. (Refer to section 4-1 for details.)
4-1. Preliminary Screening Process
*This is only for applicants who do not meet the requirements in section 4.
At GLOBIS we aim to encourage diversity and provide opportunity to individuals from different
backgrounds. Applicants who are 22 years of age or more but do not meet the other requirements in
section 4 can apply for the Full-time MBA Program if they pass the Preliminary Screening. The
following documents need to be submitted through our Online Admission System by the deadlines
shown in the following table. The results will be notified to applicants through the Online Admission
System and by email.
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
Preliminary Screening Process Schedule
Preliminary Screening
(if no GMAT /GRE
score reports)
October 2, 2013
October 9, 2013
7:00pm – 8:00pm
October 17, 2013
December 11, 2013
December 18, 2013
7:00pm – 8:00pm
February 19, 2014
February 12, 2014
February 26, 2014
7:00pm – 8:00pm
*The Preliminary Screening Examination takes one hour and is held at our Tokyo campus on the
dates shown in the table above. Schedule changes will not be permitted unless the applicant makes
such a request to the Admissions Office upon applying for the Preliminary Screening.
December 4, 2013
Required Documents for Application
*Refer to section 6-1 for more details.
1. Basic Information
2. Photo
3. Certificate of Graduation
4. Transcript
5. Evidence of English Ability (for exceptions see section 6-1)
6. GMAT/GRE score report (applicants living in Japan can choose to take the Preliminary Screening
Examination instead)
7. CV (Optional)
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
5. Admission Process
Admission will be decided after a comprehensive review of the applicant’s credentials through (1) an
initial screening phase (mainly of the submitted documents) followed by (2) a second screening phase
(mainly through an interview and examination).
For applicants living in Japan: A face-to-face interview will take 30 minutes and the written logical
thinking examination will take one hour.
* Exemption: Applicants who have completed the Critical Thinking course in English at GLOBIS
University with a grade of A, B or C will be exempt from taking the logical thinking examination.
For applicants living overseas: A telephone interview, including an oral logical thinking test will take
approximately one hour.
6. How to Apply
Applicants are required to submit the following documents (refer to section 6-1) through the Online
Admission System (https://admission.globis.ac.jp/Admission/Page_applicant/A01_Login.aspx, some
documents are required to be submitted by mail as instructed in section 6-1) by 6:30pm, Japan
Standard Time of the deadline dates in section 3. Applications submitted by e-mail, fax or mail cannot
be accepted.
The application fee cannot be reimbursed or deferred to another academic year.
The application documents cannot be returned once submitted.
Once submitted, applicants will not be able to make any changes to documents.
Accepted applications which contain falsified information will automatically result in the
withdrawal of the letter of acceptance.
The application may not be accepted if it is incomplete or contains errors.
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
6-1. Documents Required for Application
Documents written in languages other than English are not accepted (except for 10 and 11
which are usually available only in Japanese).
If the document is written in a language other than English, please attach an English translation
signed by a translator.
In the “Where to submit” section, “OA” refers to the Online Admission system.
1. Basic Information
Where to
Fill in the address where you currently reside so that you can
receive documents from the Admissions office by mail.
- High resolution digital image in JPEG format (below 2MB).
- Should be a headshot with no hats or other headgear in
2. Photo
front of a white or blue background and taken within the last 3
- The photo will be used for a Student ID Card.
- Should be issued by the university where the applicant
received a bachelor’s degree.
- A bachelor’s degree is essential (a master’s and/or doctor’s
3. Certificate of
2. Admissions
(by registered
air or express
See the
address on the
next page.
degree is optional).
- Must be postmarked by the deadline.
- Can be directly sent to GLOBIS from the university.
- A notarized copy is also acceptable (in this case, please
ensure a copy of the original document is included with the
notary's certification.).
- Do not send an original diploma.
- Should be issued by the university where the applicant
4. Transcript
received a bachelor’s degree.
2. Admissions
(by registered
air or express
See the
address on the
next page.
- A bachelor’s degree is essential (a master’s and/or doctor’s
degree is optional).
- Must be postmarked by the deadline.
- Can be directly sent to GLOBIS from the university.
- A notarized copy is also acceptable (in this case, please
ensure a copy of the original document is included with the
notary's certification.).
5. Evidence of English
6. GMAT/GRE score
on the next
- Should be issued within the last 2 years.
- TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS scores are acceptable.
- Should be issued within the last 5 years.
- Should be the official score (an unofficial score is not
Full-time MBA Program
7. CV
8. Essays
9. Letter of
Admission Guide 2014
(Fill out the
form on the OA
so that your
is able to
receive a
request and
submit the
letter through
the OA)
- Refer to section 6-2 for the essay questions.
- If and only if a recommender is unable to make the
submission online, the applicant can receive the original letter
signed by the recommender and send it to the Admissions
Office by registered air or express mail (at least one week
before the deadline).
- The applicant must submit at least one letter.
- The recommender should be a supervisor or person who
has or has had a close business relationship with the
- Can be obtained at the local municipal office (the same as
10. A copy of a
Certificate Of Residence
living in Japan
11. Residence Card
living in Japan
Japanese nationals).
- A certificate in Japanese is acceptable.
- Both sides should be uploaded.
- A card in Japanese is acceptable.
1) Download the prescribed form from OA, read the
12. Statement of
Financial Resources
instructions, and fill out the form.
2) Convert the Word file into a PDF file and upload it to the
- Upload the required evidence (e.g. bank account
13. Evidence of financial
14. Scholarships
information) to the OA.
(Be sure to upload the CORRECT EVIDENCE depending on
your status.)
- Fill out the prescribed forms on the OA.
- Refer to section 9-1 for the screening criteria and essay
- By credit card only. Cash payments not accepted.
15. Application Fee
- Applicants in Japan: JPY35,000
- Applicants living overseas: JPY10,000
*Exemption of Evidence of English Ability:
a) Native English speakers who chose “English” as their “Native Language” on the Online
Admission System.
b) Applicants who received a degree from a program taught entirely in English. (Please note:
those who received this degree from a university NOT in Australia, Canada, India, Ireland,
New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, the United Kingdom or the United states of America
must submit an official letter from the university or a link to the university's web page clearly
indicating that the program was taught entirely in English.)
* Admissions Office Address
The Certificate of Graduation and Transcript must be mailed to the Admissions Office.
Address: Sumitomo Fudosan Kojimachi Bldg., 5-1 Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 102-0084
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
6-2. Essay Questions
The following essay questions need to be answered in your application. Please emphasize any
international experience where applicable.
Q1. Tell us about a work or project experience about which you were the most passionate. Describe
your team members, your values and skills concretely in order to explain why you were
passionate about it. (1,600-3,200 characters)
Q2. Tell us about any leadership experience involving other people or organizations in work or a
project within the last three years. Describe your values and skills concretely in order to explain
how you achieved your goals. Mention in particular any experience where you tried to “create or
innovate” a part of society such as starting something from scratch, establishing a
company/project or making a change in your team/strategy, regardless of the results.
(1,600-3,200 characters)
Q3. People say that leaders become greater by learning from difficult situations. Tell us about the
most difficult situation you have faced. Describe concretely what you did about the situation and
what you learned from it. (1,600-3,200 characters)
Q4. Tell us about your vision for society as a business person and your career plan to realize the
vision, looking back on your life and business experience. Describe specifically the trigger point
or inspiration that helped you realize your vision, such as an encounter with a person or book or
other kind of experience. Describe how GLOBIS University and an MBA degree would bring
value to your vision and career plan. (1,600-3,200 characters)
Q5. (Optional) Tell us about any other information which presents you appealingly as a GLOBIS MBA
student. (1,600-3,200 characters)
* In addition to the essay questions above, you may provide details of your experiences and
achievements in the following parts of the application:
 In the “Employment Information” part of the Online Admission System:
Include your role and any achievements for each position. (1,000-2,000 characters)
 In the “File Upload” section on the Online Admission System:
Tell us about any academic and/or business prizes, achievements, volunteer activities.
(750-1,500 characters)
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
7. Final Results and Enrollment Registration
Applicants will be notified of the final admission results through the Online Admission System.
Applicants who pass the admission will receive an Acceptance Letter together with the Enrollment
Registration Guide by mail. Be sure to complete the enrollment registration by the deadlines stated in
the Enrollment Registration Guide.
Please note that we cannot respond to any inquiries regarding application results (including over
the phone).
8. Tuition & Living Costs in Tokyo
*To be paid within one month after the Final Admission Results Notice
Enrollment Fee*
Total fees over one year
JPY 206,000
JPY 3,703,000
JPY 3,909,000
Please note the following:
If a student cannot complete the Full-time MBA Program in one year, an extra tuition charge of
JPY 257,000 is required for the second year in order to complete graduation requirements.
Any tuition paid for credits earned in the Pre-MBA Program will be deducted from your total
If a revision of tuition is made, students are to follow the change in their payment the following
academic year. In case the consumption tax is raised, we may update the tuition and fees
8-1. Living Costs in Tokyo
We estimate that living costs in Tokyo for one person can be approximately JPY 150,000 per month
or more, depending on your lifestyle. See more details on our website:
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
9. Scholarships/Loans
9-1. Scholarships from GLOBIS
GLOBIS Scholarships are available to students who demonstrate the potential to contribute to the
GLOBIS community through strong academic performance and exceptional leadership qualities.
Eligibility: Applicants who expect to study at GLOBIS in 2014.
Scholarship Amount:
Non Japanese: The scholarship will cover up to 100% of the enrollment and tuition fees.
Japanese: The scholarship will cover up to 50% of the enrollment and tuition fees.
Note: The scholarship amount does not cover the following fees and expenses: additional
tuition for long-term enrollment, non-GLOBIS textbooks, extra-curricular expenses (ex.
camp-based elective classes) and living expenses.
The conditions, screening criteria and process for both scholarships are as follows:
(1) Scholarship Conditions
Recipients of these awards must adhere to the following conditions:
・Enrollment in GLOBIS University in 2014
・Successful completion of the required credits needed for graduation
・Make continuous efforts to accomplish what is stated in the applicant’s scholarship essay and
contribute to the program
(2) Cooperation in Marketing Activities
Scholarship recipients are expected to cooperate with GLOBIS’ marketing activities, such as
providing or participating in interviews, photos, profiles, and stories for internal and external use.
Permission will be requested prior to publishing and, if unable to cooperate, students can inform
the office of the reason and an exception will be considered.
(3) Screening Criteria
(a) Extensive international business experience
(b) Strong academic background
(c) Potential contribution to the GLOBIS student body
(d) Native-level English proficiency
(e) Need for financial aid
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
(4) How to Apply
Non-Japanese: Please submit the scholarship essay along with your GLOBIS application
information, to be entered through GLOBIS’ Online Admission System.
Japanese: Please contact the GLOBIS administration office at imba@globis.ac.jp.
<Essay Question>
Please answer the following question, in 1600 to 3200 characters.
“How will your international experience and perspective improve the GLOBIS experience
for other students? What unique insights will you bring?”
(5) Screening Process
The scholarship screening process includes the essay and the interview conducted as part of the
admission screening. Applicants need to submit their scholarship application together with their
application for the MBA program. Only applicants who pass the GLOBIS admission process will
be eligible to receive the scholarship. The final decision regarding scholarships will be sent with
the admission notification.
For applicants who reside outside Japan, the scholarship interview will be conducted by phone.
9-2. Scholarships from Other Organizations
Several organizations provide scholarships for privately financed international students and/or
Japanese students.
JASSO* Scholarship: There are two types of scholarships: “Pre-arrival” and “Post-arrival.”
These scholarships provide stipends for living expenses, extra textbooks, etc. for the first half of
your study period. Students will receive detailed information once admitted, approximately two
months prior to the start date of your MBA program.
*JASSO: Japan Student Services Organization
“Pre-arrival”: This scholarship is for international students living outside Japan. Only students
who did not visit GLOBIS in Japan for the admission screening (such as interview and
examination) before enrollment are eligible for this scholarship.
“Post-arrival”: This scholarship is for international students.
9-3. Education Loans
Financial institutions tied to GLOBIS University offer educational loans (with favorable interest rates).
Students may also use other educational loans. Please contact the Admissions Office for further
Full-time MBA Program
Admission Guide 2014
Contact Information
Admissions Office
Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University
Business hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00am-6:00pm
E-mail: mba@GLOBIS.ac.jp
TEL: +81-3-5275-3850
FAX: +81-3-5275-3787
Address: Sumitomo Fudosan Kojimachi Bldg., 5-1 Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0084, Japan
- 1 minute on foot from Exit No. 5 of Kojimachi Station, Yurakucho Subway Line
- 10 minutes on foot from Exit No. 5 of Hanzomon Station, Hanzomon Subway Line