Clinic Celebrates 20 Years - The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

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Campus Garden
Bike Drive
Society of a
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April 2014
Volume 49, Number 3
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20 Years
Newsletter of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Phoenix Diocesan Council
Campus garden
The Society of
St. Vincent de Paul’s main campus, which houses our central kitchen
and family dining room, is just south of downtown and in the middle of
a “food desert.” According to the USDA, food deserts are defined as
urban neighborhoods and rural towns without ready access to fresh,
healthy and affordable food.
Coming Together
to Help Others
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is greatly
blessed to be a place where communities come
together to help us help others. Caring people
of all faiths and backgrounds, individuals and
families, businesses large and small selflessly
show their love of neighbor in many meaningful
ways. Their goodness and generosity epitomize
an ecumenical spirit of service.
The labors and contributions of these wonderful people make it
possible for us to fulfill our mission of serving the most vulnerable
in society regardless of race, creed, color or status. Their efforts
exemplify the love and compassion our Creator calls us to show
each other and provide a powerful reminder that the term “human
family” is an inspiring reality, not an abstract concept.
Our Virginia G. Piper Medical & Dental Clinic, which opened 20
years ago, has been rightfully described as “a major ecumenical
entity.” The hundreds of doctors, dentists, nurses, hygienists,
pharmacists and others who volunteer their time to treat our
patients represent various religious beliefs. Throughout the years
hospitals such as St. Joseph’s, Phoenix Baptist, Scottsdale
Healthcare and Mayo Clinic have helped us provide necessary
patient care. Good Samaritan Hospital (now Banner Health),
founded by the Methodist Church, helped build the clinic.
P.O. BoxCouncil
Joseph J. Riley
Vincentian CONNECTION April 2014
“It feels great to be part of an organization that does so much good in
the community,” Tony said. “I love seeing others getting involved and
working together too.”
Volunteers Jeph Harris, Tony Kasowski and Jim Dennis volunteer weekly
to grow fresh food at our main campus.
Having volunteered alongside homeless guests at the community
garden adjacent to our downtown Phoenix dining room, Tony and Jim
saw the joy others got out of gardening.
“It was very empowering for them,” Jim said “I hope to do something
similar, to get the community here involved at this garden too.”
Joseph J. Riley, President,
Phoenix Diocesan Council
If you have a change of address, please call (602) 261-6814.
Stephen J. Zabilski
Carol Jacobs
Chief Development
Development Officer
Shannon Clancy
Each day caring, committed people from all segments of the
communities we serve unite with Vincentians to perform acts of
kindness which have a major impact on lives that is often nothing
short of miraculous. Their exemplary love of neighbor is a beautiful
thing to behold – and something for which we are most grateful.
Editorial Assistant
Carol Jacobs
Mary Chou-Thompson
Tony and Jim volunteer at least two days a week at the garden,
tending to the garden and teaching other volunteers valuable skills to
grow food naturally and without pesticides in the desert. Creative
gardening methods include incorporating juice pulp donated by
Kaleidoscope Juice to create nutrient-rich soil. Since starting the
garden in November last year, they have already harvested over 100
pounds of rainbow chard, which was incorporated into meals served
at our five dining rooms.
There can be no doubt that Divine Providence, in which Frederic and
our patron, St. Vincent de Paul, trusted completely, has been
wondrously at work on behalf of the Society during the past 181 years.
I firmly believe that the Society has had similar divine guidance in the
Diocese of Phoenix since our first charity dining room opened in 1946.
Contributing Writer
Mary Chou-Thompson
Diocesan Council President
Joseph J. Riley
Executive Director
Our founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, dreamed of embracing the world
in a network of charity, one which now encompasses 149 countries.
It is brought lovingly to life by ordinary men and women, nearly 800,000
strong, who by the grace of God do extraordinary things for those in
need. I call it the perpetual miracle of St. Vincent de Paul.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international non-profit
organization dedicated to serving the poor and providing others with the
opportunity to serve. The Phoenix Diocesan Council has been assisting
central and northern Arizona families since 1946. Programs include
services for the homeless, medical and dental care for the working poor,
charity dining rooms, thrift stores, a transitional housing shelter and
general assistance for individuals in need.
With the help of two expert gardeners Tony
Kasowski and Jim Dennis, SVdP turned one and
a half acre of an empty lot into a thriving urban
garden. The garden is currently growing tomatoes,
citrus, kale, lettuce, chard, beets and radishes.
The fundamental fact that we are all members of God’s family defines
our relationship to those we serve, uniting all Vincentians and those
who support us in a mission of loving service to His suffering children.
Serving them so personally is both a special source of joy and a
beneficial reminder of our common humanity.
The garden team started selling some of the produce at farmers’
markets to expand the project. Tony and Jim are exploring other ways
to bring produce into residential neighborhoods without easy access
to fresh foods.
“It’s a great use of an empty lot. It beautifies the area and produces
healthy food,” Tony said. “I want others to see that it can be done.
Once you know the possibilities, it doesn’t make sense not to do it.”
Volunteers look for opportunities to repurpose items, such as using old
tires as planters.
Corporate Partners
Encourage Volunteerism
Generous Sponsors!
As one of the largest human services organizations in Arizona, we can’t feed, clothe, house and heal
thousands of individuals and families every year without the help of volunteers and supporters. A special
group of supporters is our corporate friends, who encourage volunteerism through match programs.
Here, we highlight a few unique ways that our corporate partners support our work.
Macy’s Makes Supporting Charities Fun
DriveTime’s Matching Gifts Program
In addition to a traditional match program where Macy’s
matches donations made by its employees, it creates food drive
competitions to encourage participating. For example, during its
Bag Hunger campaign, employees could donate money to see
their favorite executive dress up in costume and perform a skit
in front of entire staff.
Not only does DriveTime encourage volunteerism
among its employees, it rewards them by providing
money to donate to their favorite charities. For every
five volunteer hours, a DriveTime employee receives
$250 to donate. When four employees volunteer as
a group, they receive $1,000 to donate!
Schreiber Foods Adopts
Families for Christmas
When Schreiber Foods employees
got together to adopt two families
through our Christmas program, the
company stepped up to match the
value of the adoption, dollar-for-dollar!
So while two families enjoyed a joyful
Christmas thanks to Schreiber Foods
employees who blessed them with
meals and gifts, we also received
a monetary gift from the company
to fund our programs.
Golf Fore Charity
April 28, 2014
More than a decade ago, the Knights of Columbus from Our Lady of
Joy Parish in Carefree decided to sponsor a golf tournament to raise
money for local charities. This year’s event will be held on April 28th
at two of North Scottsdale’s premier private country clubs, Troon and
Desert Highlands. It will be the Knights’ 13th annual tournament to
benefit local charities.
Over its first 12 years, the event has raised more than $1,200,000.
St. Vincent de Paul is the event’s primary beneficiary and over the last
two years alone has received $300,000 from this event.
The event will consist of a scramble tournament, hole-in-one contests
for $10,000 or a car, wine tasting and cooking demonstrations for
guests and non-golfers, a silent auction, dinner and live auction,
prizes and a raffle drawing for $5,000.
For more information, visit
Vincentian CONNECTION April 2014
The tournament will be held at Troon and
Desert Highlands – two of North Scottsdale’s
premier, private country clubs
Last year, the Knights of Columbus presented us with a $130,000 donation.
We look forward to another successful year!
Clinic Director Janice Ertl
was instrumental in the
founding of the medical and
dental clinic. She developed
the clinic from the ground
up and continues to shape
its success.
While the clinic operates with limited staff, it is able to offer 25 specialties
with the help of doctors and medical professionals who volunteer their time
and expertise. Thanks to forward-thinking staff, the clinic remained nimble
throughout various seasons of government healthcare reform, on both
the state and federal levels. “The role of a charity clinic is to respond to
community needs,” Janice said. “We focus on what’s needed and once
the need has been fulfilled and our goals are accomplished, we move on
to the next.”
Volunteer Dr. Mark Webb, looks through the clinic’s pharmacy of donated medicine
and supplies. The clinic does not charge for its services. No patient who qualifies is
denied health care due to his or her ability to pay.
In addition to treating people who are ill and wounded, the clinic takes a
proactive role in keeping people healthy. It operates a thriving community
health education program. The positive results from its diabetes prevention
program have been published in medical journals numerous times.
Gordon and his wife Reyna wait for his appointment at our Virginia G. Piper Medical and Dental Clinic.
With no insurance and a retail job, Gordon receives much needed medical treatment for a chronic ulcer
on his foot.
20 Years of
In March, the Virginia G. Piper
Medical and Dental Clinic
celebrated its 20th anniversary.
Since 1994, the clinic has provided
nearly 225,000 appointments
to patients who had nowhere else
to turn for health and dental care.
“When we started 20 years ago, some
people wondered whether charity clinics
were even necessary since there was a lot
of talk about President Clinton’s efforts to
get us universal healthcare,” said Janice Ertl,
clinic director. “Here we are, and we are as
busy as we’ve ever been.”
With the passing of the Affordable Care Act, the clinic is playing a key role
in educating the public on health care options. That includes evaluating all
options, like job benefits, AHCCCS and the Health Insurance Marketplace.
“We are not supposed to be a primary care clinic,” Janice said. “Our job
is to care for people with no care and help them transition into having
permanent health care.” While the Health Insurance Marketplace is now
available, there are still many people who are in transition and desperately
need medical attention.
Gordon True came to the clinic due to chronic ulcers on his foot. Prior to
visiting the clinic, he was doing his best to keep his wounds clean, but the
ulcers just kept getting worse. Finally, he was in too much pain to go back
to his retail job, which required him to be on his feet for most of the day.
He started to fall behind on his rent and struggled to put food on the table
for his wife, daughter and grandchildren. Even with the combined income
from his wife and daughter, it was still not enough to make ends meet.
Dr. Earl Baker was also a founding member of the clinic and continues to volunteer
and support St. Vincent de Paul.
Eventually, the family was evicted from their home and moved into a friend’s
house. “We were very scared and so stressed out from everything that was
happening,” said Reyna True, Gordon’s wife.
Without insurance, he was not able to receive any treatment. Gordon’s
infection was getting worse and they feared that he may lose his foot. Finally,
Gordon was referred to St. Vincent de Paul. “Everyone was so nice to us,”
Reyna said. “It was the best feeling. We were feeling so desperate.”
After two visits, Gordon’s foot started to improve. The appointments and
medications are free of charge to Gordon. It’s a huge relief, especially while
the family deals with the crisis of being evicted. “Don’t know what we
would’ve done if it weren’t for this clinic,” Gordon said.
Dental Clinic Director Dr. Ken Snyder has been at St. Vincent de Paul for 18 years.
His love for patients has only deepened since the day he started.
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Vincentian CONNECTION April 2014
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A Look Into the Past…
Celebrating 20 Years
of Supporting Community Health
The first fundraiser for the medical and dental clinic was in 1994, a
celebrity roast, attended by several well-known community leaders.
The program cover art was drawn by the roastee himself, Steve Benson,
The Arizona Republic’s political cartoonist.
Thanks to a donated supply of special dressing that the clinic
staff used for his foot, Gordon healed quickly and returned to
work. Gordon started the process to apply for AHCCCS after
his second appointment at St. Vincent de Paul. It can take up
to 45 days for approval. Until he receives insurance, Gordon will
continue to visit the clinic for follow-up appointments to keep
him healthy.
Gordon’s situation is common. Many people who are in transition
count on St. Vincent de Paul’s clinic when unexpected medical
needs arise. “While we meet these immediate needs, we are
also keeping a pulse on the future,” Janice said. “Our role as
a charity clinic will keep shifting with the need that’s out there.
We may change, but we are not going anywhere.”
Q&A with Dr. Ken Snyder | SVdP director of children’s dental clinic
Q. What is unique about St. Vincent de Paul’s clinic?
A. I’ve been here for 18 years. We get no government funding. It’s all grants and
donations. It’s almost like things pop out of thin air when we need something.
I’m not talking about supplies or things, but people. We have dentists who
volunteer and dental students from all over the state who come to learn and serve
patients at our clinic. Whenever we find ourselves with a need, people always
come through for us. It’s amazing the wide range of services we are able to offer
people at no charge. Dr. Earl Baker and Janice Ertl, two of the original founders
of the clinic, used to call us “the clinic of last resort.” Dr. Baker used to stand at
the doorway and just marvel at everybody coming through, working together to
care for people. Now, once in a while, I find myself doing the same thing. It’s just
amazing. The dedication and love that people have here is felt every day.
Q. How does dental health affect someone’s overall health?
A. Dental health is the key to overall health. Many diseases are first manifested in
the mouth. Some diseases can be made worse by poor dental health. For
example, if you have periodontal disease, the infection in your gums can make
diabetes and heart problems so much worse. The other important factor in overall
health is the social aspect. For children who have major dental problems, but
can’t afford dental care and braces, you can imagine the negative effect on their
confidence to participate in school. It’s the same for adults. Imagine having to go
look for jobs when your teeth are in such poor condition that you’re afraid to smile.
Dental health is important to a person’s physical health and ability to succeed.
Dr. Ken Snyder works with more than 100 dental students every year.
Vincentian CONNECTION April 2014
Q. What were your most memorable experiences during your 18 years
at SVdP?
A. T here are so many touching experiences. There have been many parents who
break down crying when they find out that we can actually help their child.
I also love seeing dental students grow in knowledge and confidence as they
work in our clinic. It’s a gift to be part of the growing process for these medical
and dental students.
The Society
of a
One of the greatest privileges of serving in
Arizona is being able to work with a generous
community of people who care about the
well-being of our state. Our friends not only host
food drives and send volunteers, they donate
generously to support our work.
Champions for the Homeless
Hall of Fame football player
Nick Lowery no longer plays
professional football, but he
uses his star-power to bring
help and hope to guests at our
downtown Phoenix dining room.
For six years, Nick has organized
a signature event called
Champions for the Homeless
on Easter, Thanksgiving and
Christmas. He brings retired
professional athletes to serve
homeless guests in our dining
room, providing encouragement
and inspiration to all who
attend. Regular participants of
Champions for the Homeless
include well-known former NFL
players like Dave Krieg, Seth
Joyner and Mike Davis, and
local stars like Dan Manucci,
Dale Hellestrae, Jay Taylor and
Mark Walcsak.
Drive-Through Recycling and Food Drive
Keep Phoenix Beautiful is committed to keeping toxic and recyclable materials
out of landfills. To encourage community support, it hosts drive-through
events to make recycling easy. This year, Keep Phoenix Beautiful invited us
to be part of the event by collecting nonperishable foods to replenish our food
bank. We look forward to participating in the next event, on May 3.
Visit for more information.
A Perfectly Timed Donation
When our old ophthalmology chair started leaking hydraulic
fluid, we knew that it was beyond repair. It was like a divine
appointment when the staff at Ophthalmic Instruments Inc.
called and told us that they had a demo ophthalmology chair
available to donate! We are grateful for the gift, which came
in perfect timing!
Grand Slam Educational Programs
The Arizona Diamondbacks continue to support our efforts to enhance the
quality of our children’s programs in the Family Dining Room. Thanks to the
grant, we have been able to host weekly science projects, literacy programs
and homework help. We are thankful for the opportunity to support the
success of these students!
Four Generations of Vincentians
St. Vincent de Paul is blessed to have families who pass down
the legacy of volunteerism from generation to generation. The
Ahern family spans four generations and over 75 years of service
at SVdP. Shown from left to right: Lucille (St. Agnes, Phoenix),
Jack (Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Glendale), Gavin (Xavier High
School, Phoenix) and Peter (Phoenix Dining Room)
Vincentian CONNECTION April 2014
A Weighty Gift
How many kids can you fit on a scale? We were only able to find out,
because a new high capacity scale now sits in our clinic, thanks to the
Maricopa Health Foundation. The scale was gifted to us in recognition of our
partnership with the Maricopa Medical Center Emergency Medicine Residents
to provide sports physicals in our clinic. The sports physicals, free to lowincome students at our clinic, can cost up to $25 each. The physicals allow
students to participate in school and state sanctioned sports teams.
St. Vincent de Paul
not just for a lifetime,
but forever.
AGE 60
AGE 70
AGE 80 AGE 90
Single Life Two Lives
P.O. Box 13600 Phoenix, AZ 85002
Vincentian CONNECTION April 2014
A gift through the Vincentian Annuity
will give you the security of a fixed
income over your lifetime and provide
support for St. Vincent de Paul
that will last forever.
As an example, Helen, an 80-year-old widow and St. Vincent de Paul
volunteer, recently established a $50,000 Vincentian gift annuity. For her
age, the annuity rate is 6.8%, meaning she’ll receive $3,400 annually for
the rest of her life. And, she may take an income tax deduction of about
50% of her gift this year. Best of all, her gift will support St. Vincent de
Paul’s work for generations to come. Annuity gifts start at $10,000.
St. Vincent de Paul Phoenix Diocesan Council
• Spirituality
• Fellowship
• Serving those in need
• Giving others the opportunity to serve
Every thrift store
purchase benefits
those who need
it most.
Shopping at a St. Vincent de Paul thrift store
is always an adventure. From hidden treasures
to the most practical items, you’re bound to find
something that will make you smile. We have
20 locations throughout central and northern
Arizona to serve you. And, when you’re happy,
we’re happy.
Your purchases help fund our programs for those
in need. So get shopping!
Thrift store
Apache Junction
2540 W. Apache Trail
(480) 380-4515
Bullhead City
780 Marina Blvd.
(928) 758-5251
2051 N. Arizona Ave.
(480) 812-1156
2101 E. Fir St.
(928) 639-3000
Dolan Springs
7141 W. 11th St.
(928) 767-4727
2113 N. East St.
(928) 779-4353
7018 N. 57th Ave.
(623) 931-9901
218 E. Beale St.
(928) 753-4399
Lake Havasu City
761 N. Lake Havasu Ave.
(928) 453-1399
1850 Commander Dr.
(928) 453-5414
1851 Commander Dr.
(928) 453-3125
935 Fair St.
(928) 771-9696
12845 W. Bell Rd.
(623) 875-5004
10376 S. Highway 69
(928) 632-9521
Ozzie’s Furnishings
3927 E. Indian School Rd.
(602) 955-1460
2352 W. Main St.
(480) 644-0887
1006 S. Beeline Hwy
(928) 474-4476
8231 N. 7th St.
(602) 861-2634
2945 E. Bell Rd.
(602) 493-8126
420 W. Watkins Rd.
(602) 261-6824
For more information or to discuss various giving options please contact
Shannon Clancy at (602) 261-6814 or email plannedgiving@
Shifting Gears
Sharing Skills
and Joy of
Every day, used bikes are restored at our
main campus through the Shifting Gears
program. These refurbished bikes are given
to people who need transportation for work,
or sent to our thrift stores to generate funding
for our other programs.
Ernie Renaud, a retired aircraft mechanic,
leads the program with the help of volunteers.
These volunteers come from all walks of life
and have different levels of skillsets. No
matter their background, Ernie welcomes the
help of volunteers and patiently teaches them
all they need to know to refurbish a bike.
Young volunteer Noah Samuel, spent a day
during his Christmas break to work in Shifting
Gears. He came with his grandfather Dave
Hicks, who is a regular volunteer in the
program. He sent us an essay he wrote for
school. His writing shows the positive impact
of volunteering, especially young helpers!
Call our volunteer office at (602) 261-6886
to learn more about volunteering in Shifting
Gears or any other area of SVdP. You can
also find information on
volunteering at our website
Do you have a bike to donate?
You can drop off at any of
our thrift store locations or call
us at (602) 254-3338 for a
donation pick up!
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has made a difference in
the lives of the homeless and working poor since 1946.
Your vehicle donation is tax deductible, and pick-up is free.
Your generosity will help fund programs providing food boxes,
medical and dental care, clothing and showers, hot meals, shelter,
job referrals and hope throughout central and northern Arizona.
Donate your vehicle today and help make a difference.
To find out more call (602) 266-HOPE (4673) or visit us at
Vincentian CONNECTION April 2014
Gifts received November 1, 2013 – February 28, 2014
Frank and Shiela Adams
Joseph Burak
Dr. Larry Allen
Jenny Norton
Claude Aragon
Curtis L. and Kelly Brown
Albert F. Arvallo
Joseph and Margaret A. Granio
Frederick Backer
Trent H. Smith and
Barbara A. Backer
Earl J. Baker, M.D.
Gordon and Carol Ray
James R. and Randi Rummage
David Thuleen
Shirley Barone - 85th Birthday
Dolores Witherspoon
Nadine Basha
Larry G. Fullmer
C. Thomas Bashwiner
Michael Bashwiner
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Bate
Terry and Sally Hothem
Michael and Mena Bell
Thomas and Barbara Fuchs
Pablo Benjes
Michael Smith
Sister Mary Richardine Blue
Jay G. and Babette B. Glaser
Bolden Family
Christopher and Polly Rapp
Monica Boley
Charlotte S. Howey
Elton Bordenave Jr.
Giselle B. Mikel
Virginia G. Bowley
Barbara J. Jennings
Dr. John M. Brachen Retirement
Donald Doerres and
Denise Blommel
Bill and Judy Brock 50th Wedding Anniversary
Fred and Andrea Peterssen
Jen and Franc Brodar
William and Melinda McDonald
Bob and Mary Brown Merry Christmas
Terry Sterns
Brandon Brown
Theresa Brown
Robert and Kathy Brown
John F. and Pauline B Hillins
Irene Bryant
Elaine Henry
Sylvia Butler
Joseph G. and Carla M. Chaet
Barbara Cabin - Birthday
Mary Lou Goldstein
Kathy Campanella
Noreen Cravener
Tena Cardona
Mary Fennelo
Kathleen Carnahan and Family
Richard and Margaret Ebel
Anita Carter
Michael J. and Gina Carter
Caruso Family
Bob and Judy Miller
Timothy Casey
Michael and Elizabeth
de los Santos
Renee Castle
Gail H. Bradley
Jean and Tom Castleberry
Mark and Jennifer Manion
Jerry Castro
William E. and Gayla R. Bonnell
Regina M De Chicco
Thomas V. and Diane Conners
Rosanna Chichester
Western Asset Protection
Michael Chorak - Christmas Gift
Patti Chorak
Maggie Clancy and Doug Jacobs
- Happy Anniversary!
Shannon M. Clancy
Shannon Clancy, Steve Zabilski
and their amazing team
Rebecca Kelly
Keith Coleman
Curtis L. and Kelly Brown
Alice Corkill
Ruth A. Roman
Virginia Cota
Nithia Prigge
Rod Crotty
Jim Lieberthal
Hilde Cupell
Betty D. Walton
Bob and Isabel Davenport
Mary K. Douglas
P. Dietrick
Clark and Pat Dietrick
William H. Dimpfel 60th Birthday
Charles and Cheri A. Craig
John Patrick and
Kathleen McSheffrey
Fr. Ben Drapeau
George and Redetta Donaldson
Carl and Mary Drechsler
Kristel E. Pugh
John and Debbie Duclon
Catherine Walker
Dugan Family
James H. Dugan
Eleanore and Dick Eckert
Janice L. Eckert
Empowerment Financial Group Christmas
Donna Windhorst
Roman and Audrey Ertelt
Sarah Gardner-Cox
Dennis M. Finnerty
James C. and
Catherine L. Finnerty
Mel and Nancy Folweiler Merry Christmas
Terry Sterns
Ethel Foshee
Deborah S. Wiethorn
Al and Peg Frei - Christmas Gift
Eric and Diane Frei
Al and Peggy Frei
J. Nicholas Frei
Margaret Gabaldon
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
Amy Gallagher
Margaret E. Gallagher
Dr. and Mrs. John V. Gallagher
Margaret E. Gallagher
Sean Gallagher
Margaret E. Gallagher
Betty Gallagher
Dominic Mascia
Fran Ganard - 93rd Birthday
Dorothy A. Furie
Mary Gangl
Ken Gangl
Mr. and Mrs. Tom George
Terry and Sally Hothem
Murray Thomas Gibson
David A. and
Maryellen A. Glennon
Mrs. Pat Glenn
Peter, Leslie and Chloe Glenn
Jim and Toni Gnotta
Lisa A. Serra
Grand Canyon Association
Flagstaff Office
Wayne and Helen Ranney
Rich and Diane Gray
Patricia Myklebust
Joseph Guerra
Mary S. Lynch
Joseph Giancola
Marilee Cole
Guillermo, Rosa Maria,
Joseph and Alejandra Franzetti
Mr. and Mrs. James Halas Christmas
Leonore C. Chaplik
Dick and Cindy Hanson Anniversary
Anita J. Lindquist
Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Harper
Michele and Neil Irwin
Mary and Henry Harrington
Kevi L. Harrington
The Harringtons
Kevi L. Harrington
Frank and BoDeen Hayes Thank You
Kenneth D. and
Janet R. Goodrum
Marianne Heath - Christmas
Nancy Heath
Mark Hokaman Hellenthal So glad you will run again!
Vicki Copeland
Cecilia and Jay Henderson
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
Robert B. Hester
Jennifer Bourgogne
Jim and Margaret Hogan
M. Janice Hogan-Schiltgen
Intertec Consulting
Ryan Companies US, Inc
Mary Jaggard
William Ron and
Mary A. Green
Linda and Christopher James
Connie Fisher
Mary and Stan Jarzynka
Andrew and Judi Switanek
Baby Jesus
William A. and Mary K. Keenan
Christine Martin
Bryan Rees
Richard A. Jones
Dianne Nonnamaker
Kathleen Kaliszak Get Well Prayers
Rita M. Marciniak
Linda Kammeyer
Greg Kammeyer
Nageswari Karumudi
Vamsee K. Karumudi
Claire Keenan - Birthday
Frank and Ann Capparelle
Sandy Kenger
Marita Blake
Robert Raymond Kerrigan
Daniel Kerrigan
Jesse Kipp
Debra F. Kipp
Marsha and Joe Klag
Margaret A. Heckman
Mary Ann Kneip
Kathleen A. Kochery
All at KPNX Call for Action,
especially Thelma
Donald Chambers
Carol Kratz - Retirement
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust
Josephine Latimer
Roberta J. Kupiec
Daniel Leff
Marvin and Karen Leff
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lindmark
Terry and Sally Hothem
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lindmark
Terry and Sally Hothem
Elaine Logsdon
Carol A. Ventresca
Robert and Ann Malinski 60th Wedding Anniversary
Daniel R. and
Cynthya L. Malinski
Brother Phillip Mandile
Kathleen Kuhn
Jim Manos
David and Lisa Grant
Christine Martin’s Family
Christine Martin
Ellzey and Jazelle Martin
Buzz, Janice, Annalise,
Nick and Anthony Ghiz
Ed Vogt
Karen and Dominic Mascia
Margaret E. Gallagher
Pamela J. Mayer
Pamela Euzarraga
Jack and MaryAnn McAward Christmas
Anthony G. McAward and
Tina L. Leonard
Terence and Peggy McCann
Mary McCann
Ed McCullough
Lori Weed
Melinda McDonald
William J. McDonald
Mary Lynn Tassin
Bryan and Leslie Meyers 50th Birthday for Both
Robert and Lori Appleby Hoke
Mezona Orthopaedic Physicians
Robert and Annette M. Procknow
Terry and Maryann White
Ingrid Miller
Law Offices of
Shane L. Haward
Joseph Miller
Angie Miller
Joseph and Reggie Jr. Miller Thanksgiving
Angie Miller
Reggie Jr. Miller
Angie Miller
The Miller Family - Christmas
Nancy Heath
Russ and Sue Moore
Bernadette Gardner
Thomas Morgan (son/firefighter)
Susan A. Norton
Robert and Maxine Neville
Stephen and Kathryn Attwood
Alex Davis & Nora D’Adamo Wedding
Nora K. Perry
Oberlander, Melissa Jensen,
and Linda Smantek
Gregory C. and
Sandra F. Novak
Javier and Shari Ochoa
Shari Nemeth
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Owen
Terry and Sally Hothem
Scott Papineau
Marc Papineau
Pati - Happy Birthday
Susan P. Edwards
Marjorie L. Pleier
Bonnie L. LaPointe
Edmund Portnoy
Harriet Ivey
Michelle Potter
Mary F. Romano
Victoria Pretlow
Juliet A. Martin
The Primrose School of
Fletcher Heights Caring and
Giving Food Drive
Tamara Kingston
Tom and Ann Rice
Tom Rice
Family of Barbara Rider
Barbara Rider
Robert and Allan
Howard Billings
Barbara Roberts - Christmas
Eve L. Gerber
Allan and Nancy Rockne
Jill Boynton
Barbara Ellen Rogers
Donald Rogers
Larry and Lisa Rogoff
Michael Rogoff
Dionela Romero
Anthony J. and
Rose Marie Richards
Madeline Rose
Elton and Janet Thayer
Dolores Rosenfield
Mike and Chris Brannan
Lou and Lynn Rouyer
Richard and Bonnie Dahl
Paul Rubsam
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Conference - Society of
St. Vincent de Paul
Charles D. Rusch, Jr.
Donna L. Martin
Patricia Rush
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
Patricia Rush - 75th Birthday
Mary Ajamie
Robert Russell
Jackie Lee Petchauer
Gilda Rzchowski
Sophie Rzchowski
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Scalise
Susanne Kelsey
Barbara Schouten
Jack Schouten
Chuck Schulthies
Diane M. Schulthies
Grandma Glennie Scott
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
The Matthew Scott Family
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Seifert
Terry and Sally Hothem
Roy Semmens
Lynn Trabold
Dr. D. and Mrs. Lois Shanahan Christmas Gift
Lynn and Ann Bock
Maureen Sharf
Sheri L. Sharf
Bill and Virginia Shiel
Michael and Janie Shiel
Celeste’ Shovelski
John R. and Sheryl L. Powers
Flo Sieczkowski
Joseph Martinez
Mike Siep
Loyola Siep
David Smith
Martin L. and Linda Shultz
Jim and Peggy Spencer Marriage
Charlie and Sandy Cullen
James D. Starace
Erica Starace
Ronald L. Stearns
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust
Marion and Ron Steingrebe
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
Michael and Maggie Straley
Brian Guzik and
Kimberly S. Straley
Gus Suhr
Chuck and Linda Miller
Gus Sur - for Christmas
Nancy Heath
John Sylvester
Laura Bangert
Vince and Joni Tammelleo
Paul and Heather Tammelleo
Mrs. Erin Tharlson
Brian and Christie Fergus
The members of St. Vincent
de Paul from St. Steven’s
Parish, Sun Lakes, AZ
Monica Lucille Dickens
Virginia Tierney
David and Susan Tierney
Sunny and Had Trott
Margaret E. Gallagher
Leon Trust
Louis and Randi Wikler
RaNee Tuscano
Steve and Margaret Winslow
Rosemary Tyran and Family
Richard and Margaret Ebel
Jorge Vasquez
Nina L. James
Tony Vehr - 60th Birthday
Terry and Eddie Wilson
Lucas Venditti
Joan Venditti
Robert Voit Family
Ken and Carol Voit
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Wagner
Terry and Sally Hothem
Jimmy Walker
Curtis Dickman
Jean Wallace
David and Lisa Grant
Dave and Melanie Westmark
Richard and Bonnie Dahl
Robert and Mary Jo Wilmes
Paula and Phil Garlick
Mary Frances Wise
Geraldine C. Angelone
Brian J. Wood
Janis E. Wood
Nancy Yahraus
Julie Poplawski
Rozella and Sayied Yameen
Michael Yameen
Steve Zabilski
Malcolm & Marcia Straus
Family Trust
Steve and Denise Zabilski and
Family for Christmas
R. Carol Jacobs
Steve Zabilski and
Shannon Clancy
Randy and Marci Mann
Darlene Zanto - Christmas Gift
Gretchen Vinson
Mary Ellen Zemon
David and Lisa Grant
Joe Acosta
Mort and Nancy Lippman
Nancy and Glenn Lippman
Josefina M. Acosta
Billie Jean Caudill
Michael J. Humphrey
Mary Riveria
Betty Alt
Joseph F. and
Shirley A. Spadafino
William Archambault
Marcia Ketterer
Christine S. Guerin
Luisa Arvallo
Joseph and Margaret A. Granio
Ramon Arvizu
Emilio and Patricia DeLaVina
Michael Atchison
Ed and Elaine Ajamie
Stanley Atkins
Christopher K. Estes
Gladys Austerman
JoAnn Johnson
Betty Avilla
Walter Benson
Rick Axtell
Allen and Patricia Becker
Stanley Baczynski
Joyce Baczynski
Dayle Bailey
Marcella Bailey
John D. Baker
Ronald A. McCally
Roy J. Baker
Shirley P. Baker
Bill and Patricia Balk
Charles Schwab Foundation
- Employee Matching Gifts
Karen S. Mains
Patricia K. Durkin
Penny Banducci
Frank C. Dombroski
Adelaide Banko
Raymond Erickson
Eddie Basha
The Busch Family
James M. and
Mary Anne Manos
Tanner-Wylie Family
Sally Wareing
Marjorie Edith Batelaan
Donald Batelaan
Chris Becker
Cheryl Collier
Bruce Alvin Bethancourt, Sr.
Martha Bethancourt
George Biciolis
Susanna and Steve Stone
Bernice G. Bies
Dennis M. Bies
Robert Billings
Howard and Patricia Billings
Caroline Bisignano
William Bisignano
Naida Black
Michael V. Black
Thomas Reilly Blake
Shannon M. Clancy
Sharon and Chuck Knopf and the Austin Lone Starr Staff
Tom Pickford
William R. and Heloise Blommel
Donald Doerres and
Denise Blommel
Steven Bloomgren
Marion Miller
Amy Boch
Judith L. Boch
Daniel Bonn
Daniel and Lois Shanahan
Frank M. Bowley, Sr.
Barbara J. Jennings
Walter and Lena Bozynski
Sandra Dorrans
John M. Brach
Christine Dierbeck
Mark S. Nofsinger
Mary Brady
Georgia La Paglia
Allen Brawley
Robert M. and Bonnie J. Sierk
Herbert J. Brewer
John Richardson
Lawrence Broekhuizen
Vickie L. Broekhuizen
Mary Brower
Arrowhead Honda
Coach House Tavern
Hildegarde Ann Brown
Patricia K. Williams
Grady Brunson
Susan T. Siwiec
Tony Bua
Frank and Mary Labriola
Helen Bucella
Dr. and Mrs. John Duggan
Katherine Burrell
Jean Wallace
Misty Cavan Butler
Alliance Defending Freedom
James F. Balsbaugh
Michael and Marcia J. Barker
David W. Bessey
Friends and colleagues at
Kolbe Corp
Villa Home Owners Association
at Seven Canyons
Joseph Paul Buttress
Gayle H. Frank
Barbara Jean Cafferty
Jeanne Cafferty
Dominic Carapellese
Jeffrey S. and
Rebecca G. Keck
Richard E. Carlson
Elaine Carlson
Barbara Carneiro
Elaine Henry
H. Marshall Carson, Jr.
Cassandra Carson
M. Lewis Carson
Cassandra Carson
Bob Carter
Lucille and Tom Joos
Roberto Castro
Ana M. Usher
Lois (Deming) Chang
Janet White
Dorothy Chapman
James and Pamela B. Norris
The Brother of Scott Clark
Elaine Henry
Mary Click
Ian G. and Joan C. Lamont
Rhonda Coco and Wanda Coco
Charles E. Coco
Jack Cole
JoAnn Johnson
Tom Colucci
Judy and Bill Schmitt
Carol Anne Comer
Jason Wolosonovich
Mr. and Mrs. James Conannon
Sheri L. Sharf
Judie Connors
Joan M. Connors
… continued on page 18
Vincentian CONNECTION April 2014
Philip Elton Cooney
Cherrina L. May
Regina Cooper
Judith L. Boch
William A. Copeland
Barbara Copeland
John Corkill
Ruth A. Roman
Thea Coyle
Yusef Haroun
Dorothy Craven
Carol Kratz
William Crnkovich
Isabelle G. Mercier
Angelita Crummette
Mario and Mary Fierros
Mario Cucazella
Leonard Duran
John and Agnes and William
and Charles Dahl
Thomas E. Dahl
Helen Gungle Carson Daly
Cassandra Carson
John C. Daly
Cassandra Carson
Ray Damato
Kimberly Otanez
Mildred Danko
Nasser and Sherri Al-Ahmad
Charles R. and Mary Jane Farr
Laura C. Davis
Dean S. Davis
Deaceased family and friends
Pierre R. and
Kathryn M. St. Amour
Deceased Family of
John J. O’Flannigan
John J. O’Flannigan
Jim DeMoss
Bill C. DeMoss
Charles C. and
Marie J. DeMoss
Joey deSousa
Elaine Henry
Martin Dippel
Donald E. Novicki M.D.
Amy Alison Dombroski
Frank C. Dombroski
Bonnie E. Downey
Richard R. Downey
Evelyn Doyer
Christine Martin
Donald L. and
Candace M. Matteson
John M. Doyle, Sr.
John M. Doyle Jr.
David Duick
Daniel Duick
Rick Dwyer
Raymond P. Najjar
Tommy Elias
Frank and Ann Ziede
Fouad El-Khouri
Gloria El-Khouri
Vincentian CONNECTION April 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliott
B. Grodis
John Francis Farney
Marie D. Farney
John Febo
John T. and Joan E. Kovach
Fred Felix
Ed and Elaine Ajamie
Frank and Ann Ziede
Al Fierros
Mario and Mary Fierros
John (Johnny) E. Finnerty
James C. and
Catherine L. Finnerty
John (Jim) E. Finnerty
James C. and
Catherine L. Finnerty
Charles Fitzgibbon
Margaret H. Boyd
Kitty Flor
Carol Rackley Household
Thomas Forbes
Eleanor M. Forbes
James Ford
James Charles and
Laurel Jean Vogt
Robert M. Forry
Lynn and Carol Babcock
Eleanor Fraga
Paul Fraga
Barbara Fritz
John V. Fritz
Jack Fritz
John V. Fritz
Herman Froemel
Rita Allured
Duval and Cordel Fruvall
Arnold A. and Patricia Fruvall
Thomas W. Furie I
Dorothy A. Furie
Mary Janet Furman
Ann Kristof Cunningham
Uncle Tony Gabaldon
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
Linda Lee Gagel
James D. Barton
Iris B. Feldman
Jay Richard Spector
Rene R. Gagnon
Phyllis M. Gagnon
Margaret Gallagher
Joanne W. Gallagher
Kenneth Gangl
Ken Gangl
Paul Garber
James Charles and
Laurel Jean Vogt
Mary and Earl Garner
Jason Wolosonovich
Karl H. Garnham
Leslie J. Garnham
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gawlik
Mary E. Gawlik
Henry and Patricia Genandt
Monica A. Genandt
Bill Goble
Laureate Alpha Sigma
Apache Junction
Eileen Goorman
Jennifer In-Albon
Jeanne Gorski
Sharon and Clarence Lichter
Daniel J. Gourlay
Gerald G. and
Madeline Rice Polesky
Joe Granio
Joseph and Margaret A. Granio
Robert and Ceil Gray
Thomas Gray
Michael Guadiana
A. J. Stanwood Guadiana
Adriane R. Guerra
Gregory R. Guerra
Art and Mary Hahn
Michael and Mary Frances Hahn
Rita Halagan
Rudolph M. Halagan
Corey Allen Hall
Violet J. Olly
David Hall
Ann R. Weiss
Russell Hamblin
Susan Hamblin
Kevin Hammock
Josie Windham
Chris Hammond
Kira L. Galindo
Thorvald E. Hansen
Mark and Deanna Hansen
Walter Hardison
Lucette G. Calamito
Teresa A. Graham
Alicia Hawker
Brian P. and Alicia M. Kelly
Patricia A. Hayes
Thomas R. Hayes
Tom Healey
Barbara J. Filosi
Barney and Rosemary Hefferan
Patrick M. Hefferan
Helen and Phil
Joanne Szydlowski
Donald A. Doxie
James R. Hendrix
Blaine Donovan
Reuben and Louise Henry
Patricia Henry
Georgette Ann Herro
Ed and Elaine Ajamie
Betty and Herbert Hesch
Daniel L. Varner
Steven Hesch
Daniel L. Varner
John E. Heun
Arlene M. Heun
Marcia B. Hill
Allen Henry Simon
Sister Theresia Hintjes
Theresia Hintjes Estate
Kenneth Hitchcock
Diana Hitchcock
William A. Hoddy
John and Susan Farady
William L. Hoeman, Sr.
William L. Hoeman Jr.
Ferdinand and Catherine Hoenig
Robert M. and
Kathleen A. Crossley
Alphonse Homicz
Mary L. Homicz
Zane J. Horton
From His Family
Gene W. Huff
JoAnn T. Rice
Tom Hughes
Virginie Hughes
Jerry Isbel
Andy and Cindy Jarrad
Sam, Lydia and Ernest Jaimes
JoAnn Johnson
Peter James
James J. and Ellyn K. Ness
Jerome V. Jarger
Gloria Jarger
Joseph and Gladys Jason
J. E. Jason
Ruth Johnson
Daniel P. McAlister
Thaddeus Jorizzo
Angelo and Eleanor Consoli
Alice Mae Jungbluth
Kevin O’Rourke
Thomas E. Jurney
Spencer and Elizabeth Jurney
Spencer H. Jurney
George Karol
Paula and Phil Garlick
Jeffery Kay
Bea Croatt
Daniel W. Kettler
David E. and Sylvia J. Kettler
Kathryn Kevane
Robert Temm, Ann Corcoran,
Mike and Barb Temm,
Mary Temm and Karla Panich,
Brian Corcoran, Colleen,
Alex and Jack Bailey
Robert Kiesecker
Paul and Susan Diesu
The Father of Holly King
Elaine Henry
Dolly Kinnerup
Kay Ringer
Dwight Kiraly
David and Donna V. Rodgers
Mary Klein
Kenneth W. and Nancy Husband
George Klenner
Gayle M. Myers
Dolores Koch
Lucille M. Koch
Michael J. Kopas
Jim and Donna Hardina
Nancy Kopas
Leslie Paul Kovats
Catharyn Kovats
Marie A. Kosiol
Germaine M. Sztapka
Raymond Eli Kultala
Winifred Kultala
James Francis LaBenz
Edward A. and
Janice L. Andersen
Chandler Unified School
District Administrators
Chris and Jean Christianson
Jennifer Christianson
Peter and Sarah R. Donovan
Instructional Resouce Center
George and Jacqueline LaBenz
Gregory LaBenz
Jerry and Ardy LaBenz
Patricia LaBenz
Maureen Sniff
Marty and Larry Larrison
Bridget Pertlicek
Herbert J. Larsen
Linda Drury
Antonia A. (Toni) Lebario
Virginnia L. Lebario
Dolores Lebario
Virginnia L. Lebario
Cliff Lengel
John Lengel
Frances Lengel
John Lengel
Joan and Frank Leonardo
Maryann F. Leonardo
Gladys Lindebak
Willis C and Joyce L Lindebak
Charles Lobele
Marion I. Lobele
James Long
David G. and Deborah H. Rice
Esther Caroline Lundberg
Austin and Suzanne Spitzer
Bertha Lutfy
Camille M. Donaldson
Ignacio V. Madrid
Group Underwriting &
Dental Products
Sadie Maland
Chris and Nancy Lindgren
Irene Marchant
Marjorie Marchant
Bart A. Martinez
Virginnia L. Lebario
Wanda and Mel Matson
Calvin and Janet White
Wanda and Mel Matson Wedding Anniversary
Calvin and Janet White
Doris Cotton Mauk
Jeanne and Jack O’Brien
Michael McCarthy
Paula and Phil Garlick
Mike McCarthy
Phyllis N. O’Toole
John and Susan Zemblidge
Dick McClain
Laura McClain
G. Dale McClain
Linda L. Heath
Nancy Flynn McClung
Roger W. and Mary Jo Llewellyn
Melinda McDonald
William and Melinda McDonald
Phillip Weltsch
Ronald McEwan
Jarrett T. McEwan
Dave Mcpherson
James Charles and
Laurel Jean Vogt
Irene Melander
Florine McCaffrey
Martha Mendez
Lucille and Tom Joos
Thomas Menegay
Gloria M. Menegay
Don Messmore
Patricia H. Messmore
Mary Jane Meyerholtz
Tom and Sandy Hinkles
Amy Miller
Michael Ruiz
Minnie, Jim, Mom and Dad
Naomi N. Bond
John Modesto
Veva Modesto
Mom and Dad
Robert M. Murray
Mom and Dad
Joanne Szydlowski
Mom and Dad of John J. Talos
John J. Talos
John Monahon
Eileen Joann Martorano
Felipe y Francisca Moreno
Luis Lozano Moreno
Peter Moser
Richard D. and Maria Zwemke
Dorothy Claire Mossbauer
Linda K. Brown
Father Cornelius Moynihan
Dan and Margie Sullivan
Susan P. Mullins
Gisele C. Whyte
My Parents
Michael Wood
Lynwood Neeld
Bryan Rees
Jamie Ness
James J. and Ellyn K. Ness
Emma Neubauer
Emma Violante
Richard Niemeyer
Barbara and Gene Loy
Martha Niewiadomski
Rita M. Marciniak
Gertrude M. Novicki
Donald E. Novicki M.D.
Philip E. Novicki
Donald E. Novicki M.D.
Ruth Marie Olson
Denise Foley
Steve Osbon
Jack P. and
Mary Ann L. Anderson
Leonard and Rose Palazzo
Rosemarie B. Schwindt
John Palmer
Ann M. Griffin
Lisa Ann Parker
Marion Miller
Susan Pawelko
Elizabeth P. Buman
C. Richard Potts
L. M. and Phyllis Shaw
Dorothy Peoples
Allen and Patricia Becker
Michael Garden and Christina
Michael and Linda Skiba
Ruben C. Perez
Martha C. Perez
Martin L. Peter
Glenda L. Jones
Tom Phagan
Leon K. and Carole A. Humble
Bert Pitre
Dorothy G. Pitre
Don Polito
Biff Jannuzzi
John Powell
Marie Powell
Robert F. Price
Barbara E. Price
Peggy Puype
George and Anne Puype
Anna Q
Kurt and Denise Schuler
Ruth and Al Rasmussen
Nancy Rasmussen
Henry C. Reardon
Ann Mullis
Paul R. Reveles
Edward J. and Victoria S. Crogan
Julia Phillips
Staff of the Housekeeping Department at the Renaissance Glendale Resort and Spa
Tom and Minnie Rich
Patricia R. Smith
Dob and Katy Richards
Mike Richards
Kathleen T. Rickert
Rock L. and Wendy Rickert
Riggs and Fremgen Families
Irene C. Riggs
Chris Riordan
Ann M. Riordan
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roche
Mary E. Gawlik
Armida Rodriguez
Dolores and Albert Rodriguez
Kathleen L. Romley
Arthur E. Romley
Uncle Phil Rush
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
Alfred R. Ryan
Theresa C. Ryan
James “Sonny” Sadler
Martin and Sandra Lard
Charles and Sheila Sanders
Carey and Chris Hausbeck
Rose Marie Sandweg
John and Susie Todd
Henry O. Santana
Diana L. Chouinard
William Schuh
Ed and Elaine Ajamie
Donna Schwaft
Victor M. and
Katherine L. Marcoux
Paul and Anita Schwertley
Mark Schwertley
Grandma Gyp Scott
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
Grandpa Matthew Scott
Michael and Margaret K. Jetty
Sam Scott
Barbara Price
Aaron Hagan Senter
Darlene D. Hagan
Frank, Stephanie and Frank
(Buddy) Seput Family
Diane M. Schulthies
Frank, Stephanie and Bud Seput
Diane M. Schulthies
Anthony Sesma
Anna Larkins
Edward Jack Shapier
Florine McCaffrey
William Shappley
Genevieve Shappley
Dr. Andrew Sharf
Sheri L. Sharf
Lavona Shelley
Ed and Elaine Ajamie
Robert “Red” Smeester
Marvin Goldstein M.D.
Dee Smith
Larry Seeger
Marylouise Smith
Daniel D. Smith
Michael Smith
Marion Miller
Peter C. Smith
Keith W. and Leslie S. Pellien
David Grey Snodgrass
Alice M. Snodgrass
Pat Soldavini
Peter J. and Ann McGloin
Celia Spinelli
Peter and Kathy Maland
Glenn T. Spofford’s Parents Graditude for raising him so
well with good values
Glenn T. Spofford
Joan Stamper
Virginia V. Waroblak
Walter Steffen, Xochitl Steffen
and Sean Steffen
Dave and Lucia Maxwell
Alexine Stewart
Anita J. Lindquist
Frances Virginia Stockhousen
Eldon E. and Janice L. McRae
Jean Stone
Gerald G. and Madeline Rice
Melba Stork
Julie Douglas
Lindy Johnson
Judy Laufer
Valley Anesthesiology
Malcolm and Marcia Straus
Malcolm & Marcia Straus
Family Trust
Ann Suhr
Chuck and Linda Miller
Jim Lyon Family, Jan Voorhees
Family, Chuck Miller Family,
Gail Suhr and Gus Suhr
Janet Suljak
Donald D. and
Margaret M. Hughes
Betty Sullivan
Mark W. and Mary J. Waters
Margaret Svatora
Stanley J. Svatora
Andrew Switanek Sr.
Andrew and Judi Switanek
Stephan and Rose Szalay
Sherrie A. Szalay
Ruth Tarleton
Christine Cook
Theodore Tathwell
Shirley Tathwell
Louise Tebeau
Bettye McDonald
Veronica Ann Tinney
William Tinney
Mary Kiefer Tirvo
Kay A. Vergnetti
Johanes Tjahyaindra
Marcella Bailey
Robert Francis Tobin
Kelly Smith
Richard “Dick” Toland
Phyllis N. O’Toole
Ted L. Storms
Bill and Elaine VanDenbosch
Timothy J. Walsh
Arthur “Art” Tower
The Burke Family
Ray and Barb Daoust
Deborah Glocksien
William and Sharon Small
Arthur Wolf
Vivian Ortega Trageser
Angela Bellan
Posey Traver
Sally L. Devney
Fred and Frances Treubig
Maryann F. Leonardo
Nico and Lugardo Trujillo
Richard and Valerie Trujillo
The Father of Uf Tukel
Elaine Henry
Robert Ulloa
Robert A. Beane
Joseph T. Usher
Ana M. Usher
Fran Valente
M&P Transport Co., Inc
Lee A. Varner
Daniel L. Varner
Pablo M. Vasquez
Irene Vasquez
James Vest
Ed and Karen Daniszewski
Frances Wagner
Lucille Kealey
Jerry Lenz
Paul Wagner
Charles W. Wagner
Marie Walcott
The Office of Marvin R.
Goldstein, M.D
Matt Walter
Monica Krall Family
Christopher Waltman
Patricia Kaminski
David Ward
Norm and Linda J. Grossberg
Mary Ware
Karin Carver
Calvin F. Watkins
Melvin J. Watkins Sr.
Thomas W. Welnick
Cheralyn T. Beaudry
Lynn M. Carosella
Judy Laufer
Jeannine A. Wilke
Leonard J. Wilke
Daniel Winkowski
Barbara F. Winkowski
Gary L. Wood
Rebecca A. Birr
First New York Federal Credit
Union - Lending Department
Greg and Michelle Hollman
Robert B. Work, Sr. and
R. B. Work, Jr.
Bill Wunsch
Betty J. Wunsch
Dr. and Mrs. James I. Young
James J. and Carolyn Young
Glenn W. Young, Jr.
Dorothy M. Young
Robert and Rachel Zajac
Alice Zajac
Sister Mary Roqueta Zappia
Al and Jan Ghelfi
Ted and Helen Zbiegien
Guy and Vicki Allen
Anna Ziminski
Pauline Wanek
Frank L. Zuckschwerdt
Maria S. Zuckschwerdt
Stan Zukowski
Roger Cavanaugh