Evergreen Christian Middle School

Evergreen Christian
Middle School
What are the email addresses of the middle
school teachers?
Band/Orchestra: Mrs. Karen Berets – karen@ecsonline.cc
Bible/6 Grade Homeroom: Mr. Monty Webb –
Choir/Music Appreciation: Ms. Marla Tappero –
English: Mrs. Lynette VandeKieft – lynette@ecsonline.cc
History/8 Grade Homeroom: Mr. Matthew Martin –
Math: Ms. Marie Easley – marie@ecsonline.cc
Math/7 Grade Homeroom: TBA
PE: Miss Carly Tillery – carly@ecsonline.cc
Science/8 Grade Homeroom: Mr. Cale Myers – cale@ecsonline.cc
Technology: Mr. John Stemwell – jstemwell@ecsonline.cc
How can I find out more about what my students are learning? How can I found out what
my child missed in class if he/she is absent? Check our blogs!
ECS Middle School – http://ecsmiddleschool.wordpress.com/
Bible/6 Grade Homeroom: Mr. Monty Webb – http://ecsmsbible.wordpress.com/
English: Mrs. Lynette VandeKieft – http://ecsmsenglish.wordpress.com/
History/8 Grade Homeroom: Mr. Matthew Martin – http://ecsmshistory.wordpress.com/
Math: Ms. Marie Easley – http://ecsmseasley.wordpress.com/
Math/7 Grade Homeroom: TO BE DETERMINED – http://ecsmsmath.wordpress.com/
Science/8 Grade Homeroom: Mr. Cale Myers – http://ecsmsscience.wordpress.com/
Your ECS News (created by the Mass Comm Elective) – http://ecsmsnews.wordpress.com/
ECS Crusaders Athletics -- http://ecscrusaders.wordpress.com/
How do I make best use of the teacher blogs and Wordpress.com blog features?
Using the teacher blogs will help you stay informed about the lessons and activities that are
happening in class and the assignments and tests/projects required of your student. It is a
wonderful resource to use when your child is absent due to illness.
We have the expectation that students are making use of our blogs, including checking for
assignments and tests that are due or coming up. One of the great things about Wordpress.com is
that you can sign up to receive email notifications when a teacher makes a new post. Helpful
information about blog features are provided for you on pages 3-4 of this FAQ.
How do I arrange to meet with one or more teachers to talk about any aspect of my
child’s education here at ECS?
Before school is usually difficult for us unless you set up an appointment, but we welcome your
We would encourage you to make an appointment after school with us or stop by after school to
check with us for availability that day.
o A personal meeting is easy. Just email the teacher you wish to meet with. If you wish to
meet with more of us as a group, email your request to your child’s homeroom teacher
including which other teachers you would like to invite to this meeting. We can work with
your schedule to work out a good time to meet.
o If you would prefer to have a phone conference with a teacher, just email that teacher, and
you can work out a time together to speak together by phone.
When will paperwork come home?
(Newsletters, teacher forms, and office paperwork) The newsletter that is emailed out each week
replaces the paper copy that you were accustomed to receiving at the end of each week. We
convert much of the classroom forms and office paperwork into PDF format and email them home
as attachments to the newsletter instead.
o Being responsible for important paperwork is a part of how we prepare students for high
school – but we know we cannot ask them all to be fully responsible yet – so we send the
newsletter and attachments home to you via email so you are guaranteed to receive them.
In addition, we have created the ECS Middle School blog where all of these types of
documents will be posted.
o Although we do not hand out a paper copy of the newsletter in class, we will sometimes
hand out other paperwork to students, and we will disperse any paper copies provided by
the office. Therefore, you can access the information three ways: Handouts given to your
student, identical information emailed out to you as PDFs with the newsletter, and identical
information posted to the ECS Middle School blog.
(Student papers) Teachers hand out papers to students as they become available, and we ask
students to store them in their binders or other organizational tools and save them.
o The teachers will inform students know how long to keep class papers and tests. Since your
students will take home their binders often, ask to see their papers.
o If you find you are missing many of your students’ school papers, start with an honest
conversation with your student about it. If things do not improve quickly, send an email to
the specific teachers from whom you are not receiving papers. We can assist you in finding
out what is happening.
o Certain assignments may take longer to grade than others, but we try to get them back in a
timely manner. However, never be afraid to ask us about the status of an assignment,
projects, or test.
What do I do if I need to get in touch with my child during the day?
a. If you need to get a message to your child, call the main office at 357-5590, and they will get the
message to us.
b. If you need to drop off an item for your child such as an assignment or lunch, please go to the main
office and give it to the office staff. It is a matter of campus safety, and it also prevents interruptions
to the classroom teaching/testing time. If you need to pick up your child during the school day,
please go the main office and use the check-out system.
c. Since it is about campus safety, and we all want our children safe, we request that you honor these
Following (the ECS Teacher) Blogs
When you follow a blog on WordPress.com, the new posts from that site will appear in your Reader,
where you can view the latest posts published across the blogs you follow. You’ll also receive notifications
of new posts by email.
How to Follow Blogs
If you have a WordPress.com account, when you are logged in, click the
button that appears in
the toolbar at the top of all WordPress.com sites. All new posts published on that blog will now show up in
your reader. You will also receive email notifications of new posts. You canchange your settings to
Immediate, Daily, or Weekly delivery, or opt-out of email notifications.
If you do not have a WordPress.com account, you can follow a blog with the button that appears in the
lower right-hand corner of WordPress.com sites:
After clicking on the Follow button, a dialog box will pop up asking for the email address where new blog
posts should be sent.
Be sure to click on the confirmation link in the email that we send you. Until you’ve confirmed your
subscription request, you won’t receive email notifications for new posts and updates.
Note: Blog administrators can hide this Follow button by adjusting their email reading settings. Here they
can also customize the message that’s sent when someone follows the blog.
You can also follow a blog using the Follow Blog Widget in a site’s sidebar: