College Cohort Sample Schedules Undecided Major 1. 2. 3. 4. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting MAP Course**** 1. Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA) or 2. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) MAP Course**** 1. Quantitative Reasoning (MAP-UA) or 2. Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners I: SPAN-UA 1); Departmental elective (e.g.: Psychology (PSYCH-UA 1), Religious Studies (RESTL-UA 1) ** *For a list of all the majors, see the CAS website: **See departmental websites and/ or Albert for a list of introductory electives ***Writing the Essay can be taken during the spring semester of the first year. For course descriptions and syllabi, see the Expository Writing website: ****See MAP website for program components and course descriptions: Humanities major (e.g.: Classics, English, Middle Eastern Studies)* 1. 2. 3. 4. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting Writing the Essay (EXPOS-UA 1)*** MAP Course**** 1. Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners I: SPAN-UA 1); 2. Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA) or 3. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) Departmental Introductory Elective (e.g. Introduction to Western Art I (ARTH-UA 1); Introduction to Comparative Literature (COLIT-UA 116)** *For a list of all the majors, see the CAS website: **See departmental websites and/ or Albert for a list of introductory electives ***Writing the Essay can be taken during the spring semester of the first year. For course descriptions and syllabi, see the Expository Writing website: ****See MAP website for program components and course descriptions: Social Sciences major (e.g.: Economics, History, Psychology)* 1. 2. 3. 4. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting MAP Course**** 1. Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA) or 2. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1) Departmental Introductory Elective(e.g.: Economics I (ECON-UA 1); Comparative Politics (POL-UA 500)) *For a list of all the majors, see the CAS website: **See departmental websites and/ or Albert for a list of introductory electives ***Writing the Essay can be taken during the spring semester of the first year. For course descriptions and syllabi, see the Expository Writing website: ****See MAP website for program components and course descriptions: Natural Science major (Non pre-health program students; e.g.: Biology, Neural Science, Physics) 1. Biology major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 125)* 3. Principles of Biology I (BIOL-UA 11)* 4. Writing the Essay (EXPOS-UA 1)** or MAP course*** 1. Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA) or 2. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) 2. Chemistry Major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 125)* 3. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* 4. MAP course**** 1. Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1); 2. Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA) or 3. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) 3. Neural Science major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 125)* 3. Principles of Biology I (BIOL-UA 11)* 4. Writing the Essay (EXPOS-UA 1)** or MAP course**** 1. Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA) or 2. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) 4. Physics major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* 3. Physics I and Lab (PHYS-UA 91 - Not General Physics)* 4. MAP course*** 1. Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA) or 2. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) *For a list of all the majors, see the CAS website: **Writing the Essay can be taken during the spring semester of the first year. For course descriptions and syllabi, see the Expository Writing website: ***Students who receive a suitable score for advanced standing credit on an advanced standing exam could be exempt from Calculus, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics requirements and may be able to enroll in a higher level course: ****See MAP website for program components and course descriptions: Prehealth Program Students who wish to undertake professional preparation to apply to medical, dental, veterinary, osteopathic medical, optometry, or podiatry school. Prehealth Track with Chemistry or Biochemistry major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 125) 3. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* 4. MAP Course** Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1); Expository Writing (EXPOS-UA); Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA); or Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) Prehealth Track with Biology and/or Neural Science major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 125) 3. Principles of Biology I (BIOL-UA 11) 4. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* or MAP Course** Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1); Expository Writing (EXPOS-UA); Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA); or Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) Prehealth Track with Physics major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 125) 3. Physics I (PHYS-UA 91) and Lab (PHYS-UA 71) 4. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* or MAP Course** Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1); Expository Writing (EXPOS-UA); Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA); or Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) Prehealth Track with Un-Decided or Non-Science major (Calculus Ready) 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 125) 3. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* 4. MAP Course** Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1); Expository Writing (EXPOS-UA); Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA); or Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) Prehealth Track with Un-Decided or Non-Science major (Not Calculus Ready) 1. 2. 3. 4. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting MAP Course** 1. Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1); Algebra and Calculus (MATH-UA 109)* MAP Course** Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1); Expository Writing (EXPOS-UA); Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA); or Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) *Students who receive a suitable score for advanced standing credit on an advanced standing exam are exempt from the Calculus for pre-health and may be able to enroll in a higher level Math course (required for Chemistry, Physics, and Math majors only). See the CAS bulletin for details and discuss with advisor: Note: Even if you receive AP/IB/ other advanced standing credit, you will have to repeat the sciences as part of the pre-health and/or science curriculum at NYU. **See MAP website for program components and course descriptions: Engineering Program Students who wish to undertake disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer sciences, mathematics, and physics along with the additional courses at NYU Polytechnic for the engineering program. 1. Biology major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 125) 3. Principles of Biology I (BIOL-UA 11) 4. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* 2. Chemistry Major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. General Chemistry I (CHEM-UA 125)* 3. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* 4. MAP course** 1. Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA) or 2. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) 3. Computer Science major 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* 3. Physics I and Lab (PHYS-UA 91 - Not General Physics)* 4. Computer Science I CSCI-UA 101) (students without programming experience take Introduction to Computers: CSCI-UA 2) 4. Physics and Math majors 1. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting 2. Calculus I (MATH-UA 121)* 3. Physics I and Lab (PHYS-UA 91 and PHYS-UA 71) - Not General Physics)* 4. MAP course*** 1. Texts and Ideas (MAP-UA) or 2. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA) *Students who receive a suitable score for advanced standing credit on an advanced standing exam, you are exempt from the Calculus and Physics I requirement for engineering and may be able to enroll in a higher level course: **See MAP website for program components and course descriptions: Note: 1. 2. Engineering students are exempt from the MAP Foreign Language Requirement Writing the Essay can be taken during the spring semester of the first year. For course descriptions and syllabi, see the Expository Writing website: Opportunities Program Students who are part of either the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) or the Collegiate Science Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) Please note that students in HEOP and CSTEP do not take EXPOS-UA 1, Writing the Essay. You will instead be taking WRI-UF 101, Writing I and WRII-UF 102, Writing II. Social Science or Humanities Major (e.g. English, Psychology, Economics) Summer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pre-Freshman Map - HEOP-UE 605 Pre-Freshman Writing - HEOP-UE 606 Pre-Freshman Quantitative Reasoning – HEOP-UE 611 Pre-Freshman Seminar - HEOP-UE 624 Pre-Freshman Writing Intensives - HEOP-UE 631** 1. Freshman Seminar - FRSEM-UA 1. Cohort Meeting Elementary French I - FREN-UA 1 MAP Quantitative Reasoning – MAP-UA 101 Writing I - WRI-UF 101 Quantitative Reasoning Workshop - HEOP-UE 662 Freshman Seminar - HEOP-UE 607* Writing Intensives - HEOP-UE 652** Fall 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. *This class may meet biweekly: TBD **Writing Intensives are assigned to students designated by their Writing Instructor during the summer and fall semesters. Pre-Health Track/ Not Calculus Ready Summer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pre-Freshman MAP - HEOP-UE 605 Pre-Freshman Writing - HEOP-UE 606 Pre-Freshman Algebra and Calculus - HEOP-UE 610 Pre-Freshman Seminar - HEOP-UE 624 Pre-Freshman Chemistry - HEOP-UE 625 Pre-Freshman Writing Intensives - HEOP-UE 631** 1. Freshman Seminar - FRSEM-UA 1. Cohort Meeting Algebra and Calculus - MATH-UA 9 Writing I - WRI-UF 1001 Text & Ideas – MAP-UA 400 OR Cultures & Context – MAP-UA 500 Algebra Calculus Workshop - HEOP-UE 661 Writing Intensives - HEOP-UE 652** Freshman Seminar - HEOP-UE 607* Fall 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. *This class may meet biweekly: TBD **Writing Intensives are assigned to students designated by their Writing Instructor during the summer and fall semesters. Pre-Health Track/Calculus Ready Summer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pre-Freshman Calculus - HEOP-UE 601 Pre-Freshman MAP - HEOP-UE 605 0.0 A Pre-Freshman Writing - HEOP-UE 606 Pre-Freshman Seminar - HEOP-UE 624 Pre-Freshman Chemistry - HEOP-UE 625 Pre-Freshman Writing Intensives - HEOP-UE 631** 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. General Chemistry I & Laboratory - CHEM-UA 125 Calculus I - MATH-UA 121 Writing I - WRI-UF 1001 Calculus I Workshop I - HEOP-UE 613 General Chemistry Workshop I - HEOP-UE 629 Writing Intensives - HEOP-UE 652** Freshman Seminar - HEOP-UE 607** Fall *This class may meet biweekly: TBD **Writing Intensives are assigned to students designated by their Writing Instructor during the summer and fall semesters. Note: OP Pre-Health students who are eligible to take Calculus I and General Chemistry I in the fall semester, will take their Freshman Seminar during the spring semester. During the fall semester, students will participate in the mandatory Cohort Meeting. International Students Students who receive a 680 or higher on their SAT Verbal should refer to the following schedule: 1. 2. 3. 4. Freshman Seminar (FRSEM-UA) 1. Cohort Meeting Expository Writing course: Writing the Essay (EXPOS-UA 1) or International Writing Workshop I (EXPOS-UA 4)** MAP Course (select one)*** 1. Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1); 2. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA 5--) or 3. Natural Science I or II (MAP-UA 2-- or 3--) 4. Quantitative Reasoning (MAP-UA 1--) or math substitute course**** Departmental Introductory Course: e.g. History of Western Art I (ARTH-UA 1); Economics Principles I or II (ECONUA 1 or 2); General Chemistry I and Laboratory (CHEM-UA 125)***** Students who score between 680 and 720 on the SAT Verbal should take the self-diagnostic test to decide which course would offer them the opportunity for better learning: Self-Diagnostic Test Students who receive lower than 680 on their SAT Verbal should refer to the following schedule: 1. 2. 3. 4. International Writing Workshop I (EXPOS-UA 4) or Reading/Writing Workshop I or II (EXPOS-UA 20 or 21)****** MAP Course (select one)*** 1. Quantitative Reasoning (MAP-UA 1--) or math substitute course**** 2. Foreign language (e.g. Spanish for Beginners 1: SPAN-UA 1) Departmental Introductory Course: e.g. History of Western Art I (ARTH-UA 1); Economics Principles I or II (ECONUA 1 or 2); General Chemistry I and Laboratory (CHEM-UA 125)***** MAP Course (select one)*** 1. Cultures and Contexts (MAP-UA 5--); or 2. Natural Science I or II (MAP-UA 2-- or 3--) *Students who receive a suitable score for advanced standing credit on an advanced standing exam are exempt from the Calculus or Natural Science requirement and may be able to enroll in a higher level course: ** For those enrolled in International Writing Workshop I in the fall semester, International Writing Workshop II (EXPOS-UA 9) will be taken during the spring semester. For course descriptions and syllabi, see the Expository Writing website: ***See MAP website for program components and course descriptions: **** See exemptions and substitution Quantitative Reasoning course list on MAP website: ***** See departmental websites and/ or Albert for a list of introductory courses as well as the CAS major/minor list: ****** Select students will be asked to take the American Language Institute (ALI) test during Welcome Week and may place into Reading/Writing Workshop I (EXPOS-UA 20) or Reading/Writing Workshop II (EXPOS-UA 21), which are English as a Second Language (ESL) courses that precede the International Writing Workshop sequence. Note: International Students who receive 680 or lower on their SAT Verbal should consider taking their Seminar in the spring. Select students may be asked to take the American Language Institute (ALI) test during Welcome Week; students will be notified by their advisor if this is the case.