
The Mayo Clinic Staff defines pneumonia as an infection in the lungs that causes inflammation. While anyone can be
susceptible to pneumonia, The Mayo Clinic notes that it is most likely to be found in elderly people.
Dr. George Schiffman reports that pneumonia is caused when normal bacteria infects the lungs. Schiffman notes that
“if a person is in a weakened condition from another illness, a severe pneumonia can develop.” He states that people
with the following illnesses could be especially susceptible to the disease:
o Lung disease
o Heart disease
o Stroke or heart attack sufferers
o Alcohol or drug users
Common signs and symptoms of pneumonia may include (The Mayo Clinic):
o Fever
o Cough
o Shortness of breath
o Sweating
(The Mayo Clinic)
o Chills
o Headache
o Fatigue
Schiffman also notes that it is important to watch for severe chest pain. If a person develops this, they should consult
a doctor immediately because it could mean that the infection has reached a dangerous level.
Most basic types of pneumonia are treated by antibiotics (“Pneumonia”). The article “Pneumonia” on the WebMD
website notes that doctors will prescribe different types of antibiotics for different amounts of days based on the
severity of the illness and the patient’s general overall health.
Unfortunately, there are some types of pneumonia that cannot be treated. “Pneumonia” notes that viral pneumonia is
something that just has to run its course. “Varicella pneumonia, which is rare, can be treated with antiviral medicine,”
but it often takes longer that an antibiotic driven treatment (“Pneumonia”). For more information regarding
pneumonia, visit the following sources.
Works Cited
The Mayo Clinic Staff. “Pneumonia.” The Mayo Clinc. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2010.
Web. 19 Oct. 2010. <>.
Schiffman, George. “Pneumonia.” Medicine Net. Medicine Net, Inc., 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2010.
“Pneumonia: Treatment Overview.” WebMD. WebMD, LLC, 2010. Web. 20 Oct. 2010.