T. L Hanna High School International Baccalaureate Spanish B SL 2 Teacher: Conference: Contact information: Sandra Camacho-Naundorf th 4 Block sandracamacho@anderson5.net 864-260-5110 Course Description: Year 1: 90 minute class The IB Spanish B SL 2 Course is a foreign language class for those students who have 2 to 5 years of experience of the target language and who might not intend to continue further study of it beyond the Diploma Programme. General Objectives: The purpose of this course is to foster the language acquisition process necessary for students to become proficient in the target language by improving the four languages skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will be able to use the language effectively and respond spontaneously according to the cultural context of a situation. They will also be able to analyze and respond critically in the target language to the topics developed in class. Students will also develop an objective appreciation of the different views of people from other cultures and their cultural legacy. The course will help students become citizens of the world. The topics of the course are organized as follows: The core—is divided into three areas and is a required area of study. • Communication and media, • Global issues • Social relationships In addition, at both SL and HL, teachers select two from the following five options. • Cultural diversity • Customs and traditions • Health • Leisure • Science and technology Specific Objectives At the end of this course the students are expected to be able: 1. Communicate clearly in regular daily-life situations. 2. Obtain information from different sources in the target language. 3. Evaluate and process the information acquired. 4. Comprehend and use formal and informal language. 5. Respond to literary pieces in the target language. 6. Express their opinions about general matters with some fluency. 7. Participate in discussions. 8. Use effectively a register that fits the context of the given situation. 9. Identify the different accents. 10. Develop an understanding and appreciation of the Hispanic and Latin-American Cultures. Resources: We will use mainly authentic material. 1. Excerpts from textbooks: De Paseo, Heinle & Heinle, 2nd Edition; Buen Viaje 3 Glencoe-McGraw Hill, Español11 Editorial Norma; Abriendo Puertas Tomo I McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin 2. Handouts 3. Newspaper and Magazine articles. 4. Audiovisuals: Video clips, movies, documentaries. 5. Online articles. 6. Music: Traditional Latin American and Spanish music, pop music, salsa, merengue, among other rhythms. 7. Literary works: Poems, Short stories, Narrations. Assessment: Grading policy: The grades are recorded in the gradebook and Power Teacher System. The students will have daily (class work, homework and quizzes) and major grades (tests and projects). The percentages for each category are: Class work- Quizzes =20% - Quizzes may or may not be announced. Always be prepared. Projects / Homework = 20% Test (At the end of each chapter, usually biweekly)= 40% Exam = 20% The State Grading Scale: A – 100-93 | B – 92- 85 | C – 84 -77 | D – 76- 70 | F – 69 - 0 Rubrics and criteria provided by the International Baccalaureate Organization will be used to assess writing and speaking proficiency. IB Examinations These examinations will be scheduled during the second year Behavioral Expectations 1. Students are expected to respect everyone in the class. 2. Students are expected to bring all necessary materials to class. 3. Students should participate in class activities. 4. Students are expected to follow the standards of integrity govern all IB coursework. Any cheating or plagiarism is grounds for being removed from the program. Consequences First Offense - Warning (recorded by the teacher) Second Offense – 30 minute detention. Call parents Third Offense – REFERRAL ** **A REFERRAL MAY BE WRITTEN AT ANYTIME WITHOUT PREVIOUS WARNING FOR ANY MAJOR INFRACTION. Important Information. Test day: A test is designed to assess a student’s understanding of the material. The student will know beforehand what to expect on the test. Before giving the test, the teacher will clearly explain what to do on the test and will answer any questions; however, after passing out the test, the teacher will not answer any questions. If a student is caught talking or cheating in any way, for example using electronic devices such as cell phones, MP3 player/IPOD, or others while taking a test, the student will receive a grade of 0 for that test. Parents will be contacted as well. Substitutes: All work done with a substitute will count. Translators: It is important that students understand how the target language works; therefore students should learn it by practicing it, which means that students must do their own work, and that any unauthorized work done using any kind of translator will have a grade of 0. Cell phones, MP3 player/IPOD or similar: it is not allowed the use of any of these devices in class unless it is used for an educational purpose and authorized by the teacher. In case of any violation regarding the use of any of the above-mentioned devices, the procedure set up by the school will be followed. Any form of cheating or plagiarism is grounds for being removed from the program. Late work Assignments are due at the beginning of the class. Homework will not be accepted late. To earn a 100 for homework it must be completely done. Partial homework is not accepted since it is graded based on completion. Late projects and papers will be penalized twenty points per day. Make-up work Students should check the website / handout folder and/or homework board when returning from an absence. Students have a week to make-up work missed from excused absences. Tests should be made up within a week. If a student returns the day a prescheduled test is given, only students with excused absences can elect to makeup the quiz/test within a week. Students with unexcused absences will take the quiz / test as scheduled with the class. Tutoring: Tutoring is available after school in the classroom if previously scheduled with the teacher. Tentative Course Outline Duration Unit First nine weeks 4 weeks La America Precolombina Description Assessment Cultural Awareness Language: Review: Present and past tenses. Usage. Idioms. Grammar evaluations Latin American PreHispanic cultural legacy. Text: Civilización 6. Ciencias Sociales Integradas. Chapter 3. Videos: La construcción de un imperio: Los Aztecas; Los Mayas. (The History Channel, in Spanish) Movie: Apocalypto. Reading comprehension activities. Written composition: Responses to the texts. Listening and Speaking activities. Main civilizations: Maya Azteca Inca Muisca Introduction to the History of Spain. Role play. 5 weeks El encuentro de Dos Mundos: España y el continente Americano. Language: Present and past tenses. Ser & Estar. True reflexive verbs. Impersonal Se. Idioms. Essay: structure, language and vocabulary. Text: Internet articles: 12 de Octubre, El encuentro de Dos Mundos, nace un continente mestizo.(Aldea Educativa) El grito de Independencia, Colombia 1810 http://www.tareaescolar.net/materias/historia%20colomb ia/EL%20GRITO%20DE%20INDEPENDENCIA.htm?zo om_highlight=borbon Diccionario De Filosofía Latinoamericana, Encuentro De Dos Mundos. (Biblioteca Virtual Latinoamericana) Short story: Chac Mool by Carlos Fuentes. Grammar evaluations The explorers. Reading comprehension activities. Written compositionSpeech: Reflexiones sobre la complejidad del ser mestizo o criollo en la America Colonial. Listening and Speaking activities. Role play. The mestizo and criollo people. Ethnicity and Race in Latin America. The Afro-Latin Diaspora. Indigenous problematic in Colombia. Second nine weeks 5 weeks La Gastronomía Hispana Language: Imperative, perfect tenses, object pronouns with commands, conditional perfect, the future perfect, subjunctive with indefinite ideas and in relative clauses. Usage of diminutive and augmentative. Grammar evaluations Reading comprehension activities. Written responses. Texts: Como agua para chocolate, Laura Esquivel Cultural and family traditions transmitted through culinary customs. History of tomato, corn, chocolate, and potatos. Listening and Speaking activities. Websites: http://www.cortland.edu/flteach/usafa/gastro-2.html Video production: Cocinando con… http://www.elgourmet.com/Recetas.aspx http://www.comidakraft.com/sp/CookingSchool/MondoLa tino/CountriesRegions/HispanicHeritageMonth.aspx Movie: Tortilla Soup 4 weeks La literatura en Hispanoamerica Language: Por and para. Hacer expressions (time). Passive voice Infinitive forms. Relative Clauses. Text: Essay: La literatura es fuego, Mario Vargas Llosa. Short story: El hijo, Horacio Quiroga No oyes ladrar los perros, Juan Rulfo Balada de los dos abuelos, Nicolás Guillen. Grammar evaluations Reading comprehension activities. Written composition and verbal presentation : Comparison of the literary styles of the studied writers. Explore the images of the family and society in the Hispanic American short story. Poetry: Redondillas. Arguye de inconsequente el gusto, y la censura de los hombres, que en las mugeres acusan lo que causan, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Listening and Speaking activities. Declamation. Third Nine Weeks 3 weeks Festivales y tradiciones Language: Negative expressions. Relative clauses. Passive voice. Superlatives. Adverbs. Prepositions. Listening and Speaking activities. Discussions http://www.apoyolingua.com/LASPREPOSICIONES.htm Texts : Enlaces a Fiestas y Celebraciones en el Mundo Hispano. http://webpages.marshall.edu/~vanzandt/spn204/webqu ests/links_fiestas.htm Written composition: El festival/la celebración que más me gustó fue …. Many Hispanic festivals are linked to the Catholic religion due to the cultural syncretism developed in the Hispanic world. Religion in the Hispanic world. How different are our own festivals and celebrations from the Hispanic ones? Resiliencia en Adolescentes, http://www.humanas.unal.edu.co/img/Nuevo/Colombian a%20de%20psicolog%C3%ADa/resilencia_vina(139146).pdf 3 weeks La Música Latina Language: Present tense, progressive tenses, past tenses. Relative pronouns. Expressing likes and dislikes. Idioms. Affixes Videoclips: Interviews: Alejandro Sanz Listening and Speaking activities. Discussions Analysis of the lyrics. The richness and diversity of the Hispanic music is a complex as its peoples. Juanes Movies / documentaries: Buena Vista Social Club Lo Mejor de MTV Unplugged (2008) 3 weeks Las bellas artes Different samples of Hispanic music: Merengue, bolero, tango, balada, mariachi Language: Expressing necessity and possibility with the subjunctive. Expressing wishes, preferences, and demands with the subjuctive. Grammar evaluations Visionary identity of the Hispanic artists. Reading comprehension activities. Written composition Texts: Biography of: Diego de Silva Velásquez, Goya, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Fernando Botero, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Remedios Varo. Listening and Speaking activities. Fourth Nine Weeks Review All language aspects studied during the course will be reviewed. Students will practice for their examinations. Analysis of past IB exams Mock IB exam Mock individual orals Grammar evaluations Reading comprehension activities. Written composition Listening and Speaking activities. Additional vocabulary will be learned/review passively with grammatical lessons (daily routine, descriptive adjectives, etc.) Additional culture will be taught through poetry, reading selections, listening selections, etc.