a) Resource Portfolio Textbook (Key Stage 4) Edexcel GCSE Spanish The textbook I have decided to analyse and evaluate for the resource portfolio is called Edexcel GCSE Spanish and is used by Key Stage 4 pupils at Platanos College. There are two versions of the textbook; one for foundation level and the other for higher tier level (images 1 and 2). Both textbooks cover the same nine chapters but the foundation level textbook offers more support and is a little less challenging in its approach to topics. Each chapter is split into various units dealing with different aspects of the chapter topic. This layout makes the chapter appear quite manageable and not seem overbearing as variety is an omnipresent theme throughout. The content in the textbook is typical of a GCSE Spanish textbook in the sense that it deals with GCSE type topics such as holidays, personal description, school, family, jobs, free time and hobbies, home-life, health and the environment. However, the relevance of these topics to real life situations in an adolescent’s life could be called into question. It is also worth noting that the entire textbook can be brought up on screen via PowerPoint, which can help with engaging pupils. The accompanying teacher’s book provides answers to all exercises and also provides the entire transcript of listening exercises, which facilitates the teaching process. The differentiation between the two textbooks is an interesting aspect to discuss. As mentioned previously, both of the books deal with the same topics but the higher tier textbook sets out more aims at the beginning of each chapter. If we focus on one specific chapter, such as the first one on ‘de vacaciones’, the foundation textbook initially displays two main objectives for each unit, in this case ‘talking about where you went on holiday’ and ‘using the preterite’. The higher tier textbook duplicates these aims but also adds a third in the shape of ‘extending sentences with sequences’. In this sense, logically speaking, the higher tier textbook demands more from pupils and is designed around pupils achieving a C-A* grade, whilst the foundation textbook is aimed towards pupils aspiring to achieve a C grade at best. The differentiation is also apparent in how the exercises are designed. This is exemplified in certain tasks where prompts are provided for foundation learners, but not provided in the higher tier textbook. Each chapter and subsequent unit is evenly distributed across practising the four skills involved in learning a language of listening, speaking, reading and writing. This even division is certainly one of the main positive aspects of Edexcel GCSE Spanish as it never becomes overly reliant on one particular skill and aims to develop an even balance of ability across all four skills. The deployment of target language is varied throughout the textbook. When explaining the objectives and aims of each chapter, English dominates and this provides clarity to each chapter aspiration, however the majority of instructions are provided in the target language, which enables pupils to become accustomed to reading and understanding Spanish instructions, as they are used consistently throughout the textbook. Consistency of approach is one the main strengths of this textbook; 1 every unit of every chapter is two pages in length and there is a clear colour code set out in the contents page, which is adhered to throughout. This uniformity offers a sense of security and limits unpredictability for pupils who can become accustomed to its approach and structure quite quickly. At the end of each chapter there is a written and oral test chapter, which also includes a ‘ResultsPlus’ box telling pupils what is required to attain a certain grade (see image 4). This offers an element of assessment of learning for pupils as the test recaps all previous information in the chapter, but is also combined with useful criteria to gain a particular grade and pupils are offered a good degree of guidance as criteria is made explicit. With regards to how the textbook attempts to facilitate the learning process, it is heavily dominated by the visual side of learning, and in fact every page of every chapter has at least one image included in relation to the topic. On most occasions, the images simply support the particular vocabulary being discussed. The textbook deploys quite a communicative approach towards how it presents its content. There is an emphasis on practising sentences, interaction and general enhancement of communication abilities, taking precedence over grammatical structures and rules. This is further exemplified by how the textbook introduces grammar related activities. Whenever a grammar point is explained in relation to the chapter content, it is explained in a succinct manner in a small text box, with a reference to a more detailed grammar explanation towards the end of the textbook (see image 3). In many ways, this highlights the textbook’s communicative approach and reduced emphasis on grammar, as it is given its own section at the end in an almost isolated area of the textbook. Culturally speaking Edexcel GCSE Spanish is representative of a modern textbook. Published in 2009, it adheres to a politically correct tone and is gender balanced throughout, particularly when compared to textbooks from other decades which are quite apparently stereotypical in their gender approach. The textbook also combines its learning content with other useful information for pupils, which is particularly well exemplified in its approach to the topic of smoking in the health chapter. Here, it emphasises the dangers and negative consequences of smoking through comprehension and oral tasks. Taking into account that this is a Spanish textbook, its references to Spain and life in Spain are quite limited and infrequent. In actual fact, one of the only noticeable references to Spanish culture in the textbook is during the ‘de paseo por Sevilla’ chapter, which briefly shows some images of typical Spanish food such as chorizo and gazpacho. Image 1: 2 Image 2: Image 3: 3 Image 4: 4 Evaluation of Tricolore Total 2 What is Tricolore Total 2? Tricolore Total 2 is a French KS3 course (aimed at students who have already been learning French for a year) which comprises of a student’s book, a teacher’s book, a copymaster and assessment book, an audio cd pack, as well as online resources and a grammar book (Grammar in Action). The Tricolore books have been in circulation since the early 1980s. This updated version (the Total series) integrates ICT, intercultural understanding and principles of Assessment for Learning, thus reflecting contemporary trends in MFL teaching and requirements made by the National Curriculum. How does Tricolore Total 2 work for the student? Tricolore Total 2 is divided into eight chapters which deal with subjects of interest to your average twelve year-old learner (eg. describing one’s family, one’s daily routine, food one likes to eat and the clothes one likes to wear etc). Grammar is incorporated into each chapter through a ‘dossier langue’ box which explains the grammatical rules which are covered by that double page spread and practiced in that page’s activities. There are ‘stratégies’ boxes which provide tips on how to develop language-learning skills and to build on the skills that the student has acquired, often challenging him to think laterally. At the end of each chapter these is a ‘sommaire’ section listing the key vocabulary and phrases which have been covered in the chapter. There is also a ‘rappel’ section for revision of what has been learned in the preceding chapter. There are regular pronunciation activities which help the student with oral work. The online resources likewise do this (see below). Positive Aspects for the Student Tricolore Total 2 comprises of a variety of resources which are stimulating for the student. Not only is the student book colourful, attractive and stimulating, but also includes online resources such as video clips, visuals and readers. The online activities are provided by Kerboodle (www.kerboodle.com), Learning objectives are made clear on each double page spread. The student is able to work on all four of the skills as required by the National Curriculum (speaking, listening, reading and writing). There are online speaking exercises which allow the student to record his voice in response to questions. These are asked by native speakers imitating reallife situations, thus helping the student improve his accent and his understanding of situational French. The book explores many aspects of France: food, sports, history etc. The student is thus exposed to a wide variety of aspects which make up French society and culture. Most of the instructions in the book are in French. The use of target 5 language creates a culture in which the student becomes used to seeing and hearing French for procedural instructions as well as in the content of activities. Harder grammatical points are explained in English thus putting practical matters before principle when it comes to the use of mainstreaming the target language. Negative Aspects for the Student France is pretty much the only French speaking country explored, with a nod to Belgium. More could be done to present la Francophonie to the student, which especially in London would be of interest considering the diverse ethnic make-up of schools. Although the gender balance is good throughout the materials, few of the photos are of non-white people, thus unrepresentative of the diversity of la Francophonie let alone France itself. Likewise the representation of disabled and non-conventional family set-ups (single mothers, gay parents, adopted/fostered kids) could be improved upon. Positive Aspects for the Teacher The teacher’s book provides the teacher with guidance on starters, plenaries, and opportunities for Assessment for Learning, thus acting as a useful accompaniment to the student’s book. Through Kerboodle the teacher has a plethora of ready-to-use materials at his fingertips. These include colourful PowerPoint presentations, audio exercises, video clips etc. Teacher’s notes are also provided which give tips on how to plan and structure lessons, suggesting starter and plenary activities. The student’s book provides a lot of differentiated material which helps the teacher set work for all levels. The Copymaster and Assessment book provides an easy-access key to all the answers, with worksheets to accompany the student’s book. Conclusion Tricolore Total 2 provides an excellent method of learning French. A plethora of materials are offered for both teacher and student to work through, thereby improving all four skills, familiarizing oneself with French culture and society and focusing on learning techniques and the learning process (in line with Assessment for Learning principles). The material is presented in an up-to-date, attractive fashion which would appeal to most users and which also makes the most of recent developments in technology. 6