Travelling by bus and train



Travelling by bus and train

Cologne Region

VRS service area

With the VRS area you can travel in the area around

Cologne, Bonn, Leverkusen and Bergisch Gladbach (see map).

Each district forms a fare area where a unit price applies. If you travel through many districts, the ticket price is higher.

A list of prices and travel destinations within the VRS area is available at every bus and train stop.

Buying tickets

If you take the bus or train, you must buy a ticket. Before you can use it, it has to be stamped.

You can buy a ticket:

• from the bus driver (if you do this, the ticket is already stamped)

• from a machine in the station (the ticket is already stamped)

• in a ticket office belonging to VRS (the bus/train company in this area) at the station

(you have to stamp the ticket in a ticket machine)

• using an app on your mobile phone.

Important: You can buy a ticket from the driver in a bus, but you cannot buy one in a train.

If you do not have a valid ticket, or if you forget to stamp it, you have to pay a fine of


Individual tickets

If you buy a one-way ticket, you must stamp it before you get on the bus or train.

A one-way ticket is valid for a single trip in one direction. You must buy a new ticket for your return trip.

4er tickets

You can also buy multi-trip-tickets, such as a 4er ticket . You can use this ticket for four trips. You have to stamp one side of the 4er ticket for one trip for each person.

You can use a 4er ticket:

• four times yourself (stamp one side of the ticket for each trip)

• up to four people can travel with using one ticket (stamp one side of the ticket for each person).

To stamp your ticket, stick the ticket into a ticket machine. The machine prints the date and time on your ticket. You can find a ticket machine

• in a bus or tram

• at the railway station

• on the station platform.

Important: You cannot stamp tickets in a bus or train.

Example of prices of tickets from Kürten


2a Bergisch



€3.80 One-way ticket

4er ticket

As of 1 Jan 2015


€10.40 €14.10

3 Köln (Cologne),




4 (e.g. Brühl)



5 Bonn




Travelling cheaper: MobilPass and MobilPass tickets

If you are an asylum-seeker or refugee , you can get a

MobilPass . This lets you travel cheaper on buses, trams and trains. You can get a MobilPass from your local town hall or job centre. The MobilPass is valid for

6 months. You have to extend it before it expires.

Important: For each trip with your MobilPass, you must also buy a MobilPass ticket . You can buy these tickets:

• from the bus driver

• at a ticket machine at the railway station

• at a VRS branch office at the railway station (VRS is the regional bus and train company).

Important: To use your

MobilPass and MobilPass ticket, you must also take your identity card with you. If asked, you must show your ticket, MobilPass and identity card to the conductor.

Examples of prices of MobilPass tickets from Kürten


2a Bergisch



3 Köln (Cologne),


MobilPass 4er ticket


MobilPass monthly ticket

Prices as of 1 Jan 2015






4 (z.B. Brühl)



5 Bonn




MobilPass 4er ticket +

MobilPass +

Identity card

Mobilpass monthly ticket +

MobilPass +

Identity card +

VRS customer card

MobilPass 4er tickets

You can use a MobilPass 4er ticket for four trips. You have to stamp one side of the ticket for each trip.

You can use a MobilPass 4er ticket:

• four times yourself (stamp one side of the ticket for each trip)

• up to four people can travel with using one ticket (stamp one side of the ticket for each person).

To stamp your ticket, stick it into a ticket machine. The machine prints the date and the time on your ticket. You can find ticket machines

• at the railway station on the station platform in a bus or tram.

Important: You cannot stamp tickets in a bus or train.

MobilePass monthly ticket

The MobilPass monthly ticket is valid for one month, 24 hours a day, for travel in a particular area. This is cheaper if you travel a lot.

Further benefits: Someone else who also has a MobilPass (such as your husband or wife) can use your MobilPass monthly ticket.

Additional benefits after 7 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and any time at weekends and on public holidays: you can take with you free of charge:

• 1 person above 14 years who also has a MobilePass

3 children between 6 and 14 years who also have a MobilPass

1 bicycle

Children under 6 years always travel free of charge

Important: To use the MobilPass monthly ticket, you must have a VRS

Customer Card. You can order one at the Wupsi Customer Center at

Bergisch Gladbach station. It is free of charge.

You must take the VRS Customer Card with you on every bus or train trip.


How to buy a ticket in the bus

Example: You want to travel from Kürten to

Bergisch Gladbach

Without a MobilPass

You get on the bus in Kürten. In the bus you can either:

• buy a regular one-way-ticket for €2.80


• buy a regular 4er ticket to Bergisch Gladbach for


(valid for 4 trips). You have to stamp one side for each trip for each person.

With a MobilPass

You get on the bus in Kürten. In the bus you can either:

• buy a MobilPass 4er ticket for €6.00

and stamp one coupon for each trip/person

• you travel with your MobilPass monthly ticket. The cost is €36.80 and it is valid for one month.

In Bergisch Gladbach you can take another bus or the train without buying a new ticket. You are not allowed to travel outside Bergisch Gladbach.

For your return journey you must buy a new ticket (or stamp another side of your 4er ticket).

You want to travel from Kürten to Cologne

Get on the bus, show your MobilPass, ask for a 4er ticket, and tell the driver that you want to go to

Cologne. The driver will sell you a 4er ticket

MobilPass for €10.60 to Cologne. You stamp one side of your 4er ticket.

In Bergisch Gladbach you get into the train and travel to Cologne. You do not need to stamp your 4er ticket again.

For your return journey, you must buy a new ticket (or stamp a new side of your 4er ticket).

More information

VRS German:

• VRS English:

• MobilPass:

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