BYU Placement / Level Testing Web-based Examination Department of Modern Languages This form is an authorization for a student to take one of the BYU Placement / Level Testing web-based examinations, so that the personnel of the Plaza Computer Lab (Plaza 307) know to allow the student to have access to an exam. Name of Student: _________________________________________________________ Examination to be taken: ______ French ______ German ______ Spanish Reason for Examination: ______ Placement into language courses ______ Placement into study abroad ______ Make-up of a missed session of Level Testing for a class ______ Senior level achievement ______ Other Faculty Member: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Faculty Member’s email address: ______________________________________ (This will allow the Faculty Member to receive the student’s score, if entered.) Note: The examinations are not timed, but the student must inform the Lab personnel when finished. No materials such as dictionaries or websites may be used during the examination. The student can receive the BYU test score directly by entering an email address into the start page of the examination.