LAW 4177: Introduction to Family Law

LAW 4177: Introduction to Family Law
An opportunity to gain valuable experience in Family Law practice is available as part of the
assessment for the unit Introduction to Family Law (LAW 4177) in summer semester,
Option One
50% - Examination (open book) – 1 hour writing time plus 10 minutes reading and
noting time.
50% - Research Assignment (2,500 words).
Option Two
50% - Examination (open book) –1 hour writing time plus 10 minutes reading and
noting time.
50% - Participation in the Family Law Assistance Program (25%) with a written
Research Assignment (1,250 words) (25%).
Those students who elect Option Two will attend placement sessions at the Family Law
Assistance Program (FLAP) office located at Monash-Oakleigh Legal Service and depending
on whether Court is in session, a session at the Federal Circuit Court at Dandenong.
Details regarding the number, format and the possible dates of the sessions are yet to be
determined. In addition to attending placement sessions participants are obliged to
complete a 1,250 words research assignment on an issue relating to the FLAP placement
If you are contemplating participating in the Family Law Assistance Program you
must enroll in this unit by no later than Friday 30 October. Students enrolled by 2
November will shortly thereafter receive full details regarding the program. If you enroll after
this date you will be obliged to complete Option One.