Course outline Code: CMN228 Title: Media Publishing: Law & Ethics Faculty of: Arts and Business School of: Communication and Creative Industries Teaching Session: Semester 1 Year: 2016 Course Coordinator: Jane Fynes-Clinton Email: Phone: 07 5456 5054 Office: K2.04A 1. What is this course about? 1.1 Course description New information technologies continually spawn legal risks and present ethical challenges to professional communicators. A legal mistake—even if accidental—could cost millions of dollars. This course centres on developing an essential understanding of the laws affecting professional communicators, including defamation, contempt, copyright and privacy. The ethical frameworks that guide best professional practice are also thoroughly explored and tested. An understanding of both the legal and ethical areas equips future professional communicators to work more expertly and confidently. 1.2 Course content 2. 12 units Australia’s legal system and its difference with other nations Contempt of court Ethics and their practical applications Defamation – definitions, defences and penalties Copyright and intellectual property Other legal perils for writers Unit value Page 2 Course Outline: CMN228 Media Publishing: Law & Ethics 3. How does this course contribute to my learning? Specific Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this course you should be able to: Research an ethical topic affecting communications professionals and orally present differing views on ethical considerations Explain the legal system elements, structures and parameters as they apply to writing. Discuss, reflect on and apply lessons of significant relevant cases and legislation Demonstrate how to produce professional products that are legally sound 4. Assessment Tasks Graduate Qualities You will be assessed on the learning outcome in task/s: Completing these tasks successfully will contribute to you becoming: 2 Ethical. Knowledgeable. 1 and 3 Creative and critical thinkers. Knowledgeable. 1, 2 and 3 Ethical. Knowledgeable. 3 Empowered. Knowledgeable. Am I eligible to enrol in this course? Refer to the Coursework Programs and Awards - Academic Policy for definitions of “pre-requisites, corequisites and anti-requisites” 4.1 Enrolment restrictions Nil 4.2 Pre-requisites Any 2 courses or enrolled in AR614 or AR541 or AR641 or AR841 or AR543 or AR643 or AR613 or AR505 or AR605 4.3 Co-requisites Nil 4.4 Anti-requisites CMN528 4.5 Specific assumed prior knowledge and skills N/A 5. How am I going to be assessed? 5.1 Grading scale Standard – High Distinction (HD), Distinction (DN), Credit (CR), Pass (PS), Fail (FL) Page 3 Course Outline: CMN228 Media Publishing: Law & Ethics 5.2 Assessment tasks Task No. Assessment Tasks 1 Class test 2 Oral Presentation 3 Final exam Individual or Group Weighting % Individual 20% Group 35% Individual 45% What is the duration / length? 5 questions When should I submit? Week 5 Where should I submit it? In tutorial 10 minutes, including questions 2 hours Weeks 11, 12 In tutorial Central examination period In exam venue 100% Assessment Task 1: Class test Goal: Product: Format: To reflect basic legal concepts Short answers Short-answer, in-class test, answering five questions from a choice of eight. Questions will be taken from course content up until week 5. Criteria The answers will be graded on the following: demonstrated understanding of relevant legal issues; correct selection of appropriate information; clarity of expression; demonstration of correct punctuation, spelling and grammar. Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level Information literacy Developing Communication Developing Assessment Task 2: Oral Presentation Goal: To enable you to demonstrate your understanding and apply ethics in communication professions. Product: Oral presentation Format: In pairs, you will give a presentation on an ethical scenario selected from a list. One mark will be given to the pair. You will reflect scholarly understanding and professional application. You will explore the background, consider contributing factors and deliver possible outcomes. As well as being assessed by your tutor, your presentation will be give feedback by other class members. You will also provide feedback to the other presenters. Criteria Organisation, content, presentation Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level Information literacy Developing Communication Developing Page 4 Course Outline: CMN228 Media Publishing: Law & Ethics Assessment Task 3: Final exam Goal: Product: Format: To demonstrate your understanding of the content explored in this course. Final exam The multiple-choice and short answer exam will be timetabled in the exam weeks at the end of semester. There will be 120 minutes to complete the exam. Questions will be drawn from all areas of the course. Criteria Each correct answer in the multiple choice section will be worth 1 per cent. Short answer questions will be weighted as specified on the exam paper. Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level Information literacy Developing 5.3 Additional assessment requirements ASSESSMENT GUIDE The first assessment item has a detailed assessment guide that will be available on Blackboard. Please read this guide carefully, as it will step you through what is required and provide you with appropriate checklists. REFERENCING You are required to use the Harvard system of referencing for this course. Links to referencing guides are available on Blackboard for this course at on the USC website: SafeAssign In order to minimise incidents of plagiarism and collusion, this course may require that some of its assessment tasks are submitted electronically via SafeAssign. This software allows for text comparisons to be made between your submitted assessment item and all other work that SafeAssign has access to. If required, details of how to submit via SafeAssign will be provided on the Blackboard site of the course. Eligibility for Supplementary Assessment Your eligibility for supplementary assessment in a course is dependent of the following conditions applying: a) The final mark is in the percentage range 47% to 49.4% b) The course is graded using the Standard Grading scale c) You have not failed an assessment task in the course due to academic misconduct 5.4 Submission penalties Late submission of assessment tasks will be penalised at the following maximum rate: 5% (of the assessment task’s identified value) per day for the first two days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task. 10% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the third day 20% (of the assessment task’s identified value) for the fourth day and subsequent days up to and including seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task. A result of zero is awarded for an assessment task submitted after seven days from the date identified as the due date for the assessment task. Weekdays and weekends are included in the calculation of days late. To request an extension you must contact your course coordinator to negotiate an outcome. Page 5 Course Outline: CMN228 Media Publishing: Law & Ethics 6. How is the course offered? 6.1 Directed study hours On campus lecture: 1 hour per week On campus tutorial: 2 hours per week * Suggested allocation of off-campus time: minimum 12 hours per week (to encompass activities including prescribed readings, formative assessment, research and summative assessment). 6.2 Teaching semester/session(s) offered Semester 1 Semester 2 6.3 Course activities There will be one lecture of one hour duration each week and one, two hour tutorial. Tutorials will be in a seminar format. You will be expected to participate in the visit to courts. Teaching Week / Module What key concepts/content will I learn? 1 Overview of the course. What is law? Australian and other systems. Basic legal principles. How the law works in Australia. Common and statute law. Criminal and Civil Law. Court hierarchies. Separation of powers, Principle of open justice. Double jeopardy. Freedom of speech. Role of juries. Natural justice. Restrictions and censorship. Juveniles, sex offences, Family Court, injunctions, writs and suppression orders. Unnatural justice: legal dangers for communications professionals. 2 3 4 Friday, 25th March Good Friday 5 6 What activities will I engage in to learn the concepts/content? Directed Study Independent Study Activities Activities Lecture As specified on Blackboard Lecture and tutorial. Discussion, debate and readings. As specified on Blackboard Lecture, tutorial Discussion, debate and readings. As specified on Blackboard Lecture and tutorial. Tutorial groups visit Maroochydore Courthouse*. (* This activity will depend on courts sitting on these dates and may need to be moved) Mid Semester Break Unnatural justice: perjury reporting. Lecture and tutorial. Discussion, debate and in-class test. Freedom of Information/Right to Lecture and tutorial. Information/Privacy legislation and Discussion, debate issues around these laws. and readings. As specified on Blackboard As specified on Blackboard As specified on Blackboard Page 6 Course Outline: CMN228 Media Publishing: Law & Ethics Teaching Week / Module What key concepts/content will I learn? 7 Defamation part 1 8 Monday, 25th April ANZAC Day Public Holiday 9 Monday, 2nd May Labour Day Public Holiday 10 Defamation part 2 What activities will I engage in to learn the concepts/content? Directed Study Independent Study Activities Activities Lecture and tutorial. Discussion, debate and readings. Lecture and tutorial. Discussion, debate and readings. As specified on Blackboard Lecture and tutorial. Discussion, debate and readings. As specified on Blackboard Lecture and tutorial. Discussion, debate and readings. 11 Concept and effect of intellectual Lecture and tutorial. property laws Oral presentations in tutorials. 12 Other legal perils for writers and Lecture and tutorial. communications professionals Oral presentations in tutorials. 13 Revision and evaluation Tutorial, revision and exam familiarisation Study Period Central Examination Period End of Semester Break Please note that the course activities may be subject to variation. As specified on Blackboard Ethics part 1 Ethics part 2 7. What resources do I need to undertake this course? 7.1 Prescribed text(s) As specified on Blackboard As specified on Blackboard As specified on Blackboard Please note there are no required texts for this course. Please see Blackboard for specified readings. 7.2 Required and recommended readings Please note that the previous textbook for this course by Pearson & Polden was recently updated. An older version may be in the library’s Reserve Collection. If you are a journalism student, you may opt to purchase the new version instead of the prescribed text, as it would be a useful addition to your own professional library. Students wishing to purchase a copy of the latest edition may do so through the Co-op Bookshop. Author Pearson, M and Polden, M Year 2014, 5th edition Title The Journalist’s Guide to Media Law Publisher Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW. Page 7 Course Outline: CMN228 Media Publishing: Law & Ethics Any further required and recommended readings will be found for this course on its Blackboard site. These materials/readings will assist you in preparing for tutorials and assignments, and will provide further information regarding particular aspects of your course. 7.3 Specific requirements N/A 7.4 Risk management There is minimal health and safety risk in this course. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the Health and Safety policies and procedures applicable within campus areas. 8. How can I obtain help with my studies? In the first instance you should contact your tutor, then the Course Coordinator. Student Life and Learning provides additional assistance to all students through Peer Advisors and Academic Skills Advisors. You can drop in or book an appointment. To book: Tel: +61 7 5430 1226 or Email: 9. Links to relevant University policies and procedures For more information on Academic Learning & Teaching categories including: Assessment: Courses and Coursework Programs Review of Assessment and Final Grades Supplementary Assessment Administration of Central Examinations Deferred Examinations Student Academic Misconduct Students with a Disability 10. Faculty specific information LOCATING JOURNAL ARTICLES If you have been notified that the journal articles in this course are available on e-reserve, use the on-line library catalogue to find them. For journal articles not on e-reserve, click on the "Journals and Newspapers" link on the Library Homepage. Enter the journal title e.g. History Australia, then search for the volume and issue or keyword as needed. ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEETS The Faculty of Arts and Business assignment cover sheet can be found on Blackboard or on the USC Portal at: Faculty of Arts and Business (Students) > Forms. It must be completed in full identifying student name, assignment topic, tutor and tutorial time. This must be attached securely to the front of each assessment item prior to submission. Claims of loss of assignments will not be considered unless supported by a receipt. HELP: If you are experiencing problems with your studies or academic work, consult your tutor in the first instance or the Course Coordinator as quickly as possible. DIFFICULTIES: If you are experiencing difficulties relating to teaching and assessment you should approach your tutor in the first instance. If not satisfied after that you should approach in order your Course Coordinator, Program Coordinator then Head of School. Page 8 Course Outline: CMN228 Media Publishing: Law & Ethics General enquiries and student support Student Central - Building C Tel: +61 7 5430 2890 Fax: +61 7 5430 2882 Email: