Methodist University Greek Council Bylaws

Methodist University Greek Council Bylaws
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Greek Council of Methodist University and may be referred to as The
Greek Council.
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of the Greek Council of Methodist University shall be:
• In accordance with the philosophy of engaged learning, foster a policy of student led, student-run selfgovernance and regulations of the Greek Letter Organizations which are members of the Greek Council
of Methodist University.
• To promote a spirit of communications and cooperation among the Greek Letter Organizations members
of the Greek Council of Methodist University.
• To provide a forum where student members and chapter advisors may share opinions, air grievances,
and issue suggestions for policy changes within the Greek system.
• To foster an environment of mutual cooperation and growth of the Greek system and Greek Life within
the Methodist University community.
• To facilitate communication between the Greek system and Methodist University as a whole.
• To provide a direct and convenient path for the Greek system to present a unified voice offering advice
and recommendations to the Methodist University administrators regarding policies affecting Greek life.
• To mediate and facilitate conflict resolution between individuals and chapters within the Methodist
University Greek System
Article III. Membership
Member organizations of the Greek Council of Methodist University are those who meet the requirements for
membership and have been recognized, through a vote, by other member organizations
Section I. Establishing a Greek Letter Organization
Any Greek Letter Organization wanting to establish on Methodist University must abide by Greek Council
Bylaws and meet the following requirements:
• Must notify the Director of Greek Life in writing and Vice President of Student Affairs in writing of
group’s intent.
• Must notify Greek Council of intent of new organization.
• Have written support of the Inter/National Organization. Representatives from the Inter/National
organization will be invited to make a presentation to the Greek Council and community as a whole.
• The Greek Council will then follow voting procedures to approve or reject organization. Must have
majority vote to continue interest group.
• Must have an established advisory board or a faculty/staff advisor to group of intent.
In the event of the interest group being a part of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), the NPC
organizations may only be allowed to vote on allowing the new NPC organization to colonize in Methodist
Section II. Good Standing of a Greek Letter Organization
• Maintain a chapter grade point average congruent with the academic standards of their respective
• Attend all Greek Council and Governing Board meetings
• Attend Greek Council and Greek Life events as mandated by vote of the Council or University
Maintain accurate chapter rosters. Any changes to chapter rosters must be made at the start of each
semester by the deadline designated by the Council. Changes made at other times of the semester should
be made in writing within 10 business days to the Office of Greek Life.
Updated grade release, bid-card, and anti-hazing agreement within 10 business day to the Office of
Greek Life.
Adhere to all University policies and procedures as well as all Inter/National policies and procedures
Update officer contact information each within five (5) business days at the start of the semester and/or
within two (2) business days following mid-semester officer changes.
Schedule and attend chapter presidents meetings with the Director of Greek Life or designee a minimum
of twice per semester
Section III: Member Organizations Attendance Requirements
Greek Council hosted events may include, but are not limited to the following: Greek Life training,
Philanthropy Day, or Greek Speak. Attendance for each Greek Letter Organization must be fifty percent (50%)
or more of that organization’s current membership. If an organization fails to meet this minimum requirement
for four (4) or more mandatory events, the organization will have a mandatory mediation or formal Greek
Council Judicial Board hearing to determine appropriate sanctions.
Article IV. Greek Council Officers
The Greek Council must elect a Greek Council President, Vice President, Secretary, and Judicial Chair. These
positions will last for one academic year.
Section I. Officers
• President:
o Acts as the primary representative for the Greek Council and oversees the Greek Council’s daily
o Communicate regularly with the Greek Council/Life advisor.
o Attend all Greek Council/Life sponsored events.
Vice President:
o Acts as the secondary representative for Greek Council and temporarily acts as the President in
his/her absence.
o Chairs all special activity committees sponsored by Greek Council/Life (i.e. Greek Week, Greek
Awards, etc.)
o Perform all other as duties assigned by the Greek Council Advisor.
o Attend all Greek Council/Life sponsored events.
o Record keeper of the Greek Council and is responsible for recording the minutes for each
o Keeps in contact between the Greek Council members for upcoming events and meetings.
o Distributes the Greek Council minutes within forty-eight (48) hours of meeting.
o Keeps an up-to-date roll of members attending Greek Council.
o Attend all Greek Council/Life sponsored events.
Judicial Chair:
o Ensures each member organization abides by current Greek Council/Life Bylaws.
o Serves as the Chair of the Greek Council Judicial Board.
o Coordinates annual review of Council governing documents.
o Attend all Greek Council/Life sponsored events.
Section II. Eligibility
Nominees must meet all requirements in order to run for Greek Council Office:
• Have active membership status and in good standing with their organization; in accordance with the
organizations bylaws and code of conduct
• Must be in good standing with Methodist University. Cannot have any pending Student Government
• Meet the minimum Grade Point Average Requirement of 2.5, set by the Office of Greek Life.
• Must attend no less than fifty percent (50%) of all regularly scheduled meetings.
Section III. Nomination Procedure
1- A list will be compiled of Greek Council members who are eligible to be nominated for a Greek Council
office. The list will be announced at Greek Council and distributed to representatives
2- If a Greek Council Member wants to run for an office, he/she must complete an Officer intent
application to be turned in to the Office of Greek Life.
3- Each delegate will then takes nominations from chapter and announce who they nominate at the next
Greek council. The candidate will also give a speech on why they want the office and answer questions
from Greek Council members.
4- Once the nomination slate is confirmed, the following Greek Council each organization will then vote
on each office.
a. In case of a tie, the Greek Council officers will make the final decision.
a) Nomination Limitations
Nominee with the intent to graduate before the term of office is over may not run for any
Nominee is ineligible if he/she has summer internship that continues into the Fall semester
Section IV. Term of Office
Each position will last for one (1) academic school year or until their successors are selected. The term will
begin at the beginning at the conclusion of officer elections and end at the conclusion of elections.
Section V. Removal from Office
Any member of Greek Council may make a motion to impeach an officer on conditions such as:
• lack of attendance
• failure to fulfill job requirements
• lack of responsibility in office
• poor conduct among inter-Greek relations
• and/or any other issue pertaining to the upholding of the duties of that office
Any member making such a motion must provide proof and documentation of the violation. Any motion to
impeach an officer must be seconded, proceeded by a discussion among the Greek Council members. The
motion will be tabled until the following Greek Council meeting. There must be a unanimous vote by the voting
members of each organization to impeach.
Section VI. Vacancies in Office
In the event of an officer vacating a position, a nomination and election process will take place in order to fill
the newly opened position for the remainder of the term. In the event of the President leaving the position, the
Vice President will take office and the Vice President office will be nominated and voted on being tabled until
the following week.
Section VII. Committees
A- Greek Council Judicial Board: The purpose of the Greek Council Judicial Board will be to hear incidents
involving fraternity and/or sorority chapter activities. Individual members will be adjudicated through their
respective chapters' judicial processes and/or the University’s Student Honor Court system.
B- Other Committees: The Greek Council President may choose to form temporary committees to ensure
special events held by Greek Life runs smoothly. Committees will be chaired by the Greek Council Vice
President unless otherwise assigned. Committees will consist of one designated member from each
organization. These special events include Greek Week, Greek Awards Banquet, Recruitment, etc.
Section VII. Elections and Appointments
Election process will begin the third week of March and conclude with voting in the second week of April.
Delegated members to Greek Council Judicial Board will be chosen after the conclusion of officer voting.
Article V. Representation
Each member organization will select one representative to the Greek Council. Each representative must be a
current student of Methodist University and an active member of a Greek Letter Organization.
Section I. Lack of Representation
If a Greek Council representative is unable to attend a Greek Council meeting, he/she must inform the Judicial
Chair of reason of absence and select a temporary substitute from the active student members of his/her
organization to represent and cast votes for their organization.
• If no student representative is present for the meeting, the organization forfeits the right to vote on any
business called to vote during the meeting. An organization Chapter Advisor or Greek Council Officers
cannot function as a proxy for the organization representative and, therefore, may not vote on behalf of
their organization.
• If no student attends a Greek Council meeting to represent a member organization for three (3) or more
meetings a semester, then the Greek Council Judicial Board may impose sanctions against that
organization. An excused absence can be considered as mandatory organizational events, an academic
function, illness, or emergency. All other circumstances are unexcused.
Section II. Chapter Advisor
If desired, a Greek Letter Organization advisor may attend a Greek Council meeting but will not act as the
organizations representative.
Section III. Greek Council Advisor
The role of the Faculty/Staff Advisor to the Greek Council is to offer guidance and serve as a liaison to the Vice
President of Student Affairs. The Faculty/Staff Advisor may address the Greek Council but does not have a
vote. If the advisor is unable to attend a meeting, they are able to appoint a representative to stand in their place.
Article VI. Meetings
Meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Meetings are open only to currently enrolled
students who are active members of the Greek Letter Organizations, chapter advisors, and/or invited guests of
the Greek Council or its member organizations.
Section I. Regular Meetings
The Greek Council shall meet weekly on a regularly scheduled agreed upon day and time. The regular meeting
time will only be altered under special circumstances in advance. All reports should be sent to the Greek
Council Secretary prior to the meeting.
The Greek Council President and/or the Greek Life Advisor may call an emergency meeting of the Greek
Council if needed. At least 24 hours in advance, an agenda will be sent to all Greek Council members via the
Section II. Meeting Recognition
Any active student member of a Greek Council member organization may be recognized by the Greek Council
President to address and/or propose business for the Greek Council. A notification should be sent to the
President and the Faculty/Staff Advisor to Greek Council 48 hours before the meeting takes place. The member
must also have the approval from the President of their member organization before discussion of business may
take place. This member must come prepared with a written report including all information to be presented at
the meeting. In the event of lengthy debate, a Greek Council member may move to limit the debate to two (2) to
three (3) minutes per person or to table the debate to be continued in the following meeting. If the new business
requires a vote, the guidelines for voting will be followed.
Article VII. Voting
Each member organization representative may cast one ballot during a vote. Consequently, each member
organization has only one vote for each issue brought to the Greek Council of Methodist University. Any new
business must be tabled to the next meeting before being voted on during the following meeting. Any vote
resulting in a tie may be called for one (1) revote after discussion. Any revote (or waiving of the revote) that
results in a tie will be determined by the single vote of the Greek Council Officers.
Items to be tabled for proper voting:
• Recruitment
• Changes to Governing Documents
• Awards
• Officer Changes
• Accepting member organizations
Section I: Voting procedures
To ensure each organization is fully informed of new business at Greek council and has equal voice and vote,
the following voting procedures will be followed in the event of business items need vote.
b- Full discussion will be held on item during Greek council (see Article VII. Meetings, Section II.
Meeting Recognition for procedure to address new business). Business will be tabled until the next
Greek Council.
c- Delegate will then follow their organizations policy on voting to accept or reject the item.
d- One (1) week following each organization voting on item, each delegate will then vote at Greek Council.
e- All new items must have a majority vote of Greek Council to be approved. If an organization chooses to
abstain from voting, the item still must get majority vote from voting organizations.
f- Any vote resulting in a tie may be called for one (1) revote after discussion. Any revote (or waiving of
the revote) that results in a tie will be determined by the single vote of the Greek Council Officers.
Article VIII. Recruitment
Obtaining quality new members is vital for each organizations success and longevity at Methodist University.
Each semester Greek Council will set two weeks (14 days) for each organization to recruit new members. The
first week will consist of tabling and posting flyers in any public area on campus (Berns Student Center, Court
yard, Class buildings, etc.). The second week will consist of each organization putting on planned events to
meet with potential new members in their designated area (Chapter house, Chris’ House, Alumni Dining Hall,
Cape Fear Commons living area, etc.) The following are guidelines each member and organization must abide
by. Failure to comply may result in a Judicial Hearing with Greek Council.
Section I: Recruitment Policies
All Greek Life Organizations must adhere to all campus policies as outlined in the Student Handbook.
There will be a zero tolerance for hazing whether during or outside of recruitment.
Recruitment of new members may not take place on Methodist University Campus during the summer
and winter breaks.
At the opening of Recruitment until midnight of Bid Day, there shall be only same-gender recruitment
parties. Using another Fraternity/Sorority to recruit new members is not permitted.
Once organizations recruiting events for the night is over; no organization may have any Potential New
Member remain in their designated area.
Tabling in class buildings must not disturb instruction happening at any time.
No organization my post flyers, chalking, or sheet signs with recruitment event information are to be
posted during new student move-in days.
Each organization will be responsible for the removal of advertisements one (1) week after the
conclusion of the scheduled formal recruitment.
No Greek Life member will partake in consumption or participation of alcohol during any recruitment or
bid day event with any potential new member during the week of recruitment. This includes any game
associated with alcohol.
No recruitment event may take place at any establishment that provides alcohol. Any exceptions must be
approved by Director of Greek Life two (2) weeks before the event.
Once a Potential New Member, male or female, has accepted bid into a Greek Letter Organization,
he/she cannot be considered an associate member for one (1) year to another organization.
No member of a Greek Life Organization will participate in or tampering with another organization’s
flyers, vandalism, or bad mouthing other organizations.
Section II: Continuous Open Recruitment
There will be a set week for Recruitment as decided upon by the Greek Council. However, individual chapters
may organize smaller continuous open recruitment events as needed in addition to the unified Recruitment
week. The Greek Life Organization may also advertise for continuous open recruitment events, as needed, year
Section III: Exceptions to Formal Recruitment
Organizations that gain associate members through a referral process to obtain new members are not obligated
to recruit during the set dates by Greek Council, but the organization must abide by the rules set in bylaws.
Also, if an organizations Inter/National bylaws allow recruitment of new members during non-school days, that
organization must inform Director of Greek Life and follow all recruitment rules.
Section IV. Violation of Recruitment
An organization may be in violation of Recruitment policies if the organization or members violate any standard
listed in Recruitment Policies and Procedures manual. Organizations that are accused of violating recruitment
policies may be subject to a Greek Council Judicial Board Hearing. All sanctions will be assessed upon the
severity of offence.
Section V. Violation of Bid
Any Methodist University student who accepts a bid from a Greek Letter Organization gaining the status of
associate membership then leave organization before gaining full membership, must wait one school calendar
year to become eligible to join another organization.
Section VI. Violation of Membership
Any Greek Letter Organization member who, in fact, becomes an active member of any Inter/National Greek
Letter Organization, under no circumstances, can be accepted as a member of any other Greek Letter
Article IX. Relationship to the University
Section I. Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the Greek Council of Methodist University to establish and enforce policies that
regulate activities and events that include or involve all member organizations. Such activities and events may
include, but are not limited to: recruitment, bid days, and limitations to associate members of classes,
establishing dress and letter days, Greek Speak, Greek Week, etc.
Section II. Judicial Policy
Adjudication is the responsibility of the Greek Council for all Greek issues not regulated to the Methodist
University Student Government. Greek Council reserves the right to file a report with Student Government
against any Organization or its members who violate any Methodist Universities policies.
Section III. Greek Life Conflicts
The Greek Council of Methodist University shall institute no policies or actions that conflict with the rules and
regulations established by the national or local charters for member organizations.
Section IV. Methodist University Conflicts
The Greek Council of Methodist University shall similarly institute no policies or actions that conflict with
policies, regulations, and starts of behavior of Methodist University. Adjudication for infractions by individuals
or member organizations of Methodist University’s Honor Code or Student Code of Conduct will be the
responsibility of the appropriate Student Conduct Officer and the Vice President of Student Affairs and/or the
Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Article X. Greek Council Judicial Board
Section I: Composition
The Greek Council Judicial Board shall consist of the Judicial Chair as chairman along with delegated members
from each organization. These delegated members are not to be the regular voting members in Greek Council
meetings or Chapter Presidents. The chairman will assign another Greek Council Officer to assume the duties
and responsibilities of the chairman in cases where the chairman must be recused because of conflict of interest.
In case of a tie, the chairman will cast the deciding vote.
a- The Faculty/Staff advisor of Greek Council must be present at judicial meetings. He/She will have a
voice but will not have a vote.
Section II: Criteria for Board Membership
Each appointed Board member must:
- Be in good standing at Methodist University
- Be in good standing with his or her individual fraternity or sorority
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
- Not be graduating before the one year term expires
- Not the president of a fraternity or sorority
- Not the voting delegate of a fraternity or sorority
Section III: Jurisdiction
The Greek Council Judicial Board will hear incidents involving fraternity and/or sorority chapter activities.
Individual members will be adjudicated through their respective chapters' judicial processes and/or the
University’s Student Honor Court system.
Specifically, the jurisdiction of the Greek Council Judicial Board shall be to hear the following related cases:
- Violations of the Greek Council Bylaws
- Violations of the Recruitment Rules
- Lack of representation at Greek Council Business Meetings
- Lack of Organization involvement in Greek Life events
Other issues that may not warrant a formal hearing, but may be considered for mediation by Board members
- Incidents involving defacing or decorating private or public property
- Noise complaints
- Inter-Greek disputes or acts of violence
- Other issues voted upon collectively or separately by the IFC or Panhellenic Councils
Section IV. Reporting Conflicts
Greek Council Violation Report must be submitted to Greek Council Judicial Board within thirty (30) calendar
days of the alleged violation. Reports may only be filed by the following people: Chapter President,
Fraternity/Sorority Advisor, Greek Life Advisor, or Greek Council Officer. The report will be reviewed by the
Judicial Chair along with the Greek Council Advisor and a formal mediation or hearing will be called.
‐ Reports submitted by a regular member of a Greek Letter Organization will not be recognized as a
violation. If regular member goes above chain of command for violating reports, said member will have
a mandatory mediation session with the Greek Council Advisor and Greek Council Officers to discuss
his/her concerns. Vendettas or conflicts between members in organizations are not valid concerns and
should be personally dealt with.
Section V: Greek Council Judicial Board Hearing Procedure
• The Greek Council Judicial Board Hearing will be considered a special meeting and delegates from each
organization will be notified of time and location. The hearing will consist of Judicial Chair, delegates
from each member organization, and Greek Council Advisor.
• Accused parties will be sent notification of report filed along with time and location of hearing.
• Both parties will first be given the option of mediation, but if mediation is rejected a formal hearing will
take place.
• The chapter president or their designee, accused member, and one chapter advisor shall represent each
chapter involved.
• Chapters involved in a hearing have the right to consult with a representative from their Inter/national
• Organizations may bring witnesses and witnesses will be called one at a time and may remain in the
hearing room only during their testimony.
• Following the completion of the hearing, the Greek Council Judicial Board members hearing the case
and the Greek Life advisor will go into executive session for deliberations.
• Deliberations are confidential and comments are not to be reported outside of the room, with the
exception of the official written decision recorded and the official oral statement given by the Judicial
Chair to the parties.
• Written minutes will be taken by a selected delegate at the time of the Greek Council Judicial Board
• Penalties will be assessed to fit the nature and degree of the offense.
• Organizations will have the chance to appeal penalties within one week of the decision.
• All documents associated with an investigation or Greek Council Judicial Board hearing shall be kept by
the Judicial Chair in a locked file cabinet in the Greek Life office for a period of three years.
Organizations involved will also keep a copy of the hearing minutes and the decision in their files.
Section VI. Privacy
All information revealed in cases before the Board or discovered in the investigative process must remain
within the confines of the Board. Any Greek Council Judicial Board member who reveals any information will
be removed from their position will have appropriate sanctions placed on them.
Section VII: Sanctions
Section A: Guiding Principles
In determining an appropriate sanctioning package, the board shall have available a broad range of
sanctions which may be imposed alone or in combination so as to do justice in the particular case.
Relevant factors may be:
1. The nature and gravity of the violation(s);
2. The harm or risk of harm to members of the University community or others;
3. Any relevant recurrent patterns of misconduct;
4. Any opportunity to deter the organization or other organizations from committing the same or other
violations in the future;
5. The importance of equitable treatment for similar violations and a perpetual awareness of precedent;
6. The opportunity for organizational development and education, including fostering a sense of
responsibility for actions.
Section VIII: Assignment of Sanctions
For the sake of fairness, sanctions will be levied on a per-incident basis to provide appropriate sanctions for
violations that will reflect the concerns of all organizations equally.
Section IX: Possible Sanction
*For clarification, the sanctions hereunder in no way limit the scope of sanctions accessible to the Board, nor do
they establish a regimented protocol for sanctioning. Sanctioning occurs on a case-by-case, with due
consideration of the relevant factors set forth above and the evidence of the case.
1. Status of the Chapter
a. Recommendation that the chapter be placed on University probation. (This would include
specific requirements that a chapter would be expected to complete during the period of
probation. This would include the stipulation that any subsequent violations during the period of
probation could results in a request for withdrawal of the group’s charter).
b. Recommendation to the University that the group’s recognition be suspended or withdrawn.
2. Notification of the Appropriate Groups
a. Notification of the chapter’s alumni board.
b. Require the individual(s)/chapter to write a letter of explanation to their National
Headquarters/ and or Area Officers
c. Letter of apology to group(s) affected by the incident.
3. Revocation of Privileges
a. Chapter ineligible to receive Greek Life recognition and awards.
b. Revocation of social privileges for a specified amount of time. Social privileges are defined as
events held in conjunction with other chapters or events hosted or sponsored by the organization.
Groups that have had their social privileges revoked must consult the Judicial Chair and Greek
Council Advisor in the beginning stages before planning any future. (ie a potential philanthropy
c. Deferred Probation: If the chapter is found in violation of any similar or more severe policies
during the time of Deferred Probation, the Social Probation takes effect immediately without
further review. An additional hearing may be required regarding the new policy violation.
Additional sanctions appropriate to the new violation may be taken as a result of this hearing.
d. Suspension of an entire chapter from intramural participation for a specific period of time.
e. Other restrictions on group activities and privileges for a specified period of time as may be
4. Educational Programs
a. The Chapter (or groups of Chapter members) could be required to organize and present an
applicable education program of their chapter for the Greek community.
b. Mandatory attendance at educational sessions, seminars, classes related to the incident to be
paid by individuals involved.
5. Monetary Fines
a. Monetary fines.
b. Financial restitution for damages caused.
6. Community Service
a. Service hours for an entire organization.
b. Service related to the Greek Greek Council Judicial Board violation.
7. Combination of the above or Sanctions Outside of this Listing as seen fit or determined by the
Board on a case-by-case basis.
Section X: Failure to Comply
1. Failure to comply with the sanctions set forth by the Greek Council Judicial Board will
automatically result in a second hearing with the Greek Council Judicial Board.
2. All communication regarding the hearing process, including questions about sanctions, must be
handled through the Greek Council Judicial Chair or through the Greek Council Advisor during prior
to the hearing. Representatives of the organization who contact individual board members may be
further sanctioned.
Section XI: Appeals
All appeals must be submitted, in writing, within fourteen (14) days of notification of the outcome of the
hearing. Appeals will be granted by the Greek Council Judicial Chair at the discretion of the Director of Greek
Life and may only be made on the grounds of:
1. Unfair or disproportionate sanctions (as relate to both the severity and scope of the violation(s))
2. Misinterpretation of regulations or policies
3. New or Important evidence
If an appeal is granted, the accused will have a mediation session with the Director of Greek Life and the Greek
Council Judicial Chair to discuss possible removal of sanctions or lessen penalties.
Section XII: Removal of Board Members
Board members found in violation of the University's Code of Student Conduct or Greek Council Bylaws will
be asked to resign by the Judicial Chair. If the member declines, he or she can be removed by a three-fourths
vote of the entire Board. A Judicial Board member’s absence from more than two (2) mandatory Board
meetings without previous approval of a Judicial Board Chair will be considered grounds for a recommendation
of resignation.
Article XI. Amendments
Sections I. Amending the By-Laws
Amendments to the Greek Council of Methodist University By-Laws may be instituted after passing with
majority vote by the voting members of Greek Council. Such amendments will be listed on the constitutions in
numerical order including the entire explanation of the amendment with its date of inception.