Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC

Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC
U.S. Data Watch
Forecast: November 3 to 14
ISM (10am, October)
Ted Wieseman (212) 761-3407, Economist
ADP Survey (8:15am,
MS Forecast: 281,000
(8:30am, October)
Treasury Quarterly Refunding
Announcement (8:30am)
Challenger Survey (7:30am,
Fed buys up to $0.75 bil. of 30Year Ginnie 3.5’s and 4’s
Fed buys up to $0.55 bil. of 15Year Fannie and Freddie 2.5’s
and 3’s (2:30pm)
ISM Nonmanufacturing (10am,
LABOR COSTS (8:30am, Q3)
Fed buys up to $0.875 bil. of
30-Year Ginnie 3’s, 3.5’s, and
4’s (11:45am)
Fed buys up to $1.3 bil. of 30Year Fannie and Freddie 3.5’s
and 4’s (11:45am)
NFIB Survey (7:30am,
JOLTS (10am, September)*
Fed buys up to $1.425 bil. of
30-Year Fannie and Freddie
3’s, 3.5’s, and 4’s (11:45am)
Auction 3-Year Treasury Note
Announce 10-Year TIPS
Wholesale Trade (10am,
Auction 10-Year Treasury Note
Auction 30-Year Treasury
Bond (1pm)
Treasury Budget (2pm,
Consumer Credit (3pm,
Import/Export Prices (8:30am,
University of Michigan
Consumer Confidence (9:55am,
Business Inventories (10am,
*Items due for release, but not included in the forecast at this time.
MS Forecast
ISM Index
56.0 %
The average of the five regional Fed manufacturing surveys and the Chicago PMI on an ISM-comparable basis
was little changed at a strong 56.0 we calculate, pointing to not much change in the ISM after the pullback
from a nearly ten-year high of 59.0 in August, boosted by a July spike to a twelve-year high in auto
assemblies, to 56.6 in September.
Construction Spending
+ 0.8%
Stronger homebuilding activity, as housing starts rebounded 6%, should boost construction activity, although
the concentration of the gain in starts in multi-family units provides less upside per unit than if creditrestrained single-family activity were doing better.
Motor Vehicle Sales
million units
Our AlphaWise team’s primary data (US Economics/AlphaWise Macro: US Autos Tracker - Primary Data
Suggests October Auto SAAR At 16.35M (27 Oct 2014)) and industry surveys points to little change in motor
vehicle sales in October after they pulled back 6% in September to 16.3 million after rising 6% in August to an
eight-year high of 17.4 million
_ $41.1 bil.
Trade Balance
Goods and Services, BOP basis
We look for the trade deficit to widen $1 billion after falling to a seven-month low in August, with exports
expected to be down 0.1% and imports up 0.3%. On the import side, lower prices should send petroleum
product imports to a six-year low, but port data pointed to upside in non-energy goods imports. Lower
commodity prices will also be a headwind for nominal exports, and we look for pullbacks after some unusually
large gains in specific categories last month, notably telecom equipment and jewelry. BEA assumed a $2
billion narrowing to $38.1 billion in estimating a larger than expected 1.3pp boost from net exports to Q3 GDP
growth, so our forecast would be consistent with a slight downward revision to Q3 growth.
Factory Orders
Durable goods orders fell 1.3%, with the key core gauge, nondefense capital goods ex aircraft, down 1.7%,
and lower energy prices should lead to soft nondurable goods orders also.
Productivity and Costs
Unit Labor Costs
– 0.7 %
+ 1.2%
– 0.4%
Nonfarm business value added rose 4.3% in Q3, stronger than the 3.5% rise in overall GDP, but the bulk of the
upside reflected more labor input rather than higher labor productivity, with private sector payroll hours
worked rising 2.8% and self-employment up solidly. We look for productivity to rise 1.2% in the quarter,
which would leave it up only 0.6% year/year. We estimate compensation per hour growth at less than 1%
(which would still leave it up nearly 3% year/year), so unit labor costs should be down slightly even with
sluggish productivity growth. On a year/year basis, that would leave ULC running near +2%.
For important disclosures, refer to the Disclosures Section, located at the end of this report.
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC
Employment Situation
Nonfarm Payrolls
Unemployment Rate
Avg Hourly Earnings
Avg Workweek
Retail Sales
Ex Autos
+ 235,000
5.9 %
+ 0.2 %
34.6 hrs
+ 0.1 %
+ 0.1 %
+ 0.4 %
The 4-week average of initial jobless claims plunged to 281,250 in the survey week for the October
employment report, an all-time low as a share of covered employment, from 299,750 in the September survey
week, indicating the pace of private sector firings has fallen to historically low levels, and consumer views of
job finding prospects remained near a six-year high in the Conference Board survey. On the hiring side of
gross job flows, business surveys have remained positive, but there have been some recent indications of more
caution that may have been added to by recent market volatility amid rising worries about slower global
growth. So we look for a slightly lower pace of new hiring to be an offset to lower job cuts, leaving payrolls
growing a bit less than the 248,000 gain in September, but marginally above the 227,000 year-to-date average.
Announced holiday hiring plans from retail and package delivery companies have been quite strong, and that
should start to come through this month. The gain in jobs we’re looking for combined with a stable labor
force participation rate would leave the unemployment rate just rounding up to an unchanged 5.9%.
Our preliminary estimate assumes flat auto sales and builds in a sharp decline in gas station sales as gas prices
plunged, weighing on overall and ex auto sales in nominal terms. After the soft results in September, however,
our AlphaWise team saw positive indications for ex autos and gas sales in the first part of October (US
Economics/AlphaWise Macro: Morgan Stanley ARIA - US Private Sector Yet to Panic (27 Oct 2014)). We
also expect to see further support from IPhone sales, after electronics and appliance store sales rose strongly in
September, but sales at internet-only retailers were actually unusually weak.
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