TheAuk 114(3):443-455,1997 LANDSCAPE MODIFICATION AND PATCH SELECTION: THE DEMOGRAPHY OF TWO SECONDARY CAVITY NESTERS COLONIZING CLEARCUTS RACHEL E HOLT TM AND KATHY MARTIN 2'3 •Divisionof LifeSciences, Universityof Toronto, Toronto, OntarioM5S 1A1, Canada; 2Centre for AppliedConservation Biology, Universityof BritishColumbia, Vancouver, British ColumbiaV6T 1Z4, Canada;and 3Canadian WildlifeService,Delta,BritishColumbiaV4K 3Y3, Canada ABSTRACT .--Currentforestrypractices radicallymodifyhabitat,particularlybyincreasing the frequencyof earlyseralstages.Weexaminedthedemography of two secondary cavity nesters, theMountainBluebird(Sialiacurrucoides) andtheTreeSwallow(Tachycineta bicolor), with respectto landscape changes. Thestudyareacontained a mosaicof clearcuts ranging from 3 to 27 yearsin age.The initial distributionof both specieswasunevenwith respect to patchage.Experimental additionof nestboxes:(1) increased thenumberof nestingpairs of bothspecies, and (2) expandedtheagerangeof occupied patches. Nest-site availability wastheprimarylimitingfactorin youngpatches, but vegetation structurewasincreasingly importantin determiningoccupation in olderpatches. MountainBluebirdpatchoccupation andTreeSwallowdensitywerebestpredictedby theproportionof trees1 to 3 m in height. Althoughsomepatchescontainedmultiplepairsof MountainBluebirds in naturalcavities, experimental patchestypicallycontainedno morethanonepair,eventhoughexcess nest boxeswere available.The presenceof nonbreedingfloaterswas an indicationof nest-site limitationandsuggested thatMountainBluebirds sometimes deferbreeding attempts rather than nestcloseto conspecifics. At low densities,Tree Swallowsalsowere over-dispersed, but pairs saturatedavailablenestboxesas densityincreased.Clutchsize and numberof chicks fledgedfromsuccessful nestsdidnotvarywithpatchageforeitherspecies, although swallowsinitiatedclutches later in youngercomparedwith olderpatches.Nestpredation variedconsistently with patchage;meannestpredationfor bothspecies was86%(n = 30 pairs)in the youngestpatches, 37%(n = 34) in mid-agepatches, and 25%(n = 22) in the oldestpatches. The low densitiesof bothspeciesin olderpatcheswasnot associated with low productivity, suggesting thathabitatselection occurredindependently of potentialproductivityin thisnovelhabitat.Received 21 June1996,accepted 10 February 1997. LANDSCAPE MODIFICATION can have various effectson bird populations.For example,habitat loss may reduce overall population size (LynchandWhigham1984)and decrease population resilienceafter stochasticevents(Freemark and Merriam 1986).Habitat fragmentation hasthe potentialto createsource/sinkdynamicsthat causeindependentpopulationsto becomedependenton sourcepopulations(Pulliam 1988).Edgeeffectscanincreasenestpredation for passerines(Wilcove 1985, Paton 1994,Yahnerand Mahan 1996),thus creating ecologicaltraps (Gates and Gysel 1978, Ratti and Reese1988,Terborgh1992).Most studies of the effectsof landscapemodificationon birds have focusedon speciesin fragmented 443 originalhabitat,ratherthanon speciescolonizing the newly createdhabitat. Clearcuts in mature forest increase the fre- quencyof early seralstagesin the landscape. Forest managementmay mimic forest landscapepatterns traditionally produced in firedominated ecosystems (BunnellandKremsater 1990).Speciesthatnaturallyinhabitburnsmay colonize clearcuts as an alternate habitat because the role of fire has been reduced or erad- icated in many forest regions (Hutto 1995). However,habitatssuchasclearcutsmaysuperficially resembletraditionalhabitatsbut differ in subtle attributes (Bunnell and Kremsater 1990) that can influencepopulationdemography (e.g. Zwickel and Bendell1972,Dunning and Watts1990). Habitat quality cannot always be assessed from populationdensitybecausereproductive successcan differ independentof density(Van 444 HOLTANDMARTIN Horne 1983, Vickey et al. 1992). In particular, speciesmay be poorly adapted to a novel or modified environment.An understandingof individual [Auk,Vol. 114 assessed solelyby observedcavityuse,because natural cavitiesmay be unevenlydistributedin the environment andmayvaryin quality.Ac- habitat selection decisions and the cordingly,we added nest boxesto 15 clearcut subsequentfitness consequences associated patchesin orderto standardizethe availability, with thesedecisions is necessary to assess the distribution,and qualityof nestingsites.Using potential influenceof habitat modificationon data from natural cavities and nest boxes, we individuals, populations,and ultimately on tested: (1) preferencesfor, and productivity differences between natural cavities and nest biodiversity (Martin 1992). Habitat selection in variable environments boxes;(2) factorslimiting breedingdensityfor hasbeenmodeledundervariousassumptions;speciescolonizingthis novelhabitat;(3) proxin particularthe Ideal FreeDistribution(Fret- imate factors influencing selection among well andLucas1970),theDespoticDistribution patchesof differentagesandwithin individual (Fretwell and Lucas 1970, Fretwell 1972), and patches; and (4) the overalldemographic conthe Pre-emptiveModel (Pulliam1988,Pulliam sequences of habitat selectionand nest-site and Danielson1991).An assumptioncommon preferences. to these models is that the observed distribu- tion of individualshas a density-dependent STUDY AREA AND METHODS component.Interpretationof thedistributionof individualsin newlycreatedhabitatsrequires Studysite.--The study site was in the Beaverfoot knowledgeof whetherthe populationdensity Valleyin the RockyMountainssoutheastof Golden, approaches carryingcapacity.If the habitatis British Columbia (50øN, 116øW,1,400 m elevation; not saturated,thenall individualsmayoccupy Fig. 1). The valleyoriginallycomprisedcontiguous goodhabitat.At highpopulationdensity,how- montanespruceforest(white spruce[Piceaglauca], andhybrids)and ever,someindividualsmayoccupylower-qual- Engelmannspruce[P.engelmannii], ity habitat.Thepresence ofnonbreeding "float- lodgepolepine (Pinuscontorta),with a fire-dominated ecology.Loggingbeganin 1968 and continuesto er" maleshasbeendemonstrated in manybird thepresenttime,resultingin a mosaicof 70clearcuts populations(Brown1969,Martin 1989)and im- (10 to 85 ha each)surroundedby matureforest(Fig. plies that breedingpopulationsize is limited 1). Mostof theclearcutshavebeenreplantedandare by a shortageof femalesand/or territories. at variousstagesof regeneration,ranging from bare However, the demonstrationof floatersof both patches(loggedin 1993)to standsof 4-m-talllodge- sexes,necessaryto infer habitatsaturation,has pole pine and hybrid spruce. been demonstrated less often (Power 1975, Thecavity-nesting assemblage.--The clearcutswere Hannon and Zwickel 1979, Village 1983, colonizedby two speciesof primary cavity nesters (NorthernFlicker[Colaptes auratus] andHairy WoodStutchburyand Robertson1985). villosus])and four speciesof secondWe studiedhabitatselectionand productiv- pecker[Picoides ary cavity nesters(Mountain Bluebird,Tree Swallow, ity of two secondarycavitynesters,the Moun- Black-cappedChickadee[Parusatricapillus], and Boreal Chickadee[P.hudsonicus]). Bothprimary cavity Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor),that colonized nestersoccurredin low numbers,with approximateclearcutsin BritishColumbia.Cavity-nesting ly 15 pairsof eachspeciesin the studyarea.Mostof tain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) and the Tree birds often are limited by availabilityof suit- the natural cavities in the Beaverfoot were excavated able nest sites (Scott 1979, Brawn and Balda by Northern Flickers(50%of 42 natural cavitiesused 1988, Newton 1994), and secondary cavity- during the study)and Hairy Woodpeckers (7%) in nestersmay be particularly vulnerablebecause low stumps(0.3 to 2 m) createdby winter logging. alsoexthey are unableto excavatetheir own cavities. NorthernFlickersand Hairy Woodpeckers Nest-sitelimitationmay be a particularproblem in plantationforests,wheresuitable"wildlife trees"(maturedeador dying trees)often are targeted for removal (Hunter 1990). Additionally,cavity nestersmay be limited by habitat preferences (Welshand Capen1992)and competition (Rosenzweig1985). Nest-site selectionby secondarycavity nesterscannotbe cavatedcavitiesin aspen(14%)at heightsbetween3 m and 12 m. We couldnot determinethe origin of 17% of the excavated cavities. Natural holes created by fire in the centerof treestumps(12%)were0.3 to 1 m high and were usedfor nestingonly by Mountain Bluebirds.Two speciesof mammalsused the boxesor cavities(deermouse[Peromyscus maniculatus] and northernflying squirrel[Glaucomys sabrinusl). July1997] CavityNesters in Clearcuts British 445 Columbia '*•:••Study FIc. 1. Satelliteimage of the BeaverfootValley study area in the RockyMountains,BritishColumbia. Clearcutpatches3 to 27 yearsold are highlighted. Mountain Bluebirds.--Mountain Bluebirds arrived on the study area in late April, malesabouta week before females.We found nestsby observingpairs andby systematically checkingcavitiesandboxes.In 1993,datacollectionbeganlatein the season,andwe Chicksspent18 to 22 daysin the nest,and werefed by bothparents.Wechecked swallownestswith the sameprotocolusedfor bluebirdnests. Habitatdescription.--We classifiedpatches(clearcuts) into four categories:"very open,.... open," were unable to determine whether nests were first at- "treed," and"youngforest."Veryopenpatches(n = 10) had no vegetationmorethan 1 m tall and mostly were coveredwith shrubs(but with patchesof grass and bareground).Openpatches(n = 30) were dominatedby low vegetation(forbsandshrubs),butwith up to 20%coverof trees1 to 3 m high.Treedpatches (n = 21) had a predominantcoverof youngtrees(40 to 70%)between1 and3 m high.Youngforestpatches(n = 5) werecomprisedpredominantlyof conifers natural cavities were checked, but data were not ob3 to 4 m high.Werecordedvegetationcharacteristics tained for 11 natural nests(25%) that were inacces- in eachpatchalongtwoparalleltransects 150m long sible due to nest height or tree instability.Arrival and 75 m apart. Transectswere adjacentto nestboxdates of bluebirds were similar in 1994 and 1995. The es,or naturalcavitieswherepossible,or wereplaced incubationperiod was 12 days, and chicksleft the randomly in the patch if no cavitieswere present. nest after 18 to 21 days (see Power and Lombardo Alongthe entirelengthof eachtransect,we recorded 1996).Adults were capturedin a nesttrap designed the predominant vegetationcovering each 1-m by R. E Holt. We banded68 adults and 130 chicks square (+_ 5%). Categoriesmeasuredwere: bare with Canadian Wildlife Service numbered alumiground,forbsand grasses,shrubs,saplings<1 m num legbandsand a uniquecombinationof two col- tall, saplings1 to 2 m tall ("medtree"), and trees >2 temptsor renests.The statusof 86% of 121 nestsin 1994 and 1995was known becausenew pairs were discoveredbeforethe onsetof laying. We checked nestseverythreedaysto determineclutchinitiation, clutchsize,nestfate,fledgingdates,and chickproduction,usingeithera flashlightand a dentalmirror (for deep cavities)or a small mirror attachedto a stick(for high boxes).All nestboxesand mostof the ored leg bands. m ("talltree"). Arcsine transformationwas used to normalizeproportionaldata,and factoranalysiswas erfootValley in the first week of May, 7 to 14 days usedto determinethe principalvegetationvariables laterthanbluebirds.Theyinitiallyremainedin flocks and to reduce the number of variablesif possible. and examined many potential nesting sites. Nest The first three factorsexplained98.7% of the varibuilding generallybeganabouta weekbeforeclutch ancein the data.Factor1 explained44.7%of thevariinitiation,and no pairs attempteda secondclutch. anceand wasmade up of forb (varimaxrotatedfacTree Swallows.--Tree Swallows arrived in the Beav- 446 HOLTANDMARTIN tor loading = -0.94) and talltree (varimax rotated factorloading = 0.92). Factor2 (medtree)explained 27.2% of the variance and had a rotated factor load- [Auk, Vol. 114 for high densitiesof EasternBluebirds(Sialiasialis; Gowaty and Bridges1991).To standardizethe position of interior boxesin patchesof variablesize,the cornerbox wasplaced75 m from the patchedgein all patches.Thecavityentrancediameterwas62mm, ing -0.98, and Factor3 (shrub)explained27.9%of the varianceand had a rotated factor loading of -0.98. The other two categories, bare groundand which was the median diameter for natural cavities small trees, were insignificantand were dropped in thestudyareain 1993(Holt 1997).Throughoutthe from further analyses.The rotatedfactor loadings study,we monitoreduse of natural cavitiesby both and correlationanalysesindicatedthat forb and tall species. treeswerehighlynegativelycorrelated(r2 = -0.79, n = 38, P < 0.0001). Becausethe talltree variable RESULTS probablyhas more relevanceto perchinginsectivorousbirds thandoesthe forb variable,we dropped Naturalcavities versusnestboxes.--Despite the forb from further analyses.Bothmedtreeand shrub were negativelycorrelatedwith talltree, so these presenceof nestboxes,the numberof birds of thatnestedin naturalcavitiesdid datawerenot useddirectlyin furtheranalyses(see bothspecies Zar 1984).However,the residualsof the regressions not changeduring the study;however,use of between talltree/shrub and talltree/medtree were nestboxesincreasedwith increasingdensityof uncorrelatedwith the originaltalltreedataandwere boxes (Table 1). For Mountain Bluebirds, initiusedin furtheranalysesasrepresentation of factors ationdatesfor first clutches were statistically 2 and 3. In all furtherdiscussion, we use"patchage"asan equivalentfor "patchsuccessional age,"andthecategoriesrepresentincreasingsuccessional agesfrom very open to youngforest.We used a categoricalexperimentaldesignto addressquestionsof patchoccupationand variationsin breedingsuccess in relation to patchage.Weusedthe variablestalltree,and residualsof medtreeand shrub,to predictoccupation and densityof pairsin patchesusingdiscriminant functionand multipleregressionanalyses.StatisticalanalyseswereperformedusingSystatversion 5.0 (1992). equalfor nestsin boxesand natural sites(nested ANOVA, F = 0.81, df = 1 and 48, P = 0.37), suggestingthat bluebirdsdid not prefer one nesttype overthe other.We couldnot conduct a similar analysisfor Tree Swallowsbecause only five pairs of swallowsnestedin natural cavitiesin eachyear. Measuresof reproductivesuccessdid not differ between natural cavities and nest boxes, pooledacrossyears(clutchsize:f = 5.3 + SE of 0.1 in boxes and in cavities, n = 23 for each; nests:œ Experimental design.--Priorto the 1994 breeding numberyoungfledgedfrom successful season,eightnestboxeswere addedto eachof five = 4.7 --- 0.4, n = 12 in boxes vs. œ = 4.8 + 0.5, experimentalpatchesin eachof three patch-succes- n = 13 in natural cavities).Becausenest boxes sional age categories(very open, open, and treed), giving a total of 15 experimentalpatches.In 1995, did not differ from cavitiesin preferenceor in reproductive success,we combined data in boxeswere addedto anotherfour patchesunoccupied in 1993and 1994in theyoungforestcategoryto determinewhether pairs would be excludedfrom nestingin thisoldersuccessional stage.Todetermine whetherfloaterswerepresent,we addedeightboxes to four patchesthat were unoccupiedin 1993after subsequent analyseswhereappropriate. Nest-siteavailabilityand patchage.--The dis- the initiation of first clutches in both 1994 and 1995. tribution of natural cavities was uneven with respectto patchage.Mostof the cavitieswere in openand treedpatches,with only a few in youngforestpatchesand nonein very open patches(Table1). In 1993,prior to the addition To addressnest-sitepreferencesand variation in offspring production within patches,four boxes of nest boxes, the distribution of the 23 Moun- wereplacedon the edgeand four in the interiorof tain Bluebirdand 5 Tree Swallowpairs largely each patch, with two boxesplaced 1.5 m above reflected the distribution of natural cavities groundand two placed3 m aboveground.We used 1.5 m for low boxes because this was the median heightof naturalcavitiesexcavated in stumpsonthe study area,and 3 m for high boxesbecausethis was thetallestboxwe couldeasilyerectandthenmonitor in large numbers.We erected a total of 120 boxes, with 60 placedin the interiorand60 on theedgeof patches.Half of eachcategorywasplacedhigh and the otherhalf wasplacedlow.Boxeswereplaced75 (Table1). During 1994and 1995,the numberof bluebird and swallow pairs increasedfollowing nest-boxaddition, and the distributionof thesepairs expandedin relationto patchage (Table 1). Both speciesoccupiedvery open patchesonly after the addition of nestboxes, and the number of bluebird and swallow nests increasedtwo-fold and almost eight-fold,re- m apart basedon mean nearest-neighbor distance spectively, in theopenpatches. Densityalsoin- July1997] CavityNesters in Clearcuts 447 TABLE 1. Numberof pairsof MountainBluebirds andTreeSwallows,andnumberof clearcutpatches with nestingcavities(naturalor nestbox)in relationto seralstageand year.Patches increasein agefromvery open to youngforest. Seralstage(patchage)a Experimentalpatches Year 1993 1994 1995 Very open Open Treed 0 5 5 0 6 6 0 3 5 0 6 14 0 8 14 0 6 8 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 Non-experimental patches Young forest Very open Mountain 0 0 0 Young Total no. forest pairs Open Treed 19 15 18 4 3 6 0 0 0 3 2 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 22 22 22 11 11 11 4 4 4 Bluebird 0 0 0 23 32 40 Tree Swallow 1993 1994 1995 b 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 24 42 No. of patcheswithnest site 1993 1994 1995 0 0 4 0 0 0 Experimentalpatchescontainednestboxesin 1994and 1995;non-experimental patchescontainednaturalcavitiesonly. Distributionof TreeSwallownestsvariedsignificantlywith patchage(seetext). creasedin treed patches,althoughnot all patcheswere occupied(Table1). Only Tree Swallows occupied boxes in young forest patchesin 1995,and they did not occupyall availablepatches(Table1). In both 1994and 1995,the distributionof bluebirdpairsdid not differ from that expectedif pairs showedno preferencefor patchage (bothyears:Kolmogorov-Smirnovtest, dmax = 1, n = 14, P > 0.5). In 1994, Tree Swallow distribution did not dif- patchage(dma X= 9, n = 36, P < 0.01),with a higher frequencyof pairs in very open and openpatches,and a lowerfrequencythanexpectedin treedandyoungforestpatches (Table 1). Patchsharingand intraspecific competition.- Numbersof bothspecies increased withtheaddition of nest boxes,but within experimental patches only23%(1994)and25%(1995)of the original60 boxeswere occupiedby Mountain fer from the null hypothesis of no preference Bluebirds(Table2). In 26 of 28 occupiedexperfor patchage(dm•x = 1, n 20,P > 0.05).In 1995, imentalpatches(overtwoyears),onlyonebluehowever, swallow distribution varied with bird pair occupied eachpatchat onetime (TaTABLE 2. Fecunditymeasures(œ+ SE,n in parentheses) andexperimentalboxoccupation patterns(no.of boxesoccupied,no. availablein parentheses) for MountainBluebirdsand TreeSwallows. Mountain Bluebird 1994 Tree Swallow 1995 1994 1995 Fecundity measures Mean dateof first egg 12 May 19 May 11 June 11 June Clutch size 5.5 + 0.14 (13) 4.9 ___ 0.25 (14) 5.2 + 0.22 (17) 5.2 _+0.06 (19) Chicksfledged/paira 4.6 +_0.37 (8) 4.8 _+0.26 (7) 4.7 + 0.43 (12) 4.6 + 0.86 (8) Secondclutches(%)b 4 (32) No. of edgeboxes No. of interior boxes No. of high boxes 0 (60) 13 (60) 7 (30) 0 (40) 0 (24) 0 (40) 0 (60) 20 (47) 15 (23) 5 (24) 0 (60) 36 (44) 22 (22) 14 (22) Experimental box occupation No. of low boxes 6 (30) Forneststhatfledgedat leastonechick. Proportionof pairs renestingafter a successful first brood. 0 (60) 16 (60) 8 (30) 8 (30) 448 HOtT ANDMARTIN [Auk, Vol. 114 TABLE3. Intraspecific patchsharingby Mountain TABLE 4. Summaryofintraspecific patchsharingby Bluebirdsand Tree Swallowsin patcheswith nest boxesadded(experimental) and patcheswith natural cavities only (non-experimental).Data are number of patchesoccupiedby the number of nestingpairsindicatedin boxhead(i.e.0, 1,2, etc.). Mountain Bluebirds and Tree Swallows. Only patcheswith multiplenestsitesareincluded.Sample size (total numberof patchesthat couldhave contained>1 pair or number of pairs nesting in patcheswith >1 nestsiteavailable)is shownin parentheses. No. of pairs in No. of No. of pairsin non-experimental experimental patches patches 4 to Year 0 1 2 3 Mountain 1993 1994 1995 2 0 12 14 1 1 4 1 2 3 6 patches with Year Mountain Bluebird 0 0 0 0 7 5 11 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 1993 1994 1995 1 (8) 5 (24) 4 (29) 0 0 0 1993 1994 1995 0 (2) 6 (19) 14 (20) 2 0 7 1 5 7 1 7 0 0 % patch % 6 (13) 13 (30) 12 (37) 46 43 32 0 (2) 13 (24) 35 (41) 0 54 85 Bluebird 12 20 14 Tree Swallow Tree Swallow 1993 1994 1995 >1 pair No. of pairs sharinga 2 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 70 nest-sitelimited, the analysisincludedonly 15 ble 3). We testedthe goodness of fit of the ob- experimental and 14non-experimental patches serveddistributionof patchoccupation against with multiplenestsitesoccupiedat leastonce a Poissondistribution (Zar 1984). In 1994 and during the study.The percentageof patches 1995, the bluebird distribution differed from sharedby MountainBluebirdpairs remained random (1994: G = 11.83, df = 1, P < 0.001; relativelyconstantoverthe threeyears(f = 15 1995:G = 11.9,df = 1, P < 0.001).The popu- + 2%;Table4). Thepercentage of pairssharing lationmeanandvariancein bothyearsshowed patchesalsowasrelativelyconstant(f = 40 + that the observed distribution was more dis4%;Table4). Boththepercentage of TreeSwalpersed than random. A different pattern of low pairssharingpatchesand the percentage patchsharingwasobservedin the non-experi- of sharedpatchesincreasedoverthe studypementalpatches(Table3). In patcheswith mul- riod (Table 4). Themedianpatchsizein the studyareawas tiple nestsites,mostwere occupiedby a single pair of bluebirds.However,threepatcheswere 22 ha. Patches with a singlebluebirdpair did occupiedby two pairs of bluebirds,and one not differ in size(f = 27 +--61 ha) frompatches patchhad five and six pairs nestingin close with more than onepair (f = 26.2 + 88 ha). proximity in natural cavitiesin 1994and 1995, Consideringonly patchesthat containedmore respectively(Table3). than one nest, patch size was not correlated Tree Swallowsoccupied43% of the 47 boxes with the maximurnnumberof pairs observed left unoccupiedafter bluebird settlementin in a patch(MountainBluebird:rs = 0.08, n = 1994 (Table 2). The distribution of swallow 30, P > 0.50; Tree Swallow: rs = -0.26, n = 15, nestsdiffered from randomin 1994(G = 6.0, df P > 0.20). = 2, P < 0.05),and comparisonof the popula- Nonbreeding fioaters.--Todeterminewhether nonbreeding MountainBluebirds inhabitedthe tion mean and variance showed that nests were more dispersedthan random.In 1995,swal- study area, we added nest boxesto four prelowsoccupied 81% of theremainingboxes,ef- viouslyunoccupiedpatchesin 1994and 1995 fectivelysaturatingthe habitatevenly. after for all known Mountain Bluebird pairs We examinedthe influenceof intraspecific had startedincubating.All four patcheswere competitionon patch occupationas: (1) the occupiedin 1994(onebluebirdpair per patch), numberof patchesoccupiedby morethanone and 50% of patcheswere occupiedwithin six pair of eachspecies, and (2) the proportionof daysin 1995(onepair in eachof two patches). thetotalnumberof nestingpairsof thatspecies All of the new pairs were unbanded,and no thatshareda patchwith oneor morepairs(Ta- pair disappearedfrom known nesting sites ble 4). Becausebluebirds and swallows were duringthis period.Therefore,we assumethat July1997] CavityNesters in Clearcuts 449 thesebirdsconstituted a floaterpopulation that and one pair of bluebirds,presumablygiving not have nested if the extra boxes had bluebirdsa free choiceof box height.Again, not beenavailable.This experimentcouldnot bluebirdsexhibitedno preferencefor box addresswhetherthe TreeSwallowpopulation height(X2 = 0.2,df = 1, P = 0.63),althoughour was saturated, because most of the swallows samplesizewassmall. Mountain had not startedlaying when the experiment Clutchandbroodsize.--Considering was conducted. Bluebirdsnesting in experimentalpatches, would Proximatefactorslimiting breedingdensity.Analysisof nest-boxoccupationin relationto mean clutch size and the mean number of df = 1 and 36, P < 0.0001; medtree: F = 1.8, df = 1 and 35, P = 0.18; shrub: F = 0.002, df = 1 14,P = 0.75)or patchage(clutchsize:F = 0.39, cupationstatusfor 92%of thepatches. Tree Swallowsoccupiedalmostall of the experimentalpatches,so we couldnot compare occupied versusunoccupied patches. However, densityof swallowsvariedamongpatches,allowingusto examinetherelationship between pair densityand vegetationin a multiple re- Clutchinitiationdate.--Thetiming of clutch initiation couldbe influencedby traits of nest- gression. We used maximum Tree Swallow patchesin 1994 and 1995. Clutchinitiation fledglingsfrom successfulnestsdid not vary patchagesuggested thatsettlement in experi- betweenyears(two-wayANOVA;clutchsize:F mental patcheswas nonrandom (Table 1). = 1.68,df = 1 and 21, P = 0.21;fledglings:F = Basedondiscriminantfunctionanalysisofveg- 0.24,df = 1 and 11,P = 0.63)or amongpatches etationstructurewithin occupiedversusun- of differentages(clutchsize:F = 1.16,df = 2 occupied patches, themostimportantpredictor and 21, P = 0.33; fledglings:F = 0.24, df = 1 ofpatchoccupation byMountainBluebirds was and 11,P = 0.63;Table5). Meanclutchsizeand the talltree variable. The shrub and medium mean number of chicksfledgedalso did not treevariableswerenotsignificantpredictorsof varywith year(clutchsize:F = 0.07,df = 1 and occupation(univariate tests:talltree F = 22.9, 29, P = 0.79;fledglings:F = 0.11, df = 1 and df = 2 and 29, P = 0.68;fledglings:F = 0.31, df and 36, P = 0.9).The overallmodelwassignif- = 2 and 14, P = 0.74; Table 5) for Tree Swalicant (Wilks' lambda = 0.56, F = 8.8, df = 3 and lows.Therewerenosignificant yearandpatch34,P < 0.001),andit correctlyclassified theoc- age interactions. ing birdsor by externalfactorssuchasdateof snow melt or habitat quality.To determine whetherclutchinitiationdatewasindependent in individualpatchesacrossyears,we tested for a correlation between initiation dates within densityasthefactorvariableto avoidsampling dates were not correlated between years in the distribution before saturation. Tree Swal- low densitywas affectedby vegetation(multiple r = 0.72,F = 6.16,df = 3 and 17,P < 0.005); specifically, it was inverselyrelatedto the tall tree variable(partial r = -0.65, t = -4.3, P < 0.001). Shrub and medium tree variableswere unrelatedto Tree Swallowdensity,and swallow density was predicted accuratelyusing only the tall tree variablein the overallmodel. Fourinteriorboxesandfouredgeboxeswere availablein eachexperimental patch.Mountain BluebirdsandTreeSwallowsoccupiedonlyinteriorboxesin both years(Table2). Of the 60 interiorboxes,pairscouldchoosebetweenan equalnumberof highandlow boxes.Stratifying databy years(Table2), occupation ofboxes by Mountain Bluebirdswas unaffectedby box height (X2 = 0.05, df = 1, P = 0.83), whereas Tree Swallowswere more prevalentin high boxes (X2 = 17.7, df = 1, P < 0.0001). In 1994, six patcheshad only singlepairsof swallows MountainBluebirds(rs= 0.09,n = 13, P > 0.50) or in Tree Swallows(rs= 0.20,n = 16,P > 0.20). We thenuseda two-wayANOVAto determine that clutch initiation date in Mountain Blue- birds was not significantlyaffectedby either yearor patchage(year:F = 2.98,df = 1 and25, P = 0.09;patchage:F = 2.22,df = 2 and25, P = 0.13). Clutch initiationdatesof Tree Swallowsalsodid not vary with year (F = 0.07,df = 1 and38, P = 0.78),but theydid vary with patchage (F = 8.57,df = 2 and 38, P = 0.001; Table 5). This differencewas due to the later clutchinitiationof clutchesin very opencomparedwith the open(P = 0.0001)andtreed(P = 0.04)patches(Tukeytests).Interactions betweenyear and patchage were not significant for eitherspecies. Nestpredation andproductivity.--Because nest predation rates may be influencedby nest height,we classifiednaturalcavitiesinto low (<3 m) andhigh(>3 m) nests.Theproportion 450 HOLTANDMARTIN [Auk, Vol. 114 of nestsdepredateddid not differ by height (two-way ANOVA; F = 0.003,df = 1 and 2, P = 0.96) or by year (F = 1.55,df = 2 and 2, P = 0.39).Predationratesat high andlow nestboxes also did not vary with heightclass(F = 0.001,df = 1 and 1, P = 0.99)or with year (F = 0.04,df = 1 and 1, P = 0.87).Includingonly experimentalpatches,predationratedid not differ betweenspecies(three-wayANOVA;F = 0.98, df = 1 and 5, P = 0.37),but did differ with patchage(F = 41.99,df = 2 and5, P = 0.001) and year (F = 12.75,df = 1 and 5, P = 0.02; Table5). Predationrateswere higherin very open comparedwith open (P = 0.008) and treed(P = 0.001)patches (Tukeytests;Table5). We estimatedpotential productivity using meanclutchsizeforeachspecies andmeanpredationprobabilityin eachpatch-age category. Potentialproductivitywas2.5 to 3.5chicksper pairlowerin theveryopencompared with the olderpatches (Fig.2, Table5). DISCUSSION Nest-siteavailabilityand patchsuccession.Nest-site availability often limits secondary cavity nesters(Lack 1954, Scott 1979, Brawn and Balda 1988, Newton 1994; but see Welsh andCapen1992).In ourstudyarea,thelackof cavitiesprecludedTree Swallowsand Mountain Bluebirdsfrom nestingin youngpatches and limited breeding densitiesin mid-age patches.Vegetationstructuremay determine avianspeciespresence andcomposition (James 1971,AndersonandShugart1974,Martin 1992, Hansenet al. 1995),and both speciesdisappearedfromourstudyareaaftermorethan20 years of vegetationalsuccession, despitethe presence of availablenestsites.Patchoccupation may be relatedto a numberof factors,includingchangesin prey abundance or availabilitywith vegetationstructureandvariation in theprobabilityof predation(YahnerandMahan 1996). Patchoccupation andpatchsharing.---Bluebirds occupiedabout90% of the availableexperimentalpatches, but lessthan15%of the pairs nestedconcurrently with conspecifics, resultingin a "onepairperpatch"pattern.Thepresenceof floaterssuggested thatbluebirdssometimesdeferbreedingratherthannestin close proximityto conspecifics. Floaterpairscanbe presentdespitethe availabilityof apparently July1997] CavityNesters in Clearcuts 451 [] mean chicks perpair The existence of floaters allowed us to inter[] mean pairs perpatchpret the observeddistributionpatternswith Mountain Bluebird more confidence.For instance,in occupied Very Open Open Treed patchesbluebird pairs were over-dispersed ratherthan uniformlydistributed,whichsimply maybe a functionof low pair density.However,the presenceof floaterpairs strengthens the possibilitythat intraspecificcompetition limitedthenestingdensityofbluebirds. Floater pairs have previouslybeen demonstratedexperimentally for Mountain Bluebirds(Power 1975),and in manyamateurnest-boxprograms bluebird densitiesincreaseimmediately after theadditionof nestboxes(Newton1994).Floater pairsmaybe a generalphenomenon in populations that are nest-site limited. Tree Swallow Behavioralavoidance of conspecifics is much strongerfor bluebirds,perhapslimiting bluebird density at low levels,whereasswallow density increased until the available boxes weresaturated.The differentresponse in density betweentheseotherwisesimilar species stresses the importanceof includingspeciesspecificlife-historyinformationin modelsthat aim to assess the implicationsof resourcemanagementon biodiversity (Westman1990, Hansen and Urban 1992, Hansen et al. 1992). Nest-siteselection.-•Ourexperimentaldesign allowedpairs to choosebetweenboxesplaced Treed Very Open Open on the edge versusthe interior of clearcut patches. Althoughbothspecies appearedto be Habitat Age Category limitedby the availabilityof nestsites,neither FIe. 2. Potential productivity (+_ SE) and mean speciesoccupiedboxeson the edgeof experinumberof pairs per patchfor MountainBluebirds mentalpatches.Rendelland Robertson(1990) and Tree Swallowsin relationto successional ageof also found that Tree Swallowsavoidededge patches. habitat. They explainedthis behavior as an avoidance suitablehabitat(Power1975,Stutchburyand Robertson1985).At low density,swallowswere over-dispersed, but both the percentageof pairssharinga patch,andthepercentof patches shared,increasedthroughoutthe study. of interference from House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon),which nest preferentially within 30 m of the forestedge.In the same study,however,69%of EasternBluebirdsnested within 30 m of the edgeand presumably also lost nests to House Wrens. Unlike other Muldal et al. (1985) also observedTree Swal- studies(Zarnowitz and Manuwa11985,Rendell lowsspacingthemselves throughoutclustersof and Robertson1990, Li and Martin 1991), our assemblage had low speciesdinest boxes,but intrapair distancesdecreased cavity-nesting when densityincreased.Nestingdispersion versityand presumablyhad lowerlevelsof inalso was observed in Eastern Bluebirds that terspecificcompetitionfor nest sites.An alternestedwith a meannearest-neighbor distance native explanationfor avoidanceof edges is of 70 m, eventhoughboxeswere 30 m apart nest-predationavoidance.Predatorabundance (Gowaty and Bridges1991).Tree Swallowsoc- may increaseat forestedges(seePaton1994), may avoidthe forestedgeas casionallynest1 to 2 m apart (Harris 1979),al- andbothspecies though15 m is a morecommondistance(Ren- a result of predationrisk. dell and Robertson1990). Heightof nestcavityaffectsnestingsuccess 452 HOLTANDMARTIN [Auk, Vol. 114 in some cavity-nestingbirds, apparently be- openhabitatsimplyare making"the bestof a causeof the increasedpredationin low nest bad job" (sensuKrebsand Davies1987),with sites (Nilsson 1984,Li and Martin 1991). In our the alternativebeing to foregonestingor to experimentaldesign,birds could choosebetweenboxes1.5 and 3 m aboveground.Mountain Bluebirdsshowedno preferencefor nestbox heightwithin this range.Tree Swallows, however,clearlypreferredhighboxes,andall naturalcavitiesusedby nestingswallowswere in highstumps(>3 m) or standingaspens(>4 m). The shortageof natural cavitieshigh in treesmay explainthe smallnumberof nesting nestin a patchwith conspecifics. Wecannotrejectthishypothesis, althoughit seemsunlikely that the costof patchsharingexceeds thatof an swallows before boxes were available. We have the similar predationrates observedin these two typesof nests(Holt 1997).The mostparsimoniousexplanationof the apparentdilem- no evidencethat predationdifferedbetween low and highboxes,or betweenlow andhigh naturalcavities. Theheightrangein ourstudy, however,may havebeeninsufficientto deter predatorsevenif nestshigherthan 3 m were less vulnerable than lower nests. 87% nest-predationrate.Additionally,it is pos- siblethat dataobtainedfrom birdsnestingin nest boxes does not reflect natural predation rates.In our study,nestboxeswere similar in heightand cavitydiameterto mostof the natural cavities in the area, which was reflected in ma betweenpatchoccupation andpotentialfitnessis that thesebirdshad no a prioriknowledgeof predationriskin thisnovelhabitatand thus did not includepredationcostsin their Habitatselection andconsequences for reproduc- habitat assessment. tive success.--Habitat selectionhas important Publishedexamplesof speciesthat apparfitnessconsequences and thereforeis expected entlyare poorlyadaptedto theirenvironment to be understrongselection(Cody1985).The- are scarce.In a study of nest-siteselectionand ories that relate habitat-selection decisions to nestpredationin small drainageson the Colguttahabitatqualityand conspecifics haveassumed oradoPlateau,Hermit Thrush(Catharus that individualshave a good knowledgeof tus)and MacGillivray'sWarbler(Oporornis toltheir habitatand can assessrisk (Fretwelland miei)nestsin smallfirs had lowerreproductive Lucas 1970, Pulliam and Danielson 1991). Fe- cundityof bothMountainBluebirdsand Tree Swallowsdid notvarywith patchage,butproductivitywashighlyskewedasa resultofhigh nestlingpredationin youngpatches. Nevertheless, both bluebirds and swallows nested in the youngpatchesat leastasfrequentlyasin older patches.This resultis inconsistent with our expectationthat individualsshouldoptimizefitness.One explanation is that patternsof patch occupationare age specific.Young or less-experiencedbirds may be moreprevalentin the very openhabitat,consequently loweringproductivity in thesepatches(Wheelwrightand Schultz1994,Martin 1995).Tree Swallowsinitiatedclutches laterin very openthanin older patches,whichgivestentativesupportfor this hypothesis.However,we also used artificial eggs to examine patterns of nest predation in the studyarea,whicheffectivelycontrolled for variationin adult quality. Resultsfrom these experimentsshowedsimilar patternsof nest predationwith patchage(Holt 1997),suggestingthatthepatternswe observed did notresult from age-related phenomena. Another explanationis that pairs in very success(owing to high nest predation)than nestsin surroundingvegetation(Martin and Roper 1988, Martin 1993).For both species, small firs may be more appropriatenesting sitesin otherpartsof theirrange,andalthough theyconferredlow reproductivesuccess onthe ColoradoPlateau,theirusemaybe maintained by birdsoriginatingfrom areaswherethe behavior results in high reproductivesuccess (Martin 1993).A similarphenomenon may be occurringwith MountainBluebirdsand Tree Swallowscolonizingthe novelhabitatcreated by clearcutting.Both speciesseemedwell adaptedto colonizingtransienthabitats,but neitherspeciesappearedto adjustpatch-selection decisionsto encompass variationin the patternsof nestpredation. Traditionally,MountainBluebirdsand Tree Swallowsinhabitopenhabitatssuchas farmland,parkland,andephemeralopenareasproduced after fires (Zeleny 1976).Bluebirdpopulationsin NorthAmericadeclinedin theearly half of this century,apparentlyas a resultof large-scale removal of suitable trees and stumpsfor nesting(Zeleny1976,Newton1994) as well as competitionwith introducedEuro- July1997] CavityNesters in Clearcuts 453 pean Starlings (Sturnusvulgaris) and House and EvansLogging Companyprovided maps and Sparrows (Passerdomesticus). Nest-box trails emergencyradiosand were cooperativethroughout were initiated to counterthis declineand ap- thestudy.RudyBoonstra,BobElner,JohnEadie,and throughpear to have been successfulin many areas MyrnaPearmanprovidedusefulcomments (Kibler 1969, Backhouse1986, Robertsonet al. out the study. Wendy Easton,Sally Hejl, and an 1992, Power and Lombardo 1996). More recently,bluebirdsand Tree Swallows,aswell as primary cavity nesters,have colonizedclearcuts (Conner 1974, Bennett 1994), and many studieshave suggestedmethodologies to increasethe numbersof cavitynestersin clearcuts(e.g.Conner1978,Schreiber anddeCalesta 1992,Bennett1994).However,thedemographic consequences of nestingin clearcutsareuncertain. The overallhigh predationratesthat we foundsuggestthat the Beaverfoot Valleyis less productivethan it might initially appear,and it probablyis lessproductivethan mosttraditional habitats. However, the net effect of cre- atingpatchesof earlyseralstagesmaybe positive for thesespecies. MountainBluebirdsand TreeSwallowsproducedoffspringin thestudy area,despitehigh ratesof nestpredation.The neteffectof newlycreatedclearcutsonthepopulationdynamicsof thesespecies will depend onwhetherless-productive areasarecolonized in additionto (or asan alternativeto) moreproductive traditional habitats. anonymousreviewergreatly improvedthe manuscript.Leah Macfadyenprovidedexcellentsecretarial services.R.EH. appreciatesthe invaluablesupport of a Commonwealth GraduateScholarship, and researchgrantsfrom the JamesL. Baillie Memorial Fund,theNorth AmericanBluebirdSociety,andEllis Bird Farm, Alberta. Natural Sciencesand Engineering ResearchCouncilof Canada,EnvironmentCanada Greenplan, and Canadian Wildlife Service Grantsto K.M. alsosupportedthis research. LITERATURE CITED ANDERSON, S. H., AND H. H. SHUGART, JR. 1974. Habitat selectionof breeding birds in an east Tennessee deciduousforest.Ecology55:828-837. BACKHOUSE, E 1986. Bluebird revival. 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