How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay


WORDS that can make you


How to Write a Winning

Scholarship Essay

Presented by Brian Goedde, Washtenaw Community College

Ann Arbor District Library, March 4, 2014

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

What is in a Scholarship


• Your personality

• What makes you unique

• What the award committee should know about you that is not reflected in other application materials

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

The Big Challenge

The big question you face in writing your essay:

Q: How do you set yourself apart from the applicants when you all want the same thing?

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

A: Draw from Stories from YOUR Life

• Inspiring and/or defining moments

• Obstacles or challenges overcome

• How you realized your uniqueness


©2014 Washtenaw Community College

Material you can draw from: Extracurricular


• Leadership positions, volunteer and paid positions, sports, community activities and involvement

Be sure to mention:

– What you did specifically

– What you gained, how it created who you are

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

Material You Can Draw

From: Other Defining


• Interests, Enthusiasms, Responsibilities

• Travel and its influence

• Experiences that changed you

• Dreams, aspirations, motivations

• What captures your imagination or stirs your passions

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Your Motivations

Be sure to show how you are:




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Now let’s take the components of the essay and address each of them

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

What is in a Scholarship


• Your personality

• What makes you unique

• What the award committee should know about you that is not reflected in other application materials

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

What is in a Scholarship


• Your personality

• What makes you unique

• What the award committee should know about you that is not reflected in other application materials

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Imagine the award committee…

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Complete this sentence:

From the rest of my application, I appear to be someone who…

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Complete this sentence:

I also want them to know that I…

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

What is in a Scholarship


• Your personality

• What makes you unique

• What the award committee should know about you that is not reflected in other application materials

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

Complete this sentence:

I bet I am the only one applying who…

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

What is in a Scholarship


• Your personality

• What makes you unique

• What the award committee should know about you that is not reflected in other application materials

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

Make a List:

Five adjectives that your best friends would use to describe you

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Now for some nuts ’n’ bolts :

DOs and DON’Ts

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Answer the question the scholarship

essay prompt asks

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Make sure you fit the criteria of the


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Talk about how the scholarship will HELP you to:

• explore your interests

• cultivate your passions

• achieve your dreams

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Address questionable aspects of your transcript or other materials

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What questions might the award committee have?

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What good came out of these “questionable aspects”

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Do not write too little or too much

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Do not be controversial

Do not use informal speech, like “txtng”— LOL!

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Do not doubt yourself


Do not bluff

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Re-imagine the award committee…

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They are going to say,

“YES!” to your essay.


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They are going to say,

“NO!” to the essay on the next slide


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Hi my name is Brian Goedde and this is my awesome personal statement I will write my first book next year I really, really, really need money!

I had some hardships in school. I hated my classes because my teachers didn’t like guys.

NEways, I don ’ t think I could really write a whole book but I love writing in my journal. Writing poetry is everything to me, but I want to earn a degree so I can get a better job. The Foundation

Scholarship will help me get this degree, a better job, and then I will write my best-seller, and then comes the movie deal.

Thank you for your time.

©2014 Washtenaw Community College

Finally, DO:





Treat this as a very important piece of writing. It has, after all, the potential to turn into money.

©2014 Washtenaw Community College
