Waterlooville District Scouts Contingent The Scout Associa.on 2013. Charity numbers: 306101 Gambling Act 2005 Registra.on with Winchester City Council no. LoDery270 14/00272/GALOTT WSJ Japan Lottery 9 Scouts from Waterlooville District have been chosen to be part of a contingent representing the UK at the World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) in Japan in 2015. The Lottery will help raise funds to help them get there. Lucky numbers are available for £60 per year (£5 per month). There will be 12 monthly draws and an additional draw at Christmas. Every month £100 will be paid out as a cash prize and, once the number of members reaches over 100, extra prizes will be added. Draws will take place at the end of each month at the Scout Shop at Denmead Scout HQ, with the first draw taking place on March 29th. You may increase your chances by purchasing multiple numbers. You can pay monthly by standing order or pay for the whole year by cheque or cash in advance. To join the Lottery please complete the registration form and send to the address at the bottom of this letter, together with the appropriate payment or a signed standing order mandate or use the details to set it up yourself, with an on-line banking facility Thank you on behalf of Ed, Sam, James, Taylor, Ben, Dharma, Emma, Cameron & Michael For any enquiries please contact Kim Jordan at kevin.kim59@ntlworld.com Kim Jordan, 59 Old River, Denmead, Hants, PO7 6XS For informa.on on the Jamboree see here: hDps://www.facebook.com/ukcon.ngent hDp://www.23wsj.jp Waterlooville District Scouts Contingent The Scout Associa.on 2013. Charity numbers: 306101 Gambling Act 2005 Registra.on with Winchester City Council no. LoDery270 14/00272/GALOTT WSJ Japan Lottery Name Address Membership Registration Form Post code Home Tel Mobile Email I would like ______ numbers at £60 per annum I have aDached a standing order mandate / I am enclosing 1 year’s membership of £_____at £60 per annum* cheques payable to Waterlooville District Scouts Jamboree Fund Name of Scout Group /Scout you are connected to The “WSJ Japan loDery” is a fundraising scheme administered by Waterlooville District Scouts Con.ngent. Every member pays a subscrip.on of £5 per month or £60 annually and is allocated a membership number. The numbers are entered into a monthly draw and a cash prize of £100 (more once membership reaches over 100 members)is paid out to the winning number. All remaining funds will be used to help the par.cipants to aDend the Jamboree in 2015. Prizes will be paid by cheque to the above named only. Signed _______________________________Date _______________ Please retain a copy of this form for your records. Once this form has been received together with either a completed standing order mandate or the appropriate payment, we will contact you with your membership number(s). Membership will lapse with immediate effect if the monthly subscrip.on is not received. Waterlooville District Scouts Contingent The Scout Associa.on 2013. Charity numbers: 306101 Gambling Act 2005 Registra.on with Winchester City Council no. LoDery270 14/00272/GALOTT Standing Order Form Please complete and sign this form and return it to: Kim Jordan, 59 Old River, Denmead, Hants, PO7 6XS InstrucDon to your Bank/Building Society to pay by Standing Order Please insert your details: Name: Address: Post Code Please insert your bank details: Name of Bank/Building Society Address Name of Account Sort Code Account Number Please debit my account with the sum of £ _______________ on the 28th of each month commencing 28th March 2014 unDl 28th February 2015. Payments to be made to: Waterlooville District Scouts Jamboree Fund Lloyds TSB, London Road, Waterlooville. sort code 30-93-97 a/c no. 02218513 Reference ______________ Signed _____________________________________ Dated ______________________________ Waterlooville WSJ District con.ngent CommiDee. Gsl_denmead@b.nternet.com 023 9225 2110