newsletter-june-2015 - Dalby State High School

Welcome to the final edition of the newsletter for semester 2.
As such, current year 7 and 8 students will need to wait until next
time for their Academic Merit and Improvement Awards, as they
have only had one Semester Report Card cycle.
Semester 1 Report Cards
The school is also introducing a new Platinum Attendance Award, for
Report cards will be posted home this week. Information about the students who have 100% attendance.
upcoming parent-teacher interviews will also been included with the
reports. The interviews are to be held on Tuesday, 28 July in the Attendance
Year 7 building (please enter through the Great hall entrance and
park in the car park). The report card is the most important and While we are on the topic of attendance, I would like to acknowledge
powerful piece of feedback a teacher can give to a student and it the significant improvement in attendance at the school this year. I
should be read very carefully. Requests for interviews should not be understand completely that this is not possible without the support of
ignored. This is a clear message that a teacher wishes to discuss parents and carers. I will report the end of semester data after the
something very important. Any parents and carers who cannot make holidays, but I can tell you that as of the end of week 8, the whole
it on the night, but would still like an interview are more than school attendance rate is 90.2%. This is well above the state
welcome to contact the school office to make alternative average and is significantly higher than the 87.5% figure from the
same time last year. You can’t learn if you are not here; this is a
message that the vast majority of our students understand clearly.
New Building
Until Next Edition
I am very pleased to announce that the school has been allocated
an additional building to help us accommodate students and staff as Please do not hesitate to make an appointment with me at the
our school population continues to grow. Work has already started school office if I can be of assistance with any matter after the break.
on the demountable, two classroom, one staffroom building and it I hope that all members of our school community enjoy the break
should hopefully be in place, ready to go by early next term. It will be and arrive back ready for the new semester ahead.
located in the area between the Hospitality block and the Year 7
building. It will be wonderful to have the additional space available
for classes.
Dr Dean Russell
Gold & Silver, Academic Merit and Academic Improvement
Our Gold & Silver Awards will be handed out during week 3 next
term. Information regarding the awards will be sent home early in the
new term. As a reminder, this is how awards are allocated:
Gold and Silver Awards will be generated from our previous
report card database. There will be a 35% weighting given to
effort and a 65% weighting given to behaviour. The Grade Point
Average (GPA) for a Gold Award will be 4.8 and the GPA for a
Silver Award will be 4.2.
Date Claimers
There will be another refinement to this process from now on. For
students to be eligible for a Gold or Silver Award, they need to have 25 - 26 Athletics Carnival
all absences from school this year explained. Students who have 29
Winter Vacation Commences
unexplained absences and have qualified for a Gold or Silver Award,
will have an opportunity to explain their absences before the award
ceremony, so they do not miss out.
Academic Merit Awards will be for students who have held a
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.5 or higher, from one semester
report card to the next.
Academic Improvement Awards will be for students who have
improved their Grade Point Average (GPA) from one semester
report card to the next.
Term 3 Commences
18-19 Kokoda Challenge
Academic, and Gold & Silver
Award Ceremonies
Parent Teacher Interviews
It’s Not Just the Students Who Want To Be An Accountant Who
Study Year 11 Accounting!
Studying Accounting at school provides a tremendous advantage to anyone who wants to
work in any field of business, agriculture or the law.
ASX Sharemarket Game
Congratulations to Rhys Horn, Dalby State High School’s highest
performing syndicate for Semester 1’s ASX Sharemarket Game.
Rhys managed to turn his hypothetical $50 000 portfolio in to
$54989, placing him in the top 0.5% in Queensland. Brianna
Waugh, playing as part of her Year 9 Business curriculum, placed
a close second with a portfolio valued at $54442.
I encourage students to play in Semester 2. It costs nothing,
there are some significant cash prizes to be won, and it’s a lot of
P & C News
Semester 1 Report Card will be
information regarding the Student
Resource Scheme. P&C encourages
all families to join the SRS in 2016 to
ensure their student has the
resources, text books and associated
learning materials for their study
areas in 2016.
The SRS can be paid by instalments
if you wish to start paying now. Fees
for 2016 have not yet been finalised
however, adjustments can be made
once set later in term 3.
Being Well with Miss Spanner
We will require help in the Hall
Canteen for the upcoming OLSCC
musical on the 23rd, 24th and 25th
July. If you can assist in any way,
please let the office know.
As a part of our whole school implementation of PBL we are discussing ways in which we
can improve the positivity of our schooling community. This month the teachers are
looking at the little, everyday things that we can do to help create a more positive
environment for our students, staff and parents.
We trust that students and staff will
have a well-earned break over the
Winter vacation.
At Dalby State High School we believe that a more positive schooling environment for
students, teachers and parents will result in increased engagement, more positive
learning experiences and better outcomes for our students. We know that a student’s
emotional wellbeing has an enormous effect on their ability to learn and we see an
opportunity for some serious improvements in outcomes if we get this right.
So, while we are focusing on creating a more positive environment in our school, we
thought we would give parents the same challenges we have handed to teachers. The
challenge is simple- try to remember to smile at your child. There is nothing more
powerful than a genuine smile. The smile is powerful. We don’t always do it, but we find
that forcing a smile in a difficult situation can completely change the direction of that
difficult situation to transform it into a more positive one. Smiling is a survival technique.
When we are 5 weeks old we learn how to smile. It is a way to soften and mellow a
potential enemy. It is an innate, physical reaction and we must use it to our advantage.
So, throughout this week, we encourage you to smile at your child as much as possible.
My next challenge this month is to simply ask a question. Spend time asking your child
questions about school. “What did you learn today?”, “How is your friend ________
going?’, “How did you get along with your English teacher today?” and “What
assessments do you have coming up?” Yes, you may get a “good” or “nothin’” in return,
but be persistent. If you continue to ask questions, they will eventually relinquish some
information and you will have more of an idea of what their school life is like. They may be
more likely to listen to you as well because you took the time to listen to them.
This might all sound like common sense and we know that you are probably already doing
this with your child, but a little reminder here and there never hurt anyone. Also, we want
parents to know what is going on here at school so the more questions you ask, the better
things will be in the long run for our whole community.
That’s all for this week. Thanks!
Alicia Spanner
HoD Junior Student Support
Head Lice
Over the holidays, please take the opportunity to check your child’s head and
hair for lice and/or eggs as there have been several reported cases in different
year levels recently.
Further information about treating head lice can be found online. There are
many helpful websites about different treatment options. Treatments can also
be sourced through the chemist or supermarket.
The next general meeting is
Tuesday 4th August at 5:30pm in
the Library. All welcome.
Deb Ball
I’m calling for any young ladies in year
11 or 12 who may be interested in
making their Debut this September.
Girls can collect a pamphlet outlining
the conditions of participation from Mrs
Williams in the TTC. Girls will need to
add their names to the list on the desk
in Mrs William’s office.
If there is enough interest to warrant
holding a ball this year there will be a
parent information meeting early in
term 3 to discuss the details.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Tuesday 28th July
Year 7 Building
Parent Teacher interview bookings can
be made through the school website at and click on
the link for Parent Teacher Interviews
under Quicklinks. Alternatively, contact
the school office on 4669 0900 to book
When booking interviews online please
ensure all details are completed, such
full parent name, email address and
full student name.
Year 12 News
End of year Organisation - The end of the year is approaching very fast. The Valedictory
Committee is in the process of organising our Valedictory Ceremony and they are asking
for all students to submit a baby photo to Miss Spanner ASAP. Either hand her a printed
baby photo or email in a digital copy to The sooner we get these the
more organised we will be for the end of year celebrations. They also want everyone in the
cohort to hand in their note that outlines what they want to say on the PowerPoint slide
during their graduation. These need to be returned to Miss Spanner ASAP. The formal
committee is also searching for digital photos from the last 5 years of school. If you have
any, please send them in and give them to Mrs Maunder on a USB or disk. There will also
be an opportunity for students to purchase a graduation gift for approximately $16-$20.
This will most likely be a framed photo of the cohort. More information will come about this
in term 3.
End of Semester—All students should be well and truly finished their exams and
assessment for end of semester 1. This does not mean that they can afford to have ANY
days off. QCS practice test was on Monday and Tuesday of this week and I hope that all
students attended. The Athletics Carnival is on Thursday and Friday of this week and I am
hoping to see as many year 12s there as possible. I need some more photos for our
valedictory and formal and Athletics Carnival is a great opportunity to take some great
photos of them out of their school uniform and representing their house. It is always such
a great day as well. Parents/guardians are always welcome to come and watch their
students compete.
Driving to school forms - Year 12 is the year when students get their license. It is very
important that these students fill out their ‘Driving to School Forms’. They can come and
collect them from Miss Spanner and they must be returned to her ASAP. These forms
ensure safe practices and regulate the use of vehicles coming into and out of the school
grounds. They must be filled in before a student parks on the school grounds.
That’s all for the moment. Keep reading the newsletter for important information. Thank
you to all of the wonderful students who are helping me out with various jobs for their
respective committees, I couldn’t do it without you.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me on
46690900 or
Alicia Spanner
Year 12 Coordinator
Kokoda Challenge
On the weekend of 18th and 19th July, eleven teams from Dalby State High School will be
trekking in Australia’s toughest team endurance event: The Gold Coast Kokoda Challenge.
Jordan Roache, David Schreiber and Jordan Ludowici will each lead a team of 4 students in
the 96km trek and Karen Marini, Nick Topp, Bronwyn Henschell, Candice Newman, Michelle
Wild, Oliver Macpherson, Rachel Ferdinand and Sandra Griffiths will each lead a team of 4
students in the 48km trek. Each team will be ‘fed and watered’ at various check points
along the way by their own support crew consisting of 2 students and another staff member.
Not only is this a personal challenge for each of our teams, but the program is helping raise
funds for disadvantage youth across QLD. The trek also honours Australian servicemen
who fought on the Kokoda Track during World War II. The spirit of mateship, endurance,
courage and sacrifice is an inspiration the teams draw upon to help them through the tough
Our Kokoda students are committed to raising a considerable sum of money and they are
seeking sponsors for their teams. If you are in a position to assist our teams you can
contact Mrs Cheryle Williams via the school office for details on how you can help. To show
our appreciation of your support we would thank you and/or your business in our school
newsletter which is distributed to over 800 families in Dalby and the surrounding districts
and also on our Dalby State High School-Kokoda Challenge facebook page. The Dalby
State High school’s 2015 Kokoda challenge teams would like to thank you in advance for
your support.
The Kokoda Challenge teams would like to thank the following businesses for their support,
it’s greatly appreciated. We encourage you to support the businesses that support our
Adama Australia
Pacific Seeds
Cotton Growers Seeds
Bellview Hotel
Dalby Newsagency & Toyworld
Dalby Dealers
Kevin Turner & Associates
Williams Locksmiths
Hays Jewellers
Engine Australia
Stimson Plumbing
Tutoring in the
Support Space
Tutoring is on every morning in the Support
Space from 8 am until 9 am. Bring your
homework, revision sheets, assignments or
just yourself! Students can also help
themselves to a Milo or breakfast snack.
All year levels and ability levels are
Monday—Literacy and Numeracy
Dalby State High School
P & C Resource Scheme Outlet
To ensure that your student has the books,
classroom materials and sports activities for
their study areas in 2015, join the Resource
Scheme. The fees for 2015 are $230 for
Years 7, 8 and 9 students and $250 for Years
10, 11 and 12.
A Security Bond of $50 is required for each
student and rolls over each year. Any queries
please phone 4669 0953 or email
Pay cash, credit or cheque. Eftpos is
available. Centrepay now available.
The polar fleece jumpers for Winter have
arrived. Layby of uniforms is welcome.
BUCKET HATS— Medium and
Large sized buckets hats have
arrived. If you didn’t receive your
free hat at the beginning of the
year, collect a hat from the uniform
outlet. Hats can be purchased for
Lockers are also available for hire through
the Resource Centre for $40 per annum
(cash or cheque only). A Locker Agreement
Form must be signed by student and parent
prior to hire.
Monday to Friday – 8.30am to 2.30pm
School Opinion Survey
Parents/Caregivers, school staff and a
encouraged to have their say in this year’s
School Opinion Survey by providing their
opinions about what Dalby State High
School does well and how the school can
improve. Each of the online surveys open
on 29th June and will remain so until 31
July 2015.
Access details for the Parent/Caregiver
Survey will be sent home with student
Report Cards
If you haven’t received any survey access
details with the report card, please contact
the school on 4669 0900 or email
Sports News
Darling Downs Cross Country—In May a number of students went to the Darling Downs
Cross Country trials in Toowoomba. All students performed well but a special mention must go
to Andrew White who came third in the 18 years event. The following students gained selection
in the Darling Downs teams: Andrew White, Michael Sheehan, Jessi Henning and Sam
Sam Rasmussen—Congratulations to Year 7 student Sam Rasmussen who was recently
selected in the Queensland under 12 AFL team. Good luck Sam for when you go to the
National Championships.
Inter-house Athletics Carnival—The annual school Athletics carnival will be held this week on
Thursday and Friday. These days are compulsory school days and all students must attend.
Students are able to wear their house colours on the day. The tuckshop will be operating all
day and the student council will be running a BBQ.
House captains and student councillors are asked to help with setting up and pulling down of
tents and bunting starting at 7.15am Thursday morning.
The program is attached in the newsletter. Parents are welcome to attend but must sign in
through the office. Both days will start with roll check as per usual. The 3000m events were
held last Friday and a number of students competed. Congratulations to Andrew White who
smashed the 17 & Over record with a time of 10.01, Healy Beresford who broke the 13 years
record and to Baxter Stewart and Brooklyn Dahlheimer who set the 12 years records.
Football News—Thank you Mr Sankey for your work with Rugby League teams. The Open
Boys made it through a few rounds of the GIO Cup before unfortunately having to forfeit to
Pittsworth SHS. The Under 15 and Under 13 teams both had big wins against Harristown SHS
and the Under 13 boys also beat OLSCC convincingly. Well done boys.
The school’s Rugby Union teams continue to be a dominating force under the coaching of Mr
Roache. They notched up a big win over OLSCC as well in the Under 15s. Football teams will
commence coaching soon with the Open teams heading to the SSI Cup at the start of August.
Touch—Don’t forget training on Wednesday afternoons 3.15 to 4.30pm. Trials for the school
teams were postponed due to the rain on Wednesday week 9 and will now be held in week 1.
All players must attend.
Year 7 Update
We made it! Our first semester of high school is done and dusted. While many of us, myself included,
started the year feeling nervous and anxious, these feelings quickly gave way to anticipation and
excitement. As I look back on the last twenty weeks, I am amazed at how much the students have
grown in confidence.
I am so proud of the Year 7 students and how they have conducted themselves throughout the
semester. It hasn’t always been easy being the first group of Year 7’s to experience high school, but
the students have definitely exceeded my expectations. They have been enthusiastic and eager
participants in their classes, and have proved themselves as keen learners. The students have been
faced with many challenges, least of all, learning how to be more independent in terms of their
learning and meeting assessment deadlines. I hope the lessons they have learnt throughout this
semester will be carried through not only the rest of the year, but also their remaining years at Dalby
State High School.
This week sees our annual athletics carnival taking place. I am looking forward to seeing the Year 7’s
out on the oval having a go at all of the events on offer. Good luck to everyone participating.
Last week, four students from Year 7 represented the cohort at the Wonder of Science exhibition at
Dalby South State School. Based on their work from Term One, the team was awarded first prize in
their section. Congratulations to Bradley, Mitchell, Lindsay and Jorja for their efforts. Thanks to Mr
William Macaskill and Miss Emma Wratten for their work with these students.
Before I finish this update, I want to again thank and congratulate the students for their efforts
throughout the semester. Have a good holiday – make sure to get plenty of rest so that you are
refreshed for the semester ahead.
Sarah Hemmings
Year 7 Coordinator
Free Mobile Women’s Health Service
Dalby Health Services (Dalby Hospital)
8.15 am—2.30 pm Appointments 4669 0517
Food Assist Dalby
Is a non-profitable, charitable organisation that distributes
food to those in need. FoodAssist is seeking volunteers to
work from Monday to Friday 9am - 3pm. Any time offered
would be appreciated.
Phone Annette 0414 324 039 or call in to FoodAssist at 31
Nicholson Street to sign up
Western Downs Winds
Western Downs Community Band is seeking keen new
members. Beginner band would suit primary age students
and those who haven’t played for a while and meet
Wednesday from 7 - 8pm. Main band would suit high
school students and members of the community with
moderate playing ability and meet Tuesday from 7 8:30pm. Both bands meet at the Silver Sounds hall in
North Street, Dalby. More info call Sue-Ann 0410 041705
Student Exchange
Is looking for host families to welcome overseas students
into their home. or 1300
Western Downs Outreach Project Soup Kitchen
Soup kitchen is now open 2 nights per week - Monday and
Thursday 4:30pm—7pm. Western Downs Outreach Project
does not receive any government funding and relies on the
generosity of the local community through donations and
the purchase of good through our thrift shop. The soup
kitchen is open to anyone in our community. For further
information please contact Jason on 4500 6251 Tues—
Friday 10—4pm. 1 Hunter Street, Dalby.
Pips ‘n’ Cherries at Bell Winter Events
25th and 26th July - Quilt display in the hall. Ladies will be
on hand over the weekend to answer any questions and
sell tickets in a beautiful quilt with all proceeds going to the
Qld Cancer Fund.
29th August - Vintage Fashion High Tea. Jan Mullins is
bringing a huge selection of one off designer outfits
including an original 1963 Paula Stafford bikini. Find out
the stories behind some of the outfits whilst enjoying high
tea. All proceeds go to RFDS. $25 per person with morning
session starting at 10am and afternoon session at 2pm.
Feel free to come wearing some vintage to add to the fun.
Phone 4663 1884 to RSVP.
WEP Student Exchange – Learn and Discover the
WEP Australia is a not-for-profit student exchange
organisation registered with the Education Departments in
NSW, QLD and VIC. Applications for short and long-term
programs commencing from November 2015 onward are
open now. Students can choose from over 25 countries to
live with a volunteer WEP host family and attend an
overseas high school for a summer, semester or year. To
request program information for your family, visit, email or call 1300 884
Year 8 Update—Half a year down!
Successfully halfway through our first year - we have been involved in so many things this
semester and it is wonderful to see your children enjoying high school life to the fullest.
Well done to all students for completing assessment, competing in the swimming and
athletics carnivals, being part of the musical and making the right choices with our
behaviour. My Year 8s continue to make me proud every day to be their Year
Coordinator. Enjoy your holidays and come back refreshed and ready for Semester Two!
Karen Marini
Year 8 Coordinator
DSHS Equestrian Team
The Equestrian Team recently competed at Scots Extravaganza Equestrian in Warwick which
had a whopping 317 entries, 161 horses and 136 riders. Dominique Holtkamp rode Quan and placed
top ten in all disciplines she competed in. Dominique also placed 5th in Showman 65, 7th in
Elementary Dressage and 10th in Combined Training 80. Annika Werny also placed an impressive
4th in Elementary Dressage.
There is a large amount of lost
property in the student services
building that will be donated to charity
at the end of this term. Please
encourage your student to check if
any items belong to them.
Every effort is made through Student
Notices to return NAMED items to
their owner so please ensure all items
are identified.
Athletics Carnival Program
Thursday 25th June
Friday 26th June
9.10 – 9.50 (40 min)
All 400m events
9.10 – 9.35 (25 min)
All 200m events
9.50 – 10.25 (35 min) Round 1
12 Girls High Jump
13 Girls Shot Put
14 Girls Discus
15 Girls Javelin
16 Girls Long Jump
17 & Over Girls Triple Jump
9.35 – 10.10 (35 min) Round 7
12 Girls Triple Jump
13 Girls High Jump
14 Girls Shot Put
15 Girls Discus
16 Girls Javelin
17 & Over Girls Long Jump
10.25 – 11.00 (35 min) Round 2
12 Boys High Jump
13 Boys Shot Put
14 Boys Discus
15 Boys Javelin
16 Boys Long Jump
17 & Over Boys Triple Jump
10.10 – 10.50 (35 min) Round 8
12 Boys Triple Jump
13 Boys High Jump
14 Boys Shot Put
15 Boys Discus
16 Boys Javelin
17 & Over Boys Long Jump
11.05 – 11.10 (5 min)
Bunya House Laps
11.10 – 11.45 (35 min) Round 3
12 Girls Long Jump
13 Girls Triple Jump
14 Girls High Jump
15 Girls Shot Put
16 Girls Discus
17 & Over Girls Javelin
10.55 – 11.00 (5 min)
Myall House Laps
11.00 – 11.40 (40 min) Round 9
12 Girls Javelin
13 Girls Long Jump
14 Girls Triple Jump
15 Girls High Jump
16 Girls Shot Put
17 & Over Girls Discus
11.45 – 12.20 (35 min) Round 4
12 Boys Long Jump
13 Boys Triple Jump
14 Boys High Jump
15 Boys Shot Put
16 Boys Discus
17 & Over Boys Javelin
11.45 – 11.50 (5 min)
Wilga House Laps
12.20 – 12.45 ( 25 min)
All 100m events
11.50 – 12.30 (40 min) Round 10
12 Boys Javelin
13 Boys Long Jump
14 Boys Triple Jump
15 Boys High Jump
16 Boys Shot Put
17 & Over Boys Discus
12.50 – 12.55 (5 min)
Kurrajong House Laps
12.30 – 1.05 (35 min)
All 800m events
12.55 – 1.30 (35 min) Round 5
12 Girls Discus
13 Girls Javelin
14 Girls Long Jump
15 Girls Triple Jump
16 Girls High Jump
17 & Over Girls Shot Put
1.05 – 1.45 (40 min) Round 11
12 Girls Shot Put
13 Girls Discus
14 Girls Javelin
15 Girls Long Jump
16 Girls Triple Jump
17 & Over Girls High Jump
1.30 – 2.05 (35 min) Round 6
12 Boys Discus
13 Boys Javelin
14 Boys Long Jump
15 Boys Triple Jump
16 Boys High Jump
17 & Over Boys Shot Put
1.45 – 2.25 (40 min) Round 12
12 Boys Shot Put
13 Boys Discus
14 Boys Javelin
15 Boys Long Jump
16 Boys Triple Jump
17 & Over Boys High Jump
2.05 – 2.40 (30 min)
All 1500m events
2.25 – 2.45 (20 min)
Gift – top 2 in 100m each age group Handicap
2.40 – 3.05 (25 min)
Age Group Circular Relays – each house to have one
team per gender
2.45 – 3.00 (20 min)
Circular Relay – each house to have 2 teams of each
gender. Must have 1 x year 7/8, 1 x year 9/10, 1 x year
11 & 1 x year 12.