THE P06T-STANDAJLD, N. Y, Tfc*n4.v, II, 1M4 Swimmer, 18, Drowns in Oneida Lake Channel Exhausted Mates Are Rescued Canastota 240,000 Grant Enrollment Canastota to Ask Aid 89 Higher For Sewage Building SYLVAN BEACH-Gary CreeCANASTOTA-By noon Wed. don, IS, former Oneid* High nesday, a record student 'oody CANASTOTA-Mayor Michael Also in connection with the reported that headquarters In School ithlete ?r.d son of Mr. of 2,306 Canastota Central Becker Sr. has been authorized proposed sewage treatment facil. Albany is being lost to an urand Mrs. Edward F. Creedon School pupils had attended ini- iy the village board to apply ties, Becker announced that ban renewal project and that of Barker Road. Oneida Valley tial classes for the 1964-1965 or a federal grant towards the Queensborp farm products milk Syracuse and Utica are bidding drowned here Wednesdiy night school year, with the possibil 856,000 Canastota sewage treat' plant officials requested a meet- for the headquarters. ing with members of the village! He said that state officers of wWle swimming across the ity that 50 more pupils will board and the water board andlthe Jaycces feel Canastota will Barge Canal channel, state po check into classes later this ment plant facilities. lice reported. week. The application, as prepared engineering firm to discuss sug- have as good'a chance of getCreedon, who had taken par1 This 2,306-pupil mark was iy the engineering f i r m ol jcstions the firm has in mind. ting the headquarters as any in many Oneida high schoo 89 more than opening day a ilcarns and Whcler, Cazcnovia, The mayor said the milk plant other city. officials did not elaborate on! It was suggested that a threesports events, was to enter Mo year ago. A record faculty was what the sugestions were. ]acre site, facing Route 5, near hawk Valley College this month on hand to instruct the recorc requests a $240,000 grant. Gordon W h e 1 e r said t h e In other business village of-jthc Canastota airport be an inHe graduated list June from student body. high school. The additional 50 pupils wil amount is one third of the al- ficials discussed the problem ofjducemcnt, as all utilities are Swimming with two compan push the final census figure owable costs". He said that in trimming vacant lots. It was de. nearby. that bids are under cidcd to have trustee Ernest Board members indicated they ions, Riymond Yahnke, 18, o icar the 2,350 mark, according :hc event the amount the gov Emmi contact the owners of the were in favor of seeking the Sylvan Beach and Bryan .0 Superintendent J a m e s estimates trnmcnt would play would be lots and outline what is involved headquarters. Crouse, 18, of Verona Beach Svolos. The board also asked for bids n cleaning the lots. Creedon apparently became ex Full classes were conducts proportionately less. hausted in the middle of th on opening day and Ihe cafe He also pointed out that if DPW Superintendent Rocco Di for a 1965 panel truck for use aids were let this winter con- Veronica was asked to prepare by the water department. The Channel. His companions mad terias were operating on i nor struction could start in May of a schedule of costs in connec- bids will be opened at the Sept, Pilot and His Plane a futile effort to save him, they mal schedule. and work would be com- lion with clearning the lots. 21 meeting. told Trooper Robert Hinds o Opening day attendance a 1965 Village officials were asked to Braun and Burton, Oncida, S.Sgt Richard H. Evans of the 416th which he flew here from Alaska last the various schools in the dis pleted by May 1966. the Sylvan Beach substation. Whcler suggested that the vil consider making a bid to the was authorized to do, layout work m Yards Wide Combat Defense Squadron, Griffiss month. tricl showed an increase board pass a sewer ordin- state Junior Chamber of Com- on the Bruno-Wyland Housing The swim across the Canal AFB, poses beside his Aeronca 7AC, mosl cases wilh the biggest in lage and said he would have a mcrce to establish headquarters project in connection with seek Channel is measured more than crease at the South Side, wher ance sample ordinance ready for con- in Canastota. John Massarotti, ing a solution to surface water 200 yards and in the middle it five new classrooms were pu deration in a month. is about 17 feet deep. into opcralion for the first A second drowning was time. averted by the quick action of The high school enrollment Dtan Money, whose home is also jumped by more than 11 near th* observation tower at per cent with some of the overthe breakwater. Money who had flow being accommodated in a returned from a picnic, was ninth grade Roberts St. School George K.. Swayze, 5/aIe Editor • C«orge R Corr, Aut alerted by his wife and chilhomeroom. dren who heard shouts for help An all-day teacher's conferONEIDA NORWICH about 7:20 p.m. in the canal. ence in the Roberts St. School Money was about to remove CAZENOVIA CANASTOTA on Tuesday preceded the openhis bathing trunks and dress ing of school. Superintendent they found he was from mad, though," he relates, "bewhen his wife, Carolyn, called GRIFFISS AFB—Sgt. Rich-.when Svolos welcomed the teachers 1 to him, "Somebody is in tro- ard H. Evans, an air policeman \laska he was given the royal cause there weren't any infrac- at a general business session with the 416th Combat Defense rcatmenl. tion reports waiting for me here at 10:15 a.m. Following the ble." VERONA—The Vcrnon-VcroHe grabbed an inncrtube used Squadron at Griffiss AFB, de- One unscheduled stop, when when I arrived." meeting, luncheon was servec na-Shcrrill Red Devils worked by his children and ran oul the vised a unique way to get to his he sergeant got a little off his Flying is a hobby with Sgt. and an afternoon session of de> out 15lh day on the field breakwall. He spotted a swim- >rescnt duty station when he left route, was at the Army's Camp Evans, and he pulled his plane partmcntal conferences was icre their Wednesday. iielson AFB, Alaska, last )ouglas in Michigan. At dusk oehind him in a trailer when conducted. mer in trouble about 70 feet off month. The 51-man squad showed He flew. ie was looking for an airstrip he transferred to Alaska from the breakwall. He swam out to Unusual? guides were on duly marked improvement over the Not in itself. But and happened to spot this one Maine in the winter of 1961. He forTraffic him and helped him get in the Sergeant Evans the opening classes at six his own even though it was unlighled. now has it in a fielld at Ava, intersections in the village to •ecruils who rcporled for foottube. The swimmer, who was plane; an Aeroncaflew )all practice Iwo weeks ago, all the interview with the colo- N.Y. assist smaller children in cross Coach Leo Hannigan said. The Crouse, whispered thanks. He way from Fairbanks,7AC, Alaska, to nelIn inan command of the post ing Main and Pcterboro Sis told Money that he couldn't the Oneida County Airport, His wife Marjorie drove the via the next morning, he was told family car with their five chil-; on Iheir way lo and fron players are showing acria swim any longer; that he was Presque Isle, Maine. ability and speed, but have exhausted. He also told him he The lightweight craft, which is hat al the time he landed il dren on the return trip, with Sgt. school. weight problems. It will be one erms, lo run consecutively, wil had tried to save his companion, a fabric-covered plane powered was the first time the strip had Evans departing a week behind Guides arc on duty on Peter of the lightest VVS teams to PHOENIX, Ariz. (API-Her- confine Shockey for at least 30 bert L. Shockey, 30, convicted jecs closed to traffic in years boro St. at Roberts St., Wilsor them. They just beat him into Gary Creedon. ake the field in recent years. by a 65-horsepower engine that "I guess they weren't too Maine. Ave. and Hickory St. On Main killer of a Sherrill, N.Y., couple, Desperate Attempt The coach has seven letterpushes it along at about 7C Shockey was convicted of mur St., they are located on Mick men Ray Yahnke, who played on m.p.h., took Sgt. Evans to from last year Wednesday was sentenced to dering Mr. and Mrs. John Ber ory, Center and New Boston and isreturning the Oneida football team last Maine in just over a week. building his team around two life terms in Arizona State lella, who were knifed and sho Sts. year and is now a post-gradu- Its 13-gallon fuel tank gives Village, Town asl year's veteran players. Prison. to death Feb. 23 al (he fool o ate pupil at Oneida High School, it a normal range of 225 miles The Tri-Valley champions for Legal authorities said I h c ie Superstition Mountains abou made a. desperate attempt to but with a couple auxiliary two years, the VVS team lost its 0 miles east of Phoenix. *et back to his drowning friend tanks in the rear seat, Sgt championship by one point to Superior Court Judge Irwin Yahnke also became exhaustec Evans was able to stretch the Cazenovia last year. Cantor told Shockey: and held onto weeds off the distance to over 350 miles. While VVS would like to "You have been in trouble al breakwall. He followed the Alaska High avenge its setback it must (ace f your life, and in seriou Money, who went to the res way south to Edmonton, Alta. many of the star players of lasl rouble all of your adult life. At cue of Yahnke, said "he was and from there flew on to Greal year who fill the Cazenovia cmpt after attempt has b e e exhausted and unable to pul Falls, Mont., and east. Lakers lineup, Coach Hannigan made for your rehabilitation WAMPSVILLE The Town lanastola and the T o w n of himself onto the breakwall." A compass was the airman's said. without any success. The two youths- were taken lo„ sole navigational instrument of Cazenovia and the Village of Lenox never acted on the pro"Society must be protecte posals in the report made by the office of Dr. James Wilsoniand with no lights on the air Cazenovia are planning to reB1NGHAMTON tfi-A Iruck- from you." of Sylvan Beach for medical •afl il was necessary for him view zoning regulations in the [he zoning committees. drivcr was killed Wednesday Shockey and his courl-appoin attention. Supervisor John Robertson of ONEIDA - A contract for in stop each night during the when he was run over by a cd attorney had no commet area, Supervisor Bernard Brown Canastota said the town has a slallalion of water mains to th Ernest Money, brother of 000-mile trip. roadway loader while working when sentence was passed. 1 zoning ordinance and all zon- West Road-Bennetts Cornel Dean, was in the channel a He says that everywhere he said Wednesday. on an arterial highway projec area of this city has been signe few minutes later with a boat opped people were surprised t< The zoning regulations will ing problems are well under con- by here. Mayor Abraham V. William to help with the rescue. He had ee a little plane like his, and be set up for both the village trol. He said the plan to hold a . The contracl was signed t Police said Raymond Archi and Ihe township, present plans public hearing on the report of diving equipment in the boat bald, 34, of (Pennvale Hotel the $122,674.25 projecl with th ndicale. the zoning and planning com and went down. Dean joined Carbondale, Pa., and Delhi In the Town of Lenox a joint mission report had been shelved J. W. Dougherty Constructio SHERRILL -It was "bad Ernest and the brothers were ; N.Y.. employed by the Lane Co., Skaneateles. ownship a n d Canastola a n d The report which is three jrnnstnirtinn Tn of Md'iden on the bottom of the channel ampsville village zoning re- years old would have to be re-l .Prescnt for the si smng was o school" Wednesday for four Conn., and two other men wer for about 20 minutes in the if the five Sherrill children who picking up broken glass fron GRIFFISS AIR FORCE BASE !ily Attorney Joseph Scavonc, view was made under a federal vised before any action could be area where the Creedon youth City Clerk Mrs. Marie Whit- spent Monday night in the dense he roadway of the construe- -Brig Gen. Emmctt M. Tally appropriation. T h e Village of taken, Robertson said. was last seen. The sun was combe and W. J. Dougherty, voods of northern Hcrkimerj ion site when the accident oc- Jr., will become head of the setting and the bottom of the County, before being found by urrcd. 'ice president of the firm. directorate of supply at hendchannel became dark, ending Dougherty said construclion searchers Tuesday morning. The driver of the loader quarters, Air Force Logistics their search. Volunteers anc One of the five remained home irobably would start Sept. 23 tarlcd up the vehicle, with the Command (AFLC), Wright PatSheriff's patrol boals begat or 24 and would depend on how o resl from her experience in iladc raised, blocking his view lerson AFB- on Sept. 15. lie will dragging operations immedi SIRS. THQMA BUSS :he woods. Peterboro Mcthodisl Church, of"ast the suppliers can get the ately. The victim's body was Off to school and the envy of if the man. police said. Shouts succeed Brig. Gen. Ralph C. PETERBORO - Mrs. Hazel ficiating. Burial will be in Peter- pipe to the firm. recovered after two hours o .heir fellow schoolmates, were rom other workers were Lockwood, who has been named G. Bliss, 77, formerly of 411 boro Cemetery, The asbestos cement pipe will GRIFFISS AIR FORCE BASE Pennsylvania Ave., Elmira, died searching. Teddy Fuller, 8, son of Mr. and Irowncd out by the noise of the commander of the San BernarThere will be no calling hours. •un from a point near Glenwood —The Air Force Asso. Wednes- Tuesday in a nursing home in dino Air Materiel Area. Mrs. Thomas 0. Fuller; Daniel machine, they reported. Cemetery south on West Road ,ay honored Gen. Mark E Breescport after a long illness. Police said Archibald's per- Tally was formerly deputy Graves, 8, son of Mr. and Mrs. MUS. BERTHA MARSH to Bennetts Corners. Uradley Jr., commander of the James Graves, Theresa B e s s- nanent address was Delhi an commander of Rome Air Mawas born March 26, 1887, ONEIDA-Mrs. Bertha Marsh, Air Force Logistic Command in She mcr,. all of Sherrill. Deborah le was in Carbondale tcmpo- teriel Area until transferring to Lansing, Mich., daughter of (iOSPEL SINGER 19, of 112 West St., died Tuesat a luncheon during AFA's Thomas and Lina Graham. She Graves, 6, was "kept home lo •arily while working on the con- AFLC as director of data sysHUBBARDSVILLE Patsy day following a long illness. 8lh National Convention at the was a resident of Lansing for struction job. tems in February 1962. He was rest." Prescotl, internationally known A native of Oncida, she was iheraton-Park Hotel, Washing several years where she was a deputy director of operations The five children were found the daughter o' Ransom and Western Gospel singer, will ap- Tuesday ONEIDA-A public lecture o on, D. C. from November 1962 until June morning by searchers for the Department Elizabeth Smith. She married An pear in a special program ol mankind's hopes for the futur AFA President, Dr. W Ran bookkeeper 1963 at which time he became State for Michigan. She was a son Marsh who died scvera Western Gospel music at 2:30 in what is known as Ihe Buffalo will be given in Oneida at 3:3 dolph Lovelace II, presented the ofmember area of the Town of Ohio Rockwood's deputy, of the First Baptist! years ago. p.m. Sunday in West Brook Head p.m. Saturday by a member o general wi;h a citation of honor Tiurch, Lansing, i Rockwooci replaces Maj. Gen. over 50 years. Surviving arc a daughter, Mrs field Assembly of God Church three miles from their families the Christian Science Board which reads: Clyde H. Mitchell, a former Mrs. Bliss started Sunday I. Russell of Charleston, 111. Moscow Hill Road. The public campsite. Lectureship. "The Air Force Asso. pays ichool teaching in the junior ai. sister, Mrs. Graves reported that the ROAMA commander, who reMrs. August Flamcn is invited. Hazel R. Harrison of Sant .ribute to General Mark E. department hildron had "taken a little ONEIDA — City police were tired on July 30. at the age of 16 and of Verona Beach; one grandMonica, Calif., will be th Bradley Jr., for outstanding aught for more •alk" lo a creek nol far fron called to the Agway store here speaker. She was invited b eadership in cost reduction ){ a century. lhan a quarter child, two great-grandchildren, ie camp an area familiar to Wednesday morning to investiFirst Church of Christ, Scientis programs while service as com- Surviving are her husband, several nieces and nephews. children and a place their a reported burglary. Services will be al 2 p.m. FriOncida, and will speak in Oneid mander, Air Force logistics Niomas C. Bliss, now of Peterad v i s i t e d often. They hai gate Chief George A. Murphy said: | Thursday, mainly fair exday at Whitford-Edkin Funeral •Senior High School auditorium comand, United States Air )oro; a brother-in-law, Dr. larlcd back to the campsite Home, 322 Washington Ave.. the cept for some variable cloudi- vhen Danny Graves remember the burglars apparently entered | T 560 Seneca St. Admission is free Force, 1964." Vi-Ton Pickup arland T. Morse, Lansing, Rev. Laurence R. Allen of DurHigh In 70s. Winds, d he had left his sweater nea the Stephens St. building during! Miss Harrison attended Ih Under Bradley's leadership, ilich., and a niece, Miss Fredlight hamville Baptist Church officiatand variable. Further the night by crawling through j University of California at Lo AFLC saved over $600 million creek. The five started bac a feed chute. Morse of Devon, Pa. ing. Burial will be in Qlcmvood outlook: Other than the pos- ofiethe Angeles, and the University during the past fiscal year. The •ica creek "taking a short cut' The chief said the burglars S Services will be at 2 p.m. Sat- Cemetery. sibility of a few light showers, nd "got Southern California. She \ savings, audited under the De- urday off the beaten path." 59 the Charles D. Barker Friends may call al the funeral mainly partly cloudy skies stole two attachments for trim-] active in university admissioi partment of Defense, U. S. Air funeralat Home. Morrisville, the home Thursday 2 lo 4 and 7 lo and becoming rather warm ming hedges, two power drills, j work prior to entering the pu Force Cost Reduction Program, Rev. Orrin Carroll, pastor of the 9 p.m. and humid during Friday. two power saws and a combinalie practice of Christian Scienc represent approximately 50 per tion sander-polishcr. healing in 1952. She is current cent of the entire Air Force savNT 7-2921 Assisting in the investigation on a nationwide lecture tour. ings for the fiscal year 1964. Chittcnango are Inspector Edwarl Dowling Recognized for his logistics and Patrolman Ralph Keller. management innovations, Brad' ley has served as deputy chiel NORWICH-Bids on the re. of staff for systems and logismoval of 54 Elm trees were re-j tics, Hq. USAF; vice command cctcd by the City Council Tuescr-in-Chicf. U. S. Air Force Eu day night, when it was scoii| ONEIDA, NEW YORK [hat the bids exceeded by $1,5001 CAZENOVIA - A 44-year-old rope and as director of procure ho. money available in the Cordially invites you and your friends tn attend x Brooklyn woman was injured ment and production, Air Ma budget for this purpose. when the aulomobile driven by ':cricl Command her husband skidded on a Route CAZENOVIA — Two hundred legn for women. man frolic and fashion show in The matter was referred to the parks department. 20 hill a mile west of here at 11 seventy-four freshmen arrive on The 274 freshmen entering the Hubbard Hall. entitled a.m. Wednesday, stale police Cazenovia Gefs the Cazcnovia College campus college will go through testing On Monday, the president's din It is expected that other bids reported. Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 2 and orientation p r o g r a m ncr and reception will be held. will be asked for a lesser num- "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ITS ASSURANCE OF HOPE Taken lo University Hospilai Curriculum OK p.m. followed by a parents' con-ithroushoul the coming week, Freshmen w i l l register 01 ber of trees. in Syracuse was Mrs. Edilh FOR MANKIND" vocation in the Seminary Street! On Friday, choral and inslru- Sept. 15. as sophomores arriv 'RIDES AU DAY1 Pearson, of 3413 Ave. H, ac- CAZENOVIA-Cazennvia Col Mclhodisl Church. [mental auditions will be held on campus Sophomore regislra by Haze! K. Harrison, C. S., cording to Sgt. .1. A. Meakin, of !cge has been informed by Ih Al 3 p.m. the freshmen will and the first of three panel dis lion will be Wednesday. Appro CA'/.ENOVIA—The Cazcnovia of Santa Monica. California the Morrisville State Police New York State Education De be entertained at a tea in Cole- cussions on summer readings imalcly 144 sophomores are cs Rotary C l u b will sponsor substation. parlment that its curriculum man Lounge and al 4 p.m. par-jwill be led by a (acuity mem peeled lo enroll. "Rides All Day" from I p.m. Member of the Board of Lectureship ol The Molbci Chiirch, Sgt. Meakin said the aulomo have been re-registered for the ents will be entertained at lea her and two uppcrclassmcn. The First Cturrh of Christ, SclcntK in to midnight Saturday at SubTht first convocation will bile wn driven by George .1. usual two-year period. Boston, Massacliujitls in Hubbard Hall. Freshmen will participate in held in the Seminary S t r e e t urban Park, Proceeds of the Pearson, 47, husband of the in- The State Education Depart- E v e n i n g activities tor the testing programs Friday, Satur Mcthodisl Church at 7:30 p.m. day's activities will be used to SATURDAY AFTERNOON, SEPT. 12. 1361, AT 330 O'clock jured woman. The car was go- ment periodically reviews the freshmen involve meetings with day. and Monday, Wednesday followed by a b i g defray expenses of Rotary's In Oncida Senior Hlfh School ing dawn a steep hill in second curriculums taught at both priv- advisers r e l a l i v e i o l h e Two features of the Saturday and 1 i 111 e sister party in the youth project of erecting and 560 Sentc* Street, Oncirti, New York jcir rrlien it skidded »nd wenl ate and public institutions academic programs which they program will be a picnic luncMC o 1 e m a n recreation room, equipping the village ikating into i drainage ditch. throughout the stale. will pursue at the two-year Col- on the back campus and a fresh- Classes begin Thursday. rink shelter. 5,000 Milet Air Cop Flies Aeronca From Alaska to Rome 7 Veterans LOCAL NEWS Lead VVS Red Devils Must Serve 30 Years Shocky Gets 2 Life 1Perms Cazenovia Area Plans Sign Pact Zoning Rules Review For Water Extension Air Force Pays Honor To Bradley Man Killed By Loader Schoo/motes Envy 'Lost Sherrill Five Gen. Tally Transferred Deaths Future Hop< nope Topic of Talk Burglars Hit Agway Store Area Weather CHEVROLET CANOPY Orientation Programs Planned Auto Skids/ Woman Hurt 274 Frosh Expected to Register Thursday at Cazenovia College Bids Exceed Budget Fund Pat's Chevy First Church of Christ, Scientist FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE