Reconstruction and Military Government in the South

A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of
Reconstruction and Military
Government in the South, 1867–1870
Office of the Civil Affairs, Part 2: Third
Military District (Alabama, Florida, Georgia)
A UPA Collection
Cover: Poster, Courtesy of the National Archives Building, Washington, D.C., Record Group 393: Records of
U.S. Army Continental Commands, Records of Military Districts, 1867–1871. Reel 9, Frame 0300.
Reconstruction and Military
Government in the South, 1867–1870
Office of the Civil Affairs, Part 2: Third
Military District (Alabama, Florida, Georgia)
Guide by
Jasper J. Colt
A UPA Collection from
7500 Old Georgetown Road ● Bethesda, MD 20814-6126
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Reconstruction and military government in the South, 1867–1870 [microfilm] : Office of Civil Affairs
/ project coordinator, Christian James.
microfilm reels.
Accompanied by a printed guide, compiled by Jasper J. Colt, entitled: A guide to the microform
edition of Reconstruction and Military Government in the South, 1864–1870.
Summary: Reproduces documents from the records of the U.S. Army Continental Command’s
Office of Civil Affairs from 1867 to 1870 dealing with all aspects of voter registration, nomination of
convention delegates, appointments of civil officers, election returns, and civil administration tasks
including law enforcement and suppression of civil disturbances.
ISBN 978-0-88692-833-9 (part 1) –– ISBN 978-1-60205-025-9 (part 2) –– ISBN 978-1-60205-042-6
(part 3) –– ISBN 978-1-60205-053-2 (part 4)
1. Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865–1877). 2. Southern States––Politics and government––1865–
1877––Sources. 3. United States––Politics and government––1865–1877––Sources. I. Doss, Eric
H., 1980– II. James, Christian, 1981–
Copyright © 2009 LexisNexis,
a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.
All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-1-60205-025-9.
Scope and Content Note .........................................................................................................................
Source Note ................................................................................................................................................
Editorial Note ............................................................................................................................................
Collection Level Terms ...........................................................................................................................
Reel Index
Reels 1–8
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868 ............................................................................................
Reel 9
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868, cont. .................................................................................
Miscellaneous Letters Received, 1867–1868 ....................................................................................
Reel 10
Miscellaneous Letters Received, 1867–1868, cont. .........................................................................
Letters Received Relating to Appointments of Civil Officers, 1867–1868 .................................
Reel 11
Letters Received Relating to Appointments of Civil Officers, 1867–1868 cont........................
Reel 12
Letters Received Relating to Appointments of Civil Officers, 1867–1868 cont........................
Reports and Letters Relating to Elections in Alabama, 1868 ........................................................
List of Names Stricken from Registration Lists, 1867 ...................................................................
Principal Correspondents Index ...........................................................................................................
Subject Index ..............................................................................................................................................
This microfilm collection contains the correspondence of the Reconstruction and Military
Government in the South, 1867–1870: Office of the Civil Affairs, Part 2: Third Military District (Alabama,
Florida, Georgia). These documents reveal the inner workings of post–Civil War efforts to foster
greater democracy and rebuild state and local governments in the divided and war-torn former
Confederate states. The files include letters, petitions, court proceedings and internal documents
related to elections addressed primarily to Major General John Pope, Major General George Meade,
Brigadier General Wager Swayne, Colonel James Meline, and Colonel E. Hulbert.
Attempts to replace any civil officers who had served the Confederacy with loyal Union men
were at the heart of the military government’s Reconstruction efforts. Large portions of the letters in
this collection consist of applications, letters of acceptance and recommendations for appointments
to civil office, as well as letters of resignation and recommendations for the removal of Confederate
While the military government busied itself appointing loyal Union men to positions of
power, loyal citizens wrote for help when vestiges of the old rebel guard remained intact. Requests
for assistance in legal matters are found throughout the collection and run the gamut from disputes
over debts contracted before the war to corrupt courts, voter intimidation, and capital murder. These
appeals demonstrate the extent of the military government’s influence and the vast array of
challenges it faced. Thirty-one citizens of Walker County, Georgia, for example, drafted a petition
seeking justice for John Long, a man imprisoned and charged with murder on scant evidence by a
biased group of “disloyal men” after he retrieved a horse stolen from him that a corrupt court
refused to have returned. The petition states, “It has been proved to clear demonstration that a
Union Man cannot have justice in the State” (Reel 1: 0822). African Americans often faced violence
and coercion and sought protection from the military, as shown by correspondence regarding the
arrest and indictment of William Thomas, an African American school teacher, for shooting at a man
in self defense after being forced to his knees at knife point for teaching African American children
(Reel 7, Frame 0540).
Another prominent subject represented in the collection is the fair administration of the
election process including the appointment of loyal registrars and voter registration. Troubles often
arose as African Americans prepared to exercise their newly won political rights to vote and run for
office. Many letters in the collection call for military intervention to secure these rights. A report
from C. W. Buckley, for example, details the scant registration of freedmen. Buckley writes, “The
colored people…feel their interests are largely in the hands of their employers, and hence are timid in
seeking to know their privileges or in exercising their rights” (Reel 3: Frame 00821). Some African
Americans who did vote faced punitive action from their white neighbors or employers, as seen in a
petition from several African American men to General John Pope, dated November 3, 1867,
seeking protection from the loss of their jobs in retribution for voting (Reel 6, Frame 0463).
The military’s role in civil matters was often questioned, as in a poignant letter from
J. S. Irwin asking whether the military would enforce the separation of races on railroad cars. Irwin
writes, “It is evident that a decided effort should be made to protect the whites against what they
esteem a social degradation in being compelled to ride with negroes, while it is equally evident that if
negroes are compelled to pay equal fares they are entitled to equal accommodation with the whites”
(Reel 2: Frame 00260).
The administration of so many aspects of the government requires a great deal of
correspondence. This collection also includes a wealth of several types of internal communications
and government records such as military investigative reports, election returns, Test Oaths, lists of
registered voters, military rosters and reports of Boards of Survey.
From heart-wrenching personal letters of appeal to bills of lading for registrars’ office
supplies, Reconstruction and Military Government in the South, 1867–1870: Office of the Civil Affairs, Part 2
offers tremendous insight into life in the early Reconstruction period in the American South by
documenting the military government’s role in the South’s renegotiation of politics, finance, justice,
and civil rights.
LexisNexis microfilmed this collection from National Archives Building, Washington, D.C.,
Record Group 393: Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, Records of Military Districts, 1867–1871,
Third Military District, Entries 5782, 5783, 5784, 5790, and 5791.
LexisNexis has microfilmed the documents in this collection in the order in which they were arranged at
the National Archives. There are a small number of documents that may have some legibility problems due to
poor storage conditions, age, quality of paper, and/or usage. LexisNexis has filmed all available documents
from the entries listed in the source note.
The following subject terms apply to all folders in this collection and therefore do not appear in either
the Reel Index or the Subject Index.
Administration of justice
Civil service appointments and promotions
The following index is a listing of the folders that compose Reconstruction and Military Government in the
South, 1867–1870: Office of the Civil Affairs, Part 2: Third Military District (Alabama, Florida, Georgia). The fourdigit number on the far left is the frame number at which a particular file folder begins. This is followed by
the file title. Substantive issues are highlighted under the appropriate category. Within each category, substantive issues are listed in the order in which they appear on the film, and each is listed only once per folder.
Reel 1
Frame No.
Entry 5782: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868
E. 5782, Box 1, Section 1
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointment or election to new local
governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction,
many referring to economic hardships
Subject Terms: Poverty; Local government; Capital punishment; Military intervention
Geographic Place Names: Augusta, Georgia; Savannah, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Montgomery,
Persons as Subjects: John Pope; Carter Heard; Bud Hammond
Principal Correspondents: Jacob R. Davis; D. B. Tomlinson; Elvira Heard; James Dunning; Wager
Content Notes: Frames 0070–0071 contain letters from Elvira Heard and citizens of Fulton County
petitioning General John Pope to investigate a manslaughter case for which young Carter Heard
was sentenced to death.
Dates: March–May 1867
E. 5782, Box 1, Section 2
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointment or election to new local
governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction;
includes description of a riot in Mobile, Alabama
Subject Terms: Black Americans; Freedmen and freedwomen; Furloughs and leaves; Riots and
disorders; Local government; Contested elections
Geographic Place Names: Griffin, Georgia; Mobile, Alabama; Dalton, Georgia; Ringgold, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Daniel Wilson; Harry Mitchell; Simon Daily; Russell Edwards; David J. Files;
J. M. Withers
Organization Names: Griffin Colored Council No. 3, Loyal League of America (Griffin City Council
and branch of semi-secret civil society promoting black political participation also known as the
Union League of America)
Principal Correspondents: G. S. Williams; Harry Mitchell; H. Dodd; O. S. Shepherd
Content Notes: Frames 0328–0329 contain letters from G. S. Williams and the Griffin Council No. 3,
an all-black council, recommending Daniel Wilson for the position of register of voters; Frames
0447–0470 contain correspondence from early–mid 1867 regarding a case of horse theft by Simon
Daily, which illustrates the complexities of justice during Reconstruction; and Frames 0481–0487
Frame No.
contain a letter from O. S. Shepherd dated May 17, 1867, describing a riot in Mobile, Alabama,
that began during a speech on race relations and left two dead.
Dates: April–May 1867
E. 5782, Box 1, Section 3
Descriptive Title: Petitions for assistance in legal matters normally handled by local government or
considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities, received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd
Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Personal debt; Slaves and slavery; Marriage; Black Americans; Freedmen and
freedwomen; Prisons; Newspapers; Local government; Elections; Capital punishment
Geographic Place Names: Fort Valley, Georgia; Warrington, Florida; Mobile, Alabama; Hickory,
Alabama; Savannah, Georgia; Griffin, Georgia; Cass County, Georgia; Augusta, Georgia;
Montgomery, Alabama; Waresboro, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: John E. Hayes; Alex Calvin; Jack Calvin; Augustus Kirkland
Organization Names: Association of Southern Loyalists (civic organization of southern Union
Principal Correspondents: G. W. Persons; John Zehler; John M. Glass; Alex H. Bullock; B. H. Townsley;
James C. Jones; Foster Blodgett; Alloway R. Davis; Benjamin M. Wilkes; A. G. Murray;
John L. Harris; H. B. Holliday; C. P. Jones
Content Notes: Frames 0533–0534 contain a letter from G. W Persons to General John Pope dated
May 6, 1867, in which he asks for relief from his debts incurred by purchasing a “family of
negroes just before the war.” Persons asks, “shall debt contracted by purchase of negroes just
before the war, especially when services, during life, are guaranteed, be collected within your
military jurisdiction?”
Frames 0555–0559 contain a letter from John Zehler to General Pope dated April 24, 1867,
that describes his wrongful imprisonment and loss of property at the hands of a Vigilance
Committee for not pledging allegiance to the Confederacy; and Frame 0560 contains a letter from
John M. Glass to General Pope dated May 6, 1867, asking for advice regarding the legality of his
marriage to a white woman as an African American man.
Frames 0562–0565 contain a letter from Massachusetts Governor Alex H. Bullock to
General Thomas dated March 20, 1867, calling for the release of John E. Hayes, a man illegally
imprisoned for his publication of the Savannah Republican. Governor Bullock writes, “It seems
to be a case, which will decide whether loyal newspapers can be published at the South.”
Frames 0566–0569 contain newspaper clippings from March 1867, Augusta, Georgia,
describing a dramatic town meeting, announcing the nomination of Foster Blodgett for mayor
and affirming the right of registry for all “colored citizens.”
Frames 0618–0623 contain a letter from April 1867 from attorney Alloway R. Davis to
General Pope on behalf of freedmen Alex and Jack Calvin, imprisoned and sentenced to a
whipping for interfering with the arrest of their brother Derry Calvin by constable David R.
McGraw, who did not identify himself as a lawman while making the arrest. Fearful of
kidnappers, Alex and Jack prevented McGraw from arresting Derry. Derry was wanted on a
warrant for “burning broom straw in the fire place, which caused a blaze to come out of the
Dates: March–June 1867
E. 5782, Box 1, Section 4
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction;
includes petitions for the release or retrial of unfairly prosecuted men
Subject Terms: Prison
Geographic Place Names: Savannah, Georgia; Milledgeville, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: John Long; John Anderson
Principal Correspondents: G. B. Phillips
Frame No.
Content Notes: Frames 0802–0808 include a letter from G. B. Philips to General John Pope dated
April 10, 1867, in which he seeks redress for an agreement made and broken by the “Rebel
government of Savannah” regarding his purchase of a railway.
Frames 0822–0826 contain a petition by thirty-one citizens of Walker County, Georgia, to
General Pope dated April 29, 1867, seeking justice for John Long, a man imprisoned and charged
with murder on scant evidence by a biased group of “disloyal men” after retrieving a stolen horse
that a corrupt court refused to have returned. The petition states, “It has been proved to clear
demonstration that a Union Man cannot have justice in the State.”
Frames 0950–0969 contain correspondence regarding the criminal case of John Anderson,
imprisoned and charged with robbery for having a decanter in his possession. Several sworn
affidavits by friends, family, and neighbors are included in these frames, claiming that John was a
good man and that he found the decanter in his field. Some speculate that John was being
persecuted for his refusal to join the Confederate Army.
Dates: April–May 1867
Reel 2
Entry 5782: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868 cont.
E. 5782, Box 1, Section 5
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments and requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by
local authorities, received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during
Subject Terms: Corruption and bribery; Local government; Personal debt; Land ownership and rights
Geographic Place Names: Dalton, Georgia; Savannah, Georgia; Hothouse, Georgia; Murray County,
Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Spencertown, Alabama; Auraria, Georgia;
Huntsville, Alabama
Persons as Subjects: John F. Compton; Mary Ridley; Harriet Ridley; Nancy Parmer; Elijah Gates;
Pierson J. Glover; John Hockinhall
Principal Correspondents: Eldorado Knight; H. Dodt; William Umphrey; John B. Dickey; C. B. Phillips;
N. H. Stuart; P. J. Spalding; Anna Wheeley; M. D. Wickersham; John McGehee; Samantha
Christian; J. G. Wilson
Content Notes: Frame 0020 contains a letter from Eldorado Knight to General John Pope dated May
30, 1867, complaining of Rebel corruption in Dalton, Georgia, courts, followed, in Frames 0023–
0026, by a letter of investigative findings by H. Dodt describing widespread corruption and the
replacement of public officials including the mayor, judges, justices of the peace, and the sheriff.
Frames 0190–0192 contain a letter from Samantha Christian to General Pope dated May 18,
1867, seeking advice and assistance in the reclamation of a portion of her land containing a
fruitful gold mine, illegally annexed by her neighbor John Hockinhall, a “wealthy Rebel.”
Frames 0194–0196 contain a letter from J. G. Wilson, president of the Huntsville Female
College, to General Pope dated May 20, 1867, seeking assistance in a civil suit against him for
debt from the purchase of a slave to prevent said slave from being separated from his mother. As
a result, the college is at risk of closure.
Dates: April–May 1867
E. 5782, Box 1, Section 6
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction;
includes many requests for assistance with debts
Subject Terms: Discrimination in public facilities; Racial discrimination; Personal property
Frame No.
Geographic Place Names: Savannah, Georgia; Dahlonega, Georgia; Columbus, Georgia; Warren County,
Georgia; Gainesville, Georgia; Washington, Georgia; Decatur, Alabama; Monticello, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Louis Mason; Charles Crews; Elias Sweat; John Martin; Thomas M. Allen; George
W. Gordon
Principal Correspondents: J. S. Irwin; H. H. Fitzpatrick; A. Wilbur; D. S. Walker; John Odell; E. Austin;
Louis Hobart
Content Notes: Frame 0260 contains a letter from J. S. Irwin to General John Pope dated May 22,
1867, asking whether the military will enforce the separation of races on railroad cars. Irwin
writes, “It is evident that a decided effort should be made to protect the whites against what they
esteem a social degradation in being compelled to ride with negroes, while it is equally evident
that if negroes are compelled to pay equal fares they are entitled to equal accommodation with the
Frame 0353 contains a letter from A. Wilbur to Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice
Joseph E. Brown, dated May 21, 1867, warning of a “combination on foot to overthrow the city
government of Savannah.”
Frame 0359 contains a letter from Florida Governor D. S. Walker to General Pope, dated
May 27, 1867, asking for the capture and return of Charles Crews and Elias Sweat for the murder
of John Martin.
Dates: April–June 1867
E. 5782, Box 1, Section 7
Descriptive Title: Letters, applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Local government; Right of assembly; Assault; Corruption and bribery
Geographic Place Names: Marshallville, Georgia; Cleveland, Tennessee; Albany, Georgia; Columbus,
Georgia; McIntosh County, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: James W. Barber
Principal Correspondents: N. J. Johnson; G. White; John P. Duncan; Daniel McArthur; T. G. Campbell
Content Notes: Frames 0539–0542 contain a letter from John P. Duncan to General John Pope, dated
June 30, 1867, protesting the assembly of freedmen. Duncan writes, “If these inflammatory
orators, traveling at the national expense, are permitted to assemble the labouring freedman of the
country—from week to week—demoralization, insubordination, anarchy and great suffering to
the blacks will be the inevitable sequences.”
Frames 0544–0552 contain correspondence regarding the May 20, 1867 drunken assault of
United States Revenue Officer Daniel McArthur by James W. Barber, a clerk of court in
Columbus, Georgia.
Dates: May–June 1867
E. 5782, Box 2, Section 1
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction;
includes reports of oaths of office sworn and signed by registers of voters
Subject Terms: Local government; Right of assembly; Homicide; Property; Oaths; Radical politics
Geographic Place Names: Jacksonville, Florida; Savannah, Georgia; Milledgeville, Georgia; Covington,
Georgia; Apalachicola, Georgia; Marietta, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Daniel Powell; Samuel Hallman; C. A. J. Flemister; Daniel Webster; Peter Pippins
Principal Correspondents: John T. Sprague; Aaron Bradley; John Webster; David Irwin
Content Notes: Frames 0567–0568 contain a letter from freedman Aaron Bradley to General John
Pope, dated June 5, 1867, asking for permission to practice law in Savannah, Georgia.
Frames 0626–0630 contain a letter from John Webster to General Pope, dated June 1, 1867,
detailing the circumstances of the murder of his son Daniel Webster by Peter Pippin on the
Chattahoochee River.
Frame No.
Frames 0691–0695 contain an anonymous letter to General Pope, dated June 4, 1867,
warning of the rise of a radical political party embracing freedmen in the secret hopes of
misleading them into voting Confederate men into power.
Dates: May–June 1867
E. 5782, Box 2, Section 2
Descriptive Title: Petitions for assistance in civil and criminal legal cases normally handled by local
government or considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities, received by the Bureau of
Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction; includes applications and
recommendations for appointments or election to new local governments, as well as oaths of
office sworn and signed by registers of voters
Subject Terms: Robbery and theft; Prisons; State laws; Personal property; Local government
Geographic Place Names: Ringgold, Georgia; Dahlonega, Georgia; Dalton, Georgia; Montgomery,
Alabama; Campbellton, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: G. B. McCaulla; Thomas Horn; John Spencer; George Wehunt; T. M. Howard; Bill
Camp; Wager Swayne
Principal Correspondents: Joseph G. Waters; S. A. Kelley; L. P. Gudger; Virginia A. Howard;
C. J. Jenkins; W. S. Loften; Wager Swayne
Content Notes: Frames 0828–0830 contain a letter from Virginia A. Howard to General John Pope,
dated June 12, 1867, seeking justice for her husband T. M. Howard, murdered by Bill Camp.
Frames 0871–0876 contain a letter from C. J. Jenkins to General Pope, dated June 13, 1867,
complaining of his imprisonment for selling alcohol to African Americans.
Dates: May–June 1867
Reel 3
Entry 5782: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868 cont.
E. 5782, Box 2, Section 3
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local
authorities, and documents related to the registration of voters, received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Personal property; Black Americans; Freedmen and freedwomen; Local government;
Robbery and theft; Voter registration; Homicide
Geographic Place Names: Huntsville, Alabama; Whiteside, Tennessee; McDonough, Georgia;
Milledgeville, Georgia; Chatham County, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: George W. Grady
Principal Correspondents: W. H. Moore; Charles M. Reese; James H. Walters; George H. Brown; Samuel
Levy; R. A. Harper
Content Notes: Frames 0020–0023 contain a letter from Charles M. Reese to General John Pope, dated
June 19, 1867, asking for a detachment of troops to restore order in Whiteside, Tennessee, stating
that a group of soldiers has been harassing the freedmen of the area. The folder also includes lists
of commissioned officers of local and state governments.
Frames 0233–0234 contain correspondence regarding the grand jury murder trial of
George W. Grady; correspondence regarding the registration of voters, notably a letter to General
Pope from Samuel Levy and R. A. Harper, dated Just 27, 1867, pointing out a discrepancy
between the general’s instructions and the law regarding the date by which a registrant must be a
Dates: May–July 1867
Frame No.
E. 5782, Box 2, Section 4
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments and requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by
local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during
Subject Terms: Rosters of troops; Voting rights; Riots and disorders; Local government; Freedmen and
freedwomen; Voter registration; Robbery and theft; Wages and salaries; Personal debt; Homicide
Geographic Place Names: Dallas, Georgia; Trenton, Georgia; Blairsville, Georgia; Columbus, Georgia;
Milton, Florida; Macon, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Samuel Garret; Caleb Tompkins; Benjamin P. Hunter; Stephen C. Brown; Abner
Principal Correspondents: S. L. Strickland; William Chadwick; E. H. Seef; G. W. Ashburn; E. L. Colzey;
H. S. Chapman; M. C. Hooken; J. B. Collins; Alfred Holley; E. H. Forsyth; Charles B. Lacken;
Robert H. Harris; Harriet Fipps
Content Notes: Frames 0337–0338 contain a letter from G. W. Ashburn to General John Pope, dated
July 3, 1867, describing an “exhibition of mob spirit” by former Confederate officials at the voter
registration board of Columbus, Georgia.
Frames 0343–0344 contain a July 3, 1867, petition from four former officers of the
Confederate Army protesting the loss of their voting rights; and the folder also includes
correspondence regarding a dispute over the wages of Samuel Garret, a freedman, and his
employer Caleb Tompkins.
Dates: July 1867
E. 5782, Box 2, Section 5
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, inquiries regarding the registration of voters, and requests for assistance in legal
matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Corruption and bribery; Black Americans; Freedmen and freedwomen; Civil liberties;
Voter registration; Personal debt; Homicide; Robbery and theft; Local government; Riots and
Geographic Place Names: Jones Mills, Georgia; Liberty Hill, Georgia; Rome, Georgia; Paulding County,
Georgia; Milledgeville, Georgia; St. Mary’s, Georgia; Savannah, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: John R. Jones; William R. Jones; Shephard L. Kincanon
Principal Correspondents: Rufus Johnson; Robert Speer; William H. Hall; Augustus R. Wright; Nancy
Jones; Joseph Miller; W. H. Clarke; E. L. Anderson
Content Notes: Frames 0515–0518 contain a letter from Rufus Johnson to General John Pope, dated
July 21, 1867, complaining of blatant corruption by the Merriweather County Treasurer.
Frames 0607–0609 contain a letter from Augustus R. Wright, a former member of the
Confederate Congress, to General Pope, dated July 16, 1867, asking for the privilege to register to
vote on the grounds that he was pardoned by President Abraham Lincoln in 1864.
Frames 0611–0613 contain a petition from Nancy Jones to General Pope, dated July 24,
1867, asking for a military trial for the murder of her sons John and William at the hands of a
band of men led by Shephard L. Kincanon.
Dates: July 1867
E. 5782, Box 2, Section 6
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, court documents, inquiries regarding the registration of voters, and requests for
assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the
Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Homicide; Court documents; Black Americans; Freedmen and freedwomen; Voter
registration; Citizenship
Frame No.
Geographic Place Names: Lawrenceville, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Marion County, Florida;
Barlow County, Georgia; Midway, Alabama
Persons as Subjects: Charles H. Strickland; W. M. Claiborne; James J. Denton; John Ward; William
Light; Charles Chambers
Principal Correspondents: P. D. Claiborne; C. W. Buckley
Content Notes: Frames 0821–0824 contain a report from C. W Buckley to General Wager Swayne,
dated June 28, 1867, detailing the registration of freedmen to vote. Buckley writes, “The colored
people…feel their interests are largely in the hands of their employers, and hence are timid in
seeking to know their privileges or in exercising their rights.”
Frames 0842–0862 contain testimony from the murder case of the State of Florida v. James J.
Denton, and a request from General John Pope to Senator Henry Wilson, dated July 8, 1867,
asking for the removal of the “political disabilities” of Alabama Governor R. M. Patton.
Frames 0912–0913 contain a petition from citizens of Midway, Alabama, to General Swayne,
dated July 29, 1867, stating that they feel threatened by the military organization of the freedmen.
They cite “the various threats that have been made by them. One being that if land is not given
them, also mules, horses and other stock, that they will take such property as is herein named by
the force of arms or slay the whites commencing at the cradle.”
Dates: July–August 1867
Reel 4
Entry 5782: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868 cont.
E. 5782, Box 2, Section 7
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, inquiries regarding the registration of voters, and requests for assistance in legal
matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Voter registration; Local government; Homicide; Personal debt
Geographic Place Names: Mobile, Alabama; Atlanta, Georgia; Midway, Alabama; Acworth, Georgia;
Savannah, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: John Ward; William Light; Charles Chambers; Joseph O’Connell
Principal Correspondents: L. G. Bromberg; O. L. Knapp; Rebecca Hunt
Content Notes: Frames 0094–0097 contain a letter from C. B. Blacker to Colonel C. C. Sibley, dated
August 3, 1867, calling for justice in the hanging of Charles Chambers by John Ward and William
Light, for which they were acquitted despite overwhelming evidence of their guilt.
Dates: July–August 1867
E. 5782, Box 3, Section 1
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, inquiries regarding the registration of voters, and requests for assistance in legal
matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Voter registration; Personal property; Robbery and theft; Local government; Personal
Geographic Place Names: Harrelson County, Georgia; Calhoun, Georgia; Ringgold, Georgia; Rome,
Georgia; Mobile, Alabama
Persons as Subjects: W. Brock; Wyatt N. Williams; George Kiker; William Light
Principal Correspondents: Wyatt N. Williams; Ezekiel Harris; L. J. Hilburn; J. Vosberg; Albert Griffin
Frame No.
Content Notes: Frames 0212–0213 contain a letter from Albert Griffin to Colonel J. L. Meline, dated
August 12, 1867, describing the reactions of the people of Mobile, Alabama to the removal and
replacement of the mayor and chief of police.
Dates: August 1867
E. 5782, Box 3, Section 2
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, inquiries regarding the registration of voters, and requests for assistance in legal
matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Local government; Civil liberties; Newspapers; Assault; Voter registration; Robbery and
Geographic Place Names: Huntsville, Alabama; Thomaston, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Resaca,
Georgia; Monroe, Georgia; Macon, Georgia; Mobile, Alabama; Milton, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Henry C. Robert; Syrus Drake; James Whitecotton; Isaac Rievere; Nancy Lundy;
Charles Jenkins; W. Claiborne; Charles M. Strickland
Principal Correspondents: Hiram N. Roberts; Henry Collum; A. S. Brooks; G. W. Goldthwaite; N.
Hutchinson; W. L. Harris; A. E. Marshall; James Fitzpatrick; E. F. Hinskey; Francis H. Inhow;
Charles R. Dimon; Alfred Holley
Content Notes: Frame 0406 contains a letter from Henry Collum and other black citizens of
Bainbridge, Georgia, to General John Pope, dated August 8, 1867, requesting information on how
to “run a colored man for the pending convention.”
Frames 0409–0415 contain correspondence related to the contested case of Isaac Rievere, an
African American sentenced to thirty-nine lashes and nine months on a chain gang for the alleged
beating of Nancy Lundy, a white woman; and a petition, dated August 10, 1867, from a biracial
council at Resaca, Georgia, asking that Governor Charles Jenkins be prevented from selling state
bonds to pay for the boarding and educating of Confederate soldiers.
Dates: August–September 1867
E. 5782, Box 3, Section 3
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, documents relating to the registration of voters, and requests for assistance in legal
matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Assault; Voter registration; Homicide; Wages and salaries; Prisons; Personal debt
Geographic Place Names: Barnesville, Georgia; Jacksonville, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia; Milledgeville,
Persons as Subjects: J. J. Tomlinson; James J. Denton; Ben H. Bigham
Principal Correspondents: L. A. Folsom; John W. Prince; E. R. Ames; B. B. Andrews; C. A. Earnest;
Philip Rodaw; D. L. Curtis; James Mattox
Content Notes: Includes reports on the pay scale of registers and the number of registered voters in the
counties of the state of Florida, and Frame 0794 contains a letter from Robert Cannon to General
John Pope, dated September 2, 1867, asking if any transportation is provided for the poor to go
west to Arkansas, where he has land.
Dates: June–September
E. 5782, Box 3, Section 4
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, documents relating to the registration of voters, and requests for assistance in legal
matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Homicide; Voter registration
Geographic Place Names: Bartow County, Georgia; Griffin, Georgia; Cartersville, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: John Ward; William Light
Principal Correspondents: J. Clarke Swayne; W. L. Goodwin; S. P. Thurman
Frame No.
Content Notes: Frames 0836–0837 contain a list of jurors from the murder case of the State of Georgia v.
John Ward and William Light, and Frames 0855–0857 contain request from W. L. Goodwin to
General John Pope, dated August 24, 1867, for a stay of execution pending renewed investigation
into a murder case against two defendants. One, an African American man, was sentenced to
hang, while the other, a white man, was acquitted despite overwhelming evidence of his guilt.
Dates: August 1867
Reel 5
Entry 5782: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868 cont.
E. 5782, Box 3, Section 5
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, documents relating to the registration of voters, and requests for assistance in legal
matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Wages and salaries; Voter registration; Assault; Courts; Prisons; Newspapers; Homicide;
Personal property
Geographic Place Names: Jacksonville, Florida; Albany, Georgia; Chickasawhatchee, Georgia;
McDonough, Georgia; Milledgeville, Georgia; Mobile, Alabama; Valdosta, Georgia;
Lawrenceville, Georgia; Cartersville, Georgia; Madison, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Daniel A. Woolbright; John Floyd; Abe Allen; David P. Gibson; William Light;
James Newman; Charles Frankelisty
Principal Correspondents: O. B. Hart; O. N. Howard; S. C. McDaniel; Rebecca Allen; W. A. Ballard;
Amos Towle; John W. O’Neal; L. J. Loften; A. J. Hutchins; J. R. Parrott; Augustus Reese; Season
Spiva; Moses A. Morrison
Content Notes: Frames 0117–0120 contain a letter from John W. O’Neal to J. L. Meline, dated
September 6, 1867, calling for the arrest and trial for the murder of an African American man
named Grandison, and Frames 0137–0156 contain testimony from the attempted murder trial of
James Newman and Charles Frankelisty.
Dates: August–September 1867
E. 5782, Box 3, Section 6
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, inquiries regarding the registration of voters, and requests for assistance in legal
matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Homicide; Voter registration; Prisons; Fraud; Courts; Assault
Geographic Place Names: Lawrenceville, Georgia; Milledgeville, Georgia; Moulton, Alabama; Jonesboro,
Georgia; Marion, Georgia; Lafayette, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Champion Ferguson; William McClendon; James L. Seward; J. T. Sprague; James
Principal Correspondents: A. J. Hutchins; James M. Ingalls; Amos Washington; Robert Coleman;
C. L. Robinson; A. A. Knight; Thomas M. Peters; William C. Lee; Henry M. Loyless; James
Content Notes: Includes lists of murders committed during the Civil War, a list of the Boards of
Registration for Florida, and several reports on the progress of Boards of Registration in Georgia.
Frames 0404–0408 contain a request from Henry M. Loyless to General John Pope, dated
June 27, 1867, that court continue to be held at Marion, Georgia, so that citizens of both races
would not have to walk the considerable distance to Jeffersonville.
Frame No.
Frames 0480–0499 contain correspondence calling for the release of James Mattox from an
excessive fine for stabbing Scott Smith in self defense.
Dates: June–September 1867
E. 5782, Box 3, Section 7
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointments or election to new local
governments, documents relating to tax collection and the registration of voters, and requests for
assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the
Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Personal debt; Black Americans; Freedmen and freedwomen; Poll tax; Tax collection
and administration; Voter registration; Arrest; Newspapers; Personal property
Geographic Place Names: Savannah, Georgia; Dallas, Georgia; Chattahoochee County, Georgia; Rome,
Persons as Subjects: Jacob Bird; Joseph Gordon; Stephen McAlister; A. J. Brison; John Chastain
Principal Correspondents: D. N. Laine; W. A. J. Lee; John Rand; J. R. Duncan; H. M. Duncan;
J. J. Bradford; G. Horton; A. S. Wilson; C. A. de la Mesa
Content Notes: Frame 0536 contains a letter from Florida Comptroller John Beard to all tax collectors,
dated April 5, 1867, reminding them to collect four dollars from each freedman at the polls, one
dollar of which will be applied to the Common Schools for Freedmen.
Frames 0723–0746 contain correspondence and affidavits from a civil case, A. J. Brison v.
John Chastain, over ownership of one gray mare, during which “the defendant, his lawyer, [a] late
Rebel Colonel, and the witnesses came to the Court armed to the teeth demanding an immediate
Dates: August–September 1867
E. 5782, Box 3, Section 8
Descriptive Title: Requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local
authorities and lists of murders committed during the Civil War received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Black Americans; Freedmen and freedwomen; Poll tax; Voter registration; Homicide
Geographic Place Names: Baker County, Georgia; Miller County, Georgia; Athens, Alabama; Augusta,
Georgia; Lawrenceville, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Ebinezer Boyd; Richard Sharpton; William Moore; George D. W. Steele; Asa
Wright; Charles M. Lee; Jasper Lait
Principal Correspondents: D. H. Bingham; Jacob R. Davis; J. H. Summerhayes
Content Notes: Frame 0760 contains a letter from Jacob R. Davis to General John Pope, dated August
30, 1867, asking him to issue an order prohibiting the requirement of a poll tax for freedmen as it
is an excessive hardship for them. Also includes several reports of murders committed during the
Civil War.
Dates: July–August 1867
E. 5782, Box 4, Section 1
Descriptive Title: Correspondence and affidavits from legal cases, and petitions for better pay from
registers of voters received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during
Subject Terms: Riots and disorders; Race relations; Alcoholic beverages control laws; Wages and
Geographic Place Names: Newnan, Georgia; Valhermoso, Alabama; Tampa, Florida; Valdosta, Georgia;
Blackshear, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: William F. Wright; G. W. Wiley; P. B. Williams; Henry Albury; A. M. Moore; Linus
Murdock; Henry W. Odum
Principal Correspondents: William J. Martins; J. R. Williams; Henry Albury; Jessie Thomas
Content Notes: Frames 0793–0821 contain correspondence and affidavits related to a political meeting
held by freedmen in Newnan, Georgia, on August 17, 1867, that was interrupted by a white man,
William F. Wright, who forced himself onto the podium and proceeded to verbally abuse the first
Frame No.
speaker, apparently in the hopes of creating a racial disturbance. Correspondence regarding the
indictment of P. B. Williams for living in fornication with an African American woman wherein
the penal codes of Alabama related to miscegenation are discussed.
Frames 0837–0843 contain a request from Jessie Thomas, an African American man, to
General John Pope, dated September 29, 1867, for assistance in obtain justice for the rape of his
wife Ann by A. H. Lane, which Thomas discovered only after she gave birth to Lane’s child. It is
followed by affidavits from the subsequent case against Lane. In the first, Ann Thomas testifies
that she was not injured by Lane and that Jessie Thomas was merely trying to take advantage of
Dates: September–November 1867
Reel 6
Entry 5782: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868 cont.
E. 5782, Box 4, Section 2
Descriptive Title: Requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local
authorities and documents related to tax collection and state elections received by the Bureau of
Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Tax collection and administration; Homicide; Elections; Land ownership and rights;
Personal debt; Discrimination in employment; Voting rights; Government documents;
Constitutional amendments
Geographic Place Names: Jacksonville, Florida; Rome, Georgia; Augusta, Georgia; Florence, Alabama;
Atlanta, Georgia; Bainbridge, Georgia; Mobile, Alabama; Fort Morgan, Alabama
Persons as Subjects: Samuel Wilson; David A. Frier; James Bonner; Taylor Evans; Thomas Bird
Principal Correspondents: C. A. de la Mesa; William Gould; N. H. Rice; Austin Wright; G. W. Dobbs;
William Garvin; Benjamin Gardner
Content Notes: Frames 0081–0084 contain a letter from William Gould to General John Pope, dated
September 18, 1867, complaining of the removal of troops from Augusta, Georgia, “the negroes
being armed and having shown a spirit of violence recently.”
Frame 0105 contains a letter from N. H. Rice to General Pope, dated October 5, 1867,
describes the apathy of white voters due to the nomination of an African American for a seat in
the State Convention and the inability of one third of African American voters to travel the
distance to the polls.
Frames 0119–0122 contain a petition from freedmen of Atlanta to General Pope, dated
November 15, 1867, requesting that some government appointments and railroad jobs be given
to freedmen.
Frames 0170–0171 contain a copy of election returns for twenty counties of Florida at
midnight on November 20, 1867.
Frames 0183–0184 contain a report from Joel Johnson to Colonel E. Hulbert, dated
November 5, 1867, on freedmen prevented from voting.
Dates: September–November 1867
E. 5782, Box 4, Section 3
Descriptive Title: Requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local
authorities and personal accounts of injustices received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military
District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Wages and salaries; Personal debt; Personal property; Voting rights; Employment;
Homicide; Poverty; Newspapers; Voter registration
Geographic Place Names: Calhoun, Georgia; Livingston, Alabama; Rock Spring, Georgia; Jefferson,
Georgia; Fort Morgan, Alabama; Albany, Georgia; Thomasville, Georgia; Tennille, Georgia;
Frame No.
Augusta, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Carnesville, Georgia; Fernandina, Florida; Bryan
County, Georgia; Gainesville, Florida
Persons as Subjects: William Jarvis; Charles Thomas; Washington Wilcox; John Shephard; Solomon
Waterman; John Dawson; Arthur Williams
Principal Correspondents: W. C. Cain; H. L. Bennett; Ross Shadrich; Tom Turner; Charles Alexander;
Israel Bacon; Philip Wade; H. S. Castellan; Ellis Lyons; Wager Swayne; J. H. Langston;
John L. Sprague; H. L. Harmon
Content Notes: Frames 0314–0318 contain affidavits from African Americans testifying that they
believe they lost their jobs because they voted.
Frames 0402–0409 contain correspondence regarding a group of men in Bryan County,
Georgia, referred to as the “Regulators” accused of attempting to force Arthur Williams to leave
the county.
Dates: August–October 1867
E. 5782, Box 4, Section 4
Descriptive Title: Requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local
authorities, court proceedings and Board of Survey proceedings received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Land ownership and rights; Newspapers; Voter registration; Poll tax; Riots and
disorders; Assault; Voting Rights; Personal property; Elections; Government documents
Geographic Place Names: Frick’s Gap, Georgia; Halcyondale, Georgia; Union Point, Georgia;
Greenville, Georgia; Albany, Georgia; Sparta, Georgia; Cartersville, Georgia; Marietta, Georgia;
Macon, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Lucinda Williams; Robert Ellis
Principal Correspondents: Henry T. Hill; E. D. Townsend; Joseph William; Emily R. Baker; W. J.
McClutchy; John L. Sprague
Content Notes: Frames 0524–0547 contain proceedings from the October, 1867, trial of the State of
Georgia v. James R. Barnes for assaults committed while participating in a riot.
Frames 0548–0558 contain documents from the November, 1867, trial of the State of
Georgia v. W. M. Thomas for shooting at Henry W. Philips.
Frames 0595–0596 contain a petition from several African American men to General John
Pope, dated November 3rd, 1867, seeking protection from the loss of their jobs in retribution for
Dates: October–November 1867
E. 5782, Box 4, Section 5
Descriptive Title: Board of Survey proceedings and requests for assistance in legal matters considered to
be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military
District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Government documents; Military supplies and property; Robbery and theft; Voting
rights; Homicide; Tax collection and administration; Trespass; Contested elections
Geographic Place Names: Fort Morgan, Alabama; Atlanta, Georgia; Mobile, Alabama; Dahlonega,
Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Tampa, Florida; Selma, Alabama; Macon, Georgia; Rome,
Georgia; Saint Augustine, Florida; Cartersville, Georgia; Appling, Georgia; Whitesville, Georgia;
Athens, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Joseph C. Kincaid; H. C. Davis
Principal Correspondents: J. Harvey; W. P. Price; Emily R. Baker; Nancy Overstreet; Delia Overstreet;
John Boggs; A. A. Bradley; J. H. Grant; L. McDaniel; W. H. L. Randall; C. A. Colby; Joseph
Content Notes: Includes proceedings of several Boards of Survey conducted in 1867, detailing the
stores of various investigations into missing supplies from military forts.
Frame 0871 contains affidavits of Nancy and Delia Overstreet from August 19, 1867,
testifying to the murder of William Overstreet and attempted murder of Delia by several men in
Appling, Georgia.
Frame No.
Frame 0916 contains a request from A. A. Bradley and J. H. Grant to General John Pope,
dated October 17, 1867, for protection from Savannah, Georgia, Mayor Edward Anderson’s
attempts to prohibit Republican meetings, stating “Are we yet slaves or are we free American
Dates: September–December 1867
Reel 7
Entry 5782: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868 cont.
E. 5782, Box 4, Section 6
Descriptive Title: Board of Survey proceedings, court proceedings, and requests for assistance in legal
matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Government documents; Court documents; Military supplies and property; Robbery
and theft; Homicide; Black Americans; Assault; Personal property; Personal debt; Land
ownership and rights; Homicide; Kidnapping; Poverty
Geographic Place Names: Mobile, Alabama; Tallahassee, Florida; Huntsville, Alabama; Fort Brooke,
Florida; Demopolis, Alabama; Savannah, Georgia; Greenville, Georgia; Wilkinson County,
Georgia; Cuthbert, Georgia; Cartersville, Georgia; Macon, Georgia; Panola, Mississippi;
Washington, Georgia; Covington, Georgia; La Grange, Georgia; Rome, Georgia; Chattanooga,
Persons as Subjects: Alexander Webb; John Orrick; Edward Anderson; F. Randall; Robert Ellis; George
Banning; Frances Bulton; Jacob Lile; William Light; C. C. Blaker; John R. Reid; W. J. McClutchy;
Samuel Gray; Alfred Henderson; James J. Scott; Clara Harris
Principal Correspondents: C. J. DuPont; N. G. M. Davis; David S. Walker; C. W. Pierce; A. A. Bradley;
John W. Dummerhayes; Henry Leuther; Smith Davenport; J. R. Parrott; G. W. Maxwell;
John T. Wingfield; W. J. Camp; H. P. Farrow; J. M. Caldwell; G. W. Head; Elizabeth Lackie
Content Notes: Frames 0047–0063 contain a thorough report of an investigation into the murder of
Alexander Webb by John Orrick.
Frames 0064–0065 contain a letter from A. A. Bradley to General John Pope, dated October
26, 1867, calling for the release of thirty African Americans imprisoned during a peaceful mass
meeting for the purpose of preventing them from voting.
Frames 0072–0076 contain an investigative report from John W. Dummerhayes to
John E. Hosmer, dated October 21, 1867, detailing the harassment and assault of several African
American students and their teacher by whites, especially George Banner, that is ignored by the
local sheriff.
Frames 0235–0250 contain correspondence regarding a petition for assistance from
Elizabeth Lackie to General John Pope, dated October 8, 1867, in which she describes in great
detail the loss of all her property at the hands of Confederate soldiers and her subsequent
destitution as a widowed mother of seven children.
Dates: October–November 1867
E. 5782, Box 5, Section 1
Descriptive Title: Documents relating to court proceedings and requests for assistance in legal matters
considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd
Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Homicide; Court documents; Prisons
Geographic Place Names: Americus, Georgia; Muscogee County, Georgia; Savannah, Georgia;
Clarkesville, Georgia
Frame No.
Persons as Subjects: Ben Horne; Scott Horne; Edmond Horne; Richard Horne; George Jackson Jr.;
Joab H. C. Horne; William Smart-Bass; Waring Russell; N. A. Harrison; Sydney McLeod; Caroline
Mullinox; G. J. Miller; Nathan Stevens
Principal Correspondents: Champion Ferguson; O. B. Hart
Content Notes: Frames 0277–0327 contain proceedings of two murder trials. Frames 0328–0331
contain affidavits accusing Waring Russell, jailer of Chatham County, Georgia, of cruel treatment
of prisoners. Frames 0438–0453 contain an 1867 list of the counties of Georgia with the number
of registered voters in each, separated by district and by race; followed by various reports detailing
important statistics regarding voter registration, voter turnout, and the results of referenda on the
creation of state constitutional conventions in Florida and Georgia.
Dates: September 1867–January 1868
E. 5782, Box 5, Section 2
Descriptive Title: Documents relating to court proceedings and requests for assistance in legal matters
considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd
Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Military government; Homicide; Poverty; Assault; Court documents
Geographic Place Names: Eufaula, Alabama; Huntsville, Alabama; Dalton, Georgia; Albany, Georgia;
Griffin, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia; Jefferson, Georgia; Lawton, Georgia; Lawrence County,
Persons as Subjects: John J. Huff; Hudson Beck; William M. Thomas; Lewis Caschings; P. Jefferson
Principal Correspondents: Wager Swayne; J. Hayden; J. J. Adams; Ralph Finney; C. B. Johnson; Bertrand
Zachary; William M. Marler; William F. Quarterman; Thomas M. Peters
Content Notes: Frames 0591–0607 contain correspondence regarding the arrest and indictment of
William Thomas, an African American school teacher, for shooting at a Mr. Phillipps in selfdefense after Phillipps forced him to his knees at knife point saying that he was going to kill him
for teaching African American children.
Frames 0676–0677 contain a letter from William F. Quarterman to General John Pope,
dated November 30, 1867, requesting protection for the members of the Union Republican Club
of Clinch County, Georgia, from a group of men calling themselves the “Bagging Crowd.”
Dates: November 1867–February 1868
E. 5782, Box 5, Section 3
Descriptive Title: Documents relating to court proceedings and requests for assistance in legal matters
considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd
Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Homicide; Local government; Voting rights; Prosthetic devices; Amputations and
amputees; Personal debt; Perjury
Geographic Place Names: Dahlonega, Georgia; Augusta, Georgia; Tallahassee, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia;
Butts County, Georgia; Knoxville, Georgia; Savannah, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: William Carter; Toliver White; Robert Maxwell; Wiley Goodman;
William E. Livingston
Principal Correspondents: Lafayette McLaws; D. S. Walker; Frank Scarlett; Robert Hatcher;
Richard R. Holmes
Content Notes: Frames 0877–0879 contain a copy of “An Act to provide for furnishing Artificial
Limbs to Maimed Soldiers” forwarded along with a letter, dated December 9, 1867, from
D. S. Walker to General John Pope asking whether this act of the General Assembly of Florida
violates any military orders.
Frame 0918 contains a petition from voters of Butts County stating that civil officers of the
county took measures to keep freedmen from voting and that Wiley Goodman, an agent of the
Freedman’s Bureau, used his position to attempt to keep voters from going to the polls.
Dates: November 1867–January 1868
Frame No.
Reel 8
Entry 5782: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868 cont.
E. 5782, Box 5, Section 4
Descriptive Title: Requests for replacement of civil officers, documents relating to court proceedings
and requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities
received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Emancipation; Freedmen and freedwomen; Homicide; Arson; Robbery and theft;
Liens; Voting rights; Riots and disorders; Local government
Geographic Place Names: Savannah, Georgia; Otho, Alabama; Mobile, Alabama; Augusta, Georgia; Oak
Bowery, Alabama; Montgomery, Alabama
Persons as Subjects: Richard Busteed; Charles Archie Johnson
Principal Correspondents: C. H. Hopkins; J. Bowles; C. F. Moulton; Robert R. Smith; Foster Blodgett;
L. Bromberg
Content Notes: Frame 0002 contains a request from C. H. Hopkins to General John Pope, dated
December 26, 1867, on behalf of the freedmen of Savannah to allow them to celebrate their
emancipation on New Year’s Day, 1868.
Frames 0103–0109 contain newspaper clippings forwarded to General Pope from G. H.
Tracy on May 15, 1867, describing a riot that killed four and injured many others in Mobile,
Frames 0110–0112 contain a letter from C. F. Moulton to General Wager Swayne, dated
December 19, 1867, calling for the replacement of Judge Richard Basteed, writing, “He is
prostituting the dignity of his high office to gratify a morbid thirst of revenge—He has converted
the sanctuary of Justice, where law was once administered in its purity, and in accordance with the
genius and wisdom of our free institution, into a Star Chamber.”
Dates: December 1867–January 1868
E. 5782, Box 5, Section 5
Descriptive Title: Requests for replacement of civil officers, documents relating to court proceedings
and requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities
received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Homicide; Liens; Government documents; Local Government; Elections
Geographic Place Names: Atlanta, Georgia; Wedowee, Alabama; Gadsden, Alabama
Persons as Subjects: Ben Starr; James Perry; John Daley
Principal Correspondents: D. L. Mitchells; W. M. Stevens
Content Notes: Frame 0332 contains a personal letter from W. M. Stevens to his cousin Daniel Daley
stating that he has information regarding the death of Daniel’s father John Daley and asking him
to come to Wedowee, Alabama, as soon as possible.
Dates: December 1867–January 1868
E. 5782, Box 5, Section 6
Descriptive Title: Correspondence pursuant to the appointment or replacement of civil officers, levies
on property, and elections received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during
Subject Terms: State and local taxes; Voter registration; Liens; Wages and salaries; Local government;
Riots and disturbances
Geographic Place Names: Atlanta, Georgia; Macon, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Savannah, Georgia;
Albany, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Wager Swayne; Frank Williams; John Pope; H. C. Cook; Edward Anderson
Principal Correspondents: W. M. Dunn; Wager Swayne; S. J. Day; Charles A. Miller; Saul D. Dickson;
J. M. Kemp
Frame No.
Content Notes: Frames 0708–0709 contain resolutions of the City Council of Savannah from October
3, 1867, thanking General John Pope, Captain H. C. Cook, Mayor Edward Anderson, the police
force, and the freedmen of Savannah for preventing a riot during a meeting in Chippewa Square
on September 30 of that year.
Dates: October 1867–February 1868
E. 5782, Box 6, Section 1
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointment to new local governments and
correspondence related to the preparation of elections received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd
Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Wages and salaries; Elections; Voter registration
Geographic Place Names: Union, Alabama; Jacksonville, Florida; Eutaw, Alabama
Principal Correspondents: William Miller; John L. Sprague; J. Cobbs; O. B. Hart; D. Richards
Content Notes: Frames 0850–0851 contain a letter from Colonel John L. Sprague to General George
G. Meade, dated March 4, 1868, describing the difficulties in creating and maintaining voter
registration boards and requesting at least fifty days to prepare for the upcoming election.
Frames 0892 and 0901 contain telegrams from D. Richards to General Meade, dated
February 14 and 15, 1868, which state that a mob occupies the hall where the state constitutional
convention is supposed to meet and is protected by the military.
Dates: January–February 1868
Reel 9
Entry 5782: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received, April 1867–July 1868 cont.
E. 5782, Box 6, Section 2
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointment to new local governments and
correspondence related to the preparation of elections received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd
Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Elections; Voter registration; Military communications
Geographic Place Names: Montgomery, Alabama; Jacksonville, Florida
Persons as Subjects: Thomas Crow
Principal Correspondents: George Ely; John L. Sprague; Samuel M. Hyde
Content Notes: Frame 0018 contains a letter from Joseph Walker to Colonel John L. Meline, dated
February 24, 1868, asking for assistance in the case of a fifteen-year-old girl forced into an illegal
marriage by a man who is already married and has children.
Dates: January–March 1868
E. 5782, Box 6, Section 3
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointment to new local governments and
requests for assistance in legal matters considered to be unjustly handled by local authorities
received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Voter registration; Voting rights; Assault; Land ownership and rights; Ku Klux Klan;
Contested elections; Fraud
Geographic Place Names: Columbus, Georgia; Tuscumbia, Alabama; Rome, Georgia; Ringgold, Georgia;
Greenville, Alabama; Mobile, Alabama
Persons as Subjects: G. W. Ashburn; A. E. Bresler; William Warren; Charles W. Barton
Principal Correspondents: E. Hulbert; Charles P. Evans; Thomas Blair; Benjamin F. Porter; Charles
Hudson; W. T. Hatchett
Content Notes: Frame 0300 contains a draft of a poster reading, “Notice! The non-payment of taxes by
registered voters, does not prohibit their voting at the election to be held in this state,
commencing on the 20th April, 1868—E. Hulbert, Superintendent Registration State of Georgia,”
followed by a requisition order for 5,000 copies to be made.
Frame No.
Frames 0404–0405 contain letter from Charles P. Evans to E. Hulbert, dated April 1, 1868,
states that the Ku Klux Klan is harassing Union men and requests military intervention.
Frames 0433–0480 contain correspondence and a committee report on voter fraud in
Mobile, Alabama.
Dates: March–May 1868
E. 5782, Box 6, Section 4
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointment to new local governments,
letters of resignation, and requisitions for the printing of informational posters and blank
government documents received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during
Subject Terms: Wages and salaries; Government documents
Geographic Place Names: Macon, Georgia
Principal Correspondents: James Fitzpatrick; E. Hulbert
Content Notes: Includes numerous letters of resignation from civil officers.
Dates: March–July 1868
Entry 5783: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Miscellaneous Letters Received, 1867–1868
E. 5783, Section 1
Descriptive Title: Voting records, financial records and correspondence related to voter registration and
elections received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Voter registration; Fraud; Elections; Municipal finance
Geographic Place Names: Warrenton, Georgia; Macon, Georgia
Principal Correspondents: J. A. J. McDonough; A. Marachetti; W. W. Clark
Content Notes: Frames 0691–0692 contain an account, by county, of the population of Georgia and a
partial list of registered voters for Chatham County, Georgia, in April 1868.
Frames 0701–0712 contain correspondence regarding charges of fraudulent practices at the
polls in Warren County, Georgia.
Frames 0714–0726 contain a list of registered voters, by precinct, of Macon County,
Georgia, in October 1867; and various documents related to the expenses incurred during
registration and elections in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, including records and returns from
Dates: June 1867–April 1868
E. 5783, Section 2
Descriptive Title: Records related to voter registration and elections received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Elections; Government documents; Wages and salaries
Geographic Place Names: Montgomery, Alabama; Atlanta, Georgia
Principal Correspondents: C. A. Miller; William H. Smith
Content Notes: Frames 0846–0908 contain election returns from counties in Alabama, October 1867.
Dates: August 1867–April 1868
Reel 10
Entry 5783: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Miscellaneous Letters Received, 1867–1868 cont.
E. 5783, Section 3
Descriptive Title: Correspondence and documentation related to voter registration and elections
Subject Terms: Military communications; Elections; Municipal finance; Voter registration
Geographic Place Names: Atlanta, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Forsyth, Georgia; Columbus,
Georgia; Warrenton, Georgia
Frame No.
Persons as Subjects: J. A. J. McDonough
Principal Correspondents: Wager Swayne; E. Hulbert; W. G. Pelorry; A. E. Marshall; S. H. Hill;
Simonson Gardner
Content Notes: Includes telegrams to and from military authorities regarding elections, especially from
E. Hulbert, superintendent of registration in Georgia; lists of delegates elected to the
constitutional convention of Georgia, by district; and lists of registered voters in Florida; Reports
of numbers of registered voters from Alabama in August 1867.
Dates: August 1867–April 1868
Entry 5784: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received Relating to Appointments of Civil Officers, 1867–1868
E. 5784, Section 1
Descriptive Title: Applications, recommendations, and letters of acceptance for appointment or election
to new local governments, often accompanied by Test Oaths, received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Oaths
Geographic Place Names: Marianna, Florida; Gainesville, Florida; Jacksonville, Florida; Tallahassee,
Florida; Montgomery, Alabama; Columbus, Georgia; Dahlonega, Georgia; Mobile, Alabama;
Lumpkin, Georgia; Savannah, Georgia; Cedartown, Georgia
Principal Correspondents: Wager Swayne
Content Notes: Multiple requests for the removal of civil officers, along with recommendations for
their replacements.
Dates: September–November 1867
E. 5784, Section 2
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointment or election to new local
governments, often accompanied by Test Oaths, received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd
Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Oaths
Geographic Place Names: Montgomery, Alabama; Mobile, Alabama; Lawrenceville, Georgia; Savannah,
Georgia; Clarksville, Georgia; Dahlonega, Georgia; Tallahassee, Florida; Darien, Georgia
Principal Correspondents: Wager Swayne; F. F. Flint
Content Notes: Multiple requests for the removal of civil officers, along with recommendations for
their replacements.
Dates: July–October 1867
E. 5784, Section 3
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointment or election to new local
governments, often accompanied by Test Oaths, received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd
Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Oaths
Geographic Place Names: Waynesboro, Georgia; Rome, Georgia; Blackshear, Georgia; Montgomery,
Alabama; Mobile, Alabama
Principal Correspondents: R. M. Patton; Wager Swayne
Dates: August–October 1867
E. 5784, Section 4
Descriptive Title: Applications and recommendations for appointment or election to new local
governments, often accompanied by Test Oaths, received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd
Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Oaths; Pardons; Poverty; Assault
Geographic Place Names: Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Tallahassee, Florida; Columbus, Georgia; Milledgeville,
Georgia; Huntsville, Alabama
Persons as Subjects: Alfred Sparrow; Neill Broxson; Thomas Moore; Adolph Lang
Principal Correspondents: T. Seymour; John Leonard; N. H. Ruger; J. A. Hayden
Frame No.
Content Notes: Frames 0716–0719 contain a petition from T. Seymour, dated January 30, 1868, for the
release of Alfred Sparrow, Neill Broxson, and Thomas Moore, African American men convicted
of petty crimes and sentenced more harshly than white men convicted of comparable crimes.
Frame 0828 contains a letter from John Leonard to General C. C. Sibley, dated May 14,
1868, asking for the speedy appointment of judges to replace those recently resigned and to
prevent the starvation of approximately thirty men in the Columbus, Georgia, poor house whose
support requires the action of the Inferior Court.
Dates: January–June 1868
Reel 11
Entry 5784: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received Relating to Appointments of Civil Officers, 1867–1868 cont.
E. 5784, Section 5
Descriptive Title: Applications, recommendations, and letters of acceptance for appointment or election
to new local governments, often accompanied by Test Oaths, received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Oaths
Geographic Place Names: Montgomery, Alabama; Fort Valley, Georgia; Cherokee County, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Thomas W. Brock
Principal Correspondents: Wager Swayne; R. M. Patton
Content Notes: Frames 0028–0029 contain a petition from citizens of Fort Valley, Georgia, to General
John Pope calling for the removal and replacement of Constable Thomas W. Brock for his cruel
and illegal treatment of African Americans.
Dates: July–August 1867
E. 5784, Section 6
Descriptive Title: Applications, recommendations, and letters of acceptance for appointment or election
to new local governments, often accompanied by Test Oaths, received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Oaths; Court documents; Local government; Poverty
Geographic Place Names: Montgomery, Alabama; Talladega, Alabama; Thomasville, Georgia; Richmond
County, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Robert Barber; James Caldwell; William Cline; Amos J. Love
Principal Correspondents: Robert Barber; Peter H. Harris; T. Seymour; Lafayette McLaws;
Alex C. Morton
Content Notes: Frames 0372–0381 contain a copy of an act of legislation in Muscogee County,
Georgia, establishing the Muscogee Asylum for the Poor.
Dates: June–December 1867
E. 5784, Section 7
Descriptive Title: Applications, recommendations, and letters of acceptance for appointment or election
to new local governments, often accompanied by Test Oaths, received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Oaths
Geographic Place Names: Tallahassee, Florida; Atlanta, Georgia; Mobile, Alabama; Montgomery,
Alabama; Augusta, Georgia
Principal Correspondents: D. S. Walker; Thomas Blair; Jacob R. Davis
Dates: April–October 1867
E. 5784, Section 8
Descriptive Title: Applications, recommendations, and letters of acceptance for appointment or election
to new local governments, often accompanied by Test Oaths, received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Frame No.
Subject Terms: Oaths
Geographic Place Names: Mobile, Alabama; Atlanta, Georgia; Lumpkin, Georgia; Greenville, Georgia;
Rome, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: Travis Usher
Principal Correspondents: J. L. Wimberly; William H. Wall
Dates: January–July 1867
E. 5784, Section 9
Descriptive Title: Applications, recommendations, and letters of acceptance for appointment or election
to new local governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during
Geographic Place Names: Rome, Georgia
Dates: May–June 1867
Reel 12
Entry 5784: 3rd Military District, Bureau of Civil Affairs,
Letters Received Relating to Appointments of Civil Officers, 1867–1868 cont.
E. 5784, Section 10
Descriptive Title: Applications, recommendations, and letters of acceptance for appointment or election
to new local governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during
Subject Terms: Black Americans
Geographic Place Names: Savannah, Georgia
Dates: May–June 1867
E. 5784, Section 11
Descriptive Title: Applications, recommendations, and letters of acceptance for appointment or election
to new local governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during
Subject Terms: Black Americans
Geographic Place Names: Dalton, Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia
Persons as Subjects: John T. Compton; L. P. Grudger
Content Notes: Frames 0178–0187 contain a petition from the African American citizens of Whitfield
County, Georgia to General John Pope, dated May 15, 1867, recommending the appointment of
John T. Compton as register and Dr. L. P. Gudger as superintendent of registration.
Dates: April–June 1867; January–April 1868
E. 5784, Section 12
Descriptive Title: Letters of resignation, applications, and recommendations for appointment or
election to new local governments received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District,
during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Prisons; Elections
Geographic Place Names: Atlanta, Georgia; Augusta, Georgia; Blackshear, Georgia; Georgetown,
Persons as Subjects: Aaron McKinsey; Larkin Armstrong
Principal Correspondents: E. Hulbert; William Brunt; Rachel McKinsey
Content Notes: Frames 0512–0524 contain correspondence regarding the inhumane confinement of
Aaron McKinsey, a freedman, by Larkin Armstrong, deputy sheriff and jailor of Whitman
County, Georgia, on the charge of having knowledge of the theft of a mule.
Frame No.
Frames 0525–0540 contain a letter from General George G. Meade to General Ulysses S.
Grant, dated March 23, 1868, detailing the returns of the recent election in Alabama, which
included a referendum on the ratified state constitution and his views on the reasons for its
Dates: March 1868
Entry 5790: 3rd Military District, Other Records,
Reports and Letters Relating to Elections in Alabama, 1868
E. 5790
Descriptive Title: Correspondence related to conducting elections and investigations of election fraud
received by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Elections; Contested elections; Fraud
Geographic Place Names: Montgomery, Alabama; Mobile, Alabama
Persons as Subjects: John G. Callis
Principal Correspondents: J. Hayden; W. T. Hatchett; J. W. Burke
Content Notes: Includes various telegrams on conducting the Alabama election of February 1868 and
frames 0559–0564 contain a report of an investigation of the election from W. T. Hatchett,
Superintendent of Registration, to General J. Hayden, dated March 4, 1868.
Dates: February–March 1868
Entry 5791: 3rd Military District, Other Records,
List of Names Stricken from Registration Lists, 1867
E. 5791, Section 1
Descriptive Title: Lists of names stricken from Georgia registration lists for the election of October
1867, some of which include reasons for their disenfranchisement, sworn affidavits of registered
voters, and documents related to investigations of election fraud received by the Bureau of Civil
Affairs, 3rd Military District, during Reconstruction
Subject Terms: Voter registration; Elections; Oaths
Geographic Place Names: Bartow County, Georgia; Montgomery, Alabama; Mobile, Alabama
Principal Correspondents: Jasper Potits; J. H. Meline; W. T. Hatchett
Content Notes: Frames 0735–0781 contain affidavits of voters sworn and registered by Jasper Potits in
Polk County, Georgia, October 1867. Frames 0783–0797 contain a detailed report from
J. H. Meline to General George Meade, dated February 21, 1868, on his investigation of the
election in Alabama, accompanied by such correspondence as Meline thought necessary to
forward as evidence.
Dates: October, 1867–March 1868
E. 5791, Section 2
Descriptive Title: Sworn affidavits of registered voters and lists of names stricken from Georgia
registration lists for the election of October 1867
Subject Terms: Voter registration; Elections; Oaths
Geographic Place Names: Polk County, Georgia; Chatham County, Georgia; Columbus, Georgia
Principal Correspondents: Jasper Potits
Content Notes: Frames 0836–0873 contain affidavits of voters sworn and registered by Jasper Potits in
Polk County, Georgia, October 1867. Frames 0875–0876 contain Republican and Democratic
tickets for the State of Georgia and Chatham County. Frames 0913–0914 contain voters’
affidavits from Chatham County, Georgia.
Dates: October 1867–April 1868
The following index is a guide to the principal correspondents in this microform publication. The first
number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers to the frame
number at which the file containing correspondence by the person begins. Hence, 7: 0540 directs researchers
to Frame 0540 of Reel 7. By referring to the Reel Index, which constitutes the initial segment of this guide,
the researcher will find topics listed, within each category, in the order in which they appear on the film.
Adams, J. J.
7: 0540
Albury, Henry
5: 0792
Alexander, Charles
6: 0234
Allen, Rebecca
5: 0001
Ames, E. R.
4: 0611
Anderson, E. L.
3: 0506
Andrews, B. B.
4: 0611
Ashburn, G. W.
3: 0243
Austin, E.
2: 0259
Bacon, Israel
6: 0234
Baker, Emily R.
6: 0463, 0699
Ballard, W. A.
5: 0001
Barber, Robert
11: 0193
Bennett, H. L.
6: 0234
Bingham, D. H.
5: 0747
Blair, Thomas
9: 0250; 11: 0432
Blodgett, Foster
1: 0517; 8: 0001
Boggs, John
6: 0699
Bowles, J.
8: 0001
Bradford, J. J.
5: 0500
Bradley, A. A.
6: 0699; 7: 0001
Bradley, Aaron
2: 0558
Bromberg, L.
8: 0001
Bromberg, L. G.
4: 0001
Brooks, A. S.
4: 0377
Brown, George H.
3: 0001
Brunt, William
12: 0358
Buckley, C. W.
3: 0743
Bullock, Alex H.
1: 0517
Burke, J. W.
12: 0542
Cain, W. C.
6: 0234
Caldwell, J. M.
7: 0001
Camp, W. J.
7: 0001
Campbell, T. G.
2: 0499
Castellan, H. S.
6: 0234
Chadwick, William
3: 0243
Chapman, H. S.
3: 0243
Christian, Samantha
2: 0001
Citizens of Walker County, Georgia
1: 0775
Claiborne, P. D.
3: 0743
Clark, W. W.
9: 0690
Clarke, W. H.
3: 0506
Cobbs, J.
8: 0711
Colby, C. A.
6: 0699
Coleman, Robert
5: 0258
Collins, J. B.
3: 0243
Collum, Henry
4: 0377
Colzey, E. L.
3: 0243
Curtis, D. L.
4: 0611
Davenport, Smith
7: 0001
Davis, Alloway R.
1: 0517
Davis, Jacob R.
1: 0001; 5: 0747; 11: 0432
Davis, N. G. M.
7: 0001
Day, S. J.
8: 0484
Dickey, John B.
2: 0001
Dickson, Saul D.
8: 0484
Dimon, Charles R.
4: 0377
Dobbs, G. W.
6: 0001
Dodd, H.
1: 0255
Dodt, H.
2: 0001
Dummerhayes, John W.
7: 0001
Duncan, H. M.
5: 0500
Duncan, J. R.
5: 0500
Duncan, John P.
2: 0499
Dunn, W. M.
8: 0484
Dunning, James
1: 0001
DuPont, C. J.
7: 0001
Earnest, C. A.
4: 0611
Ely, George
9: 0001
Evans, Charles P.
9: 0250
Farrow, H. P.
7: 0001
Ferguson, Champion
7: 0276
Finney, Ralph
7: 0540
Fipps, Harriet
3: 0243
Fitzpatrick, H. H.
2: 0259
Fitzpatrick, James
4: 0377; 9: 0481
Flint, F. F.
10: 0390
Folsom, L. A.
4: 0611
Forsyth, E. H.
3: 0243
Gardner, Benjamin
6: 0001
Gardner, Simonson
10: 0001
Garvin, William
6: 0001
Glass, John M.
1: 0517
Goldthwaite, G. W.
4: 0377
Goodwin, W. L.
4: 0832
Gould, William
6: 0001
Grant, J. H.
6: 0699
Griffin, Albert
4: 0161
Grobes, Joseph
6: 0699
Gudger, L. P.
2: 0753
Hall, William H.
3: 0506
Harmon, H. L.
6: 0234
Harper, R. A.
3: 0001
Harris, Ezekiel
4: 0161
Harris, John L.
1: 0517
Harris, Peter H.
11: 0193
Harris, Robert H.
3: 0243
Harris, W. L.
4: 0377
Hart, O. B.
5: 0001; 7: 0276; 8: 0711
Harvey, J.
6: 0699
Hatcher, Robert
7: 0788
Hatchett, W. T.
9: 0250; 12: 0542, 0679
Hayden, J
7: 0540
Hayden, J.
12: 0542
Hayden, J. A.
10: 0702
Head, G. W.
7: 0001
Heard, Elvira
1: 0001
Hilburn, L. J.
4: 0161
Hill, Henry T.
6: 0463
Hill, S. H.
10: 0001
Hinskey, E. F.
4: 0377
Hobart, Louis
2: 0259
Holley, Alfred
3: 0243; 4: 0377
Holliday, H. B.
1: 0517
Holmes, Richard R.
7: 0788
Hooken, M. C.
3: 0243
Hopkins, C. H.
8: 0001
Horton, G.
5: 0500
Howard, O. N.
5: 0001
Howard, Virginia A.
2: 0753
Hudson, Charles
9: 0250
Hulbert, E.
9: 0250, 0481; 10: 0001; 12: 0358
Hunt, Rebecca
4: 0001
Hutchins, A. J.
5: 0001, 0258
Hutchinson, N.
4: 0377
Hyde, Samuel M.
9: 0001
Ingalls, James M.
5: 0258
Inhow, Francis H.
4: 0377
Irwin, David
2: 0558
Irwin, J. S.
2: 0259
Jenkins, C. J.
2: 0753
Johnson, C. B.
7: 0540
Johnson, N. J.
2: 0499
Johnson, Rufus
3: 0506
Jones, C. P.
1: 0517
Jones, James C.
1: 0517
Jones, Nancy
3: 0506
Kelley, S. A.
2: 0753
Kemp, J. M.
8: 0484
Knapp, O. L.
4: 0001
Knight, A. A.
5: 0258
Knight, Eldorado
2: 0001
La Mesa, C. A. de
5: 0500; 6: 0001
Lacken, Charles B.
3: 0243
Lackie, Elizabeth
7: 0001
Laine, D. N.
5: 0500
Langston, J. H.
6: 0234
Lee, W. A. J.
5: 0500
Lee, William C.
5: 0258
Leonard, John
10: 0702
Leuther, Henry
7: 0001
Levy, Samuel
3: 0001
Loften, L. J.
5: 0001
Loften, W. S.
2: 0753
Loyless, Henry M.
5: 0258
Lyons, Ellis
6: 0234
Marachetti, A.
9: 0690
Marler, William M.
7: 0540
Marshall, A. E.
4: 0377; 10: 0001
Martins, William J.
5: 0792
Mattox, James
4: 0611; 5: 0258
Maxwell, G. W.
7: 0001
McArthur, Daniel
2: 0499
McClutchy, W. J.
6: 0463
McDaniel, L.
6: 0699
McDaniel, S. C.
5: 0001
McDonough, J. A. J.
9: 0690
McGehee, John
2: 0001
McKinsey, Rachel
12: 0358
McLaws, Lafayette
7: 0788; 11: 0193
Meline, J. H.
12: 0679
Miller, C. A.
9: 0844
Miller, Charles A.
8: 0484
Miller, Joseph
3: 0506
Miller, William
8: 0711
Mitchell, Harry
1: 0255
Mitchells, D. L.
8: 0254
Moore, W. H.
3: 0001
Morrison, Moses A.
5: 0001
Morton, Alex C.
11: 0193
Moulton, C. F.
8: 0001
Murray, A. G.
1: 0517
Odell, John
2: 0259
O'Neal, John W.
5: 0001
Overstreet, Delia
6: 0699
Overstreet, Nancy
6: 0699
Parrott, J. R.
5: 0001; 7: 0001
Patton, R. M.
10: 0528; 11: 0001
Pelorry, W. G.
10: 0001
Persons, G. W.
1: 0517
Peters, Thomas M.
5: 0258; 7: 0540
Phillips, G. B.
1: 0775; 2: 0001
Pierce, C. W.
7: 0001
Porter, Benjamin F.
9: 0250
Potits, Jasper
12: 0679, 0831
Price, W. P.
6: 0699
Prince, John W.
4: 0611
Quarterman, William F.
7: 0540
Rand, John
5: 0500
Randall, W. H. L.
6: 0699
Reese, Augustus
5: 0001
Reese, Charles M.
3: 0001
Rice, N. H.
6: 0001
Richards, D.
8: 0711
Roberts, Hiram N.
4: 0377
Robinson, C. L.
5: 0258
Rodaw, Philip
4: 0611
Ruger, N. H.
10: 0702
Scarlett, Frank
7: 0788
Seef, E. H.
3: 0243
Seymour, T.
10: 0702; 11: 0193
Shadrich, Ross
6: 0234
Shepherd, O. S.
1: 0255
Smith, Robert R.
8: 0001
Smith, William H.
9: 0844
Spalding, P. J.
2: 0001
Speer, Robert
3: 0506
Spiva, Season
5: 0001
Sprague, John L.
2: 0558; 6: 0234, 0463; 8: 0711; 9: 0001
Stevens, W. M.
8: 0254
Strickland, S. L.
3: 0243
Stuart, N. H.
2: 0001
Summerhayes, J. H.
5: 0747
Swayne, J. Clarke
4: 0832
Swayne, Wager
1: 0001; 2: 0753; 6: 0234; 7: 0540; 8: 0484;
10: 0001, 0259, 0390, 0528; 11: 0001
Thomas, Jessie
5: 0792
Thurman, S. P.
4: 0832
Tomlinson, D. B.
1: 0001
Towle, Amos
5: 0001
Townsend, E. D.
6: 0463
Townsley, B. H.
1: 0517
Turner, Tom
6: 0234
Umphrey, William
2: 0001
Vosberg, J.
4: 0161
Wade, Philip
6: 0234
Walker, D. S.
2: 0259; 7: 0788; 11: 0432
Walker, David S.
7: 0001
Wall, William H.
11: 0654
Walters, James H.
3: 0001
Washington, Amos
5: 0258
Waters, Joseph G.
2: 0753
Webster, John
2: 0558
Wheeley, Anna
2: 0001
White, G.
2: 0499
Wickersham, M. D.
2: 0001
Wilbur, A.
2: 0259
Wilkes, Benjamin M.
1: 0517
William, Joseph
6: 0463
Williams, G. S.
1: 0255
Williams, J. R.
5: 0792
Williams, Wyatt N.
4: 0161
Wilson, A. S.
5: 0500
Wilson, J. G.
2: 0001
Wimberly, J. L.
11: 0654
Wingfield, John T.
7: 0001
Wright, Augustus R.
3: 0506
Wright, Austin
6: 0001
Zachary, Bertrand
7: 0540
Zehler, John
1: 0517
The following index is a guide to the major topics in this microform publication. The first number after
each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers to the frame number at
which the file containing information on the subject begins. Hence, 4: 0001 directs researchers to Frame 0001
of Reel 4. By referring to the Reel Index, which constitutes the initial segment of this guide, the researcher
will find topics listed in the order in which they appear on the film. For a list of subject terms that apply to
the entire collection but do not appear in this index, consult the list of Collection Level Terms on page vii.
Acworth, Georgia
4: 0001
see Athens, Alabama
see Decatur, Alabama
see Demopolis, Alabama
see Eufaula, Alabama
see Eutaw, Alabama
see Florence, Alabama
see Fort Morgan, Alabama
see Gadsden, Alabama
see Greenville, Alabama
see Hickory, Alabama
see Huntsville, Alabama
see Livingston, Alabama
see Midway, Alabama
see Midway, Bullock County, Alabama
see Mobile, Alabama
see Montgomery, Alabama
see Moulton, Alabama
see Oak Bowery, Alabama
see Otho, Alabama
see Selma, Alabama
see Spencertown, Alabama
see Talladega, Alabama
see Tuscaloosa, Alabama
see Tuscumbia, Alabama
see Union, Alabama
see Valhermoso, Alabama
see Wedowee, Alabama
Albany, Georgia
2: 0499; 5: 0001; 6: 0234, 0463; 7: 0540;
8: 0484
Albury, Henry
5: 0792
Alcoholic beverages control laws
5: 0792
Allen, Abe
5: 0001
Allen, Thomas M.
2: 0259
Americus, Georgia
7: 0276
Amputations and amputees
7: 0788
Anderson, Edward
7: 0001; 8: 0484
Anderson, John
1: 0775
Apalachicola, Georgia
2: 0558
Appling, Georgia
6: 0699
Armstrong, Larkin
12: 0358
5: 0500
8: 0001
Ashburn, G. W.
9: 0250
2: 0499; 4: 0377, 0611; 5: 0001, 0258; 6: 0463;
7: 0001, 0540; 9: 0250; 10: 0702
Association of Southern Loyalists
1: 0517
Athens, Alabama
5: 0747
Athens, Georgia
6: 0699
Atlanta, Georgia
1: 0001; 2: 0001; 4: 0001, 0611; 6: 0001, 0463,
0699; 7: 0540, 0788; 8: 0254, 0484;
Atlanta, Georgia cont.
9: 0844; 10: 0001; 11: 0432, 0654; 12: 0139,
Augusta, Georgia
1: 0001, 0517; 5: 0747; 6: 0001, 0234; 7: 0788;
8: 0001; 11: 0432; 12: 0358
Auraria, Georgia
2: 0001
Bainbridge, Georgia
6: 0001
Baker County, Georgia
5: 0747
Banning, George
7: 0001
Barber, James W.
2: 0499
Barber, Robert
11: 0193
Barlow County, Georgia
3: 0743
Barnesville, Georgia
4: 0611
Barton, Charles W.
9: 0250
Bartow County, Georgia
4: 0832; 12: 0679
Beck, Hudson
7: 0540
Bigham, Ben H.
4: 0611
Bird, Jacob
5: 0500
Bird, Thomas
6: 0001
Black Americans
1: 0255, 0517; 3: 0001, 0506, 0743; 5: 0500,
0747; 7: 0001; 12: 0001, 0139
Blackshear, Georgia
5: 0792; 10: 0528; 12: 0358
Blairsville, Georgia
3: 0243
Blaker, C. C.
7: 0001
Bonner, James
6: 0001
Boyd, Ebinezer
5: 0747
Bresler, A. E.
9: 0250
Brison, A. J.
5: 0500
Brock, Thomas W.
11: 0001
Brock, W.
4: 0161
Brown, Stephen C.
3: 0243
Broxson, Neill
10: 0702
Bryan County, Georgia
6: 0234
Bulton, Frances
7: 0001
Busteed, Richard
8: 0001
Butts County, Georgia
7: 0788
Caldwell, James
11: 0193
Calhoun, Georgia
4: 0161; 6: 0234
Callis, John G.
12: 0542
Calvin, Alex
1: 0517
Calvin, Jack
1: 0517
Camp, Bill
2: 0753
Campbellton, Georgia
2: 0753
Capital punishment
1: 0001, 0517
Carnesville, Georgia
6: 0234
Carter, William
7: 0788
Cartersville, Georgia
4: 0832; 5: 0001; 6: 0463, 0699; 7: 0001
Caschings, Lewis
7: 0540
Cass County, Georgia
1: 0517
Cedartown, Georgia
10: 0259
Chambers, Charles
3: 0743; 4: 0001
Chastain, John
5: 0500
Chatham County, Georgia
3: 0001; 12: 0831
Chattahoochee County, Georgia
5: 0500
Chattanooga, Tennessee
7: 0001
Cherokee County, Georgia
11: 0001
Chickasawhatchee, Georgia
5: 0001
3: 0743
Civil liberties
3: 0506; 4: 0377
see also Slaves and slavery
see also Voting rights
Claiborne, W.
4: 0377
Claiborne, W. M.
3: 0743
Clarkesville, Georgia
7: 0276
Clarksville, Georgia
10: 0390
Cleveland, Tennessee
2: 0499
Cline, William
11: 0193
Columbus, Georgia
2: 0259, 0499; 3: 0243; 9: 0250; 10: 0001,
0259, 0702; 12: 0831
Compton, John F.
2: 0001
Compton, John T.
12: 0139
Constitutional amendments
6: 0001
Contested elections
1: 0255; 6: 0699; 9: 0250; 12: 0542
Cook, H. C.
8: 0484
Corruption and bribery
2: 0001, 0499; 3: 0506
Court documents
3: 0743; 7: 0001, 0276, 0540; 11: 0193
5: 0001, 0258
see also Court documents
Covington, Georgia
2: 0558; 7: 0001
Crews, Charles
2: 0259
Crow, Thomas
9: 0001
Cuthbert, Georgia
7: 0001
Dahlonega, Georgia
2: 0259, 0753; 6: 0699; 7: 0788; 10: 0259, 0390
Daily, Simon
1: 0255
Daley, John
8: 0254
Dallas, Georgia
3: 0243; 5: 0500
Dalton, Georgia
1: 0255; 2: 0001, 0753; 7: 0540; 12: 0139
Darien, Georgia
10: 0390
Davis, H. C.
6: 0699
Dawson, John
6: 0234
Decatur, Alabama
2: 0259
Demopolis, Alabama
7: 0001
Denton, James J.
3: 0743; 4: 0611
Discrimination in employment
6: 0001
Discrimination in public facilities
2: 0259
Drake, Syrus
4: 0377
Edwards, Russell
1: 0255
1: 0517; 6: 0001, 0463; 8: 0254, 0711; 9: 0001,
0690, 0844; 10: 0001; 12: 0358, 0542,
0679, 0831
see also Contested elections
Ellis, Robert
6: 0463; 7: 0001
8: 0001
6: 0234
see also Discrimination in employment
Eufaula, Alabama
7: 0540
Eutaw, Alabama
8: 0711
Evans, Taylor
6: 0001
Ferguson, Champion
5: 0258
Fernandina, Florida
6: 0234
Files, David J.
1: 0255
Fipps, Abner
3: 0243
Flemister, C. A. J.
2: 0558
Florence, Alabama
6: 0001
see Fernandina, Florida
see Fort Brooke, Florida
see Gainesville, Florida
see Jacksonville, Florida
see Marianna, Florida
see Marion County, Florida
see Milton, Florida
see Saint Augustine, Florida
see Tallahassee, Florida
see Tampa, Florida
see Warrington, Florida
Floyd, John
5: 0001
Forsyth, Georgia
10: 0001
Fort Brooke, Florida
7: 0001
Fort Morgan, Alabama
6: 0001, 0234, 0699
Fort Valley, Georgia
1: 0517; 11: 0001
Frankelisty, Charles
5: 0001
5: 0258; 9: 0250, 0690; 12: 0542
Freedmen and freedwomen
1: 0255, 0517; 3: 0001, 0243, 0506, 0743;
5: 0500, 0747; 8: 0001
Frick's Gap, Georgia
6: 0463
Frier, David A.
6: 0001
Furloughs and leaves
1: 0255
Gadsden, Alabama
8: 0254
Gainesville, Florida
6: 0234; 10: 0259
Gainesville, Georgia
2: 0259
Garret, Samuel
3: 0243
Gates, Elijah
2: 0001
Georgetown, Georgia
12: 0358
see Acworth, Georgia
see Albany, Georgia
see Americus, Georgia
see Apalachicola, Georgia
see Appling, Georgia
see Athens, Georgia
see Atlanta, Georgia
see Augusta, Georgia
see Auraria, Georgia
see Bainbridge, Georgia
see Baker County, Georgia
see Barlow County, Georgia
see Barnesville, Georgia
see Bartow County, Georgia
see Blackshear, Georgia
see Blairsville, Georgia
see Bryan County, Georgia
see Butts County, Georgia
see Calhoun, Georgia
see Campbellton, Georgia
see Carnesville, Georgia
see Cartersville, Georgia
see Cass County, Georgia
see Cedartown, Georgia
see Chatham County, Georgia
see Chattahoochee County, Georgia
see Cherokee County, Georgia
see Chickasawhatchee, Georgia
see Clarkesville, Georgia
see Clarksville, Georgia
see Columbus, Georgia
see Covington, Georgia
see Cuthbert, Georgia
see Dahlonega, Georgia
see Dallas, Georgia
see Dalton, Georgia
see Darien, Georgia
see Forsyth, Georgia
see Fort Valley, Georgia
see Frick's Gap, Georgia
see Gainesville, Georgia
see Georgetown, Georgia
see Greenville, Georgia
see Griffin, Georgia
see Halcyondale, Georgia
see Harrelson County, Georgia
see Hothouse, Georgia
see Jefferson, Georgia
see Jones Mills, Georgia
see Jonesboro, Georgia
see Knoxville, Georgia
see La Grange, Georgia
see Lafayette, Georgia
see Lawrence County, Georgia
see Lawrenceville, Georgia
see Lawton, Georgia
see Liberty Hill, Georgia
see Lumpkin, Georgia
see Macon, Georgia
see Madison, Georgia
see Marietta, Georgia
see Marion, Georgia
see Marshallville, Georgia
see McDonough, Georgia
see McIntosh County, Georgia
see Milledgeville, Georgia
see Miller County, Georgia
see Milton, Georgia
see Monroe, Georgia
see Monticello, Georgia
see Murray County, Georgia
see Muscogee County, Georgia
see Newnan, Georgia
see Paulding County, Georgia
see Polk County, Georgia
see Resaca, Georgia
see Richmond County, Georgia
see Ringgold, Georgia
see Rock Spring, Georgia
see Rome, Georgia
see Savannah, Georgia
see Sparta, Georgia
see St. Mary's, Georgia
see Tennille, Georgia
see Thomaston, Georgia
see Thomasville, Georgia
see Trenton, Georgia
see Union Point, Georgia
see Valdosta, Georgia
see Waresboro, Georgia
see Warren County, Georgia
see Warrenton, Georgia
see Washington, Georgia
see Waynesboro, Georgia
see Whitesville, Georgia
see Wilkinson County, Georgia
Gibson, David P.
5: 0001
Glover, Pierson J.
2: 0001
Goodman, Wiley
7: 0788
Gordon, George W.
2: 0259
Gordon, Joseph
5: 0500
Government documents
6: 0001, 0463, 0699; 7: 0001; 8: 0254; 9: 0481,
Grady, George W.
3: 0001
Gray, Samuel
7: 0001
Greenville, Alabama
9: 0250
Greenville, Georgia
6: 0463; 7: 0001; 11: 0654
Griffin Colored Council No. 3, Loyal League
of America
1: 0255
Griffin, Georgia
1: 0255, 0517; 4: 0832; 7: 0540
Grudger, L. P.
12: 0139
Halcyondale, Georgia
6: 0463
Hallman, Samuel
2: 0558
Hammond, Bud
1: 0001
Harrelson County, Georgia
4: 0161
Harris, Clara
7: 0001
Harrison, N. A.
7: 0276
Hayes, John E.
1: 0517
Heard, Carter
1: 0001
Henderson, Alfred
7: 0001
Hickory, Alabama
1: 0517
Hockinhall, John
2: 0001
2: 0558; 3: 0001, 0243, 0506, 0743; 4: 0001,
0611, 0832; 5: 0001, 0258, 0747; 6: 0001,
Homicide cont.
6: 0234, 0699; 7: 0001, 0276, 0540, 0788;
8: 0001, 0254
Horn, Thomas
2: 0753
Horne, Ben
7: 0276
Horne, Edmond
7: 0276
Horne, Joab H. C.
7: 0276
Horne, Richard
7: 0276
Horne, Scott
7: 0276
Hothouse, Georgia
2: 0001
Howard, T. M.
2: 0753
Huff, John J.
7: 0540
Hunter, Benjamin P.
3: 0243
Huntsville, Alabama
2: 0001; 3: 0001; 4: 0377; 7: 0001, 0540;
10: 0702
Jackson, George, Jr.
7: 0276
Jacksonville, Florida
2: 0558; 4: 0611; 5: 0001; 6: 0001; 8: 0711;
9: 0001; 10: 0259
Jarvis, William
6: 0234
Jefferson, Georgia
6: 0234; 7: 0540
Jenkins, Charles
4: 0377
Johnson, Charles Archie
8: 0001
Jones Mills, Georgia
3: 0506
Jones, John R.
3: 0506
Jones, William R.
3: 0506
Jonesboro, Georgia
5: 0258
7: 0001
Kiker, George
4: 0161
Kincaid, Joseph C.
6: 0699
Kincanon, Shephard L.
3: 0506
Kirkland, Augustus
1: 0517
Knoxville, Georgia
7: 0788
Ku Klux Klan
9: 0250
La Grange, Georgia
7: 0001
Lafayette, Georgia
5: 0258
Lait, Jasper
5: 0747
Land ownership and rights
2: 0001; 6: 0001, 0463; 7: 0001; 9: 0250
Lang, Adolph
10: 0702
Lawrence County, Georgia
7: 0540
Lawrenceville, Georgia
3: 0743; 5: 0001, 0258, 0747; 10: 0390
Lawton, Georgia
7: 0540
Lee, Charles M.
5: 0747
Liberty Hill, Georgia
3: 0506
8: 0001, 0254, 0484
Light, William
3: 0743; 4: 0001, 0161, 0832; 5: 0001; 7: 0001
Lile, Jacob
7: 0001
Livingston, Alabama
6: 0234
Livingston, William E.
7: 0788
Local government
1: 0001, 0255, 0517; 2: 0001, 0499, 0558,
0753; 3: 0001, 0243, 0506; 4: 0001, 0161,
0377; 7: 0788; 8: 0001, 0254, 0484;
11: 0193
see also Municipal finance
Long, John
1: 0775
Love, Amos J.
11: 0193
Lumpkin, Georgia
10: 0259; 11: 0654
Lundy, Nancy
4: 0377
Macon, Georgia
3: 0243; 4: 0377; 6: 0463, 0699; 7: 0001;
8: 0484; 9: 0481, 0690
Madison, Georgia
5: 0001
Marianna, Florida
10: 0259
Marietta, Georgia
2: 0558; 6: 0463
Marion County, Florida
3: 0743
Marion, Georgia
5: 0258
1: 0517
Marshallville, Georgia
2: 0499
Martin, John
2: 0259
Mason, Louis
2: 0259
Mattox, Lowry
5: 0258
Maxwell, Robert
7: 0788
McAlister, Stephen
5: 0500
McCaulla, G. B.
2: 0753
McClendon, William
5: 0258
McClutchy, W. J.
7: 0001
McDonough, Georgia
3: 0001; 5: 0001
McDonough, J. A. J.
10: 0001
McIntosh County, Georgia
2: 0499
McKinsey, Aaron
12: 0358
McLeod, Sydney
7: 0276
Midway, Alabama
3: 0743; 4: 0001
Midway, Bullock County, Alabama
3: 0743
Military communications
9: 0001; 10: 0001
Military government
7: 0540
Military intervention
1: 0001
Military supplies and property
6: 0699; 7: 0001
Milledgeville, Georgia
1: 0775; 2: 0558; 3: 0001, 0506; 4: 0611;
5: 0001, 0258; 10: 0702
Miller County, Georgia
5: 0747
Miller, G. J.
7: 0276
Milton, Florida
3: 0243
Milton, Georgia
4: 0377
see Panola, Mississippi
Mitchell, Harry
1: 0255
Mobile, Alabama
1: 0255, 0517; 4: 0001, 0161, 0377; 5: 0001;
6: 0001, 0699; 7: 0001; 8: 0001; 9: 0250;
10: 0259, 0390, 0528; 11: 0432, 0654;
12: 0542, 0679
Monroe, Georgia
4: 0377
Montgomery, Alabama
1: 0001, 0517; 2: 0001, 0753; 3: 0743; 4: 0377;
6: 0234, 0699; 8: 0001, 0484; 9: 0001,
0844; 10: 0001, 0259, 0390, 0528;
11: 0001, 0193, 0432; 12: 0542, 0679
Monticello, Georgia
2: 0259
Moore, A. M.
5: 0792
Moore, Thomas
10: 0702
Moore, William
5: 0747
Moulton, Alabama
5: 0258
Mullinox, Caroline
7: 0276
Municipal finance
9: 0690; 10: 0001
Murdock, Linus
5: 0792
Murray County, Georgia
2: 0001
Muscogee County, Georgia
7: 0276
Newman, James
5: 0001
Newnan, Georgia
5: 0792
1: 0517; 4: 0377; 5: 0001, 0500; 6: 0234, 0463
Oak Bowery, Alabama
8: 0001
2: 0558; 10: 0259, 0390, 0528, 0702; 11: 0001,
0193, 0432, 0654; 12: 0679, 0831
O'Connell, Joseph
4: 0001
Odum, Henry W.
5: 0792
Orrick, John
7: 0001
Otho, Alabama
8: 0001
Panola, Mississippi
7: 0001
10: 0702
Parmer, Nancy
2: 0001
Paulding County, Georgia
3: 0506
7: 0788
Perry, James
8: 0254
Personal debt
1: 0517; 2: 0001; 3: 0243, 0506; 4: 0001, 0161,
0611; 5: 0500; 6: 0001, 0234; 7: 0001,
Personal property
2: 0259, 0753; 3: 0001; 4: 0161; 5: 0001, 0500;
6: 0234, 0463; 7: 0001
Pippins, Peter
2: 0558
Polk County, Georgia
12: 0831
Poll tax
5: 0500, 0747; 6: 0463
Pope, John
1: 0001; 8: 0484
1: 0001; 6: 0234; 7: 0001, 0540; 10: 0702;
11: 0193
Powell, Daniel
2: 0558
1: 0517, 0775; 2: 0753; 4: 0611; 5: 0001, 0258;
7: 0276; 12: 0358
2: 0558
see also Land ownership and rights
see also Liens
see also Personal property
see also Trespass
Prosthetic devices
7: 0788
Race relations
5: 0792
Racial discrimination
2: 0259
Radical politics
2: 0558
Randall, F.
7: 0001
Reid, John R.
7: 0001
Resaca, Georgia
4: 0377
Richmond County, Georgia
11: 0193
Ridley, Harriet
2: 0001
Ridley, Mary
2: 0001
Rievere, Isaac
4: 0377
Right of assembly
2: 0499, 0558
Ringgold, Georgia
1: 0255; 2: 0753; 4: 0161; 9: 0250
Riots and disorders
1: 0255; 3: 0243, 0506; 5: 0792; 6: 0463;
8: 0001
Robbery and theft
2: 0753; 3: 0001, 0243, 0506; 4: 0161, 0377;
6: 0699; 7: 0001; 8: 0001
Robert, Henry C.
4: 0377
Rock Spring, Georgia
6: 0234
Rome, Georgia
3: 0506; 4: 0161; 5: 0500; 6: 0001, 0699;
7: 0001; 9: 0250; 10: 0528; 11: 0654, 0899
Rosters of troops
3: 0243
Russell, Waring
7: 0276
Saint Augustine, Florida
6: 0699
Savannah, Georgia
1: 0001, 0517, 0775; 2: 0001, 0259, 0558;
3: 0506; 4: 0001; 5: 0500; 7: 0001, 0276,
0788; 8: 0001, 0484; 10: 0259, 0390;
12: 0001
Scott, James J.
7: 0001
Sealy, P. Jefferson
7: 0540
Selma, Alabama
6: 0699
Seward, James L.
5: 0258
Sharpton, Richard
5: 0747
Shephard, John
6: 0234
Slaves and slavery
1: 0517
Smart-Bass, William
7: 0276
Sparrow, Alfred
10: 0702
Sparta, Georgia
6: 0463
Spencer, John
2: 0753
Spencertown, Alabama
2: 0001
Sprague, J. T.
5: 0258
St. Mary's, Georgia
3: 0506
Starr, Ben
8: 0254
State and local taxes
8: 0484
State laws
2: 0753
Steele, George D. W.
5: 0747
Stevens, Nathan
7: 0276
Strickland, Charles H.
3: 0743
Strickland, Charles M.
4: 0377
Swayne, Wager
2: 0753; 8: 0484
Sweat, Elias
2: 0259
Talladega, Alabama
11: 0193
Tallahassee, Florida
7: 0001, 0788; 10: 0259, 0390, 0702; 11: 0432
Tampa, Florida
5: 0792; 6: 0699
Tax collection and administration
5: 0500; 6: 0001, 0699
see Chattanooga, Tennessee
see Cleveland, Tennessee
see Whiteside, Tennessee
Tennille, Georgia
6: 0234
Thomas, Charles
6: 0234
Thomas, William M.
7: 0540
Thomaston, Georgia
4: 0377
Thomasville, Georgia
6: 0234; 11: 0193
Tomlinson, J. J.
4: 0611
Tompkins, Caleb
3: 0243
Trenton, Georgia
3: 0243
6: 0699
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
10: 0702
Tuscumbia, Alabama
9: 0250
Union Point, Georgia
6: 0463
Union, Alabama
8: 0711
Usher, Travis
11: 0654
Valdosta, Georgia
5: 0001, 0792
Valhermoso, Alabama
5: 0792
Voter registration
3: 0001, 0243, 0506, 0743; 4: 0001, 0161,
0377, 0611, 0832; 5: 0001, 0258, 0500,
0747; 6: 0234, 0463; 8: 0484, 0711;
Voter registration cont.
9: 0001, 0250, 0690; 10: 0001; 12: 0679, 0831
Voting rights
3: 0243; 6: 0001, 0234, 0463, 0699; 7: 0788;
8: 0001; 9: 0250
Wages and salaries
3: 0243; 4: 0611; 5: 0001, 0792; 6: 0234;
8: 0484, 0711; 9: 0481, 0844
Ward, John
3: 0743; 4: 0001, 0832
Waresboro, Georgia
1: 0517
Warren County, Georgia
2: 0259
Warren, William
9: 0250
Warrenton, Georgia
9: 0690; 10: 0001
Warrington, Florida
1: 0517
Washington, Georgia
2: 0259; 7: 0001
Waterman, Solomon
6: 0234
Waynesboro, Georgia
10: 0528
Webb, Alexander
7: 0001
Webster, Daniel
2: 0558
Wedowee, Alabama
8: 0254
Wehunt, George
2: 0753
White, Toliver
7: 0788
Whitecotton, James
4: 0377
Whiteside, Tennessee
3: 0001
Whitesville, Georgia
6: 0699
Wilcox, Washington
6: 0234
Wiley, G. W.
5: 0792
Wilkinson County, Georgia
7: 0001
Williams, Arthur
6: 0234
Williams, Frank
8: 0484
Williams, Lucinda
6: 0463
Williams, P. B.
5: 0792
Williams, Wyatt N.
4: 0161
Wilson, Daniel
1: 0255
Wilson, Samuel
6: 0001
Withers, J. M.
1: 0255
Woolbright, Daniel A.
5: 0001
Wright, Asa
5: 0747
Wright, William F.
5: 0792
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Part 3: Fourth Military District (Mississippi and Arkansas)
Part 4: Fifth Military District (Texas and Louisiana)
Civil War Battles and Campaigns
Part 1: Eastern Theater
Part 2: Western Theater
Part 3: General References and Collected Works
Confederate Military Manuscripts
Series A: Holdings of the Virginia Historical Society
Part B: Holdings of Louisiana State University
Part C: Holdings of the Center for American History,
University of Texas at Austin
Series D: Holdings of the University of Virginia Library
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Part 2: “H” through “P”
Part 3: “Q” through “Z”
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Letter written in 1867 by Elvira Heard, an African American woman, petitioning General John Pope
to investigate a manslaughter case for which young Carter Heard was sentenced to death. Reel 1,
Frames 0070–0071.