VACCINATION ACTIVE IMMUNIZATION MUDr. Jana Dáňová Charles University, Prague 3rd Faculty of Medicine Center of Preventive Medicine Division of Epidemiology ACTIVE IMMUNITY Active immunity attained naturally after apparent or inapparent infection duration depents on type of inf.agent Active immunity attained artificially after aplication of vaccines persistence of antibodies depents on the type of a vaccine PASSIVE IMMUNITY Pasive immunity attained naturally transplacentar transfer of antibodies from mother to child duration 2-6 month Pasive immunity attained artificially aplication of specific protective antibodies heterologous and homologous immunoglobulins PASSIVE IMMUNIZATION aplication of antibodies – specific immunoglobulins aplication after exposure to the infection profylactic aplication therapeutic aplication VACCINATION ACTIVE IMMUNIZATION MOST IMPORTANT TYPE OF PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES ↓ PRIMARY PREVENTION HISTORY OF VACCINATION 1796 - Edward Jenner - vaccination against smallpox (variola) 1885 - Louis Pasteur - vaccination against rabies VACCINE * containes antigen of one or more microorganisms and after aplication to human or animal body causes antibody response – active immunization TYPES OF VACCINES according method of preparation live attenuated inactivated (killed) anatoxin (toxoid) split polysaccharide synthetic INTERVALS BETWEEN VACCINATIONS after inactivated (killed) vaccine 2 weeks after live attenuated vaccine 4 weeks (except OPV and application of other vaccines) after BCG revaccination 8 weeks after BCG primovaccination 12 weeks after skin tests (including tuberculin) 1 week after immunostimulans 7 – 10 weeks ORGANIZATION OF VACCINATION IN CZECH REPUBLIC vaccination is important among children, they are in childhood mostly exposed to infectious diseases strategy of vaccination is regulated by statement of Ministry of Health vaccination in CR against infectious diseases is divided to several groups TYPES OF VACCINATION IN CZECH REPUBLIC routine vaccination special vaccination emeregency vaccination vaccination in injueries vaccination of people going abroad vaccination on request ROUTINE VACCINATION tbc diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae b poliomyelitis measles, mumps, rubella viral hepatitis B ROUTINE VACCINATION of persons in higher risk of diseases influenza (every year) infections caused by Str.pneumaniae (once among people in senior houses etc. ) viral hepatitis B (dialysis, sexual and familiar contact with VHB) SPECIAL VACCINATION viral hepatitis B (health care workers) rabies (workers in higher risk of disease) influenza and infections caused by Str.pneumoniae (people worked in senior houses) EMERGENCY VACCINATION vaccination in specific conditions planed by Ministry of health free of charge VACCINATION OF PEOPLE GOING ABROAD prevention of infection before traveling abroad vaccination schedule depents on geografic area strategy of vaccination is prepared by physicians who are responsible for it VACCINATION IN INJURIES vaccination of persons - prevention of wound infections vaccination against tetanus, rabies VACCINATION ON REQUEST vaccination of persons on request use of licenced vaccines each vaccination is paied examples: VHA, VHB, tick - borne enc., meningococcal men., influenza etc.