STUDY GUIDE NEUROSCIENCES MODULE SECOND YEAR MBBS SEMESTER 3 LIAQUAT NATIONAL HOSPITAL & MEDICAL COLLEGE 2015-16 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE STUDY GUIDE FOR NEUROSCIENCES MODULE S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 6.2.9 6.3 7 8 9 2015-16 CONTENTS Overview Introduction to Study Guide Learning Methodologies Assessment Methods Semester Examination Rules And Regulations of JSMU Module 1: Neurosciences Importance of Neurosciences Objectives and strategies Anatomy Biochemistry Clinical (Medicine, Neuro-Medicine, Radiology) Community Medicine Microbiology Pathology Pharmacology Physiology Research & Skills Lab Skills &Practicals Learning Resources Modular Examination Rules And Regulations (LNMC) Schedule Page No 03 04 05 06 08 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 18 19 20 21 23 24 Page | 2 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE Module name: Neurosciences Semester: Three Year: Two Duration: 6 weeks (Dec 2015 – Jan 2016) Timetable hours: Lectures, Case-Based Learning (CBL), Self-Study, Practical, Skills, Demonstrations, Visit to Wards & Laboratory Credit hours: 6 credit hours in theory and 3 credit hours in practical MODULE INTEGRATED COMMITTEE MODULE COORDINATORS: CO-COORDINATOR: Professor Zia-ul-Islam Professor Faiz Muhammad Sheikh Professor Nighat Huda DEPARTMENTS’ & RESOURCE PERSONS’ FACILITATING LEARNING BASIC HEALTH SCIENCES CLINICAL AND ANCILLARY DEPARTMENTS ANATOMY MEDICINE Professor Karim Ullah Makki Professor Zia-ul-Islam Professor Faiz Muhammad Sheikh BIOCHEMISTRY NEUROMEDICINE Professor Jawed Altaf Baig Dr Naveeduddin Ahmed Dr. Hazim Brohi COMMUNITY MEDICINE Professor Rafiq Soomro RADIOLOGY Dr Muhammad Ayub Mansoor PATHOLOGY Professor Naveen Faridi MICROBIOLOGY Professor M. Khursheed Hashmi RESEARCH & SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CENTER Dr Kahkashan Tahir PHARMACOLOGY Professor Nazir Ahmad Solangi PHYSIOLOGY Professor Syed Hafeezul Hassan DEPARTMENT of HEALTHCARE EDUCATION Professor Nighat Huda Dr. Mirza Aroosa Beg LNH&MC MANAGEMENT Professor Amir Ali Shoro, Dean & Principal, Director FHS LNH&MC Dr. Shaheena Akbani, Controller A.A & R.T LNH&MC STUDY GUIDE COMPILED BY: Department of Health Care Education 2015-16 Dr. Muhammad Suleman Sadiq Dr. Rabia Mahmood Page | 3 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE INTRODUCTION WHAT IS A STUDY GUIDE? It is an aid to: Inform students how student learning program of the semester-wise module has been organized Help students organize and manage their studies throughout the module Guide students on assessment methods, rules and regulations THE STUDY GUIDE: Communicates information on organization and management of the module. This will help the student to contact the right person in case of any difficulty. Defines the objectives which are expected to be achieved at the end of the module. Identifies the learning strategies such as lectures, small group teachings, clinical skills, demonstration, tutorial and case based learning that will be implemented to achieve the module objectives. Provides a list of learning resources such as books, computer assisted learning programs, web- links, journals, for students to consult in order to maximize their learning. Highlights information on the contribution of continuous and semester examinations on the student’s overall performance. Includes information on the assessment methods that will be held to determine every student’s achievement of objectives. Focuses on information pertaining to examination policy, rules and regulations. CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK Students will experience integrated curriculum similar to previous modules of the 1st & 2nd semesters. INTEGRATEDCURRICULUM comprises of system-based modules such as neurosciences, head & neck, endocrine which links basic science knowledge to clinical problems. Integrated teaching means that subjects are presented as a meaningful whole. Students will be able to have better understanding of basic sciences when they repeatedly learn in relation to clinical examples. Case based discussions, computer-based assignments, early exposure to clinics, wards, and skills acquisition in skills lab, physiotherapy department are characteristics of integrated teaching program. 2015-16 Page | 4 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE LEARNING METHODOLOGIES The following teaching / learning methods are used to promote better understanding: Interactive Lectures Hospital / Clinic visits Small Group Discussion Case- Based Learning Practicals Skills session Self-Directed Study INTERACTIVE LECTURES In large group, the lecturer introduces a topic or common clinical conditions and explains the underlying phenomena through questions, pictures, videos of patients’ interviews, exercises, etc. Students are actively involved in the learning process. HOSPITAL VISITS: In small groups, students observe patients with signs and symptoms in hospital or clinical settings. This helps students to relate knowledge of basic and clinical sciences of the relevant module. 2015-16 Page | 5 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE SMALL GROUP SESSION: This format helps students to clarify concepts acquire skills or attitudes. Sessions are structured with the help of specific exercises such as patient case, interviews or discussion topics. Students exchange opinions and apply knowledge gained from lectures, tutorials and self study. The facilitator role is to ask probing questions, summarize, or rephrase to help clarify concepts. CASE- BASED LEARNING: A small group discussion format where learning is focused around a series of questions based on a clinical scenario. Students’ discuss and answer the questions applying relevant knowledge gained in clinical and basic health sciences during the module. PRACTICAL: Basic science practicals related to anatomy, biochemistry, pathology, pharmacology and physiology are schedule for student learning. SKILLS SESSION: Skills relevant to respective module are observed and practiced where applicable in skills laboratory or Department of Physiotherapy. SELF STUDY: Students’ assume responsibilities of their own learning through individual study, sharing and discussing with peers, seeking information from Learning Resource Center, teachers and resource persons within and outside the college. Students can utilize the time within the college scheduled hours of self-study. ASSESSMENT METHODS: Theory: Best Choice Questions (BCQs) also known as MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) is used to asses objectives covered in each module. A BCQ has a statement or clinical scenario followed by four to five options (likely answer). Students after reading the statement/scenario are supposed to select ONE, the most appropriate response from the given list of options. Correct answer carries one mark, and incorrect ‘zero mark’ Students mark their responses on specified computer-based sheet designed for LNHMC. OSPE: Objective Structured Practical Examination The content may assess application of knowledge, or practical skills. A structured examination will have observed, unobserved, interactive and rest stations. Observed and interactive stations will be assessed by internal or external examiners. 2015-16 Page | 6 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE Unobserved will be static stations in which students will have to answer the question on the provided response sheet. Rest station is a station where there is no task given and in this time student can organize his/her thoughts. Internal Evaluation During the module, students will be assessed to determine achievement of module objectives. Module Examination: will be scheduled on completion of each module. The method of examination comprises theory exam which includes BCQs, and practical (Objective Structured Practical Examination). 20% marks of internal evaluation will be added in theory of semester exam. That 20% will include class attendance, class tests and the modular exam which all have specific marks allocation. Example : Number of Marks allocated for Semester Theory and Internal Evaluation Semester Semester Examination Theory Marks 80% Internal Evaluation (Class test + Attendance + Modular Exam) 20% Total (Theory) 100% Formative Assessment Individual department may hold quiz or short answer questions to help students assess their own learning. The marks obtained are not included in the internal evaluation More than 75% attendance is needed to sit for the modular and semester examinations 2015-16 Page | 7 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE SEMESTER EXAMINATION RULES & REGULATIONS OF JINNAH SINDH MEDICAL UNIVERSITY (JSMU) In one academic year there will be two semesters. The semester duration is approximately sixteen weeks. Each semester may have two to three modules from two to eight weeks duration. JSMU EXAMINATIONS: JSMU will schedule and hold Semester Examinations on completion of each semester. In one academic year, there will be two semester examinations and one Retake Examination. MBBS Second year: Semester III examination is scheduled on completion of Neurosciences, Head & Neck and Endocrinology Module. Semester IV Examination is scheduled on completion of GIT & Liver, Renal & Excretory and Reproductive modules. Examination Protocols: In each semester, module will be assessed by theory paper comprising only MCQs. For example semester 3 will have separate theory paper of Neurosciences, Head and Neck & Endocrinology. There will be one OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination) which will cover all three modules of semester three. 1. Theory Theory paper will comprise of 100 one best type MCQs. Time duration for theory paper will be 120 minutes. Students will mark their responses on JSMU specified response sheets assessed by computer software. It will carry out 80% contribution in theory results of the Semester. 2. OSPE: It is to be held at the respective college unless specified by JSMU. It may comprise between 12- 25 stations. Each station will carry 10 marks. All students begin and end at the same time. The content assessed is the same for all students The time allocated for each station is the same. 2015-16 Page | 8 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE 3. JSMU Grading System It will be based on GPA – 4 system Marks obtained in Percentage range Numerical Grade Alphabetical Grade 80-100 75-79 70-74 67-69 63-66 60-62 56-59 50-55 <50 Un-grade-able 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 0 A+ A AB+ B BC+ C U A candidate obtaining GPA less than 2.00 (50%) is declared un-graded (fail). Cumulative transcript is issued at the end of clearance of all modules. 4. Retake Examination The failures are to re-appear in subsequent examinations. It is held once a year that is after the even number semesters. For example at the end of second, fourth, sixth, eighth or tenth semester. Retake examinations are for those students who fail in semester examinations, and who wish to improve grades (GPA) secured in semester examinations. The candidate who has passed the semester examinations with GPA less than 3.0 GPA may reappear in respective retake examination to improve grades. MBBS first year Candidates failing in retake examinations may re-appear in semesters’ examinations of the following year. The format is exactly the same as in semester examinations. EXAMPLE OF PROMOTION RULES: A student who fails in Semester One Examination and passes Semester Two, s/he will take Retake for Semester One Examination. S/he passes Semester Two and is promoted to 2nd year. If that student FAILS in Retake, s/he will be promoted to 2nd year BUT will have to Pass Semester One examination in Second year along with Semester Three and Four examinations for promotion to third year. 2015-16 Page | 9 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE 5. Promotion to next class Students who pass both semester examinations are promoted from first year to second year. Students who fail the MBBS first year semester retake examination will be promoted to second year. Students will be promoted from second year to third year and onward only if they have passed the semester examinations of that year. Clearance of all modules and their components of semester one to four are mandatory for promotion from second year to third year (as per PMDC rules). As per PMDC rules any candidate failing to clear a module or its component in four (1+3) attempts is not allowed to carry out further medical education. Clearance of all modules and their components of semester/s are mandatory for promotion from third year onward. (Albert Einstein) 2015-16 Page | 10 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE SEMESTER 3 MODULE 1 : NEUROSCIENCES INTRODUCTION Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system. It is a cross-disciplinary field that engages in investigating how the nervous system develops and functions on a cellular level as well as the mechanisms that underlie neurological disease. This module combines breadth of exposure to the field as a whole with the opportunity for depth of experience in one of three central domains of neuroscience: Cellular and Systems, Functional and Integration and Clinical Neurosciences. When someone in the neighborhood develops stroke and the family wants to know what more can be done to improve the patient’s lifestyle, or what are the chances his /her children will have stroke, it is our primary responsibility as future doctors to know not just the treatment but also preventive strategies for a healthy living. Through this module you will develop an integrated, scientific knowledge that you can put into practice in a clinical setting, plus creative and problem-solving skills. These key skills will prepare you for a career helping to progress scientific discovery into clinical and medical practice, ultimately to improve human health. 2015-16 Page | 11 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE COURSE OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES At the end of the module the students will be able to: ANATOMY TOPIC STRATEGY Describe the development of brain (forebrain, mid brain & hind brain) & spinal cord Large Group Discussion Explain the development of ventricles & meninges Large Group Discussion Explain the development of peripheral & autonomic nerves Large Group Discussion Enumerate the congenital anomalies of brain & spinal cord Large Group Discussion Discuss various malformations, developmental brain anomalies and patterns of perinatal brain injury Large Group Discussion Describe the bony features of skull (adult and fetal) & cranial cavity Small Group Discussion/Case Based Learning Identify the features of cervical vertebra with their attachments Small Group Discussion Explain the meninges of brain & spinal cord with its neurovascular supply and infoldings. Discuss the Dural venous sinuses with their clinical importance Small Group Discussion/Case Based Learning Discuss the gross anatomy & cross sections of spinal cords at different levels with its neurovascular supply Small Group Discussion Discuss the ascending and descending tracts with their clinical importance Describe the formation of spinal nerves Case Based Learning Explain the gross structure of brain stem( medulla, pons and midbrain) with its vascular supply, internal structure and illustration of cross sections Large Group Discussion Discuss the external and internal structure of cerebellum and fibres associated with it Large Group Discussion Describe the gross features of diencephalon: thalamus, sub thalamus, pineal gland and hypothalamus with their nuclei Small Group Discussion Discuss the organization of Autonomic Nervous system Large Group Discussion 2015-16 Page | 12 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE Explain the ventricular system of brain, its abnormalities & formation & circulation of CSF Describe the cerebral hemisphere with surfaces, lobes, sulci and gyri and explain the different cortical areas of brain with their functions and lesions Describe the basal nuclei of brain & explain the major components of the limbic system Large Group Discussion Describe the white matter of cerebral hemisphere: commissural, association & projection fibers Discuss the clinical correlation associated with the lesions of internal capsule Small Group Discussion Describe the blood supply of the brain with clinical manifestations in relation to the blockage and rupture of blood vessels Large Group Discussion/Case Based Learning Discuss the cranial nerves with their clinical significance identify the normal radiological anatomy (CT scan, MRI) of brain Small Group Discussion/Case Based Learning Large Group Discussion/CBL Case Based Learning Small Group Discussion BIOCHEMISTRY TOPIC STRATEGY Identify chemical composition of nervous tissues, and explain types of lipids in nervous tissues. Lecture Describe, classify and explain mode of action of Neurotransmitters Lecture Describe the metabolism of common neurotransmitters and their metabolism: I . Acetyl choline (Dementia and Alzheimers disease) II . Dopamine (Parkinsons / Schizophrenia) Lecture Explain the serotonin metabolism and its disorders Lecture Identify energy needs of brain in normal and diseased state Lecture Explain the role of free Radicals in neurodegenerative process Lecture Describe the chemical composition of CSF in normal and abnormal conditions Lecture 2015-16 Page | 13 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE CLINICAL SCIENCES TOPIC STRATEGY Describe the clinical presentation and assessment of Parkinson’s disease. Describe the importance of blockage of vessels supplying the brain and their clinical effects Large Group Discussion/CBL Discuss the clinical correlation of Cerebrovascular accident(CVA). Large Group Discussion/CBL Discuss epilepsy and its clinical features. Large Group Discussion/CBL Identify the radiologic features of lesions in the brain and spinal cord on CT scan and MRI Large Group Discussion Large Group Discussion COMMUNITY MEDICINE TOPIC STRATEGY Know the importance of certain communicable / non communicable diseases affecting nervous system in terms of prevention, fatality, disability Lecture Describe the following diseases and its out breaks o Endemic diseases of CNS Lecture o Poliomyelitis and prevention Lecture o Tetanus and prevention Lecture o Leprosy and prevention Lecture o Diphtheria and prevention Lecture o Stroke and prevention Lecture o Rabies and prevention Lecture 2015-16 Page | 14 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE MIRCOBIOLOGY TOPIC STRATEGY Explain the etiology and pathogenesis of meningitis, encephalitis and brain abscess Lecture PATHOLOGY TOPIC STRATEGY Describe the pattern of nerve injury and their regeneration Explain etio-pathogenesis of cerebral edema, hydrocephalus, raised intracranial pressure and types of brain herniation Lecture Describe traumatic brain injuries and differentiate between different types of intracranial hemorrhage Lecture List cerebrovascular diseases and know the consequences of ischemic, hemorrhagic and hypertensive cerebrovascular accidents Lecture Small Group Discussion PHARMACOLOGY TOPIC STRATEGY INTRODUCTION TO AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM Describe the organization of ANS and systemic effects of stimulation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system Name the major neurotransmitters in ANS and the steps in synthesis, storage and release of neurotransmitters Explain how drugs can affect different steps of neurotransmission Name the major autonomic receptors in ANS, tissues where they are located and explain their signal transduction mechanisms Discuss the effect of activation of the various autonomic receptors 2015-16 Lecture Page | 15 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE PARASYMPATHOMIMETIC DRUGS 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE List the types and location of cholinergic receptors and describe their signal transduction mechanisms and effect of activation of these receptors Classify the cholinergic agonist drugs Describe the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of directly acting cholinomimetic drugs Explain the mechanism of action of indirectly acting cholinomimetic drugs Discuss the signs and symptoms and treatment of organophosphate poisoning Lecture & Case-Based Learning MUSCARINIC RECEPTOR BLOCKERS Name the muscarinic blocking drugs Discuss the indications of muscarinic antagonists Explain the adverse effects and contraindications for the use of muscarinic antagonists Describe the systemic effects of atropine Describe the signs and symptoms and treatment of atropine overdose Lecture NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKING DRUGS Name the nicotinic receptors, location and signal transduction mechanism Classify the neuromuscular blocking drugs and describe their mechanism of action Compare the depolarizing and competitive neuromuscular blockers Discuss the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of neuromuscular blocking drugs Lecture SYMPATHOMIMETIC DRUGS Name the adrenergic receptors, location, signal transduction mechanism and effect of activation of and receptor subtypes Classify the sympathomimetic drugs an basis of their receptor affinity and chemical structure Compare catecholamines and noncatecholamines Discuss basic pharmacology of epinephrine, norepinephrine and isoproterenol and compare the cardiovascular effects of these drugs Discuss other adrenergic agonists including, dopamine, phenylephrine, methoxamine, clonidine, amphetamine, ephedrine, MAO inhibitors etc 2015-16 Lecture Page | 16 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE ADRENOCEPTOR BLOCKERS 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE Classify the and blocking drugs and describe their mechanism of action Describe the systemic effects, uses, adverse effects of and blockers Explain the contraindications of and blockers Explain the rationale for clinical use of and blockers Lecture MANAGEMENT OF PAIN List the types of pain Discuss the clinical pharmacology of opioids, NSAIDS, and other drugs used in pain management Case-Based Learning TREATMENT OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE Describe the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease List the causes of Parkinson’s disease including drug-induced Parkinsonism Explain the pharmacologic basis for use of levodopa, dopamine agonists, MAO and COMT inhibitors, anticholinergic and amantadine in Parkinson’s disease Describe the therapeutic and toxic effects of antiparkinsonism drugs Lecture + Case-Based Learning ANTICOAGULANTS, ANTIPLATELETS AND THROMBOLYTIC DRUGS Classify the anticoagulants and describe their mechanism of action Compare heparin and warfarin List the uses, adverse effects of anticoagulants Explain how to monitor anticoagulant therapy List antiplatelet drugs Explain the basis for use of aspirin as antiplatelet and its adverse effects Describe the mechanism of action and uses of other antiplatelet drugs Name the thrombolytic drugs, their uses, mechanism of action and adverse effects 2015-16 Case-Based Learning Page | 17 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE PHYSIOLOGY TOPIC STRATEGY Define neuronal membrane potential and explain generation and propagation of nerve impulse Define synapse and enlist properties of synapses Classify sensory receptors and explain their functions including pacinian corpuscle Lecture Describe muscle proprioceptors along with their functions. Lecture Describe somatosensory pathways( dorsal lemniscal and antero-lateral). Lecture Describe somatosensory cortex Lecture Explain touch, pressure and temperature sensation Explain the physiology of pain I Lecture Explain the physiology of pain II Lecture Describe functions of spinal cord and reflexes Lecture Explain motor, vital and non-vital functions of brain stem (respiratory, cardiac, vasomotor centers and coughing sneezing and vomiting reflexes) Enumerate physiologic correlates of various parts of cerebellum and its functions Lecture Describe the basic neuronal circuit of cerebellum along with cerebellar disorders Lecture Explain pyramidal tracts along with UMN/LMN Lecture List functions of Diencephalon ( Thalamus, Sub-Thalamus and EpiThalamus) Lecture Explain Extra pyramidal tracts of the motor cortex Lecture Describe functions and integration of Autonomic Nervous System I Lecture Explain functions of Autonomic Nervous System II Lecture 2015-16 Lecture Lecture Small Group Learning Small Group Learning Page | 18 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE Describe structures included in the basal ganglia and its disorders Describe CSF formation and explain circulation and function Small Group Learning Describe Reticular Activation system, sleep and its disorders Lecture Explain functional description of limbic System Lecture Describe mechanism of learning and memory Lecture Explain speech and its related disorders Lecture Small Group Learning RESEARCH AND SKILLS LAB TOPIC STRATEGY LUMBAR PUNCTURE Know the indications and contraindications of lumbar puncture Know and recognize the potential side effects of the procedure Identify the anatomical landmarks important in the procedure Small Group Learning (simulation based handson practice) STROKE Explain and apply the Suspected Stroke Algorithm Discuss the 8 D’s of Stroke Care and explain why timely action is important 2015-16 Small Group, Video based interactive session Page | 19 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE PRACTICALS & SKILLS: Explain the microscopic features of nervous tissue, nerve & ganglion Discuss the microscopic features of different parts of CNS: Cerebral & Cerebellar cortex To analyze chemical composition of CSF in normal and disease state. POWER LAB. EFFECTS OF CHOLINERGIC DRUGS ON RABBIT INTESTINE Identify the parts of a power lab and describe their functions. List the composition of Tyrode’s solution and functions of the components. Perform an experiment to show the effect of cholinergic agonist on rabbit ileum and interpret the results. Show the effect of atropine on rabbit ileum and interpret the results. POWER LAB: EFFECT OF CHOLINERGIC DRUG AND NEUROMUSCULAR BLOCKERS ON FROG RECTUS MUSCLE. To perform an experiment to demonstrate the effect of cholinergic agonist on frog rectus muscle and interpret the results. To demonstrate the effect of a neuromuscular blocker on frog rectus and interpret the results. Examination of Superficial Reflexes Examination of Deep Reflexes Cerebellar functions test Measurement of Body Temperature Electroencephalography 2015-16 Page | 20 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE LEARNING RESOURCES SUBJECT ANATOMY BIOCHEMISTRY COMMUNITY MEDICINE PATHOLOGY/MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCES A. GROSS ANATOMY 1. K.L. Moore, Clinically Oriented Anatomy 2. Neuro Anatomy by Richard Snell B. HISTOLOGY 1. B. Young J. W. Health Wheather’s Functional Histology C. EMBRYOLOGY 1. Keith L. Moore. The Developing Human 2. Langman’s Medical Embryology A. TEXTBOOKS 1. Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry 2. Lehninger Principle of Biochemistry 3. Biochemistry by Devlin A. TEXT BOOKS 1. Community Medicine by Parikh 2. Community Medicine by M Illyas 3. Basic Statistics for the Health Sciences by Jan W Kuzma A. TEXT BOOKS 1. Robbins & Cotran, Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th edition. 2. Rapid Review Pathology, 4th edition by Edward F. Goljan MD 1. 2. PHARMACOLOGY PHYSIOLOGY 2015-16 A. TEXT BOOKS 1. Lippincot Illustrated Pharmacology 2. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology by Katzung A. TEXTBOOKS 1. Textbook Of Medical Physiology by Guyton And Hall 2. Ganong ‘ S Review of Medical Physiology 3. Human Physiology by Lauralee Sherwood 4. Berne & Levy Physiology 5. Best & Taylor Physiological Basis of Medical Practice B. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Guyton & Hall Physiological Review 2. Essentials Of Medical Physiology by Jaypee 3. Textbook Of Medical Physiology by InduKhurana 4. Short Textbook Of Physiology by Mrthur 5. NMS Physiology Page | 21 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE Students will be involved in Practical sessions and hands-on activities that Hands-on Activities/ Practical link with the neurosciences module to enhance the learning. Labs available. Skill Labs Utilize the lab to relate the knowledge to the specimens and models A skills lab provides the simulators to learn the basic skills and procedures. This helps build the confidence to approach the patients. Video familiarize the student with the procedures and protocols to assist Videos patients. Computer To increase the knowledge students should utilize the available internet Lab/CDs/DVDs/Internet resources and CDs/DVDs. This will be an additional advantage to increase Resources: learning. Self Learning is scheduled to search for information to solve cases, read Self Learning through different resources and discuss among the peers and with the faculty to clarify the concepts. 2015-16 Page | 22 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE MODULAR EXAMINATION RULES & REGULATIONS (LNH&MC) Student must report to examination hall/venue, 30 minutes before the exam. Exam will begin sharp at the given time. No student will be allowed to enter the examination hall after 15 minutes of scheduled examination time. Students must sit according to their roll numbers mentioned on the seats. Cell phones are strictly not allowed in examination hall. If any student is found with cell phone in any mode (silent, switched off or on) he/she will be not be allowed to continue their exam. No students will be allowed to sit in exam without University Admit Card, LNMC College ID Card and Lab Coat Student must bring the following stationary items for the exam: Pen, Pencil, Eraser, and Sharpener. Indiscipline in the exam hall/venue is not acceptable. Students must not possess any written material or communicate with their fellow students. 2015-16 Page | 23 LIAQUAT NATIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE 2ND YEAR MBBS, SEMESTER 3 NEUROSCIENCESMODULE SCHEDULE: WEEKS WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 30th Nov 2015 NEUROSCIENCES MODULE MODULAR EXAM WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 8th January 2016 11 Jan-12th Jan 2016* Jan 2016 th HEAD & NECK MODULE MODULAR EXAM WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 MONTH 2nd YEAR SEMESTER 3 ENDOCRINOLOGY MODULE MODULAR EXAM Feb 2016 Feb-March 2016* March 2016 April 2016 April 2016* PREPARATORY LEAVE SEMESTER EXAM April 2016* *Final dates will be announced later. 2015-16 Page | 24