Title Author Reviewer Genre Rating In the Huddle with Steve Young

In the Huddle with Steve Young
Duffy S.
Novel Review­ How would you feel if you woke up and were worth 40 million dollars? Steve Young was nervous to cash his first check worth several million dollars from the U.S.F.L team. So read In the Huddle with Steve Young to find out if he was really worth 40 million dollars. Steve Young was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and his family was very religious Mormons. Steve Young’s childhood was a very easy one. But when he got to Brigham Young University he started out as an eighth string quarterback. This was a problem because they did not know Steve’s potential, but it only took him a year to go from eighth string to second string. It took him another year to go from second to first, and finally he had a chance to show how good of a football player he was. In 1984 he signed a forty million dollar contract with United States Football League, with the Los Angeles Express. The U.S.F.L pretty much went bankrupt and Steve had to pay several million dollars to get out of his contract. Steve went to the NFL with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Then he went to the Forty‐Niners. Steve Young was patient when he played all those games behind Joe Montana with the Forty‐Niners. Through out his whole career he wanted to quit several times, but he never gave up. Steve Young is not a quitter, find out if Steve will ever win the big super bowl! I think this was a great book, that’s why I rated it an eight out of ten. It is filled with a lot of exciting football facts and events! I think someone that likes football would like to read this. I think Matt Christopher is an excellent writer and continues to write good books like this. 