Google Docs - Boise State University

Web 2.0
Professional Development
for Teachers
Patty McGinnis
Summer 2010
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Table of Contents
Learners and Learning Context…………………………………………………………3
Google Doc Course Purpose…..………………………………………………………..3
Objectives for Google Docs Course……………………………………………………4
Instructor’s Guide to Google Docs……………………………………….…………….5
Results of Pre/Post Surveys……………………………………………………………12
Wikis, Glogs, Podcasts Course Purpose…..……………………………………………
Objectives for Wikis, Glogs, Podcasts Course…………………………………………
Instructor’s Guide to Wikis, Glogs, Podcasts Course………………………………….
Results of Pre/Post Surveys……………………………………………………………
Appendix A Tips for Using……..……………………….………….
Appendix B Setting Up Your Glogster Account………………………………………
Pre Survey Google Docs Course………………………………………………………
Post Survey Google Docs Course……………………………………………………..
Pre Survey Wikis, Glogs, and Podcasts Course……………………………………….
Post Survey Wikis, Glogs and Podcasts Course……………………………………….
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Learners and Learning Context
Two 6-hour introductory courses will be taught to K-12 teachers in Methacton School
District, an upper-middle class district that lies in a suburb of Philadelphia, PA. The
courses, Introduction to Google Docs and Wikis, Glogs, and Podcasts will be taught in a
classroom at Arcola Intermediate School with each learner having access to their own
wireless laptop. A wiki,, was established to aid as a
resource for teachers. It contains information related to Google Docs and other Web 2.0
applications. It should be noted that You Tube is currently blocked by the school district
which may require You Tube videos to be saved to a different format in order to show
them at school. A separate wiki, , will be utilized to house
projects developed during the courses.
Google Docs Course Purpose
Would you like a way to have all your documents saved online? How about collaborating
and creating documents and presentations with other teachers or as a way of having your
students take PAPERLESS formative assessments? This course will focus on introducing
and practicing using Google Docs and its applications for classroom use.
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Objectives for Google Docs Course
Learner will be able to
 Open Google Docs account
 Create a new document and invite collaborators
 Collaborate on a document
 Examine a document’s history
 Import an existing document into Google Docs
 Save a document as a PDF
 Create a new presentation in Google Docs
 Publish presentation to class wiki
 Shorten a link using Tiny URL
 Enter data into a spreadsheet in Google Docs
 Create a graph in Google Docs
 Use the function button to obtain an average
 Save a graph
 Create a form in Google Docs
 Add a theme to the form
 Publish form and obtain embed code
 Embed form in a wiki
 Post summary results of form on wiki page
 Create a folder in Google Docs called “MIAC”
 Store documents in MIAC folder
 Search Google Docs templates and select a template for form
 Insert an image into a Google document
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Instructor’s Guide for Google Docs Course
Opening (30 min)
_____1. Class introductions. Review course objectives
_____2. Have students open laptops and navigate to
From there, select the link that says MIAC sessions. Go to the Google Docs
MIAC page
_____3. Have students will take Google Doc quiz posted at Put
one question on demonstration computer onto wiki. Show instant time how
Google Docs tracks changes to spreadsheet
______4. Show You Tube video “Did You Know?”
______5. Show You Tube video “Google Docs in Education” (teachers and principals
talk about Google Docs)
______6. Discuss videos. Ask students for their opinion of videos and technology’s
possible impact in the classroom
_____7. Show You Tube video “Google Docs in Plain English”
_____8. Show location of web resources posted on wiki. Resources include:
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Becoming Familiar with Google Docs (15 min)
_____1. Using projector and computer, demonstrate how to open a Google Docs
account at
_____2. Have all students create a Google Docs account.
_____3. Have students check their email for access to a document that was created by
the teacher. The document will be titled “Why are you interested in learning
about Google Docs?”
_____4. Have each student open the document and begin typing in their response.
Ask students for feedback on how they like the ability to collaborate on a
document. What problems/concerns do they have regarding its implementation
with students?
Creating a new Google Document (30 min)
_____1. Demonstrate how to create a new document. Have students create a new
_____2. Each student will pose one question on their document. Examples of questions
a. How has your use of technology changed over the last 5 years?
b. How do you think technology will change in the future?
c. How do you think learning about Google Docs will help you?
_____3. Demonstrate how to obtain the link to their document and post it on their wiki
_____4. Demonstrate how to invite collaborators (share, invite people). Have students
will invite one or two collaborators from the class.
_____5. Tell students to go to their email account to access the email regarding
_____6. Have students access the document(s) that they are collaborating on and answer
the question.
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
_____7. While students are working, take their responses from the question “Why are you
interested in learning about Google Docs?” and create Wordle (
to post on the class wiki.
_____8. Demonstrate how to look at history of the document and how to revert to a
previous document. File, See Revision History. Compare two revisions to see how
writing by different individuals is highlighted by color. How would this feature be
useful when working with students?
_____9. Demonstrate the following:
a. Download options
b. Insert Options
c. Tools: Translate Document
d. Spelling/Thesaurus
Importing an Existing Document (15)
_____1. Have students import a document of their choice
_____2. Have students create a folder called “MIAC”
_____3. Have students place their imported document into the MIAC folder
_____4. Demonstrate the spell check and highlight functions. Have them open the
document and highlight part of the document to demonstrate the highlight
_____5. Have students save document as a PDF. What are the advantages/disadvantages
of PDF?
_____6. Show students the Wordle that was created. How could Wordle be used in the
Break 15 min
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Creating a Presentation in Google Docs (45 min)
_____1. Have students create a new presentation
_____2. Have students add a theme (Format, presentation settings)
_____3. Have students make 3 slides
 Introduction
 What is your favorite thing to teach?
 What are your hobbies?
_____4. Have students conduct a Google search to find an image to add to a least one
_____5. Have students publish their presentation to get the embed code (share,
_____6. Have students go to their wiki page
_____6. Have students embed their presentation into their wiki (edit, widget, other html,
_____7. Have students import an existing Power Point presentation into their Google
Docs account
_____9. Have students add a slide to the presentation in Google Docs
_____10. Have students navigate to Slide Share
_____11. Have students create a Slide Share account
_____12. Have students upload a presentation to Slide Share OR search for a presentation
that they could use in class
_____13. Explore Slide Share
 Discuss advantages of utilizing slide share
 Discuss Creative Commons and its application for education
Further Explorations (45 min)
Make a Wordle. How could you use Wordle in the classroom?
Work on a presentation or document you would like to improve for
Brainstorm in an age-level group uses of Google Docs
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
The Future of Technology (15)
Show film on 6th Sense Technology
Discuss: What do you think of Sixth Sense Technology?
Lunch (90 min)
Introduction to Google Spreadsheets (30)
_____1. Have each student create a new spreadsheet called “M & M Data”
_____2. Hand each student a small bag of M & M’s.
_____3. Have students count, record the M & M’s by color, and enter their data in their
spreadsheet in A1 through F1
_____4. Have students create a chart (either pie chart or column) of their data.
_____5. Have students insert chart into the spreadsheet, name chart and axis
_____6. Have students right click chart and select publish chart. Obtain embed code and
copy it.
_____7. Have students go to class wiki
_____8. Have students embed chart (edit wiki, widget, Other HTLM, paste embed code
in box, save, preview, save).
_____9. Further demonstrations
_____a. Go back to spreadsheet. Have students change one of their data points. What
happens to the chart? (note that it does not change on the wiki)
_____b. Right click the chart and save it to the desktop as a PNG image.
_____c. Open new document. Title it “My M & M’s.
_____d. Insert chart showing M & M’s into a Google Doc
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Creating a Collaborative Spreadsheet (30)
_____1. Have students access teacher spreadsheet called “Class M & M Data”
_____2. Have students enter their individual data
_____3. Demonstrate how to find the average number of M & M’s by color by
highlighting the column and selecting the sum function.
_____4. Insert chart, name chart and axis.
_____5. Embed chart into wiki
_____6. Discuss: How could you use Google spreadsheets in class? What adaptations \
would you have to make to ensure their success with students?
Creating a Form in Google Docs (45 min)
_____1. Show form (pre course survey) used at beginning of class. Demonstrate:
 Summary of Responses
 Time stamp
 Live Form
 Embedding form
 Graph(s)
_____2. Have students create their own form with at least 2 questions
_____3. Have students add a theme to the form
_____4. Have students get the link to share (share, get link)
_____5. Copy URL and go to Tiny URL
_____6. Have students put link on class wiki
_____7. Have students ask 3 people to complete the form
_____8. Have students post one summary graph on their wiki page
_____9. Go around the room and have each person present their information. Other
students can view the graph on the wiki
_____10. Discuss: What applications does this have for school?
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Show self-grading quiz Video
More to Explore (30 min)
Create a quiz for the opening of school
Research tips for educators on Google Docs
Create a list of ways this could be used in class and/or professionally using a
Google Docs posted to class wiki
Summary (15 min)
_____1. Have each person contribute ideas as to how Google Docs would be useful
professionally or in class. Post list of ideas on class wiki
_____2. Take a post survey at
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Results of Pre and Post Surveys for Google Docs Course
Nine staff members participated in the Wiki, Glog, and Podcast course, including three
elementary teachers, three middle school teachers, four high school teachers, and one
administrator. A pre survey (found at and post survey
( were used to determine skills that were acquired as a result of
Pre survey results indicated that 83% of the participants had some knowledge of Google
Docs prior to the workshop. Perceived barriers to implementing technology into the
classrooms are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Barriers to Implementing Technology
Insufficient knowledge of software programs
Lack of ideas to link technology to the curriculum
Lack of hardware (specifically computers)
Participants were asked to skills related to Google Docs both before and after the
workshop. Results are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Percentage of Participants Capable of Conducting a Specific Skill
Pre Survey
Creating a new document
Inviting collaborators
Examining a document’s history
Saving a document as a PDF
Creating a presentation
Shortening a URL
Creating a spreadsheet
Using the function button to obtain an average
Creating a form
Publishing a document
Obtaining an embed code
Embedding a form into a wiki
Creating folders
Creating graphs
Adding a theme to a form
Post Survey
One hundred percent of the participants felt that the workshop was beneficial and should
be offered again, with 50% stating it was “extremely useful” and 50% stating it was
“somewhat useful” at meeting their professional needs. Eighty-eight percent of the
participants also felt that it was highly likely or somewhat likely that they would be able
to implement the use of Google Docs.
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Prior to the workshops, participants were surveyed to determine which Google Docs
features they were interested in learning. Results are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3: Google Docs Features Participants were Interested in Learning
After the workshop, participants were surveyed to determine which Google Docs features
they had perceived to be the most useful. Results are summarized in Table 4.
Table 4: Google Doc Feature Perceived to be Useful
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Wikis, Glogs, Podcasts Course Purpose
Want to know what the buzz is about? During this introductory course you will have an
opportunity to build a collaborative wiki, post a podcast to the wiki, and create an
interactive poster called a Glog. Its fun and anyone can do it!
Objectives for Wikis, Glogs, and Podcasts
Learner will be able to
 Contribute to the class wiki
 Define a podcast
 Create a podcast in Audacity
 Post the podcast to the class wiki
 Post the podcast to their Schoolwires page
 Find examples of podcasts online that can be utilized in class
 Define wiki
 Research wikis in the classroom
 Register for a wiki at either wiki spaces or pb works
 Create a new page in their wiki
 Define Glog
 Register for a free Glog account at
 Create a Glog that contains a Word box, an Image, a Sound file
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Save Glog
Publish Glog and obtain embed code
Post Glog to class wiki
Post Glog to student wiki
Comment on two classmates Glogs
Brainstorm how web 2.0 applications can be applied to their professional lives
Examine classroom 2.0 for tips on utilizing web 2.0 applications
Instructor’s Guide to Wikis, Glogs, and Podcasts Course
Opening (30 min)
_____1. Introductions
_____2. Have students open laptops and navigate to .
From there, go to the Wikis, Glogs, and Podcasts MIAC page
_____3. Have students will take the Wikis, Glogs, Podcasts pre survey posted at Put one question on demonstration computer onto wiki. Show
instant time how Google Docs tracks changes to spreadsheet
_____4. Show You Tube video made by Faith Middle School students
( )
_____5. Discuss the video and its implications
Podcasting (45 min)
_____1. Ask class to define a podcast
_____2. Play video “Why Should I Podcast in Classroom?”`
_____3. Show example of a podcast done by a student
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
_____4. Demonstrate how to use Audacity. Play video “How to Record a Podcast in
_____5. Have students write a podcast about a topic of their choice (30 to 60 seconds)
_____6. Have students save podcast to desktop
_____7. Have students upload podcast to class wiki (edit, file, save)
_____8. Have students listen to two podcasts of classmates and write a comment to the
author on their wiki page
_____9. Demonstrate how to place podcast on Schoolwires
_____10. Show places to find podcasts online
_____11. Have students search podcasts sites. Have students find one that they like and
download it to listen to
_____12. Discuss: How can podcasts be used in the classroom?
Break (15 min)
Wikis (1 hour)
_____1. Discuss: What is a wiki?
_____2. Students spend 15 minutes researching wikis in education
_____3. Students go to class wiki and make a list of pros/cons of using wikis in
_____4. Discuss: What did you learn about wikis from this activity?
_____5. Show slide show “An Introduction to Wiki Spaces”
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
_____6. Show “Creating an Account in PB Works”
_____7. Show examples of wikis used in education
_____8. Everyone registers for a wiki at wiki spaces ( ) or PB
works (
_____9. Request a free educational wiki
_____10. Have students create a page called “Glog”
_____11. Have students post a link to their individual wiki onto the class wiki
_____12. Have students post their podcasts to their wiki
Independent Work (60 min)
Students will begin to build their own wikis in wiki spaces
Lunch (90 min)
Glogs (90 min)
_____1. Demonstrate a Glog made by a middle school student
_____2. Demonstrate site
_____3. Have each student register for an account
_____4. Have each student make a Glog. Glogs must contain
 Word box
 Image
 Sound
_____5. Have student save Glog
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
_____6. Have students publish their Glog and obtain embed code
_____7. Embed Glog to class wiki (edit, widget, other html)
_____8. Have students post their Glog to their individual wiki
_____9. Have students comment on at least two Glogs created by classmates
_____10. Brainstorm in age-level groups (elementary, middle school, high school)
how these topics can be applied to class and share ideas (30 min)
More to Explore (30 min)
Demonstrate Tiny URL ( )
Demonstrate Classroom 2.0 ( as a site where
teachers can gain ideas and tips when working with Web 2.0
Demonstrate Social Book Marking (
The Future of Technology (15 min)
Show film on 6th Sense Technology
Discuss: What do you think of Sixth Sense Technology?
Summary (15 min)
Students will take post survey available at
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Results of Pre and Post Survey for Wikis, Glogs, and
Podcasts Course
Nine staff members participated in the Wiki, Glog, and Podcast course, including five
elementary teachers, one middle school teacher, two high school teachers, and one
administrator. A pre survey (found at and a post survey
( were used to determine skills that were acquired as a result of
Pre survey results indicated that 70% of the participants had some knowledge of
podcasts, 100% had some knowledge of wikis, and 50% had some knowledge of Glogs.
Perceived barriers to implementing technology into the classrooms are summarized in
Table 1.
Table 1: Barriers to Implementing Technology
Lack of confidence in the ability to troubleshoot problems
Lack of ideas to link technology to the curriculum
Lack of hardware (specifically computers)
Participants were asked to skills related to wikis, Glogs, and podcasts both before and
after the workshop. Results are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Percentage of Participants Capable of Conducting a Specific Skill
Pre Survey
Post Survey
Contribute to a wiki
Create a podcast
Post a podcast to a wiki
Post a podcast to school website
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Create a wiki
Create a new page in a wiki
Create a Glog
Publish a Glog
Obtain an embed code
Post a Glog to a wiki
One hundred percent of the participants felt that the workshop was beneficial and should
be offered again, with 89% stating it was “extremely useful” and 11% stating it was
“somewhat useful” at meeting their professional needs. One hundred percent of the
participants also felt that it was highly likely or somewhat likely that they would be able
to implement podcasts, wikis, and Glogs into the classroom as a result of the training that
they received.
Adding Graphics to your Glog
 Use the graphics button to add any graphics you want
 When you find a graphic, click it once
 Click “Use It” to add it to the Glog
To add an Image, and/or a Range Map
 Conduct a Google search to locate an image
 Open the image to full size
 Copy the URL
 Go to Glogster. Click on “Image” and then “Link”
 Copy the URL into the text box that appears
 Click ADD TO YOUR FILES and close the Link box
 Select your image. Click USE IT
 Remember to cite your image in MLA format
Add a Text Box for Sources
 Select TEXT
 Select the textbox you want from Textbox, Bubbles, Buttons Stickers, or
 Click USE IT. Note: to create a “title” use the default textbox
 Click EDIT above the textbox
 Type your text
 Adjust Text to your liking using the Ab1 to change font and the fx button
to adjust color
 Click OKAY
 Add additional text boxes to describe your bird’s habitat, nest, eggs, and
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
Add a Sound file of your bird’s call
 Conduct a Google search to locate a sound file of your bird’s call
 Open the sound file
 Copy the URL of the sound file
 Go to Glogster. Click on “Sound” and then “Link”
 Copy the URL into the text box that appears
 Click ADD TO YOUR FILES and close the Link box
 Select your sound file. Click USE IT
 Remember to cite your sound file in MLA format
Appendix B Setting Up Your Glogster Account
Step 1: Access and Update Your Glogster Profile
□ Go to
□ Select LOG IN found in the upper right corner of the page
□ Sign in using the account name and password assigned by teacher
□ Find your user name next to the “teddy bear” avatar.
□ Click edit
□ Add your name and gender.
□ Upload profile photo if you don’t like the default stuffed animal profile.
□ Select save changes at bottom of screen.
Step 2: Change Your Password
□ Click “Change Password
□ Type in a password of more than 4 letters that you will remember
Step 3: Create your Glog
□ Go to sign in screen
□ Select red button that says “Create a New Glog”
□ Type a name of your bird in the space at the top of the screen that says
□ Click the red button that says “Save and Publish”
□ Select “school” under category
□ In the bottom right, select “unfinished” and then SAVE.
□ On the next screen, select “continue editing.”
Step 4: Add a background to your Glog
□ Select “Wall” (a wall is your background)
□ Find a background you like and select the “Use It” button
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596
Web 2.0 Professional Development for Teachers
□ Remove any elements you don’t want by selecting it and then clicking on the red
Step 5: Research Your Bird
□ Open Internet browser (if not already open)
□ Conduct a Google search to find information about your bird, including a range
map, an image, its call, and facts related to nesting, eggs, habitat
□ Take notes using note page sheets. Be sure to record data you will need related to
citing references in MLA format.
□ Add images and sound files to your Glog’s files as you work. BE SURE TO CITE
□ You will need a minimum of two Internet sources. Book sources are optional.
Step 6: Create Your Glog
□ Add text boxes, images, and sound to your Glog
□ Save frequently!
Step 7: Peer Edit
□ Select the name of the assigned classmate whose Glog you are evaluating
□ Use the Peer Review Evaluation to evaluate classmate’s Glog
□ Add comments to your classmate Glog’s using the “comment’ box that appears
underneath the Glog. Remember to keep comments constructive and positive.
Step 8: Publish Your Glog
□ Self-evaluate your Glog using the Student Checklist form
□ Edit your Glog using peer input
□ Select Preview to check your Glog for spelling errors, etc.
□ Select SAVE AND PUBLISH at bottom of screen
□ Select FINISHED, then SAVE
Patty McGinnis
Ed Tech 596