Howard University Johns Hopkins University Prince George’s CC Howard University, The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) and Prince Georges Community College (PGCC) have joined together in an NSF sponsored Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM). Coming into existence in mid-June 2006, the shared goal is to train and support students for success in materials research centered careers. The PREM will support materials education through design of new courses at PGCC and Howard and by creation of web based guided inquiry modules, the broad dissemination of which will inform students about the impact materials have on their lives and attract them to materials related studies. A successful Howard/Hopkins/PGCC PREM will build a pipeline for materials research careers among African Americans. At Howard, PREM research and training will be done in collaboration with other on-campus nanotechnology efforts. The PREM team has three research themes that join together, in new and exciting ways, established research projects in the JHU MRSEC and at Howard. • • • transport properties in Bi nanowires; transport properties in InN nanowires; fabrication of dipolar nitride nanowires for nonlinear optical elements. Joshua B. Halpern, Chemistry Director, Howard Scott Sinex Chair, Physical Sciences & Engineering Co-Director, Robert M. Catchings, Physics Howard Chia-Ling Chien Director Johns Hopkins MRSEC Howard University Gary L. Harris, Electrical Engineering Co-Director, Howard PGCC Daniel H. Reich Physics Co-Director, Johns Hopkins Tito E. Huber, Chemistry Howard Howard Katz Materials Engineering Johns Hopkins There are special summer research opportunities for PGCC students at Howard (see Prof. Sinex) and for Howard students at JHU (see Prof. Halpern) Prince George’s CC In Collaboration with the Materials Research Science & Engineering Center at Johns Hopkins Student Opportunities Student opportunities exist at all levels (graduate & undergraduate) at the PREM Partner Institutions. Johns Hopkins University Jason S. Matthews, Chemistry Howard Peter C. Searson Physics Johns Hopkins Sponsored by NSF Further Information for Students The Johns Hopkins University Materials Research Science & Engineering Center The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at the Johns Hopkins University, one of 26 MRSECs funded by the National Science Foundation, is composed of scientists at JHU, Brown University, Carnegie Mellon University, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Research in the Center focuses on the science and engineering of magneto-electronics. Research areas include: • • • • Perpendicular spin transport in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions and other systems. Magnetic nanorings and other novel magnetoelectronic device architectures. Organic magnetoelectronic materials. Explorations of magnetoelectronic effects in lateral structures. The research effort encompasses synthesis and processing, characterization of nanostructures, measurements of properties, theoretical modeling, and prototype device fabrication and applications. These five tightly linked components form the research basis of this MRSEC. The JHU MRSEC also has extensive Education Outreach programs and collaborations with other academic institutions, national labs, and industrial concerns. Research Experience for Undergraduates High School Student Summer Internships High School Teacher Summer Internships Research Experience for Teachers For further details: Materials Research at Howard The PREM program at Howard University complements and works with three other programs: The Materials Science and Engineering program in Academic Departments is an interdisciplinary educational effort, which allows students to train for materials careers. Research in the NSF sponsored CREST Center for Nanomaterials Characterization Science and Processing Technology (NCSPT) creates a chemical knowledge base that will allow an unequivocal, comprehensive description of the chemical status of nanomaterials. The Howard Nanoscale Science and Engineering Facility is part of the National Nano-technology Infrastructure Network. NNIN is an integrated networked partnership of user facilities, supported by the NSF, serving the needs of nanoscale science, engineering and technology. It is an established centralized user facility containing over $10M of micro- and nano fabrication and characterization equipment, accessible by users. At Howard University Joshua B. Halpern, Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry Tel: (202) 806-6883 FAX: (202) 806-5442 Email: At Johns Hopkins University Daniel H. Reich, Ph.D. Professor of Physics tel: (410) 516-7899 fax: (410) 516-7329 Email: At Prince George’s Community College Scott A. Sinex, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Physical Sciences Tel: (301) 341-3023 Fax: (410) 516-7329 Email: