Treatment and Monitoring of Landfill Gas – Speakers’ Biographies 10.00-10.10 – Welcome Address Dr. Paul Bolger, ESAI Chairperson E-mail: Dr. Paul Bolger has a PhD in Chemistry from The Queen’s University of Belfast and an MBA from The Open University. He worked as a Research Fellow for 3 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency developing clean electrochemical-based processes for the metal plating industry. He held the position of wastewater R&D manager at Bord na Mόna Environmental Ltd from 2002 to 2006. He is currently manager of Environmental Research Institute at University College Cork. Dr Bolger has been on the Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland (ESAI) Council since 2007, served as Treasurer from 20082009 and is Chairperson of the ESAI since 2011. He was Conference Convenor of the Irish Environmental Researcher’s Colloquium held in UCC in 2011. 10.10 – 10.25 – Historical perspective of Kinsale Road Landfill Site Mr Michael O’Brien, Senior Engineer, Cork City Council E-mail: Michael is a Civil Engineering graduate from UCC (BE and ME). He has worked with Cork County Council at numerous grades and at many departments. Since joining Cork City Council as a Senior Engineer in 1990 Michael has been involved in waste management, renewable energy projects and the opening of the science & education centre at Lifetime Lab. Most recently he has headed up the restoration and remediation of the now closed Kinsale Road Landfill Site with the ultimate aim of delivering an amenity area for the city and beyond. 10.25 – 10.40 – Next phase of restoration at Kinsale Road Landfill Site Mr Brían O’Flynn, Cork City Council E-mail: Brían O’Flynn is an Executive Engineer with Cork City Council. Since graduating from University College Cork in 2001 he has worked for both Cork County and City Councils. Having worked initially in Landfill management with the County Council his career has taken him to the housing department and waste operations departments of Cork City Council. Since joining the Kinsale road Landfill remediation team in 2011 Brían has been overseeing the final phase of capping works at the landfill as well as working closely with City Council staff, master planning consultants and other interested parties on developing the Tramore valley park into a public amenity 10.40 – 10.55 – Gas Migration - Protecting Buildings located on and adjacent to Landfills Ms Cora Plant, RPS Group E-mail: Cora is an associate with RPS. She has extensive experience in the areas of project management, procurement and contract management. Specialising in the areas of landfill, waste licensing, contaminated lands assessment as well as hydrology; Cora is currently Project Manager for Ballyogan Landfill Stage 2 Capping project and the Waterford Wetlands Remediation Project. 10.55 – 11.05 – Questions & Answers 11.05 – 11.20 – Tea/Coffee 11.20 – 11.35 - Novel approach for treatment of low calorific landfill gas Mr Kevin Ryan, Cork City Council E-mail: Kevin is a graduate of UCC’s Department of Geology and University of Ulster’s School of Environmental Sciences. He has been working for some time with Cork City Council where he works in the area of waste management and recycling. He is currently part of the team restoring and rehabilitating the old city landfill site at Kinsale Road. As part of his work he is also undertaking part-time postgraduate research in to treatment of landfill leachate using natural systems under the supervision of Dr. A.R. Allen, Department of Geology, UCC. 11.35 – 11.50 - Bio-oxidation of methane in landfill gas Dr Brian Sheridan, Odour Monitoring Ireland E-mail: Dr. Brian Sheridan is an air quality and process engineer with Odour Monitoring Ireland. His keen interest areas include: Odour science, Dispersion Modelling, Remediation of waste gases using biological techniques to include biotrickling and biofilters, engineering development and design of such system. He completed a PhD Eng in this area in UCD in 2002 and worked with Prof Deshusses “a pioneer of research in this topic” in the University of California in 2004. He was also involved in the development of a novel survey technique for landfill gas surface emissions with his colleague Dr. John Casey which subsequent guidance provided by the EPA was based upon. 11.50 – 12.05 - Recent advances in web-based sensor technology for remote monitoring of landfill gas Dr Fiachra Collins, Adaptive Sensors Group, DCU E-mail: Fiachra Collins received his B.E. (Mechanical Engineering, 2007) from University College Dublin and his Ph.D. (Impact characterisation of polymers, 2011) from Dublin City University. He has worked for a short time in electromechanical industry (2005 – 2006). He is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Adaptive Sensors research group in DCU, specifically coordinating an EPA STRIVE research project on developing autonomous gas monitoring platforms (2011 – 2013). This project involves the development of automated systems that remotely operate to sense landfill gas concentrations and extraction pressures; in cooperation with the OEE, these systems have operated on over 8 landfill sites nationwide with multiple deployment durations of up to 13 months. Fiachra has presented this work at numerous Irish and international conferences/seminars and has over 10 peer-reviewed papers in international journals. The 23rd Irish Environmental Researchers' Colloquium (ENVIRON 2013) will be co-hosted by The Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland (ESAI) and The Ryan Institute in National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) on Jan 30th - Feb 1st 2013. This years’ theme will be “From Ecosystem Functioning to Human Health”. The ENVIRON colloquium is the largest annual gathering of environmental researchers in Ireland with over 290 researchers attending the event. The event continues to provide a wonderful platform for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to present their research to a wide audience. Since its establishment in 1990 one of the main strengths of the colloquium has been that it attracts delegates from a wide variety of disciplines, and in a time when science, engineering and environmental science is becoming increasingly fragmented and specialised, the colloquium provides a unique opportunity for specialist researchers to learn what is happening outside their own research area.